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General Certificate of Education

Chemistry 5421


Introduction to Organic Chemistry

Mark Scheme
2008 examination - June series

Mark schemes are prepared by the Principal Examiner and considered, together with the relevant questions, by a panel of subject teachers. This mark scheme includes any amendments made at the standardisation meeting attended by all examiners and is the scheme which was used by them in this examination. The standardisation meeting ensures that the mark scheme covers the candidates responses to questions and that every examiner understands and applies it in the same correct way. As preparation for the standardisation meeting each examiner analyses a number of candidates scripts: alternative answers not already covered by the mark scheme are discussed at the meeting and legislated for. If, after this meeting, examiners encounter unusual answers which have not been discussed at the meeting they are required to refer these to the Principal Examiner. It must be stressed that a mark scheme is a working document, in many cases further developed and expanded on the basis of candidates reactions to a particular paper. Assumptions about future mark schemes on the basis of one years document should be avoided; whilst the guiding principles of assessment remain constant, details will change, depending on the content of a particular examination paper.

Further copies of this Mark Scheme are available to download from the AQA Website: Copyright 2008 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved. COPYRIGHT AQA retains the copyright on all its publications. However, registered centres for AQA are permitted to copy material from this booklet for their own internal use, with the following important exception: AQA cannot give permission to centres to photocopy any material that is acknowledged to a third party even for internal use within the centre. Set and published by the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance.
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number 3644723) and a registered charity (registered charity number 1073334). Registered address: AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX Dr Michael Cresswell Director General

Chemistry - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2008 June series

Question 1 (a) (i) A compound OR molecule containing OR consisting of hydrogen and carbon only C9H20 + 9O2 M1 High temperature OR spark OR 2500oC T 4000oC M2 Or multiple + 2 Ignore very when referring to high temperature 1




+ 10H2O

Or multiple








Platinum OR Pt OR Palladium OR Pd OR Rhodium OR Rh

Credit phonetic spelling



25 NO

8 CO2

12 N2

9 H2O

Credit whole equation doubled Ignore enthalpy Ignore exothermic


Releases OR is a source of OR provides a 1 useable form of heat OR energy (when burned)

H2S +



SO2 + H2O

Or multiple

Chemistry - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2008 June series

Question 2 (a) M1 propanone M2 CH3CH2CHO OR correct aldehyde with functional group drawn out. (b) (c) Penalise CH=O for the aldehyde group 2 Credit propan-2-one as the only other acceptable response.

Functional group (isomerism) ONLY

The formula which shows the (actual) number of each type of atom OR atoms of each element in the molecule / compound. C3H6O ONLY (i) (ii) Redox OR Oxidation The mark is for the structure of propanoic acid

1 1

Both words needed

Penalise reference to ratio of atoms

(d) (e) (e)

1 1 1

Elements in any order Either word ONLY Carboxylic acid group must show both the double and the single bonds to oxygen.

Formula could show C2H5 OR CH3CH2 (e) (iii)

If Tollens is chosen, then

No mark for choice of reagent, but do not award the mark if no reagent given.

silver mirror / coating OR black precipitate / solid

Insist on Tollens OR Fehlings as the ONLY reagents

If Fehlings is chosen, then

red precipitate / solid

Chemistry - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2008 June series

(f) (f) (f)

(i) (ii) (iii)

Contains a C=C OR double bond 1o OR Primary (alcohol)

1 1 Structure must be clear 1

Structure for


Accept the alternatives CH2BrCHBrCHO

as shown or drawn out


Chemistry - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2008 June series

Question 3 (a) (a) (i) (ii) (free-) radical substitution 1 Both words needed Ignore reference to uv/sunlight/heat.




First propagation: Cl + CHCl3 CCl3 + HCl

The dot can be anywhere on the CCl3

Second propagation: Cl2 + CCl3 CCl4 + Cl

Penalise the absence of a dot once only

Termination: One from 2CCl3 CCl3 + Cl 2 Cl C2Cl6 CCl4 Cl2

If half-arrows used, they must be correct.



dichlorodifluoromethane OR 1,1-dichloro-1,1-difluoromethane

ONLY these QoL Penalise cloro and penalise flouro



(free- OR chlorine- ) radical

OR chlorine atoms

Penalise reference to substitution Ignore alkyl



propagation (step)

Ignore first or second

Chemistry - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2008 June series

Question 4 (a) (i)

