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How to make a Herschelian (Hershey Bar-Shelley-Ian) Telescope from an inexpensive shaving mirror

Figure 1 Diagram of a Herschelian telescope one positive reflecting lensmirror and one positive lens light enters from a beam at the left

Assumed knowledge You have worked through the How to make a Keplerian Telescope or How to make a Galilean Telescope Handouts and the Exploring hand magnifiers a single positive lens Handout.

Materials A common shaving mirror purchased from a drug store for the telescopes objective. $4 U.S. in 2006. Any positive single lens for the eyepiece, preferably with a longer focal length between 30mm and 52mm. A telescope eyepiece is a good lens for this demonstration. Use the longest focal length eyepiece you have in your lens box. A 6x hand-magnifier will also work, but a 3x hand-magnifier is too weak a lens. A yardstick.

Positive lens also can be made from reflecting materials. In prior handouts you worked with a single positive lens made of glass.

Figure 2 A positive lens made of glass one that refracts light

A glass positive lens works by bending or refracting light as it passes through the lens.

Figure 3 Light moving through a positive refracting lens

Figure 4 A laser moving through the left side of the telescope eyepiece lens is refracted, bent and exits to the right A positive lens can also be made from reflecting materials. A common reflecting material in your home is a mirror.

Figure 5 The laser on the left reflects off a flat mirror and strikes the paper on right

If the flat mirror is curved, the reflected light will also bend. Common curved reflecting mirrors in your home is a shaving mirror and a womans make-up compact.

Figure 6 A common curved shaving mirror These mirrors are called magnifying mirrors. Like the positive glass refracting lens, they magnify images between zero and one focal length from the mirror-lens. Shaving mirrors are inexpensive and can be purchased at a local drug or five-and-dime store for around $4 U.S. in 2006. Commonly, two varieties are available a small 3x or 3 power shaving magnifier and a larger 5x vanity mirror magnifier. A positive reflecting curved mirror acts like a positive single refracting glass lens.

Figure 7 A laser approaching from the right strikes the curved mirror, is reflected or bent and exits to the left just as in a refracting glass positive lens The glass refracting positive lens is called convex because it sticks out.

Figure 8 A single positive refracting lens curves out on both sides A positive reflecting lens is called a concave mirror it curves inward. A good way to remember the name for a positive reflecting mirror is that There is a cave in a concave lens.

Figure 9 A single positive reflecting lens a concave lens curves inward to form a cave (Illustration by Theresa Knott, Wikipedia) These curved reflecting lenses, depending on their shape, are also called parabolic reflectors.

A positive reflecting mirror acts similar like a positive refracting glass lens. o Case 1 magnification looking at an object placed at less than one focal length from the mirror When an object is placed next to the curved mirror, the mirror acts like a Case 1 glass lens it magnifies objects but the image is virtual. The image size does not change as you move your head back and forth.

Figure 10 A single positive reflecting lens mirror a chess piece held close to the mirror is magnified, but the image is virtual This is just what a positive glass lens does.

Figure 11 - Magnification where a positive glass lens is held less than 1 focal length from an object a virtual erect image is created Where a positive concave mirror differs is what occurs when the object moves more than one focal length from the mirror. The image becomes real but remains erect.

Figure 12 When the chess piece is moved more than one focal length from the mirror, the magnified image in the mirror is real, but remains erect With a positive refracting glass lens, the image becomes real, but is turned upside down, or inverts.

Figure 13 A positive refracting lens moving past one focal length the real image inverts the picture on the wall is upside down o Case 2 magnification looking at an object more than one focal length of the mirror distant From one to two focal lengths, the mirror lens acts similar to a positive glass refracting lens between zero and one focal length when looking at distant objects more than one focal length away. Near one focal length in the mirror and zero focal lengths in a positive refracting lens, the image is unmagnified and erect.

