MNLS Ten Detail Steps

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Date: 18-Jan-2011

lyyjf500 Manthenas Natural Living Style - MNLS The TEN Daily Steps (Please go through the whole handout thoroughly before changing over to this lifestyle. Slowly add the routines mentioned, starting with water-intake, then veg. juice, breakfast, dinner and then lunch. (Do not stop Salt completely without taking adequate water as given here) 1. First intake of Cleaning Water: Rise from bed at around 4-5 AM. a. Gargle mouth, (may brush teeth first if you feel like), drink 1 - 1 liters water in one go or two steps, at standing posture. Quantity of water depends on your age. If having kidney problems, take more water only after consulting doctor. If prone to ENT allergies (ENT allergies are cold, cough with phlegm, sinusitis, nasal congestion, or sneezing problem) or asthma, it is preferable to drink warm water and feel the water going straight to the intestines. b. If having constipation, you may prompt to visit the toilet after the water-intake. Keep on having short slow steps in the room or out side with a thought of going to Toilet. 2. Physical Work: After 20 mins, do one of the following (preferably in the same order) for at least 45 minutes to 1 hour (maximum 2 hours per day including in evening): a. Pranayama (Dr. Manthenas Deergha Pranayamas are the Best for those with Allergies or Asthma or snoring problem) followed by yogasana (If having allergies or asthma, better to do some brisk walking to warm up the body and then do pranayama and asanas.) b. Swimming c. Running or jogging (if under 60 age) d. Only walking (if above 60 age)

If you are overweight or suffering from BP, Heart Problems etc., best is to do
asanas of sitting and lying posture to avoid pressure on heart. (Even walking may sometimes create pressure on heart and increase heart beat rate.) Dr. MSRs Maa TV programme daily in Telugu from 4.00 to 5.00 AM is very good to learn Pranayama and Asanas (a. above). At the end of the exercise (45-60 mins.), you must sweat. Sweat removes the accumulated dirt of body through skin. Remember the golden rule: NO WORK (physical work), NO FOOD! (If doing less work, take less food, i.e. less calories - especially if you are overweight.) 3. Second intake of Cleaning Water: Relax for 10 mins. Alternatively, do Savasana. a. Drink one to 1 liters water again as mentioned in 1 (a) above. b. You may get second call to go to toilet. Ignore if you do not get it. c. Have bath best is cold water bath else use lukewarm water (If used to hot/warm water, follow it by cold water for better health, except on the days when actually suffering from allergies of Ear, Nose or Throat). Take head-bath every day (especially males). Do not use soap. Rub the whole skin hard with your hands it helps in increasing blood-flow and in getting out the muck or dirt from the sweat-pores. Do not
From: T Sekhar, eMail: Page 1 of 7


Date: 18-Jan-2011
use oil for hair, before or after the bath. The body takes oil from the seeds (like soaked groundnut, soaked til, fresh coconut, etc.) we eat in breakfast. (If you have problem of dandruff, it will go in a few days or a week.). Bath with cold water energizes you, but bath with hot water drains you of energy. d. If you had only 2 liters of water since morning, consume the 3rd litre of water after an hour. 4. Vegetable Juice (for enzymes, vitamins and minerals): Ensure gap of at least 30 mins. After having water, and then drink a big glass of vegetable juice (It is just about 60-70 calories of energy, equal or less than a cup of coffee or tea). a. Make the veg. juice with Tomato, Carrot, Beetroot, (and Leafy Vegetable only if homegrown), Keera (+ any 2 other vegetables like Radish etc.). Add 1-2 spoons honey or limejuice for taste. (One spoon honey will not harm diabetics). Drink slowly for 10 minutes sip by sip as you drink a cup of hot tea. Fruit juice can take in lieu of Vegetable Juice. If feeling heavy from overnight food, drink honey (2-3 teaspoons) + limejuice + water. b. Remember: DRINK SOLIDS; EAT LIQUIDS i.e. munch solid food well with saliva before gulping, and enjoy the liquid slowly to enable it to mix with saliva. 5. Breakfast of Sprouts, dates, and fruits: Have a gap of at least hour. a. Take breakfast with sprouts of any three types from green gram, Bengal gram, wheat, horse gram, alasandalu, etc. along with soaked groundnuts, soaked Soya, soaked til, and pieces of fresh-coconut. Take less (5-10) soaked groundnuts and only 1/8 coconut piece if overweight. b. The sprouts and soaked seeds should be at least two fistfuls. Eat with dates or after sprinkling limejuice for taste if necessary. You can also add pomegranate seeds for taste. c. Soaked items should be soaked overnight after washing with water. d. Sprouted seeds should have sprout of at least 1 to 1 inch long. The longer the sprout, the less gas it will produce and the less fat it contains. e. Eat breakfast for at least 20 minutes slowly, chewing it well. If still feeling empty on stomach, top it up with any seasonal fruits. f. Start drinking 1-2 glasses of water, starting after 1 - two hrs. After breakfast your tongue might signal you that the body needs water, to take the digested food into the blood for onward transmission to your cells.


