ISO 17025 Checklist
ISO 17025 Checklist
ISO 17025 Checklist
(includes the TTLABS Advertising Policy and the TTLABS Measurement Traceability Policy requirements)
The following pages present a summary of the criteria from ISO/IEC 17025-1999, which is the basis for the TTLABS General Requirements for Accreditation of Laboratories in a checklist format. The laboratory's policies and procedures must meet the full requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. Laboratories and assessors must refer to the actual standard for the definitive language of the requirements. If the ISO 17025 requirements include the need for a written policy, procedure or arrangement, that requirement statement in this checklist is shaded. Quality system documentation and supporting records must be available for the assessor's review. The laboratory must complete the document reference identifiers in the checklist's second column (labeled Reference), place a tick mark in the yes (Y), no (N), or not applicable (NA) space for each checklist item and submit this checklist as part of the application for accreditation. This serves to help both the laboratory and the assessors prepare for the assessment and may save a significant amount of assessment time and cost. The appropriate reference must identify the document (quality manual, laboratory manual, SOPs, records, etc.). and include a locator to facilitate identification of the appropriate portion(s) of the relevant document. This locator may be in the form of a page number, section number, etc.
Additional requirements from the TTLABS Advertising Policy and the TTLABS Policy on Measurement Traceability are included at the end of this checklist.
Assessor Instructions: Review the laboratory's documented quality system to verify compliance with the applicable 17025 documentation requirements. Assess to verify that the documented quality system is indeed implemented as described. Record comments related to any requirement on the space provided. Assess the laboratory's technical competence to perform specific tests. Record comments related to tests on separate sheets and/or on the test method review matrix. All deficiencies must be identified and explained in the assessor deficiency report. Laboratory Name: Address: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________ Personnel Information (Names, Titles, and Responsibilities): Technical Management: ___________________________________________________________________
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TTLABS General Requirements for Accreditation of Laboratories Checklist To the best of my knowledge, all laboratory document references below as well as actual laboratory practice have been assessed for compliance with the relevant clauses of the TTLABS General Requirements for Accreditation of Laboratories. Any areas of noncompliance have been fully described in the Assessor Deficiency Report. TTLABS Assessor Signature: _____________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Requirement 4. 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 a) MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS Organization Legal responsibility Requirements of 17025, the needs of the client, regulatory authorities or organizations providing recognition met Permanent facilities, sites away from its permanent facilities, temporary or mobile facilities Responsibilities of key personnel Laboratory requirements Managerial and technical personnel Compliance Y N NA Reference Comments [Reserved for TTLABS Assessor]
b) Undue internal and external pressures c) Confidential information and proprietary rights
d) Policies and procedures to avoid involvement in inappropriate activities e) f) Organization and management structure Responsibility, authority and interrelationships of personnel
Requirement h) Technical management i) Quality manager QM access to the highest level of management j) 4.2 4.2.1 Deputies Quality system Appropriate quality system Documented system Documentation communicated, understood, available, and implemented 4.2.2 Quality manual Quality policy statement a) Laboratory management's commitment to good professional practice and to the quality of its testing and calibration in servicing its clients
Compliance Y N NA
d) Personnel concerned with testing and calibration activities within the laboratory familiarize themselves with the quality documentation and implement the policies and procedures in their work e) 4.2.3 Laboratory management's commitment to compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 Reference to supporting procedures including technical Page 3 of 29
Requirement Outline of documentation structure 4.2.4 4.3 4.3.1 Roles and responsibilities of technical management and quality manager Document control General Procedures to control all quality system documents 4.3.2 Document approval and issue
Compliance Y N NA
Reference Reviewed and approval by authorized personnel Master list or an equivalent document control procedure a) Authorized editions b) Periodic review c) Invalid or obsolete documents d) Obsolete document retention Unique identification 4.3.3 Document changes Review and approval of changes Identification of altered or new text Amendment of documents by hand Changes in computerized document systems 4.4 Review of requests, tenders and contracts Page 4 of 29
