End Term Examination: Paper Code: BBA - 107 Subject: Computer Fundamentals Paper ID
End Term Examination: Paper Code: BBA - 107 Subject: Computer Fundamentals Paper ID
End Term Examination: Paper Code: BBA - 107 Subject: Computer Fundamentals Paper ID
Paper Code: BBA 107 Paper ID: Time: 3 Hours Note: Attempt any five questions.
a) b)
Discuss the characteristics of 4th and 5th generation computers. What do you understand by central processing unit? Describe in detail the various units of CPU.
(8) (7)
a) b)
What factors affect the speed of a microprocessor? Describe the hierarchy of computers according to power and their respective roles. 4th generation languages are non procedural . Elucidate. Concert the octal number 642 to decimal, binary and hexadecimal. Perform the following binary arithmetic operations: (i) (ii) (iii) Add 1011001 and 11010 Subtract 1001 from 1101 Divide 1110 by 0111
(8) (7)
a) b) c)
a) b) c)
Differentiate among PROM, EPROM and EEPROM. Describe the relationship between OCR technology and scanner technology. What are the differences between various types of monitors?
a) b) c)
Explain how read/write operation is carried out in an optical disk. What are real time operating systems? Which type of scheduling does it follow? Differentiate between preemptive and no preemptive scheduling.
a) b)
Explain the process management function of an operating system. How does cache memory improve the performance of the system.
(8) (7)
a) b)
Explain any two unguided data transmission media. Explain the following terms. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Communication protocol Bandwidth Switching Asynchronous transmission Modulation
a) b) c)
What are the advantages of digital data transmission over analog data transmission? Explain the Auto sum feature of a spreadsheet package with the help of an example. Describe the steps involved in creating a chart using a spread sheet package.
Paper Code: BBA 107 Paper ID: Time: 3 Hours Note: Attempt any five questions. 1. Elaborate and elucidate any five of the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 2. a) b) c) 3. a) b) c) 4. a) b) c) 5. a) b) c) 6. a) b) c) 7. a) b) c) 8. a) b) c) 9. a) b) c) WAN WLL OMR VGA FTP URL HTML VPN
Draw a block diagram showing all functional units of a digital computer? Explain the function and rote of each of unit in brief? Differentiate between an analog and a digital computer? Briefly explain the three basic operations performed by any computer system? What is application bus? Name the buses and their functions used in a computer. Which one of the computer buses is bi-directional? What is meant by generation in computer terminology? How many computer generations are there till now? What is the value of the base for decimal, hexadecimal, binary and octal number systems? Why the storage media are used in computers? Give the names of five storage devices? Differentiate between CRT Display and LCD display? What is MICR? What are the shortcomings of MICR? What are the differences between complier and interpreter? What is cache memory? How it is different from a primary memory? Compare and contrast the Laser and Dot matrix printer? What are the foremost uses of excel software. Differentiate between graphical user Interface & Command User Interface. Elaborately bring into play the commonly used windows accessories applications? What are compute virus and worms? How can your computer be protected from computer virus? Explain the various windows function available for files/folders management? Briefly explain the facilities offered by the standard word processing software packages? What do you mean by network? How network system has brought revolution in world of information Technology? What are the benefits of client/server architecture? Explain the concept of private network? Explain TCP/IP installation procedure and parameters in brief? What are the commonly used LAN access methods? Explain. Explain different Electronic payment mechanism available today? (7) (4) (4) (6) (3) (6) (4) (4) (7) (4) (4) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (7) (8) (4) (3)
Paper Code: BBA 107 Paper ID: Time: 3 Hours Note: Attempt five questions including Q.1 which is compulsory.
Explain in brief : a) b) c) d) e) What are the advantages and disadvantages of star topology? List the differences between ROM and RAM. List the differences between fixed point and floating point number Where are lightpen and VDU used? List the applications of spread sheet.
a) b)
Discuss the difference and capabilities of Mainframe and Super Computer in detail. What do you mean by Harware. Software and fireware? Discuss the components of a computer.