Ensure to drink one litre of water, (in stages as above) until hour before you take the lunch. If lunch delayed, take water in between. Lunch between 12 to 1 p.m. is better, as Jatharaagni (fire of hunger) increases with the height of the Sun.

a. Have 2-3 Phulkas (made with floor including the Chilka or Wheat-cover) and fresh
salad, or 2 servings of Rice (Brown Rice or Pounded Rice or Boiled rice) with curry (boiled vegetables). You can use onions, limejuice, green chilly etc. for taste, If not used to onions, you may use cabbage for similar taste. You can have curd if required. Rice and curries should be 50:50 by volume, especially for overweight people

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Date: 18-Jan-2011 b. If overweight, take only phulkas. If underweight, take more Pounded rice and less
curries (say 70:30). Phulkas are good with either raw salad or cooked vegetable curries. However, rice digests easily with cooked curries only. c. Remember all food should be MOSS-free i.e. no Masala, Oil, Salt or Sugar. This is the main secret of Manthenas Natural Living Style (MNLS). d. Start having water of to 1 glass after about two hrs, when our tongue signals for water. e. Do not drink water in-between meals or after food. It is the prime cause of gas problems, acidity and ulcers. 7. Evening drink: Drink coconut water, sugarcane juice or fruit juice, if feeling hungry / tired, around 5 PM. Remember, no water for hr. before taking any food. Any item other than water is food for us. 8. Evening excretion: Have 1 litre of water (in one go or within five mins.) at around 6 p.m., after ensuring that you have toilet facility available to excrete the waste of your breakfast. If you get prompted for stools as many times a day as taking food (say 3 times a day when taking breakfast, lunch and dinner), then your health is near-perfect. 9. Dinner:

a. Have dinner between 6.30-7 p.m.: Phulkas + Raw Salad. If engages, in heavy physical
work or want to add weight, then rice + boiled veg. Ensure that boiled veg. is fresh. If underweight, you may have curd rice also. If over 50 and not much of physical work, or having diabetes or arthritis, take only fruit-dinner. Upto kg of fruits are OK for dinner. Fruits like mango, sapota, banana, and jackfruit have more energy per 100 Gms. and fruits like guava, papaya, watermelon, have less energy. b. A good combination is 60% raw (breakfast and dinner) and 40% cooked (in lunch). 10. Sleep: Avoid taking water after 9 p.m. You may have 1/2 glass if feeling thirsty. More water may lead to more urine at night and disturb your sleep. Proceed to sleep at 10 pm. If very hungry, have honey + water. You will have deep sleep for less number of hours and will NOT feel like being in bed once you are awake. Remember the deeper the sleep, the less will be the hours required for sleep, and the more will be the energy you have when you get up! NOTES:

a) FASTING: Fast with FRUITS OR HONEY+LIME JUICE (HL drink) once a week or fortnight recommended to balance the unbalanced. The HL drink should start in place of Vegetable Juice and alternated with two glasses of water every 1 to 1 hr. If feeling very tired at night, you may have fruits for dinner that day. Please stop taking HL drink or water after 8 PM. You can take up to up to 250 Gms. per day. b) Quantity of water per day should change as per age. Children in teens (13-19) may take -1 liter each for cleansing purpose. Younger children may be given - litre instead.

