Manual FeynMF
Manual FeynMF
Manual FeynMF
Thorsten Ohl Technische Hochschule Darmstadt Schlogartenstr. 9 D-64289 Darmstadt Germany December 30, 1997
A feynMF is a L TEX package for easy drawing of professional quality Feynman diagrams with METAFONT (or META O T). feynMF lays out most diagrams satisfactorily from the structure of the graph without any need for manual intervention. Nevertheless all the power of METAFONT (or META O T) is available for obscure cases.
feynMF is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. feynMF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or tness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose and scope . . . . . 1.2 Relation to similar packages 1.3 Historical note . . . . . . . 1.4 Architecture . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 5 6 6 6 8 8 9 10 12 13 14 14 18 19 19 23 24 25 27 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 33 33 33 34 34 35 36 39 39 40 40 40 41 41 41 41
2 Usage A 2.1 L TEX package and environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Auxiliary les . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Running METAFONT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 The feynmf perl script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Vertex mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.1 External vertices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.2 Arcs and internal vertices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.3 Polygons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.4 Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.5 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.6 Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.7 Manipulating the layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.8 Skeletons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.9 Pulling strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Miscellaneous commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6.1 Graphs in graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6.2 Reusing diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6.3 Grouping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6.4 Changing parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6.5 Shrinking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6.6 Debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6.7 Multiple vertices and arcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 Immediate mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7.1 Arcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7.2 Vertices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7.3 Declarations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7.4 Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7.5 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Raw METAFONT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8.1 Extending feynMF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 Common traps, trouble shooting and frequently asked questions (FAQs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9.1 ! Value is too large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9.2 Diagrams in the document are never updated . . . . . . . 2.9.3 Disgrams show up in the wrong spot . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9.4 Spurious labels show up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10 Known bugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10.1 Chaotic manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10.2 Delayed error messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10.3 Multiple tadpoles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Purpose and scope
A In recent years, TEX1 [1] and L TEX2 [2] have revolutionized the way we share information in theoretical physics (and other areas). Not only does TEX provide typographical capabilities, which transcend those of commercial wordprocessors substantially, TEX documents are also completely portable. Since implementations are available on essentially all computers in use in the community, documents can be shared without the usual restrictions of proprietary data formats. This has enabled us to collaborate on papers with colleagues on the other side of the globe, to replace the mailing of hard copy preprints by electronic transmission and to submit these papers electronically to the publisher. A This portability comes with a price, though. TEX (and L TEX) do not address the issue of graphical information, apart from the rudimentary (but very useful) A capabilities of the L TEX picture environment and similar packages [3]. As an de facto standard for the inclusion of more complex graphics has emerged the inclusion of PostScript3 les. The complete document can then be printed on any PostScript device. Still there are areas, where complementary approaches seem worth pursuing. In particular this is the case, if the graphical information is highly formalized, like the case at hand. Feynman diagrams are specied by their topology and the type of particles connecting the vertices. Thus a given diagram can be reproduced from a very concise specication, if the software is able to choose a reasonable layout (semi-)automatically. METAFONT4 [4] and META O T5 [5] appear to be the perfect tool for such a purpose, since
1. METAFONT is part of any (reasonable) TEX installation, thus available to all potential users, 2. both have very powerful graphics primitivs, which allow high quality output, and 3. both have builtin linear algebra, which allows us to choose a layout automatically.
A Still, providing at least the basic interface in L TEX macros seems appropriate for boosting the acceptance among the less technically oriented parts of the audience. Thus feynMF6 [6, 7] was conceived. feynMF is unique among packages for drawing Feynman diagrams in combining the following features:
Simplicity and conciseness for common diagrams. E.g. the scattering diaA gram in gure 1 can be specied completely in ve lines of L TEX:
EX is a trademark of the American Mathematical Society. EX might be a trademark of Addison Wesley Publishing Company. 3 PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Inc. 4 METAFONT is a trademark of Addison Wesley Publishing Company. 5 John Hobbys META O T is a modied version of METAFONT which generates (encapsulated) PostScript output. META O T can be build trivially on top of the web2c version of TEX and METAFONT for UNIX. Ports to other systems should be simple. 6 feynMF is not anybodys trademark.
2L T A 1T
Expressiveness for complicated diagrams (see the examples below). Extensibility (e.g. see section 2.8.1). Arbitrary TEX-labels. This point is more important than it may seem at rst glance because most graphical layout systems lack the power to produce complicated mathematical expressions. Having matching fonts in text, equations and diagrams is also an important esthetical feature.
Before we start, a couple of words about some complementary packages on the market are in order: Michael Levines feynman package [8] is implemented on top of the stanA dard L TEX picture environment [2]. This makes it completely portable (no need for a correct METAFONT installation), but it requires manual layout and the graphics output is (though very useful) less than perfect. Jos Vermaserens axodraw package [9] uses \specials to access PostScript primitives for drawing diagrams. This approach is inherently not portable (the ubiquity of PostScript printers makes this a minor point, though) but as exible as the present one. Nevertheless, it still requires manual layout for all diagrams. Last, but not least, I have to mention Thomas Leathrums mfpic [10], which provided the inspiration for moving feynMFs user interface from METAFONT to TEX. It might not have been unreasonable to design and implement feynMF as a package on top of mfpic, but closer inspection shows that feynMF and mfpic are fairly orthogonal. mfpic is most useful for handling simple graphical building blocks in formally unconstrained contexts. feynMF on the other hand excels in the formal context of Feynman diagrams (or any other labeled graphs for that matter), which can be drawn automatically from a specication. 5
Historical note
Parts of this code have a rather long history7 . Some of the drawing primitives started in 1989 as, a library of METAFONT macros for drawing Feynman diagrams in my thesis. The layout had to be specied completely by hand, which required a long edit-process-preview cycle and made awkward to use. Nevertheless, it suited my and others neeeds and survived for ve years without major modications. Early in 1994, I became aware of Thomas Leathrums mfpic [10]. This inspired me to shift the user interface A from METAFONT to L TEX, because this allows a smoother blending of the A L TEX picture environment with feynMF for the purpose of labeling the graphs. While doing this and after having been taught by Tim Stelzers and Bill Longs MADGRAPH [11] that simply minimizing the length of the graph gives much better results than I had anticipated, I added the graph manipulation and layout code.
Even though there has never been a proper design phase in the development of feynMF, a certain structure has emerged, which is depicted in gure 2. A user who is aware of this architecture should be able to use feynMF more eectively. The most crucial aspect of the architecture is the existence of two distinct modes with dierent fundamental datatypes: vertex mode, which deals with graphs as structures consisting of vertices and arcs and (almost) never deals with their physical locations. immediate mode, which deals with METAFONT paths and pairs (i.e. coordinates) and allows complete control over the physical locations. It is of course possible to mix these modes in advanced applications. Commands are provided to translate vertices and arcs to pairs and paths and vice versa. Novice users with little experience in METAFONT programming should start with vertex mode to get their job done. Later, immediate mode can be used to create more and more complex diagrams. It is possible to create most diagrams that can actually be calculated in vertex mode. Immediate mode is most useful for extending line feynMF and for drawing diagrams with fancy decorations. A A word on portability: feynMF is implemented as a L TEX package. But it should be straightforward to adapt it to other TEX macro packages because A L TEX macros have been used for convenience only and can easily be replaced or A provided in a compatibility package. The L TEX specic environment construct can also easily be replaced by the equivalent construct in another macro package.
It goes without saying that feynMF is not perfect. There might be cases where using a graphical drawing tool with a mouse can give more pleasing results in less time. But in most cases, feynMF will give satisfactory results without any ne tuning. These will be reproducible and independent from the computer it is running on.
7 Which
Vertex Mode Immediate Mode Objects: vertices arcs polygons Commands: \fmf{}{} \fmfv{}{} \fmfleft{} ... \fmfforce Objects: pairs paths Commands: \fmfi{}{} \fmfiv{} \fmfiequ{} ...
vloc vpath
Figure 2: Architecture of feynMF: the two modes of feynMF (immediate mode A and vertex mode) both interact with L TEX and METAFONT (or META O T, respectively), but operate on dierent data types. Early user reponses have been very encouraging. There seems to be a relaA tively steep learning curve for those L TEX users that have to nd out how to run METAFONT on their systems. But once this purely technical obstacle has been surmounted, users have been enthusiatic as well about the quality of the generated graphs as about the ease of use of feynMF.
