Doflein Outline
Doflein Outline
Doflein Outline
CHAPTER 2 Trills and short appoggiatura Teaching points: Different types of trills, and short and long appoggiaturas. CHAPTER 3 Accents Teaching points: Different kinds of accents, like the regular accent or sforzato, and one or many accents under one bow. CHAPTER 4 Various bowings of dotted eight notes Teaching points (ILLUSTRATE): down-down up-up down-up-down up-down-up as well as down-down-up in 6/8 up-down up-down at the point CHAPTER 5 Syncopation Teaching points: The rhythmic features of syncopation, as well as the technical aspects: where to use double ups or downs,
CHAPTER 6 Spiccato and similar types of bowing Teaching points: Thrown bow exercises Mixed bowings Spiccato with string crossings Sautille Raising the bow slightly between slurred notes Types of bowing in 6/8 time Various bowings in 3/4 time Flying staccato Retaking the bow to avoid over accenting up bows Up-down up-down (shoe shine) bow at the middle or tip, down-up down-up at the frog
CHAPTER 7 Studies in Rhythm Teaching points: Pieces with frequent time signature changes CHAPTER 8 Additional practice in tone quality and expression; more difficult keys, rhythmical playing; chromatic music; modern music. Teaching points: all of the above mentioned skills. CHAPTER 9 Double-stopping and chords in the first position Teaching points: Exercises in octaves, sixths, thirds, tritons, and mixed exercises Three-voice and four-voice chords Cadences in various keys APPENDIX Scales, arpeggios and chord cadences in all keys, arranged by order of flats and sharps rather than by the circle of fifths.
CHAPTER 1 Studies in the 4th Position CHAPTER 2 4th position combined with the lower positions CHAPTER 3 4th position in keys containing the diminished fifth above open string CHAPTER 4 The 4th position combined with the lower positions CHAPTER 5 Application of the 4th position PART II: THE FIFTH POSITION CHAPTER 6 Studies in the 5th Position CHAPTER 7 5th position combined with the lower positions PART III: SIXTH TO TENTH POSITIONS CHAPTER 8 The 6th position and its application Combining the 6th position with the lower positions CHAPTER 9 The 7th position Combining the 7th position with the lower positions CHAPTER 10 Exercises and examples in application of the 8th, 9nth and 10th positions PART IV: TECHNIQUES OF STOPPING IN MODERN MUSIC The whole-tone scale Chromatic passages Rapid change of attitude within the position