Figure 14 A single positive reflecting mirror (left) near one focal length and a positive refracting lens (right) at less than one focal length looking at a distant object more than one focal length away In the mirror on the left is an image of a web camera looking at the mirror. The image of the web camera is erect the light on the top of the web camera is at the top of the image, as occurs in the actual object. On the right, the glass lens shows the image of picture on a wall on the far side of a room. In the Exploring Hand-Magnifier handout, when objects are further than one focal length distant we called this Case 1 magnification. As the positive reflecting mirror moves form 1 focal length closer to 2 focal lengths and the positive refracting lens moves closer to one focal length, the image magnifies but remains erect.

Figure 15 A single positive reflecting mirror (left) moving towards two focal lengths and a positive refracting lens (right) moving towards one focal length the image of the object magnifies In the mirror at 2 focal lengths, the mirror image magnifies to infinity. That same occurs in the glass lens at one focal length.

Figure 16 A single positive reflecting mirror at 2 focal lengths At more than 2 focal lengths in the mirror and more than one focal length in the glass lens, the image inverts and is magnified.

Figure 17 A single positive reflecting mirror (left) moving past two focal lengths and a positive refracting lens (right) moving past one focal length the image inverts Here, the image in the mirror is inverted. The light on the top of the web camera now appears at the bottom of the image. The image of the picture on the wall, seen through the glass lens, is upside down. As the mirror moves further than one focal length and the glass lens more than one focal length from the eye, the image becomes smaller than the apparent size of the object.

But in telescopic magnification, the real image in the mirror is at one focal length. To make a telescope from a positive-glass convex-refracting eyepiece and a positive-mirror concave-reflecting mirror, we will overlap the focal lengths of both lenses, just as when making a Galilean or a Keplerian telescope. In earlier handouts, we called this Case 4 magnification for Keplerian telescopes and Case 5 magnification for Galilean telescopes.

Figure 18 Making a Herschelian telescope by overlapping the focal lengths of the lenses in Case 4 magnification To build the Herschelian telescope, we will need to first find the focal length of the positive concave mirror.

Find the focal length of the single positive reflecting mirror the telescopes objective lens Uses: Yardstick, shaving mirror, distant lamp in a darkened room, a white card, pen. We will be using the reflecting method to find the positive mirrors focal length. This method involves projecting an image of a small object using the mirror. When the object is moved such that the image and object appear to be same apparent size, you are at 2 focal lengths from the mirror. The image that we will be projecting is a distant dim light bulb. First, trace the outline of the mirror on the white cardstock. Next, stand the shaving mirror at the end of the yardstick. Stand the white card up on the optical axis of the mirror.

Figure 19 Setup to find the focal length of a positive mirror The light from the distant bulb will reflect off the mirror and cast a circular outline on the white card stock.

Figure 20 Faint reflected light from the mirror casts a circular outline on the cardstock Slowly move the card further from the mirror. When the circle of light is the same size as the outline of the mirror that you traced on the card, the card is 2 focal lengths from the mirror.

Figure 21 A two focal lengths, the faint reflected light from the mirror casts a circular outline on the cardstock equal to the mirror size The positive mirror focal length is ___________ inches or _____________ centimeters.

Find the focal length of the small lens the eyepiece lens. Find the focal length of the small positive lens using the techniques that you learned in the Make a Keplerian telescope or Make a Galelian telescope handouts. If the small lens that you are using is a telescope eyepiece, the focal length of the lens is marked on the side of the eyepiece. Small lens focal length is ___________ inches or _____________ centimeters. The small glass lens is also a positive lens. In this case, it is called a convex lens because it sticks out in the middle.

What is the sum of the two focal lengths? Lens Big lens Small lens Sum of focal lengths + = Focal length

Make the Herschelian off-axis telescope Materials: Yardstick, shaving mirror lens and the small lens. Gather everything you need. The telescope is best used during the daytime on terrestrial objects because it is harder to find the focus of the telescope at night. Put the yardstick on a table with one end at the edge of the table and the yardstick running along one edge of the table. Make sure you point the yardstick away from the Sun. Put the mirror at the other end of the yardstick pointing at an object of interest such as a car or tree across the street. The center or axis of the mirror runs down the centerline of the telescope.