In addition to this manual, there exists also a concise description of feynMF in a journal article [6], as well as a three part tutorial [7].
\usepackage{feynmf} If you have META O T, then you can use it alternatively by placing \usepackage{feynmp}
A in your L TEX source.9 feynMF has to switch interactions mode and switches to \errorstopmode, because it is impossible in TEX to switch back. If a dierent default is required (for automated preprint processing, in particular), it can be specied as a package option:
All descriptions that should go into one METAFONT le are placed inside a fmffile environment which takes the name of the METAFONT le as an argument: \begin{fmffile}{ METAFONT-le } ... \end{fmffile}
8 As given, this applies to L T X. But the installation le feynmf209.ins allows to generate A E special versions feynmf209.sty and feynmp209.sty which are compatible with the obsolete A L TEX version 2.09. These les are to be used as documentstyle options
\documentstyle[...,feynmf209,...]{...} or \documentstyle[...,feynmp209,...]{...} If you cannot use epsf.sty for including PostScript les, you can either hack feynmp209.sty A A or upgrade to L TEX2e. Please keep in mind that feynMF has been developed for L TEX 2 A and the L TEX 2.09 compatibility version will always be a retrotted hack. I will accept bug A reports for the 2.09 version, but I urge everybody to move to L TEX2e, which is the one and A only supported L TEX right now. 9 feynMF understands an option pre-1.03, that is of interest for veteran users: \usepackage[pre-1.03]{feynmf} or \usepackage[pre-1.03]{feynmp} The purpose of this option is to enable processing of old input les (pre v1.02) that use \noexpand in labels. Since the method for processing these les can clash (in rare cases) with A L TEX 2 s font loading procedure, it has been disabled by default.
Upto 255 graphs can be placed into one METAFONT le. Currently feynMF does not check that the 255 graph limit per le is not overrun.10 Note that the lename for the METAFONT le given in the argument of the fmffile A environment must not be identical to the L TEX source le name, because the A METAFONT .log would be overwritten and L TEX can no longer access the information in this .log le. It should be obvious that any umber of diagrams can be generated by using more than one fmffile environment with dierent lenames. The fmfgraph environment contains the description of a single Feynman diagram which will be placed a the location of the environment. Arguments are the width and the height of the diagram, in units of \unitlength: \begin{fmfgraph}( width , height ) ... \end{fmfgraph} This environment does not support labels, use fmfgraph* if your diagrams contains labels. Same as fmfgraph, but enclosed in a picture environment of the same size and A supporting L TEX labels. \begin{fmfgraph*}( width , height ) ... \end{fmfgraph*}
Allows to allocate additional space around a fmfgraph*, since the labels (or the diagram itself) might overshoot: \fmfframe( left , top )( right , bottom ){ box } puts an invisible frame of the given dimensions (measured in \unitlength) around box .
Auxiliary les
A feynMF needs to share information between METAFONT and L TEX. For this task several auxiliary les are needed. The ow of information depicted in gures 3 and 4 looks much more complicated than it is. The important feature is that there a two sets of les which can be used to distribute a document:
1. I the recipient has a working METAFONT installation (which shouldnt be a problem, except for some impoverished commercial implementations), A the document can be typset from the L TEX source alone, by running A X, METAFONT and L T X again (the latter step might have to be A L TE E repeated to get cross references right). 2. Another possibility (which doesnt require METAFONT on the recipients A side), is to distribute the L TEX source, the tfm and gf les (or pk les respectively) along with the label les with extension tn (where n as an
10 There is also a very primitive, but (unfortunately) popular operating system, which restricts lenames to eight characters with a three character extension. On this system, only 99 graphs can be placed into one METAFONT le because auxiliary les will not be unambiguous, if more than two digits are used.
% foo.tex ... \usepackage{feynmf} ... \begin{fmffile}{fd} \begin{fmfchar*}(100,50) ... \end{fmfchar*} ... \end{fmffile} ...
latex foo
% -- do not edit input feynmf beginchar(1,100*1pt#,50*1pt#,0); vinit; ... vfreeze; vdraw; endchar; ...
a L TEX labels fd.log latex foo a L TEX labels fd.t1 a L TEX labels fd.t2
mf fd
dvixx foo
Figure 3: Interdependency of les in a feynMF application. The arrows show A which les are updated in the two L TEX passes, the METAFONT pass and the nal dvi translation step. integer). Distributing the METAFONT log les is a possible alternative for the latter, but discouraged, because these are prone to be erased accidentally.
A Processing your document with L TEX will generate one or more METAFONT les, which you will have to process with METAFONT. On UNIX11 systems, METAFONT is invoked as
mf \mode:= METAFONT-mode ; input METAFONT-le from the shell. Here METAFONT-le is to be replaced by the name of the input le (which is determined by the argument to the fmffile environment, see section 2.1) and METAFONT-mode is the proper METAFONT-mode for your particular printer. Please consult your local guide or local wizards about how to run METAFONT on other systems.
11 UNIX was a trademark of UNIX Systems Laboratory, but is rumored to have been donored to X/Open.
% foo.tex ... \usepackage{feynmp} ... \begin{fmffile}{fd} \begin{fmfchar*}(100,50) ... \end{fmfchar*} ... \end{fmffile} ... a L TEX labels fd.t1 latex foo
latex foo
% -- do not edit input feynmp beginchar(1,100*1pt#,50*1pt#,0); vinit; ... vfreeze; vdraw; endchar; ... mp fd encapsulated PostScript le fd.2
dvixx foo
Figure 4: Interdependency of les in a feynMF application using META O T: A The arrows show which les are updated in the two L TEX passes, the METAO T pass and the nal dvi translation step. Note that METAFONT-mode must be specied, otherwise METAFONT will fail or the resulting font will not be usable.12 You can look up the correct METAFONT mode in the le that comes with the METAFONT distribution. Among the more common laser printers are laserjet for HP Laserjets at 300dpi, ljfour for HP Laserjets at 600dpi, nexthi for NeXT laser printers at 400dpi, etc. A non-trivial part can be instructing TEX and your favorite dvi-driver how to nd the generated tfm and gf (resp. pk) les. This is highly system dependent and can be trivial (as in the standard UNIX TEX installations, where no further action is required) or almost impossible without system priviledges (as under MVS). Please consult your local guide or wizards on this point. See also section 2.9.2 for common problems with dvi drivers. Some recent TEX implementations (e.g. web2c with kpathsea version 2.6 or later) are able to generate tfm les on the y. Using such implementations, runA ning L TEX twice should suce and METAFONT will be invoked automagically in the background. Note however, that the automagically invoked tools might also
12 See section 2.9.1 for the typical error message and for additional information on printer modes.
install the fonts corresponding to the Feynman diagrams in a system directory, where they dont belong. Adding the following lines to the script will prevent this mishap in the teTEX distribution for UNIX (which is derived from web2c):
The automagic tools will also not notice when a diagram has changed. These problems suggest that it is a generally a good idea to invoke METAFONT explicitely, instead of relying on the automagic tools. Running META O T is usually trivial, because not printer specic mode is needed: mp META O T-le
UNIX users will be able to take advantage of the feynmf perl script, that autoA mates the invocation of L TEX and META O T. In particular it tries to guess the correct METAFONT-mode and magnication. The latter is often dierent from 1 in slide classes. Here is the man page of feynmf: NAME feynmf Process LaTeX les using FeynMF SYNOPSIS feynmf [-hvqncfT] [-t tfm [-t tfm ...]] [-m mode] le [le ...] feynmf [--help] [--version] [--quiet] [--noexec] [--clean] [--force] [--notfm] [--tfm tfm [--tfm tfm ...]] [--mode mode] le [le ...] DESCRIPTION The most complicated part of using the FeynMF style appears to be the proper invocation of Metafont. The feynmf script provides a convenient front end and will automagically invoke Metafont with the proper mode and magnincation. It will also avoid cluttering system font directories and oers an option to clean them. OPTIONS -h, --help Print a short help text. -v, --version Print the version of feynmf.
