Dump and Clump
Dump and Clump
Dump and Clump
Purpose: To provide a step by step process for organizing thinking and facilitating learning of new and difficult material. Description: This is a great strategy to use when the students are faced with learning new and difficult information. It provides students with a process for organizing their prior knowledge and making projections. Depending on the subject matter, this strategy could utilize up to a full class period. Procedure: 1. Group students into small groups of 2-3 2. "Dump"- Have students develop a list of words, items, or new information related to the topic of study. 3. "Clump"- Using the "dump" word list, students should then group words on the list into categories and assign labels. 4. Have students write a descriptive summary sentence for each category of words in their list. Upon completion, these should be posted around the room or shared in some manner with the entire class.