Article 50 Ijaet Volii Issue IV Oct Dec 2011
Article 50 Ijaet Volii Issue IV Oct Dec 2011
Article 50 Ijaet Volii Issue IV Oct Dec 2011
E-ISSN 0976-3945
Research Article
Souvik Ganguli1*
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Instrumentation Engineering, Thapar University, Patiala-147 004, India
In this paper, the PSPICE simulation of a resonant converter circuit used for switched reluctance motor drives is presented. A general introduction of this converter, its operating principle as well as its merits, demerits and applications are also discussed in this article. The simulation for finding out the phase current rise and fall time and to perform the Fourier analysis is carried out using PSPICE at an operating temperature of 27 C. The total harmonic distortion is also calculated for this drive converter which is found to be less as compared to the hard-switch converter topologies. The voltages across the different nodes and the currents across the different voltage sources have been found out from the SPICE circuit drawn by specifying the nodes in the circuit. The operating point information is also obtained for the different diodes and the BJTs used as per the SPICE circuit of the converter.
Switched reluctance motor (SRM), resonant converter, Fourier analysis, total harmonic distortion, small signal bias solution, operating point information, PSPICE software.
1 INTRODUCTION Switched reluctance motor (SRM) drives have been paid renewed attention because of its manifold advantages over other ac motors for example simple in construction and robust nature, high reliability, easy maintenance and good performance. The absence of permanent magnets and windings in rotor give possibility to achieve very high speeds (over 10000 rpm) and have turned switched reluctance motor drives into perfect solution for operation in harsh environments like presence of vibrations or impacts. The simple mechanical structure greatly reduces its price. Due to these features, switched reluctance motor drives are finding applications in aerospace, automotive and domestic appliances. However, switched reluctance motors suffer from few drawbacks as well like complicated algorithm to control it due to its high degree of nonlinearity. Moreover, switched reluctance motors always have to be electronically commutated and there is the need of a shaft position sensor in order to detect the shaft position. The other limitations include strong torque ripples and acoustic noise effects [1]. A typical switched reluctance motor drive essentially consists of four basic components: Power Converter Control Logic Circuit Position Sensor Switched Reluctance Motor. The essential features of the power switching circuit for each phase of the switched reluctance motor comprises of two parts: A controlled switch to connect the voltage source to the coil windings in order to build up the current. An alternative path for the current to flow when the switch is turned off, since the trapped energy in the phase winding can be used for the other strokes.
In addition to this, it protects the switch from the high current produced by the energy trapped in the phase winding [2]. 2 CIRCUIT OPERATION OF A RESONANT CONVERTER The power converter topologies generally discussed in the context of switched reluctance motor drives are known as hard-switched topologies because during turn-on and turn-off the power switch and diode voltages and currents are non-zero, thus causing significant power loss in these devices. During the switching instant, if the current or voltage is made zero, then the device loss is zero and topologies enabling such a condition are known as resonant circuits. Many variations of these topologies are available. As the switching losses are theoretically zero in the resonant circuits, the circuit efficiency and hence the overall system efficiency is increased in this converter topology.
Fig. 1: Circuit Diagram for a Resonant Converter Further claims are being made as to the electromagnetic interference (EMI) reduction in these circuits compared to the hard-switched topologies that must be taken cautiously in the absence of good experimental correlation. Their main disadvantage is that the device voltage ratings have to be multiple times than that of the source voltage due to the action
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology of the resonant circuit. This increases the volt ampere rating of the converter to multiple times that of the conventional hard-switched topologies, restricting its industrial use in switched reluctance motor drive systems. Its advantage is that the quality of the current waveform can be made very superior as the circuit can be operated at a higher frequency as the device switching losses are very small. It is to be noted that the switching losses can become a significant fraction of the conduction losses in the devices at very high frequencies, but at nominal frequencies of 20 kHz and lower that may not be true, hence the need for resonant circuits decreases and it has minimal impact on the motor drive [3]. For the sake of completeness, only one resonant topology is considered in this section a variant of the C-dump circuit topology with resonant commutation of the phase current. Its working is described below. The resonant circuit consists of the inductor Lr, capacitor Cr, power switch Tr and diode Dr. The machine windings are connected in series with power devices T1, T2, and T3 and diodes D1, D2 and D3 steer the current of the machine phases during commutation and the excess current from the resonant circuit to the dc source, Vdc. Assume that the voltage across the resonant capacitor Vr, is positive and as indicated for positive polarity. The distinct modes of operation are outlined separately. In mode 1, a phase winding is energized by switching the phase switch (say, T1). When the machine current exceeds the desired level, we wish to turn off the phase switch and reduce the energy transfer from the source to the machine. In mode 2, turning-off of the phase switch results in the machine current diverting via Dr, Cr, Da and the phase-A winding. This charges the resonant capacitor Cr, thereby reducing the current in the machine winding. When the current nears the acceptable lower limit, the phase switch T1 is turned on to keep the winding current fairly a constant. Mode 3 is the resonant mode. With turn-on of the resonant switch, the resonant capacitor and inductor are connected in series, resulting in resonant oscillation. The energy in the capacitor is transferred to the inductor, resulting in the forward biasing of diodes Da and Dr and the current flows from the inductor to the load as well as to the dc source via the diode D1, inductor, switching devices Tr and Da. The current fed to the source current is the excess current that is over and above that of the load current. During the resonant oscillation, the voltage across the capacitor has reversed and is negative which is conducive for the takeover of current from the phase switch when it is being turned off. Note that turn-off of the main switches is achieved with zero voltage because its anti parallel diode D1 is conducting
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during the energy recovery period, thus eliminating the turn-off switching loss in the phase switch. Due to the voltage across the capacitor Cr is two to three times that of the source voltage, its application across the machine winding rapidly commutates the current. This in turn gives a much higher conduction angle for the SRM drive without any concern for regeneration when the desired operation is in the motoring region. It is to be noted that this is one of the circuit topologies where the anti-parallel diode of the switching device is utilized, whereas in conventional hard-switched topologies they are seldom used. The number of switches used per phase in resonant converter is one. The number of diodes used per phase in resonant converter is also one [4]. The advantages of resonant converters are summarized as follows: 1. The switching losses in a resonant converter are very low. 2. The quality of current waveform is superior in a resonant converter as compared to the other converters. 3. The switching frequency of the resonant converter is high. The disadvantages of resonant converters are enlisted below: 1. Lower power density. 2. EMI influence problem arises in a resonant converter is a very serious problem. 3. Higher rating of switching elements is required. The main application of resonant converter is in high frequency (f>20 KHz). 3 CIRCUIT ELEMENT VALUES The supply voltage considered for our analysis 100 Volts (dc). The phase winding (L1), inductance (Lr) and capacitance (Cr) are assumed to be an inductance as 35 mH, 50 H and 1 F. The transistor base-drive resistance equals 250 as [3, 5]. The diode and transistor values are as per the specifications given in [6-7] and are listed below: Diode Specifications Saturation Current (IS=0.5 A) Reverse breakdown voltage (BV=5.20 Volts) Reverse breakdown Current (IBV=0.5 A) Parasitic Resistance (RS=1.0 ohms) Transistor Specifications P-N saturation current (IS=6.734 A) Ideal maximum forward beta (BF=416.4) Base-Emitter leakage saturation current (ISE=6.734 A) Ideal maximum reverse beta (BR=0.7371) Base-Emitter zero-bias P-N capacitance (CJE =3.638 Pico Farads)
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Fig. 2: PSPICE Circuit for Resonant Converter Base-Collector P-N grading factor of 27 C. The voltage across the different nodes has (MJC=0.3085) been found out using small signal bias solution at the Base-Collector built in potential same operating temperature. The currents flowing (VJC=.75Volts) through the different voltage sources along with their Base collector zero-bias P-N capacitance polarities have also been shown. The operating point (CJC=4.493 Pico Farads) information is obtained for the different diodes and Base-Emitter P-N grading factor the BJTs. Finally, the plot showing the variation of (MJE=0.2593) phase current with respect to time and frequency and Base-Emitter built in potential (VJE=0.75 the Fourier analysis of the phase winding current has Volts) been conducted and shown in Figs 3-5. The results Ideal reverse transit time (TR=239.5 Nano obtained are given as follows: Seconds) 4.1 Fourier Analysis Ideal forward transit time (TF=301.2 Pico TEMPERATURE = 27.000 DEG C Seconds) FOURIER COMPONENTS OF TRANSIENT The SPICE circuit of the asymmetric bridge RESPONSE I (VX) converter is represented in Fig. 2. DC COMPONENT = 9.142905E-04 4 RESULTS As per the PSPICE circuit in Fig. 2, the fourier analysis of the phase current for an asymmetric bridge converter has been carried out at a temperature Table 1: Fourier Analysis for Resonant Converter
