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nt'1haoafttu in Ia63 uJ hb'dontov h. n&"w ot th.

Shoa StdtvNcru0nllacd sl,avotic --^N

F nol M'tud" it lc3l Se

Boris Eichenbaum


".;.'*':r Murd TMo" i".".*""'. .j*, Vl Ll927r. 163_77iY:.hfy::'"jt-111#;":H"',1.ffi.;;

wiri Ro@ J*.bson,

AAAPls !

ii"i'i-'illH ilifrmml ;n';f,,'*,Y,?'11lihtrvillllilll {|o&): vr,',-ea.r, r^:Bn ro,-ti'a l'jto^ Datn' li,#,lnilr 'd

M'thod Hi!cnti'ot r\? ll"o'ii.i,iJi.'i.#i'ir',-ti^r' t t'nhaun: E\otutim 't

,ho laler fNDd.d lht Phgne scn@l of $@alisG

nNished Ecr'c"lam *a a ndn neurcof tltr Ru$io Fomalisl 'rowMr' vlich r*.4" *rl' icil ?re.ff it tfi' l92os Theftck dd d'!hv'n ""' 'i 'i. dl Rtuturid sd sacm'd -a. i"i't' robb r rikd'! rqn ,*.i"*"it wE chtrs'd "- "' m m e ve\.re;rly by ou.r lcss lisure' M'mbedol ftc bov'ne lnd zdnatinBt rom *',ir.*"ri.""'ii"il.'*i"\.sand'lrdsorl:kEton oi an for an\ sak. Eichenbrunt e$av is m alienpr lo $msize rhe no!'ndn's ehiev'menrs in lbc nd rod.fendn aslind Matn( dllch is m cled'nt of cociliatjon '$av andordcrlv rbdson *hal di;rotu thc picrdt ThemovcE dl *6 nev'r 6 .mmudl am c t;ch.nbtum wouldhaE his @ded belitvc Ale m'E i. ii. aa*roonar ma .""'".i * si.nrific posirivisticprNcdnEs in iis '$av thm i, .""ria".ir" The r."tslisr criric! rhcmselves' sandardhistorvor ** ."ia." li tr'. *-r'"r,n" (1964)' Fotuatil;n: tlittut 'Dactnn' ftl vi",". eai"ht ,c'd'ian ". -"'"i-,. dela.h.d sumary. offeRa no. b'ings@'t bv rhf \iflrai ?sof$'mo\'m'nl ii.r'mtrum\ rcaa*omo help ^ bv I ro ,rr"rl"* c;ti"i... ,lr-*r utl thc sen'ralptirciplts lE enuc'ar4 aE $dd 'xc mit ,n" **r onlh. im Ponebl' incot vsiou\dr{iplinc!dd I i*".* edlmslsse{ith'inde pracdcallmsutse -"".**, *'l-u.rwn I'r*it^,+.a:" lom ir nd sinn v d env'lop rrloFrenL fi' ,r..': I *"4i",'":*1 p\'rom_ I l.-"r..'r'"*tr*"i"".t,t'" "-.,h,rsfl?tsoriphenmeon dds'orclsirytl" o. io." or a lib !ry wo'Ld r'\eli dd'dired tt' or mta r'"-'v,-. I *i. " I ri.l." ddde*nsof ih..xpdiYenedinaof tliErjrywork U - {.-*;"x';;.*;""ordins bv b E;h.nbdum. Fj.ctinsod 6\umprior< * * *,."'a i*nl solt'd fimush tn' 'de?or lhc l:Gmrv obFcra ' t f*o,, rn cam to ttreidrt or I hrv rrr"'ry hisrory -," *-."r'+*nt.rd li",i.Ji*ri'""r di Enoti rradihon od '\' lnditid"l rahn' t^ .*n o* I ir':' r,i 'po i' +n""a^ bt i6 El'rion to ortl'r wo k{ Lnrhry hi'ory n6i'ts "i* I ' ".*iiL ".iJ.i, u^ I! n; 6i'8 LitdtoE A dsument buraddallvciving J"".*r'lp. I hsbncd dimntion to I "ii,l* h z<th.dc rh.s lnd ""aliEnrJl nmng * ' meinly di'd. mdy oI i6 pnripld $''' wt .n rr,. ro' **.cnt '!m'd l,nsui'rica: c@bin'd \ith dE ide6 of Rrdrnandd' in@shd6tin bv ,*;;. * tas"i,tiq* t .i'r.(r9r5), fi.y@nhbur.dto:doolkm'tr i*-*-:ii,,. unrlvopolog's4 agar' lit'Ery t])eo+ n rien or n.rat, in.ruOing '

rherheov{'l!;"Formar *#:'$;iis!TilJ,-ffii dd.;t. tbtu

rk da,k 4! r,ai,.d
*o.'!Lt ui,"u-;lit



ddrift. 'nd ha m*IllsMqis

, o.c,,-,""


H"',:'"'/fjtr'j##,r;#*;r:;u ffi :ir:1:"rsn'n:Hvi:ru*r'*'**rI*fJ.:.H$

, ;;; ;;;;'"* ",* -*;:t -i,.*:'Jj ;;;;i;;;;' y"$+lr,ffj*#r":* wr\i b +ov ho* ;-; rdod l'"*'u, * , ni--t rd wN -.'*or'n Fo'nrli'Bb(grn hw 'ir'drd
; wo.l r;ld;G@

I fi*rfJ;.$i;i.,*3l.*:1,iil.:*rff *'l11*l lt*l,ii.'lT.l"ifi *u--* llHli *,

*U-**"'p..**rhxr1+r$ ftiffl#gil{:;*;g&

'ffi :ffil"#;xftr*l.'ii.liitr"*fi I'i:




&E qftd



m#ffiuffi; ffi#ffi,ff;l,lffiirtffiffi;

[*t**mx1*;;X *i'::**mffi
* i,r,i,?.1$ir*I*J'Ji;3li*r'S;:"

, rlii^ilinr

bd c",,t ^, r.,' r! v' edir.d tudd'd bv L l lJron th' o * .d th ' F d r' r^ th ' F ' n a l l t ann Modi ' r ol '"i i .i. i" oit i" i, . - oc m' o H?lry: Th?ort ttu roffit M'thod ann ii'r,.irpio,..r.r-r"". '

cd be fdnd in '{'i'&rsd' 5lor'r' ttdk'i'lr' Elevs bv Eich.nbaum

v'l I Lr96r\'



. i-ii.;r-.---r" '"'. - *, ' r Flllt Evolutioi'rv mri.dor6

.itrs 6. Fuodsb (Khl.tnikov Knchctrvkh dd Mr' y.torsky), tho wc oD rh. ;g. opp@d dE svnbohi po.dcs dd supgmd rh. Fimlis $* mikdbv tu onln;t d*oorFotuhB 'h'id'L mEq+ ?i :;;i;;iifi;;Gnin drcdic'ion tumrt' kilF d ft . ink!l<]l!!!d-a! ^orl'id'int I f".iod:'@lqebrljec I S-boli'B rh. dio*rion.mns dE slFhkr t'oEr of rh' A'mdn' Fl lJ dd rhr lpFdR I aiiiaiitiGl I p.-d& *'.' r-' * *** ., drt'E nb.llid w. rEs hd rr ---r |Jl. ., ^"""1:a.": lT:l!1'l' drihtd'-r rksdc:r *b'c6(drd sdb'ldrjEdNof ft6n.mdl6imnv c d t tirh ou. po,iid' Wc hti $ op9d'


ffiffi ffiffi


#H?n:il""**m-t11+g;g* Ilxl,X,;i:.Fr#l:f*:*,*m*:::.lX

x#;'"tm"';1i;'*,4i;*6 mfiff

i"br-i". ,"'i... p.^rpi" *p."d bvl!' srmbollB

*.-", "-'"* ^.":*j:#,*',I# l''Hi':iil*T:nll"lli:";'r :;T#:'"* r"Tx*




trffi#*ffi#i{f-#Ji$ffiT1il ililiil.iif'illlllLii ;ii;r''*

m. mnry ott^. "F.tut Mdh't"

''$ *ord, rbc rnicuhbry *r..r of n hdoub@,rl/inpod,nr. P. .Ps g.n.nliy r snr p'n or lh. in pro0u(idion, in dE ind.p.o' d.rishr o{ pctry .d*( dot dae or rh. olgus orsp.4h T. conem inghs lrqu8. $s becle ! esiNs *idin. rhc aoludoi,of *hicb wo'ild i.lp ro cldify Nv Probl.tu or F.ric |tnSoag.itr sd.6l Shllovsry de f{muli.d rhr monIov ungcd ro pa.d . veicty of Bnt doubrld u co@@$ of $? cohmoi opi on Alr po.ric bnsu4. b 1 lmgurg. of i0rg.rl No Enc. ho* @ lokr .r rh. inhhriodrhiD nd!. !9frunoi po$drk !k hmdB. ,. nd onlY .uDhmiN ]Rrsn.r ro tuanihr&nn t.nd Ti. Fomrlini rhaB drv rb]dond Por.b.

rioMl ida of tom $ & civdo*. . v6*l inb *ht.t m bE . Iiouid ('h. conknr). ftc ar$ .I d d.mnmE rhr d\ uniqen.$ snsBB Dd r 6. pe *hi(h .rk! ino ir

nd'comnr*'y 4qrqr!!!4!@r!!!!9!!l @ric rEab. Surhibr@notiotr nFbts

of di! dndEddi wa mpotud Th. dbbIsltrd ot r sxIi6 dd for undlsbnding boft fr tlE s.turioo fr norqsa ]msug. d r'v!!Ri3 rlr tutuidt prdm. ln. turdjdt .i.sioD or e sh4! i eordr, 6. und of vdD. pdjrlly oban.n ii lh. l$su3' of cnjDEd, in n\e slGslalia or rcligior sEB ed e on' linstr's' verc oi i" I ta ruuia -Fin*t &--,-"o"eic riFifi.-\ " tu.r, t" ,hs* - *d I -* 'B of hding b i"dicd" - *.onpdim. i6trw"bri". I "brb. 'r'. sou''din!&d' I bylNdndobd..mph6i:e$ebl.of i" r1''p-br". I b'gsg " "r--d l.j rrb e: en* s oid n p o d d ' dis lrjlrd b cdfto ln. tharis ol svdbolnr Mtuo Blin'b.Fdfuli$sav.h l. d rBr m ju$ t]jd is{q d. q*oo of snd hd b b. d5F6.d oppdt rh. eihdic dd philosophj.rl t.nd.tuns ot lne sFbolisa *:lh r synd of pdis ob*dations aid ro .oiclusio$ This uouna lh. lnd*lyitrc si4ifa ;h f6 th. .@d of dr. fd volumcof Op'loz a 6nbdt d+ . vd.d ro drc prcbld of

i;; Gie--di'lF.6u1id-;l;dffi ;fiffiiE Npr. rtu---triffiu


idaho.mlativ.. Ev.o b.roc rh. f@dioD ol ib. Oroq i. | 914.0! rh. rih. oI dE public F lomrs of rre Fubftrs sr,rlovsly nzaprbttsh.a 6mosah, m. x.M..'i6 .t th. tr.t4 ' id *hi.h hc 16l d.prioD partly b 0E .@p! s tonh by Pokbny: ad pldy 6 ric ot v.slosky (di. qu.eior or img.ry wa id rrro of tuJe tgnific'c) to trE pnrcipk oI pdeptibb r@ 6 dE speific stn 'dv.d or di$

In opp.64 !h. eot of Bdn Ank. in dE !!ft

6say, nEd. w.ddid*pai.m.'h.dnmoDple'wdoid rc i[ Erhd, * l@8aia ir, W. do na s 6t *dk of ou rm4 snd n is vdy dlffcurr for u ro s dE tu pmfR.ding, .rpei.ll, iI tE mna nalis*dndjnrlbsn4.wkm*wll.ter@ w snd rlm dielvd o s, ro at4 od .d d.fin. sp-ficdly F.tic pdc.'tid rnd di$ t. p.E.pri.d io 3cndl rh.o w oSrsr .bi. &f-

Tn drturii Nndsi.n

ot th.*

.nrion, bd Mly dfsnd fi! ftD.riti.r itr v.E n fldogousb hroro$/ h rolllm--rhlr is. Ud Ep.ririon i&rf plryi .oft.rning of o d$d. rc1.: h.r div.e tod oI m s.EBl piiEid.. $. priEipl. of rimph .mbinaioo, by vhi.h .i!td !E drdr oftE tord' dE bftrid or rh. @$!, Su.n d ahion of orc &vic. ro cova 6. wios fm, of padc ni&dd it quiE cbdd.ndic of dE *qr or dE F'm1li!! duiog inidd p.ndd, And th. prlbbnon of Bd*'s .s,y rhc qud. dd ol soDnd v.e lon lmdnh! of i6 u4.ncn .nd dc in Flm.ri:6 tu'.d bqudor of pdi$ h :r, F(mii$ b.r{ rh.n m* *nb E


liH ton P8ll}ir, Td rhd *o diwrcd

$. 'ldffi*

bu( liM d dc d .ri mon), a r.kmdr ip u tudr ft. did

diid. orldr

oI Ndim. h.E rduiEr


rord ro rckodrrds.


lirddo4 boln{iis d pi'odn r.{uiE kmpt b Fldue c6@c .vid@ I *i'h i s.t ddhlv n trcm sy.6ffidu vffi.n!!t odl [rv.:n tunciior .. __, .. r-.taratidrky, in l1rr6sy1 P6vtd.d liiSuli. oF l itr .avdi orl lnc i!d.Fnd.n. v'lE of tsd rd Ior@tuib uld ir OriDBri*t 6$y d So R.painDillv' 3ound r*. hi.d rh. s@ poidtvi6 qudnims n d Pushrh r.'l la'

t Hes b.@. pdic rnd pdic, Li3u3/ sd rhd rh. sF.ific qurlity or d is shown ii i6 p&ijcdr oe.r tu

p.*.r ;ei;*G.-,h. "-d ld.l lwficn @vid.d lh. brsi! fd imPcsionisric intar.' Elrriotr b.@tr soundsd dc ddcripdon of uridr of tlD objcB d r\. .mtiod EPt*d.d) to $. r.v.l or prdnund .njoym aion ad di.ularion. h 'b.



ol v@. Tn. qur(ont rbour ft

er cbllqs! drdmr D fid tlEY disYd !fuslnd

ffi rif*:ilif;'lsHH$'iTsf

rdnd of '6''

s@'d cdnion, bulolosv, & pdllclis, m,^lld|u3t.tdIFi4,pnrciptdIv?rbddl)dd


'"n #;dfr-;;u.dn ;*t'- o'd"**rY -' ; *u'*" iJJ.i-'it"ri d rhd 'd rd dodoPhn x' o

ltd Pild $. drIIGm bd;tr rli b mor. f.oh qsniotu $.d Gchnl.r. in g.n''d b mc nudy of tlr 5talii dcvi@eot codporiftd ro iiquirJ lNur jn DIor.ed s oo. ou$ oppdiig Y*loYsky ' 3'r' t" .pp*ing hn dEq or prol i-r "i.. "u, "p..;n*tty. tn op!$rg &v.lop.n .id. by sidc th di 'nttftd

Foii,trt:$,Rolddr ilnft blo*sonL\.ndtoN So" o/,Rol',d od &c sinilstipLrP.{@r 'o'rtrMr


:rtg.gmg:mm,rit* *iiix;*#*'"**nr'ru;'*Yxt*;;
nffi "t:fsT",:;'j'"T;r"il'
,r. '*r rhs.cEen! -i".a.tIs |fi$ns inrg't 6N!i'.d b PeB 6' lbr!'Y re,E @ giva d.m. Ims6 t"a'"!t: P"'u c n*

lH##i#"ffi#ffirH ^t*+g*,r*#,**mr*
",li,iiiiii.,"; * ,;'.-' *- * ""'

iu.: linlujir tu | rne turud ot5shnil.htt,ddtthtttk I 'L'.'c uslrllv do n* zlt du c i oI $.Fby *p cotuid *.Tliul d.I Mbd,vu!.du'rio g.rhs,dd rknpch cben u*. *o**o'," Sh$dlb lhN D.w * emF @em_ .i.l dphrdm" m*, mlr s md.tid fd $pPoonS .trd Liing ,''!r tie r! dve . dMc inr $t .mc dornt mY EPFf qudiN oft{Hda Elicrl hyrdlEa, w hrd pur6'.h rho i' Ecn macirl' HE * clrrhat {i6 v*lorslv' & ri,!6y ;sru,ion, !!94-&!it4-r94!!!srd+!!!oid.d rhdY nd @ftd b hibior-rP ls s$llv b. dpbin d .tic EFtu@ r$e b@bl Lh i B N n ri ndorb"t rnrR q' v l Ek hr?dJE* For ;dA rl l N n fd rbedigiMl Fd()trlrlN (! lnelsE r r ;6bD$ dwm_ ,n9. Bd m oPl.ndloD ot dt s.Ms or trh ' .iotr acn d cl$Iv lrf, FL.(ruM aI r(r 'rh..dct th. dhnc oI lt!.nse valovrtv Dd dn6 frhb.d.f mDnic *h@l u5.d b 6tldt tb. 9.$lif mrifi rnd pi6 did md cushd: $'rrdlv ;r;. i*,2 by rr'nry ridw ELrishjp but ch'nosd ir oniv no, obFr ro hrbis 'lt chd' of d* rl,.-ht ot $. ruliuri.3 a( m .rDlduo bk'rv fel Tb' b0r.n iis d .:elMod of r tpcfdllv d-D o t uE o'ied o{ da , J .r lir.-] s*rt shouldb. dd.d h srdidmifio so i o ddils-in@ ' " id, ndhrs noE: pqx6- mBr.ipdn its lil.dv rddor lsh o urilioi h r smd.$rv iad *rk! ud nor in - be eftdc mdo( lrq fdk ro rs *kh ro rd tbo$ i&a itr I do F{)dlilr ftlbod-bd us or mar;.li it dc d oisnl.t bo{ str i.hi!.d ot pld *hjch hrv. r A@tirtl ti8' Sh}lov*j! @b.i! @n*ition.l nddizis N ..laEd bt bclond sy r.hioDship th.v mishr h$ 6 p:nie iir,ce e.iiiond d.lica rE trsromql or ho* rhcv e t'd' ro ula prnSlc$ ot lloG { slch Tdc6 of $D$ id.I,cm & Tt gdctic pdnt of vi.v dd d Dlav r shctu'nl Idnd ii rbc mot rdvmed tidd of* mldse 'ol. ."v disppe{.od iB ritrtv h"* . oN*ri* ;;hii It. fiEr ot shkloBryt srb on ploL lhz n|ki,n rddion ftniitr.'ftc Ind,.Y ruoclon oJ Ptd ca$rctio^ to G.4.ftt D.tut E srt'.


r wbol.3di6

of tu.h

d'via bd s I lEq dFno pk Cshniry d .fttl EEnrs i rso'ficdnc o.ssd b.rt dmkyh.doD6 of tlE CE* by .oBidcdng tn. ldv.ituA dicEd bir$lr sM.. s NFly $ylitic d.vic6 oppo*d vdalovsrv Tt. Fom.lirB niutlv t

m-*miru ffi*$#ffi#jt*

'dF d. or ch'tuili. . b.-* { is-"d I r-'h!. 'p..'i ud L .p".rd n. u@risl b-** , r'k; d.' ,-d .volubddry pod or via v'$ r sdic eo, orvi.:.. . v6closq sw sFdism c r Fknundd or Frd' rd u( Btrr, r Elnlr ol .u5@ snd h. t b wo "BUd @tmt PeIx! k' tt C'fu?,l ftn in B. xturv! ',tfl!

r@ th. dcliee of Dld consh.dd rd tb. d'1is or srylchid dEdicrl ligoi6cd. for tb. scFbv-d.! r@_ @ uu,xy rdnd in rhe cic wa tound to b. orros6 to


&lfukqur""d u4d*d.d.E

fi'mory.I"E i fb),FodrMfu (dricas4rrv 40r eN ners (s som Po'lv ''fod'd o-."a * b b' cr''flrd 5m( ilii.".a i"""i (n.s wNch4l -riu tdrpEd 'slf b lost<Mppm8' d slv $n. rvitm wh.h Jo)'unY ftkri


po rh. dhrcgnph' ulLv @ddad ii rh? Rry Mtur' q oI stMRdc rid'Nr6 hc dE @c

ii otup'ndr' tn' p**e*r-"ttv't"-' *lrr Fl)mlr.u uhtrnlv cNId d 'sra w lf @h.! uFtr s.Er'l qEtdon! or lir'nry '6rMd pnm'prdll 'I & d8h {nh $. Pd.bnvrinr cl'nn'd b^n Gdcr th. clrh vilh valoaky i gd

*r'.r.ui r"*ri,.

r orm rdr*

.t-na u. r*

"* wE nor 6pon @nK'd v'd $. m* dr N Opola! w' 8@r nbl.forir:oi fic onuarv sr wrcir(on(i8bLv

r,'r.t t'i'


.volurion ,Jid, thmbv on 6' sn'dtr

or lrdirv

tn. r'^' d h"a4 F*dd rd ph fmuh'i.n 6r ttu !.rc, .)!.P1" 4 rheaf@, nd rh. 'rq,id *i$ Tdvro4 bd lh. fIhionif of rhc $hier or' by rh. itr44!dg9|':! t!!j!r!|I@E.! rupdr8Ji9.$6. 4 Th. fmr or M E.rplridbk by d'. h'3 | ord:$.yendjulljfi.dby'r'.irEdin.slo* l by I itrs *'id or r mEl i! nd rcomF]nhad 'h. iihdu'is rvrlr. ld .r:npla, but by simply / ps. ln $ doiis $. uin nurd B / kffiprrx awof tlrsthaichsvhichuid.rlicbdnlh. I tursidon dd !E slowi4 do*n or rh?r.non.+ y .*rt E@Gosottcn tu rtu Ndz. )5.* sid.s rh. rtutuc of d* mEl, cmFriry th. Fobl.d ot pldeirh . probl.moadE* '@ neE. or &uii8 *hI hrd htP b.!.d Dponin. 'lzmb/! v !md.D pof ts n 4I ri .i b n v $!c -!ol 3tx . livjig rp...b p{cos rnd @.lizd . snramd @ $let i md joind by Gogol a rhlt G 'nd oni rt ! h wncb dridLrio. dmi.ry, s.d slt in rh. toc, rnd so d, pl.y . rpairl ol. Fd rti. Fifi of vi.u inpdr | !G t .bakd bo* rh. shcEd of tt. czdd r.!q* toE ro rh. dr. by rcpluins rh. Jt4z l*irh ir' r*rdor.r pG, .k.) *ith tdtiedd'dle rho dtmdic dc.l@.iio4 I diru$.4 in Lhrs.mdio!. .d or rr'z 6zarc&, a th. lpdldsn or ft 3da.quts d ulitc rh. nut snc iD Ir. lre.rdr C...Ertr i& .nd ibo. Cqolt ddjtidl lim oaa$ft 'lmdicis D6v.n u,*..'s.ry bd n.jluhior'jig 'alsn


;ffiid*h"r*b,p-"'r.d.-.r*arv*nnu;ro' *:11! T::J::: i' or:,'s * 'n. i.-;.r."rtv '"d i* .r'r'"-*", *i'r-r inrds G oritrl.6 prNlc E|ll.q - o dk -i-alnc drl.NE Hd' $a rrirr md or; ord.,rknry si,l3.rM nisil':, .Tll:"*::,
";;oi;;;^ry'khRr ii N.iruo' snd DGsskv


shuoBrr i@@itd r,$ $sR wi$ Ef'!d'rl ctuqi&(dt po'+'j-l-' Ft .+ ot "a,r*m'"r a..*n;oo I H. rdlhn d'd ddordtrtrE

l e@rved inprY -u.a tdn Tl* liEruv ca lls or

' t:

1T n:':[ ;1 ffi:r;'.f#"r"*;':: :illilf;

old6 Fl.rdmndl Bdnata!

in* * .:'.1 " *" t " . . y " r u*

*i.. o. *-.1.-

;ffi Htr *H*#xx'.'*l ;H,:-$:lT, .-"*"i4.

"^asth !n. rJmrY or nodls rd 'aM' "^ L '*m ts 6' dprsrcn

in@i'y o{'hdcr b*,"*,r,*..".d ;*;* NrMtrv dsiS @ rnd 6o.d .'cued rh.i' fomldss lts oI lNssl. tnd Eol'mid rs'ic I i:on liB djidd nl ftr rM clE of tud corpoeboi'l d'vie! rD lFb ndnd I ou6 cdidmmB

r Ml tully rdivlta M o d which ddibdrly do.r .v.y forivrion sd pDtdB dE nd loibbk m.di5l fo rh. illumindm or. Dt r va* \ $':L iiEmn.d tnbLnr. Bot $. v.ry *i$m. sh s Dlr Cdpra wi'i r d.l' de.r.d turuc, \ tur I .srmr tnc ELvrE ot r.r? r@lm 'h. o* rhn dE prcblm ned ro b. sbr.d s F"hkhr, ' -d litr.-y Fobl.d. r fm $. fd thd tn y E JiriiLd, Mmv.r, s *w rbl. to.rpl.!r wons or lih@.n' ricly io thl lir!! of rh.e pobl.B [d pdmiplq a Sbtld*y did *i$ t ltM $zi4 shjdovrkyd oily rk! rh. bel rd illEht d dl@1i61 po.irid. n 1eftd an6rio! to srE it *{ .hni6c.m 6d oc 16.b..kcMnd 'l@rn inE({ in of

ii mncipr* d-".'a bv th' rm':iEB 'lc ' x ssr.* 'is'in'-' nd onrv srffc 'd""pr*. '-i.r"*, t' ,r- . F'"i:11 '

ftdv of

*, *Dls 'o

*.higdk' iiom.os
ool ]Nd

't.s-". idrs:

nf T-r5:I#ilxlffi fl"i"J,lf "5:ilil i*-io .,a ,r"u .o**o* '-ou


sh*lovity poinld or sGftr d.tbs{. hyinl bft ddsn d of hi. ndho&of sMiisfitjelr,,?r shtu ol the d.l. 8. rt r sEd h.d.r'3!d.d.h. violarii! byhG Lrd slDm 18 $t Norfm Id of srn6ljns dr 'Il|Jwol Fslt.odEnb it !.d by hi. h! Mclusion'M dr 6e, Shuovsta fmuLEd thl drftcr b

lffi '; *'":s"1lT;:;l"l*llxm:ll;

rod w. iMd dlr w cdld id c r(mr iloLt@rhdwhdsru uq &! *srs ntlu $$ bv irElf Ths $' rm?rrsE

mw n lly *ho w dly b.gju,Ds thtlr Nt s sho nd !*o *b*' ins lnLFbd.Ddy joiD.n * Oplrdz g$p so@ ofrh.' sF.i.liz.diDocpbbl.dofPet', of@*, Th. FMnsli4 antnEd upodrcpir3 .tr dE d._ 6.rkr poett .d prct. itr odd ro cduidn lilldid dt synbolist. who wa ln.n rn nPri.g 6 flE * 'nc.
r& d L ry r4 d rd '

7h, m.o'loJ trz "fon idffil'nt bo$ lo $sd dc id.a oI. dohimL upon*hi'h ro i$bt rh. idd or i*" pot'i. rltc i. "'0 " -s*".a .ral n6'"diy or Ee Otr $n baii i prcpocd b dBis eunh ftc fuid5n.nbl dvlB of :vrc pct : dElmldt Mv .ntiE b@l n n lodic, did Mrcedd|l. iddici). &vdd 6 6. Fculjdiio of th. Nlodic alle+o peu!' ddd h d& nrdjtl of $. Iytur ot Z-hukoYsl, T\^l&rav *h.mrizrlos rnd ril Avoidiry Frdy_itl rrmdor I .nd.i ili ffi *nn dE oviction rhd "id sk"fi'*orlq d' I odi&.[y b s fd & md iopoblhm d d@$!ry to clfiry or r rtum ltmo ':olrstrdsFdiry, rlkm6 n md. of rd rn di* psis]l fx6. h dd $ppod ,d .hns., bu. $. Gcts dEv balp di-dd Ddic.l sbdi6 sdl @nriE tu !.dirion.tlFi.litcd Gdn BI}!e{ aor} u.d @n! rheSrrb.lnI 6@ricia sr Chukovsra,ad dr.6). bnl ir !Ed!.I, @.d itro pc ck. rhtisi.d .numc6rion tld lct *bar hrd b.ld i! domiDd ctncrdisric He rba ntti.,l 3todid or Bdis Tohshdskn Mltrdcn h hi! r.rt Rustdn ILBf@ioa DLvcd !\. mcr sisnilictnt ol. Tn!* 6 rt. stldt of d_ difpliDc titb ! rEv r.ublidiq ld bedc sid'rt, rh{v of v@ linir.d ms! of pbbLc. tll. i{d.I ldld i! fsr sbg. osttEd ld'1tk Pa@d./ T@BtElt*y s t\ltli^t lb..ndi @vidr c(lN dfd.wlopn4B wNn! $. tonBl ru$o4 iddludbg is a&mpr b bllad.n d dicb die 0e ro Eltrt n b dE sbcbE orpdi. doDof rric drrhm 'd hiru;. nn 6sv ,le drmDtd b so b.vond rh. id.. or'd"


n!.s :nd rcsuldionq bd $nd is r ro'pra pha nof.DR ft$ ddlni F"lirr iisrcs d tljltlc .fid o di:L rh. sthnrig of bdtriaD|| romn b.cas dt lonon P.sGk u6t 6.dt@ of v4 i! nd fuxv lxtlrjn d bv. iinsi. djsG jn slidnry fd@. $d 9atrY 0xna t@i&rr" :n /thD an6 dml. rh* d @$izibt f..@! itd. mcq, rb* pcEy cd b. da.dbv intotiS {l|l . pcFm on oily dts so.dary ttu nd.tt8r tuId tit pEq||hh. Th. tmpoftnr i&a or r rhrlhnic imptrlF (ri dbldlkur'd dia id Bnk! wo*) wi6 r !4.'1l lnldhit tumtior n nnylhnic d.vi6 n,Y gandPdc in vei@ G sss in rhr @dd of 6 diniettvrhnjc.n6r; d.rE h.Y dodin& rfiour *dlF uu! d 'hn m*.'y tt-e * tr" dai@ a. ou ch,x' d.vic dd.EiB or I sivo 'nao, thir 'fir'hnc k ol rh. piscdt dl1ni of th. rtrL t6k p@y diy b. oldificd 6l pcty (..3,, il* d.E irood or !h. Drd! ol Ittnr/). idha&raldlc Fct]l (dE or Zn*ovslq), chrMic AetY (cl)']r@ 'lui4 rhMhr y6 oI Rtr$ir SYmbo[M). Pdic fod. !o mdrd6o4 ir d coDbr.d {itt orrhilg cdd *hic! ta bc! l2bdiodt ta dsidc isef-*irb. b lod{imd s Ih. 3dtri!! dd isido inis for-bd of p.dic :pdt T]!u th. va'Y ida ot lrddrood ii 4li{ *d*a da3.d ri|\ r rc* rDd w b h'! dqy or az,