Figure 22 Set up for making the Herschelian telescope Measure off the focal length of the mirror lens on the yardstick. Now, imagine a circle with a center at the center of the mirror and its radius at the focal length of the mirror. Imagine a circular arc along this circle. About 3 to 5 degrees off of this centerline guess about where one focal length from the mirror is.

Figure 23 - The eyepiece is moved slighty off-axis to make the Herschelian telescope Now hold the small lens in your hand. At your estimated off-axis focal point, direct the small lens at the center of the mirror and move the small lens back and forth until a magnified image comes into focus. The telescope will come into focus, but be slightly distorted, when you are holding the two lenses apart as the same distance as the Sum of the focal lengths. Because the Herschelian telescope is off-axis, the images will have more distortion than seen in the Galilean or Keplerian telescopes. This is particularly noticeable if you focus your telescope on a street lamp at night. This distortion can be minimized by moving the eyepiece the smallest feasible angle off the axis of the primary mirror.

How much bigger is the image that you see in your telescope as compared to the actual object? Lens Big lens (divided by) Small lens Magnification / = Focal length

The image you will see in the telescope is virtual. While holding up your telescope, move your head backwards and forwards from the little or eyepiece lens. Notice that the magnified image does not, like most things in the world, get bigger and smaller as you move your head closer to further away from the eyepiece lens.

Other things to look for in the magnified telescope image. You may see a fuzzy ring around a clear image in the middle. This is called coma. You may see color fringes blue or yellow around the object in the image. This is called color aberration.

If you drop your mirror or lens and the glass breaks, tell an adult and ask them to help sweep the glass up. Do not look at the Sun through a lens. Youll go blind.

Reference table Inches, Centimeters and Millimeters Inches 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 20 30 40 Centimeters 2.5 5.1 7.6 10.2 12.7 15.2 17.8 25.4 50.8 76.2 101.6 Millimeters 25 51 76 102 127 152 178 254 508 762 1016

Who is Herschel that invented the Herschelian telescope? William Herschel (1738-1822) originally was a musician who became interested in telescope-making. He invented a unique off-axis telescope design, where the primary reflecting mirror was tilted slightly to project the real image of the primary positive lens to the side of the telescope tube. To form his mirrors, Herschel used metal which was ground to shape. Then a layer of reflecting silver was applied. The reflecting silver had to be replaced every two or three months. In 1781, using a 6.2 inch (~158 mm) mirror in a 7 foot (~2100 mm) tube, Herschel discovered the planet Uranus the first new planet to be discovered since the ancient Greeks. External link to a picture of Herschels 7 inch telescope from the British National Museum of Science and Industry: << http://www.scienceandsociety.co.uk/results.asp?image=10305266 >> accessed May 2006. This drew the attention of the King of England, who appointed Herschel as a Royal Astronomer. The king financed Herschels continually larger telescopes ending with Herschels 1787 40 foot (~12,000 mm focal length) long telescope with an aperture of 48 inches (~1220 mm).

Figure 24 Herschels 40 foot telescope In his 40 foot telescope, Herschel solved the problem of using his eyepiece off-axis (as we did with the shaving mirror) by simply positioning himself to one side of the tube-end.