-q, --quiet Dont echo the commands being executed. -n, --noexec Dont execute LaTeX or Metafont. -c, --clean Oer to delete font les that have accidentally been placed in a system directory by the MakeTeXTFM and MakeTeXPK scripts (these scripts are run by tex (and latex) in the background). This option has only been tested with recent versions of UNIX TeX. -f, --force Dont ask any questions. -T, --notfm Dont try to prepare fake .tfm les for the rst run. -t, --tfm tfm Dont try guess the names of the .tfm les to fake for the rst run and use the given name(s) instead. This option can be useful if our incomplete parsing of the LaTeX input les fails. -m mode, --mode mode Select the METAFONT mode mode. The default is guessed or localfont if the guess fails. le Main LaTeX input les. le ... Other LaTeX input les that are included by the main le. AUTHOR Thorsten Ohl <> BUGS The preparation of .tfm les is not foolproof yet, because we can parse TeX les only supercially. This script has only been tested for recent teTeX distributions of UNIX TeX, though it will probably work with other versions of UNIX TeX. The author will be grateful for portability suggestions, even concerning Borg operating systems, for the benet of those users that are forced to live with DOS or Windows.
Vertex mode
These basic features of feynMF are (or rather should be) available through A the L TEX interface. No knowledge of METAFONT is necessary.
v4 v3 v1 v2 v3 v2 v4 v v4 v5
v2 v1 v2 v1
v4 v3 v2 v1
v4 v3 v2 v1 v2 v3 v4v1
v3 v4
v4 v3 v2 v1
External vertices
Positioning of external vertices has to done explicitely. The technical reason is that they would otherwise collapse with their neighbors, but practical reasons also suggest to give the user full control here. \fmfleft{ v1 [,. . . ]} places the vertices in the comma separated list v1 ,. . . equidistantly on a smooth path on the left side of the diagram. \fmfright{ v1 [,. . . ]} does the same thing on the right. Similarly \fmfbottom and \fmftop, while \fmfsurround{ v1 [,. . . ]} places its arguments on smooth path surrounding the diagram. Per default, the galleries on which we place the external vertices are curved as in gure 5, but straight galleries are also available. The macros \fmfcurved and \fmfstraight switch between these alternatives. The macro \fmfleftn is similar to \fmfleft, but \fmfleftn{ v }{ n } places the vertices v[1] . . . v[n] . Analogously for the macros \fmfrightn, \fmfbottomn, \fmftopn and \fmfsurroundn. 2.5.2 Arcs and internal vertices
This is the the most frequently used macro in feynMF applications. \fmf{ style [, opt [= val ],. . . ]}{ v1 , v2 [,. . . ]} connects the vertices v1,v2,. . . with a line of style style , using a set of options opt with (optional) value val . If a vertex is not known yet, it is added to the diagram. Note that the actual drawing is not done immediately, because the positions can only be calculated when all vertices are known. The currently available styles are collected in table 1. Most names should be self explanatory and are not discussed further. The dashes, dots, phantom and plain styles can optionally be decorated with an arrow as shown above. All styles, including curly, wiggly and zigzag, can be doubled. But arrows are not available for the latter three, because esthetically pleasing results can not be expected. The phantom style is special, because it only enters the vertices and does not cause a line to be drawn. This is extremely useful for advanced layout features, as explained below. If you need a line styles that is not listed in table 1, see section 2.8.1 for how to dene your own line styles.
Name curly dbl_curly dashes dashes_arrow dbl_dashes dbl_dashes_arrow dots dots_arrow dbl_dots dbl_dots_arrow phantom phantom_arrow plain plain_arrow dbl_plain dbl_plain_arrow wiggly dbl_wiggly zigzag dbl_zigzag
Parameters curly_len curly_len dash_len dash_len dash_len dash_len dot_len dot_len dot_len dot_len
Aliases gluon
vanilla fermion, electron, quark double double_arrow, heavy wiggly_len wiggly_len zigzag_width zigzag_len Table 1: Available line styles boson, photon
The supported options are collected in table 213 Note that each of the dot separated components of the options can be abbreviated. For example, l.d is equivalent to label.dist. The result of ambiguous matches is however undened.
particulary useful further option would be smooth, allowing for several lines joined smoothly. Early experimentation has shown however, that the results are not always what one expects and that there is a lot of room for abuse.
13 One
Name tension left right straight label label.side label.dist label.pos tag width rubout
foreground background
Explanation draw a tighter (> 1) or more loose (< 1) arc draw on a halfcircle on the left draw on a halfcircle on the right draw on a straight line (default) TEX text for labeling the arc force placement of the label on the left or right place label at a distance dist relative position of the label (not implemented yet!) optional tag for disambiguating arcs width of the line scale factor for crossing out lines (doesnt work properly for doubled lines yet) foreground color (META O T only!) background color for doubled lines (META O T only!)
Table 2: Available line options Note that because the options are separated by single commata, commata inside arguments to options (label comes to mind) have to be doubled (similar to quotes in Fortran).14 Arcs that return to their origin are allowed (I will refer to them as tadpoles), but some options have slightly dierent semantics. tension is here a inverse scale factor for the tadpole, whose default size is 2/3 of the average distance the neighboring vertices. If left or right are specied, they give the direction (in degrees) of the preferred gap into which the tadpole is placed. By default, the largest gap is chosen for all tapoles at a given vertex, which will therefore overlap. This is neither a bug nor a feature, but a limitation. The macro \fmfn is similar to \fmf, but \fmfn{ style [, opt [= val ],. . . ]}{ v }{ n }
\fmfcyclen \fmfrcyclen \fmfpen \fmfv
connects the vertices v[1] . . . v[n] . The macro \fmfcyclen{ style }{ v }{ n } cyclically connects the vertices v[1] . . . v[n] . \fmfrcyclen operates in reverse order. Pick up a pen of the specied size. \fmfpen{ weight } is used for changing the weight (i.e. thickness) of the lines. Predened sizes are thin and thick. Declare vertices with options: \fmfv{ opt [= val ][, opt [= val ],. . . ]}{ v1 [,. . . ]} This is used for adding labels to a vertex and for specifying other decoration. Supported options are collected in table 3. Here the same abbreviation mecha14 Note that, as of version 1.03, it is no longer necessary to escape T X control sequences in E arguments. Old les will continue to work, because noexpand is temporarily disabled.
Name label label.angle label.dist decoration.shape decoration.size decoration.filled decoration.angle foreground background
Explanation TEX text for labeling the vertex force placement of the label at the given angle from the vertex place label at a distance dist shape of decoration size of decoration ll, shade or hatch decoration rotate decoration foreground color (META O T only!) background color (META O T only!)
Table 3: Available vertex options nism as above is in eect. The available shapes are listed in various lling styles in table 415 . The tilings gray10, gray25, gray75 and gray90 are available in addition to gray50. Customized tilings can be created with the METAFONT function tile_from_string. It should be noted however, that tilings are gobbling up memory at high speed and should be used with discretion. The halftones16 can be accessed by giving any number from 2 to 99, which will denote the percentage of saturation (30% and 70% here)17 . Again, commata inside arguments to options have to be doubled. Draw a blob of the specied diameter at the vertices. Incidentally, \fmfblob{ diameter }{ v1 [,. . . ]} is equivalent to \fmfv{decor.shape=circle,decor.filled=shaded, decor.size= diameter }{ v1 [,. . . ]}
Draw a dot at the vertices given as arguments. \fmfdot{ v1 [,. . . ]} is equivalent to \fmfv{decor.shape=circle,decor.filled=full, decor.size=2thick}{ v1 [,. . . ]}
The macro \fmfvn is similar to \fmfv, but \fmfvn{ opt [= val ][, opt [= val ],. . . ]}{ v }{ n }
\fmfdotn \fmfblobn
places the vertices v[1] . . . v[n] . The macros \fmfdotn and \fmfblobn are similar to the \fmfdot and \fmfblob, but \fmfdotn{ v }{ n } places the vertices v[1] . . . v[n] . Analogously for \fmfblobn.
