Note Sheet
Note Sheet
Note Sheet
Sub: Regarding Departmental Inputs towards preparations of State Disaster Management Plan Ref: 1. Letter No. Works Department Letter No FDR 8/ 2012/ 10914/W, Dated, 08.11.2012 at Sl 3/c may be seen. 2. 3. Govt. of Odisha Revenue and Disaster Management Department (Special Relief), Lt. No. 3032/SR, Dated 06.11.2012 at Sl 2/c may be seen. Abstracts from the DM Act, 2005 Govt. of India (Gazette of India No. 64, Dec 2005 Publication) at Sl 1/c may be seen.
Existing Disaster Management or Preparedness measure of the State of Odisha is being felt inadequate; therefore in the State and District level Disaster Management Plans are being prepared all over the Country in conformity with provisions and stipulations laid in the Disaster Management Act, 2005 of GoI. As far as the Works Department is concerned, the following existing Resources and standing Orders/ Executive directions/ Circulars are being executed during any kind of Disaster like Earthquake, Fire, Draught, Flood, and Cyclone scenario. As per the relevant information seek by the R&DM / Works Department to formulate a draft Disaster Management Plan at state level, this Office meticulously finds some observations, w.r.t. current disaster preparedness Management of this Office (HQ Level) and at Field Level Offices to the disposals of the Works Department so as to enable for preparation of a DMP by the R&DM Department of Odisha. Existing Resources (both in Manpower/ Materials) in Works Department is inadequate or negligible to combat the war-like situations during the occurrence of any disasters and the post-disaster periods. Prior Disaster preparedness pertaining to Works Department are also confined to the carrying out of executive instructions to W/D HQ level and field Level Officers to remain alert and to enhance communications and collection of periodic status regarding damages of Roads and Bridges, Buildings during Flood through the Central Monitoring Control Room operated at the O/o the E.I.C. ( Civil), Odisha.
At Field Level and HQ Level the Officers above the Rank of JEs (Gr-C) are generally asked to stay at their respective stations i.e., working HQs and to act as per the directions of District Administrations and Directions of the Department concerned.
Assessment the Damages from Flood and Rehabilitation/ Reconstruction Works: After the flood recession, the No. of Roads Cut, Bridge/ Buildings Damages etc are generally being assessed by this Office through the information available from the Field Units / Divisions. The information regarding restoration of the above damaged structures are being sent to the Department for necessary budget provisions for immediate rehabilitation, repairs and re-constructions. These are the regular annual after-flood assessment by this Department wherein co-operations from various line departments are required. As per the Cl. 39 h.(v) of the aforesaid Act, 2005 setting up of temporary bridges, jetties and landing places are also to be included in the Draft State Disaster Management Plan of Odisha, wherein this Office is an opinion of conferring the executive Powers (both Administrative and Financial) to the HQ level Officers like CEs and Field Level Officers like AEE/ EEs/ SEs to takeup the repair and reconstruction activities of the damaged structures. They have to act independently with the responsibility to restore immediately the Structures and which will help the flood and Earth Quake victims under their jurisdictions without waiting for District Level Administrative approvals/ concurrences. The Home Department, Revenue and Finance Department field level personnel should immediately attend the situations which may help the Works Department for Mitigation of any type of Natural disasters under the purview of the said Act. Furthermore, the technical wings of this Departments and other Departments like Water Resource, PH ( Urban), RWSS wing, Medical Healthcare units need also to be trained to act promptly during such disaster for supply of drinking water, construction of temporary shelters to the victims and providing emergency communications to the vulnerable. In the training Roll of this Department, these personnel may propose to undergo intensive Disaster Mitigation and Restoration Programme at State and National Level Pioneering Organizations like NITs/ IITs. The Field Level and Heads of the Department Level Officers should continuously be facilitated for speed and effective communications during occurenace of such events through E-mails, Fax, Telephone/ Mobiles, Wi-Fi facilities so that the Central Monitoring would be much more effective. For such type of activities, a separate Disaster Management Unit for this Department/ HQ Level Offices may be proposed with all sophisticated monitoring IT-ICT tools so as to act proper in time during such events
