Practical Science Assessment Yr6
Practical Science Assessment Yr6
Practical Science Assessment Yr6
INTRODUCTION The UPSR Science Practical Work Assessment (PEKA) is a school based assessment that is implemented at school level as part of teaching and learning process. Each assessment consists of three components and to be used by teachers as assessors to carry out the assessment in a coordinated manner.
Teachers guide
Teachers guide is a brief lesson plan to help teachers during the teaching and learning process. Teachers can modify the lesson plan in accordance to the pupils abilities and readiness. Not all the assessments are to be used once the pupils have mastered the required skills. 3.0 Activity Sheets- (Appendix). Activity sheets are to be given to the pupils during the assessment. It outlines the procedures and steps to help pupils to carry out the activities during the assessment period. 4.0 Worksheets Worksheets are to be given to the pupils during the assessment. Pupils are asked to complete the exercises and to be submitted as evidence.
INVESTIGATING LIVING THINGS Activity Code 6/1/1/1.1/ 1.1.1 & 1.1.2 Learning Areas: 1. Interaction among living things. Learning Objectives 1. Understanding that some animals live in group and some live solitary. Learning Outcomes 1.1.1 State that some animals live in group. 1.1.2 State that some animals live solitary. Apparatus: Method : Pictures of animals (APP 1) Worksheets (WS 1) Individual activities Classifying STEPS
1. Briefing: Discussion: Name different types of animals. Identify their habitats. Identify their eating habits (carnivores/herbivores/omnivores). Identify their external features/special characteristics. 2. Action: Teacher gives instructions on how to do the activities. Study the pictures given. Follow the instructions in (APP1). Classify the animals according to different categories. 3. Debriefing: Teacher concludes by asking questions: State different groups of animals that you have identify. Why are these animals grouped together? PEKA/YR6/skfk1
Procedures: Study the animals in the picture below. 1. Group these animals according to their eating habits. a. Carnivores b. Herbivores c. Omnivores 2. Group these animals according to the way they live. a. Solitary animals b Group animals
SPS 2 C2 C3
NAME : _____________________CLASS : _______DATE : ____________ WORKSHEET 1 A. Group the animals according to their eating habits. Group X Carnivores Group Y Herbivores
Group Z Omnivores
B. Give reasons for grouping the animals in Group X: ___________________________________________________ Group Y:___________________________________________________ Group Z:___________________________________________________
SPS 2 C2 C3
Group the animals according to the ways they live. Group S Live Solitary Group T Live in groups SPS 2 C4
SPS 2 C3 D. Why do animals in group S live solitary? _____________________________________________________ ___ E. Why do animals in group T live in group? _____________________________________________________ ___
INVESTIGATING LIVING THINGS Activity Code 6/1/1/1.2/1.2.5 & 1.2.6 Learning Areas 1. Interaction among living things. Learning Objectives 1.2 Understanding that competition is a form of interaction. Learning Outcomes 1.2.5 Plants compete for limited space. 1.2.6 Plants compete for limited water. Apparatus : Materials Method : : green beans, 2 pots of the same size, cotton wool, Appendix 1, worksheet 1 and 2 Group activities STEPS 1. Briefing: Teacher asks pupils to name basic needs of plants.
Pot A
Pot B
Observe the plants in pot A and pot B Explain their observation (inference). Predict what will happen to the plants in Pot A and Pot B after a few weeks. Based on their observation above, what is the basic need for the plants to compete? 2. Action Predict what will happen if the plants do not have enough space to grow. Suggest an experiment to prove your prediction. Example: Fill the two pots with cotton wools of the same size. Pour the same amount of water into each pot. Plant 5 green beans in Pot X and 50 green beans in Pot Y.
Water the plants with the same amount of water everyday. Observe the green bean plants on both Pots after 1 week. Record your observation in the table in worksheet 1. 3. Debriefing: Teacher concludes by asking questions. Predict what will happen to the plants in Pot X and Y? Explain predictions.
1. Fill the two Pots with cotton wools of the same size. 2. Pour the same amount of water into each pot. 3. Plant 5 green beans in pot Y and 50 green beans in pot X. PEKA/YR6/skfk1
4. Observe the green beans plants in both Pots after 1 week. 5. Record your observation in the table in worksheet 1.
SPS 4 C2 C3 C 4
SPS 6 C1
SPS 7 C2 C 6
SMS 1 C4
SMS 2 C5 C 1
SMS 3 C2 C3
I found out that the green bean in . i. Pot X:______________________________________________ ii. Pot Y:______________________________________________ D. What conclusion can be made from the experiment? Plants compete for__________________________________________
INVESTIGATING FORCE AND ENERGY Activity Code 6/2/1/1.2/1.2.3 Learning Areas 1. Force Learning Objectives 1.2 Understanding the effect of force. Learning Outcomes 1.2.3. Stating that force can change the shape of an object. Apparatus Materials Method : : : retort stand, spring, marbles, plastic bag, Appendix 1, Worksheet 1 Group activities Experiment STEPS
1. Briefing: Teacher demonstrates to the class the effect of force on objects. - press the plasticine. - step on an empty can. - stretch a rubber band.