Requirement 4.4.1 a) Procedures for review of requests, tenders and contracts Requirements defined, documented and understood
Compliance Y N NA
b) Capability and resources c) Appropriate method selection Differences resolved; acceptable to laboratory and client 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 Records of reviews Review of subcontracting Deviations from contract Amendment after work has commenced Subcontracting of tests and calibrations Competent subcontractor Client notification and approval Laboratory responsibility Register of subcontractors
4.6 4.6.1
Purchasing services and supplies Policy and procedure(s) for selection and purchasing of services and supplies Procedures for purchase, reception and storage of reagents and laboratory consumable materials
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Requirement 4.6.2 Verification of purchased supplies and reagents and consumable materials Compliance with specified requirements Records of actions taken to check compliance 4.6.3 Purchasing documents- description of services and supplies ordered Purchasing documents technical review and approval 4.6.4 4.7 Evaluation of suppliers Service to the client Cooperation with clients 4.8 Complaints Policy and procedure for resolution of complaints Records of complaints, investigations and corrective actions 4.9 Control of nonconforming testing and/or calibration work 4.9.1 a) Policy and procedures for nonconforming work Responsibilities and authorities for management of nonconforming work
Compliance Y N NA
d) Client notification, recall of work e) Responsibility for authorizing the resumption of work Page 6 of 29
Requirement 4.9.2 4.10 4.10.1 Use of corrective action procedures given in 4.10 Corrective action General Policy , procedure, designated authorities for corrective action 4.10.2 4.10.3 Cause analysis Investigation to determine root cause(s) Selection and implementation of corrective actions Appropriate to the magnitude and the risk of the problem Documentation and implementation of changes 4.10.4 4.10.5 4.11 4.11.1 Monitoring of corrective actions Additional audits Preventive action Identification of improvements and potential sources of nonconformances Action plans 4.11.2 4.12 4.12.1 Procedures for preventive actions Control of records General
Compliance Y N NA
Reference Procedures for quality and technical records Record retention CHE\17025 checklist.doc (03/15/04) Page 7 of 29
Requirement Security and confidentiality of records Procedures to protect and back-up electronic records 4.12.2 Technical records
Compliance Y N NA
Reference Record content Observations, data and calculations Error correction 4.13 4.13.1 Internal audits Periodic, in accordance with a predetermined schedule and procedure Scope of audit Quality manager responsibilities Trained, independent staff 4.13.2 4.13.3 4.13.4 4.14 4.14.1 Corrective action, client notification Internal audit records Follow-up audit activities Management review Predetermined schedule and procedure; covers: suitability of policies and procedures; reports from managerial and supervisory personnel;
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Requirement outcome of recent internal audits; corrective and preventive actions; assessments by external bodies; results of interlaboratory comparisons or proficiency tests; changes in the volume and type of the work; client feedback; complaints; other relevant factors 4.14.2 Findings
Compliance Y N NA
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Requirement 5 5.1 5.1.2 5.2 5.2.1 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS General Consideration of factors contributing to total uncertainty Personnel Competence of staff Staff undergoing training Personnel qualification 5.2.2 Goals for education, training and skills of personnel Policy and procedures for identifying training needs and providing training Relevance of training program 5.2.3 Employment status Supervision of contracted and additional personnel 5.2.4 5.2.5 Job descriptions Authorization of personnel Personnel records 5.3 5.3.1 Accommodation and environmental conditions Laboratory facilities Environmental conditions
Compliance Y N NA
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Requirement Documented technical requirements 5.3.2 Monitoring, controlling and recording environmental conditions Stopping testing 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.4 5.4.1 Effective separation between neighboring areas Access control Housekeeping Test and calibration methods and method validation General Use of appropriate methods and procedures Instructions on use and operation of all relevant equipment, handling, preparation Documents, data up to date and available Deviation from test and calibration methods 5.4.2 Selection of methods Test and/or calibration methods meet client needs Use of latest valid edition of standards Method selection when not specified by client Laboratory-developed methods; client notification Confirmation of capability Client notification of inappropriate or out of date methods CHE\17025 checklist.doc (03/15/04)
Compliance Y N NA
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Requirement 5.4.3 Laboratory-developed methods Introduction of laboratory-developed methods Effective communication 5.4.4 Non-standard methods Agreement with the client Validation before use 5.4.5 Validation of methods
Compliance Y N NA
