Core Training
Core Training
Core Training
Core training consists of training your torso or mid-section consisting of the abdominal, low back, hips, & shoulders. These ideas can be implemented at the beginning, middle, or end of your workout or training session. The ideas & options are endless. You are the artist so put together a routine, which has variety in movements so you can achieve great core strength results.
Core I-Stability Ball-Choose any movements & perform 3-5 min. routine Exercise Sets x Reps Progression
Crunch-Sit on ball, back on ball Reverse crunch-on back, ball between legs Leg Curl-feet on ball, push-up pos. V-up (pike position) Low Back Extension-Super(wo)mans Reverse hyperextensions-Legs up Push-ups (feet on ball) Skiers-feet on ball, twisting L & R V-up (pike pos)/push-up combo
Russian Twist-back on ball, twist to L & R
Time Interval: Time Interval: Time Interval: Time Interval: Time Interval: Time Interval: Time Interval: Time Interval: Time Interval: Time Interval:
goal 1:00 min goal 1:00 min goal 1:00 min goal 1:00 min goal 1:00 min goal 1:00 min goal 1:00 min goal 1:00 min goal 1:00 min goal 1:00 min
Single Leg-leg curl-same position Single Leg Medicine Ball, plate or DB in hands Medicine Ball, plate or DB between feet Hands on ball Alternate single leg on ball & twist Single Leg Medicine Ball, plate, or DB in hands
Chest Pass or Throw Overhead Pass or Throw Side Pass or Throw (both sides)
Back arch throw-back to wall
Sets x Reps
2-3 x 10-20 2-3 x 10-20 2-3 x 10-20 2-3 x 10-20 2-3 x 10-20 2-3 x 10-20 Time Interval or 2-3 x 10-20 Time Interval: goal 1:00 min Time Interval: goal 1:00 min Time Interval: goal 1:00 min
Seated, kneeling, standing (w/ or w/out footwork), increase weight of ball, perform w/ single leg Seated, kneeling, standing (w/ or w/out footwork), increase weight of ball, perform w/ single leg Face the wall & twist or turn sideways to wall. Seated, kneeling, standing (w/ or w/out footwork), increase weight of ball, perform w/ single leg
Single Leg, Increase wt. Of ball Increase wt. Of ball, Single Leg Increase wt. Of ball, Single Leg
Hand on ball & switch hands, pass ball to other hand
Push-ups (feet on ball) Partner sit-ups-pass & catch Seated Twists-feet up Partner twists-seated
Increase wt. Of ball Increase wt. Of ball Kneeling, standing, increase wt. Of ball
Core III- Functional Trainer-Cables, cords, &/or plate movements Exercise Sets x Reps Progression
Cable Chop/twist to hip, knee, or ankle
2-3 per side x 8-10 Time Interval: goal 1:00 min or sets 2-3 per side x 8-10 Time Interval: goal 1:00 min
Increase weight, twist high to low & low to high Increase weight, single leg Increase weight, twist high to low & low to high Increase weight, add twist as you come up
Medicine Ball, plate or DB between feet, add alternate knee crossover/twist
Time Interval: goal 1:00 min Time Interval: goal 1:00 min or sets Time Interval: goal 1:00 min or sets Time Interval: goal 1:00 min or sets Time Interval: goal 1:00 min or sets
Medicine Ball, plate or DB between feet Medicine Ball, plate, or DB in hands Medicine Ball, plate or DB between feet Medicine Ball, plate, or DB in hands