Storage Tank Design
Storage Tank Design
Storage Tank Design
VERTICAL, CYLINDERICAL & CENTER COLUMN SUPPORTED FIXED CONE ROOF TANK AS PER IS 803. Description Unit Values Input Design Data Quantity of Tank Diameter, D Total Tank Height of Shell, H1 Maximum Design Liquid Level, H2 Net Design Liquid Height, H2 Nominal Capacity, Q1 Gross Capacity, Q2 Effective Capacity, Q3 Specific Gravity of LDO , G Design Density of liquid, Design Pressure, P Vacuum Pressure, Vp Design Temperature, T Corrosion Allowance , C Joint Efficiency Factor, E Radiography Examination Material of Construction Maximum Allowable working Stress,Sd AllowableYield Stress, Sy Width of Shell Plates, Ws Width of Bottom Plates, Wb Width of Roof Plates, Wr Yield Stress Minimum, y Nos. m m m m m3 m3 m3 kg/m3 mLC 2 12 14.1 13.634 13.27 1595.3 1542.59 1500 0.85 1000
Hydrostatic Head 63.5 kg/m2 C 60 mm 1.5 0.85 Spot Radiography IS 2062 Gr. A 1680 kg/cm2 1428 kg/cm2 m 1.5 m 1.5 m 1.5 250 Mpa
Ref. Cl. No. 5.1.1 of IS:803 Ref. Cl. No. 5.1.1 of IS:803
Nos. Width in Mtr. 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.6
10 Calculated Thickness (mm) 7.3 6.67 6.04 5.41 4.78 4.15 3.52 2.89 2.26 1.63
Shell Course Course-1 Course-2 Course-3 Course-4 Course-5 Course-6 Course-7 Course-8 Course-9 Course-10 Thickness of 1st Course, t = (50xGxDx(H-0.3)/axE) + C Course Under consideration, n Height from the Bottom of course under consideration to the top of curb angle, Ht - ((n-1) x Ws) Thickness of 1st Course, t Thickness of 1st Course Considered, ts1 Thickness of 2nd Course, t = (50xGxDx(H-0.3)/axE) + C Course Under consideration, n Height from the Bottom of course under consideration to the top of curb angle, = Ht - ((n-1) x Ws) Thickness of 2nd Course, t Thickness of 2nd Course Considered, ts2 Thickness of 3 Course, t = (50xGxDx(H-0.3)/axE) + C Course Under consideration, n Height from the Bottom of course under consideration to the top of curb angle, Ht - ((n-1) x Ws) Thickness of 3rd Course, t Thickness of 3rd Course Considered, ts3 Thickness of 4th Course, t = (50xGxDx(H-0.3)/axE) + C Course Under consideration, n Height from the Bottom of course under consideration to the top of curb angle, = Ht - ((n-1) x Ws) Thickness of 4th Course, t Thickness of 4th Course Considered, ts4
1 H= m mm mm 14.1 7.3 8
2 H mm mm 12.6 6.67 8
3 H= m mm mm 11.1 6.04 6
4 H m mm mm 9.6 5.41 6
VERTICAL, CYLINDERICAL & CENTER COLUMN SUPPORTED FIXED CONE ROOF TANK AS PER IS 803. Description Unit Values Thickness of 5th Course, t = (50xGxDx(H-0.3)/axE) + C Course Under consideration, n Height from the Bottom of course under consideration to the top of curb angle, H = Ht - ((n-1) x Ws) Thickness of 5th Course, t Thickness of 5th Course Considered, ts5
5 m mm mm 8.1 4.78 6