I I I ' '

,"i'i. r,"s*r. tr-.'n

'sild!.rv bir shol "Tlf, pnblcn ol lnlnD n.Bi it i. nther L\. ditbibutid or .tptna isaund -.ny.,d. " ' ," s1.,* kd dtPen. R r rb ronrk



tsry dp16ecd rhis wid ed Id ds$ ol pnft'ple Hft lte @!d Fnfli(r bdEn th. of ir1nn k sol!.d bv md.' sd 'ppLvttr3 'd.r 'hIlrd i! rdc ro .il or th. .rdcdb .l 5p.Eb rhrt prrv r pcn in ofpbtrrl iDtondid and v.s fto.brls3 rh.shcMof dp,\.!y (rliLrari@, .tcJ ft phca si{t bv sidc drh tbc dy$norgqdimrTiswce a 3 sinll' nnit in !b t4ci*nichtuncnoil tp..ktlM'! @don of Dery. wc m ldgd eq rhc liE a $dd$tns r rn$nic rni&on bv dskring d ad' dich celd Gt jui'ins b dc n.diol fod (r vi.w qhi.h zl'jmmskv coi_ ld ,o Lln?r' ri.n d ro .ht id in Li Fw sdl /tftttu
of jG $un& it subjd ro




E krrnd L'@n ,ivrnr. H. @5.d 'h4 ,v1E..d16 fdliry , ro ri. soid oru" rssr{r q: o!lF ''rdIdd!dGk'rrmrdi rnkbcl .lmrd d r: ' dic fw n tu mnd drid EfiEnM' 0f qE n@ 6ufu sus.." H. rpd,.n "us @d!*ce!x14!-F+'Lryq b $. auamn of d. dfi.trc. barTi t': ePEb. qu+i idof tr{Li(,r rb04?sd os.d rrc Ldsu!.:.N6'io.dsG $dsh l:hbud) hadlror.\npLlmtd ihuonor I qud .omMnG L/rd 4 u rb'rql' inf'qldl in sxFy, J,Iob'dn s[o${ dn ir lrjstcd iD both pcrictl

\ I I I I

I I I / '

Pdic T.*.n.tDsly,

b o4di."d dy PhMic

id tm clcmr

and dri ".;a.'',t",


l lIsu:s. bd 'i{ r" p..,t r-g.*'

m pd'krl l4gurs' i R @n ru ti :* 'p'i "


E iornrd th. orisi0i o'Mrion b'rkn UNI 6BGn'" 'nm, ndhod lnd linsu6r6 h'd bc'n gm{ins q.!rr. DF fir hrd d'\'lop'd hrw'n orl'c 'rLlkr.M sDF o Fd $d w m ldg" Erd 6' -5pa! lcB 's


rtufi..qdth. ,rFy.nov @ld n*. dk mrion of f(m rurc corpl.r by showirsth.tmirdymic'Tn.ujtyoarhcwo*nd . cloFd, syneuiol *bolq bd e sholt lrt.l** G nd rxis indiczdotr ol aqu|jity dl @mpldn, h! i*!ys dynuic iidi.dioE of.oftlrjon ad iDr.gdi@ Tn fm o idn y N*i mo$ bc tholghr Rhyrhn ir h.E pedEd 6 dE fud.ndbl lp..ific fdorshi.b pdEc.lllllcd.n66 ofpo.!y, ftr objtiE isn of podi. rhr1nn i! lla .ftblishn.n! ot r ,r)rtri. sEry *hw uit ud ri.r,-r lrid ri{t by tid. drh ach odE. Atrd, rynyoov riim &. p.incipd dinindiotr Pccy, a b pG., cnd! rNId uitt dd n.hdr ds.n murd m lN$no objd, pavma lh. mio Tlii v.ry "\@Mom$" poii. of lh. pm f'dd hcins sn6ln.n ovd. Ind..d, n 6id 0r obif $jd ! i.w foa..,, Any .lc@o. of proe rrqsh irb tn. pcdc par em h turlom.d itu E@ by rhd flitrc .f n *hich s$d ic tumtion md *hicn dN hs rwo EGi isF*: thr .npncie of .h. rblrtlr.h! ficrrid-and rlc d.lod.rioi of .h. wo,'1mtr



fd iB oM nn.rixk md rmL. E-h wod or d ! cmpl.r inrfttiod or rtrft: rpr*nb coneqEDtlr $. Job of ft? ssd.nt 'my d.I^iir rha iion of 6c rpEific cnildr of $i! in(drid, E{Ii.. I mbd rhi rh. p66km ot rlE dilturid rd .hinsc of tom-rb. psbbn of litftry .volurion-ir wid thdic.l pohlem. Tt FlL ai*n nrMll, 'lois l.D ol lir.q .vohtiaD risa ir d sid.nnor of V.lbsry t vi., oarr, l]lc ssw ( rcw t(m i! Ft to .tpa$ d.v snEnl hr b Fpl*. old rlm ) I.d to . rcw ud. chssins fm i. lnddrood a rh. Ery .@.r, oitully m.dditr8 ro ib d.Fnd.Dc. uFn pr.vis ifrlg.q $o w Btunlly hd ro |pp@h n siind rbshq rjdy'tuda nmiroblq cl6rt6l Eh.nd; bd w nd b en.id6 tF cificrlly ib hbbnd *oe ,nd sisDirrczE. Tle |!pa:.h dcv.lqrdib oM rird otdualFap*tiv?: rn pcnpetiE of dBr.ncd shiy 0*. Sh{oy.*y t lrtlapndt ol Pid andny v.Br lt ladr), whjchqGql d r sivo rbfftisl piu.mrndiBrg'Iigbilityb$.o oalitn y dd $. p6pdjv. or hisoricd sbdi.l'..adi6 .Yoluho a 3urn. Tn combdtion ot dv.s, borhorsmic b rh. $b*quot d.v.lortrnr ofLr'. fa. hrl inel d*d | &ns or Dd md rcry ompl.r trntt 1.tu. mmv of *hich e still lrFly.d &d cw u.d.6n .L

::'trd:liiT# Tl'':tl::fl+'fffiH#'llf,
m P,at)t;not Poak tans!'s' \hichn'n rppadlun ft( studvd Pry.mbg! drfi.EG kMd .-nh{,z.d |n. eo irvrc .sl l'trstruA sd rh. $udt of pedc lssur8t

*^ u.r. +o".2,r,.r""-" "t"im 'in A|1: TY3 * ...-1 " " ' t.^ t' .a u' .p..,i .'


jiIJfr ::ri; r, fr l:;ftT, lll^ :l'$ff l"iifi

dbl enc l P<4o, h fi. inlarucdoi TYnYuov eys:

quk Ewm l"n* nudv or p..uv hs or lrt b'fl

. n Is*,if;**; xH*;t'lY"':;x \n:*lm:'*lr"m;ffi";s:

ffi-ffi ffiffi


shdsi w \rtr d.r opmd, in r. "hoh ridd ,. syknan b'sMms d r' l kpr rro -m.mb., l5ddv. Bd Lr,. n"dv or pcsv hn b'rn sttr: r I hJ rrcm Ndtod or Pdic hng s' 'd

p-'p'' r"u'**''"*" I i"".u"a*unatv,t'.

ot r'*, o t"o' i'a^a no' -' I lu N ""a" 't" I l""d".iL\. rM rtu ''P""i'" B s"*p*"' I l*i.'- ,t" w* t-g."g' i"at "' *

rl:*'xlll*::t#ll'*91"": ut
tv * tv io h'a'i I .i*. t--.* "s'" '"o rv.-'s' b*a | *,.*," " -'*, -'*r Udr un3!'s'i6.

:,'Ii"iff :Hi"T"ron',ff 'j'Jil,'*T'l'H

h LIL Tyly&ov .ls ii*r ilr qeslid of rh. mFUl r@pr of dE F(m:lnb ^ftilv, d.vr. ,rd h du!r+r4!.!!!ql4 d d dE ddirdy l.lbnc ndingr ot rh. vo!n! s dir , Filkuh {ir--i pnphl& irposibr.) o ditr*ode, @u d (r .4 whicb!t:s.mer4 'on rh. Bril pinclDl{ sovldihs rh. .brt loD8drpply? Th. dtia,@d lon ot TynymN: bok eM 6ir qudiotr 6y dc6!;ns ih r@. firrhd dd *tunti4, Thc feB rhowcldlr lha onl ps.ndims r uiliai in p.r by T]lir asllou! idr'sd;d or cotrF- ,t io ! tle f@tul dd moc @npd 'nyftn. 6v6 &.r @ud ii ordiEy rp.*hrhi{r! e mde coftl- I

t .'#{r[tu[]#'titT.Hn H'fi lrm:n{d;rffiirJ.'###

Tlus rh. FominB rb$do..d Pd.b Grpr.d rhc cdclusio emld d vnh ir dn ! ncw bdq ?dtryorv.*.T,n. Ysv . Nat !.mi@d s ro 8tup .v atioir of th.* id pftt lm.l b $@ bcc@ cls.yo d.iy csurily .cqlridrd wtrh rh. op,F N to* Mristd nd in sm rird ol mnc fomrl odhod, bnt in ! $d, olrh. rpeiic p.dli4irid ofrtlnal obj@r Aerj', Tlny@v rbbd d'js: nE objEt of I sdy chimirg ro t! i tudy of d ou8htb b. s Dailic du n b dirtih8uish.d f'm


#'qi:':ti1y,i'di,*tr*d tr$ffiff

rG Hft rgritr w w confrcnd lid in. hdiri{! rd.mic si.Ig dd th. pcr.Enes or did.5. Id N s.LDt wa linr.d ro dlys rh. dd.nic hij(y af litdF biosnphicai d prycbologiol ,tudic dnry d. gras, orc()|le 6tic'y ofRusid li&dbc a I rhol., hp$ ro coir@ ' ofbringiil dt. 3d {.mpB which .vid.ned 6. in@mioD hiionc, ndlnds iotd r nd.nhl.$. ln. r.dirioDs drlblhhcd by .uri.i hnbi.r llilc a .N.nqtn\ Ht:bD ol


W ffi$ffi
i"iii'" ffi,I,Iil"ffi**'il ";*"'*'-u ;i i ;np'td''i ;;;;';;;
'**" r*.a t" l'*' t*

***uffimQ ! on6. $mi..

lr*:i:rruli$ri,ffiii:t ;ilJ##',',il#p#

br Lkn4 .srud *s onprrc'''d ,T:,:1T":hT5

;*"'"','**"' ifi i'lHilTii'ii o*'* *i:i"ffi;J:ie:!:i;i::*:r*:rs"*

'iff i,TilHffiiJ;;."*lltT:::","'iifl

*;# ffifrttu ***-l.,r'.:. ffi-H$f#itft

qih $. rsMUon of h; s $

fi**;*lF{; [*:H::r}:*rir ]t;*t



'ssst l"if"lilili.;ii;' ""; "'-'.'".."'* :flff ;;;l.^'* "1"'::?.':"l"lT ,.*i,iff

[ii*11".*'."'**" P"";*"* ' "'u"

ilT,:';Lff :' i; .n'.i'"ffi "*;\kn'o w'r'k ;a'^'-rb-'L'ba

., :s:::r*.=x+-fr##*#,;;'#s;fi lr"*"-T",*nl: tff *"]mr::l#;*"r.#ru****m* '*,^,"" ffi



ffil*f+ff Itrffi-effi tffifi*kiil*"'il,ffi

$t hdi o$or cefullv.:plind @Dd of lihM).id ;.il vd}- torins chsg6 in s.rd slvles ad s otr As a 6u|!rurylqgonnffirdfdlclmrc||3i1ffi' .h46d, 14 .hi.rlv, lnc \.rv ptrBs or libnrv 'vofutoo bE d.|E Th. ydtla d oI ti *riB ol pnbLtr E B: tunnd diffd' A 'w .;do or rh.ffiicil Id hnuicrl lirErv d'a inbdu' M e 6n qs.m* iio! of E* tuirl P6ins 'd sid ! goml $M.rv T'l elurior I sh.ll fflud. of U'. lm|] dfto4 wbidr I hlvc ti'd b psenr" ba s' IdofIE@id<,.v.lo@loflhddHlFincipLiolB 4h or u! Pbv'i Actu'lrv ,drtu 'odiyid!:l ; *o* of rh. or')d: sure *s c.rffiry orl*'jva k *s tlit *rr obviourt beru* fFn ln. Erv b'srnn'ng w ud.rbod $. hinoric,l iaft ot d afi,n ol $k d drariidiYidu'l Thie *a our s lb. 'mn,i *iA rherims sci.M ief n $nr di.rMEdN 'voF_ nhcacbri'ay 6' tr J hg, rnd w d.olv'trsrL$ "bdl L Fmm $c disin, oudi'c or ih? coinid or pctic h$ Pdlcd N proc..d.d b diff.kd[d' e llsus. i.,.r of Eto6r hdFr8. bYi6 \ sd Di 6 d.limn dE n.lidds or pcdc ad cmtioml lao_ '!r) pr36 ozrobq)- Alois wi'n drisw

(rvncri"r' ip-i31 fod or sp.{h b.viis sP4hl riiguhic Lidl, id kndft) t6o.! a Fbn rhc ida or plor d shd$e w licd 'o s und.Erpditrs ol mnerid tn r.ds ofi$ molivtuon lnd p&_ io m und.rbdjig of nderi'l6 m d'ftd tsnht liciparinein llc .onsrudon borsubo 5 Frcm$.cg@Dm.n'or:rinskddic'zFdnabL dmdi@ ro IlRUoo Dd fom h.t. ro D. qu6b0n 0r ft q rc pdhm dr hirb'i6r' adruh; or (om 'n. 'n! A ubok ev sna of Pmbk6 ras ui a rYnY' sovt t{Fr .srx r,ikrd'Y aa4 shd quduon ol lhc dahd b.Mn lif. od lihNE is Po$i' i whi.hmuy p.Eod ds*d onln. b:sn of' 'inplemid?d Ermpia or hd lif. b{ djl.nundlm. 5hoqn:nd,lonwMly uf how liFn gN'n 3'M tr "ounip $. Fi'l uf iB daFnmdon I p';ptuq bu' ii i5 pre i. +*.ri,". -'-..,,r,l. rrr dr. rivh ot [r.du., fon lihtor..s brcrva'4 ud Iiom lfr rslr, ia{pknom.mfio" ii'orh'sdE_ |hough|y ol|.d 6js .s'y I,'. I'@D af ^ ' " I sN.. ob{o"rlv ! sldch ot iB dlh. -ro^iMd,'o4 ordid. Wc hI. m L\*rY L\.r tu b. Fs B 66rv d'd hdrerv turg' d @drmd. .iv i kdl "'m itr rd w. !E m w[ hnd bYturu, but rhd r c& b. .void'! wlrn * r'cl l'\a w iBir ro 'h,nr trv. rh.o ld dPlrinr ftrvlhing ' lrplddis rll pd ud tusE dmu d ll1dml'Eut n& $r dr fonnrl d$od b! @ inv.tisr o ha dcpd'i lM spirit'or si!'tift l' a v't'

Virginia Woolf

Om of rh. miju' no\clnts of $e rhnrierh ccnru,y,Vigini, Wmr ws rlw! p.{.pltw .rirh,l 6s} 6r qho *roG frq{nrly fo, r\. Fz.r Lz,ad Supphn d, Th. Dial, Lik a.d tzt*s, stt oth.. jornats dd ncssp,p.s_ she mr rr.4cnrry on English wom.n!6 dd on nod.m fidion, rhc best knom of the lart r bei.s "Moden ficrion ed'Mr. B.nnedand Mh Brovn. TodaXrr d e$qyB, \h. h: .l howr.'. br tnoh tor hrr f.miri)r wiiinE) iD ,,( teh ,/ O4.i On^ a lld.

wstr oro nor... r L ! Fander. H.ranc.m\ wr. dape,, d my nu!.tDfr woutd " b.: ncn ! a8.r 3t *om.r, ni.r.d.6hdinsi b!k.n !h. ex.s, Td obovc alt lhe pslchologicat condirioDs urd.r shi.h wose._sd ncn_w b@ughr up In iti, l6t Esp.d shc bclo,gs b . hdition of wrjrcs oD rb. $bjdr going b,ct lo Mary


m nqory' w@n a Em N'rlgulrs !\!b'.d irr ovn rind or ind.Fn&n!!.1h. v4 a r.mnEt wbodh|{ed rhcwonl,'.mrr{. . dd rh. ha!bc.ndkk.d h. *-.

6,4fag++--S 4+E::!lr1ll!E!!i"e',"@9"li!ffi8

_l , l1


or.n p&dc'fth'oric' ar I did ;dt ilr D.dit ! F m tl' ldarl '.L: or ro rf\ I F*"d.d-,h.d-.r'*h-q""rndrrcEh'ebs'r&i

I * qd rroq @ptrri'lr u*. ! i',ai"e b{i di*ns iihal ftdm( br 'p.-r' lpai --i."r

*ffi/, : ' "f f i J '

niddl. de

(p. r94' Md lohn sMn M,[. rj441!_C!I&r

nov.h ,ouchon rhi,


: U " i ';mftl & " " r r . " dv $

! 'I dF ida ormYdlo * rded.d; bhl pen d da @ 3 u i.;.

dd lr hctd tor i6p6rld

ditf@nc.s b.r*q

tcminin ftnd ol h.r ribo ss roydd a6sotut .4uatiry wirh drn ,nd rh. @uE ol diff.rlcca. Wer lEld lo. Bdic,l chmg.! rhd $ould or $atd dtu s wo6cn.s rr6dm dd 6cn suppresed vdu6 bcgan .frd coMprios of pou, fdity, dd ro n r 4{r somn soold co4e

tun ed wod6 rt,


rE lh.;;;.

EEsc nm b-t-m$, ftough rhe .umjns ,mairs_ L{. in nf crc.i $. mc $rwnal !o Egrt irs pEs.n&. but it n.ver cndEty bn h.r ln t94r. si$ lhc M d

or rh. lrint of sd. rlle avokn paciisr rookhe, ownlif..

Viryinir wmlf\ m,ny $ork &. pubtnhcdby Hogdh pftq Th. .or..r./ frorr.diredby trundrdwstf in fou' votumer,a$edin Igcb_tao7.In sddirion 10 R@d.f O^. t Ct\n. !.. zt\ot h. Co4ni Rnd.. \tal\r, jhe S..ondCotur^ A

Coursein General Linguistics \




u. !


;fi'$fu t



'9 r!4' :d.


bddi s rE ftl n_

ir o EE -*.."4-.,"0-*rrr:an4b@r]Fm o f- 6bori! tu 'h*r:' rh I q r h d i r 'l. 'n d r n .r cr A! .:L.r-" l ^ 'o u ) 'b h 4 :tr u r c" '.sd r ^ "i;**i . .,.r." ;a . *L..""r... . " D d th ' !!D r F! r r ' i 0 G .- " "Ia o .rsrq u l l ,- '',.r b ."d b "'* '- ' u i : i " ^ '. J r . " 's- -

Y*[ .rff h:r;ffi l:tHil;.Iilf

! ."@ete'".gi4ar"9q!-+t-

't l'fould mr 'nplv'hi n' 'idd ol6"r@S!-9ll 1 u -- r !b $ ..F3 r "sj r lGhg l *r q kr d 'E@ l l l u r ,b 'i .'Fr "sq 'r l l q b l M 4 !!!Iq l l !!! mE brtug'rlgihsv"'l:Etr ll d*m'h'\r'r b'"o n' 6ub'ii'd m hddk @mu[lyr' nM 'h"s 'hc q,. llLi
I! corcludii3 l.t N dnsidd t*o objdiG rh'l miSbr bc nied ro ti'. ahblishncnr of PritipL l: l) otroru'opo.ic oishr b u{. 6 rrcw M 6t choid d $. sjsni6.r k ior sl$r ubiErv tu ooo'fu peic romdidns @ nevd orsoic .LddB ol r lhguth 5ys6m. B(idd, tict Dunbcr h mu.h mtllq 6d n 3b .. y sDpp.scd.11'6& li*. F.!cb Jad |]W 6.kt 'k .ll m,y,rik c.nlit 6 wil! 5W3.s@ $ddilv' bs rh.y hry. nor d*ar. h,d ibis FlFdv w .r.d s !- Lhar oJy d.toi. |nln L.di rdr3 (t'.d i! daivd rFB,o G xMdof .@Ft ), Tb. .16 fmb 'bdh-d it .dd uE qu'rrt ,*"d". \q,n .r ,r,* !.*' "r$rt!'


lr!bsk J*;4i,, r"*.*;'rinqbot amsl'opo{uDs l - - . . .,,--.a - - "".t#" i ,i t r , r r* : , - ^ . v , . - *n ^ ' i r'in,t 1 1L.\'bt'd.\\ot"a ot th's+1

r." '4!4r!l]9"!:qirr44-!4qr!r.:rEr!4!+ ,!"".b lD!ci5;t !"""!frI* "r"r." ",


w ,-4fr

| I I . ' rlE !ign, b{ ir h ond 6id h dia b ir lr poF ple FrinciPk I donjni4 ir d. h_ 'F n Dlnencs x n pk*r .r ,!s"4., @"."qr*d 'E M th{ rci aI dr rh.m e .quxv obviou! d fiRr slde; ody |nd My &rom dca orc di$ovd ih.n ad *ith &.n rh. Bino'diil ;dpatuEc or th. pdlciil. On. m!+ in psing: vmiolos) b<omd or qi[ se/d s r rHd, lh. quc.tioi


- il:r",$f r'"Hi;ffi
*-i "t r.i-itd

*r'"i.'. i'r'* nro' t' r'"g'^'d

or 6. uoflsric ris poG s 9!

xflffir #ii"tr; ,1't'i"Jfr

'5i "r Bult of pbdic 'indMr.d b $.m. i r fotu,h6

;p.,ry *tda."r* "r*P,""t' 6d BN'l rigis, strcts Fnrominc Supposing in. n!*

wlcon r l])cn, ib mrh cd4o *iu iill b' $' r.E or tlc ihol. grdp ot 3ysd s@d.d d dt :JlitdiEs 3ig.. In fa.! clcry m63 of dprdrion !:d in 6d''ry B b.havi{ d-*bar ba.4 in priicipl.. oo olLdiv. don Porir. t()Imld

ffi#ffi#H#.ffi ,,r,h*&b!!E@!UIE\

Irz;rTtra-rl u\1./ll\T:-/{

,:1 ,.'


As rq iurbmric oooE{dpeic a.r& (e3 3l!3'tl!& ,i.t r'.1, .r.). noroDiy k L\.y linir.n in imbs. bDrrl$ rh.y I cbGn son.whar .Jnid&ny, ff thct e odlv !P onJ iondid of q_ hin su& (ct Enalkh 6,F.toP r.a FRnd o@e). L addiiio4 oer rbd. votls hav. bao i$!du..d itro rb. Lngus4 rh.y e ro i <djn .dr $bjetd b dE te dolurion-phm.rir. morbatogiat. e eud.ryo (d. ri8.o4 uximklt foq VllE tttijtrttirt nv.n in M frcm a odmdoeeio fomrid): obvi@ t. .l''ll& qsf $d lnry 16. soncnins or d.n 'ign'd whkh ;dd h GMc UEi of ttr lhcundc aisnn s.Ml dNly r.rit d to oloddDfEil d 2) l,r.rydioa b. a@ct d or thc sm srobds dd .@ tu d@ ro F tudns our d6ir Orc is rdFld to i! rb.E l!.tuN doa$;otr otMlitt dicbioL so6 sF:\ bv ut'nl t@r d Bdfo.moxintdrioswcdsbo*ddrEtilnofn bold 6..@ lh.n dgnjtj.d:nd ilcjt ii!ni6s. w. D..d ody @mp6Eoo legursd ot lltit poid b s ha tu.h d,r.' tid oR ltnrur. b rh. k{ (. t. ;dch dp6sid

Hffi trriffi*ff#'ffii.ff'S#ffiffiS;
A[+f,1s 7


Dssau$ud 'F$N^ND we knov n dll) rh. E glilh 4uiEl?d of !r.n.h,lir iica4uoscdonc.rddswri'Pc_ nmv4ddrnt




ia ..iltl mrc nMd w nffi rilil n-hdrc .k !,F(--'nd dolchr: i' 6 norz Mld rnro*inh thMshtmu{g n,m-m'o dis fribu, I prak $bffi,i,"'d.d


'r 'io4ht



4 b.rm;mr.-. arbrems

F!5 firr uf. rFifionm $ I ir 4n.ntk hdrL r@ rd a i wx ni.N'j Ftid,ty. ,h. q9!i4bL qlwrrs $0w, i r orv d. omkM ^r rh! jMd in.R. of cwrym|o3 b4 MUn .mcn. drv rn. l@d{mrft Md g!qrss4!4!e!_c!s!1!j94!!!4Fpd.d nd

|n{ I n s6 I vjN whd l 16r r re i6b4 l m.m. edns il F d E n o i c s i s I :dDoiLBddi.i.ninuiod'n k no ddiq pb-d*"' d. tu .dy * I *i$jrdEdburonlyditr.rcn'oppsi'iodrowhdPd.ds I -isE

coArd* i r.n a sinpty rh. uniotror. .djn eund vjrt I etu'n 6n..F n s6sly oirta:diDA. To d.nm id di uy @td isltu d. .m 1D4 irr s]eam; ii lould Doi asuning od on. cli s6 non lh. r by rddios rh.h bs.rlEr ehd, oDrh. conczrr, r s :yt.d tuch bdFls obrah ir .l.Dar

Bd h.E k rrrcpDddr: d dE oid n&d 6. @edi I setu b b. ri. oMtrrym or d. r*nd i,os., on $. I r ood brd rh. ligD i'sr n ,n tum E mbEEu -d ot $. I vrh.r risB or t4s!F


rl 6A*@*r;;.r_ '( Y::,/ \j:9,/ Yj1//

ClEpter IV Value Linguistic

| . I af rs @ . f i o r y u n z d T h o q ^ | cu p l.d fl' h ;ghr b. @lL, th. dobrln of dicuhis

iEIy rm( E vi.*?obr ot rh. 3jsnifi.d e mnc.d rsE, ton 2),rh.nsririsrseiotrt,,udrh.-nDld. i;{s_. ri oo4). B.iig u:br. ro sia rhc 6rrc jd6 or eib or . ruStasc dicdr w wr wjrh tur.r!. whih lh. ld 'bzil ud4 n n ror 6o. esh Eenble. o rr," .ia u oc ldlebe.orb.lns @m:6n..q*.ry, *,l,tr -rr


a spaimn .qnivrt.n b rar tmr . r ry*r,rcnic ii "*,iiii

i*84fr ;irt#*;r#ffi T[."", "1i t!['Jr"ffi . i; ir,.,ffi #;ffi

G sqJsyoi tr o$ntuol iha 6* m*r |fflpord vEwFomrivjE a dorht6. d. d. 'En .isnina,i@,rd d.rr in i, i! dmc llrqi

r sodndb.romd ln. 3i9 oI u


r *#:tr,s,"##: i-{tf
l drdroRr,N: r t) |n4 ir @ b..rhe!?d torrfi rdouu. I ury ot I dtf.E, ,r,"s, ..s. b,."d: _d (2r ,hu u .; *


Educins [ :ff"T*:?R:: **' "sk his.e. trJ; | t"*iil.*],*t#,r.s.$#s.#;

nuon@b.d.!.nd.nrlpoF vir* rndrrjlr.dllim, rrm

I ;;;;;';.;,i::;;;;.T;'J.;;;.:;.: lorciMp,r,d.,,i,d.,,orr.,r",,F;.,.d";..

hAa. Caun.
??, FEPNsD@S^lssuE mmin.idcb.. w'{r.'I. Br' A'riran sd dt"zirbr d.