Polar C-Br (bond) OR + C OR partially positive carbon atom on C-Br (bond) (-) Br

The C-Br bond needs to be drawn out or stated



Penalise M1 if negative charge on ammonia

Penalise M2 for formal charge on C of C-Br or incorrect partial charges

M1 must show an arrow from the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom of the ammonia to the C atom of the C-Br bond. M2 must show the movement of a pair of electrons from the C-Br bond to the Br atom. Mark M2 independently. M3 is for the structure of the alkylammonium ion and could be obtained from CH3CH2NH3+ M4 is for an arrow from the N-H bond to the N atom. The second mole of ammonia is not essential for full credit, therefore ignore this part even if other species are used.
Award full marks for an SN1 mechanism in which M1 is the attack of the ammonia on the intermediate carbocation.

Penalise once only for a line and two dots to show a bond.

Max 3 marks for wrong reactant or sticks

Chemistry - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2008 June series


Reagent: KCN OR potassium cyanide OR NaCN OR sodium cyanide

Penalise acidic as a condition but ignore other conditions.

Name: propan(e)nitrile
OR propan(e)-1-nitrile 1

ONLY these names



Electron pair donor OR Forms a coordinate / covalent bond by the reaction of OR attack by an electron pair / pair of electrons.

Insist on both electron pair and an action by the electron pair. Accept lone pair



Hydroxide ion OR OH ONLY

The minus sign can be anywhere on the OH The electron pair (if drawn) MUST be on the oxygen atom

Chemistry - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2008 June series

Question 5 (a)




Credit base elimination but NOT nucleophilic elimination No other prefix.

3 Penalise M1 if covalent KOH

Penalise M3 for formal charge on C or incorrect partial charges or extra arrow from Br to e.g. K+

M1 must show an arrow from the lone pair on oxygen of a negatively charged hydroxide ion to the correct H atom. M2 must show an arrow from the correct C-H bond to the correct C-C bond and should only be awarded if an attempt has been made at M1 M3 is independent.
Award full marks for an E1 mechanism in which M2 is on the correct carbocation.

Penalise once only for a line and two dots to show a bond.

Max 2 marks for the mechanism for wrong reactant or sticks Ignore incorrect organic product



Structure OR name

If name is given it must be correct with bromo before methyl

(CH3)2CHCHBrCH3 Apply list principle if both structure and name given



Electrophilic addition ONLY

Both words

Chemistry - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2008 June series


M1 Structure of pent-2-ene ONLY:

M1 and M2 should be marked independently


Credit M1 with a structure which is either linear or cis or trans (or both)

Structure MUST show a double bond

M2 Type:

Geometric(al) OR cis-trans (OR E/Z)


Chemistry - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2008 June series

Question 6 (a)

M1 (Separation based on boiling point) Separation depends on boiling point. (Ignore reference to melting point or density)

Maximum 2 marks if candidate refers to bond breaking or cracking or using a Blast furnace or adding oxygen/air.

M2 (Link between boiling point and size/forces) Boiling point depends on Mr OR molecular size OR chain length OR intermolecular / Van der Waals forces OR candidate links boiling point with heavier/lighter fractions. M3 (Specified temperature gradient) Specified temperature gradient OR difference stated on column/tower OR explained e.g. hotter at bottom. (If numbers used, accept up to 400oC at the base and down to 25oC at top) M4 (Position of molecules/fractions on column) Lower Mr OR lower boiling point OR shorter chains OR smaller molecules OR more volatile/gaseous molecules OR lighter fractions (condense) at top (OR converse at bottom)
(b) M1 Thermal cracking M2 Any T (or range) in the range 400oC to 900oC OR High temperature. M3 (Free- OR alkyl-) radical Mark M1, M2 and M3 independently 3

Ignore references to smaller/larger fractions.

QoL for M2

NOT just hot for M2

Penalise M2 for any reference to catalyst.

Penalise M3 for reference to substitution


Chemistry - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2008 June series


M1 Yeast or suitable enzyme (zymase) M2 Fermentation M3 C6H12O6 2CH3CH2OH + 2CO2 (or 2C2H5OH) If O2 is in the equation, penalise the equation (M3) but NOT M1 Mark M1, M2 and M3 independently

Penalise M1 if oxygen/air added to process .

Ignore reference to temperature and water.

