Float Switch UKY Series
Float Switch UKY Series
Float Switch UKY Series
Float Switch
11 11
Float Switch
Model Designations
UK Y - / (3)
Weight code(see note3)
(2) Enclosure edge colour code(see note2) (2) Enclosure body colour code(see note2) (1)
Outline code(see note1) Fluld level controller code Characteristic code
Electrical connections
Use wires:Black and Blue With these contacts the regulator Closes when down Opens when up The wire that is not used must be correctly insulated
The product will prevent water from over flowing in pool, water tower and water box, which may result in waste. Besides, it can protect water pump against overload operation that may damage water pump. The product saves time for users. After connecting with power, it can manage and control the water without peopel. Negotiating with us for the length of termperature- resistant wire-bar.
Use wires:Black and Brown With these contacts the regulator Closes when down Opens when up
Float Switch
The product it applies it industrial and mining enterprises and civil architecture. And it is the equipment which controls pool, water tower, water box, etc. Automatically. It has the advantages of sensitive response, acurate control, novelty and practicality, so it is the necessary water suppy product of factories, hotels flats, buildings, houses and so on high buildings.
Technical dates
Micro switch Switch currency Protective connection Protection Max.temperature Working pressure Circuitbreaking capactiy 10(8)250V 10(4)A 380V 10(8)A 250V~10(4)A 380V 50000(VDE) 50 000 switch workings tested by VDE spectalisation T70U T70U waterproof 70 70 1 Max.1bar 250V1KW Dircetly 1 KW with 250V
Basic Arameter
Power supply Ambient temperature Power Consumption Output making capacity 220V 50Hz -30~+80 <1.5KW 220V 4A
Construction Pirnciple
1/2 1/2
The water level controller should be installed parallelly inside the pool. Add, a sealed terminal box is supplied inside the water level switch, and terminals are installed inside the box. with locating piece hanging in temperature-resistant wire. After the water level switch being c o n n e c t e d w i t h p o w e r, a n d w h e n w a t e r l e v e l d e c r e a s e s t o 1/2 l o w e r locating piece, the mercoid switch will automatically connect with power supply and start water pump tooperate. When w a t e r l e v e l i n c r e a s e s t o 1/2 u p p e r locating piece, the merciod switch will cut off power automativally. so wrater pump stoops operating automatically, You can set the height of water level through the upper locating piece and lower locating piece by yourseUK, so the product can guarantee the water ows continuosly.
Outer drawing
Use Map
2 Line hammer 2