Reference Fit for intended use Validation records Range and accuracy relevant to clients' needs 5.4.6 Estimation of uncertainty of measurement Procedure to estimate uncertainty of measurementcalibration laboratories and testing laboratory performing its own calibrations Testing laboratories have and apply procedures for estimating uncertainty of measurement Components identified, reasonable estimation in cases where test method precludes rigorous, metrologically and statistically valid calculation of uncertainty Reporting of results Consideration of all uncertainty components 5.4.7 Control of data Calculation and data transfer checks CHE\17025 checklist.doc (03/15/04) Page 12 of 29
Compliance Y N NA
b) procedures for protecting data c) 5.5 5.5.1 computers and automated equipment maintenance Equipment Furnished with sampling, measurement and test equipment required Equipment outside laboratorys permanent control 5.5.2 Equipment, software capable of required accuracy Calibration programs Calibration before being placed into service 5.5.3 Equipment operated by authorized personnel Up-to-date instructions on use and maintenance 5.5.4 5.5.5 a) Unique identification of equipment Equipment records: identity of equipment and its software
b) manufacturer's name, type identification, and serial number or other unique identification; c) initial checks (see 5.5.2);
Requirement e) f) manufacturer's instructions, if available, or reference to their location; dates, results and copies of reports and certificates of all calibrations, adjustments, acceptance criteria, due date of next calibration;
Compliance Y N NA
g) maintenance plan, where appropriate; maintenance carried out to date; h) any damage, malfunction, modification or repair to the equipment. 5.5.6 5.5.7 Procedures for safe handling, transport, storage, use and planned maintenance Overloaded, mishandling, suspect, or defective equipment Isolation of out-of-service equipment Effect of defect or departure from specified limits on previous results 5.5.8 5.5.9 5.5.10 5.5.11 5.5.12 5.6 5.6.1 Indication of calibration status Checking equipment that goes outside the direct control of the laboratory Intermediate checks Correction factors Safeguarding against adjustments Measurement traceability General Calibration of equipment before being put into service CHE\17025 checklist.doc (03/15/04) Page 14 of 29
Requirement Established program and procedure for calibration of equipment 5.6.2 Specific requirements
Compliance Y N NA
Reference Calibration Calibration laboratories: traceability to the International System of Units (SI) (Systme international d'units) External calibration services Calibration certificate contents Calibrations that currently cannot be strictly made in SI units use of certified reference materials use of specified methods and/or consensus standards Participation in interlaboratory comparisons Testing Requirements given in applied for equipment with measuring functions used Where traceability of measurements to SI units is not possible and/or not relevant 5.6.3 Reference standards and reference materials Reference standards Program and procedure for calibration of reference standards Traceability of reference standards Use for calibration only CHE\17025 checklist.doc (03/15/04) Page 15 of 29
Requirement Calibration before and after adjustment Reference materials Traceable to SI units of measurement, or to certified reference materials Intermediate checks Defined procedures and schedules Transport and storage Procedures for safe handling, transport, storage and use of reference standards and reference materials A2LA Traceability Policy requirements (see pages 25-26) 5.7 Sampling 5.7.1 Sampling plan and procedures for sampling Availability of sampling plan and procedure at sampling location Appropriate statistical basis 5.7.2 5.7.3 5.8 5.8.1 Deviations, additions or exclusions from sampling procedure Procedures for recording sampling data and operations Handling of test and calibration items Procedures for the transportation, receipt, handling, protection, storage, retention and/or disposal of test and/or calibration items System for identifying test and/or calibration items
Compliance Y N NA
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Requirement 5.8.3 Recording of abnormalities or departures from normal or specified conditions upon receipt Consultation with client on abnormal samples 5.8.4 Procedures and appropriate facilities for avoiding deterioration, loss or damage Handling instructions followed Maintenance, monitoring and recording of storage environmental conditions Security arrangements 5.9 Assuring the quality of test and calibration results Quality control procedures Trend detection and application of statistical techniques Monitoring activities: a) regular use of certified reference materials and/or internal quality control using secondary reference materials
Compliance Y N NA
b) participation in interlaboratory comparison or proficiencytesting programs; c) replicate tests or calibrations using the same or different methods
d) retesting or recalibration of retained items e) correlation of results for different characteristics of an item