Penalise C2H6O


M1 (fractional) distillation OR fractionation

There are two processes and therefore assume that the order of answers is the order of marking unless annotated by the candidate

M2 c(oncentrated) H3PO4 OR c(oncentrated) H2SO4 OR Al2O3 OR alumina OR porous pot OR pumice M3 (acid-catalysed) dehydration OR elimination
Mark M1, M2 and M3 independently (e)

Penalise M3 for any other prefix such as base


Accept structures in either order



For M1, insist on bonds either side of CH2 groups For M1 ignore n and brackets Insist on C-O bonds in M2 structure.



Chemistry - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2008 June series

GeneralprinciplesappliedtomarkingCHM3/Wpapers Itisimportanttonotethattheguidancegivenhereisgenericandspecific variationsmaybemadeatindividualstandardisingmeetingsinthecontextof particularquestionsandpapers. A.Mechanisms

H3C Br H3C

. .



. . Br

_ Curlyarrowsshouldoriginateeitherfromalonepairofelectronsorfroma .. _ : OH bond.Eachofthefollowingrepresentationsshouldnotgaincredit. OH

1. Theabsenceofaradicaldotinafreeradicalsubstitutionshouldbe penalisedonceonlywithinaclip. 2. Theuseofdoubleheadedarrowsortheincorrectuseofhalfheaded arrowsinfreeradicalmechanismsshouldbepenalisedonceonly withinaclip. B.Structures 1. Bondsshouldbedrawncorrectlybetweentherelevantatoms. Forexample,ifcandidatesshowthealcoholfunctionalgroupasCHO, theyshouldbepenalisedoneveryoccasion. 2. SomelatitudeshouldbegiventotherepresentationofCCbondsin structures,giventhatCH3isconsideredtobeinterchangeablewith H3Ceventhoughthelatterwouldbepreferred. 3. PoorpresentationofverticalCCbondsshouldnotgaincredit.
4. Theuseofsticksinstructuresshouldnotgaincredit.Theoccasionsthatthis applieswillbeindicatedinthemarkscheme. 5. Someexamplesofformulaeforspecificcompoundswhichshouldnotgain creditaregivenhere CH3COHforethanal CH2OCH2orCH2CH2Oforepoxyethane CH3CH2HOforethanol OHCH2CH3 C2H6O(exceptwhenspecificallyindicatedinthemarkscheme) CH2CH2forethene CH2.CH2 CH2:CH2 (N.B.Exceptionsmaybemadeinthecontextofbalancingequations)


Chemistry - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2008 June series

Asageneralprinciple,nonIUPACnamesorincorrectspellingorincompletenames shouldnotgaincredit.Someillustrationsaregivenhere. but2ol 2hydroxybutaneallshouldbebutan2ol butane2ol 2butanol 2methpropan2olshouldbe2methylpropan2ol 2methylbutan3olshouldbe3methylbutan2ol 3methylpentanallshouldbe3methylpentane 3mythylpentane 3methypentane propanitrileshouldbepropanenitrile aminethaneshouldbeethylamine(although aminoethanecangaincredit)

3bromo2methylbutane 3methyl2bromobutane 2methylbut3eneshouldbe3methylbut1ene difluorodichloromethaneshouldbedichlorodifluoromethane

D.Reagents Theguidingprincipleisthatareagentisachemicalwhichcanbetakenoutofa bottleorcontainer.Failuretoidentifywholereagentswillbepenalised. cyanide(ion)shouldbee.g.potassiumcyanide hydroxide(ion)shouldbee.g.sodiumhydroxide

E.Somegeneralguidanceonorganicstructures Eachofthefollowingshouldgaincreditasalternativestocorrectrepresentationsof thestructures. CH2=CH2forethene,H2C=CH2 CH3CHOHCH3 forpropan2ol,CH3CH(OH)CH3 CH2OHCH2OHforethane1,2diol 14

Chemistry - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2008 June series

F.Incorrectcaseforelementsymbol Theuseofanincorrectcaseforthesymbolofanelementshouldbepenalisedonceonlywithinaclip. Forexample,penalisetheuseofhforhydrogen,CLforchlorineorbrforbromine. G.TheListprinciple Ifaquestionrequiresoneanswerandacandidategivestwoanswers,nomarkisscoredifoneansweriscorrect andoneanswerisincorrect. Thereisnopenalty,however,ifbothanswersarecorrect. N.B.CertainanswersaredesignatedinthemarkschemeasthosewhichtheexaminershouldIgnoreand theseanswersarenotcountedaspartofthelist.


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