Employee Satisfaction Questionnaire
Employee Satisfaction Questionnaire
Employee Satisfaction Questionnaire
be maintained. Kindly fill in all details as per instructions given. PERSONAL DETAILS NAME: Titus A. Luyo DESIGNATION: Software Engineer How long have you worked with the company? o Less than 6 months o Less than 12 months o Less than 3 years o More than 3 years Please tick mark the relevant answer as provided against each question? A. Statement WORKING ENVIRONMENT, METHODS & EQUIPMENTS Strongly disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral Agree (3) (4) 1 I have the materials and equipment I need to do my job efficiently I know what is expected of me in my job Workload is distributed equally throughout our department or unit I feel competent and fully able to handle my job When assigned work Ive never done before, I get the necessary instructions to do a good job My job contributes to the purpose of this organization I am fully empowered to make decisions within my role and leadership position at work I know where the company is headed
over the medium and long term B. REWARDS AND RENUMERATION Strongly disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral Agree (3) (4) 1 If I do good work I can count on making more money 2 This company recognizes or praises me whenever I do a good job. 3 I am happy with the benefits package offered at this company C. OPPORTUNITIES Strongly Statement disagree (1) 1 I am aware of the promotion opportunities in my company 2 I have a clearly established career path at this company 3 In general, promotions are handled fairly at my company 4 The most capable employees are always the ones selected for promotions 5 There is someone at work who encourages my development. 6 In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress. 7 In the last year, I have had opportunities to learn and grow. D. TEAMWORK Statement Strongly Agree (5) Comments
Disagree (2)
Strongly disagree
Neutral Agree
Strongly Agree
(3) (4)
1 The people I work with help each other when needed. 2 My teammates and I share information and new ideas. 3 My teammates do their best. 4 I enjoy working with my teammates 5 My associates or fellow employees are committed to doing quality work. 6 There is a high level of engagement with other teams to achieve the organizations goals E. IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR Strongly Disagree Statement disagree (1) (2) 1 My team lead treats me fairly 2 I can freely approach my team lead with problems 3 My team lead handles my work-related issues satisfactorily 4 There is good communication between me and my team lead. 5 My team lead cares about me as a person 6 My team lead provides me with feedback and guidance and helps me know what is expected of me. F. COMMUNICATION Strongly Statement disagree (1) 1 I can trust what management tells me 2 I feel free to offer comments and suggestions
Disagree (2)
3 I feel that actions are taken on suggestions given by me. 4 Management cares for all its employees at all levels 5 Communications from top management are adequate for me to know what is going on in the organization. 6 I have confidence in the senior managers at the company. G. QUALITY OF LIFE Strongly Statement disagree (1) 1. Even if I had the opportunity to get a similar job with another organization, I would stay with my present company 2 I would recommend the organization as a good place to work. 3 This company cares for my security and health. 4 I am extremely satisfied with my job.
Disagree (2)
H. RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Strongly Disagree Statement disagree (1) (2) 1 I look forward to our recreational activities 2 Recreational activities play a major role in my choosing to stay at this company
How do you personally rate the companys overall performance in the following areas? Very No Good Adequate Poor Very poor Good comment Work Environment Leadership Inter-departmental cooperation Organizational Structure Assigning clear responsibilities Keeping you informed of companys activities HR engagement with staff
CHOOSE THE ITEMS THAT WOULD MOST IMPROVE YOUR JOB SATISFACTION. (SELECT ONLY TWO) a.)More challenging work e) Improved cooperation among my co-workers b) More opportunities to do what I do best f) More say in how my work gets done c) Greater clarity about my own work g) A better relationship with my manager preferences and career goals d) Greater clarity about what the organization h)Career development opportunities and needs me to do and why training CHOOSE THE ITEMS THAT WOULD MOST IMPROVE YOUR PERFORMANCE. (SELECT ANY TWO) a) Development opportunities and training e)A better relationship with my co-workers b) Regular, specific feedback about how Im f) More resources doing c) Greater clarity about what the organization g) A coach or a mentor other than my manager
needs me to do and why d) Better communication with my manager CHOOSE THE AVENUES FOR TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT YOU WOULD PREFER (SELECT ANY THREE) a) Attending seminars/workshops e)Education Loan b) E-learning courses f) On-job training c) Professional qualifications g) Job rotation d) Degree courses (Bachelors/ Masters) COMMENTS AND CONCERNS Please write any comments or concerns you may have here or any other information you feel would be beneficial in improving the work climate in the organization