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Requirement Proficiency Testing Requirements for Accredited Testing and Calibration Laboratories The laboratory meets the applicable requirements of the TTLABS Proficiency Testing Requirements 5.10 5.10.1 Reporting the results General Results reported accurately, clearly, unambiguously, objectively, in accordance with method(s) Reports include information requested by client, necessary for interpretation of results, all information required by method(s) used Simplified reports for internal clients, written agreement with the client Availability of information listed in 5.10.2 to 5.10.4 5.10.2 a) Test reports and calibration certificates: a title (e.g. Test Report or Calibration Certificate);
Compliance Y N NA
b) name and address of the laboratory, location where tests and/or calibrations were carried out c) unique identification of test report or calibration certificate (such as the serial number), and on each page an identification in order to ensure that the page is recognized as a part of the test report or calibration certificate, and a clear identification of the end of the test report or calibration certificate;
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Compliance Y N NA
g) date of receipt of the test or calibration item(s), date(s) of performance of test or calibration; h) reference to the sampling plan and procedures used i) j) test or calibration results with, where appropriate, units of measurement; name(s), function(s) and signature(s) or equivalent identification of person(s) authorizing test report or calibration certificate;
k) statement to the effect that results relate only to the items tested or calibrated. 5.10.3 Test reports Test reports- additional requirements: a) deviations from, additions to, or exclusions from test method, and information on specific test conditions
b) where relevant, statement of compliance/non-compliance with requirements and/or specifications; c) where applicable, statement on the estimated uncertainty of measurement
d) where appropriate and needed, opinions and interpretations (see 5.10.5) e) additional information which may be required by specific methods, clients or groups of clients Test reports containing the results of sampling- additional requirements a) date of sampling; Page 19 of 29
Requirement b) unambiguous identification of substance, material or product sampled (including the name of the manufacturer, the model or type of designation and serial numbers as appropriate); c) the location of sampling
Compliance Y N NA
d) reference to sampling plan and procedures used; e) f) 5.10.4 details of environmental conditions during sampling standard or other specification for the sampling method or procedure, and deviations, additions to or exclusions Calibration certificates Calibration certificates- additional requirements a) conditions (e.g. environmental) under which the calibrations were made
b) uncertainty of measurement and/or a statement of compliance with an identified metrological specification c) evidence that measurements are traceable (see note 2 in Statements of compliance Before and after results for adjustment or repair Recommendation on calibration interval 5.10.5 Opinions and interpretations Basis documented, clearly identified 5.10.6 Testing and calibration results obtained from subcontractors Clearly identified CHE\17025 checklist.doc (03/15/04) Page 20 of 29
Requirement Subcontractor results in writing or electronic Subcontractor certificate issued to contracting laboratory. 5.10.7 5.10.8 5.10.9 Electronic transmission of results Format of reports and certificates Amendments to test reports and calibration certificates Complete new test report or calibration certificate
Compliance Y N NA
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LABORATORY REFERENCE TO TTLABS ACCREDITED STATUS TTLABS ADVERTISING POLICY (ADDENDUM TO THE ASSESSOR CHECKLIST: GENERAL CRITERIA) (Effective April 30, 2004) TTLABS-accredited laboratories are strongly encouraged to promote their TTLABS accreditation by using the TTLABS Accredited logo. It is the ethical responsibility of accredited and applicant laboratories to describe their accredited status in a manner that does not imply accreditation in areas that are outside their actual scope of accreditation or for other testing/calibration facilities not covered under TTLABS accreditation. Accredited laboratories or others are encouraged to advise TTLABS if a violation of this policy is discovered by actions of other parties. While inclusion of the TTLABS logo on test or calibration reports is not mandatory, only test or calibration reports bearing the TTLABS logo can benefit from the acceptance established through mutual recognition agreements/arrangements among accreditation bodies, and only those calibration reports bearing the TTLABS logo can be confirmed to meet the TTLABS Traceability Policy. Unless otherwise specified, all requirements related to the use of the TTLABS Accredited logo specified in this document also apply when making any other claims of TTLABS accreditation. The term "certificates and reports" includes calibration certificates and test reports. Failure to comply with these requirements may lead to denial, suspension or revocation of accreditation and/or legal remedies. (Note: Laboratories initially applying for TTLABS accreditation should indicate "NA" for all items on this checklist addendum for describing the accredited status but must sign the statement on the last page agreeing to abide by this advertising policy once accredited.)