*' #,jl."i iil-",ii.ii;a. *.T::T-:1:.Tl '.
I I I I :

Thr rlrdrid of lintukrk sisn! d.'dy irtrlhB h! Ir n Fc&.tr bers 0F t.m, ald, r. $ch e idic.llv it !l' d:. kvd d sn*lou$cs_{4. irclFbl! of Rhii, i3 difi.cnrthn.r.hl.n 6f onlt It vry, msiNi '/, ficroche&@6diniiobw.rh{mumL!.droicsis_ 6a &!iriv. oiti.! rudion, No p.6iriv. nsl d|mrdjer !lu!dhc4brai,ine(NromrtErz.,f@ddda ;[ s lh. .d,kr roffi te, Latr L' h. v']u. dlv b+ Hm is rdhd dmola $!r lhow .vd morc ddt rh. .yi.ndtc tolr of phonicditfc@s: in Gek ,pr"it i! lt n s srist dthough boln wtrdr @ d ioFrf4t.nd ronEd io $c :!m qy: dt liB( b. ft. Frmr indic.tiv! ofpt.n, l sY, rtlatio Ph,nt: tpha^ iti3I'Eis.lyd'. Dren! tr'iinor lh{ coroPoDdr b rtc Eldion bq@ inen@t rct. Uitnldi: ,ltilan^ @ ). Si36 tuEdon rhaD. LndSi thct itrtsjc v.hc b{r dmug! riiil alr_ er

hln , .ould nor u* . i Gadof cr, for a.IrM skt 'B osnidon io bo$ clco.ns rd nu{ kep dcm .pia Siij_ oI lely, in Ru$io $e n m hdtudc td , io tfi. dldjd /r (on{ariz.d r, fd rh. Bult @ld b. th. dnrulii3 drro $ui& dittcHriard by 6c lsguS! 16.qturt I my b. ltd ha tp.rls ), bd ,l@ tr.&d rnd ,owi. (spidr.d , si*? thit suld dG d lia wirh G.p.d ro ,h s in th. Ru*ih !y!.n or Ph@nF. or rtr|n! it o}ld.bL i0 *n! sine b iddticrl of '@ nga w sh.U u, wirirg 6 dt * iis, ,ndl*r sttt 5m conpdiedr $d w r chity dr. *bolc i$E hf*t D Th. sisB s.d iD *riEs c r*ttJvr tu t rc .oo^Edon, fd .i6plq b.!@D tha le t ri rh. sld z) Tno oI LtE6 is pudt n.saiv. rd dilt.a' i. ditrs. d qir. t lor illl|@ rit. 'rh. s:m *@ {lys: T}c onlt EquiFnd n lnd thc sip fd 1d b. .G fuad in htu siDr eirb U. sllos u5d td 1 4 a l) v'ru.s in adths fudion dly thdS! EiFcrl o@silotr *irhit ! fir.d rys&t thd di6B of . !a |M_ dfush dd id..&.1 b.; oI Lllm Thi ihid ch@6iic, ro r :ddd. k cl*ty Elltd r. tl fd bo$ d.t tn d $. fGL Sir rh. Fphi. sjgr ! r6i!.ty, ib rm ttn6 fd. tr n!\.r Dd6 oDlv *i$in rlE lihihd@ iEFt d bv rL it produed n o} 4) TIE rdr by vlich rf,.irr rh. t}5h ($it pl&ly uDimp.{b! ld it &.s !o{ ''fd l). wbdhq I o|lc 0* Id' rtso fonows iiom ch-ddirn bu i. ybji. or bl&lq nisd d .!snv.4 enh p.o d rhis ir of no inpo'@o riih 6t d b erjt .bjsl-'ll 4, 7h. sisn ir IB rddlt

ffJ[ll'Jli".1ii,i-o*n***" :;;iil;i;' 6"'.


-'11'::r:Y:"iI i:s::J::.'H;;;il'ir g'**.-*"' ::i.'li[T;:';;;;'-'.,s1*l:


l:'111 *.'**..:111**liHli ;l;,-,il;;; ;il."l, ':l; ;:'::: ". ;*"!5:.':"1;"-* lL;lH ;ffili'];: r.1, :::T:.f t:f if fr:g'l; "-i:;'*-'*.=liifl lff "?';"#:';;;;;;;' :i


phonmi iicldi4 .ls.db of lu!!rs., lhc nidj.l Ev.ry trnsr4c fomr ib rod! d th. bah of i :y3h of b.ins d.tlv d,[Nid d.h.Lrst Fnodr.ld.B ' uDitnd @ or r fi'?d numb.r of ndi6.BrgEgggl.!


Sigl'ifier juBer bv$cngmt{sii!. oud'

'4 :-t@6iT;r;',r'4!!L14rsr.E!!!4sqr-, $o!..11 d( opd!ina Ebtik. r'd n.@ri!..dni?s

hf ol ihi! k |n. hnNdc u'd rF.*d hr. k'w(n @inb of coDvds.oe ii rhc ponui.iation ofldiiiid sDd!. ti F wb. for isl@. s.Er|l !* of dotrl rdG ' nd lr.Ent ruy rp..LG f@o uritr8 . ronsuatip iilL lm_ Equc ir rd h d! lEt distub.d by iq ldt!{c 3u3. ooty ${ rh. mDd b. dlr@r sd lor ! .m hjlhr hr& i@. rhd n hiE @ qu ity. I crn *{ ptuu@ in rrt'. /d4 dc" but io Gdrhc F@h r lirl Gmu.n




Fsidn in |s ovnds


a |n'gui!']9

co4rei,c.ngdlD||ui3'ic'125 sd df dififfid ol bur L\. oriring 9r-!l:4!! unn,fo' ir rl{?ys .rPas$ !n oPPo! ciriftd tog.tLr TIt Bl$ od r,r. ldjbttirt of pmomcin3 rwo .Ln.tu simllEmudy. Th. d.netu dr migfn ,i lcqu.nE oD ur chrin ot l'.atin& c-s!U!4ria$@ MhE nzsL( ;\ .lnn ,ahrt 't6.ron ). oic nu{ ,ls ber in rind rh. nl.riotr rld tinti dr whot. ro i6 P[tu (..s. .dk in op!..irioo on rh?oE nb '.!r tn ottut ttu,, ot .MEtuhz ta orfnsinon b .otu .nt tunt4. an objerior nkhr b. nj*! ! lnis poin! Tn. lnrcne ix .h. i.Gri qp. of trMsm. Bur n b.bis. b rp.rriry, .d ro rnsDig.. Dc n ro[@ rhrr rh. ryn An b.lon$ ro 3F.:ldtr3? I do ndi rH e sp.!$i! b chlle,ild by iredon of.mbidrioN: m. nus $.ctoc dr wh.rhd d nor.rr synrasn ft .qurty te It ir obvio$ tbm r fi6r $.r mny .rprrs{otr. b hnsurg., ThE e ihe pd ph@, in uy "{icb clrn8. ir pnhibird by uss.,.yd iI w d sinllc od r[.ir n.hiiStur (.r a r!o, rd? *h{,3 rhr e?.,r. rdnrdd.r 'noncnkl ). Tn?.:tr n h., lnolgh ro r t6s &sE, or.{i!$ims tir. P4.r'2 /a asttt. hrrhwiraq!.hu'n tM w*.h&4 *. @ ta "1r! dr4 .r.) hlE l! nc'/&h., *.). a hft. d. koh4.b.) 'by ditrr of (.*, .E.), /. Db ., &,!r/.r 'h.w do ,trtr f@tzh.nt-\1 ru n.., b.iot. d. .,, ,$c.s no,..d f6 ..., &. wNch r. .n@6i:.n by pdlririri4 of .is.i fic4jd e syDd. Tb.* a,iod{ic rwi* ..@ b. ifrpc vik!; rhcy ft fMnh.d by Erdidd, Trf & .ls mrdr *bi.h, shil.l.nding !h.BEl!o p..ferlr b utyri* c chmd{ir.d by etu hoQholorir.l mmrl, d'd n .olcly by di olueg.Gtdltt lrr.difrnlty b.ri&/,crtlr'f*irirn 4. $n dml.lrt $rjt dj.,l*da. d6nhl 'tll rhrrl sl..r'). nrE & ludna ptuG, 1o tmsu. dld rhh b sF*ins b.lons rh. tydagm ic qFr d{ e blitr upo{r r.3ul4 rdm! hdE4 sioc. rhd is erhins in6tu jn l& Ai! Mry ir relus. hs rcsnEd | $rcD,8. dr 'yF5 i.i!d Nmbsaf rF.,m{' whd rppoq r tir.d r'?.. rd rm.mbtueolr ryF n ln M posibk dily 'hr 'r'6usi srii(i.d Nmbd or lim'ru wdd! b.loos'rsro trsu'sa tine.rdqou. lnprnoL'rr, htd.E L ir'or.nbr.. r. /d'iso6l. itrd.husrbL, dc). Erdlr $. s,tr x m or ih u9.,r Eguld Panns. corbiiaionrlik Lrr?r,rr.' &{oddsms, a!.D,t d,r.r? *hd dc, h. *y b y.u? .r. mBeo'd b !.Eit ryp$ lnd e in sn $pp.d!n ii uE I!ri!:s. by cmck Bui w mu n.riz $n li ir .yn!3d dcc L rc crd4ur boundry b.@n rh. logurgo t .r, which ti r lisn otcoll@dE u.g., rtrd d. f{r dur b.lonSi ro rprrjig dd r,.Fnds on individut fEd.d. Itr . sfar nnmb.. ot




r.mnmn of plsrl! or $. tlp. rva'h I'd!''u l olUmhddfihl?inoppoiiuonldlh.p|uJalwi'nUd&' ofd. mr.Jlhv or! nlmbd oroPpoe[ons sd a.dn$ widiDtu3vs.n. wn ;oln d, ndrh{do.' rcrd',.}t it dJll]iiS: du .v.']rhrs ir op?6'td Plains ir roLl'd bv b its nb'iotr.d ba.pdd wrv.rlrxah cr;,jc fodlh tO id shicn d ud t u' na dnpr' &G t .gu!s'. ii a nuid or i'* *"tr t-n a *r .t et'ti"c $ldv or (sprd ip.l]Jis, s r ryF of"rs ornoskms aoM ot'LopF5irion rddmtgrunc' rdG m ml) drfiddr nM'! 6, bd uniE ed einro'iel c ihndDnirsor I'rsdisr oprsi'ios d rru. fid w mishr*ry *ll.pPm*h LJ"probEm b! L'y rdjns rrcm Fdrod(al liru' T'rrq r "pporron gi6 6r siniLr ir ii. AE d.y only !!c rvo *itds tbl rhol' wodi d rd a, d all sd plunli 'rcj tub *dld mr b' @Dtus'l ir uiiG sd slffdic'i ljiddic d$ wR nd. ut or toh.$h! b6i&3 ditrd' *.r. n* t".g,*. u":'s "h'' l, w lhlx fi'l no'lrioi " iimDL io ir cgri 6i or Nr rpP'ot tu .-L ,h n dE *me onokr aniLbn'm or (fr r,^i"s k rdJE wn .,i",rr" *"o'id "nb' nd d Raz i dlofl dd -.t.uo ttb'tut. lir nft @ld

mrnrna * p"dr a,n en;t i',,t *s!!il! B ! 6mtM]d

F Trdv bflr PsvLr"

fd; r E.s

$o dair:!!]! p.-iE[*E*"n. ;ffifi;. 'h. ;;;;--lF;-dirndfi. findi6n-oFi6-liuxk_ r;d;; " rFnii-,idiali@m nrrh-Eryq! c -'__ _-_ ^ _ *!
@onuo r-*o" r* *oonl hrr.isspd Tar'
nE cMtL$ inlt.l@ *haE rhdat cdotrr r conF!toal chbs. {rd wh.rc n n obvio$ rhi rh' $n of rh. id6 dndtrsish.d od6po rh. rud of L\. dilin.riv. 3is6 wh fd{ tu!.d dftush pnoMic altntion l. s. Ffnch dd d.ctait6 id dtclri trcn.nepur' $' idd 'lolrit s'v 'i' or r wmd rov hrk difrd'0r romr sNlhiDg in .()md {ct../da. thll rd cbin dcrr'r A wrF sc.edns q b.ids su(estul !n th. nri rid Coi va.lJ'rtrtbiepfu'ldffRdp.eircdb'd.nd ck b litrd dptsiotr $sush r dilond sisdjfid d rwo idd. dd e N logd djsde. in ln nind itnd b ndge

erc iytof reE rhdr4dilx!-tr+l::

conpc.d of rwo or nd. cmsurir. !trirs le 3. Frrh z, I'i? 'E Md,r @rz rrlJ ..std .v.r\rc,. ta tn hmia. .cod i. 'huou rjtq rr{.,,1,@ E@3,, lit lon b..t,, r.N sonitd' .it tE lgte( is iic!. ft I so our, .r.). In lnc ardhsm . rem rcaun r i6 vrtu. onty bcrus n !6ndr in ot'podrjdob cvrryrhiB rhd p@.ds d follo*r ouBidc di$ruc, otr rh. orh4 hmd, wdds anir e rrrions of. ditllrcor rind, TioE ln ry, njuhins in stuW, ner.d by dird. Erdio' For inn !'r.'iei.'"/ l*hin3 uilt uiooicioudy cril ro nid ! .'. hsr of dr'.r *ordr (' q!!ii! .rc.i d ad.runr'@ucnr,. .haydat.tftnd iieshiA, &.), alr lhc. ed, e rcrrtd in eft wry s? s $i rrE cdoidinniois fM.n dsid. drome di,fd lu*insry (m ric. rom.d inrid. disotrM. ftoe

r r:q!fug: jE4:99!!!-!! !q : @rdnitl'rif



cF'Fffi frt;
,h 6N ip h .rf6i'. r. a8'iBr ' (him si6 ktu ir ,rkdi, ii r m.

rtlo qr n-'rq. Eu. r!'. BrctrN.

i'@t !.F

t", at ,* ;,or.,
ol nnins

il * r.dinolo3y !n ou
b b'8ug' rh' UogtrBi'

dJds3 Lh' p'n'ji m $d


ChaPter V Syntasratic and As,ociative Rel'tions

*sxnt or * sPot.n chnn lhd coRsPodd ro ' Gnn

'i li

dt Aoli.d 6 utrjE, PnMlpt ord'ff' al th. uni! bhd \'h shbd i; $k *y, ,t. .".-.'."ni., ,/l. ut rr.4 In lbgrrgq 6 in rv lniolosjcar lysEd m sign r'om di*isusk! *ndq AlorlFr nrhd pddoncd cor*quem! ol rhc rm' ld o.lvfi vhl n comodv rt' ninoDl. i. tnr it 'Jl. rd fit lh! d'finiriod oI rh' i.rdd o u ! smmdol

**';?'#$:[*"*.","., "'',"*

ssric vh*Finr r tir. sunic ofi n Ik ! 6i.n p.n or ! buildiig, Lg. r cotur on rh. oF n.n4 rh. coiudr htu a daiD ftl.rioi ro rtE $bdv. dur ir snppotu:ri. of li. so nnj6 ii .p* susg.s6 rt rynbsnlic r.r.rior on tne orr' r,.id. ifrn. corunn ir Dtric, n $ss6b ! mdrr mmedietr ot rhtu $ylr wirh orh.B ltori., ceinrhi4 dc, rhhdsh .d. or dEs .L6!n6 is pEsmr id ip'c. rh. rctarioi i. E:ch ofrbc No.l6s of soiliisrioi 6 5 for $m.

I I I J I I ' '


hdd, woids equia Gldiois

b$; on $. lrnd dr

or rusuascbr'!s'

th'v @

2. SratdsMtr R.htioas 'rn. q6d6 h!v. itEady iddi.!r.! rhd $. norjoi of s]!b3s appli4 er 6ly b *dds bur ro gslps ofrords, r of.ll l.trstlB rnd ryp.r c6nr.{!ds, d'iriivs, ph@s, $hol. snrE . Ir is nor .@sh b oisid.r $c 4hrjotr dd ri.s r$ g.rhd rh. ditf.rcd pdr ot ry lsn G g. Fc*h .erE 'i8ritr$ rnd r,6'.v.ry@ in .etu taus,.ontE trd


:r-#; fi f,*:$1j,1'#::ilT[ffi tr?; ffiffiiijy#i:Hi"-sl11"J':"H"*fi f*H*h:rxm"*;sxm*

conhin d in rtr&trniDrbt. tdpduo!


T. E. Hulme



: fr :il;il;r'+ ni:::::"::t,:Jff fi "


Th. Romd{i. noven d Scnstr.d ns o*n t.0ction Two of dic don pmditrnt nrurcsof rhlt r@tion }@ T E' l{ulm., who*$ kjll.d duringnE FGr WorldWd *6 rnnu'nc.d him T S Eliol Hultu sdislit' bv n *-*.-n"tpo*tv "t'o "ia orRorur;Am,.\p;sed in hk csav Fo,rari.Dn dndc/'rJi! ia r dlhr sbila 10rh. Ronutic GcdC. Hc Egdds Ronudcisn s a disa' d stin Eigion,'' e*ins ol El;sion inlo d Pardvins cdvlc h' mM*s of $c RoMtic citcumdhicnt sd" id sNt or rh' infBr'' Bv wikisreiddcy!ofltonitorh. hc;-r.;.d trbphysc'l md n.crNical PGEvtnatwa cbMtd"d koF*.d dDtibllcd ro $at h ;ir .nd irny. x is no'.urporins HLIr'r $d liort ctiticirm a gFat uolena on ln' N'e critics ftvival ol inrcd ir Doda HuLt 's '; A@*js Mon.d Pe'1 ond th. frolri,n arbck Romdtichn for rc&m sinild !o Hulnct. od Rssm! dsBd lor "Plslonic psL'v is a v.sion of Hulmt didir' of d.Rosdticp.nchantt4'drassiightheintNb BulHul*wsitavibbiviprctlctof son 6pect orln.norehcmh'anack'd of lE BerS$n( 1859-1941) adopcda pdiloso9hv FDnth.IE c[ philosoph.r a vltdisn. d @sickm, dd lnu! bv hi\ oM ldfr $ion acc?oEd 'inna mgdicisb in Col6dsr.ln s.{ror '' l/ko? dJ,4, hetgr.\ ln,t Bdg$d\ rcounl oI Eiljlv tuPposniodin mv terl'snr of di aagM ll].t e iadsv uiv6 ar;rclGior fq .mplc ( I) lhd reiriq n a tM lsciable bv lnc intcu'cr (d* {ti!t oajrbjl! .f;cdtud.!bf oncofdr.etusi..rwavctdd(2)oalbornin, v ndr6lomtt w wei'c ontyonvalionil tyPa *hil. d bIEb dos Drhisv'il v'nicb xu;io ; inNs.d bt N qi.nbtion @wirdptrcic.l dbr ud tv!'lr to B in' id!'di& t litv ctu inlo m ocs@dof th@ oduiot'colld narrn. Uutrrommrs TbusId HulE a'-i conua wirtr ene mo coosi@!i4. an @ld b. ul.$ a is r 3!itl Dod. of lroyinE Hcrbc. R.od t6 .dncd No volm.t of Eulme! oncal wirinS: s?t'rtan"6r Bto\t on E@Akn andtk ihiloroptt .f An (1924)ed N't's on langtuq' datl sNL r l92q. A fiid.oltdiotr of BJlm.3 cnucisni3 lxdtf 5p'"t/"i'4 4"d' @d OPt_ by r r!62,.edir.d ssmu.lH)Tcr'rtr Nmrnbrv s. A R.Jon6 It :ffi i L E H;tn2 \t.g)), Md Phllli( Rr kin." Hulm..Rhhatd:. 'l'L\. D.lclop ud ;r conr.rtutr$r Pcti< Thar," loundl ol APrvti.t ondAd Cnlic@ v'Xv F.d * r9b7 4l l-25. ltr cotuatioD rlnltu,n. oft should l l.nri B'rgsonCzdiw r, ';rolr;io4 uaBl,Gd bv Ainu Mi v},.rt trsrr t nd Laq'ht: Eltt! onth' ll'a' ^' L; Cont., tust"Ed bv cl@d6l.v Brrton sd FEd Roriku ( l9l l ) On iM ol 8.rsfl onaRow ti' Lnhtioni:nisl4r' md Anl s;sen s A,O Lovcjon sutlnst,Th. A.tth4n fhzoO oJB..sson t't9t1t

l. 5. lrlrot

( l98r); Hdold F. Bdts, I t E d 6 Ln.r.rr Oitic (rgsi,iF.i-pa.tx, T. S.aid: Th. Strctut of Bk Ttuot, of poary 1966)i ALli^ Atstj.,I S. Etiot: Ihr Uha.! andSo.iatC itnn\r9l|t.

41 4l'rJ

TIE in0n.ftc of f. S. Elid i criticisn duringrh. tist hrll of $. rwri.ih enlury sd p.niculfl, LlEiDIDcrc nt ideo par6*A in Ttuditio, andth. Itulivklul ?iLrr, war iJJmrs, Lit. Hulm s Ro@ticitu ond Cl8ticltu, tb Ny it n t6cr q ccnair criricalcnphrs in RonedcGa lanicularly tnc alt of sisindity itrd tfi. id.a llar a rdn is prineily an.xpE$ion of $. !.Mmlily of th. F.r Eliot aglcs &!l . gHl pcm alwaysa$c*s its r.ldlon O in uorL of d.dl pet3 anii lnhE ed rhqtrhc pd. mu$ &lclop ! s.ns. of th. pE..Ddr* 6f th. p6! Thc p6.t is Dot.xpE$ing his Fuonaljty but inscad i mldiu H. i @nritually ilEndering hirelalo tomlbins which nor. riluabl..' Pehy is not a oning lilsc ot is ehdio. but m .srp. fron emotion. sotu cdm.lialdr haver6us.d Eliot, oD itE bdt of snchrnaitr, of miipcric cold6s. Eliotl point, howlcr. b noc lik. rh. on. Kcdr. dal.s qjd his tcm nqdriv. ca?aDili4 Elior is sugg.sring r $n rhat ol pttctial .,itldc., b ve Flwtd Bulousht eda ii ! .ondnion of r@.$6n codpditi@ Eliot p!trvides *t{ muy Roouric criti.:sbd.d 10n.elt r cotlM fc lhc nedila in *hicl' thepdt nusr wort ud haDoEstl th. salld Rmeti. yi$6 of qisinality .rd s.!f4rpE$ion, Eti.N'. EMla annEn P.obLdt ir pnn&d b.low h..aus n .o dN .h. w[reu Emida ebouldE objctiv. dddi&' shich cui6 Elid i cmam ror prblcns ol tne ncdjun inlo t dim$ior of disdcpEcric.. Th. r.m ir p.rhaF fiully n@ oyslitirg lnu usful, sin@Eliofs d.fridon ofn ptuvid.r nocld say objeriv.coftlativc Gpe or in *hat it Eally co.rists, E[oa3 lia ot ditical prelic. .mphdizs li. abilirt of the cndc to Mrl d! lireq' k{ brror hi-,J.fullyfdiFi'n.l} ftis an.nrio. d. kr;d conm vith lrsuag. had h.n nisins iD nucb of tn. aidcism 'o Eliofr intudilr. of Elior\ critical woitJ ioclud. rrr Ja.r.n vaod (1920),Tr. Ut. of Poetryohdth. Ut. d Cnticin (r93t). Alr stronseGodr lr9)1), E ert Anci.d o,n Modem (1916),Chtit'iaaiD ont CuhuE (19.10), J./zd.l EiJa}s rer .'1, (1950).e'j O, Po.rr, dnd Po.B (1951).On Eliot s.. F o. Mnnieis.n, fl,' ,{.Liv'n.n, d.fI s tri,r. rcl .d. {r91'); lJ.nad Uasq, .4., T- s. Etiot, A S.t d.a Cnliqu. (1948): Mdd Bronb.r! n. C.iknn of,: S. fl,{sjt Elizibfi DEw' I S. Eli;i flr. D.:itnofEi! Poetrt(19!9):5.8ticy,T. S.Eliot and a ld.o oJtraanio (19&); lt*it Ftud. X S.Eli.t: A.nh.tic' arn gi'brt {1962\iHrEh Ka']IH, .d.,T. S.Eliot: A oI oni.ot E tar, (1962)i NonntDpFry.. I s. Eld (1963)i Rocer Ko).&i, \ S.Elidk sa.iol (l97lI Alla MewbRt x 5, El@rl rnprBaruI m.ory of Paetry(911)i twh Ft.ed, T S-Eliat: Th. Cnft ot PrilDnph.r (1919), Bn^nb."Theott anaP.6aMIity (r979),Flwd lJrbb,I S.Eliot a theRtuntic 1^!,T. S. Eli.tond th. Poclict olLrerury itory OincalTrulnioh(\gal):CtAiq

Tradition and the Individual Talent

Ir En3li6h* w $tdM rp&k of Edi.i4 rhdsh w @ioi.llt rpply iB Mft h d.ptcji3 ib !b6m.. wo mr Er6 b 'dr u"dirioi . d ro ..1 hdirid j d hsr. k odoy A. dja.ivr in rybg ln! r[. Do.ey of 5cmd ei.'uzdidoid d*.0.b hdirioi.t. S.tdon,p.r hrF, d6 rh. M'd ipP.u jn r ptlre of e6urc. rf ou*n,xirv.lulyrpg.dbdivq*irhrh.inpric{iqs b !E rc* rpD'trv.., of mE plBiig 4h@logic.t F brturid. Youc hrdty m,rc $. word.lrdbt ,o En3lishs yirhod di! comlmbh Et Eie r. d. Es. ruaig r.l.B ot e$&oto!y. c4idy fi. qad ls d t[.ty b ,rp.r iD @ ,!pG cnam .f livinS d d.rd sik( Ev.r, D io, !v4 e, ha n( oD ib ow' orrdYc, bDr i tudi ad is .v.o mE obuvi* ot dE shodoJDs d lihibd* of i! dirisl hrbi6 $r of rhe ot i6 ";"1i* s.oiu.. W. lnw, 6 dlil w klow tM lno .llms ,a of diricrl nirins lnd ba in rh. FErch tm_ "p."1 3u3. rrE sirjcd lkrhod tr h.bir of $. FEich: w onty .Mru& (w 4 sh urcoEidr papt ) $n 6. Fcfh @''tfuqiddl rhb *, ed.oturins.v.i ptum Nr &rv r trld. *irb rb. a4L c if fie FEo.h wrc dc t6, spon@@a. Pd:!. rlry r.; brr E nishr o!. sdv6 rh.r l. $ in.vibbl. a tE.$i.s, 'miin dri E hd sberd b. nm rh. @ tor dicur.rins *hd Fi*s io our didr sh.o w rd ! boal a.d fdt u diicizing e M nindr id rh.n s* .f cddcnm. o& of $. f&B rh.r oi3hr .on. ro lisbr jr rhi F.Er n dr GB d.trcy ro insi.t {lt Dw Fanr. po.r, upaoosr sp.dr of tu! wI i' ynich h. Ld aenbtd brlE .r$. In rh.s apc6 6 pds ofhtu sdl w p4nd b 6'd *td j. iodj-

vidql. *hd n $. pelliu.s@ of lh. m, W. d*tr rnn ldfeiion upol $. to.f. dtfrcftM frm nir rahc4sB. Ep.ciitynn w .n&r6 Dr.de6cr ro liid rrDr6 b. isot&! iq sdd ro b. ?!ior!4 'mihin3 .pp@b . pd drhour fiis Wh.ta ir w lEjutia w y & h.!r, bd rh. Er iidivid!:! !h ondfirdftndo pdofnh*ort tuy6. @ in eht.h rh..b:d @8, bir rm.ds..rd thdorbljty e. tstrusly. Ajd I do ndll)drn hr 6. Fiod of rdotrs*q Y.r if& nly f@ aff.dirioq of bzldii, do*D, on, sisr.d ji forro*il! rh. hF orJE tl@d& bd ss.djd tor. u io I blind tr dn db*ne b i! .eB*d "hditioo rnould pciriv.l, 6c disugd W. brw 'd moy scb tmpl. @6 ro ld ir dr e.d;.!d DEI!y

.6 ot rb. dhdcs a wlt a of tu @p.'rr rnd of ih. rin.l.s rld of rtr. Enooit G sqha, i' *{d mda r wib hdiri."'j. A.d ir i" ! .& r@ rin. shd rr&r. iqirs'd drty cosi.u'.rhjs pl&'ii.jw'ofnnownontnpod.ity-

*nci r n.r wdt of d n .ukn

r d4r !.dF edhl 9''fub'i fu DJ: t* alq qrn!, tr{, F4 qh!':ql l h,9i A| * '!,r s ud&F F{. b kN !a jolrd.


cnDr4d.dlLTt. .riiri4 fm d l.r.:t ddtr wtr, $.tu.tv6, ebih n h.djri.d by rh. lohducrro' of rh. n.w (!!|. r. y e{) woir ofd ad! thm, tl*.rljins dddn.mpt r. b.f@ rha x* diwq fq ord., b D.6ir d.r dE '.w



M pi('(l)


dr vdd' it to'nd' edflud rft.4dryulo1r $m rh' (4r .J"*rr" o ^" u . r"""t. '-ar"'r . ,t'. *-r. s'iin 'pprostr r" ,n.r* rj""" -"i nor& rbbw ' tF lo &'6dd$c'Idt

"p.^-.t"v - u *ins tr.dlmlv lto* i,, *r-." M. o *v " b{r Esd b, drns r r,' i^ri.'r"e * "t 's ."a,". i" *tr"h rti:r' q t'rv qF ."" rrou i.d. r4r'ns E { I'M) bmFinFn'{Fntums rm Ro ft. rlksY ss fit of t!' c'ulYd wEn mird in rh' pE*nc'otr !sddiNnvmdNnd4 tns mmll lilirMr ot plrdidm, |n.v fom elr'lm3 r'd k6in (wly fffi.d * 'ddEj$ no 'd ft. oLnnumiBdf i5 appmndvui'rTd'4 Ms tolMu

tr Fo&bb asmpE\aM ^sm.nnwn lr lith -h-tr8,h. 'or!n "rUlYGsor krB rfusunordcm.rrr Tht oJ' 6turir&' or d FB E tushu"r'k Fnlv Fl'4r hrik, bd "hKh nn. md P'nrY koue d 'B rF)uoq ;dkNh. 11r Fi of vi.* ehich t s

c up"d rh6d oI obriDun Ltru) Pinl, d dcldikrv oF rm@Pdduc rhcmubin*r'b'L rh.qFilneof i" llim *iir b s ma .*pt."lv *"u tr'. *. rh' lffip'i!'rv IMh(ac' wholufi6 sd rh. mitrd -p"t" vhrh r ns *ill b. mjndd,sd dd msmd'c $' pdioB *tu(tr t]l..rftneie FJ P l mde rhc ckm'nt or lnr tu3f(min db d. dr.@ d M t*.m;dd Dd taln$ rh' 'fidr or ' *dk tr, umn d. @on *ho cniotr i ii o dn'nocdrrshl n navbc tbmd:u' 1I mar-.-v-p.o*.*,*d naYb. r @mbindio on! .dio. or @ N fatur, rd,.ni3 lor $' wiH ir Pdiorr imF, m'v b. !dJ'd rd ompo* k rN 6ur' oh*r d or 0Y ti rod. uu-a th' didrs o na rtY whd.'d-Y cmpoEd d or relins3 6'd/ Lss d;d d m xv of rh. ,&d, (Bxndo Lrint it r rorrju up l. Ur. .itudioni but th' M' s tut oI u, *!ii ol d ii obinD'd 6v otrliddbr' bl.tru ol d.cil Th. ls{ ql:Fr g:(


d. M, rh. 9.60@ry rc EI $li ouoa ! pdiis. *hEh k unlsjlr 'ndsn EsrJd.d *'$ tesb .trtion rD d' ljsht{r@6Hl th.* obs@dod: nd e$jnr! I could d 'bid' mys r ' ^ndddbs d hd bclutY.dd3! hd ddl Fd sbrll b. dv.Ds.d aird ro @trwD *!m h" )tlbr rtb6 Ik |n. llkloo F{ir the? Fq $e ds 3h' udo hddq ,4ft loILl3hiF sld b mriBiD ld)fiF Fd rh. Pd b.ntrir oI bcYil&nnl mnft] ' wnY dcs v6 r.Uow fal,iry lti8lrYi th' juds't lip!' pd hi! lir. b.rls A; To tfi@ sucha 6iis_-lcPs h@ d m l Toban6.nYddsrsh'r?

