Leave Policy
Leave Policy
Leave Policy
Conditions of authorization
Application for annual leave should be submitted using the appropriate tool, before the leave is due to commence. If the leave period applied for is one (1) week and above, the application must be submitted at least fourteen (14) days in advance. Annual leave is granted subject to the exigencies of service and is at the sole discretion of the management. Whenever an employee proceeds out of station of his/her posting he/she shall leave a contact details with the Manager. If necessary, he/she may be recalled from leave( & leave could be cancelled) in the interest of business; on such recall, his/her expenses for returning to duty will be paid by management.
The leave entitlement will be calculated on the basis of a calendar year, i.e. January 1st to December 31st. Leave is credited on monthly basis prorated as per service period. Leave entitlement will be calculated prorated based on the period served in the company. Leave entitlement in the month of joining. Before 15th of the month After 15th of the month location full month entitlement one leave for the month irrespective of
Leave entitlement for the month of exit/separation Before 15th of the month location After 15th of the month one leave for the month irrespective of full month entitlement
Annual leave will not be credited for any absence without pay Intervening weekly offs & declared holidays will not be considered as annual leave. Annual leave can be prefixed/suffixed with Sick & Casual leave while availing authorized leaves
Employees will be allowed to carry over annual leave to the next year, leave accumulation is capped as per the locations mentioned below: Gurgaon location: Mumbai and other locations: thirty (30) days of annual leave forty two (42) days of annual leave
Any excess of leaves beyond the above mentioned accumulation cap will be forfeited as an 31st December.
If an employee is absent from duty without permission, he shall not be entitled to payment of salary and allowances for the period of absence. An employee is liable for immediate termination if he has been continuously absent from work for more than five (5) working calendar days without Prior approval from his direct manager or without reasonable justification; or Informing or attempting to inform his direct manager of the excuse for such absence. More details in the separation process absconding section.
Excess leave availed At the time of termination of employment, for the period of annual leave taken in excess of the number of days to which the employee is entitled in that particular year, an appropriate deduction from his/her salary will be made. Deductions for the excess leave will be at the rate of Basic salary of the employee.
Leave during notice period Employees are not entitled for any leave during the notice period. Any un-authorized absence during the notice period will be treated as shortfall in notice period & employee will be required to serve the extra number of days in the notice period accordingly. Resignation while on leave In case employee fails to return from leave and submits his/her resignation, in this scenario employees last working day (physically present in the office) before proceeding on sanctioned leaves would be considered as his/her last day in the organization. ( refer separation process absconding section). Leave Encashment There is no encashment of annual leave during work tenure. Un-availed annual leave will be en-cashed @ the basic salary only in case of separation along with the final settlement of dues as applicable.
An employee shall be entitled to sick leave per year as mentioned below based on the location of service. Gurgaon location: seven (7) working days Mumbai and other locations: six (6) working days
If an employee is prevented from reporting for duty by illness or accident he/she is required to notify management within 48 hours of absence giving the address where he/she is staying. If he/she meets with an accident during working hours, he/she is required to notify the management immediately. Absence from duty for more than three (3) days due to illness or accident must be supported by a medical certificate covering the period of absence to date.
Employees will be allowed to carry over sick leave to the next year, leave accumulation is capped as per mentioned below: All Locations: twenty one (21) days of sick leave
Any excess of leaves beyond the above mentioned accumulation cap will be forfeited as an 31st December.
Leave Encashment
Sick leave shall not be encashed in case of termination / resignation / retirement.
Long Sickness
In case of serious illness, your manager may grant a longer leave, taking into consideration the merits and seniority of the employee after consultation with doctor and the HR department. Employee should apply his/her granted sick leave in AMS (absent management system) after they return from leave. And submit necessary medical certificate to human resources for records.
An employee shall be entitled to casual leave per year as mentioned below based on the location of service. Gurgaon location: seven (7) woring days Mumbai and other locations: five (5) woring days.
Kindly note that casual leave cannot be applied for more than two (2) days at a time.
There will be no carry over / accumulation of casual leaves . All remaining casual leaves be forfeited as an 31st December.
Leave Encashment
Maternity leaves are governed as per the local labor laws. Female employees shall be granted maternity leave with pay up to six (6) weeks before and six (6 ) weeks after the date of delivery (or can take full twelve (12) weeks after delivery) provided the employee concerned has served Equant continuously for not less than eighty (80) calendar days preceding the day of confinement. If a female employee suffers a miscarriage/ medical termination of pregnancy she will be entitled to six (6) weeks leave immediately following the day of her miscarriage/ medical termination of pregnancy, as the case may be. Employees, who are covered under the ESIC Act, will get maternity benefit as prescribed under the ESIC Act.
Application for maternity leave should be submitted through AMS (Absence Management System) to management within twelve (12) weeks of the expected date of confinement. The application should be accompanied by a medical certificate certifying the employee's pregnancy and specifying the expected date of birth or confinement. Maternity leave can be suffixed or prefixed with sick & annual leave.
If the employee has less than eighty (80) calendar day's continuous service with Equant Technology Services India private limited, maternity leave shall be granted without pay. Application needs to be submitted through AMS (Absence Management System).
Extension of leave requisition of up to 30 days shall be applied through the AMS (Absence Management System) to the concerned supervisor for approval. If extension of maternity leave is sought, the prorated leave balance of the employee needs to be exhausted. In case the balance is not sufficient (annual leave and sick leave respectively), then the leave granted by the supervisor would be considered as leave without pay. Consideration of extension of Maternity Leave after first thirty days of extension would be based on medical grounds. For this purpose, the employee will need to produce the doctors certificate. If required, the company may ask the employee to also undergo examination by a company appointed medical panel. The recommendation of the medical
panel will be treated as final. In case Discretionary Medical Leave is granted, it shall be treated as leave without pay, if the employee has no eligible leave balance. Any decision to grant extension of maternity leaves is based at the sole discretion of the company.
Leave of 5 days will be provided twice during the period of employment to male emploiyee as paternity leave.
Application for paternity leave should be submitted through AMS (Absence Management System). The leave has to be taken within 30 days on or from the date of delivery. Paternity leave can be suffixed or prefixed with sick & annual leave.
Adoption Entitlement
Employees can avail Adoption Leave only in case of legal adoption which is supported by the submission of copy of the adoption certificate duly issued by the designated agency Adoption leave is permitted only TWICE in a service period In case of legal adoption of a child, female employees will be entitled to 30 calendar days of leave and male employees will be entitled to five (5) working days of leave. Adoption Leave can be availed by all employees and does not depend on their Marital status
Application for paternity/adoption leave should be submitted through AMS (Absence Management System). The leave has to be taken within 30 days on or from the date of adoption. The concern employee needs to produce the relevant documentary evidence in support of adoption. Adoption leave can be suffixed or prefixed with sick & annual leave.