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Date: 18-Jan-2011 c) Avoid MOSS in food (Masalas, oil, salt and sugar). Masalas are all Ayurveda medicines
and should not take as part of our daily food. Ripe Tamarind (Ripe Imli) is also an ayurvedic medicine and should not be in daily diet. Always prefer fresh crop or raw food to processed food. Pregnant women should take about 150% food to provide nutrients for the infant too. Young boys need more food for growth of the body in their teens. If Overweight/Obese: Do not starve to reduce weight. Lunch and dinner should have more vegetables and less of rice or Phulkas. Eating dinner early, and reducing the calories of dinner (taking fruits for dinner), help. Our daily average need is 2200 calories for male and 1800 for female, when they are desk-workers. We can take breakfast of 600-700 calories, lunch of 800-900 cals and dinner of 400-600 cals. Reducing it by about 500-600 calories, a day melts the extra fat slowly. Lifestyle Diseases show improvement when the pace of life slowed down, for those who are otherwise very fast in every work, including eating. The diseases and the approximate time to show perceptible improvement in the condition are given below: Accumulation of phlegm in chest: Fast for 1-2 days with HL juice alternated with water (See (a) above for details), to get quick relief Allergies & Asthma: 7-20 days, (Strictly Avoid the trio of Sweets (made with sugar/jiggery), Salt, and cold items including cold water) Water of normal temperature or warm water will help for such cases. These problems derive from parentage. Back/Spine problems: We normally bend our spine as well as neck forward most of the time, which leads to mainly 3 aches - low-back ache, backache, and neck-ache. If you have any such problems including slip-disk etc., do backward-bending asanas ONLY do not do forward-bending asanas until you get good relief from these aches. Makaraasana is very light and can do even if the pain is a little severe. Avoid pillow completely while sleeping. After a week or two, start doing Matsyasana, Ushatraasana, Bhujangasana, and Dhanuraasana (specially for back-ache) and Salabhaasana (specially for low-back ache) Diabetes: 15-30 days (Full recovery is not possible, if the current treatment is of insulin injections, but reduction in dosage can achieve) Check sugar level once a week or every 3 days depending on the intensity of changes in the body, and reduce the dosage of medicine after consulting the doctor. Gas and acidity: (2-3 days) please do not take water along with food. Burning sensation due to acidity in stomach will immediately, come down due to dilution of acid with water as we drink. Such water additionally cleans the system too. Similarly, if the stomach is bloated due to gas problem, drink water and fast for day with HL juice (explained in (a) above) alternated with water. You will feel the difference. Heart problems (high triglycerides, blocks in arteries etc.): These can cured through this lifestyle with very good reduction in percentage of blocking even after one month of the NLS. Tension-free mind is also very important to avoid blocks in arteries and hart attacks. Doing Yoga and meditation help a lot in relaxing the mind make them a daily routine. Daily walking also helps a lot. Remember, as per research, normal walking helps more in melting body-fat than brisk walking or running! High B.P. / Low B.P.: 15-20 days. Check the B.P. once a week or fortnight, and reduce the medicine dosage after consulting the doctor. Impotency/Infertility: These relates to both body and mind. The 10 daily steps help a lot in overcoming these problems in many, as sexual prowess in both male and female gets enhanced by providing adequate enzymes, vitamins and minerals (veg. juice), protein (sprouts-breakfast), and exercise (asanas, pranayama and meditation). Joint Pains/Arthritis: Avoid Salt strictly and completely to get some result (It is the Sodium Bicarbonate crystals accumulating in the joints which eat away the cartilage, and make small pieces of bones etc.). If joints are already bent (e.g. fingers etc.) in case of
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e) f)

g) i. ii. iii. iv.




viii. ix.