15 If the variable feymfwizard is true (e.g. after calling the \fmfwizard macro), it is also possible to specify any METAFONT expression that evaluates to a path. Naturally, this has to used with great care, because strange errors can be triggered by typos! 16 META O T will give true halftones (if your printer supports them), while METAFONT tries to mimic them. The dithering algorithm of the latter will be improved in the future. 17 The old numeric arguments in the range 1 . . . 1 continue to work, but are considered obsolete.
filled= circle square triangle diamond pentagon hexagon triagram tetragram pentagram hexagram
Complex vertices with arcs attached at the corners can be contructed with polygons, which share some characteristics with arcs and vertices. The macro \fmfpoly{ style [, opt [= val ],. . . ]}{ v1 , v2 [,. . . ]} places the vertices v1 , v2 , . . . on the corners of a regular polygon. The orientation of the polygon is xed to be mathematically positive (i.e. counter clockwise). Note that this can have strange results if the orientation is opposite to the orientation of the vertices the corners are connected to. The available options are collected in table 5. The eects of some options are depicted in table 6. Note that is is technically impossible to x the size of a polygon. The size can be controlled by specifying a tension for the edges, which acts like the tension of normal arcs. The macro \fmfpolyn{ style }{ v }{ n } is similar to \fmfpoly but connects the vertices v[1] . . . v[n] . \fmfrpolyn operates in reverse order. 18
\fmfpolyn \fmfrpolyn
Name filled phantom empty shade hatched full pull tension smooth label label.angle label.dist foreground background
Explanation ll, shade or hatch interior dont draw anything draw outline shade interior hatch interior ll interior pull edges in (< 0) or out (> 0) tension of the edges draw smoth corners TEX text for labeling the polygon force placement of the label at the given angle from the vertex place label at a distance dist foreground color (META O T only!) background color (META O T only!)
If META O T is used for rendering the diagrams, vertices and arcs can be colored. The corresponding options give a warning message under METAFONT and are otherwise ignored. Two colors are available for vertices and arcs: foreground and background. Both can either be specied as a linear combination of the predened colors white, black, red, green and blue or as RBG triples ( red , green , blue ). Note that as always commata have to be doubled in option arguments. Therefore both foreground=(1,,0,,1) and foreground=red+blue are valid options setting the foreground color to magenta. For arcs, the background color is used only for the interior of doubled lines. While the color feature is rarely used in papers or books, it can be very useful for jazzing up your transparencies. See page 27 for a not very serious example. 2.5.5 Examples
After the main features of the vertex mode have been introduced, it is time for a couple of illustrative examples that are taken from The Real World. As a rst example, consider drawing a straightforward box diagram, fa miliar from K-K, D-D, and B-B mixing. The commands for the labels are not shown here, they are discussed in section 2.5.6 Let us start the diagram and pick up a thick pen:
\begin{fmfgraph}(40,25) \fmfpen{thick}
smooth Table 6: Some of the available polygon shapes. Note that pull=1.0 is identical to pull=? for straight lines, but very dierent for smooth lines. The incoming and outcoming vertices are placed on the left and right hand side, respectively:
\fmfleft{i1,i2} \fmfright{o1,o2}
d t, c, u W+ t, c, u b W
Finally we tell feynMF to draw dots at the vertices and were done.
\fmfdotn{v}{4} \end{fmfgraph}
With a little eort the layout of this diagram can actually be improved by enlarging the inner box, see page 29 below. Here is the resonant s-channel contribution to e+ e 4f . (From now on, we do no longer display the
\begin{fmfgraph}(40,25) \fmfpen{thick} ... \end{fmfgraph}
c s
c s
Two point loop diagrams pose another set of problems. We must have a way of specifying that one or more of the lines connecting the two vertices are not connected by a straight line. The options left, right and straight oer the possibility to connect two vertices by a semicircle detour, either on the left or on the right. Since by default all lines contribute to the tension between two vertices, the tension option allows us to reduce this tension. The next examples shows both options in action. The lower fermion line is given an tension of 1/3 to make is symmetrical with the upper line with consists of three parts. The loop photon is using a detour on the right and does not contribute any tension.
\fmfleft{i1,i2} \fmfright{o1} \fmf{fermion,tension=1/3}{i1,v1} \fmf{plain}{v1,v2} \fmf{fermion}{v2,v3} \fmf{photon,right,tension=0}{v2,v3}
p pk
\fmf{plain}{v3,i2} \fmf{photon}{v1,o1}
The optional argument to left and right can be used to deform the corresponding contour as in the following example. The default value of left and right is 1.
\fmfleft{i} \fmfright{o} \fmf{plain}{i,v1} \fmf{plain}{v2,o} \fmf{dots,left=.5,tension=0.3}{v1,v2,v1}\fmffreeze \fmf{plain,left}{v1,v2,v1} \fmf{dashes,left=1.5}{v1,v2,v1}
To conclude this rst picture show, heres a self energy in scalar 4 -theory showing the simplicity of the tadpole feature:
\fmfpen{thick} \fmfleft{i} \fmfright{o} \fmf{plain}{i,v,v,o} \fmfdot{v}
Scalar 6 -theory needs a little manual intervention to force the second on the opposite side:
\fmfpen{thick} \fmfleft{i} \fmfright{o} \fmf{plain}{i,v,v,o} \fmf{plain,left=90}{v,v} \fmfdot{v}
Let us now come back to the examples on page 21 and discuss how to add the labels. The macro \fmflabel{ label }{ v } is equivalent to \fmfv{label= label }{ v } and adds the label label to the vertex v . In the current implementation, there can be only a single label for each vertex. Thus earlier calls to \fmflabel for the same vertex will be overwritten. label will be placed with the \put command A of the L TEX picture environment.18 Note that the fmfgraph* environment must be used to use labels, they will silently disappear in fmfgraph. \fmflabel gives the user no control on the placement of the the label (use the \fmfv macro for a more ne-grained control). The label is placed using the following algorithm: 1. The reference point of the box containing label is placed at the distance 3thick on the continuation of the straight line connecting the center of the picture with the vertex v . 2. The reference point of the box is chosen such that the contents of the box is on the outside of the vertex (with respect to the center of the diagram). It is chosen from the four corners and the four midpoints of the sides. Therefore the four external particles in the B-B mixing diagram on page 21 are labelled simply by:
\fmflabel{$\bar{b}$}{i1} \fmflabel{$d$}{i2} \fmflabel{$\bar{d}$}{o1} \fmflabel{$b$}{o2}
v3 v4 v2
v6 v7
18 Note again that, as of version 1.03, it is no longer necessary to escape T X control seE quences in arguments. Old les will continue to work, because noexpand is temporarily disabled.
60 0 -60
There is no equivalent to \fmflabel for arcs. Here options to the \fmf command have to be used. The default placement rules put the label on the outside at the midpoint of a curved arc. If the arc is straight, one should use the label.side option to push the label either to the left or to the right. This label.dist option is treated analogously to same option for vertices. Therefore the four internal particles in the B-B mixing diagram on page 21 are labelled simply by adding options to the \fmf commands:
\fmf{fermion,label=$\bar{t},,\bar{c},,\bar{u}$, label.side=right}{v1,v3} \fmf{fermion,label=$t,,c,,u$,label.side=right}{v4,v2} \fmf{photon,label=$W^+$,label.side=left}{v1,v2} \fmf{photon,label=$W^-$,label.side=right}{v3,v4}
The automatic layout algorithms of feynMF are rather simple, therefore it is sometimes necessary to allow for manual intervention from time to time. Calculate the positions of the vertices based on the arcs which are dened up to this point. Usually this calculation is performed automatically at the end of the fmfgraph environment. Calling it explicitely is useful for later adding arcs that should not enter the calculation . The layout is chosen to minimize the overall length of all arcs. The length of each arc is weighted with the tension option, whose default value is 1. See section 2.5.8 for more information on \fmffreeze. \fmfforce{ pos }{ v1 [,. . . ]} forces the position pos of the vertices v1 . . . , bypassing and overwriting the automatic layout. In all arguments that are METAFONT pairs (i.e. points), you can use the variable w and h, which are predened to the width and the height of the whole diagram respectively. E.g. the center is specied as (.5w,.5h) and the lower right corner as (w,0). The center and the four corners of the current subgraph (see the fmfsubgraph environment on page 29) are available as c, nw, ne, sw and se (for north-west etc). \fmfshift{ dist }{ v1 [,. . . ]} shifts the position of the vertices v1 . . . by dist from the automatic layout. This command is only useful after a \fmffreeze of the corresponding vertex. \fmffixed{ dist }{ v1 [,. . . ]} xes the distance between subsequent vertices in the list v1 . . . to dist . This command should be used with care, because
19 Dont be confused by the \fmfiv command. It is described below (see section 2.7.2) and takes the same arguments as the \fmfv command. We use it here for convenience to place multiple vertices at the same point, i.e. the center.
