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Web Dynpro For ABAP: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Web Dynpro for ABAP

Volume II: Advanced
By: Hendrik Pieterse
27 January 2011

Popup Windows Portal Integration Fixed Value Sets Filtering Context Nodes Sorting Context Nodes Dynamic UI layout changes (API) Attribute properties Embedding External Components Cross-Component calls Using Events Enhancing Standard SAP
27 January 2011 2

Popup windows
Popup windows are modal dialog boxes which the user has to acknowledge/dismiss before being allowed to return to the main window

Web Dynpro provides several options to provide value lookup or popup windows
1. Navigation to a detail view (not a popup) 2. Master/Detail views (e.g. Table above, detail view below not a popup) 3. Confirmation Popup window without a predefined view Mostly informational/confirmation No interactive UI elements 4. With custom window and view Quick implementation: Code Wizard provides sample code to generate Popup Ability to define more complex interactions using any UI elements Ability to present data from the context
Issue: How to retrieve values/selections from popup window?

Popup windows
Popup windows are modal dialog boxes which the user has to acknowledge/dismiss before being allowed to return to the main window

Web Dynpro provides several options to provide value lookup or popup windows
1. Navigation to a detail view (not a popup) 2. Master/Detail views (e.g. Table above, detail view below not a popup) 3. Confirmation Popup window without a predefined view Mostly informational/confirmation No interactive UI elements 4. With custom window and view Quick implementation: Code Wizard provides sample code to generate Popup Ability to define more complex interactions using any UI elements Ability to present data from the context
Issue: How to retrieve values/selections from popup window? Context binding to Component Controller

Popup windows
Popup windows are modal dialog boxes which the user has to acknowledge/dismiss before being allowed to return to the main window

Web Dynpro provides several options to provide value lookup or popup windows
1. Navigation to a detail view (not a popup) 2. Master/Detail views (e.g. Table above, detail view below not a popup) 3. Confirmation Popup window without a predefined view Mostly informational/confirmation No interactive UI elements 4. With custom window and view Quick implementation: Code Wizard provides sample code to generate Popup Ability to define more complex interactions using any UI elements Ability to present data from the context
Issue: How to retrieve values/selections from popup window? Context binding to Component Controller Using Outbound Plugs and Parameters

Popup windows
Popup windows are modal dialog boxes which the user has to acknowledge/dismiss before being allowed to return to the main window

Web Dynpro provides several options to provide value lookup or popup windows
1. Navigation to a detail view (not a popup) 2. Master/Detail views (e.g. Table above, detail view below not a popup) 3. Confirmation Popup window without a predefined view Mostly informational/confirmation No interactive UI elements 4. With custom window and view Quick implementation: Code Wizard provides sample code to generate Popup Ability to define more complex interactions using any UI elements Ability to present data from the context
Issue: How to retrieve values/selections from popup window? Context binding to Component Controller Using Outbound Plugs and Parameters Using the Assistance Class

Popup windows: Confirmation

Sample code:

DATA: lo_window_manager lo_api_component lo_window lt_message_text


REF TO if_wd_window_manager, REF TO if_wd_component, REF TO if_wd_window, string_table.

lo_api_component = wd_comp_controller->wd_get_api( ). lo_window_manager = lo_api_component->get_window_manager( ). "Create APPEND TO APPEND APPEND . . . message to present. 'This is a simple confirmation window' lt_message_text. cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf TO lt_message_text. 'Are you ready to Proceed?' TO lt_message_text.

Popup windows: Confirmation

Sample code (continued):
lo_window = lo_window_manager->create_popup_to_confirm( text = lt_message_text button_kind = if_wd_window=>co_buttons_yesno message_type = if_wd_window=>co_msg_type_question close_button = abap_true window_title = 'Confirm you understood the message' * window_left_position = 0 * window_top_position = 0 window_position = if_wd_window=>co_center window_width = '100' window_height = '100' default_button = if_wd_window=>co_button_yes ). lo_window->open( ).

