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With the wide spread of globalisation era, the world is forced to increase their output of the technology to compete with current flow. Therefore, the invention of internet was born. The internet was born for one purpose, which is to serve billions of users worldwide starting from collecting information and data to keeping the connection between people. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. In the minds of the people, the internet broadens the mind of humanity thus increasing their output to perform daily duties such as assignment, research and much more. Internet keeps its phase as the main source of daily life as for being a platform for people to increase their knowledge about anything. Just by typing certain words, the result is incredibly outstanding as the content of the search can come out in a million, probably billions of possibility in the matter of seconds depending on how fast your networks are. The internet and web technologies have originally been developed assuming an ideal world where all users are honourable. As for the internet expanding daily, many people are unaware that the internet conceals most of its dark side that emerged and be effect the world. The misuse of internet should be controlled to prevent it. This includes online crime, internet addiction and will lead us to become lack of privacy. One of the negative impacts of the internet is hundreds of millions of internet and web users are prone towards online crime. Most of the people became the victim of the online crime itself but some of them are willingly committing this online crime itself, putting others into harmful situation that may costs people their job, family, financial and ultimately destroy their entire lives. One of the examples of the online crime is hacking. Hacking means finding

out weaknesses in a computer or computer network, though the term can also refer to into harmful situation that may costs peoples their job, family, monetary and ultimately destroy their entire lives. One of the examples of the online crime is hacking. Hacking means finding out weaknesses in a computer or computer network, though the term can also refer to someone with an advanced understanding of computers and computer networks which called themselves as hackers or crackers. Crackers are much brutal and expertly execute their methods than hackers. They can punch through even the most secure network and jeopardize them. These people may be motivated by a multitude of reasons, such as profit, protest, or challenge. As the result, multi million in terms of monetary are at risk, important data and secrets may be stolen that could destroy an entire mans career, shut down even some of the big companies which is really catastrophic for people. One of the example of the hackers, Kevin Mitnick who broke into computer systems of major companies including Nokia, Fujitsu, Motorola and Sun Microsystems, causing approximately US$80 million worth of damage to these companies in the late1980s and 1990s (Jung, 2010).It is also reported that in the second half of 2009, at least 126,697 phishing attacks were committed via the internet are (Jung, 2010). This shows how prone the people itself to be inflicted with this online crime. Enough about the hacking, online crime also consists of malware, the short form for the malicious code. It is software used or created to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems. It can appear in the form of code, scripts, active content, and other software.'Malware' is a general term used to refer to a variety of forms of hostile, intrusive, or annoying software such as computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, adware, and other malicious programs. This may cause harm to the computer system thus can destroy some part of the important data. Most of the hackers used these malicious programs as their tool to hack several systems they desire. One of the famous malware included viruses named worms. Worms today work in the same basic way as

1990s Internet Worm as they scan the network and use vulnerable computers to replicate. Because they need no human intervention; worms can spread with incredible speed which can infect thousands of computers in a few minutes (John, 1957).Malware creators have started creating highly sophisticated malware and planted them in millions of computers globally today. However, since the malware attacks become more frequent, attention has begun to shift from viruses and spyware protection, to malware protection, and programs that have been specifically developed to combat malware. But in some other theory, people speak up their minds that these malicious programs are being made by the company of the malware protection itself such as Norton anti-virus. They created this in the purpose to sell their products, thus making income for themselves. This rumours spreading throughout the world, yet the case is unknown up until today. In addition to the sophistication of the malware now, it can penetrate not only inside the software, but also in the USB flash drive, which is the perfect tool for the malware to invade the computer system anywhere. All it takes was to insert the USB inside a computer, and the malware does work perfectly. Another online crime is the the illegal online gambling spread like a plague throughout the internet. It is an addiction that some of the online gamblers are willing to steal credit cards or credit card numbers to gain access to websites or join online gambler community. Hundreds of millions of money are being spent through this website, somehow it cannot be stopped. Peoples who are losing in this gambling community are at risks to lose all of their entire savings and may lead them to lose their jobs as the addiction continues. This is one of the major impacts for the online crime to be dominating the internet. On top of the online crime awareness that has been problematic towards people, another negative impact arise which is the addiction itself. Internet addiction has become a significant concern for parents, educators, sociologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and others, giving out some of the negative impact. This type of the addiction towards the internet

is called internet addiction disorder (IAD), or, more broadly, Internet overuse, problematic computer use or pathological computer use, is excessive computer use that interferes with daily life. These terms avoid the term addiction and are not limited to any single cause towards the internet users (Ivan, 1995). Online activities which, if done in person, would normally be considered troublesome, such as compulsive gambling or shopping, are sometimes called net compulsions. Others such as reading or playing computer games are troubling only to the extent that these activities interfere with normal life. This means that the misuse of the internet and wasting time with the internet could prevent people to have their normal life as they keep on hanging and clinging to it. The misuse of the internet could lead them to have an excessive, overwhelming, or inappropriate pornography use of gaming, online social networking, blogging, email, or internet shopping. One of the points is the Internet is increasingly becoming an everyday fixture in the lives of young people and families but can lead them to mental health care disorder. As the internet addiction grows rapidly, most are aware that some of them might show symptom such as hallucinating. It is due to the person who cant get enough of the internet, are willing to stay up late, which some of them didnt sleep at all. If this continue to the extend, it may even cause death. Internet addiction may seem funny. It is even the subject of many jokes. But even though it seems trivial to many, for some people it can cause as much trouble as heroin, and other drugs. Higher frequency of use, lack of perseverance (an aspect of impulsivity), online group membership, loneliness, depression and computer self-efficacy were associated with excessive internet use (Ceyhan, 2008). A study found that an internet addiction causes changes in the brain similar to that normally seen in people addicted to alcohol and drugs such as cocaine and cannabis. Researchers in China scanned the brains of 17 young web addicts and found that the way in which their brains were wired up was disrupted; the scans were compared with that of 16 individuals who were not addicted. The result is the entire