Thickness of 6th Course, t = (50xGxDx(H-0.3)/axE) + C Course Under consideration, n Height from the Bottom of course under consideration to the top of curb angle, = Ht - ((n-1) x Ws) Thickness of 6th Course, t Thickness of 6th Course Considered, ts6 Thickness of 7th Course, t = (50xGxDx(H-0.3)/axE) + C Course Under consideration, n Height from the Bottom of course under consideration to the top of curb angle, = Ht - ((n-1) x Ws) Thickness of 7th Course, t Thickness of 7th Course Considered, ts7 Thickness of 8th Course, t = (50xGxDx(H-0.3)/axE) + C Course Under consideration, n Height from the Bottom of course under consideration to the top of curb angle, = Ht - ((n-1) x Ws) Thickness of 8th Course, t Thickness of 8th Course Considered, ts8 Thickness of 9th Course, t = (50xGxDx(H-0.3)/axE) + C Course Under consideration, n Height from the Bottom of course under consideration to the top of curb angle, = Ht - ((n-1) x Ws) Thickness of 9th Course, t Thickness of 9th Course Considered, ts9 Thickness of 10th Course, t = (50xGxDx(H-0.3)/axE) + C Course Under consideration, n Height from the Bottom of course under consideration to the top of curb angle, = Ht - ((n-1) x Ws) Thickness of 10th Course, t Thickness of 10th Course Considered, ts10 Average Thickness Of Tank-Shell
6 H m mm mm 6.6 4.15 5
7 H m mm mm 5.1 3.52 5
8 H m mm mm 3.6 2.89 5
9 H m mm mm 2.1 2.26 5
Bottom Plate Thickness. As per Clause No. 6.2.1(a), Page 17 of IS 803; All Bottom Plate of tank, uniformly resting on the ground, shall have a minimum nominal thickness of 6mm, Therefore selected thickness of bottom plate is 8 mm . Roof Plate Thickness. As per Clause No., Page 36 of IS 803; Minimum nominal thickness of roof plates shall be 5 mm., Therefore selected thickness of Roof plate is 5 mm .
Calculation of Design Wind Pressure. Design Wind Speed, Vz = Vb x k1 x k2 x k3 Basic wind speed, Vb Basic wind speed, Vb Probability Factor (Risk Coefficient ), k1 Terrian, height and structure size factor, k2 Topography factor, k3 Design Wind Speed, Vz Design Wind Pressure, Pd = 0.6 x Vz2 Design Wind Pressure, Pd m/s m/s Km/hr m/s N/m2 kg/m2 39 140.4 1.07 1.05 1 43.82 1152.12 117.45 Cl. 5.3, page 8 of IS:875 (Part 3) Fig. 1, IS:875 (Part 3)
As per Table1
IS:875 (Part 3)
As per Table2 IS:875 (Part 3) Cl. 5.3.3, page 12 of IS:875 (Part 3) Cl. 5.4, page 12 of (Part 3) IS:875
Stability of Tank Shell against External Loads. As per Clause, Page 23 of IS 803, Stability of tank shell against external loads shall be checked by determining the maximum height of the shell from the top curb angle or wind girder that does not buckle under external loading i.e., wind pressure and internal vacuum as follows, Hg=1500t/p x (t/D)3/2 Where, Hg = Vertical distance between the intermediate wind girder and top angle of the shell in m t = Average Shell Plate Thickness in height H1 in mm Average Shell Plate thickness without Corrosion Allowance, t D = Nominal Diameter of Tank in m p = Sum of all external pressure acting on the tank shell i.e., design wind pressure (Pd) and internal vacuum (Vp) in kg/m2 Sum of all external Pressure acting on tank shell i.e. wind pressure (Pd) & Internal vacuum pressure (Vp). Vertical distance between the intermediate wind grider and Top curb angle of shell, Hg Since Hg (i.e.10.18m) is less than nominal height of tank considered as 14m, the mm 4.777
kg/m2 m
180.95 9.95