Popup windows: Custom window and view

Sample code using Custom window and view

Popup window: custom window and view

Sample code (continued)
DATA: lo_window_manager TYPE REF TO if_wd_window_manager, lo_api_component TYPE REF TO if_wd_component, lo_window TYPE REF TO if_wd_window. lo_api_component = wd_comp_controller->wd_get_api( ). lo_window_manager = lo_api_component->get_window_manager( ). lo_window = lo_window_manager->create_window( window_name = 'WI_COURSE_SEL' title = Course Selection" * close_in_any_case = abap_true message_display_mode = if_wd_window=>co_msg_display_mode_selected * close_button = abap_true button_kind = if_wd_window=>co_buttons_ok message_type = if_wd_window=>co_msg_type_none default_button = if_wd_window=>co_button_ok ). lo_window->set_on_close_action( view = <current_view_controller> action_name = ACTION<event_handler> ). lo_window->open( ).

Portal integration
Built-in support for raising Portal events and/or navigating to Portal screens

Code Wizard provides predefined template code for each supported scenario Implemented in interface IF_WD_PORTAL_INTEGRATION Method

Trigger Portal Event Navigation to Business Object Navigate to predefined (external) URL Navigate to a URL relative to current (i.e. does not require specification of server host name or port Register as a listener to a specified Portal Event Unregister as a listener Prevent navigation away from application without user confirmation

Portal integration
Sample code
DATA: lo_api_component lo_portal_manager lo_window_manager lo_window lt_url_params ls_url_param


REF TO if_wd_component, REF TO if_wd_portal_integration, REF TO if_wd_window_manager, REF TO if_wd_window. wdy_key_value_list, wdy_key_value.

Obtain the Portal Manager lo_api_component = wd_this->wd_get_api( ). lo_portal_manager = lo_api_component->get_portal_manager( ). Ensure were running in the portal IF lo_portal_manager->m_portal_version IS NOT INITIAL. Add any required parameters ls_url_param-key = "param_1". ls_url_param-value = value_1". APPEND ls_url_param TO lt_url_params. . . .

Portal integration
Sample code
Use the Portal Manager to perform the navigation In this case, by opening new (external) portal window CALL METHOD lo_portal_manager->navigate_absolute EXPORTING navigation_target = 'ROLES://portal_content/<iView path> navigation_mode = * * * * * * * ELSE. Not in the portal, use alternative mechanism . . . if_wd_portal_integration=>co_show_external_headerless window_features = window_name = lv_window_name history_mode = IF_WD_PORTAL_INTEGRATION=>CO_NO_DUPLICATES target_title = context_url = post_parameters = ABAP_FALSE use_sap_launcher = ABAP_TRUE launcher_parameters = business_parameters = lt_url_params.

Portal integration
Sample code (continued)
Alternative when not running in Portal: Open regular external window (could open new window each time used) lo_window_manager = lo_api_component->get_window_manager( ). CALL METHOD lo_window_manager->create_external_window EXPORTING url = '/sap/bc/bsp/sap/demo/start.do?param_1=value_1 title = Demo Window Title modal = abap_false has_menubar = abap_false is_resizable = abap_true has_scrollbars = abap_true has_statusbar = abap_false has_toolbar = abap_false has_location = abap_false RECEIVING window = lo_window. lo_window->set_remove_on_close( abap_true ). lo_window->open( ). ENDIF.

Fixed value sets

Fixed Value Sets can be used to provide a custom set of values to a dropdown list. Especially useful when building Table Filter values

Value helps provided by the Data Dictionary does not include an All option, which is necessary when using dropdowns to Filter a set of values Useful when required to customize the list of values presented in a dropdown (e.g. sorted in descending order) Creating custom list of values from a Context Node Only necessary to define once for a context node (e.g. WDDOINIT)

Fixed value sets

Sample code
METHOD set_fixed_val_docnames. IMPORTING IM_INCLUDE_BLANK_ROW type BOOLEAN Add an additional blank row (useful for filters) IM_NODE_INFO type ref to if_wd_context_node_info Note: The Node Info can be obtained using the following code snippet: DATA im_node_info type ref to if_wd_context_node_info. im_node_info = wd_context->get_node_info( ). DATA: lt_valueset lt_dd07v l_value FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_dd07v> type wdr_context_attr_value_list, type standard table of dd07v, type wdr_context_attr_value. type dd07v.

CLEAR lt_valueset. . . .

Fixed value sets

Sample code (continued)
if im_include_blank_row eq abap_true. clear l_value. append l_value to lt_valueset. endif. Obtain values from DDIC or lookup table/class CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_DOMA_GET EXPORTING name = '<DOMAIN_NAME> langu = sy-langu TABLES dd07v_tab = lt_DD07V EXCEPTIONS ILLEGAL_INPUT = 1 OTHERS = 2. . . .

Fixed value sets

Sample code (continued)
if sy-subrc eq 0. Add the domain values loop at lt_dd07v assigning <fs_dd07v>. l_value-value = <fs_dd07v>-domvalue_l. l_value-text = <fs_dd07v>-ddtext. append l_value to lt_valueset. endloop. endif. im_node_info->set_attribute_value_set( EXPORTING name = im_attr_name value_set = lt_valueset ). ENDMETHOD.

Filtering context nodes

Reduce/limit the list of values presented to the user based on selected/specified criteria

Steps to using a Filter Row:

1. Create new Context Node (e.g. FILTER_X) with same attributes as the Node to be filtered
a) b) Only those attributes to be filtered on is needed A default filter can be specified by specifying a default value for the attribute

2. Bind the filterValue attribute of each UI TableColumn to the corresponding Filter Nodes attributes

3. Create an event handler for the UI Tables onFilter event 4. Implement the filtering in the Context Nodes Supply Method:
Proactive: Retrieve the filter context node and restrict any entries which do not conform to the filter from being added to the Node Re-active: Delete any entries not matching filter just before binding to the context

Filtering context nodes

Alternate Method: Presenting the list of allowed filters in a separate UI container Steps:
1. Create new Context Node (e.g. FILTER_X) with same attributes as the Node to be filtered
a) Only those attributes to be filtered on is needed b) A default filter can be specified by specifying a default value for the attribute

2. Add UI buttons to Apply and Clear the filters:

a) Create an event handler for each buttons OnClick event b) Apply: Invalidate the Nodes context c) Clear: Invalidate both the Filter and Nodes contexts

3. Implement the required filtering in the Context Nodes Supply Method

Filtering context nodes

Sample code
METHOD supply_node_x. "Populate table lt_employees with the nodes new values . . . "Get and apply any specified filters lo_nd_filters = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_filters ). call method lo_nd_filters->get_static_attributes importing static_attributes = ls_filters. "Filter by pernr if ls_filters-pernr is not initial. delete lt_employees where pernr ne ls_filters-pernr. endif. "Update the context call method node->bind_table( new items = lt_employees set_intial_elements = abap_true ).

Sorting context nodes

Simply adding the ability to sort a table at runtime according to the users needs, can significantly increase the usefulness and adoption of an application

1. Create new Context Node (e.g. SORT_ORDER_X) with same attribute names as the Node to be sorted
a) Attribute types must be WDUI_TABLE_COL_SORT_DIR b) A default sort order can imposed by specifying a default sort value for each attribute

2. Create a custom method (e.g. SORT_NODE_X) in the View Controller, which:

a) Retrieves the requested sort order b) Invokes a generic sort method (to be defined in the assistance class -see next slide)

3. Define an event handler for the onSort event on the UI table 4. Bind each UI Table Columns sortState property to the corresponding attribute in SORT_ORDER_X 5. Invoke method SORT_NODE_X from the onSort event handler as well as Node Supply method

Sorting context nodes

The following code snippet provides a mechanism to sort any context node according to specified sort criteria

Sample code
METHOD sort_wda_node_table. IMPORTING im_sort_criteria TYPE <fields of CH_NODE_TABLE of type WDUI_TABLE_COL_SORT_DIR> CHANGING ch_node_table TYPE TABLE <context node table> DATA: lo_descriptor lt_sort ls_sort FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_component> <fs_field> . . . type ref to cl_abap_structdescr, type abap_sortorder_tab, type abap_sortorder. type abap_compdescr, type any.

Sorting context Nodes

Sample code (continued)
"Dynamically determine the columns we can sort by lo_descriptor ?= cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_data( im_sort_criteria ). CHECK lo_descriptor is bound. "Loop over all sort fields loop at lo_descriptor->components assigning <fs_component>. "Get the value of the field assign component sy-tabix of structure im_sort_criteria to <fs_field>. "Determine if the user sorted by this field case <fs_field>. when cl_wd_table_column=>e_sort_state-none or cl_wd_table_column=>e_sort_state-not_sortable. "Do nothing continue. when cl_wd_table_column=>e_sort_state-up. ls_sort-name = <fs_component>-name. ls_sort-descending = abap_false. append ls_sort to lt_sort. exit.

Sorting context Nodes

Sample code (continued)
when others. ls_sort-name = <fs_component>-name. ls_sort-descending = abap_true. append ls_sort to lt_sort. exit. endcase. endloop. "Don't proceed if we did not recognize the sort column check lt_sort is not initial. "Sort the table according to the criteria sort ch_node_table by (lt_sort). ENDMETHOD.

Dynamic UI layout changes

In situations when it is required to dynamically establish or alter the layout, method
WDDOMODIFYVIEW can be used to create or change UI elements

Allows for changing standard SAP layout by using a code enhancement

UI Element API reference available at:

http://help.sap.com/erp2005_ehp_04/helpdata/EN/6e/0048413e466e24e10000000a155106/ frameset.htm

Navigate to: Reference -> User Interface Elements -> Category

Dynamic UI layout changes

Sample code
METHOD wddomodifyview. data: lo_table lv_date lv_date_string lv_date_char

type type type type

ref to cl_wd_table, dats, string, char10.

if first_time eq abap_true. lo_table ?= view->get_element( 'TABLE' ). "Build table columns for each day of the week do 7 times. lv_date = sy-datum (7*(sy-index-1)). write lv_date to lv_date_char mm/dd/yy. lv_date_string = lv_date_char. call method wd_this->create_table_column exporting im_table = lo_table im_index = sy-index im_heading = lv_date_string. enddo. endif. ENDMETHOD. . . . "Calculate the date "Convert to MM/DD/YYYY

Dynamic UI Layout changes

Sample code (continued)
METHOD create_table_column . data: lo_table_column type ref to cl_wd_table_column, lo_caption type ref to cl_wd_caption, lo_textview type ref to cl_wd_text_view. data: lv_index lv_ctx_pth_text lv_ctx_pth_tooltip type string, type string, type string.

lv_index = im_index. condense lv_index. "Create the new Column control call method cl_wd_table_column=>new_table_column exporting h_align = cl_wd_table_column=>e_h_align-center sort_state = cl_wd_table_column=>e_sort_state-not_sortable bind_cell_design = lv_ctx_pth_color receiving control = lo_table_column. . . .

Dynamic UI layout changes

Sample code (continued)
"Create a new Caption control call method cl_wd_caption=>new_caption exporting text = im_heading receiving control = lo_caption. lo_table_column->set_header( lo_caption ). Set the header caption "Build the mapping paths concatenate <NODE> lv_index 'TEXT into lv_ctx_pth_text separated by '.'. concatenate <NODE> lv_index 'TOOLTIP into lv_ctx_pth_tooltip separated by '.'. "Create a new Text View control lo_textview = cl_wd_text_view=>new_text_view( exporting bind_text = lv_ctx_pth_text bind_tooltip = lv_ctx_pth_tooltip ). Set the control as a Column Editor lo_table_column->set_table_cell_editor( lo_textview ). im_table->add_column( lo_table_column ). "Add new column to the table ENDMETHOD.

Attributes properties
Each Context Attribute has four specialized properties which can be used to control the behavior of a UI element:
Required Read only Visible Enabled Final (not supported future use)

The properties prevent the creation of excessive numbers of context attributes to control these behaviors, which in turn affects the overall performance of the application Binding the Context Attribute Properties in the View Designer:
1. Select the binding button of the UI Elements property 2. Select Bind to the Property of the Selected Attribute 3. Select the property

Programmatic control
Constants for each attribute is defined in IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT, attribute E_PROPERTIES

Attribute properties
Sample Code
DATA: lo_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node. lo_element TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element. Adjust Enabled property for attributes for ALL elements lo_node = wd_context->get_child_node( wd_this->wdctx_<NODE_NAME> ). CALL METHOD lo_node->set_attribute_property EXPORTING attribute_name = <ATTRIBUTE_NAME> property = lr_elem->e_property-enabled value = abap_true. all_elements = abap_true. Adjust the Read-Only property for this specific element & attribute lo_element = lo_node->get_element( ). CALL METHOD lo_element->set_attribute_property EXPORTING attribute_name = <ATTRIBUTE_NAME> property = lr_elem->e_property-read_only value = abap_true.

Embedding external components

Modulariza;on by means of WD Components allows for code reusability and encapsula;on. Web Dynpro components can either be referenced or directly embedded within Windows/Views
Embedding one Component within another provides access to the Window/Views defined in the embedded Component

Generally provides a read-only view, unless the used Component is completely self-contained, i.e.
It requires no external parameters Can save its own data without an external event, etc.

Allows the new Component to form part of the navigation chain by means of the Inbound/ Outbound plugs defined on its Window Allows for mapping the context from Component B

Embedding external components

1. Establish a Component Usage for Component B (CB) from Component A (CA) Each usage must be labeled with a Component Use This influences the name by which CB is known from within CA 2. Add the required view from CB: Option A As a Navigation Target: Directly embedding the Window from CB into a Window of CA. Use of Window Plugs for navigation links Option B As View Layout Element: Adding a ViewContainerUIElement into a View from CA then embedding the Window from CB into the ViewContainer. This allows for presenting the View without any navigation requirement

Embedding external components

Steps (continued)
2. (continued) Select the View to embed 3. Optional only required when invoking methods, listening to events or mapping the context from CB

Specify the Component Use in the View Controller which requires access to the interface of CB

Embedding external components

Steps (continued)
4. Optional only required when requiring access to the context from CB Drag the required Context Node from CB to the Root node of the Controller to create and map the context The mapped Nodes and Attributes can now be referenced and used in the same way as any other Node / attribute

Cross-component calls
Cross-component calls provide the mechanism to invoke methods on a used Component, thus influencing its behavior or data

To interact with an embedded component, the Interface Controller for CB must be defined for each Controller requiring access to CB

At runtime, the Component Usage must be instantiated

TIP: When using an external component from one or more controllers, its best to establish the component usage once in the COMPONENT_CONTROLLER
DATA lo_cmp_usage TYPE REF TO if_wd_component_usage. lo_cmp_usage = wd_this->wd_cpuse_component_b( ). IF lo_cmp_usage->has_active_component( ) IS INITIAL. lo_cmp_usage->create_component( ). ENDIF.

Cross-component calls
Sample code: Invoking the method on a used controller
DATA: lo_interfacecontroller TYPE REF TO ziwci_mit_demo_2. Used Component lo_interfacecontroller = wd_this->wd_cpifc_component_b( ). Component Usage Invoke a method on the used component CALL METHOD lo_interfacecontroller->add_step EXPORTING im_step_id = step_1 im_step_name = Step 1'.

Exposing components for re-use

The following items of the Component Controller can be exposed on the Components Interface:
Context Nodes

Exposing components for re-use

The following items of the Component Controller can be exposed on the Components Interface:
Context Nodes Methods

Exposing components for re-use

The following items of the Component Controller can be exposed on the Components Interface:
Context Nodes Methods Events

Exposing components for re-use

The following items of the Component Controller can be exposed on the Components Interface:
Context Nodes Methods Events Summarized in the Interface Controller

Exposing components for re-use

The following items of the Component Controller can be exposed on the Components Interface:
Context Nodes Methods Events Summarized in the Interface Controller

Inbound and Outbound Plugs of each Window can be exposed

Summarized in the Interface View

Exposed by selecting the Interface checkbox

Allows a source Controller to synchronously inform any registered Listeners of the occurrence of an Event Listeners implement an event handler which is automatically invoked

Events can pass parameters Established on the Component Controller, published both internally and externally Tip: Think of events as a mechanism to invoke a method on mul:ple controllers from within the Component Controller

The order of event execution in the registered Listeners is undefined Potential use cases:
Due to a failed authorization check, all active Views should be updated into a read-only mode If the authorization check was implemented in another Component, it could simply raise an Event Each View would be required to register as an event listener

It is possible to dynamically register/unregister for a used Components events

Useful in situations where the event name or handler is only known at runtime, or When event handling are dependent on certain application states / logic

Raising Events
Before raising an event, first declare it on the Component Controller It is sometimes useful to create a method to allow other controllers to raise the event

Example Code: Raising event SOME_EVENT

wd_this->fire_some_event_evt( im_pernr = 00000007 " pernr_d ).

It is also possible to dynamically register/unregister for a used Components events

Useful in situations where the event name or handler is only known at runtime, or When event handling are dependent on certain application states / logic

Using events
Sample Code: dynamically attaching to external component's event
The Component usage must be defined on Controller's Property tab In this example it is called "BREADCRUMBS DATA: lo_cmp_usage lo_component_api

TYPE REF TO if_wd_component_usage, TYPE REF TO if_wd_view_controller.