person who addicted towards the internet shows the sign of mental fatigue which can lead to the mental problem. As for the mental health problems arise, the behavioural problem cannot be neglected. Their behavioural began to change from time to time, they become more separated from their normal life as they consumed by focusing on the virtual world. This would conclude that their behaviour tends to be more aggressive, as their mind could not think appropriately. They are prone to get angry, could jeopardize their relationship with their family and friends plus they can be a problematic person when it comes to their jobs. The brain would register thoughts that somehow their life cant become complete if theres no internet around. If the cravings cant be overcome by them, vandalism would be listed in their mind. This behavioural would lead them towards the gangsters life. While their behaviour changed because of the addiction on the internet, their dietary consuming will be unbalanced. The body of a person demands at least 3 times a meal per day which is breakfast, lunch and dinner. Due to the internet addiction, they are vulnerable for skipping their meal in order to spend time using the internet. The damage leads to losing a lot of nutrients causing them to be fatigue and prone towards certain diseases. Some of them prefer fast food more which is certainly unhealthy and unbalance. The fast food contains more oil, fat, unsaturated fat, salt and sugar which may lead them to have kidney disease, obesity, blood clogged, heart attack and worse, death. Lacking of privacy is one thing that people do not want to experience. When surfing the internet, the surfers need to realize that theres no such things as privacy inside the internet. One fatal move could humiliate users for the rest of their life.In todays technological world, millions of individuals are subject to privacy threats. Companies are hired not only to watch what users visit online, but to infiltrate the information and send advertising based on your browsing history. People set up accounts for Facebook; enter bank and credit card information to various websites without knowing the consequences. Children

and adolescents are very susceptible to misusing the Internet and ultimately risking their privacy. There is a growing concern among parents whose children are now starting to use Facebook and other social media sites on a daily basis. Website information collection practices is another growing concern as young individuals are more vulnerable and unaware of the fact that all of their information and browsing can and may be tracked while visiting a particular site. Individuals who use the Internet have to realize that they must play a role in protecting their own privacy. They must be informed about all of the risks involved while surfing the Internet and browsing. For example, if on Twitter, threats include shortened links that lead you to potentially harmful places. As the social networking began to expand such as Twitter and Facebook, it cannot be denied that the internet harassment is prone to occur. This could be called as cyber stalking. Cyber stalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization. It may include false accusations, monitoring, making threats, identity theft, and damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sex, or gathering information in order to harass. False accusation will also take place for the users as there is no privacy to safeguard their information. This includes tons of harsh words being used as the result of free social places. Eventually, this negative effect will lead to provoking racism, inducing people to fight for their races. For example, there is a certain website that discusses some sensitive issues regarding the religion or races and comparing them to the others. Because the internet uses the method of free will and freedom of speech, without someone monitoring to take a legal act, they can speak whatever they like without worrying others or getting apprehended. Blogging was one part of it. If the internet is being used out of control, it may cause chaos in the real world when religions or races involved and could start even a war between each race. Defamation is one of the points that is being done inside the internet. Having an unsecure data or files of someone, defamation will take place easily enough.Lacking of security and

countermeasures could torn the society apart by some of the untrue words.Many nations have criminal penalties for defamation in some situations, and different conditions for determining whether an offense has occurred. However, if defamation is being done inside the internet, it is difficult to find the person who started it as the rumours began spreading fast enough. Most of the people thought that internet is one the important source to do good things such as giving out useful information and bringing people closer. We respect those people opinion but for us, internet still gives more harm than the good things. Usually, when someone opens it up, there are so many advertisements or information comes with the bad influence towards people. Besides that, it also can tore relationship of the people especially when it comes to races. They have the free will to speak out without any filtrations and can be the factor of chaos like the incident happen in Egypt where there all of the civilian do the revolution against Egypts Government. Last but not least, internet is a free tool for those who seek to manipulate people and provide an alternative for users to use it. By this point, we can easily understand those internets are not safe for us and it must be strictly controlled by government to protect all people, prevent the bad things before happen and make it more safe than before. As for the conclusion, the internet has many dark sides rather than good, seems to be the cause a lot of traumatic events and problem regarding healthcare. The misuse of the internet seems to be consuming peoples behaviour thus affecting the honourable users as well. Yes, internet is one the important source to do good things such as giving out useful information and bringing people closer. It cannot be denied that the internet giving out a lot of information and has been feeding people up until now but in reality, theres more than meets the eye. Internet also conceals some of the biggest problem for the users which jeopardize anyone and can inflict someone to online crime. The internet provides a constant, ever-changing source of information and entertainment, and can be accessed from most smart

phones as well as tablets, laptops, and computers. Email, blogs, social networks, and message boards allow for both public and anonymous communication about any topic. But how much is too much? Each persons internet usage is different. Indeed, people might need to use the internet extensively for their work, for example, or they might rely heavily on social networking sites to keep in touch with faraway family and friends. Spending a lot of time online only becomes a problem when it absorbs too much of the users time, causing people to neglect the relationships, work, school, or other important things in your life. If the users keep repeating compulsive internet behaviour despite the negative consequences in the users offline life, then its time to strike a new balance.

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