'ffii"itftlifi#f;'*-ffiffi "Jugr*mmip:q*





qhkh wa prcbrbrv $5 ;ur of whd pc.dd bur im! 't r' E poa s niJd ndr '' Fops comhma'oD E;i;d m\ ;v.d 16ir to lddikrr,o D cl .rd*i ri msdnmnsuP i umE tflld'whcnrcmatrlhlfui!d|L\. .".p'"^a * pc*^t og'tt'c to ro* I ".* ".t rr6trcom@c{r,l Eplrdbtiv' pis:!'r or N d i' ro* E r"o ' 't" 'llidvlrr)F! '^,"ie"v rllo hw ompktl ;mbiDrioo, oI 'snblNq_ mnd tn' d* 'did tb'@mpamB of rlEindid "lr@6i'L\.i@irv sb d' plam l[. d@iv ol ut mse Pdd ounB rm se*. undq *hi.b thr rutid bkd pL'4 rh{ ! &fidE doFn' n'-.*..'d"F ."i-a. ot e*t" qdr' d'ndN petv iI or r.b. UuL ,nt*i,y -a 'o"lhins 'r'. tr Mv frd *hnlvF mr$itv in ri. $p90r'd dFndr' I R io moR mrsionot r*.$c E w):s.oruDsrB phi'b ht nors' ;..chbL\vl,


OF d'r) ln rhr DseB. (6 it csd.d if n i! h*'n r is n r ffib$ldoo or tsrtiE od i.g rd'rd b"sY ar*rid @dY lhs *hich h* fMlnltioD bY $a ulit'! o ind r bicn dchF r t]ln b'id' dr lllurid brhich tr\' rF hn Ftrd h ft.dlTnic ro 5p'& h !tuaid rloE h irrd.qtre b iL Tbn ir b


th. rturuml .mrion. prcvid.d by rh .rE( domii.d rd., il du. rd rhc r,o rrsr r Nrlq nding 'c tcliiss, h.vins r srfinity r h.dr iuFrficirrry cvidhr, com


x i. d io ht plMtr .noriotrsi o$ Fq vor.d b, pdiculI.v.nb ii his rifc, rharrhc pocr is in y uy@d|b|.6'n!'Hisp,n b. lihpL. or nd., ff nz! Th..odid ii ni, Fxry silt b. lhiog bur nd vnh $. conplexity of rn ir lsy mpli dm in lil.. ch..Nr, jr fd, of4cliEicity in pecy is :o i.l fa m* hmn .tuioB ro dpE td ,ftlly in ln. 9ns pld tr di.@v.6 rh. pdv.6a Tn. bul.6i of tn. tocr h nd !o ,ind naw 0* ordiE, orcs and, in wdkjis !i.n up i o psrry, ro .rpcs t4lii8l whici e rcr in {$zr mdions d rrl. and .mrim vhich h. be Bvd dp.rjcncql will 5d. hir rum a wll 6 the f.nili& b hin. cons.qu.idy, w mun b' Ikv. rh. .dion Edlldd iDtruqunit'r i5 s in.xad f.dura F6 ir ir i.nn r ddion, n djsbdim of r6iig, nnquiliry. r G 3 o'c.nF'idrd.Dd r Dd rhing r$rins fhf, dE 6dr v.ry 3d mdb.r of* whjch to in pEcrisl bd diE F@ *odd id sn ro b.4Fi.ns r :n: ir n I Mdi.d *bicb dE d h!p!.! .6cioBly e of d.lib.ndoD.T b.EdFitrB@ 04 @ollEr.4 odtn.y fu ly nd& in o e6Pb.c which d[ n t! r p{siY..cddins upoD .v 6. id qlik rh. sbol. nor}. I}|rc i! 3 gsn d.d, in d. wririds
of !qEy, *hich 'Br b. r(W,Ns ed dr[&d. ti

rlois !r cai br ,tpridl by rr'd r.3p.rsiLh iir.utrd i' p*rry, To diyd inrcrc! rro r|r tnt ro rlr. Iery ir I lodabh tm: tor ir *ould condro to r ji{( csnnliid ot adual po.ry. so.d od bad.11'm a. mdy peal. wh. rF pdilt rhe?lp.ssion of sin.ft ?nodonin $e,.Dd rh.c is r hailr nuftb.r of p.opL *l'o cri rpp.oir& @noicrl rn4 n an !rp..$ioo of drr':iL,nr cmrioi. mrid rij.h is jB lif. tn k po.n dd nd itr hilrory of n\. po.r. !t 'h. is inFrqll Abd rh. Dd cod reh hi

rir.nriq rh? rab.d oI rh. .iids ot 6. ly.ri4nrh llsl e i..d!ridi' ohstuinsfi n rhcy trc* t.s .hour p.y.totog)t dan fr@ E.i( Hhlcr.riricq blr $.y @ rc@r ln spiri ro Sh.k6pqr'r d: od s ln.y iEnEd o rhr im. pdie of |no .fidi of 6. N,]otc dher $d o, rlE Imp.'r'ne or j. r.rdins chtui |]Ey w ndd, tn rh.i. otd.tuhidi.n *ai ro rh. sd4r or dMrlic d in g.Dnt.


Hamlet artd His Problems

r.. ,;,i* i*. ** " prin{y probl.ln, sd smLt dE chr& p.crzi tenFriim for d.t n6t dms.6ur 9p. of.dtic; L\. .riic *i$ i ftinn yhiclr ir Btully or $. Miv. sd.i bd whjch rhmsn sdha wrlar islrin diicirm h @dv. pod.r.ris istad. Tn6c niDdr on n fiod in llamld r vicdiotr! .rhir,"rn",r?,,n phyisr',.

in., ehoMdc orllrnl.t ! weflhq a who n:dr or Hmlcr r Cokddg.i sd p'r&bly tunnq of $.* h.n in widns $our Hrmld En.nb.rcd ihn his f6t b!.ir$ ra b nu'ly . voik of d, tlc hnd ol &dcin rhi aelhe rd c.l. dse prcduc.d,in nidns ol Hul.! n lh. mr nirl.lding kind p4slblc, Fo $.y bdn p6cddor ibmndr $c tuE phudbr. br rhl ,lb.ritudc orla Bdld r& Shrr4p.@ F Nchrh.kffirl!. 3i6 ?ild. w. rho d b. rhznlCulthn W{!r Pab dlt ior 'r\yo vi6 of N owo ti6a M.. ,. M. RobedoDDd Pror6s Sbll of $c Univ6i.y of Minlst! h8y. isD.d rnull66*s wbich.D b. prai&d fd novire in 6. orhe direliod.|l{l,sbnp.'omsl$d

66rn s i;6 e<6r.Fy ai Ml dm}a.- ant..

cu edt of 4 ri. vod. d, d c'Mr b. intr,.d: bft L din3 m InkDE: wstrd rDsb rdrd4 tn mhp,iro b olna wo,l, of f ;4d for 'l cfp{edM" th. chiathk L rh. pa*nr.rior of,.l.vel h tricd frBfilch $.E d4istroresuodbrno* Mr Robdio! poinb oL v.'y partndty. how aidca hav. tuLn In 'ld.rpruuonof ddr., b, tgnflins *hd otr8rr r. B v.ry o5viod: d:r tdr.r i, : rm tiBdd, drl n rF.kDG dE .fid ol ndd ot n ' h. rurd dr of rh. wolr of hh F.dE** t r".r.r sh:rapaE ejll lppce r, o vcry diafftdrty ir, i6Ed ot "r h!ry |nc vhol. dior of n. prry G de 6 sh*s@., da*n. E p@ivc hir a@,., b b. !!o; huc[ d* mhij *nich p.Ei* cvci iD dE fr.l fom. wc tId tur drc es e olda plry by Tr,oms Ry4 6ar.r!"ddiury dr4nic (ifnd poclic) eni6 wtr. vs in .|l pDbrbnny $. Drh* of M ,liys ro di$inita 6 n. spqidr Iq.d! rnd Arn i ol'hu: nd st t\is phy uG lrk w str !!4 fM lhF i4 ?"rug.d, ielf. flm rhl uk ar 3 Kyd'3 ,loL! mu! [:E h.d br.d. rnd tbn I v.ahn r.rd iD Gtuy in sh|'rsFct lifdiE !fich b* nms .vjd.E or h.yitrs bi t'r{al r6h rh! .i.ri.( nd rmo rh. re, phy. Frm 6.* dne rn rh. .di6 Phy tn. md% *r r E ba tu Erod d d.rrr i sux!, B i' 11uWhh rrar.d\, rordy by rhr diftidtiy of e8iFrjrs I md@h rF turd.d by 3u2'ds;!d dd $. -nudr6r' of Hllt.r p. Lis.ld ln od.. dc.F 3trlpicreo, 3@6J y tn E rd 'd fiDr prlr or sbd.pqrq on s. othd hmd rh.E ir r IIE rirc *bich n M inDotur tnr. dd orivdg.. bd whtch piiin.d oo 3tunds of @$iry r.rp.di.rcy; bd rh?.fier or.\. rrdK i! ndrolult b ro sou* rtEriu:,u. Picior 'In. altEdoo ir dd mmpt c ddsh, h@d..o b svi4ing, Furitmoq itd D vdbat parslcl, $ doe b m. slen Tr4dr s b! io doubr $I tn

pre6 shrl6p.e *a m.rcr,,riii, rh. dr dtxyd. .d fihlly rh.d c ur.rptriFd Gn._$. polo !;rlfu rdd rh. PoloniN n.yddo qn.Ff6 ehich $4 n rdl. .rd&r rh.s *ad G id in rh. Ee n L of xy4 rd Dd b.)md dr$. in tn. sqt. of sbrLrle tte ML Robdtm b.ti.v6 b b. RnB in rh. disirt phv of Kvd Ee*.d by r dird hDd, Fri|F Cir@D, bcrc Sh:t .rFe buch.d $. plry. h. @nd $ow of @m. dw r ^nd digrnrr pby Kyd w. ik e: "f bl dE. Evds! prry!. ir rM lrtu or 6E d eh. rn. W$d of M. Robctunr .x6ii.rioD ir, * iF tnssbL: rhd sll,l.5FE,r r"r.r so f, r n ir shsr, !F@ r. n r pht d.:li4 eifi $. .fid or r mrh*k sdh np.n br or ed 6.r shr6pd. wti $,bt. b ifte rhi" di* up(o,rh. "intubbt." h.roi,l "*6stuny "r of rh! iotubbitiry rhd e b. no d@L{ so fr dlb shrrapaEt nsrrpte., ,E plr, is md .dinty E mnric frilE. ln cr.nt *rr pt,y i: ,utjii, |; d,4uruit a r id. or rh! dh6. 'n. jj $. prry, r i. ,n of ,mtsr .d i! posibry fi. oE d *hjcfi sh*6Fe spq! mr p!n$ rd yd h. ba Ln il i! rDp.rrhoq.nd io.siG br rca *hich .v6 l'rty Bidq ,h.uld t v. mi..n, Tna vdificlion n u.6 litd ..Loot( rll. ir tu*r n*u. drd, / w'lk o .r dk d., or 'l@ Fn bjsi .r:6 'n ad V cE ii.

sn, iDny bd L\4 ks I kind of fishd,r Thds u|dnl dn.nep' ' ' Up fiqn ny sbii. My o.gom sfd ahdt c, i. rh. drlr c'oltd I to 6nd od rh.B: bd my &drl Firy.rtd or bir qul! h&F Frtod Bo& *qlnsrl , 6d '. rhqlhr E Itr h D$uU. p6.ldd. w. o Mly iuiiir! L fribriin! rh. pt y, wnh fi.r dld pDtondty in@i.r pby or "ir@6k t'ei.t rnd udishms v.dituaja M.6ut lN MN\E, b n @ion of aid* rflq yhjcb roliop rhc hgjc rK* *hjcb cbtmitu i\ coi.tua. Corre'6 my b. id s "fiEcd,g' s rozL4 bm n i{ it]lA ont ud ct .po@ sn*..p<e tstu @d. tud glb:bty n* p.opl. hr. rhNst! td. L'rwod.ordb.crue6.yrMdirin c*int.d{trE rird n ineBdtr! beak n ir. ldr ofd, tr I. dc,r,rtu n. gEnndr of trnk! frituE E d idn*diarly obvjN. M. Rob.tudn L undebt.dty 6at d'. lsrnri'l .ndioD ot .ha ptry ir rtr fdtins of. s ro*!rd,!guiltyhdl*'tH!mt.f!lrd.i!rldoroEwlo

Thi *ry FDp.r.r ro hah d rh. fdnda.t nd,lhyi icsenysrichn,adsnfin nsdf ro,udhpddicrl6mtu.

Pc|ldhDD'fth'!funJ,da|lq iqF![rcJ1D*'a!'!'ldd'F r4 rn.hyrs.Er(&F,rdbrts6&dd!puhtuFd

ffi*ffiffi ffiffi

Lwing Babbitt


ffi ffi ffiffi

Wdliog of th. Fr.rch no!.lisr Flaubdt, Bibbtu rcnrb, . Itc nd rho rhu3 ltlrl! bcautya r $int +an. !,ho dms noi Er.r bact bn qucn oarhc .iquistu b socdhic.l(ntd,willspcridhnlfclrio-litcrmbmcin8phanoms., Tnccnicno ol Bibbiir. o.r ofthc 1E nijor figlEr mon! rhso-cdt.dNd H@uisrr (rh. olhd ws P l Em. Morc), tu hi8hl, oocalkdc md mij-Romeric, Brbbin fiic*.1h. .!bnih& r.lisioN of d dd ,ciene $.r in hl view fluish.d in $c nin.|enlh cenr! onARoMtuicitn tdwhich Rotuntic M.larcholris t*.n,h. &picls tnenjneB n c.nrury asdc vicrin otlD unloly oeiagc bct@n RoMrjcnm dd udlnarimnm;dE villlin of hn da. n j.u,rocqus Roussu, Acco.di.g ro rh. .riric Malslh coslcy, de NewHu@istl .dva3r.n ..a rr.F iical.riricilmoI IIc sd kr6 \hKn Esb utLoaklyon d. prcp.iironltlattM diff.N ror !lor. in coipl.ritt oi oBmiation, bur in tind, iom rhedimat tud In{ bis hlppincs depend! up.n his @otnirion dd cultivado, ofrhrr clcmdt ir! lijch kdkLi,(rn.ofhin ftjs q hrLts / nry b. colt.d. lpFs in n; 6 tt'. poMr of s.lf-Esrainr or d.corom.Prop. y apptid, it lcadsto hDbd hoppi, nas. Thc hubL rh Rom,iricisn is rharit subllnDld ror sclfdjsiptin. dd qo* ''rm.r |ry Iltutingon shm oI mool $d rh. Blbbinl olposition ro RbDmnci$nm, becoDpatl md conrasGdv'$ dEr of Hdnq rho d@snd inva!. .inicdl principt.s ro erpc$ I sinne disbne ft. Ncw c.iics, *ho llso sckr.ll, dGlikn Romudc 'er.cs, , re nc!.dncla ai.ical of dc N.s Hu6&isa, *hos. Iir.rary cndcisnrrh.y folnd rob. nm, md rdc, riv., usurlly h.. e of ns cmphmison cdicd conbnt and drm,l 6@ ot

Babbink tujor criricar*ol*r @ ut.tdt,a ond theArenmn Cotks. i.],g.A), m. Nd I'oknih(1910), Manc\ aJMod.n French Cnticitu (r9)2). Rocedu ann Rtunticiffi(t9r9), Or B.irs CEatir. (1932),ndm.,j Oth.r &sars, vnh Bibliosmphrol Publiediant onnM rnna tu Hit Co|ct.d wo*, (1940).For 'vi.*! on Babbin s NtudaF@sto. en,,EMitu '!it a,n An.tu4 (19J0);C. H, GEftaa ttr. C'irtq!. al E@inQq3O:Gds.Sz tys\nt e.rn t rrudition at Bo, \t93r')i P E MoE, .Iridg Babbir!,,,znto t yi.a rU (1934),23--4qt5.Elior,TneHumuismof IritrsBab6itr and..Sc.ondTbousht AboIHuediso."J.r..r.dErra)rELd.(1950);R.pBlacldur.,Hun nismdd slnboli. Imrgination in his ft. I;on ond it Eoneyanb(r9s5)iJ. D. ttev.l.r, lh. NN Eu@isn \r911)i,Tn@a R N.rj\, tnks a.bbijt: An tntelcttut Stkrr (l984): bd S.C. areda od S, R.Yeb'ou8h,rFus a,rrrr ( 1937).

Roman Jakobson

4d4l"rJ ?

t.Yobsu's enty m. M.tcphoti. ord M.tdtnie Pol.t lllts''r.sttccqnpt'\i9 oaEllIid5ltirs thatoav .xisr b.rwn $c @s of Frchologicd lilSuisti's sd li'_ .td crnicnm. JaLob$; hrd rNkdsc of borhI'.td. H. h.F n rdnd l[' Ru$id .nd Lt.r ltr. PE!I. shsl of lingulric! bdi of shich @t Fodtli3r m4ftn. 6 lirndM. tlt drnM . d I hgus.. t.tob3o bc8i4 eil! t di$lsid likoE of1tc El.lioshiD b.t\@ c1lphd rtd $Mvnv .nd rh. t*o pold tvp'! or !pb'" i& ! bmjn didrt r iffccdns stdh H. rhd ob!.n.t dtd d' dididjd b't@t Rommdckn ldl cdnm ficain rh. Ftltiv. dminm. oI muphor in nMtciso or dd nElonymyr Edism H. ss!68 $!t fidgl $.8 hs ben mBb dis$io F?uDhd, ih.c hs bcn link $d, of etonvmv Fd ' cd:i&Brid of tlE IsSug' of rikn dd or p@,. $@ry ot fttonvmt L | @ssit lt in*sdgaiiod suh s @n[ib!tl ro o' doDd' ,rrobsdt. qidcnc In*uc.ics, od psvcholoSv !r'.lcrdEn'cb' Ru' For a li3l ol tltobso'! Forn in pubticrti@sin Ru$id c ian Fotulin I lg65t,ft'.253_89. Fd r bibtiosnphv ot hit Publn'dd s oE u.rnft Fd Rolla Jor;itud (19s6).,alob$o i5 d* tuthor si$ MoFii Hdlc tnd C. G. M-F m ot PEliniun t to SP..ct Adlttb lr952t tt]d vitlt rl t' d Funaa' in Nonul oI n rhkaf hrtut 11956)t d Piomtogy in R?ldjon b Pttrd"" pt' .a,t'|9ilt.,n worlt bv t*obse rvtilibl' r^X,i*i Among : A coad.a.d stdt, \1955\' S'k'I''! wtitinct ia r.,r-c. ir rrO"r * si,,i" "dW d; vohdd ( 196r tr i, s'dr I tn u.ftal Ad lrn tl' studt.t d ChA ltu3we' t't I Alhatia nsitr, P"hHn a.A Hi' cdtotzt Mt'h (n lv15)'Sn L2'tuft: d sowtd RB:id and staek ol las4s.ltgaot' i,ainc n. l91AI Tr. ttow (t9a1' sa '"a i.-*,, ina"t Dit-tgat G tss'r't. xd taqws. i. ut.ntue t App@ch to hnswS' l& 1976):a\dund' N' i., {lm. J,r,ts E;sEordst wu{\ RoM JokDbtunl Sct.d.. of tas@s. (9'6)'

The Metaphoric and Metonymic Poles

B Nd@s tnd dirce td drot Th. tuidl.rof $h.i rhd o$illt b.@D dt tM pol{ t}".s Jlr d.sib..

Evcd foft

ot rehrnc diiulblE

*.i. ..*

d k* **q

.iu'* or ,h

rr'bt+rt'|ldg .d Mi* H* rrtir.'@ b F,'&

rd rub.rirudd d fq onbindion rd of cblin8uiitic oF d dnidid i.volvd r &tdidio' .ddN. vhit. th. hnd &h.36 rh. al' ity fd tunt'h_ of ljnsundc uDi! ft' Fhtiot o{ lm 6. hirtrbv in d. roffi dE al'don of @ri_ i! reprcd ii;ilri'y guity i! rh. lrtur t}?. d rphai: M.hdF h dm b b' dd' nniLriN diedd, rd Mtrvnv b rh..tu8liv o.Y rrc C@ rb!8 ot . di*de rn d4lMd uB: e bpic mt ldd to rdns rN diddr *!dic . hd ddgh in ir sifrlairv s rhd8h rhtit dtgoirv'

1h. Mdaptu,rk and rt@. imPrcsiv. nn!' or Pdsihtt onturnt6 tm *FB-ri Po'6 ftrv p'v 0 laiar I ri.i. I rhc r*o :.'!r{i'al i,om pr.donr-" u hla in dr hmic 'tr IL' ftrontnrc .r r sN pol. itr c.tuio ltrkd Ft f*him, e. @fil rd smptiro "r $.ph.,*n. ni6 rhc*hot rjid-,ii drL\c o:-'p"drtr8 typ. or rphair k m in!.drivc $r rnjoint c*irch by lxFtu ir pgrchoptnobsy, Psltholos, lirgun cq pocri.s, of s .nn &ridic, rh. s.Erl sire rd md id dims.d !pp.6 b bc ot fiml siliifr.|F ..guc@ tor lll vdbrl b.hlyior rnd to To idiqrc dE pdribiliti.N of fi. prcj{d .onpuriei E*.rch. w ch@ q qmllc ftr i REsie tolk bl. whi.h .oploy! prnll.lism a . co ic ( add tl,Jr' ,rldtr b@h.loc rcamirh fi nnMi.d" d?rrr"). H.E rh. prdicdE in rh. r*d pnllcl cliust G .sid.n by ,irlldry: dq e in ln. lrlny'inr'n'. subj4t ol horb clrs6 @ mculino p,npd ud h.0.. md.?horogicily linila rhir. fl of 6c d.roc rwo @dig!s3 iffs p..lom id.trticrl rcdo* Dd lna ro jusdty $. tre oI syc ony@r prid ol pEdicd*. A $nwn ol rh. smc condru.tjd @uG jn r rMiur wdding !oi8 ir 16 hy in *hi.h .xb of rlE wddins $dt l. pahtrynie CLb it.'ddasqr IYaoria b@ndd NstFr' k rdodi.d. vNL bo$ pdi6rca nym. dc Ehn6bip b.rwn tr t*o srbj4B tu chrigld: borh @ FtrF ffis d.dtin3 0. 3 o|llr u'n cdd3@d, 6 . mcd. oI poUc rdiLEs lo d'. q@!or rrcn &. foL t l. rh. .K Fnll.l sEE! ol cLls rfd ro *o r.rer. f{6, $. ffiid 'Inonr ud rE dnild tur of dand! I h. w t@ rhc r*o chus d symdttn. mg, li.w, 'ddlry rldrrlDdy rcl@k $. libry of th. se in , ':M: n q.pllto4 Nr iDrodo Ydb:l h}?otu! ltu RGda nov.lit Olcb lvedia UsFis}ij (13.10ol bie ltt suIf. 1902)ln lhc ld.y.s r$ involvins r diedd. li6! dm. rd prb nymic, CL, ,Mrdvic, ftdidonauy.onblt.d ii poli6 idcr 'ft du*. for nid rdn i'b r*! dkriEt n !cpe@ Ghb ea .ndo'!d wi6 rl1 hi! tdu6, whilc lYmovi!.6e ram! Ekdns !h. crmc tho ifthnion df all Uspa$krj ard ot $ir lp|n Fsoni]ny i6 tn. pad.Dfs inrbility to u$ rm.ynbok fd tb. ffi rhi.!- Dd ir is $B f .iDildly



it botrtd w sith th. rronynicrtb.-nf,rD.,!ji:;,.raid,.ltbarmrffiU* ''!*ijhlddry|o,.ddiFMg*li vlD a! im.rc{. $c !trdy of atrdol,j (nq!lov, ry:.d ulFtukjj! 3rl4 b..4 od d rh.dicd dFe. rioB.I|. rhow,$n Uipisrij brdttdiohFEhdfd mdonrn, rDd .stiallt to. tyrr.ri.. dE Ludd r ctuhd bt rn. rulrjpli.i.y d.d n s trrld or dlrail unlod.d on hif, itr r limiLenE6rl s!r6, td it ph)sicdly uBbL ro gtup d* whol., e rhd th. p@n b To b. sur, 0r Mmynjcrl lyL in UsFft*ij k o6eiddy p6npr.d by rh pEvajlins lirgrt cdd ofbk rim, l.G niehid+ntut FGo ibdlh.Flodlhtof Clcb lvDovil nd. hjs Fo pdjo,,nt suihblc rd $n D nic ftnd itr i6.rhn. mdttdbriod t d lirdl, hft ic m*k r!.n dc vdnd {rr ol hj. r'.dbl ' A mmpcririon b.rwn bd\ ddiq 'llEs. Dd rEloma fthpnoric,; hmfls h 3ny stnb.ljc pe:!,.irsinhpcMnnl d sirl. Tna in d iiqufy &.d, de dirirc q!*doi i5 *h.rh..rh. syhbott !d 0F (FE!d'3 rnpdal *quoee cd f bG.d &.odisliry icrotrymic '' ind syn..dchjc sd.n* tjoi ) d or sinildq Gsudt id. ifiotioD..d tynbolism )J Th. lrimiphs lid.rlyiis ms. dca ne br F .olv.dbyFr,ai ormq?c*.6.mb.!.d6rb.bxof by oDtisuiq. rtFileity sd $x lend.d on Midja 'I]j. nd or 66. N gd rrrrch of rFp.rh.ric nuic or cd4 hs beD cdLd hmopdnc o. idr&E -d otrbgiour mlgicJ Tiis bipmirid ir iod.d ilhminajn8. E mt pdt rh. q*dio ol tll rs FI6,fd ir $iu E3lat.d, d.sDiE ib vidc oF .nd tmton@ fc rh. shdy ot dt lynbollc bchvid. Bpeirlly End, dd of whar is thc ndo tu fd rhir oeld? iB ihp'im{a. sinidty ii m@iig c@id rh. 3Fbolr of r @ldlus. wirh rh. rynbols ol $a I.uusc Ef.r.d to, Si6-

se ..' ,"' - , .t u. r..o,mic *"v fd cd s"irr' h N6tnd so i m{ .on&n.d ev j.! 'ipr*iotr rrc! alErv ltr rrhrd @ d edFd ^ o! . . 'e. t (' . d o r d,.h". .." ti.,-,-: '.dv I

r;@B \.c'..;Mmdr6"hi(h&'mr'r In' pdmxv d rF trD_ .ho'4 b.retr rh.* 'x<dmB i" h.I'kmrY khml DrN rr$ hs b..r rtpcntd,, &s ;mhir p'6m'[rv &Yd' .\![!tutdr" mddenn-a*of n i! th! F'd" dPrc' ol mdon' ; fi.i.nrlr c{ tm p{n6s os mci! ivm b 0i' '4liz.d md t.liyh,Flt rk * 'rE lnv *htrh ud.rllo 'rd xullv pl d'bflB ss' dri.d Er'{k t }d, whkh b.longr D r iftnxiirv qL chih r o !n r *h M*i FFholosol rht n* d !vn@! rh. d..liE of Rmodcnm hd6 rer F 'nd fMr.d eiin sa @n $d bLt ro rM dt fid nm &d n (l.l@d !o both. Follo*iry r{o rlFd th.t oftr inb $.n hadr' lD fiis {p'nm .L.t-'hI-.d..'k|k-'l'-mmy'.]ollydig'l*. m * t,"pi'* .,i-'r"*,i-' chdrdb tnd IM nMdxc '!tud* -Ys$rv da rcodprc_ rrcn th. ;d b s r $bqitrk ' 6rn* 'h' i! ,ft <dtr;in s. 'lr rid rim. H.nrmdorrvncdahcdB 'nknd.d.ids 'f t" *nr ,o ,t* *t"l* luldd' Tulxovt di!' 't'.1"u-'* oilr. h ti. e.E of ArN Krdij! moc prot'r 3,r8ft rotru[n Bt'@ bsdhs Im w ' re dc rGmd n r{s.d otr th. hojias hddb!8: ud In * _M n"* DTc' cu.tly d $' upFr lip_ oi lrdd*hd'hjr drd P.r. " -"r*. bb.l.d lukri'ddw md PdlkaiL. 'h. dd|d.R''eu*db]th.,ruad dti d' To rh. lunul6 id m Bgotr* v* whomrhrc r.dua b'lon& mrl. chMdd '!dt 'o of or d e Md ol Tl. d@rlk F&mtn|N blL $. liRt @6 r P!trlY nm t h rtbd d w 9.trd*t tr bv no hd"ooliEd rh.c *o'd dq. h r ddbL onn6im ! a.ud i' ng' ! ftc tr. dilldid dd r pdirionrl riMdv .trudc) or[!ui' lhl m h.nd. A dmpk rm dk hl{trt 'f pein{r] L h d fi. dhs r knmu. idilritY tu 'urr..j dimu'hn ot dbisd ftrmytuc ;;irddy followios luBtrubv' 'hd Tt .itr nimulutDlldueath' ino r s of rYc obi.d L @fonk! bftt rh. t'rcryn'robrsd wrioni rh. tubloi) l!'j pmtv .4Dbornil 'dire "i* -i.." nn.. rhr pmdudi.B" ol D v critlirh rh' M or e --'a"a lvd aDdq of teo wor& to EPhe m' omm. drh iL! hishl, d.ELp.d .rya'itv lor 'halris 6a rhc* Et9onqt ol m$iionil simbitv, rdl ir sdd'tor 'll d@ h'bmtrnsD& rn!l. EEditddrGsof (6 con_ e linLd b tl* .dhulc bv *rutic timiltirv lzd'rv ,t.'* n.ii iJ" .i r @o Mtuitnicn ctponet b dt ffi limulur {d ",a -g.l mddlrilc s_upttnd - "np.ed'd'd of f*.dchc 't'. tld.4pa 'n rr,rlr lrkt d P"v4, @mbirc &ad.onus e 9olumd ! rhd oI gwU' Ch'pli( d6a osrrl. ln 3sh ti.@ siNlri,v * n t.jMut @ddgu't @ *p*.d.d bv I no!'l naphodc L"i"-. b*'In iB lrpds$lvd -rh.,ilmk dmjk_'. -ndos. rpdirion'l rd *_ ny rd coobsutrvr bdi $ot rpd (d otbd sm@c ft bimld ,tut@ ol lai$l!! 'n rMr rod nilins kE{ Idb'triit mnriF*kdn& pok! sFld), mrt itr +h{'a u! rNuq N m of Fc p.e^'l *)L ful va'hn pdikuon' lidu:l.rhjb! in b ln. .rcluion of E dh( ,q!in !v*d'nc mpmlr' ilde ti. Et ndm of.irhd ofrh.& rlrmrtis' ii tn' No t h v.*'l d rh. itrtd.rion ol rh4 rs 'lc@nb rhir ryFs of sphsit fl$ b. @Dtmr.d ri$ dE prdomjim of .:GirlD @mun .d Rnh rohrt fd rh' irdv i. . t" m"a I ** p'nd' whkh cquic r .iu-'i;i pcnlkrim b.rKn omFb; Fiu ft w.q 'dj* c tniL b in aiblcii rtrv d 'om! 'i'nr 'r @, I xi"b, ;-'. bi,. rh. Rsin tri hljuont Thii pori{k' r objdi( nt' -*^'" d no oI *br m $. sv.n sp.a[ (w-'tv I : '1*._ ha or lh'r M nl'dm 6rDErd., rnd Dhftologc++ dhd o cmiLntt md conuguitv,fln rpF:r{d '.*h 'n
;*ddhdhMFr"'.d*"j"'tuK"q-* dB i,En-'d'kre,LdEI F,D