\fmffixedx \fmffixedy
it is possible to overconstrain the layout of the graph and the error messages will be obscure for a novice user. \fmffixedx{ dx }{ v1 [,. . . ]} is identical to \fmffixed{( dx ,whatever)}{ v1 [,. . . ]} and \fmffixedy{ dy }{ v1 [,. . . ]} is identical to \fmffixed{(whatever, dy )}{ v1 [,. . . ]}. These commands can be used to x relative positions in one coordinate, while allowing movement in the other coordinate. 2.5.8 Skeletons
The single most powerful concept for adjusting feynMFs layout decisions is the use of skeletons. By issuing a \fmffreeze after specifying a subgraph (skeleton), we can x the location of the skeleton as if the other arcs were not there. We can then successively add more subgraphs whose layout will be chosen with the skeleton remaining xed. Similar eects can be achieved by giving some arcs a vanishing tension. Consider the following example: suppose we want to draw a ladder diagram contributing to the quark form factor. Simply linking in the gluons does not produce a satisfactory result:
\fmfleft{i1} \fmfright{o1,o2} \fmf{photon}{i1,v4} \fmf{quark}{o1,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,o2} \fmf{gluon}{v1,v7} \fmf{gluon}{v2,v6} \fmf{gluon}{v3,v5}
What went wrong? Obviously the gluons are bonding the quark lines too strongly. The x is simple: just create a skeleton excluding the gluons
\fmfleft{i1} \fmfright{o1,o2} \fmf{photon}{i1,v4} \fmf{quark}{o1,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,o2}
Alternatively, we can use a vanishing tension, which will eectively exclude the gluons from the layout decisions:
\fmfleft{i1} \fmfright{o1,o2} \fmf{photon}{i1,v4}
Which method is more intuitve is largely a matter of taste and at the discretion of the user. The crossed version of this diagram is best drawn using the rubout option:
\fmfleft{i1} \fmfright{o1,o2} \fmf{photon}{i1,v3} \fmf{quark}{o1,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,o2} \fmffreeze \fmf{gluon}{v1,v4} \fmf{gluon,rubout}{v2,v5}
If rubout is selected, it defaults to 2, but it can be changed to any (reasonable) value > 1. The current implementation should work for almost all user-dened line styles. However, it does not work correctly for the predened double line styles yet. Another instructive example is the following: imagine you want to draw a typical non-resonant contribution to e+ e 4f . The obvious solution doesnt look right:
\fmfleft{i1,i2} \fmfright{o1,o2,o3,o4} \fmf{fermion}{i1,v1,i2} \fmf{boson}{v1,v2} \fmf{fermion}{o1,v2,v3,o4} \fmf{boson}{v3,v4} \fmf{fermion}{o3,v4,o2}
Heres another example that uses stretchable arcs. Diagrams of this kind are known as rainbow diagrams. If youre using META O T and are watching this on a color device, youll see why.
\fmfpen{thick} \fmfleft{i1,d1} \fmfright{o1,d2} \fmfn{plain}{i}{4} \fmf{plain}{i4,v,o4} \fmfn{plain}{o}{4} \fmffreeze \fmf{gluon,left,fore=red}{i1,o1} \fmf{gluon,left,fore=green}{i2,o2} \fmf{gluon,left,fore=blue}{i3,o3} \fmfdotn{i}{3} \fmfdotn{o}{3} \fmfv{,d.f=empty,,b=(1,,0,,1), l=$\Sigma$}{v}
Experience has shown that the method advocated in this section is more eective than fuzzing around with fractional tension parameters. Using \fmfshift or \fmfforce should be a last resort only. 2.5.9 Pulling strings
If you add to any arc one or more phantom arcs they will cause a tighter bonding between the vertices involved
\fmf{fermion}{v1,v2} \fmf{phantom}{v1,v2}
which is equivalent to
The phantom arc has to be added before any \fmffreeze involving these vertices, of course. Here is an example from deep inelastic scattering20 :
\fmfleft{ip,il} \fmfright{oq1,oq2,d1,oq3,d2,d3,ol} \fmf{fermion}{ip,vp,vq,oq3}
20 Dont be confused by the \fmfi command. It is described below (see section 2.7.1) and takes the same arguments as the \fmfv command. We use it here for adding to more lines parallel to the incoming proton line. They do not enter the layout decisions.
\fmf{fermion}{vp,oq1} \fmf{fermion}{vp,oq2} \fmf{photon}{vl,vq} \fmf{fermion}{il,vl,ol} \fmfblob{.15w}{vp} \fmfdot{vq,vl} \fmffreeze \fmfi{plain}{vpath (__ip,__vp) shifted (thick*(0,2))} \fmfi{plain}{vpath (__ip,__vp) shifted (thick*(1,-2))}
As it stands, all vertices come out too far to the right, because the greater number of outgoing lines pulls them over. Adding \fmf{phantom} makes the bond between the incoming vertices and the interactions tighter and produces a better balanced picture:
\fmfleft{ip,il} \fmfright{oq1,oq2,d1,oq3,d2,d3,ol} \fmf{fermion}{ip,vp,vq,oq3} \fmf{phantom}{ip,vp} \fmf{fermion}{vp,oq1} \fmf{fermion}{vp,oq2} \fmf{photon}{vl,vq} \fmf{fermion}{il,vl,ol} \fmf{phantom}{il,vl} \fmfblob{.15w}{vp} \fmfdot{vq,vl} \fmffreeze \fmfi{plain}{vpath (__ip,__vp) shifted (thick*(0,2))} \fmfi{plain}{vpath (__ip,__vp) shifted (thick*(1,-2))}
Equivalently, we could add tension to the lines in question and we will get the same result:
\fmfleft{ip,il} \fmfright{oq1,oq2,d1,oq3,d2,d3,ol} \fmf{fermion,tension=2}{ip,vp} \fmf{fermion}{vp,vq,oq3} \fmf{fermion}{vp,oq1} \fmf{fermion}{vp,oq2} \fmf{photon}{vl,vq} \fmf{fermion,tension=2}{il,vl} \fmf{fermion}{vl,ol} \fmfblob{.15w}{vp} \fmfdot{vq,vl} \fmffreeze \fmfi{plain}{vpath (__ip,__vp) shifted (thick*(0,2))} \fmfi{plain}{vpath (__ip,__vp) shifted (thick*(1,-2))}
Conversely, specing a tension < 1 will make the corresponding arcs more loose. 28
Reconsider the box graph on page 20 and reduce the tension on the inner lines21
\fmfleft{i1,i2} \fmflabel{$\bar{b}$}{i1} \fmflabel{$d$}{i2} \fmfright{o1,o2} \fmflabel{$\bar{d}$}{o1} \fmflabel{$b$}{o2} \fmf{fermion}{i1,v1} \fmf{fermion,tension=.5,label=$\bar{t},,\bar{c},,\bar{u}$, l.side=right}{v1,v3} \fmf{fermion}{v3,o1} \fmf{fermion}{o2,v4} \fmf{fermion,tension=.5,label=$t,,c,,u$,l.side=right}{v4,v2} \fmf{fermion}{v2,i2} \fmf{photon,tension=.2,label=$W^+$,l.side=left}{v1,v2} \fmf{photon,tension=.2,label=$W^-$,l.side=right}{v3,v4} \fmfdotn{v}{4}
t, c, u
W+ t, c, u
Miscellaneous commands
Graphs in graphs
The fmfsubgraph environment contains a subgraph, for which the galleries will be placed inside the rectangle of width width and height height , with lower left corner at ( x , y ): \begin{fmfsubgraph}( x , y )( width , height ) body \end{fmfsubgraph} The center and four corners are available as c, nw, ne, sw and se (for north-west etc). Because of the restrictions on the overall size of the diagram in METAFONT, this environment will, mainly be useful for preparing transparencies with META O T. Here is a not very serious application of this feature:
\def\subgraphsample#1{% \fmfleftn{#1i}{2}% \fmfrightn{#1o}{2}% \fmf{plain}{#1i1,#1v1}% \fmf{plain}{#1o1,#1v2}% \fmf{plain}{#1o2,#1v3}% \fmf{plain}{#1i2,#1v4}% \fmfcyclen{plain,tension=0.3}{#1v}{4}} \begin{fmfgraph}(40,30) \subgraphsample{a}
21 Now
that you know, I have also displayed the label options used.
More serious applications will use this feature to group together related diagrams and use other METAFONT drawing commands for graphical A elements that are not available in the L TEX picture environment. 2.6.2
\fmfkeep \fmfreuse
Reusing diagrams
After saving a pointer with \fmfkeep{ name } inside a fmfgraph or fmfgraph* environment, the diagram can be reused later by \fmfreuse{ name }. This works across fmffile environments. Heres an example that uses centered \parboxes to place diagrams into equations. The celebrated cancelation of quadratic divergencies in scalar selfenergies in supersymmetric eld theories can be written as:
\begin{eqnarray} \parbox{20mm}{\begin{fmfgraph}(20,15)\fmfkeep{boson} \fmfleft{i} \fmfright{o} \fmf{dashes}{i,v,v,o} \end{fmfgraph}} & \propto & \Lambda^2 \\ \parbox{20mm}{\begin{fmfgraph}(20,15)\fmfkeep{fermion} \fmfleft{i} \fmfright{o} \fmf{dashes}{i,v1} \fmf{dashes}{v2,o} \fmf{fermion,left,tension=.3}{v1,v2,v1} \end{fmfgraph}} & \propto & \Lambda^2 \\ \parbox{20mm}{\fmfreuse{boson}} \quad + \quad \parbox{20mm}{\fmfreuse{fermion}} & \propto & \ln\Lambda^2 \end{eqnarray}
ln 2
Parameter thin thick arrow_len arrow_ang curly_len dash_len dot_len wiggly_len wiggly_slope zigzag_len zigzag_width decor_size dot_size
Default 1pt 1.5thin 4mm 15 3mm 3mm 2mm 4mm 60 2mm 2thick 5mm 4thick
Semantics thin arcs thicker arcs length of arrow head opening angle of arrow head length of one curl length of one dash distance of two dots length of one wiggle inclination of wiggles length of a zig-zag period width of zig-zag lines default size of vertex decors diameter of dots
Changing parameters
This command can be used to change the parameters in table 7 as follows: \fmfset{ parameter }{ value } Note that these parameters are not stored in the graph data structure for the individual vertices and arcs. Instead the current values at the time of \fmfdraw are used. 2.6.5 Shrinking
Shrink the linewidths and similar parameters in the enclosed section. 2.6.6 Debugging
Enable and disable tracing of the layout decisions. This is not necessarily printed in an intuitive format, but can be helpful for debugging. Enable online displays. \fmfstopdisplay will halt METAFONT everytime a graph is complete. 2.6.7 Multiple vertices and arcs
The environment \begin{fmffor}{ var }{ from }{ step }{ to } body \end{fmffor} executes body multiple times, setting var to from , from + step , . . . , to . An application of this above feynMF feature is shown in gure 7, which is generated by calling the TEX macro
with the arguments 4, 6, 8, and 10, respectively. Similarly, we can draw the diagrams from many particle physics in gures 8 and 9:
\def\PPRing#1{% \begin{fmfgraph}(20,20) \fmfsurroundn{v}{#1} \fmfdotn{v}{#1} \fmfcyclen{fermion,right=0.25}{v}{#1} \fmfcyclen{fermion,left=0.25}{v}{#1} \end{fmfgraph}} \def\PHRing#1{% \begin{fmfgraph}(20,20) \fmfsurroundn{v}{#1} \fmfdotn{v}{#1} \fmfcyclen{fermion,right=0.25}{v}{#1} \fmfrcyclen{fermion,right=0.25}{v}{#1} \end{fmfgraph}}
Immediate mode
In addition to the automatic layout of vertices, feynMF features an immediate mode, in which feynMFs drawing commands operate directly on METAFONTs
Figure 9: Particle-hole ring diagrams pairs and paths. You might want to consult The METAFONT Book [4] or the META O T manual [5] for further information on the available path expressions. 2.7.1
Immediate modes brother of \fmf. \fmfi{ style [, opt [= val ],. . . ]}{ p } draws a line of style style on path p . Use the vpath function in p (after \fmffreeze!) to access the METAFONT path connecting two vertices: vpath[ tag ]( from , to ). The optional numeric tag can be used together with a matching tag option to \fmf to disambiguate arcs that connect the same vertices. You have to prepend each name of a vertex in vpaths arguments with two underscores (e.g. v1 becomes __v1). This is necessary for avoiding nameclashes with some reserved words in METAFONT (sparks in DEKs terminology). 2.7.2 Vertices
Immediate modes brother of \fmfv. \fmfiv{ shape [= val ][, opt [= val ],. . . ]}{ v } draws a vertex at position v . Note that here v is a METAFONT pair and not a feynMF vertex name. The formers equivalent of the latter can be accessed (after \fmffreeze!) with the vloc function: vloc( vertex ). Again, you have to prepend the name of the vertex in vlocs argument with two underscores (e.g. v1 becomes __v1). 2.7.3 Declarations
\fmfipath \fmfipair
The argument(s) are declared METAFONT paths. The argument(s) are declared METAFONT pairs (coordinates).
\fmfiequ \fmfiset
Establish equality for the two arguments, i.e. \fmfiequ{lval}{rval} translates to lval=rval. Assign the second argument to the rst, i.e. \fmfiset{lval}{rval} translates to lval:=rval. Specifying equality of two variables is a very dierent operation from assignment in METAFONT. See The METAFONT Book [4] for details on METAFONTs builtin equation solver. 2.7.5 Examples
Here is a non-trivial example of immediate mode, which shows some useful tricks. The non-trivial aspect of the diagram in question is that it has lines broken in two, denoting particles coupling to a condensate. We start the diagram with a skeleton (the phantom lines are shown as thin lines for clarity):
\fmfleft{i} \fmfright{o} \fmf{dots}{i,v1} \fmf{dots}{v2,o} \fmf{phantom,left,tension=0.2,tag=1}{v1,v2} \fmf{phantom,left,tension=0.2,tag=2}{v2,v1} \fmfdot{v1,v2} \fmfposition
Heres an interesting abuse of feynMF (see the next section for \fmfcmd):
\begin{fmfgraph*}(40,40) \fmfipair{o,xm,xp,ym,yp} \fmfiequ{o}{(.5w,.1h)} \fmfiequ{xm}{(0,.1h)} \fmfiequ{xp}{(w,.1h)} \fmfiequ{ym}{(.5w,0)} \fmfiequ{yp}{(.5w,h)} \fmfiv{l=$x$,l.a=-135,l.d=2mm}{xp} \fmfiv{l=$y=x^2$,l.a=-135,l.d=2mm}{yp} \fmfpen{thin} \fmfcmd{draw xm--xp; draw ym--yp;} \fmfpen{thick} \fmfiequ{xs}{xpart(xp-o)} \fmfiequ{ys}{ypart(yp-o)} \fmfcmd{draw (o + (-xs,ys)) for n = -9 upto 10: --(o + (xs*(n/10),ys*((n/10)**2))) endfor;} \end{fmfgraph*}
y = x2
x Finally, for the curious, here is how to draw the circular gluons in gure 10:
\fmfi{gluon}{fullcircle scaled .5w shifted (.5w,.5h)} \fmfi{gluon}{reverse fullcircle scaled .5w shifted (.5w,.5h)}
Some more advanced features of feynMF are more conveniently accessed through raw METAFONT commands. This can either be achieved by preparing a METAFONT input le or by using \fmfcmd extensively. The latter apprach is usally more convenient. The \fmfcmd macro writes its argument into the METAFONT input le generated by feynMF. While some experience in using METAFONT doesnt hurt here, this 35
approach can simplify the production of complex diagrams considerably. Note that no semicolon is appended, the user has to provide it explicitely. 2.8.1 Extending feynMF
