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Experiment No:-1(A) AIM:- Design and assemble an op-amp circuit on bread board to get data for input bias

current (IB) COMPONENTS REQUIRED: Following components are required to design the required circuit. S.No 1 2 3 Components Op-amp IC Digital Multimeter Fixed DC power supply +15 V -15V 4 5 6 Resistor Bread Board Connecting Wires 10k 01 01 01 Specification/Value A741,8 Pin DIP Quantity 01 02 01

THEORY: Whenever an IC is used for designing of an application, wealth information about that IC is must. This information is provided by the manufacturer in the form of data sheet. To get the most out of data sheet, we must be able to interpret properly the information presented in them. Input Bias Current (IB) An input bias current is defined as the average of two inputs current IB1 and IB2 IB= ( IB1 +IB2)/2 Where IB1 = DC bias current at non inverting input IB2= DC bias current at inverting input The value of input bias current is very small in the range of a few hundred nano-amperes.It is a DC current. Although this is very small value but may cause a significant output offset voltage in the circuit using relative large feedback resistors. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM:

PROCEDURE: 1. Assemble the circuit on the bread board as shown in figure above. 2. Measure the current ( IB1 and IB2) in the multimeters (XMM1 and XMM2) respectively. OBSERVATION : Current Reading from multimeter XMM1 (IB1) =............nA Current Reading from multimeter XMM2 (IB2) =............nA Hence, the input current bias is IB= ( IB1 +IB2)/2 IB=.................... nA RESULT: The input bias current mearument circuit is assembled on the bread board.The input bias current is.... nA for op-amp A741. PRECAUTION: 1. Connection should be proper. 2. Components should be chosen as per specifications. 3. All the reading taken must be perfect.

Experiment No:-1(B)

AIM: - Design and assemble an op-amp circuit on bread board to get data for output offset voltage (V) and reduce it to zero. COMPONENTS REQUIRED: Following components are required to design the required circuit. S.No 1 2 3 Components Op-amp IC Digital Multimeter Fixed DC power supply +15 V -15V 4 5 6 Resistor Bread Board Connecting Wires 10k 01 01 01 Specification/Value A741,8 Pin DIP Quantity 01 01 01

THEORY: Even though all the components of an Op-amp are integrated on the same chip, but it is impossible to have two transistors in the input stage (Dual input balanced output differential amplifiers) with exactly the same characteristics. Therefore, the collector currents in two transistors are not same, which provide differential output voltage from first stage. This output voltage gets amplified by the next stages and gives a significant voltage at output of op-amp. This output voltage is named as output offset voltage (VOO ). Output offset voltage is a DC voltage and may be positive or negative .This is depending on the potential difference between two input terminals i.e. positive or negative. For better results the output offset voltage should be reduced to zero.When output offset voltage reduced to zero,the op-amp is then said to be nulled or balanced.


PROCEDURE: 1. 1. Assemble the circuit on the bread board as shown in figure above. 2. Measure the Voltage in the multimeters (XMM1). 3. To reduce the output offset voltage zero, a 10k potentiometer be placed across offset null pins 1 and 5 and a wiper be connected to the negative supply pin 4. 4. By adjusting the wiper position output offset voltage may be set to zero . OBSERVATIONS: Voltage reading from the multimeter XMM(V)=........pV RESULT: The output offset voltage mearument circuit is assembled on the bread board.The output offset voltage is.... pV for op-amp A741. PRECAUTION: 1. Connection should be proper. 2. Components should be chosen as per specifications. 3. All the reading taken must be perfect.

Experiment No:-1(C)

AIM: - Design and assemble an op-amp circuit on bread board to calculate slew rate COMPONENTS REQUIRED: Following components are required to design the required circuit. S.No 1 2 3 Components Op-amp IC CRO Fixed DC power supply +15 V -15V 4 5 6 7. Resistor Bread Board Connecting Wires Function generator 10k 01 01 01 01 Specification/Value A741,8 Pin DIP Quantity 01 01 01

THEORY: The Slew rate is defined as the maximum rate of change of output voltage per unit of time SR= (dV0/dt)Max V/sec The slew rate actually represents how fast the output of an op-amp changes with the change in input signal of the op-amp. Slew rate is important factor for the op-amp used in AC applications. High slew rate is required for better results. The typical value of slew rate for the op-amp 741IC is 0.5 V/sec.This value of slew rate limits the 741 IC op-amps to use in relatively high frequency application. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM:

PROCEDURE: 1. 2. 3. 4. Assemble the circuit on the bread board as shown in figure above. Measure the minimum output Voltage. Measure the maximum output Voltage. Measure the time required time to change output from minimum output voltage to maximum output voltage with the help of CRO.

OBSERVATIONS: 1. Measure the minimum output Voltage[vB1]=.......V. 2. Measure the maximum output voltage[V RESULT: The output offset voltage mearument circuit is assembled on the bread board.The output offset voltage is.... pV for op-amp A741. PRECAUTION: 4. Connection should be proper. 5. Components should be chosen as per specifications. 6. All the reading taken must be perfect.

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