From: T Sekhar, eMail:


Date: 18-Jan-2011 xi. xii. xiii.

Rheumatoid Arthritis, such bones will not be straightened, though relief from pain can be enjoyed. Kidney problems: Please do not start on this system without consulting the doctor, as 5-6 liters of water consuming per day in this system. Piles and constipation: (5-7 days) one should take care not to accumulate gas in intestines, by strictly avoiding gas-producing foods such as non-sprouted pulses/Dal etc. Skin problems: could be even 1 year, as the skin cells are the far distant from heart and get the least attention by the body. However, some have got rid of even years-old scars after continuous cleansing of the body by this method, linked with avoiding any soap or shampoo for bath, and rubbing the skin well while having a cold-water bath. Thyroid Problems: Hypothyroid/Hyperthyroid problems are due to irregular functioning of Thyroid gland and less/more production of TSH, an important hormone. This problem cured by providing body with adequate enzymes, proteins and exercise (specially the neck). Hence, the steps of vegetable juice, sprouts-breakfast and pranayama (especially Ujjayi) and asanas help in getting rid of this disease. These habits should be permanent to keep thyroid problem away. Underweight: Take food with more of protein, carbohydrates and fat, like soaked groundnuts, fresh coconut pieces/grating, pounded rice (i.e. raw rice) or whole-wheat phulkas. Root vegetables like potatoes have more energy in vegetables. Weight will then increase gradually, with healthy fat adding.



h) Til (sesame) has 9 times more calcium than milk. Milk is not essential for adults. i) All vegetarian food contains no cholesterol and has fiber. Eat vegetables as far as possible with peel after a thorough wash. All animal food (including milk) contains fat, cholesterol, and no fiber. There is no cholesterol in any plant food. j) Fiber in food is like broomstick for the house. If no fiber in the foods, more dirt in body and more diseases. k) Retaining stools in body is the cause of many seasonal as well as chronic diseases, as many germs and viruses reside, incubate and spread by sticking to walls of intestines. l) Airborne diseases through lungs affect us hence Deergha Pranayamas (advocated by Dr. MSR) clean the lungs daily from the polluted environment. m) Germs take time to incubate very few germs (like those creating vomiting due to stale food) react within a day or in hours. Many germs and viruses take 4-21 days to incubate in the cells of walls of intestines or lungs. Hence, daily cleaning of both lungs and intestines (by Pranayama and cleansing water) will keep you away from all seasonal diseases and even epidemic diseases. n) Air and water are the two best cleaning agents for our body use the clean air and clean filtered / purified water to clean the body daily. o) Study a calorie counter of the foods you normally take, and try to take the daily food roughly equivalent to your daily needs, to keep your weight under control. p) Observe your body. Get diagnosis for any ailment through modern medical techniques. Nevertheless, you need not rush to take the prescribed allopathic medicines. Nevertheless, go for alternate medicines including allopathic when quick relief is needed or in emergencies (including accidents) this system is not against any other medicinal system per se. q) Shifting pain is not an ailment it is bodys way of curing an internal problem when you start following natural living style. Do not be unduly worried about it. r) Avoid hormonal treatments as far as possible, especially to youngsters they have longterm side effects.

From: T Sekhar, eMail:

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Date: 18-Jan-2011 s) All allopathic medicines have side effects; but this system always gives you side-benefits!
You may follow this system to get rid of one disease, but you will find that you get relief from a host of other diseases and get perfect health and agility. t) Evening bath recommends as a routine on all days. During fasting, bath twice a day is important, as body may throw out lot of dirt/toxins though sweat also. u) Indian Toilet should be preferred to Western to help observe daily the rejects and have knee-flexibility, and helps for cleaner body it also avoids infections, especially for females. That posture also takes you nearer to the Pavanamuktaasana, which helps in constipation problem due to gas accumulation in large intestines. *=*=*=*=* BOOKS: (Dr. Manthena Satyanarayana Rajus Books): English (translations) A Proven Cure for Diabetes Food and Thought, 75/-, 280g. 3. Free bowel movement (e-copy available in Yahoo Group Files section) 4. Health is Happiness, 75/-, 230g. 5. Natural Life Style (for a healthy perfect living) 2/-, 30g. 6. Water and You (e-copy available in Yahoo Group Files section) Books Nos. 2 & 4 recommended for a full introduction to MNLS Manthenas Natural Life Style. Telugu: All by Dr. Manthena Satyanarayana Raju except where stated: a. Aahaaram-Aalochana 65/-, 330g b. Aarogryamae Aanandam 50/-, 290g c. Aasanaalu Arogyaniki Saasanaalu 60/-, 295g d. Keella Noppulu Nivaarana (by Dr. Bairi Srinivas) e. Neeru-Meeru 50/-, 235g f. Sukha Jeevana Sopaanaalu 35/-, 125g g. Upavasa Dharma (bound book) 150/-, 695g. h. Paripoorna Arogyaniki Prakruti Jeevana Vidhanamu 2/-, 25g. i. Pranayama Sukhajeevanayaanam 40/-, 225g. j. Prakruti Vidhanamu Madhumaeha Nidaanam 75/-, 250g. k. Sukhavirenchanam Sukhamayajeevanam 50/-, 265g. In addition, many CDs are also available on different topics at about Rs. 20/- per CD. All available at: HYDERABAD: - Shop at Sanjeeva Reddy Nagar). Ph: 040-32994999 (9 am to 6 pm on all weekdays) VIJAYAWADA: Prakruti Jeevana Vidhanamu, Amaravathi Karakatta Road, Tadepalli - 522515, (Near Vijayawada Krishna Barrage) Guntur Dist. - Ph.: 08645-272304. VISAKHAPATNAM: Prakruti Jeevana Vidhanamu, Plot No. 142, D.No. 50-1-66/12, Whitewashed Compound with Grey-coloured gate after open plot on Road from Alluri Seetharama Raju statue to Kshatriya Kalyana Mantapam, Seethammadhara. Phones: 0891-2734231; Kitchen (for Manthena-style food): 7AM-1PM & 3PM-7PM, phone: +91-9908955933; Shop: 9am-1pm and 3pm6pm (Mon Holiday): Phone +91-9866532564) 1. 2.

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Date: 18-Jan-2011
RAJAHMUNDRY: Contact Ph.: 9989937170 (Shri Srinivasa Rao)
Website: Email: Yahoo Group:

Ashrams: NIZAMABAD:- Samskar Prakruti ashram, managed by Mantena Satyanarayana Charitable Trust, Door No. 2-8051, Akbar Nagar Vill., Bodhan, Rudrur post, Varni mandalam, Nizamabad Dt. - 503188 (Route via Medak: Narasapur, Nizam Sagar, Banaswada, Varni, Akbar Nagar); Ph.: 08467- 284144, 9908047800. WARANGAL:- Sad Guru Sri Mallikharjuna Swami Ashramam, Peddapendyal Vill., Warangal. Ph.: (Every month, batch of 50 women taken for thirty days for weight reduction programme) PHs. 8008222200/08711 200444 (OR Mr. Siva Prasad Konduri, Warangal: 09849843270, 09030583337) VIJAYAWADA: (wef. 02.10.2011): near Krishna barrage, Vijayawada-Guntur Rd., on banks of river Krishna. Contact No. for Enquiry: +91 9848 621 111 RAJAHMUNDRY: (likely to start in July 2011): Prakruti Ashramam of 100 beds managed by Sri Marni Vasudev of Lakshmi Ganeswara Charitable Trust, 1km. From Deccan Chronicle/Andhra Bhoomi office on NH5 (1.5 km From Cotton Barrage), in Dhavaleswaram Panchayat; Rajahmundry; Contact Ph.: 9989937170 (Shri Srinivasa Rao) *****

From: T Sekhar, eMail:

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