Tank is not stable under external loads and there fore Wind Girder is required. No. Of Wind Girder B.6.0 DESIGN OF WIND GIRDER As per clause of IS:803, the Required minimum section modulus of wind girder shall be determined by the formula; Z=0.059 D2Hg X P / 150,Where Z=Section Modulus in cm3 D= Normal Diameter of tank in M Hg=Vertical distance between the intermediate wind grider and Top curb angle of shell in Mtr. P= Sum Of all external pressure acting on the tank shell i.e., design wind pressure & internal vaccume in kg/m2 Therefore, Z Now, consider one wind girder to be provided(shell Thickness, as per detail F(b=250),Table-7 of IS:803; Section modulus is 335.2 cm3 ) Which is more than above value. Hence, wind girders On tank shell to be provided to stable the tank kg/m2 cm3 180.95 101.9776296 Nos. 1
Checking of Stress due to Hydrostatic load. Sh = [50x(H-0.3)xD]/t 3/7 Min. UTS Where, Sh = Hydrostatic Stress in kg/cm2 H = Height of tank in m D = Nominal Diameter of the tank in m t = Average Shell Plate Thickness in mm (without corrosion allowance) Average shell plate thickness without Corrosion allowance, t
VERTICAL, CYLINDERICAL & CENTER COLUMN SUPPORTED FIXED CONE ROOF TANK AS PER IS 803. Description Unit Values Therefore, Putting the values in Above Eqn. , we get kg/cm2 1733.45 410 4180.82 1791.78
Ultimate Tensile Strength of IS 2062 Mpa Ultimate Tensile Strength of IS 2062 kg/cm2 R.H.S, i.e. 3/7 of UTS kg/cm2 Since L.H.S < R.H.S, The average shell plate thickness under Hydrostatic load is safe. B.8.0
Selection of Curb Angle on Tank Shell. As per Clause, Page 26 of IS 803, for a tank of diameter over 10 m and upto and including 18 m, the size of roof curb angle required is ISA 65X65X8 thk. This will be attached to the upper edge of the external surface of the tank shell. Hence, Actual Curb Angle on tank shell Provided is ISA 65X65X8 thk
B.9.0 B.9.1.1
Calculation of Structurals. DESIGN OF RAFTER (Refer Annexture -B) : Sizing Calculation and Strength Checking : Roof area of Tank, Ar Where r = Radius of conical roof in m s = Slant length of conical roof in m Thickness of Roof considering the slope (1:16) ,slant height.S= 6.040 m Un-corroded wt. of roof plate, Wruc Roof load per unit area, Wa = Weight of roof / Roof Area = (Wruc/Ar) in kg/cm2 Therefore, Putting the values in Above Eqns. , we get Ar Wd(Dead Load Per Unit Area) Considering 20 % Higher for Roof Accessories Uniform Live Load To Be Considered During Designing Wa(Total Load Per Unit Area) Wa(Total Load Per Unit Area) Maximum rafter Spacing, L = t X (2f/Wa)^1/2 Where , t = Thickness Roof plate f = Allowable Stress Value, Wa= Total Load per Unit area for roof Minimum No. of rafters, n = 2r/L Actual No. of rafters provided, n Since as per Cl. 6.4.4 of IS:803 the maximum spacing shall be 2000 mm, we have provided 22 no. of rafters. Spacing or Rafter , = D/ No. of rafter
m2 Mtr. Mtr. mm
TT x r x s in m2 6.025 6.0367 5
m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/cm2 cm cm Kg/ cm.Sq kg/cm2 Nos. Nos.
114.31 39.25 47.10 200.00 247.10 0.024710 147.212051 0.50 1428.00 0.024710 25.726 26
Refer Annexture-B
Refer Annexture-B
Sl. No.