A prominent example for using raw METAFONT is provided by the option to add new styles for arcs. There is of course always one more style that must be added to the default list. But increasing this list without bounds will eventually slow down feynMF and increase its memory requirements. It is therefore better to allow users to dene their own styles. This is done with the METAFONT macro style_def, which denes a macro that will be called to do the drawing and registers this macro with feynMF so that it can be used in the rst argument to \fmf. The macro takes one argument of type path and is responsible for drawing the arc on this path. If META O Ts color functionality is to be used, the color aware functions cdraw, cfill, cfilldraw, ccutdraw and cdrawdot should be used instead of draw, etc. After the following style_def, a new style crossed will be available:
\fmfcmd{% vardef cross_bar (expr p, len, ang) = ((-len/2,0)--(len/2,0)) rotated (ang + angle direction length(p)/2 of p) shifted point length(p)/2 of p enddef; style_def crossed expr p = cdraw p; ccutdraw cross_bar (p, 5mm, 45); ccutdraw cross_bar (p, 5mm, -45) enddef;}
Note how the shrink macro (which is the METAFONT equivalent of the fmfshrink environment) is used to temporarily double the dimensions of the arrowhead which is constructed by the arrow macro. In particular theorists beyond the standard model are likely to need a lot of dierent line styles. The acionados of majorana neutrinos might nd the following two useful:
\fmfcmd{% style_def majorana expr p = cdraw p; cfill (harrow (reverse p, .5)); cfill (harrow (p, .5)) enddef; style_def alt_majorana expr p = cdraw p; cfill (tarrow (reverse p, .55)); cfill (tarrow (p, .55)) enddef;}
Note the use of the harrow and tarrow functions which return an arrowhead on the given fraction of the path, with reference points at the head (harrow) or tail (tarrow). The arrow function used above is equivalent to marrow(p,.5), which has the reference point at the center of the arrowhead. Having the three dierent reference point available is important for supporting arcs of substantially diering lengths. A problem of the current implementation is that the endpoints of double lines dont match smoothly at vertices:
\fmfpen{thick}\fmfleftn{l}{2}\fmfrightn{r}{2} \fmfpolyn{shaded}{z}{4} \fmf{dbl_plain_arrow}{l2,z3} \fmf{dbl_plain_arrow}{l1,z4} \fmf{dbl_plain_arrow}{z1,r1} \fmf{dbl_plain_arrow}{z2,r2}
One way around is to add dots of the right size at the vertices after the arcs have been drawn.
\fmfpen{thick}\fmfleftn{l}{2}\fmfrightn{r}{2} \fmfpolyn{shaded}{z}{4} \fmf{dbl_plain_arrow}{l2,z3} \fmf{dbl_plain_arrow}{l1,z4} \fmf{dbl_plain_arrow}{z1,r1} \fmf{dbl_plain_arrow}{z2,r2} \fmffreeze\fmfdraw \fmfvn{d.siz=2thick,}{z}{4}
Without the \fmffreeze\fmfdraw, the arcs would know about the dots and would be shortened. A more elegant solution is to dene line styles with dots at the head,
\fmfcmd{vardef endpoint_dot expr p = save oldpen; pen oldpen; oldpen := currentpen; pickup oldpen scaled 3; cdrawdot p; pickup oldpen; enddef;} \fmfcmd{style_def hd_double expr p = draw_double p; endpoint_dot point infinity of p; enddef;} \fmfcmd{style_def hd_dbl_plain_arrow expr p = draw_hd_double p; shrink (1.5); cfill (arrow p); endshrink; enddef;}
\fmfcmd{style_def td_double expr p = draw_double p; endpoint_dot point 0 of p; enddef;} \fmfcmd{style_def td_dbl_plain_arrow expr p = draw_td_double p; shrink (1.5); cfill (arrow p); endshrink; enddef;}
or both
\fmfcmd{style_def htd_double expr p = draw_double p; endpoint_dot point 0 of p; endpoint_dot point infinity of p; enddef;} \fmfcmd{style_def htd_dbl_plain_arrow expr p = draw_htd_double p; shrink (1.5); cfill (arrow p); endshrink; enddef;}
It can have one of two causes: METAFONT was invoked without specifying the mode. This case is easily xed by looking up the correct METAFONT mode in the le that comes with the METAFONT distribution. This mode must be specied on the command line as \mode:=laserjet for HP Laserjets at 300dpi, as \mode:=ljfour for HP Laserjets at 600dpi, as \mode:=nexthi for NeXT laser printers at 400dpi, etc, just to name three of the more common laser printers in the physics community. The diagrams are too large for the printer at hand. This case is actually not very likely, because even at 1200dpi the diagrams can be as large as 86mm. For the popular laserprinter resolution of 300dpi, even 346mm are possible. Last time I checked, the diagrams for this manual could be generated for a Linotype Linotronic 300 at 2540dpi (mode:=linosuper), but failed in the standard proof mode at 2601.72dpi.22 In fact, in the current le, the Chelgraph IBX at 9600dpi and the Alphatype CRS at 5333 + 1/3dpi are the only typesetters that can not be used to typeset this manual.23
22 It would be trivial to shrink the diagrams by 1% to make them work in proof mode (accidentally, the largest diagram is 40mm wide, while 4096/2601.72dpi corresponds to 39.99mm). However, I prefer METAFONT to give an error message if the user forgot to specify the mode. It is much more obscure when METAFONT works without errors but the dvi driver fails to nd the generated bitmap le. 23 If someone wants to use feynMF with one of these high end typesetters, I would be glad to try to help them out with kludges.
There are two known reasons why diagrams may not be updated the document after the source le has been changed: Some dvi le previewers (e.g. xdvi(1) under UNIX) do not reread font information if the tfm or pk les have changed, even though they reread the dvi le if it has changed. Therefore you have to restart such previewers if you have made changes in diagrams to see these changes on the screen. Some dvi drivers (e.g. dvips(1) under UNIX) do not work with the gf les directly, but convert them with an external program to pk format rst. On later occasions, the dvi driver will then use the pk le which is out of date with respect to the sources and the gf le. The only known x is to delete the pk ls before running the dvi driver. 2.9.3 Disgrams show up in the wrong spot
A If you are using feynMF with L TEXs \includeonly feature, you should watch out for the following situation:
where bar1.tex denes graph #1, bar2.tex graph #2 and bar3.tex denes graph #3. If you now proceeded to add graphs to bar1.tex, you will notice that a second graph is accepted, but instead of the new third graph, the old A graph #3 appears. What happens is that L TEX stores the value of the counter for fmfgraphs in each .aux le so that because bar2.tex is not processed, this counter is always reset to 3 at the beginning of bar3.tex. Even though this situation appears to be contrived, it actually occured in real life applications and the resulting error is very confusing. A The only x for this problem would be to use a private counter behind L TEXs back. Unfortunately, it appears that this will violate the principle of minimal surprise even more. It is therefore usually a good idea to reprocess the complete document when the number of graphs has changed in an \included le. The other solution is to have a separate fmfgraph environment for each \included le. 2.9.4 Spurious labels show up
If spurious labels show up in your diagrams, this is most likely caused by old label les (e.g. foo.t n ) still lying around. Just delete these les and rerun TEX and METAFONT (or META O T respectively).