Figure 25 Model of Herschel using his 40 foot telescope (courtesy of M. Tabb, The William Herschel Society) Using this telescope and more often Herschels smaller 20 foot long (~6000 mm focal length) telescope with an aperture of 18 inches (~475 mm), Herschel proceeded to systematically map the night sky visible from England one degree at a time. The end result was Herschels 1802 catalogue of approximately 2,514 deep sky objects (galaxies and nebula). Today, amateur astronomers still use a subset of Herschels catalogue the Herschel 400 as an observing list of interesting objects to look at with 6 inch to 10 inch telescopes. The Astronomical League Herschel 400 Observing Club << http://www.astroleague.org/al/obsclubs/herschel/hers400.html >> accessed May 2006. Herschels 20 foot telescope, which he used for finding most of the objects in his catalogue, is in the collection of the British National Maritime Museum, but is on permanent loan to the U.S. Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. Photographs of Herschels 20 foot telescope can be viewed on the internet at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum and its Herschel Telescope Online Exhibit. The mirror housing of the 40 foot telescope is on display at the British National Museum at Greenwich.

Figure 26 The mirror housing of Herschels 40 foot telescope (courtesy of M. Tabb, The William Herschel Society) Herschels design is called an off-axis telescope. This means the primary mirror is tilted with respect to the central axis of the telescope. Off-axis telescopes similar to Herschels 7 inch telescope are still sold today by DGM Optics.

Further reading Frommert, H. and Kronberg, C. (Students for the Exploration of Space SEDS). 2006. A short biography of Friedrich Wilhelm (William) Herschel. http://www.seds.org/messier/xtra/Bios/wherschel.html accessed 5/2006 Anonymous. 2004. The Story of the Herschels. The Gutenberg Project. Ebook #12340. http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/docs/books/gutenberg/1/2/3/4/12340/12340-8.txt Frommert, H. and Kronberg, C. (SEDS). 2006. William Herschel's catalog of Deep Sky objects. http://www.seds.org/messier/xtra/similar/herschel.html accessed 5/2006 Bath Preservation Trust. 2006. The William Herschel Museum. (Website). http://www.bath-preservation-trust.org.uk/museums/herschel/ accessed 5/2006

The William Herschel Society. 2006. Homepage. http://www.williamherschel.org.uk/ British National Museum of Science. 2006. Herschels 7 Foot Telescope. In Image Gallery. (Photograph). http://www.scienceandsociety.co.uk/results.asp?image=10305266 in the Science and Society Picture Archive. http://www.scienceandsociety.co.uk/index.asp accessed 5/2006 Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. 2006. William Herschels 20 Foot Telescope. http://www.nasm.si.edu/exhibitions/gal111/universe/etu_a_herschel.htm accessed 5/2006

Sources Consolmagno, Guy et al. 2000. (3rd ed). Turn Left at Orion: A Hundred Night Sky Objects to See in a Small Telescope--and How to Find Them. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 0521781906 Edmund Scientific. 2001. Popular Optics. Edmund Pub. No. 30094-45. http://scientificsonline.com/ http://scientificsonline.com/product.asp?pn=3009445 Kitchin, C. 2003. 2ed. Telescopes and Techniques. Springer. ISBN 185233-725-7 http://www.springer.com/ King, Henry C. 2003. The History of the Telescope. Charles Griffen & Co. 1955hite.book.....K ISBN 0-486-43265-3 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgibin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=1955hite.book.....K Peterson, M. 2001. Imaging with a Lens. Java Ray Tracing Applet for Physics 301. http://www.mtholyoke.edu/~mpeterso/classes/phys301/geomopti/lenses.ht ml Peterson, M. 2001. Lens combinations: Telescopes. Java Ray Tracing Applet for Physics 301. http://www.mtholyoke.edu/~mpeterso/classes/phys301/geomopti/twolense s.html Tabb, Michael (The William Herschel Society). 5/20-23/2006. Personal communication. (Current locations of Herschels existing telescopes, their apertures, focal lengths and photographs)

Materials source Walgreens Drug Stores. Shaving mirror. (Purchased 5/2006) Edmund Scientific Online. 2006. Bag of Lenses. Product No. 3082272. Count #20 per bag. (Contains a few small 20-30mm focal length lenses) http://scientificsonline.com/ http://scientificsonline.com/product.asp?pn=3009445

Version: 5/23/2006

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