Ask pupils to state their observation when force is applied on each object? 2. Action Ask pupils to predict the shape of the spring when it is stretched. Is there any other ways that force can be applied to enable the spring to be stretch longer? Spring Plastic bag Marbles Prepare the apparatus as shown in the diagram above. Hang a few marbles on the spring accordingly. ( 2, 4, 6, 8 marbles). Measure the length of the spring each time more marbles are added. Record your observation in the table. 3. Debriefing: Teacher asks pupils to explain their findings. Teacher concludes by asking questions: What happened to the length of the spring each time more marbles are added?
Retort stand
1. Prepare the apparatus as shown in the diagram above. 2. Hang a few marbles on the spring accordingly. ( 2, 4, 6, 8 marbles) 3. Measure the length of the spring each time more marbles are added. 4. Record your observation in the table.
SPS 4 C1 C2 C 4
SPS 5 C3
SPS 6 C 1 C1
SPS 7 C2 C4 C1
SMS 1 C2 C 3
SMS 2 C1
WORKSHEET A. Write your observation in the table below. Number of marbles 2 4 6 8 Length of the Spring (cm)
B. Complete the table below. What is changed? __________________ __ What is observed? __________________ __
C. What is the relationship between what is changed and what is observed? As______________________ ________________________ ______________________________ D. State the steps in your experiment. i. Set up a _____________________________________________ ii. Hang _______________________________________________ iii. Put some ____________________________________________ iv. Measure ____________________________________________ E. What happened to the length of the spring after each time more marbles are added? ________________________________________________ F. What conclusion can be made from the experiment? PEKA/YR6/skfk1 Force can________________________________________ ___________________, the
SPS 7 C4
SPS 5 C3 SPS 6 C1
TE : ______________ INVESTIGATING FORCE AND ENERGY Activity Code 6/2/1/1.3/1.3.7 Learning Areas 1. Friction. Learning Objectives 1.3 Analyzing friction. Learning Outcomes 1.3.7 Different types of surfaces affect the distance a toy car moved. Apparatus: A toy car / trolley, difference types of surfaces (sand paper, plastic mat, cement) measuring tape and ram. Materials : Method 1. : Appendix 1, worksheet Group activities Experiment STEPS Briefing: a. Teacher asks pupils to observe different types of surfaces (cement/sand paper/ plastic mat/wood) b. Teacher asks pupils to predict: On which surface does a toy car move the furthest? On which surface does a toy car move the shortest distance? c. Ask pupils to give reasons (inferences) for their answers. 2. Action a. Ask pupils to prepare the apparatus as shown in the diagram.
( sand paper / cement / plastic mat / glass) b. Release the toy car from the same point on the ram. c. Measure the distance of the toy car travelled on each surface.
d. Record your observation in a table. 3. Debriefing: a. Ask pupils to explain their findings. On which surface did the toy car move the furthest? On which surface did the toy car move the shortest distance?
(Sand paper / cement / plastic mat / glass) 1 2 3 Release the toy car from the same point on the ram. Measure the distance of the toy car travelled on each surface. Record your observation in a table.
SPS 4 C1 C3
SPS 5 C3
SPS 6 C1 C1
SPS 7 C2 C7
SMS 1 C1
B. What is the relationship between what is changed and what is observed? As_____________________________ ___________________, the _______________________________ _______________________ C. State the steps that you have done in the experiment. i. Set up a ________________________________________________ ii. Release a toy car _________________________________________ iii. Change the _____________________________________________ iv. Measure the ____________________________________________ D. What conclusion can be made from the experiment? The_______________ surface has ______ _________________ and the _______________ surface has ______ _____________________
6/2/2/2.1/2.1.1 2. Speed 2.1 Analyzing speed. 2.1.1 State that an object which moves faster takes a shorter time to travel in a a given distance.
a stop watch, a metre ruler / measuring tape. Appendix 1, Work sheet 1 Group activities Experiment
1. Briefing: Discussion: Ask two pupils to walk from the back to the front of the classroom. Teacher asks questions. Who walked the fastest? How do you know he/she walked the fastest? Who took the shortest time? Did they walk the same distance? 2. Action: Ask pupils to work in a group of 5. Each group is given a stop watch, a metre ruler or measuring tape. Ask three pupils to run at a distance of 30 metres. Measure the time taken by each pupil. Calculate the speed of each pupil.