,Ak}Jq's'|6,&&F'r(Ldogr4l93o'Dd'!'& d&d dsbFd@iu dd b e d4rF:

@!l'dFdd!&hdd'qdM&@'db sr64r{dytd@dftdfue6dbe ii !k ;b I r! irq,ic d r(wrF. |t(d

'F*&'}dfurbdqbl46lnF! ft "qj!{!dni,iddq de@_ h d


Nlr rqr Dtr D trlta

P|l5r d f . E4 r4tb kdr&



hr$: ^

$tt k Batkd*ilrhhLtu

kn qd rb' km ld whj'h t l@Phdiel sB @B n L 5obditubd cnd.4knrlt Pa5e$a mm b dE u inkrDd roF!, dE Ed'hn

wbld metrrmt ma. *Pt'. **. *i* b; d r ditr@r @ipla d'lv ddiB in!'rF!E@D .dn9mbl. ro 6 T[.E oa dll4 @ b. d'!d fd rh. tlFrv ot tddvmv rorrE Mrtd r.di'd it i. !.MllY s @ d"slY Lnt d rnh n bdd, *h.6 t olird !i|n ft@vmv u,urllv mijn umob@ '16 ."lv ,b. bl b"t 0* Nd "b*-"r b E!&5ibla Id rh. Prpo ddd ovd@d'nybrfulrr'hp'sfiapG !0p'3 igr, rd Dnidric'l Fcr p.idrilv rpd

rm rM firud ftG nltEd nrnlv ! pdrh'j tuc3 ! truicd P'rdkr orjin'l'ntv rdddridparv: rntr;. B or rivdrs mro' i". oi ri*' . ,t" o""i. "q.".t ridllirv d d@: oro@tr dc qElrioD of @tic &d Dhlffid rd illlll4 s'rlmrlol u 'h.G.ti!L r.@rjcJ tnvld Plqq o rhc .Nlv bur Evd bv coflisu't Tts rd po'tv |d' rw,'d.d.r*di'lD ols. rnd 6. FGc m@vnt n dE lioe oI Lan Ei@ th. NdY or 9di6l ht'! ! @ bd @Dqudrli E! r' chrny bw,rd mbtfid Trt erl bip'lMrv hs mrpoE Ndis bv $ dFlsd id uncirlh dole.d 'lka **o *irh d' d tu ,rrl.t" -i'id" -r'...p h r scF n ., -t"ctv iMdvvnh"k@i dsul rvdtMd' r sr

;*""*,- ' -..*!6r'"-d



Victor Shklovsky

nrt as lecnnlque

rd Ihdsnq w rd b. ffiJ h_ i! milir wirb rhcjr:s. 6r wirh thd ir.ltifl$J X *dld b. iirbctiy. b t/ ro lrdt di! Fimipl. t$ rydchd! smpaned ol $mtd r*hbiDt b dlrr .tn oI thc st, 6 d'. dumb d.motr ( b cosol! ohp.ds 'wtrhod nn,s.ry rh.rc h no d - an i3 thiilin! h im's.s. ' Th$. rujm h.y. L! r. rTJdclEd iertd.. dcb dotrsof inrividdal*d*sof dAn.npBhrv!b@r wllud..v.o mdc ehnd6(od tft ptut a! Ov' k lnfls|', Artd r qud4ot r eDbry of sEb 'MPc lyuiteKulikoysty 6n.lly had@sird ly'i tdty. ndi" d &d to i ipcirl eegoit ori.4.k*! r@,mdnut rd d.iirc rhm s lydc d ltFdiDr diddy b rh. @ *N.h k rions.And $s h. dnin.d d .ll@N3 |dotd f,d . modr ol lidstu A td of $i3 rr ltr paFr (r. rcwly r6ii.N.d), i! quic liL dF vioi &l!; n b ds Y' ts!'i d pdd quit inbii. Bd, dEh orc jhp.tu( bdn c FE.flibly inroDNjs|l d: td dFciiodof N.v.dFks. rh. d.titrids "An ir $ifin3 io ih!s.s, vficn rus q mn 6. su:t DiddL l!@ ol fi. hc.Niv.ddE Igreio rhd d i! d. mkiryoltynhob do*nlrll ohh. rh.o.y wnichspF.r.d ir x sniG.[i.Oy or ti *. v*c af Stnlolisa dp..irly r@! 6! tiFi* Mdy nil th.o $:t rhiolint i! :rls+ ud !t Da&.d ldds.lF rhifitrg. io speir,c ad oI rb. cl d.l''l|@idc bd bouDdda'-k "tutdr tlE ltddt po.ry. coi$qudd, $.y :hdld b.E qFld of. hi!try or 6 ln.y cdl ir b.6in of imasisftd! chdg6 ii inasal- Bur N fbd thd idgd dr4r finlq rmm c.nturt b dMy. lod idid ro Mtot, fr@ Poa b paq d.r now oDyidout.h!igiD8 In46 t lor! tJ no nl.noE)&uid66ds.t. on.:Ih.yft tckrdt. rh. ntr convinc.dtoo bm. $.ln. iDss r gird F.l us.d ad vhi.h }ou lnousli hn on w t r.0 !Im! u' cb:ng.d rmm oo6n pL nE *ork! olpeB c.ladli.d or rcordins td d. n * dhniqua thd Pda dir -!roup.n _ roldzndshaaidzN'diicroln.irrd8.ddfldrt

4d 4^!"1

ofl.Ed t, dF RussimFomalist Nv.mcnt ce,t in dc l@A primipal nodon ln vidor shklovsttt .s, b.lo* tr. Lm dcrt entury sd iht of l4arilbt&,im pl|ys a Fi.ciFd rol.. D.fanilidiznlio is . d.vic. b ddtDv habnudc "tutooa[c" p@nE Faption. s Bdis Eich.nhaunlarc. d.sib.d it (s.c P Bm). Shtlowtv thcnoli@ s Ddt ol s llrel( onth.lhcods ofALxtn&i Pol.bnvt td oflhc Rrsid Synbolkr! in ! In ple. or .nd6n ot lymbob dd inlgF a lnc turdM. rld.lini4ctcEenBofpct - thin[nS in iesa -ShtloYllrv.ndoF fmalist! would ud) phd.tic dd lqic sttrctlE'a 'i fi. "chri.lcd,lic trcm dislribution of wl(!3 ... $c .h@ctctistic thoughtsnlclud cootDuDdad {ords," Cl@ty rh. sbifi Lrds lo lhc ddcturdist mov.m..( whicnfindsilt liMd irR!$i6FqmlismedddeloptrE .@nlenpo.lrv|oninUneuisti6'pllcululv lhe of IE Galldl Pr.8ucScl@l All oI $c atlct!ft Siuovltt @iio$ @ttc d.fmjlieizltiod ir !d+ Tt. Esull h Fctt, is thc oftcs erisreno's andFsFcliws. Pcr.y i3 dccriH s diflicull rcuafien.d,inp.d lm8!a3. 'i jl ii ltt nul.d, loduds sFcn 'r ohiody il h "fonn d ' spdh Ev.t rt thn is s..n.ccddins ro th notioA dd rh. EsuI n I Evdsl olour usud nod@ of pdtjc undl Sh*lovsh s6 a found.r oathc OTA1EZsmlp in Rusi4 which0oDtislEd ir cam undq rlurl ud Eps$iv. nrhck by ihc Shr.. Shklovstf *6 p.niolelv an4tcd by tan TrobL, i. hir ljt .aruu ,nl ,Lwturio' (1924),. &cli@ of wh'ch sM d o, ?92, tt. Dovc@t ws lh.n rt idded by @ of tu fonds aotir Tn ThorvoIthe Fon M.thod (I426).FPMkdb'rc b.!lmil8 on p. 8OI, qh.c Shuovsty's dlv is djqscd. Shuovstv himsf Ef.ncd fioe thedinns in pnm !n&r coMunist rulc dd .nSascdin othd litcdry {d cir.nrric Edvniesi rnalu hvs sociLd witn thc sov.@t shtlovsty'! witinss ,.e colldcd sd publhh.d in i ritsl. .ditjon Moscow in 19?3-1974 KhDdo?nLirta Se victq Edich, R\sian Fotulisn:'n Eitbrr' by Do.,;'. av. .d, (19fl)r M. M. Bal'tin IP, N Mcd!.d.r], fl,. t rul Ma'lol it Litnry S.}.llonhip (r91q; @.ts bibliographic.lnaldrial und.r in s.l.clim rrcn Th. Eicbchb$rr, pp. 8OO-OI. FomalisrhovcNnt h put in Ih. coLn of l!. ni,bry of Ru$id ric*rtcntichn by R A-Ste!,Rusi6 UteruryC tcifi: A Shnnnk'

"An k $inbng itr inrgd. Inb muin, whi.hcv.i higlt *h.ol $u&n6 p,ftr, ir Nvdhdc$ $. ndiig p.inr to. llF ddn. pnibbsi* whois b.sindii kind or c liten'y rh.6y. Thc ida, odgiDid in wid'our im4crt 6ft * no pcn 6y Potbtrya. ha ry&d Prir6rAidchc ! sndii peli.ulsmpL-y, Por.bnyr *hrrc, Po.try. 6 wll a ptos. h tar aid l06n6r r rl+ ciil wJ of rhinkitg.ttd krowirg. ': r tt is,,eisly. Pera i5 a sp.ciir *iy or fiiriry: wly of$iildns ln inrg6, r wry which p.mia ihd n sonmly cnkn .domy or ftnt!] .1104' a trt shnh Ml6 fd ! $trrIiN of thc Eldiva d oJ thc p'Es " b fik onody :thi! k hw Adthdic fcli4 n $a dd{ vho indoubbdlv OByhi*aKnlitovttyJ th. r!&nicn! nrd rh. mds of Po&bntr !ftn vc$ rlme etuin9 !r d.nrood rad f.i$fully summ#za, $o id.d d nis ..!cn r. di*ipl6 sffidd pdr'y ! spe Por.bnyi md hk iu'dor by m.a* ot im'36i $cv cirl kjnd oi ti*ing-rhiilias rl $.r nx purDo* or ims.ry i3 to n h chud qn@s inro gdp! rd b chifv rh. Mkmwn obj..6 Dd by ncsr of'crjviris rhc knoH. Or, .r Pd.bnya !Drc: TL rchrioship or rh. ims. ro whd is b.ins clt_ ifi.d tu d( (,) rh. in:g. n .h. fix.d ol ft'r rhicb utrd!46r crrds.-Ac nncMis'ng fr.4s ol !tuacriDg *hi! h p.rc.iv.d 4 chdsc lblq , . . (b) rh! imag. ir tu cLM ,nd dmpld

ln dhs words: B, by Siicc rhc plrtd. .f ina*erl n b 'mind ipproimaton, of th@ n mines for which th. insse Mndt, and .ire, 1pd lron lni:, imasery

^f^l:?s@futy.,}6d4tsdhDD.triq'd unMpd@i''RlLcrythoUiid &Fi!d!,Fd6dUiEEl'dNd6hlrg ^k ddk hF | N Iq'P,ab'[ tud tM 6 tu hq 4 braFt t!tu , tw), c. a ' bdbl





Lr0'E t, Mnr

4'1d!@ !l'tl.'l&4oe'qde&|id'di'kF6d* 1$rk,fudq1&''P?dFldltl!'E4d''4

!.,d b Edrq k; etrbd ddrda iFrqd'reiq6i/a!64dtd> dlq.@'rri lsrell'b@'!(btr!4hefufulle ir'-'d@/(so.-. D'6r'-jq.ffidsffi


vmRSHMlsxY Pft lhimrc.r) s r mdiiorcft dinsrh'5hs6rpo! prtr As r n.$6i i' ir' d.p.ndf,8 up'r' shk '4 iarh' mof rcr l.$ dfdi!. $a odEr p4!c knNs., 'ms$'otr. ;ioud: n n n.i$d n@ M 16 dre.iv' lhd 8{dinitv c .pcdds bdrc.d'hc *;u*p,',u.ti'..op."o h3!E' con'mlv @pEd r@. hvElholc 'n. rh'cb mdriz Gm.iodr ft.'l'.]i]d {d da;r tr'hodr 'ft'r (iElodins {od. of o .x!6dod imady odv arktullv lgmbk"n ldnds.f i1u' r'ic $s rh. 5*k iru*q of f|bke od bdll'd5 o' tnintjig ir ! btr_ e .'mPh iD&rJ$ik$|(!lrto$! 'm,s.H.s.. l, in *rxch r ljrl. slrl .rl ,@4 a/ ;d;n. Pc,i( imslrv ir bd oe ot th. d?vks or podn lssu,gr. fts. itug.ry n r M6 ot rbsktim: r r& o rGrcrd of r lT'!|nr& r!@.lbn hstid or r hdrd is onlt rh. rbr@rion of @ ot il* obIr ir re ditldt $l oI ondndt iafs chidciisti$, ircm$yidsriarln.badodft melon@bo6tdtrd Tbi' ro n vLd ir n@i bur lt hs norhitrg d6 *idi pcEv' ']1l. trv ar $. c.dodv or driv. .ffd n ds sd_ .nlly rapcd. sFRr wor.l On skins fd sft clE ro r[: law uddly_ ;s rh*. s@r mnritq w ErY e lh:doM *dr;h i' .-y .r ih.G L'" i.P.tu*. "r Toso nitnorh.rrd6sor6elEd'janddon o".or ia.* ,t o tl"v *v u. n9P*t''na'a *tt' tnc Id p.sibl. dtid !fiod n ln' d6id'ntum dd Finr, , . . Hcd., crryins our L\c fr'raohlr r&liEse n ln. v.hjd. of rhdugh! dtc sos .rPe .l dm muld b. tnto,ldl @6sily But 3irc. lr' fecs & lini.d, oE b Ld to.r0.'. $d tlr ol h6r.ns b Rrry d nE 4FE.priv. DrEos s .rFdi4dy 6 posibla-rhd i! s.h $. tos .4.ndiruc oI .drgn 04 h.4 wi.b conpdtirclv $c b.! r.suu Pdrul Gln *ith oDtyoE r.tdn.. b d. s.rcdl rr* d haul tflcl, Ejec $tillidl Jms th..'v of 'n' phvsii dHry which'@nlidis I'jt o*0. el b&ts o1.did, .!scd dE P'irth ot ilE edMy of ffidv. dlo( a rh.orv 6!..idlv rp{trliig _^ sr! io dE shidy ot rhllh4 dd tst .d *nh sFN.i Irdr dyl. ir p@ndy $n nyk which dclivrB Ih? s!.!' ofrlo4ht in 0, t:Bt wo'di And andr.v .n bN, d6oit $. rd tur ,d his b.r- pqs6 h. s!!. n!@ oB.r D|dol..rcughcncd.'r0ylnmihd'p'r'jdllly'n lion Bznryns*yJ 3hown tn djr'curri4 in_ $? .rupld ro sFaK h*m id Ntic 4$ar* rls rhNgnl ir restt in his bmr"-t comny orcciiv..ron or thl b;or b h!mi. .fion 'n. : dsry or d b.&d oD urv.lifird f*6 rM diqo&d s86, o his var k o*kdg. ottn' nic cdiv,tv. od d Ktvcvichl hisl rehiiqo6 of rb.ui rh. l.s rnd rjm ofcrdivity. n rpplicrfl b pnd'c5l lrsur8.,d hd.d ro rtc lmsu!8! H.d( $!v do d dsngld pDFrry b.twn thc lrws ofpn.riczi lmg!'g. rnd rk k*s hplx* p..rv i5 tNndt of Do.dc lus!r3. Th. rd 'nd lrprn.x !a h.rdlv rh. rdr ri' nd rdnd r oi!.Brridl MI indiddotr of !a dificr.Es b.rwd pcric lnd 'Y'rt' day lrnsug.. la i|].obitr*t hs obs of liquid slds dG th. .li$inil{id ldeuls..D Tni. sussld'd ro hin in:r 9o.tic cdsbtrnuons .EEd de ldnisi4 or h drcpMd*. of rlmile r@nd' In hi. N. oI $. ti6r .impl's of si.miff, diricira i. indicd6 rh. .mGn (I shrll {y tfu !b.ur rhi' poi lartr) brwn ln' hwi ot w.nullleb,jF'rlblln.hq3of.\FdiM.[j d6myitrFdlcllgulg.m'd'JE
q 6rdd rpb, !"dd:

vdopMt of $. rc$md of l8gurs': l4k ue nsh sirh zdPi's idrg.s rh'i w's cistrg hiE ddmd drm. Ib4.! m sim ro r&B: Lk rh.D k f! nm im!.tur dr rh. !b dG nd in dv cd. iEld dr 6' lucr3tc rhodghr ro th. deElopmd of po'!'t wc ii imsq h nd.sntj.i b .rPcsior n rmv dd fqu.ltlt va ndsb du'nv b b. cr.i.d fd Gtbaic pl4E tnd oprbioD .mr.d *irhot ,u.h in&tn<.s" Aind*vt p.dc ad AidEv Bdts 0E Sl2yicldprsd u.6p..i.Iv rrbqsu!.dby.igh@o'n{sirryp( dn'c d moJ' JoynUyE?pt $. 'a-Iniqd. * 'om'L\itrg .\adx t d.!d.d 'fft(ooad.rint fi3 rv..'l orth. dturl :dj.6ilrid (*t!.h hadha inns or ft hp4. vdi.), Ttus . *od my b. ( r) i.tndcd 6 piNac s0 rc .dd s dric. n O) intndd ar PrY ! aTbr'i '.4 .si\'l e-... ni, *sg.* u'" o. *.T *ut 6ul! rnn $. $ sYk P.rc'iv' Eand bv sp'cial tch niqe, ddigicd h D.r. dc *drs is obvious\ sdric 4 b.lomulikd-p.' ,'tT. gl. M b dt u t..t. o.ry 6,' .sy.qu:li mg4'" sFbohib, $3r $' im r!.d4$L ilrir orrunol t;'-rl "r '-i-' "'.d.'r stm' D batu, i ;pR$.d lda imrr -q* th( 'n'ma or dc b.lit, uEis*d tm or l.rding E!@d&vB-Ao' rd hi! ' dB M.Fdro*k, or svnh'tun ) i" I; roE.d 6. b-i' -d'. t r'uloj. f ip d ' { 6 h ' h c f "r,t 'i'q Th. id .iidhtudr b.wn 6. kng'4' of po'Ev dd d' r* h. iSnmd tn' Ia F hcF4. or !id. cdqumdv e M !.Fd of irus.rY mrs'ry t $Lrri.g, o I mm of phong obidu ridii ergotur: ! Drtic. 6 na$ or Ehrmtg u 'nF6_ i@a 'nd I shrl cl8i9 *ith 'D mnPl' :io!. 'tk,_bffih-36 sdi.g lh. b[r d hd firsc l.rll T'i 5 ! liNr. f ! F . h ' r d d l y p g n c r o F ' l o wa d!fiaor .rdol.. Th. crnu n pliting wid' mv sra(r :0d dm6 $.m. I 0ll, -HcY burc'fins bu'crnn p..* *p. n" h f"', (umpk 'p.j'l '' ' d *har I vd|o shs.)

th prc$, buroDrn bair ol tE b* otpididugul8'' rh. !.i.El h*5 of tccprion tr w nd b.rdirc w s lha 6 rt{.ptim b@md h.l,lod n b-omd $' Dmaric. It6. tq damsl., all of.u rut bniq il M Ercdb'E rto @ of rn. nmn*idsty $n$rjons ol holdins . pd d of iF:'jns ii . tmil. l ' corr. td rlE lid dm Dd rcmPrB dd srh hit f4lid3 { r". !t ." d-'qndh dm. h. $rl ;,r;i"" d. r'i*pl"tr' L\. pinnpr'r bv *. s".t' t''tr."-. l*.',t' ,rdh, w kd. Pis6 uftniS'n ed vhich. i! rdiis ln rhjs FEs. iddllt io rl_ wd'* h.lf dpB*4'lhjtrg|frcpk.nbytynbols'comp|d.94fuR id.rcr.s.d in nPid l9.ah, rb.n in Posodinofi6 dE .[mpl' or b'v Er.i;d' dE tn&G "rh. s*itt mud.i6 4 b':uri' ;middj.q ^l?bdd ful ' ii dE fm or I si6 or L6: X q a atu e of $oush d drv !s!6B Thir .hffitdstic m6od bur .v.i pMpB rhl tuie oI svmb'l' itrr ld.EL BY rhi, ,is'bni'hdhod ol6dg)t * +PEh.trd objds olv s $:F vjs bBr m in d'ir'nndy in r ul' w' tnd $. ohd s lhdsh r Fc.N.loF.d n is by i$ connsldtiaa bd w s oolv iB silh*d' 'hd ob6, Ereiv.l ,ru5 in rh. Mnd ot Fo* paEFd rh ri-' r,' *-. rd-;d d; *, of '-* n sa k fdsoen. su.h lseProi wh|t .v.n rh. ase cxnrrjs *hv * fdl ro !* rha pre *gd id is didv *,i.t.") ,',: t .Eq whv (.ldu rir r"i. r.. t'rati"'rvt othd slitt of dc ds*) w l|il ro p@drct i! Tht p'@g o. rh. ovd_dbmrriatim or & obj6! ot .tr;iria ELhd 06p--p.iE.ffon g-"" p.-1" "t -.*v dlY w PmP.r r! d!s.d i{E r. 'l'. & ,hdsh bv tmuh d. fty r'm;-.p'* 'i in @gnirion: d d.n 'pp.! I w!, cl.iiiiS r ren ud. rddaidt aboor,rporadEd rh, divd od cdrdi r Emr* bc. *hari.. n no! t hd duned ir Side rh'* nomnb ft hsbindl rnd u!dd$io6. I @rd ncmbg_olh.ti.l|r:ddsk!i.dr63q_ in'n wa rhc $d L. hd ttd DnoociNd/ 3d. s if I hd nd ,f sft cmcid! P'MB n'd

i"i. ,tt.*' ,r'.ra",i* 'r'i^r't'r ---Lof ihc v.hi.l. d.!ud trcn ib .fn i'rt.-a bd di:

nd in compotitjq, rh. cNlt if trortn' solt fins ro b. dorc. n b Rn@ dn. trictioo md iidr ro $. imiuFr Fsdble dNnr'1"

ircrn$nibL sMsrh ln'L or r! $ul Fc$ wutd b. indirfdii 6 hs muchmiF! @i*.


r ri'i



ft Bra6 !i8464 1urcDduL .'.d "-t i".d! o, u-d ;;tu-&trd,---r@ 1rh lddPcqbr.u .$bb|LoJfifu{1'5k?Erdid i,r*i!duo,..u-l** dhft;*rdk.rt,{g"r



{ il:'



{ rl*dturfr


^naTthni q@x ' L., ddrliig, tr .D |n. ld cNld b. 'sublisbaljd. m ru *s l@kn& 6l0ott'3 on unL dN.. . , . : rh. *hol. .4pld liv.. i' drnv p..Jpl.; r'1r.^",*idsri! u . ;shli!:- -'a Ard sJ l r !;:dn.d B !drn,; :{tbib'iiatiod @' '.i ' qtt lrifc $' t'd or van vo*s. cLrhti. rmiilE 'nd wd . lf t q. F k c m p h r L F . i , t r t pe o p h s' m u n ' u!.d r.6rbdlt by uu Tolsro).tur dh *ho ror MrEh' toBt! nl4qsnbpncnttliisraith'hiF*lrFr :.niid,riddrlr"hm 6.m.srw6..: itrfi.n. . tY trd:'flns Tohby li! it !::l:id s:t:ds' c t mobj d B i rh' q H.dn't fi. h n ' lr .!- r ' rdr rr ir tr rh. riu' nmr,&, - cii a if iL@ Mppcn'ns ri^r ... l" d.*.ibi"s b*thi 'h. Ed.! flm or 's Fri anl iarr., rd'bv Fi* ot m. our-u tcr.tdr'rq h'slE 'i&rn iMr.r" rh. i&' ol nosci4 cooL rh. h.K bct.i $. hr' b htr' trmb * nd' this: li ljra Ftrllc N 3!id.d bv *dd3 d tt .L.ds, lt! d s hEh fid rh.y lovc oc ld.--i iryof d.itrsdnddolnsFiel re 6irisdrPr' sibiliry oI sF5l]n! wni *r-r, {g/Ed otr d!L|g tooica Slcb 1 th. $.Nelvi .bout r.iss ad "did, }hich &.v ipPlt ro dit {ords"ny obiea, :,n .va ro l,nd dinsr, cntr6, p6pl.. .id hosj Th.y asE tur onrt un. nav ey 'inin. rbod rhi! lnd, d th. oin.r lhi's. Aod rnc di. rh. svs "nrc" .bdt tlE gtaLsl trldb.r or thingi ii aNrdiig b uE 3@ which $.r'v. rgE drofonsln.mclvs 'orctuv ond.GdlE mst hrgov I ddn'r knd rhcpoinl or FdtlMsntu I b.d bfr' .U fii{turn.@. pllh it lo nrFll in Gmt ol em li'i ol rrii. but I hid b Ejd rhd.'phD.tid betls n *ho MuY of dro*, fd ini@. {s wu. @lLd nc th.i' oto .tvd tod. oDrFddgh dn c did. And s *iln rhoF *ho f.d e Th.D rd rh. rditr $. cothmia lha !.idindis ;@d.B ii @rcd d rjndty, vd $o5. vho cail.d m. ftn om did troLIn du. rim. hav_ in3 *iddn.d rh. $op. or mv obEd'ljotrs. I sds Ition b 6 ho65. hs no olnd bai: Ursn! nds hufran istind *hicb h ctl.d a *is ot ro pnvaE p6p.nv A ro svr "thi3 d 'ish( hoo*ii minc dd ncrd lir* in ic b. onlv {o. dd upt .? A n4h4r ;d $od fu onshdid sr, ny shop, ry d'v smdt thop, to( id' shcq ,id dG not .Y.n lg clorhd nbd. tom : lh. bctd.lod h. tepsii hk own shoP Tb.n e !.opl. vho c'll r E. dl l0d $cn bt' a ow4b ihcYnev{ *r cYd m lr,Dd 'd( stol d iL IrE e p.opL *ho d]l .th.a L\.n o*4 ya rcv6 c $.n And ln. rtol. alarion_ 'o*nd" 3hjpt iwn ftm k rhd $. slLd @r dE o0EF unjcrlt Th.E F p.opl. uho crl wors tt ND. butd&romn liv.*iinoud ' d$.ir"*ivd," M. Aid Fopl. sbiw d f(tr rh. soodln lir.. bll ld 3oodrdEy cd crll [.ir di. I b nos Mvired rh.r tlir it th. .*dri.l And dififtEc t t@ FoPl. rd dlcll.s m! .vd .oinddins 6c dnd w.vs tn ri.rrd. bur cdsiduing jut 1nir *hlch w s 'updi*, {. dnu., * d btrElv b d.nd hishd tnr no onnFhdddof liviig dtua3 Th.c ddr oan.t. .r Ld tno+ *idr vhm I h.Y.r'd bv deds' d.dini!. c guid.n by MrdH6 bddE d. drtst Tlr. r:,$" r' tirrC :. ft trffiriv.. is tdbdhoq ddc! lot ctogs n6r.r l{dv. tr'i:h Mlch lau rh.y Pd J. pt]3*Lir'r ud hld .x!.6m.d $. *uld. *hi.h,-d e dank,i o $. sdnd.1l t d;ld PsfublY rd Rcilti his hidc, rcf h* nosh !d his l'{i Bdr si$c hi! d.rd b.dx liicn hd -o. .bont in 6c mdd fd Mdt Ydt w! . Edt budcn !o a..y@ i! brnd % odlt r luralrl_ t P..PL Fqilmltift N.dhru*dfd D @ hld r&{t d hia fd ! lo4 tft l, hrd kr! d. &td tc.D r b{'do otr dl B|n ndit to d'!$ n ffistY vlro bolnd th. dad fd rti, bld.d tody. *nich ib'xnirdv b!9t b 'tr( in . sad ttif@ dd 8dd b.oi.i b LY it h '&.d ftr sfiin { n E* 6Ek d rh. fu @'' @lt, in mds of ;G ft.. b pl*. tnn 'i* ftft b .rfiw e Lrd rd ship ir b M.!d; cicd tdd tnd djd $d 3p.q b I'idc rhit Pb jt it w *irh n43G fyitr! b.dn !*min! b@t, md ro @va n dd'd_ mirom &d.ld Tr$ w .e L\rr u th' .nd otlli $q Tol*.v Mtnu6 b u Ihc .6lrniqu..kD fid8! 6. ddjvarioD fa ir I$' srn wr7 ,d P.rr TohroY@ d* s'ft chiiqE ir Fwd.*rjbins vhol. banl6 a il brd6 wd F|'mdl to Th.c d.siDlios c b 1otrg qNtq i. @k b' l** mEI' 5a ro .ihd a .osidcnblt 96n of Ihc td'voluh' Dd Tohroy ls rh. @e m.rhodin deibins ds .L!ein3 'Irr niddl. or Ih. ehs! dsn d of tur E!I} bo{di by $. 5id6 iood pii .d i(;lls sd n 6. bek . limr cldh d sdiiis t*i tudch.d d.*n b dc nd bottds MridcBi!r.d 6d whik .*id It otr lh. biddl. of dE di.6 drpd sbgcOn,v.tyf.r jnr*hir.lilkd8 m 1 nm* bdch io *tkh. ss P6Ldd b.r *s sh.d Ircm b.hind In.v w ail dn8in! $ddnins. Wh.n $., h.d tidst 4 tb. didd it lhjc $Fo&h.d n\. pomF eb.x.Am&in silk *irh rishrli[i4 prb d nt fri lcg! 1} F@ch.d hd wirh ! Pllm tnd b.s! ro tins dd !p{sd hk m h disnrt l}. m0 h dt t8hi oo! 6nnh.d ii. $'3 doE: thd tr\. trl o!. Ai,{ ft,r bdn dmiir.d siLtt a }. mDsiot_