VERTICAL, CYLINDERICAL & CENTER COLUMN SUPPORTED FIXED CONE ROOF TANK AS PER IS 803. Description Unit Values There fore roof load per unit length of rafter, W = Wa / nX Length of Rafter The Maximum Bending moment M max. =( W L^2) /8 Section Modulus, Z = M max. / f Kg/Cm 0.302213
W1 = W + Unit Wt of Rafter The Maximum Bending moment M max. = ( W L^2 ) /8 Indused Section Modulus,
Z = M max. / f The Channel sections used ISMC-150 Selected for main rafter has a section modulus of Zxx = 103.9 Cu.Cm
Cu. Cm
Since, Induced Section Modulus (i.e. 13.31cm3) is less than that of the member considered (i.e. 103.9cm3); So the rafter is saft under Bending B.9.1.3 Deflection Checking As per Beam Formulas, Page384 of "Process Equipment Design" by Brownell & Young; Max. Vertical Deflection, WraLa4)/(384ExIa)cm, and as per Cl., Page 34 of IS:800,limiting Vertical deflection is given as =L/325 cm. Deflection Checking for Rafter-A. Uniform load on Rafter-, Wra 0.466 kg/cm Length of Rafter, L 571 cm 779.4 Moment of Inertia for Rafter, I cm4 Youngs Modulus of Elasticity, E 200000 MPa Youngs Modulus of Elasticity, E 2039432 kg/cm2 cm Max. Vertical Deflection for Rafter-A, a = (5 x WraLa4)/(384ExIa) 0.406 Limiting Vertical Deflection for Rafter-A, l=La/325 cm 1.757
= (5 x
Max. Deflection is under permissible limit, hence member considered for Rafter i.e. ISMC 150 is Safe Under loading and delflection.
Crown Plate According to clause 6.4.8 of IS:803 the diameter of crown plate & the diameter of flat surface of crawn plate required for & 630mm respectively. The crown plate selected is 20 mm Thick MS plate 12 Mtr. Dia tank is 960mm
B.9.3 B.9.3.1
Design of Center Column Sizing Calculation and Strength Checking: Considering Center Column configuration as a composite section of ISMC of ISMC 200 & 250 Wt.of ISMC 200 Per unit lenght Kg/Mtr Wt.of ISMC 250 Per unit lenght Kg/Mtr As per above configuration mean radius of gyration, Rm=(Rxx + Ryy)/2 cm Radius of Gyration along X-axis, Rxx Radius of Gyration along Y-axis, Ryy Length of Centre Column considered, Lcc Maximum Slenderness Ratio to avoid bukling, Induced Slenderness Ratio, = Lcc/Rm Induced Slenderness ratio is less than Max. Permissible, hence satisfactory Now, As per Table 5.1, Page 39 of IS:800, interpolation with respect to the above slenderness ratio & yield stress i.e 250 MPa, Permissible Stress in axial compression, ac cm cm cm -
22.1 30.4 Page 360, of "Process Equipment & Design" by Brownell & Young.
Sl. No.
VERTICAL, CYLINDERICAL & CENTER COLUMN SUPPORTED FIXED CONE ROOF TANK AS PER IS 803. Description Unit Values Permissible Stress in axial compression, ac 418.09 kg/cm2 Induced Compressive stress, ic = Total compressive load(W c)/Cross Sectional Area of centre column(Ac) kg/cm2
Total Compressive Load, Wc = (Weight of roof +uniform live load + wt. of rafter)/2 + Self Weight of central column
Considering it is simply supported beam supporting on circumfrential shell & on central columns, so the load is equally divided on cirumfrential shell & central column SP:6 (1), Page 6
Total Compressive Load, Wc Cross Sectional Area of Centre Column, Ac =(AISMC250 +AISMC200) Induced Compressive stress, ic Since ic < ac, Centre column Provided is a composite section of ISMC 200 & ISMC 250 B.10 Weight Calculation for Tank. Total Weight of Shell, Ws Weight of Shell Without Corrosion Allowance, Wsca Weight of Roof, Wr = Weight of plates + Weight of Rafters + Weight of Girders + Weight of crown Plate Weight of Roof Plate, Wrp Total Weight of Structure,Approx Total Weight of Bottom of Tank, Wb Considering Weight of Complete Staircase & hand railing, approx. Wstr Total Weight Of Nozzles,Approx. Total Weight of Wind Girder
kg cm2 kg/cm2
kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg