Mba Unisa

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At the Graduate School of Business Leadership we have a dream.

We dream of a society driven by shared values and a caring for all; a South Africa where your personal contribution to the well-being of society is valued, nurtured and celebrated; where the societal, economic and political injustices of the past have been erased and where your race, creed and colour matter less than your willingness and commitment to build a just South Africa for all; a South Africa where everyone uses environmental resources responsibly and treat their fellow citizens with respect and dignity; where everyone is committed to develop a country that will sustain future generations and make them proud of our legacy. We dream of organisations committed to create economic and societal progress and wealth in globally responsible and sustainable ways; where everyone is equally accountable and committed to ethical behaviour; organisations that are delightful and fun to work for and work in; organisations who are passionately committed to continuously learn from failures and successes; who are responsibly innovative and engaged in collaboratively creating futures for the organisation, its employees and surrounding communities. We dream of graduates willing and able to answer the call to lead towards the attainment of the above-mentioned dreams; ethical graduates who are critical and caring brokers of new ways of doing business and of being human. Graduates who can deal with uncertainties and paradoxes, who are willing to see the bigger picture without forgetting the smaller details. Our graduates are sought-after because of the unique blend of the craft, science and art of doing business in protable and sustainable ways. We dream of graduates who are willing and able to take up the challenges the African continent and globalisation offer and also ensure a legacy for future generations who will hail them as the visionaries and leaders of yesterday. As such the Unisa Graduate School of Business Leadership commits itself to realise this dream. Our graduates will make a difference, whether in small enterprises, trans-national organisations or the international domain.

Together, we will make the dream happen.

To be the leading African business school of choice offering internationally recognised leadership and management education.

Preparing todays leaders for tomorrows challenges through the provision of affordable quality education and knowledge. Training and developing dynamic, ethical leaders for Africa and globally, who value diversity and are dedicated to enhance human prosperity on the African continent and globally. Effectively utilising Open Distance Learning (ODL) to deliver quality business education in Africa. To continuously engage in cutting-edge research to produce new knowledge in the elds of management and leadership.

We care deeply about the future of Africa and its people. We value integrity and ethics in all we do. We are professionally dedicated to the service of our internal and external stakeholders. We value continuous learning and change to be relevant in a dynamic global environment. We are committed to offer affordable quality education.

Innovative, socially responsible, ethically engaged and globally informed.


NQF Levels

DEGREE Programmes



Doctor of Business Leadership (2 years Minimum)

Master of Business Leadership (3 years)

Master of Business Admin (3 years)


Public Sector Governance (3 months)

Development Programme (1 year)



Advanced Project

Development Management Programme Programme (1 year) (1 year)


Practical Project

Management Management Programme Programme (1 year) (1 year)


SBL/OU Business School Programme

Executive Education: Short learning programmes, e.g.

Corporate programmes, seminars and short courses

MBA Administration Master of Business

use research methods, techniques and technologies as a business management tool Each year is presented over two semesters. The rst year consists of ve modules. SEMESTER 1 MODULE 1: Context of management The module presents and discusses some of the fundamental models that underpin management theory and practice in the key functional areas of human resources, operations, marketing, information management, and accountancy and nance. The models are supported by examples from a range of commercial and non-prot sectors, and students are encouraged to carry out a number of activities that relate the analytical frameworks to your own work experience. The study sessions are linked by a Perspectives book that challenges some of the models and encourages you to engage in critical analysis. The module ends with a case study that brings together a number of the main themes. MODULE 2: The practice of management The module consists of a number of study sessions, linked with a Perspectives book, supported by audio-visual material and ending with a case study. In this module, however, the emphasis shifts to management practice, again supported by examples from a range of business and service contexts. SEMESTER 2 MODULE 1: Improving performance The module builds on the material in the previous module. Here the emphasis is on strategies for improvement. This material is signicantly more sophisticated and challenging than in the rst half of the year. It will introduce a range of ideas that are new and that will stimulate discussion, and it will extend your management thinking. MODULE 2: Managing projects and change The module considers two related themes. It introduces frameworks for understanding and implementing change in organisations and managing projects. The rst part of the module considers common drivers for change and approaches to implementing and managing it. The second part looks at the management of projects, taking the human and political aspects into account as well as the technical aspects. MODULE 3: Introduction to research The module focuses on theoretical analysis. Secondary data (a literature review) will be the point of emphasis. Students will be required to select a topic and to uncover, analyse and develop the complexity of the topic using reective analysis techniques and appropriate literature. Each module consists of a set of study materials that introduce and explain a range of management topics. These materials are specially written for self-study and present and summarise the views of management experts and practitioners from a range of backgrounds. The written materials are supported by audio-visual material. You will have to exploit the personal computer as both a tool and a rapidly developing medium of communication. The second year consists of ve modules. SEMESTER 1 MODULE 1: Strategy formulation The module aims to develop the skills and enhance the ability of management to formulate plans and strategies for taking the organisation into the future. MODULE 2: Strategy implementation The module encourages management to take a much broader view of the variety of factors that could impact on their decision making in the organisation. SEMESTER 2 MODULE 1: Financial management The module introduces nance and accounting problems.

In cooperation with the OU Business School, United Kingdom NQF Level 8

The management of change is central to modern management in organisations. The ability to understand and manage processes of development, learning and change is essential for all managers who wish to enhance their own performance and move into more complex areas of responsibility. This programme is intended for any person who holds a threeyear recognised Bachelors degree with 360 SAQA credits and aims to introduce you to the basic ve modules of management, which will provide the foundations for the rest of the MBA. You will cover a wide range of topics over the next 12 months. The topics cover the normal range of managerial knowledge: human relations; marketing; accounting and nance; operations; information management and business research as well as introducing functional knowledge, different managerial perspectives are explored and the development of key skills encouraged.


This programme is designed to establish a broad understanding of management concepts and principles to improve managerial skills and to develop reective and critical thinking. The programme is presented through workbooks, CD-ROMs, computer conferencing, as well as on-line tutor support for individual students and additional materials from the SBL to enhance contextualisation. Your work is assessed through tutor-marked assignments, examinations and a research project.

In order to be considered for admission to the rst year of study, a student must: hold a three-year recognised Bachelors degree with 360 SAQA credits from a recognised university; have at least three years appropriate experience; have access to a computer and the Internet. Please refer to eds online requirements; submit a personal letter providing reasons for wishing to enrol for the MBA; The students academic record will also be considered. The Graduate School of Business Leadership may institute additional selection criteria as deemed.

The MBA is a three-year Masters programme. This is a challenging programme that combines rigorous analytical work with personal and professional development. The MBA programme provides a comprehensive grounding in key business disciplines. It familiarises students with a wide variety of techniques and approaches, improves interpersonal skills and self-awareness, and exposes them to a diverse range of managerial challenges and contexts. If you successfully complete the MBA you should be able to: deal condently with specialists (in nance, marketing, human resources) and tackle complex cross-functional problems evaluate your organisations practices and contribute to improved performance appreciate the contribution of management theories, recognising when and how they can be applied in organisations

MODULE 2: Financial strategy The module provides students with an opportunity to gain a good grasp of the fundamentals of corporate nancial theory. MODULE 3: Company research project The module enhances the decision making skills of students in that it guides them through the process of collecting relevant data which have actual relevance to the management process. The third year consists of three modules. SEMESTER 1 MODULE 1: Elective Students can select an elective from a choice of available topics as indicated on page 8 of this brochure. MODULE 2: Field study The module provides students with an opportunity to integrate, examine and analyse information, using the theory assimilated in the preceding years of study. SEMESTER 2 MODULE 1: Management research project The module provides students the opportunity to use knowledge and information gained in the previous modules to analyse, appreciate and understand a practical problem in the workplace and to suggest a way forward in solving the problem.

online to interact with their own groups and also with other students, groups and tutors. Using eds online means that distance between students, and the SBL becomes irrelevant. Advantages of eds online over conventional printed materials: It improves access to the programme. It teaches students more about business in conjunction with the latest computer technology. Participants acquire knowledge about technology and how to utilise it in business. Electronic delivery makes communication efcient. Requirements: eds online Students will be required to have access to a computer and the Internet. The minimum hardware requirements are as follows: Pentium III (500 Mhz); SVGA monitor (1026x728); CD-ROM (32 x speed); 128MB RAM; Windows XP; 500MB hard disk space; mouse, keyboard, etc. Other requirements are Microsoft Ofce, Adobe Reader, Internet Explorer 6 or higher and the Internet connectivity should at least be 56Kbps. In the interest of speed of contact, quality of delivery, and of developing a truly computer literate manager, all students are strongly encouraged to make use of eds online. Language medium Prescribed material is available only in English.


Application for admission must be made from September of the preceeding year. The closing date for applications is end of April. No late applications will be considered. Successful students will be notied by email not later than the end of May each year. The application form is included in this brochure or visit the SBL website: A clear photocopy of the form can be used. The application form must be completed, signed and accompanied by the required documents as set out in section 30 A-I of the application form. All correspondence will be done via email. Please ensure that all details are correctly recorded on the application form.

Registered students receive a full range of materials to satisfy their study needs, including textbooks, videos, audio cassettes and computer-based information. Students therefore need to have access to an audio player, a DVD machine and a Windowsbased PC with Internet connection. At the start of the programme students will receive The MBA Handbook, which sets out clearly how you can study to maximum effect within the time available. Supported distance learning allows students to study in an environment which offers direct communication with tutors and fellow students. Computing The personal computer plays an important role throughout the course for both learning and communication. It is used for nancial modelling and analysis with spreadsheets, group work, discussion and eds online. After registration you will receive the necessary communication by email. If you are not familiar with computer conferencing and communication, you should allow yourself a couple of weeks to ensure that you will be able to make full use of the opportunities. Information and help will be available before the programme commences. Support from your personal tutor A personal tutor (often a manager with extensive management experience as well as a strong academic background) is allocated to assist and give you all the advice and support you may need. Assessment Both formative and summative assessments will be conducted. The nature of these assessments will be announced upon registrations.


This programme will commence in June each year.

Students will have a maximum of six years in which to complete the whole MBA degree curriculum successfully. No credits will be carried forward after this period. Upon completion of the programme, a student will receive the Master of Business Administration degree, conferred by the University of South Africa.


The programme delivery will be by eds online, accessed via the SBL website or on Study material and contact with the SBL, tutors and fellow students are provided through eds online. The eds online is available 24 hours a day and connects students and staff through the Internet. All study guides and other material supplied by the SBL is available through eds online. Assignments are submitted electronically. Students will work on common projects, share ideas, information and understanding, and create new ideas or solutions. They can use eds

Master of Business Administration

SEMESTER 1: The Context of Management Finding a balance between the competing interests of stakeholders The importance of the external environment on the management decision-making process Recognition of the contingent nature of most management decision making Thinking about organisations Thinking about people Thinking about accounting Thinking about communication Thinking about operations Thinking about nancial information Thinking about teams Thinking about performance Improving management control Improving performance in a strategic context Effective project management Effective change management Introduction to research The research methodology The research proposal

The Practice of Management

SEMESTER 2: Improving Performance Managing Projects and Change Introduction to Research


MBA ll
SEMESTER 1: Strategy Formulation Strategy Implementation SEMESTER 2: Financial Management Financial Strategy The Company Research Project Analysis of internal and external environment Choosing the strategy Preparing the organisations for implementation Setting objectives for implementation Implementing the strategic plan The relevance of nance and accounting within the organisation and to stakeholders Making investment and nancing decisions Assessing nancial risk Financial strategy issues facing organisations Measuring nancial performance internally and assessment by stakeholders Dening research projects and building testable hypotheses Gathering and using qualitative and quantitative data Understanding values in research Conducting comparative research


MBA lll
SEMESTER 1 MODULE 1: Select 1 elective from the options below MODULE 2: Compulsory eld study
Marketing in a Complex World Creativity, Innovation and Change Knowledge Management International Financial Management Technology Management Complexity and the marketing environment Complexity and marketing Contemporary challenges in marketing Creating a more creative attitude in the self and others Improving capacities to respond practically and creatively to problems and opportunities Exploring ways to develop ideas, manage innovation and transfer knowledge Developing a climate in which creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation can grow Understanding a variety of approaches to restructuring organisations Measuring intellectual capital Types of intellectual capita Managing knowledge in an organisation International monetary system and balance of payments The foreign exchange market and currency derivatives Exchange risk management Foreign direct investment, including infrastructure development through project nance Long-term asset and liability management Technology management: the operational issues Patterns of innovation and improvement Innovations: creating and using them Managing technical projects Analytical methods

SEMESTER 2 MODULE 1: Compulsory management research project



TUITION AND FEES PAYMENT (a) Applicants must pay the full initial amount indicated in the programme brochure before they are enrolled in any SBL programme offering. (b) For applicable programmes the balance must be paid in two instalments: If the rst semester of registration is in January: 50% by 15 March and 50% by 15 August. If the rst semester of registration is in June: 50% 15 August and 50% by 15 March of the following year.
# For MBL students, the balance must be paid in two installments: 50% by 15 May and 50% by 15 August.

THIRD PARTY PAYMENT OF STUDY FEES Applicants for whom the full or part of the study fees will be paid by a third party must have the third party complete a Letter of Sponsorship (a sample of the form is available on the SBL website: Please note that tax invoices will not be issued if third party payers have not issued a Letter or Sponsorship or completed a Memorandum of Agreement form (available on the SBL website). See Sponsorships and Tax Invoices. PAYMENTS AND BANKING INFORMATION (a) It is Unisa policy since January 2009 not to accept cash for any payment: As a result, the SBL will only accept cheques, bank deposits, debit/credit cards, postal orders, money orders, bank drafts electronic funds transfers, to settle all accounts. (b) Cheques and other endorsed payments must be crossed and made payable to Unisa. (c) Payments with credit cards may be indicated on the SBL application form. (d) ABSA is the ofcial banker of Unisa. Your study account would be credited within 48 hours if you have been assigned a student number and your ABSA deposit slip has the correct information on the following elds: Credit - Unisa Study Fees Reference - Enter exactly: STUDENT NUMBER, 1st eight blocks; <space>; 3000774039 Account Number - 4048746711 (e) If you have not been assigned a student number, you may facilitate credit of your study account with the following: Credit - Unisa Study Fees. Reference - Enter exactly: 1st 8 LETTERS OF YOUR SURNAME; <space>; Date of Birth (YYYY/MM/DD). Account Number - 010000114. IMPORTANT: To facilitate credit of your study account, a copy of an EFT transaction document or a deposit slip MUST be faxed to +27 (0) 86 508 4806 or 011 652 0215, marked for the attention of SBL FINANCE. SPONSORSHIPS AND TAX INVOICES To facilitate preparation, organisations sponsoring students or requesting tax invoices must include the following information as applicable: (a) A Letter of Sponsorship (available on the SBL website) wherein the sponsor unequivocally assumes nancial liability for the total or stated amount of the costs of studying. On the basis of a sponsorship letter, Unisa/SBL will hold the sponsor legally responsible for the amount in the letter even if a cohort terminates his/her relationship with the sponsor. Unisa/SBL reserves the right to require a Memorandum of Agreement to obtain the condition above. (b) Full trading name of organisation (c) Postal address of organisation (d) VAT Number (if exempt, please indicate) (e) Full name and ofcial title of account representative (f) Costs or amount for which organisation is responsible (g Full name of each student and student number (the national ID if a student number has not been issued.) (h) Fax number or email address where copy of invoice may be sent to. To facilitate quick and correct allocation of payments to student accounts, please follow the instructions after in Payments and Banking Information section above. Note that SBL banking information or instructions are now included on all invoices. # Information only applicable to MBL students.

(c) Unsettled accounts are subject to nancial blocks or cancellations. Accounts that are cancelled or blocked will not have access to the eds. It is the responsibility of students to notify SBL of any change of address, phone number, etc. to facilitate correct and timeous billing. REPEATERS 100% of tuition and applicable fees, levies and study materials are payable upon registration. STUDY MATERIALS 100% of the cost of all study materials must be paid prior to enrolment. Study materials may be fully refunded if cancellation of studies occurs prior to the start date of a programme, and if returned in original package within three weeks of registration. WITHDRAWALS AND FINANCIAL LIABILITY Registered students who wish to withdraw from any SBL programme or offering for any reason must do so in writing to the Programme Administrator; otherwise they are liable for the applicable nancial penalties. (a) Before programme commencement date and with study materials intact: initial amount will be refunded. Fees and levies are non-refundable (b) After programme commencement date but before 15 March (rst semester of registration is in January) or 15 August (rst semester of registration is in June) will result in a liability equal to: 50% of tuition for the rst semester of registration; 100% of study materials, fees and levies.
# For MBL students, withdrawal after programme start date, but before 15 May, will result in liability equal to fees and levies, and 50% of tuition.

(c) After 15 March, but before 15 August (rst semester of registration is in January) or after 15 August, but before 15 March (rst semester of registration is in June) will result in a liability equal to: 100% of tuition for the rst semester of registration; 50% of tuition for the second semester; and 100% of study materials, fees and levies.
# For MBL students, withdrawal after 15 May, but before 15 August, will result in liability equal to the full fees and levies, and 75% of tuition.

(d) After 15 August (rst semester of registration is in January) or 15 March (rst semester of registration is in June) will result in a liability for 100% of all costs. CLARIFICATION ON THE APPLICATION OF THE FINANCIAL CANCELLATION POLICY AT SBL The Unisa policy on nancial cancellation applies to the SBL with the following clarications: (a) Accounts with balances greater than R500.00 after the nal due date will be cancelled. (b) On cancellation, the delinquent account is credited with the nal 25% of study fees. To be reinstated, the student must pay the full amount outstanding before the account was cancelled.

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