Triggers For Change
Triggers For Change
Triggers For Change
Hence people must update their skills and knowledge in order to perform efficiently as well as effectively in the organization to get a competitive edge. If people learn in the organization, naturally organizational growth happens in streamline. Individuals within an organization learn as they carry out what is expected of them, written as well as unwritten expectations. Written expectations can be reached through emails, memos, and job descriptions. But unwritten expectations are not clear for individuals in the organization. Definition of triggers: Triggers can be defined as situations which act as means to organizational learning. Organizations do not learn proactively as with human beings (Watkins and Marsick 1993).Tremendous pressures are given to perform and produce results, thus organizations tend to invest heavily towards exploiting existing knowledge and under invest in learning or developing new skills set. Triggers are motivators which stimulate individuals to learn in turn it serves as a motivating tool to stimulate organizations to learn. So triggers can be considered as an influential tool which inspire for learning from both the perspective. Triggers can be analyzed through various managerial tools with regard to understand the internal as well as external environmental factors. SWOT analysis: When an organization looks for change, it must undergo for a SWOT analysis. This would help the organization to know its internal strength as well as weaknesses. And meanwhile this would gives a path to the opportunities which can be grabbed and be aware about the threats which could be faced in future.
This approach would provide a structure in which to lay out the need and the readiness of the organization to change. Change can be triggered by the desire to alter the knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviour and relationships of people in the organization in order to improve the performance of an individual in competitive way. Change is the only constant in the world and organizations need to manage change in order to survive in the market place. There are
rapid changes occurring due to many reasons. Organizations need to identify change triggers (need for change) and take necessary steps to implement appropriate change processes. Change triggers can be broadly categorized into two namely, Internal Change Triggers External Change Triggers
Implementation Issues: Technology playing significant role in the organization, todays technology wont be there tomorrow, rapid changes are taken place in the area of technology. The introduction of new technology, innovation or R & D often triggers the need for organizational learning (see George 1983; Bessant and Buckingham 1993 Carlsson and Kean 1976). Implementing a new innovation often alters existing work routines, reward structures, or communication patterns to the extent the relevant resources to support learning to encompass the innovations successfully and get the benefit out of it. Inter-Organizational Relations: Integrated approach play a vital role for organizational learning which is an emerging paradigm for the study of making strategy when firms diversity into new practices and collaborate with other firms in creating inter-organizational relationships or IOR (Alaharkonen and Rutenberg 1990). Firm Size- Increased in the size of the firm requires the scale of operations to be increased and vice versa. Production methodology- There can be changes in production methodology forcing the organization to change the way in which they operate the business.
Organizational structure- Sometimes there can be structural changes in the hierarchy of the organization. As an example, an organization which is managed in a top down approach may decide to adopt a bottom up approach which triggers a change in the whole business process.
It refers to all forces which have an economic impact on business like industrial production, agriculture, planning, basic economic philosophy, infrastructure, per capita Income, money supply, price level, population, savings, stages in the economic development, trade cycles are major factors which have an impact on the total economic environment. Thus firms had to erase outdated procedures and generate new rules and set a precise standard to compete in the new open market economy.
Ecological and Political Environment Issues At the outset organizations have learned from natural disasters (Bhopal disaster). Disasters make explicit organizational policies on safety measures (Bowman and Kunreuther 1988). As nations become more concerned with the ecological environment, and as new laws and statues are enacted to protect the natural environment. Organizations also need to learn to cope with new regulation following changes in political leadership and regimes (Godkin and Montano 1991).
Socio-cultural changes Its very comprehensive because it may include total factors within which an organization operates. Culture consists of the cultivated behaviour of individual within society. From the business point of view, socio cultural environment includes expectations of the society form the business, as such attitude, knowledge, perception and behaviour of society towards business and its management etc. Social movements are public activities who strive to integrate their general aspirations into the system of values and norms that constitute legitimacy in a society. Essentially, as the social culture changes, predicted by social movements, the values of an organization may change to coincide with social change.