Known bugs
Chaotic manual
This is being worked on. It should probably be rewritten from scratch, but I dont have enough time at the moment (this is a spare time activity). 2.10.2 Delayed error messages
This cant be xed. The problem is that errors can manifest themselves only a long time after the corresponding source line has been read. Since TEX doesnt allow to access the current source line number, there is no way to store this information along with the other information on the graph. I can only hope to have enough sanity checks in place some day that error messages from METAFONT wont occur. 2.10.3 Multiple tadpoles
Currently, feynMF will not layout multiple tadpoles at a single vertex automatically. This could be xed in principle, but these xes would cause other problems which are more inconvenient than having to lay out tadpoles manually. 2.10.4 Hard limits
Currently the most severe limitation lies in the size of the generated pictures. The largest number METAFONT can represent internally is 4095.99998 and this is also the largest value any coordinate measured in pixels can assume. At the most popular laserprinter resolution of 300 dots per inch (dpi), this corresponds to a horizontal and vertical extension of about 346mm, which is plenty and were more likely to hit the internal limits on the complexity of a picture. However, at the proof mode resolution of 2601.72dpi, this is reduced to slightly less than 40mm and were running the risk of arithmetic overow in internal calculations much earlier. There are two potential solutions of dierent scope and complexity: Since John Hobbys META O T is now available without a non-disclosure agreement from AT&T, one solution is to replace METAFONT by METAO T, which doesnt suer from the size limitations. This comes with a small price paid in reduced portability of the generated output, but as already stated above in the case of axodraw, the ubiquity of PostScript printers (and the free GhostScript interpreter) makes this a minor point. The more ambitious solutions would be virtual graphs, i.e. graphs which are larger than the current limit enforced by numeric overow at higher resolutions. This could be implemented by calculating the layout of a miniature graph and afterwards distributing the full graph among several METAFONT characters.
I am most grateful to Wolfgang Kilian, who pushed feynMFs predecessor to its limits [12]. Discussions with him triggered a lot of good 41
ideas. Thanks also to my students and the people on The Net for suggestions, portability xes and for volunteering as guinea pigs.
[1] Donald E. Knuth, The TEXbook, Addison-Wesley, Reading MA, 1986.
A [2] Leslie Lamport, L TEX A Documentation Preparation System, AddisonWesley, Reading MA, 1985. A [3] Michel Goosens, Frank Mittelbach, and Alexander Samarin, The L TEX Companion, Addison-Wesley, Reading MA, 1994.
[4] Donald E. Knuth, The METAFONTbook, Addison-Wesley, Reading MA, 1986. [5] John D. Hobby, A Users Manual for META O T, Computer Science Report #162, AT&T Bell Laboratories, April 1992. [6] Thorsten Ohl, Comp. Phys. Comm. 90 (1995) 340. [7] Thorsten Ohl, CERN Computer Newsletter 220 (1995) 22; 221 (1995) 46; 222 (1996) 24. [8] Micheal J. S. Levine, Comp. Phys. Comm. 58 (1990) 181. [9] Jos Vermaseren, Comp. Phys. Comm. 83 (1994) 45. axodraw is available from CTAN (cf. p. 42), in the graphics directory. [10] Thomas E. Leathrum, mfpic, available from CTAN (cf. p. 42), in the graphics directory. [11] Tim Stelzer and Bill Long, Comp. Phys. Comm. 81 (1994) 357. [12] Wolfgang Kilian, Doctoral Thesis, Technical University Darmstadt, 1994. [13] Alan Jerey, Lists in TEXs Mouth, TUGboat 199?.
feynMF is available by anonymous internet ftp from any of the Comprehensive TEX Archive Network (CTAN) hosts,, in the directory macros/latex/contrib/supported/feynmf It is also available from the host in the directory
pub/ohl/feynmf Unsupported snapshots of my work in progress are provided as pub/ohl/feynmf.versions/feynmf-current.tar.gz There are two mailing lists open for subscription. The former should carry only important announcements, of new versions in particular. To subscribe, send mail to the (electronic) mailing list manager and not to the lists itself. The following commands (on a line in the body of the mail, not in the subject) are useful: subscribe feynmf-announce unsubscribe feynmf-announce help
Numbers written in italic refer to the page where the corresponding entry is described, the ones underlined to the code line of the denition, the rest to the code lines where the entry is used.
-T, --notfm, -c, --clean, -f, --force, -h, --help, -m mode, --mode mode, -n, --noexec, -q, --quiet, -t, --tfm tfm, -v, --version, arcs=arcs, blobs=blobs, 14, 16, 13 13 13 12 13 13 13 13 12 33 17 fmfblobn= \subitem *+\fmfblobn+, \usage{17} fmfbottom= \subitem *+\fmfbottom+, \usage{14} environments:fmffile, fmfbottomn= \subitem *+\fmfbottomn+, \usage{14} 8 fmfcmd= \subitem *+\fmfcmd+, \usage{35} environments:fmffor, 31 fmfcurved= \subitem *+\fmfcurved+, \usage{14} environments:fmfgraph*, fmfcyclen= \subitem *+\fmfcyclen+, \usage{16} 9 fmfdisplay= \subitem *+\fmfdisplay+, \usage{31} environments:fmfgraph, fmfdot= \subitem *+\fmfdot+, \usage{17} 9 fmfdotn= \subitem *+\fmfdotn+, \usage{17} environments:fmfgroup, fmle=fmffile (en30 vironment), 8 environments:fmfshrink, fmxed= \subitem *+\fmffixed+, \usage{24} 31 \subitem *+\fmffixedx+, \usage{25} environments:fmfsubgraph, fmxedx= fmxedy= \subitem *+\fmffixedy+, \usage{25} 29 fmor=fmffor (enextensions=extensions, 36 vironment), 31 external verfmorce= \subitem *+\fmfforce+, \usage{24} tices=external \subitem *+\fmfframe+, \usage{9} vertices, 14 fmrame= fmreeze= \subitem *+\fmffreeze+, \usage{24} le, 13 fmfgraph*=fmfgraph* (environment), 9 le ..., 13 fmf= \subitem *+\fmf+,fmfgraph=fmfgraph \usage{14} fmfblob= \subitem *+\fmfblob+, \usage{17} 9 (environment), dots=dots, 17
color=color, 19 crossed arcs=crossed arcs, 36 dening new styles=dening new styles, 36 displays, online=displays, online, 31
fmfgroup=fmfgroup fmfshift= \subitem *+\fmfshift+, \usage{24} online displays=online (environment), 30 fmfshrink=fmfshrink displays, 31 (environment), 31 OPTIONS, fm= \subitem *+\fmfi+, \usage{33} 12 fmfstopdisplay= \subitem *+\fmfstopdisplay+, \usage{31} fmequ= \subitem *+\fmfiequ+, \usage{34} fmfstraight= \subitem *+\fmfstraight+, \usage{14} fmpair= \subitem *+\fmfipair+, \usage{33} parameters=parameters, fmfsubgraph=fmfsubgraph fmpath= \subitem *+\fmfipath+, \usage{33} 31 (environment), fmset= \subitem *+\fmfiset+, \usage{34} 29 polygons=polygons, 18 fmfsurround= fmv= \subitem *+\fmfiv+, \usage{33} \subitem *+\fmfsurround+, \usage{14} fmfsurroundn= \subitemstyles, *+\fmfsurroundn+, \usage{14} fmfkeep= \subitem *+\fmfkeep+, \usage{30} dening fmftop= \subitem \usage{14} fmabel= \subitem *+\fmflabel+, \usage{23}*+\fmftop+, new=styles, fmftopn= \subitem *+\fmftopn+, \usage{14} 36 dening new, fmeft= \subitem *+\fmfleft+, \usage{14} fmftrace= \usage{14} *+\fmftrace+, \usage{31} 29 \subitem fmeftn= \subitem *+\fmfleftn+, subgraphs=subgraphs, fmfv= \subitem *+\fmfv+, \usage{16} fmfn= \subitem *+\fmfn+, \usage{16} fmfvn= \subitem *+\fmfvn+, \usage{17} fmfnotrace= \subitem *+\fmfnotrace+, \usage{31} tadpoles=tadpoles, 22 fmfpen= \subitem *+\fmfpen+, \usage{16} tracing=tracing, 31 galleries=galleries, 14 fmfpoly= \subitem *+\fmfpoly+, \usage{18} fmfpolyn= \subitem *+\fmfpolyn+, \usage{18} vertices, exterinternal verfmfrcyclen= \subitem *+\fmfrcyclen+, \usage{16} nal=vertices, tices=internal external, 14 fmfreuse= \subitem *+\fmfreuse+, \usage{30} 17 vertices, 16, fmfright= \subitem *+\fmfright+, \usage{14} vertices, interfmfrightn= \subitem *+\fmfrightn+, \usage{14} nal=vertices, labels=labels, 14, internal, 16, 17 fmfrpolyn= \subitem *+\fmfrpolyn+, \usage{18} 16, 23, 24 fmfset= \subitem *+\fmfset+, \usage{31} looping=looping, 31 vertices=vertices, 33