Requirement 1.0 General Requirements 1.1 The laboratory shall have a policy and procedure for controlling the use of the term TTLABS and the TTLABS Accredited logo. 1.2 The TTLABS Accredited logo shall not be used by a laboratory that is not TTLABS accredited. 1.3 The TTLABS Accredited logo shall not be used by applicants for TTLABS accreditation. 1.4 The TTLABS Accredited logo shall be used by a TTLABS accredited laboratory only under the name in which it holds TTLABS accreditation. CHE\17025 checklist.doc (03/15/04)
Compliance Y N NA
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Requirement 1.5 When promoting or providing proof of accreditation, accredited laboratories shall use the scope(s) of accreditation, as this document details the specific tests or calibrations which are accredited. The certificate shall be used for display purposes and may also accompany the scope. 1.6 It is the responsibility of the laboratory to communicate this Advertising Policy and its requirements to the necessary corporate/marketing representatives to ensure that all requirements are met. 2.0 Logo Reproduction 2.1 TTLABS Accredited logo sheets are sent to all accredited laboratories, and an electronic version is available upon request. 2.2 Where the TTLABS name and/or logo is used by accredited laboratories, it shall always be accompanied by at least the word accredited. 2.3 While there are no restrictions on the size and color of the TTLABS Accredited logo reproduction, the logo must maintain its form. 2.4 The TTLABS Accredited logo may be generated electronically provided that the prescribed formats and forms are retained. 3.0 Use of the TTLABS Accredited logo on Test/Calibration Reports 3.1 Where the TTLABS Accredited logo is used to endorse test or calibration results, it shall always be accompanied by the TTLABS certificate number(s). 3.2 The TTLABS Accredited logo may be displayed on all certificates and reports that contain exclusively results from calibrations and tests that have been carried out within the laboratory's official TTLABS Scope of Accreditation. 3.3 The TTLABS Accredited logo shall not be used on certificates and reports if none of the results presented are from tests or calibrations included on the TTLABS Scope(s) of Accreditation. CHE\17025 checklist.doc (03/15/04)
Compliance Y N NA
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Requirement 3.4 Where both accredited and non-accredited tests/calibrations are included on an endorsed report or certificate, non-accredited results shall be clearly and unambiguously identified as such. This can be done by placing an asterisk after each such result along with a footnote stating: The test/calibration results are not covered by our current TTLABS accreditation. 3.5 On reports where results are reported within the field where accreditation exists but in a technology that is not included in the scope, they must be so indicated. (For example, if a laboratory is accredited in the Environmental Field for only wet chemistry and metals, any gas chromatographic data reported would need to be identified as non-accredited.) 3.6 If the intent is to ensure that the client meets the requirements of the TTLABS Traceability Policy, the calibrations performed by a TTLABS accredited calibration laboratory must be included on the calibration laboratory's TTLABS Scope of Accreditation, and the calibration certificate issued must contain the TTLABS Accredited logo and the TTLABS certificate number. 3.7 There shall be nothing in the reports, certificates or in any attachments or other materials which implies or may lead any user of the results or any interested party to believe that the work is accredited when it is not. 4.0 Subcontracted Tests and Calibrations 4.1 A TTLABS accredited laboratory may include the results of subcontracted tests or calibrations in its endorsed reports or certificates only if: 4.1.1 The accredited laboratory has informed the client in writing of the proposed subcontracting and has obtained prior approval; and