3. Debriefing: Teacher concludes by asking questions: Who is the fastest? Who is the slowest?
Procedures: Carry out an investigation in the field. Complete the work sheet given. 1. Work in a group of 5. 2. In each group, ask three pupils to run a distance of 30 metres. 3. Measure the time taken by each pupil. 4. Record the time taken and calculate the speed of each pupil in the table below.
Time taken
SPS 4 C1 C2
SPS 5 C3 C1
SPS 7 C2
SMS 1 C1
B. Calculate the speed of each pupil. Speed= Distance Time i) Name: ( ) SPS 5 C3 ii) Name: ( )
iii) Name: (
2 pieces of bread, transparent plastic bag, magnifying glass / Individual activity. Experiment. STEPS
Briefing: Observe two slices of bread. Bread A is mouldy and bread B is fresh. Ask pupils to differentiate between the 2 slices of bread. State their inference. What are the basic needs for fungi to grow? Action: Prepare 2 slices of bread. Bread X is put in a transparent plastic bag with few holes on it. Put it in the cupboard. Bread Y is put in the transparent plastic bag and keeps in a refrigerator. Observe the bread after 5 days. Record your observation in the worksheet. Debriefing: Ask pupils to report their observation. What is the suitable condition for fungi to grow? Explain why mouldy bread cannot be eaten.
Bread Y
2. Bread X is put in a transparent plastic bag with few holes on it. Put it in
the cupboard.
SPS 4 C1 C2 C3 C4
SMS 2 C2 C 4 C1
SMS 3 C3 C4
Write a brief report. i What did you do in the experiment? ii What did you find out from the experiment? _______________________________________________
SPS 4 C4
_______ ________________________________________________ _______ ________________________________________________ _______ ________________________________________________ _______ ________________________________________________ _______ ________________________________________________ _______
INVESTIGATING MATERIAL Activity Code 6/3/1/1.2/1.2.1 Learning Areas 1. Food preservation. Learning Objectives 1.2 Understanding food spoilage. Learning Outcomes 1.2.1 Describe ways to preserve food. Apparatus: Method : a fish, some salt, knife. Individual activity.
Project work. STEPS Briefing: Observe 2 fish in two different conditions. i. a stale fish ii. salted fish Which of these fish is safe to eat? State your reasons (inferences). Action: Preserving fish. Suggesting ways to preserve fish. Carrying out an activity to preserve the fish. Write the steps of preserving fish. Debriefing: Ask pupils to report their observation. Teacher concludes by asking questions: Why do you use salt to preserve the fish? State other ways to preserve fish?
1. Suggest ways to preserve fish. 2. Carry out an activity to preserve the fish. 3. Write the steps of preserving fish.
SPS 4 C3
SPS 7 C4
SMS 1 C2
SMS 2 C1
SMS 4 C1 C2
______________________________________________________ ____ 2 ______________________________________________________ ____ 3 ______________________________________________________ ____ 4_____________________________________________________ _____ 5_____________________________________________________ _____ B. Why do you choose salting in your preservation project? ______________________________________________________ _____ ______________________________________________________ _____ ______________________________________________________ _____ SPS 4 C3
Penaung En. Su Hiong Ai Ketua Sektor Sektor Penilaian dan Peperiksaan Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Sarawak
Penasihat: En Lananan bin Mohamad Penolong Pengarah Unit Pentaksiran Sektor Penilaian dan Peperiksaan Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Sarawak
Penulis Modul: 1. En. Ettin Lambat 2. En. Wellington Laichon Gaong 3. Pn Azmiera Abdullah 4. Pn. Elizabeth Jimen 5. Pn. Sinah Robinson Ketua Pentaksir Negeri (PEKA Sains) SK ST Faith, Kuching Ketua Pentaksir Kawasan (PEKA Sains) SK Empila Kota Samarahan Pentaksir Kawasan SK ST. Theresa Padungan, Kuching SK. Catholic English, Kuching Ketua Pentaksir Kawasan SK. Serian, Kota Samarahan
AJK Pemurni Modul: 1. Pn. Rokiah Bujang 2. Pn Zaliana Abdullah 3. Pn. Lai Pei Fong 4. En. Mohamad Yaakub b. Smail SK Merpati Jepang, Kuching SK Astana, Kuching Ketua Pentaksir Kawasan SJK Chung Hua Batu 32, Samarahan Ketua Pentaksir Kawasan SK Jalan Arang, Kuching
REFERENCES Md. Arris bin Abu Yamin, et. al (2007). Integrated Curriculum For Primary Schools : Science Year 6 Practical Book Year Six. Kuala Lumpur :Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Assessment Guide : Science Practical Work Assessment. Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia 2008.