(7) (8)
a) b)
Convert the following numbers in Hexadecimal number : (i) (237.25)10 (ii) (11001.10010)2 (iii) (735)8 (iv) (2042)10
Differentiate among machine language, assembly language and high level language.
a) b)
Discuss the hierarchy and organization of a memory system. What are different Data Storage devices available for a computer? Discuss the properties of each Storage device.
(9) (8)
a) b)
Discuss the format/ Syntax of following commands with an example. (i) Dir (ii) copy (iii) copy-con (iv) ren
How windows Operating System is different from DOS operating system? List atleast 10 differences between them. (7) (9) (6) (iii) I/O systems (5) (4) (3) (3)
a) b)
What are the functions of operating system? Explain the features of time sharing operating system. Discuss the following: (i) Bios (ii) COM
a) b) c) d)
What are the steps to Creating and Editing files? Differentiate between multiprogramming and multiprocessing What do you mean by wild cards? How are these wild cards helpful? Discuss Redirecting commands with its syntax in brief.
Write short notes on any three: a) b) c) d) Modes of transmission Alphanumeric character system Types of computer system Computer language
Paper Code: BBA 107 Paper ID: Time: 3 Hours Note: Attempt all questions with internal choices as indicated.
a) b) c) d) e)
What do you mean by the term software? Explain the difference between compiler and interpreter. Divide (100001) 2 by (110)2 using binary division method. What is the difference between ROM, PROM and EPROM? Explain simple batch system. Write main features of optical fiber. (5x3=15)
a) b) a) b)
What is computer? Discuss block diagram of a computer and explain the functions of various units of computer system. Classify the computer on the basis of processing speed and storage units. OR Do the following conversions. (i) (225)8=( )2 (ii) (2CD)16 = ()2 (iii) (1100101101)2 = ()10 (iii) (11110110)2+ (110000)2 (3x2.5=7) (3x2.5=7) (8) (7)
Perform the following arithmetic operations (use complement method wherever required). (i) (1100)2 * (1010)2 (ii) (10111011)2-(110011)2
a) b) a) b)
Discuss any five input devices. Discuss any five output devices. OR Discuss primary and secondary memory in the computer system. Define secondary storage devices. What is the need of such devices? Discuss any two such devices.
(7.5) (7.5)
(7.5) (7.5)
a) b)
What is an operating system? Explain the functions of operating system. Explain the difference between multiprogramming and multiprocessing operating system. OR
(7.5) (7.5)
Write the syntax of the following commands with example: (i) DIR (vi) MD (vii) RD 5. a) b) a) b) (ii) COPY (iii) COPY CON (iv) REN (ix) VOL (v) DEL (x) SCANDISK (viii) TREE
what do you mean by networking? Discuss the three major types of networks. What are the various modes of transmission? OR What is the difference between workbook and worksheet? Write the steps to create mail merge.
(7.5) (7.5)
(5) (10)
Paper Code: BBA 107 Paper ID: Time: 3 Hours Note: Attempt all questions with internal choices as indicated.
a) b) c) d) e)
Illustrate Primary memory and Secondary memory with suitable example? What do you mean by Opening system? Write various types of Operating System? Multiply (1111)2*(111)2 using binary multiplication method. Write the difference between OCR & OMR? What do you mean by input output devices? Name any five input and output devices. Define functions of computers system using block diagram. do the following conversions. (i) (100)16 = ( )8 (ii) (1011111111)2 = ( )10 OR (iii) (271)8 = ( )16. (5x3=15)
a) b)
a) b) 3. a) b) a) b) 4. a)
What is the difference between Analog and Digital Transmission? (i) (1010)2*(1010)2 (ii) (10101010)2 + (110000)2 (iii) (1011100)2 (101100)2 (7.5x2=15) (10) (5)
Write down the steps to create mail Merge. differentiate between analog and digital computer? Or Differentiate about LAN, MAN and WAN. Differentiate between analog and digital computer?
Write the syntax of the following DOS commands with example : (a) VER (b) CD (c) MKDIR (h) COMP OR (d) RD (i) DIR (e) DEL (j) COPY
What is Topology Explain any three types of topologies. Differentiate between synchronous and Asynchronous Transmission. Differentiate between Internet and Intranet? Differentiate between Host and Terminal computer? OR Differentiate between Machine level and High level Language. Define search engine? Write the name of any three?