Compliance Y N NA
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Requirement 4.1.2 The subcontractor is itself accredited by TTLABS or a TTLABS recognized MRA partner for the specific tests or calibrations concerned and the results have been included in the subcontracting laboratory's endorsed calibration or test report(s) submitted to the accredited laboratory. Any non-accredited subcontracted calibrations or tests shall be specified as noted in Section 3.4 of this policy. 4.1.3 The subcontracted calibration or test results shall be clearly and unambiguously identified on the certificate or report. 5.0 Opinions and Interpretations 5.1 Where statements of opinions and interpretations are outside the Scope of Accreditation, the laboratory is required to include a disclaimer such as the following in the certificate or report: The opinions/interpretations expressed in this report are outside the scope of this laboratory's TTLABS accreditation. 5.2 It is preferable, however, to express opinions and interpretations that are outside the Scope of Accreditation on a separate letter which is not part of the endorsed certificate or report and that does not carry the TTLABS Accredited logo or other reference to TTLABS accreditation. 6.0 Calibration Labels
Compliance Y N NA
6.1 Calibration labels containing the TTLABS Accredited logo may be affixed only to equipment that has been calibrated by the accredited calibration laboratory. 6.2 Calibration labels containing the TTLABS Accredited logo shall include at least the following information: 6.2.1 The name of the accredited calibration laboratory or its TTLABS Certificate number; 6.2.2 The instrument identification; 6.2.3 The date of the current calibration; CHE\17025 checklist.doc (03/15/04) Page 25 of 29
Requirement 6.2.4 Cross reference to the calibration certificate issued with respect to this calibration. 7.0 Advertising, Publicity, and Business Solicitation
Compliance Y N NA
7.1 Accredited laboratories may incorporate statements concerning their accreditation in publicity and/or advertising materials, including brochures and organization publications, technical literature, business reports, web sites and quotations or proposals for work. 7.2 The use of the TTLABS Accredited logo or other reference to TTLABS used to promote accreditation enhances the reputation and value of accreditation for all stakeholders. It is the responsibility of the accredited laboratories to ensure that there is no misrepresentation of the accreditation status and that the accreditation process is not brought into disrepute. 7.3 The accreditation claim shall be related only to the testing or calibration that is covered under the TTLABS Scope of Accreditation, and not with any other activities in which the laboratory or its parent organization are involved. 7.4 TTLABS accreditation is site specific. The accreditation claim shall be related only to the specific laboratory location that is covered under the TTLABS Scope of Accreditation, and not with any other nonaccredited locations. 7.5 In proposals or quotations, the accredited laboratory shall distinguish tests or calibrations that are covered under the TTLABS Scope of Accreditation from those that are not covered. 7.6 Where the TTLABS Accredited logo is printed on letterhead or other corporate stationery, such stationery shall not be used for work proposals, quotes, reporting of test or calibration results exclusively outside the TTLABS Scope of Accreditation, or certifying a product or other item.