"Register the event handler for the Breadcrumb events lo_component_api = wd_this->wd_get_api( ). lo_cmp_usage = wd_this->wd_cpuse_breadcrumbs( ). CALL METHOD lo_cmp_usage->add_event_handler EXPORTING listener = lo_component_api handler_name = 'ONACTION_<action> controller_name = 'INTERFACECONTROLLER event_name = <event name>'.

"The current view controller "ACTION event handler method "Events Source Controller "Event name

Using events
Sample code: dynamically detaching from an external component's event
DATA: lo_cmp_usage lo_component_api TYPE REF TO if_wd_component_usage, TYPE REF TO if_wd_view_controller.

"Remove the event handler for the Breadcrumb events lo_component_api = wd_this->wd_get_api( ). lo_cmp_usage = wd_this->wd_cpuse_breadcrumbs( ). CALL METHOD lo_cmp_usage->remove_event_handler EXPORTING listener = lo_component_api "The current view controller handler_name = 'ONACTION<action>' "ACTION event handler method controller_name = 'INTERFACECONTROLLER Event Source Controller event_name = <event_name>'. "Event name

Enhancing standard SAP

Frequently necessary to alter standard SAP functionality to cater to custom requirements Code modifications cause repercussions during patch / upgrade cycles Code enhancements solves the limitation by adding / replacing Standard (or custom) code in a controlled fashion
Independent development objects Can be traced, activated or deactivated using the Enhancement Information System Switch enhancements on/off via Switch framework

In Web Dynpro, the following enhancements are possible:

Adding/Hiding UI elements to a view Adding new nodes to a controller context Embedding additional views in a window Adding custom logic before or after an existing method Completely replacing an existing method with custom logic

Enhancing standard SAP

TIP: It is advisable to use a namespace prex to the name of the enhancement implementa:on and the names of any new objects created as part of the enhancement. This helps to prevent name conicts with objects from the original component, for example: Enhancement Name: /MIT/ENH_LSO_RECRUITMENT_1/ New BuGon ID: /MIT/button_1


1.While in Display mode, select Enhance from the Menu, or select the toolbar icon 2.Enter a unique name and a short descrip:on for your enhancement implementa:on. If mul:ple enhancements are made, you can group them into a Composite Enhancement, which allows you to enable/disable them as a unit. 3.Perform the required enhancements 4.Save and Ac:vate the changes
Note: Note that enhanced objects in the Component Controller, such as methods and context nodes, cannot be included in the Interface Controller and therefore not in the external interface of the component.

Enhancing standard SAP

Enhancing a View:
The following changes are allowed for Views:
1.Creating a new View 2.Creating new UI elements 3.Removing existing UI elements The standard element is not physically removed, but becomes Suppressed An additional property is added indicating the Enhancement which altered the element.

Enhancing a Controller:
The following changes are allowed for Controllers:
1.Creating a Pre-Exit. Code to be executed before the existing method logic. 2.Creating a Post-Exit. Code will be executed after the existing method logic. 3.Overwriting a method by creating an Overwrite-Exit. The existing method logic is completely replaced by custom code.

Note: After applying patches or upgrades, all Exits may require re-evaluation in case the standard logic was significantly altered.

Enhancing standard SAP

Enhancing the Context:
The following changes are allowed for a Context:
1.Adding new attributes to existing Nodes. Must be consistent with the dictionary structure (if applicable). 2.Creating new Nodes and attributes. It is only possible to change or delete an enhancement Node from the enhancement implementation in which it was created

Enhancing a Window:
The following changes are allowed for Windows:
1.Embedding additional views. 2.Enhance the navigation structure by creating, changing or suppressing navigation links (similar to UI elements).

Beware: Changing naviga:on structures through enhancements can cause inconsistencies

Web Dynpro ABAP
http://help.sap.com/erp2005_ehp_04/helpdata/EN/ 77/3545415ea6f523e10000000a155106/frameset.htm

Cross-Component Programming
http://help.sap.com/erp2005_ehp_04/helpdata/EN/ a7/1d8b412bb5b35fe10000000a1550b0/frameset.htm

Dynamic Programming
http://help.sap.com/erp2005_ehp_04/helpdata/EN/ 94/29984197eb2e7be10000000a1550b0/frameset.htm

Modification-Free Enhancements
http://help.sap.com/erp2005_ehp_04/helpdata/EN/c5/ f4b9422e0fb911e10000000a1550b0/frameset.htm

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