.ri* b m,r. oe tdl ditrst 'oN offiof d i!toimpd rh. qtrsdonof rhin3la ftv " lh' kh qEotdn Eer.d.nddErh.vGtndn ' ob dids -uilmirir." o m Edrmdlry $d ktrgtn of p.r'p'on bdiG th' 'ftE* or h m *!*nc Fd6t Frpdd tt wton! 4. Ad n o Mr ol .'p2ti.n.d8 te dn'ub's 'I obnd 3 nd t^Ndnr d obyd. 'h. rmh o' (diiic) eot* D. 6ns. of di. 'rrdt rmm PGuv ro Foe rM $' (on nnery b $;oFiriq DotrQu'Fsb Imn Cdrkir .d. ro uc :bid: hrlf dnsi@dv b'dinr hi! hu_ lsic dd @ mbldr. mirrnon i; dE .dn of rhc du*Fro rt brcid bq 'mttv Dor Ouitotr or Tulemd: Imm chr hE ch/l.i ud rirg obtiou3r) -Unr"linR6ns rh. nldrs or m* hrdid'n' rs.o"(t"-a ' dinjnnhi th6 r r'blc Lbt dfulGs rnd ditt 6$..rc t rymborrr! mon ft2n i PGm rd I prcElbll1mM pn or @ Lbl.. Consu.ndr rh. la{ Flr'onhd;'@v Drrl: frhL rhi'h ror6i Ebnlt i dhq k hk h'mnt But six'tu5 rh' m orri.e.*ird.dthmshlv h' muld. *o'r!ord r- t.F."". ;.y d'd "dp-rd. , d fitri!\ hit b@l At k rno* Irr.rorrE *s tublhn d in lqx. $idetr vd 'fiq P'r't n)\ d.rrh- Per,tryr hidclfcompld.d dlv rht 3don on fk w s M objel d.dl tiM w b'8ir b s_ osni!. i! Th. objdt k in rrcnt ol us tnd w kiow :Mr I' $v svhns!3ttr_ bd @doDors irrr-n rE.rM or obj..t fm dF iilr .boot ir A't lmvd 'uromrbn w]5 l1ft | 6 p.dttioD in edl


"o tin6. 1; -bsh rbor ti

*.i' *u... *'t ..i"

l]E trtlcd bdl4b,'



,u. vhy Dt6isly ftn stupid er.g' tuDs of crsins 9ru.nd d rv dhd-rhv nd pdcl rh' rhoul&d d sY Fn ol th. dY Yi|h n'dB d ovkris rqoeu dhrdsa Efdiir& t lNloci?c r* lhk hsh armpl.. bd ir B rlPic'l ot Tol or Th' lmilid pri*i"s,h. 'd "ry "t md "*i bo|n nocr,nr B did. unfMihn -"-i*. bv d'' d'np!4 ''v rt*."m,"too-g.l"t.-",.1oF Toioy us rhs k.hflqu. or "d.rmilitidltd' shllr Th. umG of l$olt@d hond rnd ir it $. hodc r poi orYia (ntnd $s ' F of 6. cdt *m unfimilir' sDnb rhd f,*.s 6. sitd H. i, hd rh. hd. Est& d* istidjoD of F{ivle

't .ok"? Fnm 6.rc Phes I s* rhd FoPL F oudr Ih@ wd .ofr. d or uft | ,w; nz sd $. nzbl. ar ft. 'oind'd inPIY cdld nor uid.sdnd th. conidtjon Orlv nlch n. fmd rh' orhd lzH, wh.r ft.t (Pdad oo I hdt, dd I bc9n to ui.LtrMd Brt 'kn 6cY Yki :imnlv could td e wh{ ir n
ettj m-r prcFav n'c **ar "'v

I md.Ebodsl whdln Ysdlhd!*hiF I wa:heluclv ii Dirr id cinlnoirv BdL 'nm ur''r . .*i"3 a "u. *"" _t'l'




e Lb.F


'c i{K rLrcd ro r., i liviis h@.,.nd snd n, d :hg. to m. ! thc {odr "mt h4 ti4" "n, e.d, Bd iE *ordr r.l. r dotrl im9r$'m on tdonlvmc tu.I $ouiht tbou$.n.onmlv *i$ FopL did I !i_ $. nd divd .tFi.B6 Ib'Y ftft dsbDd. fiEllY, *ht ri.Y ndi

. '

qnd.di .id 6. dd, obviooslyeridig Io 6.sitr tiigii8 his pd pid hd rs!!i. b.3{ ro rui hir Iio&.E ovd dr hsd ot dt. girl in rh. lhrr dfts Ttuy nnie!.il songbs.rhd, d .v.ryom rn rbo rh@ b.3T b .hp lid shour.Bu! rh. men !dNrndugqwhoEp.l$fud|o!.5'$d b hor. rniljrg dd nisiig lh.n hmds. In $o sdd ad $a sw Pdurcs rcpl+ erios ftnud.tG od op. ngriddelinmclo.h Ep*.dng rh. nanlidr, 6d rhoydis.n lmp b pbv shd.r on. nm. tu ln. nGi.ia 'brtd th bs bm md.omtFbrs, r brs. runbq or p6tl. in bb.k man ca pdFd olro rhe trsc nln nih !d ldr'rh. Fo9lc, vnn ,ohdnins tiL dsss in 6d hDds, sbf.n b wav. lh.n runNngour@d .G. Thli dill n@ pdpL.u. ter ro dns rv.y U! ftid.n who hrd b..n oic of wrini r *hie df$ bur *ho rcv r* *y 6lE, tty did nor d.ig h* ofi imftdjatln bu $g *itn hq r* r long tift b.r@ dissitrs bd.wiy. TbE rim6 dcy tucl d to'ErhiDg @dlic b.hiid 6. dd. rm6. ald .v..)dt gd do*! q tir tru. tnd ro chrt r ptild,|] dr3 rll 01di; divjg w in&@Ptd bY .ddusi4tic tLu! fiun rh. rpattc

F@h $nq noppcdhim d th. rcad.ld or".nd him b arui. E.ft did &, bur d ro rhc cloP fia, no. & bn com&q b{t ro an lhudoD.d, tn_ hmds.d ceilsc. on rh. stu4 id th. shel of $e .!d., h. er cms-lessed ii d. nltilh ta$i6r, rnd lowred Nr h.a/. H. rd mdiotrLs fd d loiC rim., (hinunC. MoE 0hi b hon p4ftd. No oDcdkrub.d bim. Sldd.ily hi buur od hushitrS wiln hh robtrsr so.d '.rutd hus!{o loudlY rhti rhc M @ him IN\.d stug. suillisd ar hL .ocpi.udty !4n4 ''H1h!, ha' I$gh.d Pi.rc and h. bsd ror,lt b binslt Th.eldiddidtrtlllosm.b pss'li.?ycrughlm'brnglfr.'M..m+ny imrdral sotrl.H., ha, hc h. laqh.d vi$ t{s Pim gl,ic.d ar $e sky. irb 6. d!p1l$ ot ln. &pdins, plryiis .6. 'And dl $n i! mic, dl rhis is iD nq rnil lll rhis i5 L rhdgh. Fi.rc. lnd ''Atrd all 6n dcy caDsht pd iD. pLnl.d .nd6uc. n mil.d dd wdt ofl b $s co@d.s Aolq\c *h. tmet ToL.oy cm 6nd *v.r.i huidEd dt'ss M suchps4.r in hir wod. Hii r.rh.d of si4 in his lrn sltxi. i! ,to rppc of nmrl Mtr! ToL.oy ddsib.j 6c do8re &nddruli b. reclcd s ir lh.yweu ldlie, $bsribting wdydly r.dirss fd th. Momdily rcligio8 mninss of rh. .nurh ntud. Mmy p.6oit {d panlully souMdi rh.Y considftd ir rd pE*it a stugc od nDstaus *hd ll.y 4.epkn i5 $.td. n'.ir Eedotr w6 du?chi.nv *$ch rorsby P6eiv.d [d c ,o ,hl @hniquc 'nrush And ifr.r rMjns b wh.r b hld p.n.d his .nvi'ffci! lons .voidqd, Tol5ror round ind his FEp.ioff had un*! I]E bhniq& oa d.imilidianion n nor Tokrov! alom- I ci&.!Tokroy bcile bk vd'ir is g@.trlv hon Noq hlvi4 .rpl.incd rh. oi@ of ftir knnjqe, l.t B ny 6 dd.niE dF ipPuim& linis of ib .pplic.tioi I pecomlly fel I d.tnilladzrioD i' fdid dDd aF dy*h.rc lom it fourd. In dh.. F ls, dE dirf*m. b._ llEi Po..!nyi\ potrr of vj.v ed M ir tni!: An in!8! at Ef.dr f6 the nubbL c.dpLtiri.t oi mr r pdi9E/ ff. wnich ir Dvel.d rhdgh n; ib p8!oe n nd b n r. us p.rccivd nunins, buio @r. I tp4iti ldprioo of th. .jti't-it a nitid'aJ th. obi.d k!.aa afioinc te4

^d6Tr]v i q413| llle A!16. oridrg.ry in mdc d cd b. $di.d.v.n mrc x.mbl'| m.dic objer i Gully F..d.d s jr n wsd fdrh. f6r riru.cosot,i0 .CMrmdEvq,prc vid.r rh. ao!*ing .limpld Hft h. lpp'uh.d !d mE crBr, 6ush.4 lrir.d d hq. d.h.d hq phftp. bd m widr nis fio3.ri od dr{!d hjtu lf in . wry ud slswd borhhtucumiq ed hb meil .Ard whr i' lhn y.' irv., nasnifienr sc bbr?" rd n:viig rid rhjs, b. j!hF! b..r r ..wnar? an m, otp Nirir@virnr" 5h. I roundnyalrd n jun nN Dd [Ei, Bur tan t ll h wilh n .var r d*.yr... s:yr srvlq. sn ol cnti.ovicr\ "wlurr I didll pl.y *i$ )iD !r orrinspik6t Tn i vairhr Mikrli.fiD: hc 6y' Do ru Mdb.4 sbvy*i do Fr E.rr, Now nun y0 hoq tE rd I ros.rh6 tffid


'HM, D ml ra ,., A:f iid rh. s.e r&y ordirlty' iti!fi?d wiri Ns bcgimjnc. H. ''And uh.r ir rhir }!! h.v., d.@n Se rokr-?" h. s'id b rh. o? wiy, hrviig ,P p.o..t d h.r rsair r.d stup.d h6 tiShity by dr Mlq rd il rhc v.ry s. vly h. juoP.d b6L ''Ar if you do1 s, o$p N jfmvich! d$rd sololh4 . Rl rd oD ny d6t I .Hm! Or di4 Det r ncurcl t4 [4 i.r' .nd $. r4ury rglin erndnd d.u dE oq . AJd vhd n lhjr rlu i!8, insnpdbl. solokLl .. , I n id *Dd*d b qhd L\. $mbty Yob shrh his lotrc. tugs my.

Mirc *a u irk-wl ot si:vf, And yoD6. Pn or sotd? Bu. I jud nonEn.d n i i(rc nfl rnd rhc.. I jur mi.'.n d n.vd rnd !rw.r!__! ^nd rn r difidd vsiad oa dr l.s.nd s rind.lay ro nL

Hq. !r fddi&br.

..v.y vsilashrt

Aod tho .hc tdrs srvyor, .d otcodimvi.[ R.ogni?.d hq gild.d nig. . . P Bu &6mili{iarido n d only r khniq* or I crotic nddlri khiiqE of .upn.hih-ir i' db rl* bsn and poinr of |]t dddt4. Ev.ry ndd. p'*nds b $oe ib snbjcd ei6d by vanL ybicn rpcify c d.sibc i! boi vhic[ dudns rh. cliig. do id sem (h. 9F: ''blIk ud vhil. lnd 'Ed -d-ilt oEa ) tr by c6 otodd bur iniurivc sunds c Twa brilti& rtrd it'a etj$y tovs / Did s md linbL jn rh?wlhc )a Ev.r .mric ifrlgd id inr.nd.n s riddlo e d.fmili{iz.d c b6bi.i_ -rMi" "i@, &.t rD papure ifrr3r' l|Erc k lcEnlly .oh.rliig .{ 6. 3ca rnd "bE1l]i3 uE 3u.ld*-rc!." Tn blliq@ or .Lf&miliriz.ioi n rbsolucl, d4 in dc aid.'Fald lnrsFr ndf of dic rfiddorl. ,hi.n r b.:r !d orhs vild b.N6 (d ! d.vir. wirh r ditf.F.t !t6r td mnEdsnjrid) do d eo8njz r mu.:'

, , , Bur $dd.nly i lod bkv up chn;dic wrc *iB r'; chod! of dimiiish.d rdd$i h.rd i r1l. orchaE EY.D$o m abtrr M b.hitrd 4'io th.y dnss.d oe ot d brbd6 rh. ci6 ! 0* ctrtuin r.rl. ID dE lo{nn e! 'Tn.E Pa bn. en of ddil lho sas, ervjnt h{ brd'. ur tnc boa'dt w r un&.iidlrdh.dnpFddoM Tol$oy dddb.s dE cny sd L\. cos Ir x.emlor io rhc tm v.yi h. rs 1 ddlr bhniqu. in Xdtci if p..91. haE smr" *lEd h. dddibd mridsr"viy, o .mBfty oI slt, ott dty d..p og.th4t Bdr he did d .Ltmili&iE dly thGc thiog3bc lnddl '. Pi.ft nood uD fom hit ew cobddd sd m& bn uy bdGi ln. edpfid to rh. oi\a iid. of !]l. @d whft, i. k.d.d, rlc clptv. sol_ di6 we h.ld. H. *2nt.d h hlk liin $.n Trt

And rwr Hm$n ha 6. followingi lr.djdo rpp.zd non b.D.nh hs bt@*, fdic lrbjcb my aho b. pcsk! nsEft.ty *iln rlE obvid. gipoe of t.rdii3 G .uy rm ln.i. (lws. nirioD. H.G sru:l oBd d ro in h3 or lock bd lry,a tr quilli.l blr,! d bow.nd mq d d4, .nd mdtupit.j a h dE kg.nd ofshv}lr. ii *{ ct !ndied Din @r d @gnn. htu *i4., *ho is .tksui$d a ! vd"R.mmb.r. skqor, do y0 dJl Hoy @ linlr oE s:tr.d b dd fi,oiD dE 3brt You Dd I bg.rh4 llmrimr phy.d wirr t n&Yd hld r iilv.r mdiBpik ,




sMdrr i6 E@'d


sMd*y d4

n stq $6

[' k ei.

.|$ud*, E R tuoi -rdrE, @4lu6Fb4i!fucqdku@eh[bLM


tBdql $d*oi


i -ft !rd' $ds'


H{ snq *6 dlGd r{Y''L For dE fiFr rift *' sn' wilrlllY bdgh@ rh. d'ljcat' Prad ot I noEl *in su'h a nltr-

.* nds l i ns u5h6F& tr(l ' ngugc g $m Sp'rd ! d.$ptd ror r. Fatkn or 'ni 'dbk wdld sd b bc tbslurcly iNocle rhyuh ,Br e tlc kY i. @ivi's ' sn'r of r:4int orr$sios. mu$ LdP urc fru$bs cdt 6 M ndd ot em. B nd LnNjis wED 6. uir_ nrY tEh 'Mt @tr o ft ni'd in RMis mu' tEP iG 9ripd$v6 u_ rus.ddrcuLrid ft r"' *iry h c"3"iN;--sh 'l'!* teii!. And s. rh..oftu$io'6 ttu s c0a r f@ bv rdjur' odd. $r bodv n:J husbrd a 6E"siN rd EiE .$s $. c'irb* 'r '"'h t;"rvrr,br- & 'n'&.i.,ny lrus'a hjd n' bYat'rF&Ds u' dry dommi' ir*,?dd

;.iffiffiffi*ffi .ir$'lm-'m'rs****l


ir,u* * ,r*s"*.t /"" .r
or Ndcnnd.s, d. !.idon of ilo!' *ho u'g' s' ra ol rolnc .D!rs) s em'rhog which dits ir dd aonomt

rotr' woE Puthrin Th. urul gdric hnsss' Dt P$ hrft kmmruiA *8 rr. .r.!m' ivl' of D'nhsio: N hq'l rint {vk, b.cN* r *ftd ''F drn(i, rd ,h.m w. .h'rd .*nb. oa th' wlsrirv d hB '\F4' ruJidn r cmrmpolid tdsltc a r 3p4 id ewa rd ii6. H. u!.d th! !.Pk doldsln! iknbon Jui a hit 'Dd sp'tr lk roF ;d Ru$iM lddr itr$.itusrllv FEnch in rYdl,rd P.rd dovr .rmDkr ' Phmomdry t ru ni. r riu ."* ct''ttr;"i( unds woy.Rdsu lir.d,? rausnr3a d k pcc rDai b Rus'a hre ro P.roEtl 'h' logurg' d. ;r tr r* br-d.d * "h 'l.n ;.nd. l&duo hB no* b<gMb-*5ho E3j'dD mdM6: ft s.ordhldr(R.m6r.xllav'! s u*oun in d.nt bd s:lrh. in lhsu:g' d ntd6_ rF rN nEyixElr Md or brberd {rhkh sr!' ndb M*im Oorrv L dris e"l c-"Cr. -*"tv old ljE:ry lr in! lui dkud rom 'h. ot Lsrov' tujdrv ePGi dd rs .|d olldudirm iurc $*bv chr4.d Pr d ;tul* fin:ilv t 3Ms t-v oo*r' I'*" vi*r"tr," ^nd 0 rcw d pm'drv -l *' t.,l uv Xl'l.u^'t.". "ra."*. ;nssc hs .Nlg.d h Lsh' or $c{ cldoF dlj( 'rr w @ d.lii. P'{4 4 bJ"'! m Mic s@h i laftd tp?.'tt ?@ ir ddinT t $ad*v. p'"Fr' .* s''dd*' 6t Pne ve PnPa d_ t6 -*@i.rr, ir ! sodd.$ of Lh. rcMr? frnl' rvF of rh' rom dd rchr or. .t',u t ,t u ai"u" *Bh'n'i *;o,

" """iil.ffi:::.

L't b6 ot pdr'ltd FG ran,.f ft 'r Pl,hip"v o/ sDk sF@ rdd d' -.n; InNis.. h nr "j'dEl"" !i.

Hiu l' ms$.m@bdtof$ ed rlo .d ft wr hr nd$d edins os. iD dllJ@c A.4 ". r'!. ir i nullm n s wirJmt iL $d b dmh drins u Didd nEr;{ E e* uon rd lh' rdri!! v@rion it rm dis lroml 36dlv. ItB rhc lhtrhD s Fd ir 6 ihFd irvrhn or pdrv n o* T!'! n -d' .i@nu 'jnr 'h n:i": o h ; v.r Dd r tinsl. .oluru or r c@r cde5 i.1rt n iB orcFr od.i Pc.e lnv M ! NidI lt"' *hs'En6' d.Edd$hnAkmflrotYi'diz (1fur pmdoi h..n rd 5u.h in.dpt a Dd ordt Itr h. d6rv oflhv m lLR obu6 rhd $' lvM'uril *irr !d *orL rtr uliry $. Probl r' 'n Dlictun. rn. itv$m bd or dilordnii! tna thvllH h: Fdicr'd shdld $'ni'd'a dd ;'os; "bi.h orrhrlhmbcom. I f onEndonir eo ..g.rlsg'"e' a*'* r-*. r tur D-l -gt dlL\n { mm d.uil sG i mdtd b s

ffi r':*';r't*xm,gm'',r*

E* - "

#]#ir^4:Ti#.; tH$l*"t*F^f, ;ffi.S'i"##.JilH*tri"i#{'il

..ffi m'*lLt'"'""Y,*"t;r*ruru,xm

n,.sttu.t! lsunrolMr*


L6vi-Strauss Claude
o{ 1". , hr or olo8h, 5, . r , J J c L. L t s s t 'r u *, t p I H F vo .rr,ro.. u' r u, np o'ri .' r r $t . 5r ' u. r i, r l Anil) i( in I inS u n t i cr n d r n s I mrls,n ,' Dl A nrhroDo los. Th.iro , of , r ud. , : o in, hr @ olo* . hk e r hd o f r . d i d o a , l

h. di. rrr .i hr!.b r ro rhepr er ed, r c . lr ur r r r dnr Eur b r n t hJ r . $ i y n . c r r t in N.S. Trotrbdstoythc fathd of *ructu61 lirsn;!ii6, but elsewhcrc his writ' iolsiris E.tdi"and de So{$ate. vl|od.r it d2r'b., Livi-Stra!$ holds ihd the ,d!oi oI eructumlistlinguistics Bpescnts in rhl socialr.iencerd'c sane so( oi soluion lha nu.lsa. physis did in th. plrysisl TlE ad' d vancs nade by Troub.Bkoy,dc SAEsure, al.! vcre to esxblisl th$e p.inciplcs:G) on. ntrs sbdy the uncon$iousinfraslucturc oflinsuisricphenomcnrhies; cnaath* rhanthc cohrious siuctulej (r) termsar. not indeperdent (r) on. m!$ studytfeir rehtions {or in S.u$urco trms "ditre'cnces"); o& m$t 6r.blish rhc conepr of 3ysten and cln.idar tl $rucilrc o{ sy$c6s {!h. linguistic! k) onc musrseckolt gcn.ral S.$ .ftphrsis on synchronic llss of structuc. Lavi'Sr.N ac(ps (hh prosrah.nd appli.s it, in 6. c$ay n stionea ,nd to Th. El.n.ntary Sttuctar.' of Kinship Gea9, trans. t969), lo rh. qu.$ion of kinship.He holds in ih6 works thr, lik. phonhB in lins!isti6,ljnship ems *e cl.ncnte of hc.n'ng th. nc,nins idh.r.s in thc structur. of rlations anons th. &rn. ra$d than rh. t.ns as s'.h. ft. 'o iDDonance rh. ! on the m.tcm.l sid,forqanpl, is to b. unde6iood o{ h a hrger syn m of rclations anong fath*, morh*, siser, brotlid, and rhc haieto sr.sp it asoner.l'iiotr in incai sboo. To undd$and lhe avunculatc$c r sy$emati.whole. on lirda.v dhicisd.It I rict"orc woithwhil'to cxamin' r'isrrcat.*t ot z litoary rc't {{oriih, litdervt.xb and6vrhsa" ditr'rnt' wrh oco' \ in colrabomhon ii."J I" i".. .+*" .t,,.4). t hBrxrm'nrtion in -chad's Bld'1tr'\'Lcs chrB ' pp. trr ii"r?" l"i"o*" r'cr rC 'E"e|nh ' in '6) se' a iumbcrof collccdons la'qu" Dt' i qar) ;ra i, *"il,tlc i" ' th* on ol Livistau*! .onccpt qrucrur. rh. eround hison_ ;il.ftiou. of blr c.DrioDlic; do6norimpDI 4nrcr. --i,,i"il",i".'L ut r i"i si,,qe' kanJn.d inrotnBlnh'r' snu'tuol Anth@ te"rl' l'riholost4,$' J rols |eba'68, F'n's re6t ff )i oJ* i n, s, 'i,Ai ""*. iaa rci'''*"; ry6'r PaR"dd Hi'toq t'e\!' rans tet3)i Ki"lhip ltele, ians. re6eli 'rti't6 TrcPiqsd si*a't* it ue,i""ntt "t nd " r'".. .,"'. S.. Ednu r"'n, cld'd. I dish'tsi E N Hevc!3nd ';6r). cbud. uuishaus: rn. Anth,o?oto|in o' H'to: hns i;;* i ^ in f;o, sy,',roh' roS,tu.tu,'hsd:Ldi Sha'ss 4 ut'tury Tnditiod Boon.: "d'.;


''!t wout.l &.m tht mlthol'siol *orl& nav. b.m 6uilr uP only b b' sh.end .9n\ .nd .hd ncs wo'l{tt w'. built tod thc tr.sD.n6' Boas' -frrz th'm' tr demps ro $n. Ddpit '.new 't6t s.nrv ,.ns sEn! rhaddtusrhaP 'nrkoPdl ogy hitrnd.ningly tom.d tom rtudtu in rh' hrd oI Fliom. Ar !h. n6. imr, tnd pdadr b'trF ht3 &dtoPolosiss ol pof.$ lh. i;rd .ll tinds oI tnt_ t om prinitv. {i6dEw. '.lision' E!6 wlo io b.lonB ro othd anciplin's hav' 3.i&d d'h ooDotuturvro,$.iebv toming rr r ' in,o *.ir onu*. pt,v*-,nd *hrr w h:' qt.hn4 Thc Prclp..s lor th.3.r.n 6' 5toJvof r.liBjo lMv. thur 6.!n undmincd in N' w'vs Th. cxplanariot for rhn titu.tion I'.r to son' cx_ 6in rpP'nld n or rn F.uL'. 63, no t7o locbkrh, d ot ^nIid .d_aa P'bl,,h.drt bsb.r,tJJl, 'h' ^''"'" Follddn S.d.t h n rproduc.d hs. kon rrrydld' " bv rrrcdr.' b' o:!d. L4q Srru4 ..tvnBnt 't6J i.q nubl$h.* p(p'i"'.d bv pahkion d &i;3.;i*

r..i i. thc l..r thar tll. .nthoPolosiel ssdv ot G licion wd nrt d by m.n l,tc Tylor, Fnz.r' ,nd *.r. ptycholos'ellr odcnr.d rl' D;*h.,m.'*ho rhoughnd in a pqrion o L..p !p wilt rh. prcr E$ oI .ivrholoQil rck:r.h ,nd ddrv r h.rr r' bv viti*d t.em ott'-o-., .o*riul,m, wnic[ rh'v rh; o"6od.d esycholosrol .pldd th.n bsn. Altbud tn.v sc lndoub! !*d.. .dly ngh' in 3'vrt fi.r imnnon b iiall.mrl Drmss, th. w1y th.y firndl.d rh.* Enrin.d e .dd. $2t t dncr.dit d ilEn .lt Thn is pre \mrcl to 6. rcsrct d. tina, .r Hdrn s I foundly not.d in $ indldudiot to t podhtrhols lh-! v DubBh.d.'Dsv.holoFol inkryo_ ii(ll.crull frdd lb.N -d rd. *,rhd..-. f.on 'h. Inrlr6.ldofu fdivirv loilvrob.inroduedrsrin or th' Pt(ho |,hu; rddnB to th. mh.FnrJds flr ; bsiel (+m1... lh. misu!. ol d<rivin8cl.:r fmm v rgd..noti onr. 'tD oLru. rh. lr,n.mrl d.r... ol ou loe,c b incldd' proc.$; *hi.h, whad.r di6'r_ op'n.n6, bclons b !h. em? Und o{ inellft.l do.. 1n:ivc sft6p' ur m.d. b r.dua rh.m to in:di.ulr. mouontl drivd, whi.h r6ult?,1onlv ou: studt.t in hreF;ns olth. An krn FotLloa Seizq.v nres,,' r' rt lltl :Edwnd Blmd r,tor ('3,!-rr'rl, adnh :nde ('rtr ssih oolod*: kns c.oc f,*' 'e.'I dd ;a;*ion. fto' or rt? Gorra !oq, 'd -*.iri.s, EmiL Du hdm, ('3r3-,t't ron' ot -n';nh stioto6;, |}'o' d rb. uddhn rr.n r.ipolr rr? rnd or|!' ftrL' tEdr'l '^. M. Hoon,l{d/orFrllildo

!=st drphsn on rehti.naliry or di$eEndalst.ucnrc h,s hada con.