and / or after-disaster periods. In the proposed Cell, this Office opines for inclusion of some AEs/ AEEs/ EEs under the Control of a SE/ CE with one members at least from each Departments from WR, PH( Urban), RWSS, Home, R&DM for effective liasioning with the State Monitoring Units with these Department/ HQ Level Units . In nut-shell, the Works Department proposes the following under the matter of Earthquake Disasters and for its effective Monitoring purposes. Emergency Operations Centre (EOC): The Emergency Operations Centre is a wellequipped and modern facility located at the state government headquarters in Bhubaneswar/ Cuttack. The EOC is the hub of activity during a disaster. Its systems and procedures are designed in such a way that information can be promptly assessed and relayed to concerned parties. As the master co-ordination and control point for all counter-disaster efforts, the EOC is the centre for decision-making under a unified command. District Control Rooms: District Control Rooms are established in each collectorate of the state. The control rooms serve as nodal facilities for directing operations in an emergency situation. The total cost of establishing control rooms all over the state is to be assessed first. This component of the plan is proposed to be supported either from State Plan/ Non-Plan Head or also assisted funds from external agencies. GIS-based Disaster Management Information System: The Govt. of Odisha (GOO) has to undertake a very ambitious programme to create a Disaster Management Information System (DMIS) for the state of Odisha. The DMIS database will contain all disaster-related spatial and non-spatial data at the District level. Statistics for potential natural calamity zones have been compiled for the purpose, including records of tidal movements, potential typhoons and earthquake-prone zones. The DMIS will be used by district administrations not only for risk analysis and vulnerability assessment, but also for organizing response operations. In addition, the DMIS will be of great functional value for development planners and Engineers since it will be accessible to all government agencies with proper networking and updating facilities. .The total budget for creating the DMIS for all the districts of Odisha (except Bhubaneswar/ Cuttack) is to be assessed by this Department in consultations with R&DM Department , which will be met with assistance from the State Plan / Non-Plan and / or assistance from the external funding agenies like World Bank and DFID, NABARD, JBIC etc. Training & Community Preparedness Programmes: The Govt. in Works Department has also taken up an intensive programme of training for disaster preparedness and response. The training programme have been designed for the officials of the government at different levels, NGOs, and elected representatives of Local Bodies. The Disaster Management Centre, OSDMA is playing a pivotal role in developing the training literature and organization of training programme. In the next two to three years, an intensive training schedule should be drawn up for orienting all the concerned agencies in different areas of disaster preparedness and response through engagement of Consultants / Experts. Now, Road Sector Institutional Development Consultant
engaged by Govt in Works Department with the assistance from World Bank will also to undertake the multi-year training roll of OWD personnel wherein this Disaster Management Training will be given due attention. This Office also proposes to take up community disaster preparedness programme on a pilot basis in different areas of the state. This programme will to be implemented through the selected NGOs for identified disaster spots in the state and is aimed at building up the mitigation measures into community life. Seismic Hazard Map: The GOO has to initiate also to prepare a seismic hazard map for the state of Odisha. This assignment is proposed to be carried out by engaging Educational Institutions like IITs. The seismic hazard map will be useful for micro level locational decisions and for developing proper building design regulations. Manual for Seismic Strengthening of Non-engineered Buildings: There are well established I.S. codes for engineered buildings and structures which take into account seismic factors. But the majority of buildings in the rural areas are non-engineered, with wide variations in the type of construction and materials used therein. They are seismically unsafe. To implement a strategy for seismic strengthening and retrofitting of damaged houses in the earthquake-affected districts, the Government of Odisha has to prepare a manual, with the help of I.I.T Mumbai / IIT Kanpur/ IIT Chennai/ IIT Gandhinagar/ IIT Bhubaneswar/ EERI/ IIT Roorkee and international seismic expert for strengthening all types of non-engineered buildings in rural areas. This manual will profusely illustrate in colour and is to be written in a very simple manner and easy to understand by general public. It can serve as a valuable handbook for engineers, administrators and the general public for seismic strengthening of non-engineered houses. It is hoped that this manual will be received as a popular set of guidelines on quake-resistant technology and will help provide a new dimension to housing technology in rural Odisha.
If Considered, the above assessment with proposals may be referred to the Works Department in compliances for their Letter No. No FDR 8/ 2012/ 10914/W, Dated, 08.11.2012 for further actions at Government level.
Accordingly, DFA.