Harmonic Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Frequency (Hz) 1.200E+02 2.400E+02 3.600E+02 4.800E+02 6.000E+02 7.200E+02 8.400E+02 9.600E+02 1.080E+03 Fourier Component 1.825E-03 1.812E-03 1.792E-03 1.764E-03 1.729E-03 1.686E-03 1.636E-03 1.580E-03 1.518E-03 Normalized Component 1.000E+00 9.934E-01 9.823E-01 9.670E-01 9.476E-01 9.241E-01 8.969E-01 8.661E-01 8.320E-01 Phase (Deg) 8.453E+01 7.906E+01 7.360E+01 6.816E+01 6.275E+01 5.738E+01 5.204E+01 4.676E+01 4.155E+01 Normalized Phase (Deg) 0.000E+00 -8.999E+01 -1.800E+02 -2.699E+02 -3.599E+02 -4.498E+02 -5.396E+02 -6.294E+02 -7.192E+02
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4.2 Small Signal Bias Solution Table 2: Small Signal Bias Solution for Resonant Converter
Node (1) (5) (9) (14) (18) Voltage (V) -43.58E-06 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 47.18E-12 Node (2) (6) (11) (15) (19) Voltage (V) 2.849E-15 2.849E-15 2.849E-15 0.1868 0.0000 Node (3) (7) (12) (16) (20) Voltage (V) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1781 0.1781 Node (4) (8) (13) (17) Voltage (V) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1781
4. 3 Voltage Source Currents Table 3: Voltage Source Currents for Resonant Converter
Name of the Voltage Source VG1 VX VG4 VL VG2 VY VG3 V2 Magnitude of Current (A) 1.140E-17 -6.523E-14 1.887E-13 -6.934E-15 1.140E-17 -6.523E-14 1.140E-17 -6.523E-14
4. 4 Operating Point Information Table 4: Operating Point Information for Resonant Converter Diodes
Name of the Diode MODEL ID VD REQ CAP DA DMOD 1.37E-10 1.87E-01 1.89E+08 0.00E+00 DB DMOD 1.37E-10 1.87E-01 1.89E+08 0.00E+00 DC DMOD 1.37E-10 1.87E-01 1.89E+08 0.00E+00 DR DMOD 9.79E-11 1.78E-01 2.64E+08 0.00E+00
4.5 Plot Results for Resonant Converter Plot showing the variation of phase current with respect to time and frequency are given in Fig. 3
and 4 respectively. The Fourier analysis of the phase winding current has been carried out and depicted in Fig. 5.
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240us Time
Fig. 3: Variation of Phase Current for a Resonant Converter with respect to Time
Fig. 4: Variation of Phase Current for a Resonant Converter with respect to Frequency
0A 0Hz I(L1)
Fig. 5: Fourier Analysis for the Phase Winding Current of a Resonant Converter 5 CONCLUSIONS The drive circuit with resonant converter shows much faster decay time as compared to the other converters. Moreover, it provides faster rate of fall for the phase current, which permits the motor to operate at higher speeds. The plot results for the resonant converter shows that it provides the linear rise and fall for the phase current. The total harmonic distortion for the resonant converter is very low so it provides superior current waveforms. In addition, the resonant converter has many advantages such as simple configuration, low voltage stress, improved utilization of supply voltage and in particular no stresses or losses in the switching interval. The Fourier analysis of the phase current is also carried out in this paper. A generalized study of a resonant converter has been taken up here. PSPICE analysis of ZVS and ZCS type converters for SRM drives in particular can be taken up in near future. 6 REFERENCES
1. R. Krishnan, Switched Reluctance Motor Drives: Modeling, Simulation, Analysis, Design and Applications. Industrial Electronics Series, CRC Press, 2001. M. Asgar, E. Afjei, A. Siadatan and Ali Zakerolhosseini, A New Modified Asymmetric Bridge Drive Circuit for Switched Reluctance Motor, European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, pp. 539-542, 2009.
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PhD Thesis, Brunel University, London, UK Publication, January, 2009. Muhammad H. Rashid, Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009. Muhammad H. Rashid, SPICE for Power Electronic Circuits, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009.
7. APPENDIX: PSPICE PROGRAM FOR RESONANT CONVERTER TOPOLOGY VS 1 0 DC 100 Volts CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Q1 1 2 4 QM RB1 2 3 250 VG1 3 0 PULSE ( 0V 20V 0 1NS 1NS 12.24US 40US) L1 4 5 35MH VX 5 0 DC 0V DA 15 4 DMOD DB 15 8 DMOD DC 15 13 DMOD DR 16 0 DMOD QR 15 18 20 QM RB4 18 19 250 VG4 19 0 PULSE (0V 20V 0 1NS 1NS 12.24US 40US) CR 15 16 1UF LR 16 17 50UH VL 17 20 DC 0V Q2 1 6 8 QM RB2 6 7 250 VG2 7 0 PULSE (0V 20V 0 1NS 1NS 12.24US 40US) L2 8 9 35MH VY 9 0 DC 0V Q3 1 11 13 QM RB3 11 12 250 VG3 12 0 PULSE (0V 20V 0 1NS 1NS 12.24US 40US) L3 13 14 35MH V2 14 0 DC 0V *DMOD DEFINES THE DIODE MODEL PARAMETERES .MODEL DMOD D (IS=100E-15 RS=16 BV=100 IBV=100E-15) *QM DEFINES THE TRANSISTOR MODEL PARAMETERS .MODEL QM NPN (BF=100 BR=1 RB=5 RC=1 RE=0 VJE=0.8 VA=100) .TRAN 2US 300US 180US 1US UIC .PROBE .OPTIONS ABSTOL=1.00N RELTOL=0.01 VNTOL=0.1 ITL5=20000 .FOUR 120HZ I (VX) .OP .END