,h [.s lnrodud'oi rcl:md T.i','Tddi'ioni or 'hr T1lonp,n n!. In'ltrE of BnEhcollhhD." M?d'ri


CUUDE Lt&Sruu$
riir rwacn.$ oL badc annro

'Ihc Sbudnnt Stunt of il\rh


ol .ll fic e oi .cligolr ,nrh'opo'ost pobrbly non. fits kri.d b rlr sm. .i.n! .s $di.r in .h. 6.ld ot mydoloey.Froma 66r.ncd ths roinr olvn* lh. snuaor rhtint verymuch

l'trNsu( by nrrur., 6 n-.trhc16! distindlron ,r.'orttt *o. n d s point4E! - A rcni'! d. b.intoduc.d


!al!q, Fom rhd point of

tt plr..d in rh. s.mut ol linsunlic -ad .xprcsions ri th. .M oPlorn. ro dd of Pct.v' in !p;rs o! ,ll th. claims shi.h lllY. Dc.n m:d. to vhi.n pr6!c 6. conta.y, Po.try n . tind ollpeh cxntur br rMslrtcd .ic.p. :t rhc @* oI *riou! dnbnio0r; shcics'hc mlrhiel v.ircolrhchlth n Drcscd.d .ven thoud $c eotsr tisl.tion. our is.dane ot lhc rd tlt wlildd slNr. or 16. p.ool. \'6er. n onsitrtd, . nvth is *il LIrae. mlrh by int rcad.t.ntwhcrc in th. !rnd. ks submnr. do.s not Ii. in i6 .tvl., ns oiginrl music, or is syrrar. but id in. to'7 which

r.rd fron th. s,'n Lind oI n PdJrion, ir n:lllvs:1: b th<Frtnch rns.:i:v.j!! orpr' Lpn.nina,,, mFryt'lk I

*:x,ff tr+'=,.#-"llltiiH+ffi iffi

d. &toalh dil ard iir nvthol@v !

br r edrlyckim.d

tfirt th. purpo(. of

'n!r. a.ioussn!. onwithrh.iofth.liiEunt in $cp'!_ or w. s.ic.t'6c $,8. n not.noud. As. manc( ract n,yihurb! l.ddly fon orcdihtultyb anoth.r' lnft n r vry S@dr.rson {h/ n}th dnrordnpiy 'sc, for iBkna, Sn R.A. P:e.t, '$. Oieo or Lrn' sde, /o,ruJ o/wor,,t ri'rdrv I, No, :l[,NFlco,

' ro

th. myhorosBr ro ompl.

hE Pr.'

t,ddr ncvoluhon tr borh r F I hu tollo*cq 'h. to rh.his'ornn- ' qd.n.rb.lonsm8'o th. pri-.s snd: nm.l.s prtr.n whichonb! ddd.d'n 'hc which Frctch soci.l $rucdE onrhpor.ry 'nd prcvid6 a.trc lor it int.rpr.titioD. .lcld from ihG Doin6ri. rt:nt.d, r s r Michcl.t' lor ;hnh o iiL! I"turc da.lo!-.ns. norrin. byNrh6'! so @nFqud(6 wr]!!'rcY: in{rnc.,ss r pohi.ill} nrind.d htrrcri:n H. dc GJTti[liL. $a-n oi h"s..E. i' n'd. "p oI <nhs rh. Fnn.h Raohd,on thur: Tiri drv (1r n6c rc'!nN!!!!]! .;;i-ot a.rtthing N.3 losibl.. . . Furnrc ba:'n. Pr6 'i"ii". n i5, no doa tin , a sliDFc ol ciqc.r .., rlmsrih(hi{ori' niry. k E 'hndoublc{ru.tokdPhin( how mlth which cal b wii[ 'd 'historiril,rhcr..ln of p,'oh'andcrlling ]

Fd,inins for in .xplmatjon is such,a3{.ll xr b rhat ot

aGo 2d.b$b. i,,e',. I" iii* ;, r, *p*"*a, -' tbousn i.mainr n tuc.ntity thid locl wnicn, oni Ut-"ur.Ur,",r.n r"r,r"-, tiorftMqn tv i
i rmk rhir qmEdon Inm M. i{dls! Panl, tI Aaa' tu6 a.Ir dbhdiak \P\*. tl, t' 27) lAr-l "t

in widdy diffR!!,E8!g!1

'sJ'f";k struduqk


"N"tur du ,ipr I'nsqi!'iqu.. r {,rJr)t hd Chr|kr v h lEir,l l^!.\se Bd6ilk. ^r'ttuDntazy.

'n isolai? .hd. g.o$ uni6 6r myth.m.n

'rftttrot. bodinoi: $ R'n^. i:$6.t,! En l

rhrll .c pc..d

ords b i&nnt ,nd


CuuDr Lfvr Snrlss

, Twa.onp:risr my h.lp o whd w. O.diplt hyd' hzsonly re,chcdurund.rlar. tomt .nd rhrowh lircr.ry krnsmuhion! .onenitl norc vnh.shcdc rnd 60!rl prsauparion, r[.n snh rc'isio$ or rnud, wh.rv.r ih.e h.y h.v. b..n. ar NC rhrl not ini.rprd dc o..lieur hy6 inlii.ral i&ms1dr.h le$ o(.r !..xplzndon lcptrblc to thc rp.cialk., Welimply *jsh billui rrle-and wnhour r.r.fiing ,ny .odcl$ionr wirh reipd to k-2 Eniin r..hniqu., whos. usr n riob.bly !.r l.sitinar. ih rhh padicolr. tsEnc., owins ro 6c p.oblcba cd.m.n6indi.ated.bov.. Th."dcBon.tdtion rlDuldnEaiocb.onc.iv.d, bot in t lds of wh,i rl. s.iorin m.:ns by rhis cm, b$ .i b.r in rerm ol wh.t by rbc !rc6 pd,ldl.r, whos. lim G nor to a.fii.v. r mn.r.F r6uk, bu. to, .s sucincrlr rs Fo* siblc,th. {undionins of in. n.cfirricJ ror uhi.6 h. ir trying b $ll b ii. onloolc.. Tle 6yth *ill b. F.&d .s an or.l.trn soa *ould be ii n w.E unsiringly condd.fd A z milinor r.ri6i our Bs* is ro re-.s.blGh rbc.orr San ior io$dc!, *. s.G conlronk,i lnh . oI th. rypc: r,r,4,7,a,1,1,4,6,3,1,4,t,7,31r,.,t,?i3 A.t,6ia...,rh.rsignfentbe, in3 io p!r all rht r's ros.rher,rrl ir. 1t, !h. tr, sc.i

Tr. Sttudnnl studr ol Mtth


I I I I I I \ \ ,

w. lnow rn3r th.,/ c.nnot b. found i6ons pho ncm6, moryb.m6,or s.D.Dcs.bur only on . hisfis l.%l; o6.eik nyt! rould b.co6e conru{dsrh rn/, tr. rhoulJlool ior rhcmon rrn(nft k\d. Thr 'h. onrrm.thod w.,c,nross$ .hisnas. is ro po 4 .c.tll?nhirkbyrrial andsror, uiins:r,.hecl prin.ipl.s shichs.rv.rr a b?sis lny Linrl Iar of 'h. nrud!r.!.i.lysis, rconomy oiexphreioi! unity oatulurioni 3nd ibiliry io ihc shot., asrcll aslar.rsdg6 f.on p'.vi-

t t us 6sr suppos ifi,i r(h..olosn! of.h? n! tuc comingtM ,00lh.! pl.n.! would on. dryi wh.n 3ll rhud,n lia. had dispF*d lron rh. .arth,.xcavdconcolou!libnri6, Even ar 6r. igrcdni oa onr *ririns, ry sighr iuacJ i. d.cipLding it-an unddkl'ng $iich *ould r.. qlirc, ar som. .any drs., dnov.ry $r rhc 'h. *. 3rein rh. fi ,hirolpi!tinsn, rhonld be r..,J l.od lsft io rigirand &om iop o bortom. HoBer(,lh.y would i@n disosr thr: wnol. carqo.y of books did ior 6! $. rsrl p?n rnri6. *ould he th. orchc*6:cor.s on lh. sh.lvs ofln. muricdiyirion. But 16, trying,*iihou., b d.ciphers.6r oneafi.r rh..ihd,lro'n $c dppddosn io rhc lo\{, fi} $ould probihr, io Llr rht sm. prhms ol ndk, kurtJ r 'ic. 'n, flri.nh.r in tull or in pd, or th* son. p3! .ds nlc srongly rubiiilce oi .arlnr onei. .nc. rh. hyp.th6is, luhr rlllrcmr thosins:{. niiy, inn.,d ol being consiJ{.d in succ.sior, i\'cr. to b. r$!ed rs on. omdd prft.n rad re.d t.s 1$hot.? By c.ring ai trh{ $r q ddorr,


an arl icv.L .r. 6.d. up ol rcl,.ionE and lh. tru. d'ft rae b.!w ou. sro$ nnis rrd !h. dh.* r.n,iB rn*pldn.d; s.ond, wc srill 6nd ou$lv.s in rh.r..lmof rno.ra.sibl.iimc,sinc.lh.n!n. b.r ot th. .rrdr @rcpond ro thc unloldins oI th. n ndv.. Thur rh.5p.c'6c.hrDd.r ol mylhotogi (rl tm?. rhich ,r w. hzv. srn i ho'h 's.G'bh :.d non{d.sibl., Itnchronic ,nd di.chronic,'ff u.a.couni.d lor. Fton lhir spings r n.w hy, Fih.sin which mnsri.uB th. v.ry coe oI olr 3r 8um.rt Th. iru. mnsrid.nt units ol: myrh t ror th. jsolai.d r.l4ions but r!,dl.s.tsu.h tlt ,D,. rd nn orly 6 brndld r$d rhek rlarions c b. pri ro us. lnd 6mbis.d io a! ro trodue a oc.nins. Rel.tionr p.rtdning ro rh! sse buldte m:y.ppa! di!.hrcnielly ar Emor inr.rik, bur sh.n E hir. iuce.ded i! grolping ifi.n iq.rh.r q. rcoBaniz.d our mytfi .c.ordins b a rioc , ' ..idnr of a n* natuc, @r6p6nJids io rh. prc, r.q!nn. oI rll. initial hypdth6;, . Bo, dim.nrioml tid. r.Lr.or Nbich is ljmuli.nouly dirchronic.nd synch.onic,.nd which,c@rdingly int*rat r rh. chrld?dsiid oI l,,ak on ih. on. hMd)2nd iroic oi prrdir on ih. o$ri To prr ir in .vcn mor lingnnii. !.mr n n as thor8h 2 pho, nfr. scr..lNiys mid. ur ol,ll ns v rnb.

. ;" ld,"y"ourd d;; 'l:i -.h.',,"...,., rlongon. /nanin8tul;mNrh. rc, larn ,hn n, p,sc rfrc p:s., rnd fron kh to ilons d( orh&Itr. tl lnshr-:nd rln.hronicrlly Irh. nor6 \iiircn v.rtislly Nling up on. 3ro* n, or Uoositu.,i unn,rhar o!. buddt. o.s. r Th. orhercorFikon i! soDo hrt di6.rc.i !,r ot lu, !2k.2n obs.*{ isnorant ou. pLyinscard!, lsirins lor r lons !'h. siih r fotun.{.ll.r, He lqourd kjo$ $mdinE of rttr vnrcD: rr, .sc, ,i'd:r.n, crc.,in lphyri."l "ppsEna. soc'"1 'hc lsh. s3y r {. Lnow$mdh is oI rh. tu1rur6{ho5em',dr n. ro stod}. wo,ll ll. I 'ry 1 so ki.n rp $. saane! .nd r.ord in.m s cs io I b. .bh to go6v{ r!.n !.d 6:1. comprisdtu-ar I N. do n+.n s. list n io mrrn{ellins ,nd rco.d it, !lM.thdsdchm 6 ston ! hlv?pui r!. pd6ld I lgcc ih if th. n.n i,bngfii 1.d ii ri. nrdi,l ldaih6l.ronim n.u6cidr, h. n.y b. rhl. ro re lonrirud thr mturc of th. dal oI erds 6.ins us.d, ftty.M or thiq-M snl6 .o.ding o Jd'a '5, l.h aq m.d. !p ol fou: borolo8ou sB onsists /ins ot dr smc u.its (th. iidivn url ards) {irl bnly oncuryine {.1s.., lh. sii a Now ior a onfttc cx.mpt of rh. mdhod *. drth, xnicn ir \ propos.v.,hall uF rh. Ocdipls vdr lrdn b d.,yoc. r d R .w'i. rhd . l] .L

. \0e sh.ll en.mDi io Edo.m .r. gEc lind oI oFcrasonon rh. urd,put 6y,hi tryrns olr s3.dl

'-AIT-rLdon,"ging to th. ram. mtum. .$ibiron. commodf.riur. which ir ii our i$k to dsov.r, For in$ane, all rh. .v.n6 solFd in d. 6si c6lunn on rhl kfi h,E emcthirs ro do *ith blood r.laions *hich,rc ov...npha5iz.d, thr is, rr. nor. iodrar. th ih.y llbuld b., kr ut Fy, rh.n, rhr !h. n6r.o'unn tr. 4 n. coonon I?., dt. rh. or.,atins of bloo.l r.Ltio,t. k i' o6rion' tnai lend coluF. .xpr6s6 rh. rd. 6ins, 'hc htr inrcn d: td.ndtiry of blood khti t, tlt thnd colunn ..t s r monn.m b.in8 rlain. A! to th. fond, 1 f.w Nordr ol cldic..ion .r red.d. Tl. i.markablc @nnot{ion of ifi. sulnan.s in ocdipui faln.rlin. hil ofi.. be.n.o.ied, How

?v.r,linsuirburullydific8,rdn, 3inc.brh.m rh. only*.yrodc6n..h.hcani'sot, rcnni ro inv.} ri8,rc.ll rh..on..xr in which rpp.aB,rnd p.. n ror.l n.m.q prei$ly th.y .r. B.d rs ru.h, ,r. nor 2ccorp:nnd by ,ny mnr.xi, wni in. o.rhod E propo ro aotto* 6. obj.ction dnlpp..c,.ina th. ntrh n!.lf pbvid.snsown6nr.xi Ti. sieni6ar& is ro ton8.r to br soustr jn dr .kntuzl manins ol dch n.'n.. tu in rh; Gd lhr,ll rhcnan6 haE comnont,tur.: AI.hc hyFth.tic,lhc ing,r ' (*hj.h Dayveltr.hri, hyporh.riol) rctu .. dilf.uhnt k v.rkihs ltdiztt
wh4 rhcn is .h. b.Nen rh. rqo 'clatioflrhip olumm on rh. rishr?Column rhrecrcf.6 b nbnr.d Irr drgon n : .lthontrn h.,ns whi.h har ro b. rilL,l in o'd( rh,r mrntind b. born tom rh. E:nh; $.splinx b. nonn.r rnwrlting ro pcrhh n'.n b liva Th.l,$ unn r.prodnc., th. fiN onc which hrs @ do kjd th. d,b.rthahtu onrin ol n,.nrind.tiie rh.hohs?6.rc ddlon. btD.f, , wc hry thus lry thar rlc 6nEon L:iu,. .{ ti. $nd .n]Jnn n denitl of tb. d"tochthorc$ o.iein ot hai.' 'w. rrt no. hins ro b(om. iivotv.d*kh,Nirlift in :n rsuhd; rrit *ould [. ,rsunDroor ,,d ne i3h$ oi or r,,. siia rh. ord,ru mrh R -.n L ion. !h'[onh mruR ,( h.d b rh. slh,ni 'h. mBhrrEn4.rn5hs, r. lhJtr(r b,lt! Enid.iv r hn. *koun 1n ,h. nrhft ksodi l3h.trt anr;k eh ot rh. Erdh L Ue,"A,,!",";'&'diD.o, ryait tLq. te4l, e. b3) No nrtu; how rnqr r,.m D.touni or m.L\odmry b. tid ourondu,onr rh. pobto h d!?,h),i, r.,ir b ui,[n |h! hn on lnansrr Bubti5h.d,h.nnsor,hlsph,nr r l[.n. dft nrdibi,Em(tnrhloti hnrt.;o6Errho tr. Dc! dEp4yolnafrn:ino'h{$!diri!Dsloof adon orr tunn. h.iry {trh h rrd,on "t,h.,s, InE.rpD$ {hh r !h. h,nd!om.norc.nihy @n. p ir. dby Dd o u r n r h . n d o r h q r o r k,.( ;.;d "o n o :i! i{r'3 tolnd ; ,n Nd.d !r ctrrio lid a E $rll pn'rt od b.tN, q '/dnh- L'E o.dD;! ltftd nrd,* ou hB'.fnpk b({E o{ ,h. ,ni(,ns r;|e 3K rnn kn b.xtrr &s..n cnrii $']6 oi rd+r. uRr :nd .f rtr. tu.bto In,lum. r,om 'housht '[n,lowdrh..rrmDt6rhnlo[o..rD E rerpd nlhdld b. nord r[n rhris,rcof,h.te[,,i.n korhcd br D.rdi, o,ncidd s rMiorc!r Nonh nl otoe (qh.,,ob.btr h;g. inb o(). v.^n.liqtr :n afdn4 on rh. on! h:nd.b .ih. h- " qn.h ihon FhFnrt:!r-,""* "|. r 4pukiq "probhn" b ",.,_;. rounsh(o. h( !ot6"inE Drob. Ln-'hr n, i{'h. Epondr b h. d":@ot fi. jb,< c{,u*_h. iitr Fnd ,n hB 'h. u t d.

11, \t,\ tuatsh t, ![Mrth


.r|ql!-e r.1rr! ru (ll.l.t:l") ' " ,rr r r... j/ i.rr) ro rnr. At,t,,rt, .^,.",.,,,. ;,,,,
reo r.mrk $oitd b. d:J. I rJ[{,F.. I ,,y,t,, s. tr,r rnt.. I h od.r ro 'n(lprtr,h. lpoi,r whid h$ soiin,j rh. aF.rrtr,, ud,l truw jn edi d {Ham.n4 { ,!,{ r,r rtr /mm.l y, 'hr 'h. / ud,pB my'h, 3om. barc d.nmtr rr. tarrlr,, och r Joo*, Lttms kGda :nd o.j,n* / | .,.,,,r hB ow n.).s. Tf6.dmr do J "- "tr.,r..,i I nan..or rh.frr'hrhhou!,,ty b. i,ra I srrcd. rh.6B' oi? r: nR cr( or:uroJ.nru. rh. $cond I I tion (olumn thad orhtr .rr 'rd I oi$ kohhi tos). Ar rh. lrhc iinr | 'h.E is romdtjns jisnfcrnr ,d .( Lldnnn( I sinft 'h.rhifr fbm r@t b hddnro b..or.trcd rh. ihin onsii ro *ll. | "rh uoAtru(rod. Our mdhod rhlr .t,mjn.r.s , probl.m wh,ch . h,r, e tar, b..n on. oi rh. hnn obsJctc( b r progrcs or n') rhotqrst judi.s. nam.Jy! quat th. ror th. t!. v.iriod, or rh. .,rrd on. On rh. (on, rarr, $. dc6.. tn. nrrn I @nsn.ins ot : iti wF !ons; or ro put r olhcNisci , myrh rciuiis rtr t."g* tr 6 f.t, s *.h. A;.(,is*a_;i. -,ic,' n ofir-d by .l. i:d orr i,,,.,p*,;,.. ;," 'fi{ iik. icoLn' rh. Fkud,.n u5. or rh. O.d,ou. hrA 'nro n .tn ntFpptiahr. o tr. Ahhoush;hc ind r(uo,n plobrm h:s ei(d ro b. lhnot2uro!1,. rrl,r bisddt jeprodud,on. tr ni rh. 'honv n.obkh or undenrnJing IEw ora on^ bc born torh rmi l{ow n n th{ *. do nd. t,."c oDl, on. prort.,tor, bd a nothd phs i Grhs? ftecior,



oncR ro olumn No. T1.,nrb,tiry snnr( No b kind! nt r.lJionshiF B o!.rrcm. tor Hrt.r fpl,ed) byrlE rsenionthrt onkidicror' Eta.ion, rhips id.ntisl in,imucl asthc/,.6oth *lf"r. conoadrtory sinilrrwlr Aldoust rbi il$i[ in, a provniotul formularion .hc srucor. aI of drthicrl rhoush!, n su6ci.nt?rinl {.@. n


. R. I ! I U


m o . r h . ! , i h h 4 , o d o w n hr h . ;
Ge. ror in*,n...I:u.

lffi**#$; ,hx.-i;;;68;;it.ttl r!,r ,hr rno*t.dc.



iii:ni.'.'##:ts8"*Sifi ;i #*#*iii mtrF-n&*-F,inr.7 !i{!di!6 i;;


mrnnD sopl,(ks.ttrFrcld hinL*r,+.,ra*-j dud.drno,B rh. (rcrd.d sunnj ofrh. O.d,pus

" " rhdtri. \(eods.i ' l

n:i4 rdB qon:r" ot ^d hoE -'b. <Iitd.prdtudn. h! HoprhdDtr.rhn n, rphrlicnoaa.a.xR oa. (oDrn $n.b;ido,.d by h( muo jn dt! ritr rorn3 @mk or, dil6tuLnLsnrion. iur ralh.;*:;om b pr rnh xhafinh rh. w{&B iD,h. dd<n s rh. Morhsor^rinrtr. {hkh!h.*irhhotdrtrcmhunrr. .in h. B,n(<tron,-orf, iidlh!rld dEnD(h nF htm,:h( \hKh rh. rdndr [,m w'lh rnfiitior R'v"'j..'.rh.o-,b,5"--.; -.6|-h'.ii.n.H snt. a.t<nqnr," FEE C.t,,bu, ttb@n. p!6th.jor No. 3r, Amhopolosiol Sd.s, vol. II, No . tchi.4 o ,,e o r ,PP.r r : J rD dr.]r,, L t^u.l



*a *-

*. . i"*t r . - .

- ! ".

bou,iturpn3$on qhov t 6nf!r F*r uDo, hn f in.s rtF r c.r'r Mr). ni.9rh,;, on,i. o,n(

rditror. oln :lhd M6nn r".b.. .i ;;;1 shrd rourd pruyidc wirh 1 shd@ us 'mzg6 Hos.E,, snoukt @ mnrcR b. fi. obuqu.r/ rh. numb.r minorihrs6 routd *r, oi ntuEc kry h,Jlt n.rdd6s, io( or fv. $ch rn.8E huld v.ry likt siv. us,it nor onpl4 in-

At thn poi$ th. obJ.ction 6ay b. niscd thar t[. u5k tr tDpo$ible ro p.rtom, sina e! cs, o,tv \o.k *nh lnown resiom. k it n6i posibta tna ; ne* v.rion mighr rl!( rh. picor.? fin is h. cnou8h Lrrm.m No \e6io6 n.zvr,Lbt.,bur 'ro rh. orE.nm brcm6 lh.ochol$s@n r r ftr, so.abrr rar8. nuhbd hayeben rerd.d, L.r I 63k. rhn p.inr d.rr bI2 coDp.rien. I irE f!ts n,to4 oi a rcon and i6 aiirng.m.nt Erc k ow, ro ur.onty .hrough ns rfl.ctio, in M oi.rec phcd o._opposnc, sc Jl,odd rh@Giely

Th. Sh!.t4t.t 8t6 CUUDE LfvlSrMUs made .! . .onp sn of.h. r.iuht wnh simil.t mythr in o$.r rnbq W.s..o md E2*.m. Fin.lln 1 !6! {35 lnd.d.ken witi Plain nvtholosy.ID all c,se, ir m3 (ound $2r ih. rh.ory w.t liBhrvtslhrom,notonlyon Notrhln.'i_ soundr cin my$olosy,bur rle on. pr.viouny unnoti..d o {rr 6nlv kind 6tlogialop.erion,6.on.ln.*! in r *holly di(etnt .o.ftt!, Th. bulk oInd.'hl whi.h ..eds b. hr.dl.d Pr,..i.llly ar rh. ous.t n,kd n inpo$iblc to ..ier inro dc_ ol rh. $o!k 'o iaili, ,nd *. shtrllhav. to limir ouGclva hr'. ro ' A iinpiiF?d chln of rh. zuni nvth

strdi ol MYth


wr fo.naiio., ar L2d, ru$ cov.t!s. s 'h3! {orld iEl suc thr no l1ry. Pic.. of tumnur. is ni$ing in our,l.$riprion. On lhc othtrhand, ir c.nnotb. ioo n!ongl,,.nphAt.d rh rll avail2bl.vri,nts slould b. hk.n into :eou.i ll Fr.udtr!.onnrnb on th. o.dipui comp!.x2rc r Fin ol .O.diPu5my'h, 'enqu6' oirh.zuni .iioB sNh.5 whdha Ctrd'ing'svssion r.lained or dis.jid.d b. igin 6yrh should b. \(ron.{ on. rrtlcvrnt. Tln. r no3 o8h 'rda hich .ll th. othds r! bu! .opns or dil'ofnoni !Y.ry v.sion belonss to fie nyth. r.rson lor th. discotrdsing rcsulG in woiks - Tll. on si.rd myihologyon fimlly b. did.Arood Tfty r.m God nvo cau5.s.Fiat, comPfidve mtdolo$i! hre s.t.kd prclftrd krion) in q.:d ol urn! A.n all. S..ond, w. hn< *.n 'hr ih. $rudr.l rnzlysir of o'. 'arian! or o,. mtth (iDlome.!!es, cv.n o,'ri_ b.ldn8ingo ott tih. l.s.) .lr.rdy reqliF No di6cn.ion5.wn.n 'e us syd.l vrti8ts oI th. s1n. myl| {o lle srm. trib. or vill.e., rn. fnn. of i.lerenc? bao6$ as soon2r vc rry io.nhrs. rhrFdir'sional,.nd ri.omp.rison,th.numb.r.tdim.rsidns r.qrn.d quir. inposibl. to ha.dl. i.cEl* undl it Irp*6 t!'l pbiidda th.m intuitiv.ln Th. cortusto . r!. ourcoo. al c.mparaiv. nvthologv whidr 'I en b. .plain.a by th. ,!( d'ar nnh'dio.nsioftl lah.r of r.i.!.ne rr. 6ftn isnortd o' *c !:ivelv r.pLcd by N& o. thr.e-di6.rsional on6. Ind..d, prcgrds i. omp.rttiv. myiholqy dep.nds l.r3dv on !h. @p?n!ion oi mlthenslici..s who ituld u.dcdll. ro.xp6r in synbolsnulti dimensionil aLiiotu *hich dnnot b. h.ndled oth.n n. i. To ch.c! thc rheory,'" xtt.mpt*!s nrd. kom ]n :lr 6 is o f r9 t1 t o , rJ 4 r o w r d r n nc rll known vrdons ol - [ r u aZlii o,iAin :nd 'hc and r396isitv.'_ '. d.rgdaoyrh, cusfiin8, r33l $n, t9o4; rrsons, rgrj; Blnzd t9ti,1r Fuith{mor' 1 Prtlim'mry at npt rv:s Lst Antsin a. fi.alz Pqtiq,. ds H11*' ituds, nf l'ondds d . n 8 f t L ' g o r g ' t J r ' q r ,F P' e _ r ,, Innk {. du<hd! b itr :id ,eJr-, mqR'.db!'dqly]IlPRutdy:n'hnrt<iurJ r of Andiqi E h rclw, { dlm d l r F n { J 3 3 o ' 3 3 ' ) , v nh in sr o i D.c:,33r! od,na ifz!i, czdifr MFrr Bliou \I:*iiF or Ao.dnn [,hnclos, r ]$ ,{niualR.Pori, ror D.c.: r3ed.M.C. skKlci, Tr' 2!'i r'di,'r ol d6.ridi lthmiofl. rrd AroualR<p.n, nuE.u

lrdnb.stownih, *.. th. otid w.y.ou.d 'll r di( 6.lren $.$ v.$ions o. b. risoF snn rh.* bati.sdftr... oudv coii.laild Tr'u $. fir.d rcsios d.*rib. 6. sr.4 $r wrq.d ht rh. rnc6torofrfi. Zuni:8:inn, mvlhi into ion,rhc Xtrnals., bv ol;opul 'nrcnunn8 rh. nliirnv? rign,6dnt vrrirrio (1) in lr ) in rhl iri.ndlhiP or hcrilitv oI lhc sotlrt ,h. gdnsn8 of fin:l vidorv to o.. omp o. th. svmboliclu^c' th. .f,.6fiion ot od.r. {rl 'h. tior to tlt 'n Kya.altw., d.sciih.d 5om.iim6 I hu.ted (*h6. bowr !a truns wnh .nim2l tin' .*) and $m.tiBcr .t s.rd.n f {wnoe bo*t tr'

mdh!ft, hlu. ot plrds (!sd

dnds.ic ld bt D. ldtJ TNiB

ihliry in' .6r (ong'r dwrcr)

cod,, KrurE

\ dk4qEr. t &.'ft8d {d6br

(rEt{,'bE,E,F &,dr



rrJ.4 I ,rEv'4

tF-,G,@ !* lid Mr.