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Requirement 7.7 The TTLABS Accredited logo or accreditation claim shall not be affixed to a material, item or product (or related part, including packaging), or used to imply that an item or product has been certified. 7.8 If the TTLABS Accredited logo is included in literature relating to a product, the logo must appear directly adjacent to the reference to the accredited calibration or testing laboratory and it must be clearly stated that inclusion of the logo does not imply certification/approval of the products calibrated or tested. 7.9 The TTLABS Accredited logo shall not be displayed on business cards in a manner that might imply personnel certification. 8.0 Misuse of the TTLABS Accredited Logo or Accreditation Status 8.1 Every circumstance where the principle of accurate representation applies cannot be anticipated and dealt with in this document. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the accredited and applicant laboratory representatives not to misrepresent their accredited status under any circumstances. 8.2 If there are questions, the laboratory should submit intended uses of the logo, draft advertisements, and/or any other accreditation claims to TTLABS Headquarters for advance review. 8.3 Upon suspension or termination of accreditation, a laboratory must immediately cease to issue calibration certificates, test reports, and test certificates displaying the logo and shall cease publishing documents containing the logo.
Compliance Y N NA
TO BE SIGNED BY THE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LABORATORY: We understand and agree to abide by the requirements contained in the Reference to TTLABS Accredited Status TTLABS Advertising Policy once our laboratory becomes TTLABS accredited. Print Name: _____________________________________ Signature: _________________________________ Date: __________________
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TTLABS POLICY ON TRACEABILITY OF MEASUREMENT (ADDENDUM TO THE ASSESSOR CHECKLIST: GENERAL CRITERIA) (April 2004) Accredited laboratories are required to meet the following additional requirements contained in the TTLABS Policy on Measurement Traceability Requirement TTLABS Policy on Traceability of Measurement T1. All calibrations and verifications of measuring and test equipment, reference standards, and reference materials shall be conducted by accredited calibration laboratories (in some instances an accredited testing laboratory may also be able to satisfy traceability requirements) or by a recognized national metrology institute. T2. Calibrations or verifications must be documented in a calibration certificate or report endorsed by a recognized accreditation bodys logo, or otherwise makes reference to accredited status. T3. Laboratories shall define their policy for achieving measurement traceability. This policy shall be in compliance with this policy document. T4. Where uncertainty calculations are applicable, testing and calibration laboratories shall calculate measurement uncertainty in accordance with the ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement. These uncertainties shall be supported by uncertainty budgets, and they shall be represented as expanded uncertainties typically using a coverage factor of k=2 to approximate the 95% confidence level. (Refer to TTLABS's Interim
Policy on Measurement Uncertainty for Testing Laboratories, April 2004)
Compliance Y N NA
T5. If a calibration certificate or report contains a statement of the measurement result and the associated uncertainty, then the uncertainty statement shall be accompanied by an explanation of the meaning of the uncertainty statement. (For example, This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95% confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2.) CHE\17025 checklist.doc (03/15/04) Page 28 of 29
Requirement T6. TURs shall be calculated using the expanded uncertainty of the measurement, not the collective uncertainty of the measurement standards. T7. Implicit uncertainty statements (generally expressed in terms of a TUR) shall be accompanied by words to the effect that the uncertainty ratio was calculated using the expanded measurement uncertainty. In addition the coverage factor and confidence level shall be stated. T8. Calibration reports and certificates issued by TTLABS-accredited calibration laboratories shall contain a traceability statement. T9. All in-house calibrations shall be supported by the following minimal set of elements: a) The in-house laboratory shall maintain documented procedures for the in-house calibrations and the in-house calibrations shall be evidenced by a calibration report, certificate, or sticker, or other suitable method, and calibration records shall be retained for an appropriate, prescribed time; b) The in-house laboratory shall maintain training records for calibration personnel and these records shall demonstrate the technical competence of the personnel performing the calibrations; c) The in-house laboratory shall be able to demonstrate traceability to national or international standards of measurement by procuring calibration services from accredited calibration labs or a national metrology institute; d) The in-house laboratory shall have and apply procedures for evaluating measurement uncertainty. Measurement uncertainty shall be taken into account when statements of compliance with specifications are made; e) Reference standards shall be recalibrated at appropriate intervals to ensure that the reference value is reliable. Policy and procedures for establishing and changing calibration intervals shall be based on the historical behavior of the reference standard.
Compliance Y N NA
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