I t
,doPkd lii

wnh'!c;, D.c-, rto.. EC ?:rcDr, n! oisin M{h oiz\ni: tod't il aqdnca fohtod,xx'cr" tez\. 9: L B!12A, )natt"diod to zni ci.mo4ar RE'hnoloax l;. 5uR{ or r7!h ^nnun ^m.noi columb" ui,(R,ry c.^,nbu'iotr' ;ror;e 'o ' -l', rc. An'hrcpoLos, a', N.wYol,,cra lA! I

ilE PtobLb n rl]. dtmv_ As ih. .n.n i'digtc, ery of . lif.'dath m.diation- For tfi. rr.blo, rhis i3 dificutq dEy und.6t3nd thr oriSin ot 6o..i.lly hun.. laL in ed! of r. modcl ol pltnr lil (4.r tom tt. ddh).Tn.yrhirc r!,rheli.Isnh dt. an i.nt Gr..b. ..d n ir o. rhlt s. .bo* ii. O.dip$ mvth .s our frd .x_ rnolc, Bu' in theln.nen lndi,n.3,.'Ih. hishbt for; o{pl,nrlir.n b bc round tsriculturt wli.h 'n n D.riodiol in n.or., ihar n, wlich @nd$ in an bN..n lil and dcr{'. lt .hit is dn" d;d.ton Ag' (ed.d, fi. onr/dnion prddd lood, ih.dorc lir.t bdt hunr .;lNE ine orovi;4 idd md r sid ar b Mrlrrc shth d. n. fi,e didlrmt $at' s;;! ddrh. H.n( 6t h.rdlirs rh. p.ohled. ln rlE cuthins v?6!on' rh. di$cutty r.volv6 .round :. opPositioo hcNm rcriritiE yddinS.n imn.ddrc r.5uk lml' Ie(i nsw i l d,ood)l ndrcnvi 'i .\,i .l di nE . d.l ,v .d d rc drhs,r'.s'rt olEr. can .xi;!. Pmont r.rion shifs {lom nun! ins r. isriculhE, shn. St venson\ t sion o!.r

Sine fib.! srins (lsridlturc) n al{lvs sup..or b ,in.w nrins (hnntind, rd sinct (ro 1 r.!&r dtnt) $. sodr 3llianc. is pr.fct$l..o i!.ir.ntase'cm' it lollos llsi in Cushinstv.sion doubtvunddoriv'la.d (, rinR nnng)l prirlced (IrrndlY r"cn;n 's,on,do'blv v.6an..nlonr go&,6b.rrnngl,whil.Prsods us wifi an in(m.diity "iturnon (ln.ndrv sodt hur si.c' $inBs, .ine o.n 6.gin bv b.i.g [ut'

Buru?lt ve4ion h ot !h. $n. tvP..s Cnrhing3 fdd . $ructuil point ot Yis. Ho*dd. ft dif'6 iisn(h fom both Cushins! rid s'enron! 'r !h. hari eo .rphin ih. rn.l8.n his pitilut @ndinon, whil' ncd to ed. Bunz.l r v.sion d1l6 it rh. @n*qu.n& o{ . qll th. inv.n.d se iiom th! hrghd p.* qum(c! olrh. m.:ni rbirrd to lor rh..m.B'nel



LfvLsrMU$ ]t hre. h.* ombinrtion.l vrli$G or 6. stn. I!n. on in diat rcnt ont xs {h.n.. th. wr' ,! trlbur. ol rh. .lownr, which hro giv.n rn. io so Tl'c probl.h, of... r.s?rd.d ! insolobl., vi'irh.s wkn n is sho*r rha lhc.lowi!-3lutunt wlo n?y *nh implniry m . .xesik uF of .sti_ .ulruralpraiuds-h.v. th! IuDctionir r.l.!io! to food prcductiot as thc w:l3o&. frhis i lunction .ptc!E, ir th. dial.cti..l trca$, as d n$tna, t\tr is, ot.kppihs tlJ. lto,ndci't nlnrins tor bcn in*ed ot ao(tuman

1\e Sr"dtttl

Stklt ol Myth


In borhCnrhins and srcvcnF., d.y3o{romphnr ro rnimds; in Bunz.l, fdft han,n.h .o in$cc! ind lron ias.G to pl"nBlNblo rhc losi., Anons th. v.*.d ihcn2dinBpoi .ndrh. dwlysr.nijnsth.eo.; point of lriival 1r?sinpl.s, th. int.mcdi' {. $rd. ir char.ct.tiEd 6y inhiEuiry:

nain.d o lar a probl.nri. nsur., wny k it rh{ 6roo8houtNodn Am.ricl hn roi. ; rsignld pr.cricrllre.rywh... ro dh.r oyoc or i.vcn?ti r s. l.cp in nind m,'h'ol rhoustu :lw4r I po8fts3 r'on 'h* .q,En6i ot opporiionrk- I 'h. tll. *.rd.h.n rdaludon, cron lor th6. cho'es I h..odd .1.r.. v. icd ont dsum. ih{ tso oF- , ro . krns *idr n6 ior.rn.dia.y alw,r d.d io 6. / Igplk.d Sy vo kms whnh rdBn oI ! ; vhil. thndor. .s a mrdi,br; rlEnoncoi rhctdlrr rc.ns ,n<lth. n.diltor br a nlw ri.d, rnd soon. Th$ w.hay. a n.di.rins nructur.o{

UmLc.ssiul n.dhtor bdlc.n Edh rnd

Hdcrog.neous p:ir oi ncdjatoG (srandmod.r rnd gondchild) pair oi mdirton S.hihonoBd.ous {t ds..Boy lnd Thown,twq) rnons dc Pleblo (zuni) *. h2v. rh. cor.-

Som.crrtrl rnd Ett rn Purblos Foced rn.

or[{ s1y arornd. llcy bqin bt naring th. id.ncukiyadon(6r(6m 6biiin.d riry oiitriting,.d lh.y by C.m.'Fadr. sowi.s derd.acl.*r,.M k/ to dqivc bod liL rnd d.rh lrom ihd en!1| limpi. notion, llen, insci ol cxt(m. t m, bcinB .nd int mcdi.ry on.s duplicr(d I imonB rh. vcn rn srouFs,th..rtm. t rBs bcsm. dupli_ r c ed (i....'h! Bosi,r.Bof &t.rnPt.blo)whil. simpl. m.di:dna sn om6 ro th. loqround (ror in$rcc, d. PoshaiFnn.of rhc Zir), bur.ndoed *irh .quivocil dtdburc!, th. .ntibuFt or rhk hcsiah ' cr b. dcdlc.d froh th? pla.c n oc.upi., in $. tim. kqu.n.:iood $hci { ft. be .qnndl in th. 6iddl. @uni. Cushir'8), BinDing (c?nkal P!.blo), bd .t rhc ..d (zia), aepr in SunEl'l v.*ion. qh.r. th. k r.v.E.d 6 Tnc lrformulacd rrsumlnr G .r tollow,: ^ ddon{.ring &im.k 3dlik.b.d5 o( pr.y {rhc), I lil.Iood plbr lqt animal iood), b($!),.r!.1$ lprcdueB (tfi.y do not kill w[rt th.r .:t), Or to lpli n oth.tuir., Pu?blo$ylc (Ioi Ptr.llo agticul. j! nor. m.anirsful rhh nunii.s): nEns lru{ rr. ro s.rd.N ar b.,* oI llcy a( o hduvobus J But i! is lto ihar h.rbivoious aniIririls. lnak nay bccalbd n6rto.ct r! ncdiabrs an rh. i a$lnprion rhar rh.y ft.lit. colledor:nd !arh. (phni-iood eij), shil? th.y c bc us.d is I d* I rDiod food tho!8n rhly ri. iot huir J .a, Thur * hay h2v. n.di.bG o{ t6. n6. ordcr. I or $c sond od(, .nd 5o on, $h.rc crch r?m I s.nd{s th. h.xr bt. doubh proe$ ol oppoli\tion dnd con.larion, ThnhndoIpd6,c b.Iollo*rd in d. mrrl! old8} ol tlE Pl,inq Nh.rc \@ h:y o.dq lhc dm {-

Suc.c$ful n.,li,tor


E rh and

Sm'i-homq.nous prir of ocdro* (Uylrcwi ind Mas:ilcn.) Horq.ncols p,ir ol fr.dirbB

F..d hlk of lll. inih'l |IjntAm,lin ia4balinJ' Dchdion ar

16,r ,r.z i, c .antodidion ha.oenNb th n tatio, ol nt - d4td. ,,o,, ,d..,

Ti. Iacr ttri conmdi.tion ,pp.16 in *E niddl. oI r..!16 in r doubl. k. oI rh. dial6n.2l prq.s drc<uk prn, rhc pupoq o{ *hich r ro h.dDt l. kR . . n. onBcn n 8 t r r n s : l

oqlln.thod no. only hasrh.

brnd,nd ulo

od Fii., ed;d nol|). /nd 8r.n&hildl

rro, /nqln ippli.nion ol maho4 s. or hdy A lom v'nxb:so llrrli: 'hs S'rucNd tldd\' sunl.y DDnord kdr, cJhr r Bntrt. &etr; 'd Ho,or o/ rdkl Rrrr lNs Yo'r: ted.).PILJt'-.! l^dl

O, $. orfi.r i&d, coRLiioro n2r .ppa. on horizonal di! {rhi. is m. .v.n on t[. li,guiriic' ldd; *. rh. mrnilold onnouiion oI rha @t t@ ir T.s. laordin8 ro Paa6n!. @yot., mkt, *dr, d..). Cbyot (. o'.ion-at.r) ii i,rmkdnry bF lwed l.rbivoroui ..d edvorcui iun .s nirt be sen sty ind E nh as s:lp b.Ma *.r $d riolbG(slpisl*arcrop)!8mo.Dutb.s&D Nild .nd oldv,Gd planq rs s:rmB b.sen yilt.s. 'nrtu.c' an,j dltur"; I Etu* be.a d d 6h6 (or !@t) b.tu I md orbid.; rco{ I Glqholt)andimnh(ii.h.souDd).ThGclinol \ ncd'arois, ir o.. r.y ell thm so, nor only 6'ox p.ns of NoRh Ad?ricin nythot\rfuhi on .rtir losy $hr ln. DN-cod hay b. ar d. ' ,nd rh. sj& al r3indE .nd b. I th. c,ncMru p.Bonifi.d ar ln Arft-Boy'i o. why ielps ,rc .tnn.prodnciry; or siy tll. crhc,Moth.r is 5$F cu,.d $nh com smlr; .tc._bur k 1t$ poubty codcsponds i. : unirrsl s:y of orsanizins d:ily spftim.., S<, ior ins:nc., $. Frmcl {o. rlani smur {,4/,e, tum r!i'r ,.6,1,); rhe luck-brjnsins po** aftnbui.d n' Eu.op. io (old she) dl '.fcc {h6 lki$ins c[ihn.y sw..ptj and omp3a rh. AD.rin Asi.Boy ct.l! fnh rhc lndcEurop..n cidd?r.lL: Eorh r. ph,llic fsder (n.di2io6 be sc.r ftal. aid t; nr$.6 o{ !h. dd .nd .lE rnd sirl saFq own a ol fDc ..jnsri 'ncdiabF


CUUDE kv.SrMUss$hh, pr?s?nrsinDli,n.oudti and whil rh. toinr ol d.parrr. 16 on.nrihlr tormuLrcJ in erru ol , !prc.{!r (sky rnd E,nh), thh was n.v.dde$ idlli.ntcon..ivcd in ot, rim. me$i!h crls, !rs' tlr djo*uri dd..nd). rh.(tuc rh.losicoi myrl contro^6 us siih tr dotrblc,r.ciprocilexching. ot tun.:ionrro whi.h R shallrrlrn 5ho(lr onl) can w.r..trnr forth.lmbiguouschs ^*or rcd of.h! iii.k"er, but w. lan dso undcFrand r,'odqprorefty of n,ydi.rl figur.srhc*orld ov.r, mm.ry, thr lh. srn.sod ir.ndokd wirh conrldicio.y .nribuks-for in*nc., hr 6xy b. 3ed and D,l !! rheiam.iin,r Ilwc conp.rc rh.vrni!$tupologic.l *udi., ,n'l o siy. n . noie jn.l!5iv. droEtic2l inr.rpra{io,Finth wh.n *. hrv. ru(r.J.d r. o, whol?seri.!of!:ftns r tr;ndotp.;h!Fi;n 'nb gtouPrw. ar h. pcnion to iormuld. rh? lxw oI thtsrcup. tioushn ij not posibt. sas. b mF. doser rh,n.n app'orimr.6htrhilon *hich will edainly n..d io L. r.6ned rn th. lurur, n se.ft rhr..v.rr nr.h (6n5id.r.d .s rhc 4sr.3it. ot all n vrriub) cotr$tonds ro r lor mul, oi th. ioll.win8 ryp.: F.(,): F,{b) eF"(6): F-,(y)

'th. sttud,tol

Stedy ol Mtth


nfryins inb hish clas); bur th.y 3r. {$ inposnbl. to i.r.rFft throud Ec.r ditJuion, !s h4 h..r cont nd.d, sinc. Arl.Eoy&d Cind(ell: ft tynn.diel 6ur i.v.ftd in .r..y d.iiil {whil. ih. botrow.d On,l.r.l,3 bl. in TlrL.y-Cid-k prnllcl ro rhc proroiype). Hence

build up rhr...dimdriotrrl mod.h .nrbling on. toomp&rh.v,ijantrsderi .!6q.Jsrr..rc, 6s.rv 3rd llir in torn r.qun6. $.ciour wo.k, ifi 6p, 1 mmmodiryp,diculrdy We$, ern Enbp. now .yr Fufth.i6or., ar mn .3 $. tr3me.i r.I! b.com6 nutd-dim.nsionrl {sfiich o.cu6 at an rdy msc, s has b.i droqn lbov.) ih. board sy*.n h,s ro b. r.pLc.d by pcr ionied ced! shi.l in tud r.qtrt? laM .quip-




mrv $n. T mmrusiqo.



nobod), lild [.r nipp.d oI usadrhrn wktr

r ant or d.l ropinyd ol thcorisinofShahko, w. odc. ih.m in krmr of (heiolloeing eructor: 'my q (Ilrsiuwu: :) = (Muyi.s$,!:Masrnwu) (sn3h!o:Muyinswu) {y: Masauwu) =

H.e, wnheo chs. , 3nd,. b.inssiv.n2swctl

, lh. :nss.rtr.b\,vu5: Th. lun!,o; ro rtDJ.r rh. rn'.turc .t rh. mrh

wh.r. : r.d ), repasent lrbinary valu$ otu' spoDdiog rh. fur thrin $. No txn.m." variro ans thc sod M:sauwu, whil. app.r'ing Tius' lil. Ash-Boyand C; s.lh, .hc rick*.r T i:ih.r ihen assciai.d Nnh oorh( god, .s ;n'lon. !1ri I is i m.diroi. Sine hisned;ri,rgnndion o.cnpi.s sDtnro, orbei.g.bstr., ai i. vrnrnt thr.q *ill r.po.itio. hiltuay b.N.dr rEo polir rcms, h. 1! rain5i.riinsicrll/ a rclariv. vrlu.. I. vd i o.e, o{ rh* dmtny-u'ndt lnln idin sodhiis Mrarwt (alon.) k 3r helpitrlro m.olind ihbisuols and .quirccrl chri,dci But th. Fn Ghoughnoi3shelptulr.h.ouldbe),.ndinv.Fion irn&$..69!Eis noi th.only 6nc.iv1bl! torm ol Iour,htrmtul ro 6an!n (thorsh not a h.rmirl as cdi.rion;:om. !,y.hl sed tu be.ntircly devo&d h. couldb.), His ol. ir rhus d.6n.d-ai lex$ imo ih. tas&oI.xh.0rins allrh. po$ibl.soldnhs rcle shich is rll? pobl.n ol bridsing ih. gip brs.n ,?o and ' pli.nly-in cobt.* with rdi{ p.sibl. bui !ot!p.ci6cd andshich ir r.. ro nrf<, r comprnson b.Nr.n r +c ller by rh. valu.s:and ),. ln vesioi so, on rhe rlianB of fi. zuri rnogcna fryth provides us olhcr lrnd, Mltiigv( ii .ebdvely nore nrlplul *iin 1&ri6.l m.d;a;ns d.vic, .achol whichBtn, ihrn Masmw!, .nd in v.sion riree,SLalalo nore .r.6 dr. nur o!. bt 1 proc$ of opposnion and h.lptul ih"n Muyingvu. W. find an idrn.ic?lkdes Nhcnoderins ihe K.E$n vrriMBl n.$ith > di6o.i > fticl*.r > bn*tral b.inA > siblidgpair > frfi.d couple> > iou.iern srrn'lnoth..s!...lctild sonp > h.d It cusbrs! e.rrion, .hn dirldi. G .$ociftd enh r chans? lmh l spitill diB.nsion (m.dhiiotr hd.m Sly $d Erah) to 1 ftmponl dim.nsian (hdi{ion bNcr sumhc..nd*ink,thris, b.scn bidh .nd ddd). Bu! *hilc th. ,hitr n b.irg n"& troh sp3e io ti6., th. linrl $l ion (rhd) rci.tudncer sp.e, sin.. a diad consth ol2 di, (lo,h.iy2!*i: ,) n {L.r: Posh.iy ki) = (PoJhaiyrki: Tiamoni) = (),r PoshdFnli) Tfin blicrl famryor! n p"didltlJ, ine(csins, dnc. arth.opologiss ac ake.dy acq$ini.d wiih n on $b oth.r l4?k-6*t, in r.s3rd b rh. probl.n oI $. p..li4 ordd anDns, id second, io sllit d1i, wfter hs ellcd g?,.r,lh.d a.hang. in th. 6.ld oi Linship, 3y rNerizi.s n d$ an th. l.vcl ot nirhic.l rhoughr, *. tuy 6nd in z b.n.r posiiion to rppni5. it! br!n iDpoa,n.c i!

r! No n'nciio.s, r r.d 1, .i th.s. ftins, n is re suh.d rhar r rchtios o{ .xi$ 6.e..n tso siE.tiotu denDe'l r.sp.crivel), bI3n inv4sion ol irr6 .nd reldrto,J,u.d.r No condni.ns: {r) drit on. b. by iB opposn. 1i. dc rbov. rordrh , and , - r)i (:)ll)rt an inv.aion bd n,dr b.N..n dE fu'.rto' !,1u. zrd th. tern ,rtl. ot Mo .l.m.n6 (2bove, ), and ,). Tbn formul.licom.siishty rignidcadv6.nE recall th:i Fr.d rhn i@ tdrna: l2n!J nor on., .s it e @rhonly $id) r. neft$ary in ord{ b lh. idividurt myfi in which i n.nGE .orrn$, By tying ro .pply dr iormtrtato rh. drr,/sis of th.s. .ruhr' {rnd .$umi.s lhr rh.y.oq6pond o condnion:r,nd: r.sp.clivcty) w. ihould n6r only b. abl. ro provider nor. pG. cn. .rd sobus forbulnion of rh. s.n.ric Lw or th. Dyrh, bur sc Bould lind; in rl,. -,"r dsn.d posnionoldd.lorinssidc b/ !d. rhe rhropological hd rlE Frycfiolqicat asp.c6 of rh. rhcory;qc misht,ho t*d n io th.tabonro,yand subjcctn.odp.nh.nbl v.ri6.2rion. Ar rhir poinr n unfonuo.t ihrt wirh rh. limit d m.ans 3i dE di$osl oa frenci anrhrcrologi.,l no iunh.r zdvan.. en hc n.d.. Ir " rhe H5k ot rnrlvziir 1 should b! .nphrD.d 'hr butr,, I nl'holosisl ln(;tur, whrch is *r.ndy I ind or br.runs i' down 'nio rs rcnn,rutnr uniE, j r.quir6r..mworland'

I av.ns.leosd r.'rnirc..v.ral hu'dredcadsbb. pmrny ritF.d, To dnoq I sun bl.Fs.rnof I r .ow. dnd mluhm ao. thos crrdi, spcirt drvner ' ri. ncd.d, co.sGrinsoI boardi ,boui six tcd lons ..d four and a half i..r iich, *h.r. cards can b. pis.on.holed.nd nond ir $.i[.Ifl orJe b


CuuD! Uv&SrMUst

!r A. r'nd oI I mr& !h,n rh. end. TlEy rE md.. \ d..Gt di{.r( ble n prh.{ *.ud rr!!.irc6$,hno. _ lbu,Rti, qur d,ftMr tbn 36e rn lh. sm. I r*'v R Mt b. ub ryrh.rft!tulo.idl I-I994.::!5r+g-*!Ef !!l!!gltq!I9!4 r*ql.rjiyf .h.,4cfltlurrpilBt bnr h rh. N. or.nk in nrt,| a in ri.E, rnd rhr . . plldg tuE ol k rhreg *'yi ilE!d!!d rhm Etl dnhrJmyth.Gn6i iry.qutt wli rhcie m $rem. *nh h , bsn F pFh't ti.., nd in .n .lt.!.d prcs6 ot mr! |h. fr.ld or rfthnoloxr: vll{ @16 . rkl * sF-'n ;rd. bd in rh. dnffd oaw .H b et dr n rior o. ,@n.u n nd lhl 6. tur d. ir n.r rprlr ir undss.d.nd und$8iiS psrB

Roland Barthes

404hs T
Stntutisd L !$aid.d

in linsuislici wilh lha tm. ol ftrdiDtnd d' sN$uE

tud in drhmDotosywnn tnd ol Cltud. lJvi S|JaN\.Anong lir.rary aiti'r Fhopr * ro * ia..tili.d * n nrucnr.ikn d rh.r of RoltndBJdFs' tr'. *r *,it*. . Dndili;s wiE ot .rcmd4 itrflucnc. To 16. B.'rn.d cal@ k ro Rad0F hic @ ol Fffich lrcn rhcNralisn snd*niotosv inrorhcposBhctoralist"'. d.'bcsiminq o( whicbir oh.n id.dtifi.d w n J.cqls D.rid' 36itiqu'a ol SrulrF ft. shcu rl'.r Allivitv r.F.nR r PfiM rnd I; s;birtn.rirta, 'jiv oi Baihd wtrt i. qhich tE G fonh etuin $ocnlrlie p.ircipl.s, Pdioldlt rb' cmohsis on6MioN dti4rhd substucd objdt a such.Educ'd totundid 4 d dE alinod "spe' itm in st of Elslios, rhus .hpha3izins diff@. objsts $.m\.lv6 ln Burh.r visiondt chduralism b.Mtr obiedsmdd rh.n Lhc _cmrnctiv. @vitv .ndlalv produdi* of dc .mr,hsis i3 @ d. cEdivc tr th6trsnm@ing ndf 6 a 3lbskre is hs inpoddt ihu tit djlitv or @sins,
D.ath of dE Au.hor, ' Bdhca




Afton! Bar$.5 hnstlt d wcts & wntins D.s,.. z.tu (1953 n rt)61), l,hthotori;t ig51, t. tg72), on trs6t v te6{,' Ekn?n oJ knialoqv rr cdtol frrrr r t 1q64, I912,.ariti i$ d rdrlt ! 1966e 1937) d!64. u. 19671, Fotti'4I'wL tlcl I t E ;n,i?,, s&ru ( 1970, I982),s-z\r910't r914t'S41t' lc11) t. r916),ft Pl.6,z oJth. t d \tnt.i rsi6).,{ vot'?alArF{l9?,, t sa4h.s (1s15,E. l977l A beett Ditcu6' 11911, R.tu d Aontu! br Rolond l91s\,Ituts.-Mdic-Ltt (t. rs77). 50l',6 wn@ (919 t l9a1 Tht etuioJlh' th. uoh, $s81, E. 1935), R.spfuiuliti.t bl Fom ll9e\ 4 rgar' ^4 fht Ruit' a'dlr"J i'a3ll: (19s4, 1986)sd CNr8. B wss.dM.l,/aid t ./ l,'.d!. ;Ma tflce Pat'ndqaflha:s'4.urdl',' dz!,4r.r I lc32l:ardJo"lho Cull'(

:;"fi iii" H-,..::ii,',1,,",rfl t#fi

The Structuralist ActivrtY





ffii;::i ffir

an M*-Frd or

*if,r"*"t'v "da *tts"""" * r'*'" d'ss rdr' d '


li#H*1ir;'"r"**:ll" JJ::
::l#,Ti.l#:fi fir"#"ffi I "l,"li


rhd riviLY ir i'bdl'.ln

q N.h d, $bid ne!. blrr-i:l 'JE bry s ro4, b.sirnitrg $'h9q!4!



:ll idii'

:::''::5T I:*.1,'S1'l'itili::Tii itrT"li:X'i *"**." r

i -.1" i,", {hkh rh. *odd dlboB
d: r mr"' nr em6 r JdaltrzYr I qudnon ro dDdrioDr:nd rqd.$'on whj'h $w6


fl"",n- d*" "*cb.li4!g]q9!

bvg!! iari.d rrE cllim of rh. udE rd his chdrs: er d* oF whohs 60 tr i'lt' 6 dm rr' hs 'l:mb ;; 'n.h.;;6, b4d. *t{!qr js4a!ar!l!5r9!!

ch&*ta -nuLE

;6 no doubr tr h.?-*&B ro

"rir b!!

ot tt" t'"..,rl"m"' Gii * *F..",i*tv. H.oc., i rrricrr$d ir li'qa,a4!sr!!!9!! !:reqs! ir

condulonorsp'bhn id.oloF vrx(h



"rq "llg{lrlll
ctr4k vs duld bv

.rdodng b Hcg.l dE dd'd

',,,ffi#,i*Ili*lfi l{',;n**l* illl:;
"T;"iH: l*[t]:l"i'Jil:ill$#1:
kh M m ' A l d trkb .4 i u rd sfu b

The Death of the Author

Fru.., M,rLr4 @ ds!]E


ffin,$sn'mimi* ffi,ffiffi

qd i dkrionq ns{k fd him*lr' o4 ruch tr@ mnpr* lr u a/ .r h Bi4 1 Lt Pdni nnitrkb)' Ntdtne "' .tu t"..a ,. bd !h!t im our-"b, 'mF6ew, qhi.h ht Jrr* tnung r b'cbwill b' i@sd: H- turc:, ' inind r b@r. nl thll hr i$U .d!* mn.dF, infiniklY F6tpo'u one rk Au$'tr dir'md lh'dnm b "dri '

i. Jigin bu:!r: i. dArimrion, dn dBdmridi cnnn bd rh. Ea.b & r mu rirhtut hiro.y, $nhorr biosnphy ! irh ourpdychorosyi, rhi ro,.,,. *honatdr .o erld h. inro m Dd dE Fn. fi.U .ll ol $c rdr6 rsn *hnh {nr lns is otrenued. Ind ir *hy n is ahsuit rd h.r rh! ne* jn *n[is @d.nrd naft dI ! hsini.n which hyp '. chins ro chrhpion $c tud4t nlhE clasic

w.ird. wl u. nolomd ro yilliR .o bc!t duB or nr , amidEs.rr cL hd$nt, onrdlvcdniraAinL , oMIlv)!!rMIr,1,l4!l!r-!!!rl!!,-e!rlo|'vr!,

rn, rhcc is noo$.r hd in [Idu*

rho ui oR ri,

Lr,' ins.of ob**xi4 of .r'lgurrd -:';ak---a',p,*

o;b In. orrddrD DhilGottY.roll r Frfo rdod in e 6d P''M Dd ir 6' par rln krtui{lv d h6 m othd Mht ho oM .Dr), in ehi(n dE 'pdb rur.@) rhs . d bv Phhh n n uffi'{: he'r Irc ecBg!' rh. / r'ahz or utrgt d dt I ljis or $' dli'i

opd'tid ol Gdd' "P"""! i:* "l dld b ry). b!' id.rd rbrt dE lilrwta rolld_ -

,,.d- r"r@nEy\4!i4 lljlqqqgjq

n'ij --*."*,-**d'rtri*orwor& rLsmsr 3i'ul. $dla$ol $'e bd or I hurtiiidBioi'l rh. au$d{.dr, Frdlmjtin3..mi.d .daicq*'/ @m r:irclr rdo tr

q! @si.r, u!l!-!4eq++o1f



rnrdnd rbdiidiry Pa.r!.h d6'![l iM wih cs oilv ime( b .vd rftnoi Frd onsrE sfrc hlt FL pok It b N4L qiriis! b $M rtu; b" dlln&{ n. - b " | ' o " l " j d n k!' k rfts $r tr'E inkdor "$i"3 h ttuv ;' mffits'ErdY|l14 :LiN b "tudtt "tElf oM lcrid, *ho* *nlt cD b. .xpl.imd oilv thdSb thich d(ndr *ordr, ed thit d i initun: 'k'nprd,lr b.Llt )nun! fto@ D. Q{iE Y diD .b.olu rhd h rds b mld. hdh!4 i!&!dlosl.gqB.udcldrcl'llt6 iEgdido

i" u- l, d th' w' sik ol {j! ,o *, [r 'r .v* '" h[ Fip s ii!" n ir nd'Dg ANrhd vdv rp*ili' 'spr' hrE n'd |@ i;*u!,!.tu ! P v@ ;;: Fd cr'x hl nfrr rnhr m rh. .on$rudE! nbisro 'r orw& I'd ddble n.m'F M ;wh@u'n (urtr !d. whrch 4b .h@r4 und.n!trdt uil{'nlv t. Fat msldldrdiDS Ertu'l l vbo lnddhd3 d ), tl-. ir, h*uo. "** tt i -gre it duplkity, ud 6!t!4 undnEdl one m'v ltdidng in hB D'd: !d'n darG3 o{ th. .hdd ".on@e kprdielytn Eada(chd $ li$84 . F dism d4orrl b.ins of wjtii& r dr c@srB ot l6d slrd oltuG ud L wnti's3, 'n' di.lo8E. i o Fodv. into @nrddrioDi bd $'a ''{Edli3


. i" *r'o",ii" *rtit"iv

i" *ll.d"a

i" a*t d i'rib'd * 'o\dt ir ,r" *.y ,r'i 'r".. of sv -ao ,n kiisloj" ill th.cibri.ordtof *bkh r dr

i rh. rD60r. s hs hr$e

b..n .Ini.4

-a bd

"it" |n' dd



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