59 (B) Indian Renaissance and Reform Movement

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Due to emergence of British rule in India a number of changes came about in the
structure of India Polity. The rise of the middle class in 18th century represents one
such change. Since their emergence was connected with the spread of British rule,
the middle class came up in different areas at different times. Its character and
composition also differed somewhat in certain areas. But they shared certain
values and attitudes which they had got from English education and legal system.
The modern Indian middle classes came up in response to changes in the system of
law, education and public administration than to economic factors. Again
technological changes also gave birth to a nascent industrial bourgeoisie
particularly in western India. But, the largest part of the body of Indian middle
classes belonged to Government Service and professions, rather to business and
industry; profession of doctors, lawyers, teachers and journalists. The-



-introduction of new economy and English Education produced the classes that
aspired to places of pre-eminence in society. There was a class of Indian
adventures who had offered their services to the English company as interpreters
and Agents. Their Golden Age began in Bengal with the Battle of Plassey. The
Company needed men who could help the English officials in the ever growing task
of administering law and collecting revenues. These people who were there to help
the white superior officials took full advantage of the situation to become rich.
They came to be known as Bengali Babus. As the Companys territories were
extended westward, the Bengali Babus also moved alongwith their benefactors.



European influence operated in three spheres economic, religious and political. The
trade and commerce which the Europeans carried on ruinously influenced the total
Indian Economy It was through their religions and political activities that the
Europeans, on necessity, came very close to the Indian ways of life. Or, more
precisely, they broke through the seclusion of the Indian society for the purpose of
preaching their own religion as well as introducing their own political and legal
systems. India, too, had to understand the West. The impact was not merely on
imposition. It was also in the nature of an accommodation.



A pioneer religious, social and political reformer, Ram Mohan Roy is best described
as the father of modern India. He was born in an orthodox and well-to-do family
at Radhanagar, in the Hooghly district of West Bengal.
Ram Mohan was a prolific writer and the author of two books in Persian, three in
Hindi, thirty two in Bengali and forty seven tracts, letters and books in English.
He desired to rid Hindu society of irrational observances and evil customs. He
pleaded for the conditions where women could lead a life of dignity and freedom.
He wanted to change the law of property in their favour and to abolish the
barbarous and inhuman practice of Sati, which was abolished in 1829 as a result of
his untiring efforts. The legislation prohibiting Sati was the first great landmark in
the history of social legislations in India. He also pleaded for the remarriage of
widows, prohibition of polygamous marriages and pressed for the education of
women. He was opposed to caste system and other forms of social discriminations.



He desired to rid Hindu society of irrational observances and evil customs. He

pleaded for the conditions where women could lead a life of dignity and freedom.
He wanted to change the law of property in their favour and to abolish the
barbarous and inhuman practice of Sati, which was abolished in 1829 as a result of
his untiring efforts. The legislation prohibiting Sati was the first great landmark in
the history of social legislations in India. He also pleaded for the remarriage of
widows, prohibition of polygamous marriages and pressed for the education of
women. He was opposed to caste system and other forms of social discriminations.



Initially called the Brahma Sabha and later the Brahmo Samaj, the movement was
started by Raja Ram Mohan Roy in Calcutta on 20 August 1828. A new building for
the samaj was constructed in 1830 and the Trust deed of the Samaj gives complete
idea of its philosophy. It laid down that no graven image, statue of sculpture
carrying painting, portrait of likeness of anything shall be permitted within the
building. No sacrifice was permitted or was to be any object of worship reviled.



Mul Shankar, later known as Dayanand Saraswati, was born into a Brahmin family
in Kathiawar, Gujarat.
Dayanands aim was to reclaim and reconvert those who had been lost to the Hindu
fold, as well as to revive pride in Indias cultural heritage its glorious past and its
Vedic religion. He spent the rest of his life, till his death in 1883, touring India,
opening new branches of the Samaj and propagating the tenets of his faith. The
Satyartha Prakash, published in 1877 from Banaras, offers the sum and substance
of his teaching.



Rates as one of the most powerful revivalist movements in modern India, the Arya
Samaj was founded by Swami Dayanand Saraswati at Rajkot (Saurashtra) in 1875;
another body answering to that name was set up at Ahmedabad and Bombay later
that year. The principal objective of the organisation was to counteract the
proselytizing activities of Muslims and Christians, and to launch a programme of a
social reform.



If the Brahmo movement of Rammohan was an outcome of external influences

emanating from the, enlightenment and nationalism of the modern West, the
movement represented by Ramakrishna and his disciples was the result of an inner
resurgence of the Hindu spirit to recover and reassert itself. Ramakrishna was born
in 1836 in the Hooghly district of Bengal. At about the age of twenty, Ramakrishna
became the priest of the temple of Kali at Dakshineswar near Calcutta. In his
intense devotion to the Goddess he saw the Supreme Divine Mothers representing
that Absolute Force which brought into existence the universe and creation.



Narendra Nath Dutta, better known as Swami Vivekananda was born in a well-to-do
middle class Kayastha family of Calcutta in January 1863. Educated in a mission school
and college, he distinguished himself in philosophy. For a time he was a member of the
Brahmo Samaj but after 1882 came under the influence of Ramaknshrra Pramahansa
(1836-86). The latter instinctively saw in the youth the one man destined to propagate
his message far and wide.
As a representative of Hinduism to the Parliament of Religions convened at Chicago in
1893, he made a powerful impact by his personality and exposition of the faith. He
introduced Vedanta and is spirituality to the west in a series of brilliant lectures in the
United States and later, in England (1893-95).
Vivekananda declared that he would talk of religion only succeeded in removing
poverty and misery from the country, for religion could not appease hunger. People
must first be properly fed and made physically strong. The poor should be considered
equal to God and service to them should rate as the best form of worship.



The Prarthana Samaj was founded in Maharashtra in 1867 with inspiration from
Keshabchandra Sen. Mahadev Govinda Ranade was its chief leader. It aimed, like
the Brahma Samaj, at soclo-religious reforms. The main difference between the
two was that whereas the Brahmas assailed Hinduism by forming an organization
more or less outside the Hindu orbit the members of the Prathana Samaj remained
Hindus and started progressive reforms within Hinduism as Hindus. They were
much attracted to the ideals of the modern West, and proceeded to imitate
Western methods of education.



This Sect was founded in 1887 at Lahore by Shiv Narain Agnihotri, who was earlier a
follower of Brahmo Samaj. The teachings of the Samaj were compiled in a book
called Deva Shastra, which emphasises on the Supreme Being, eternity of soul, the
Supremacy of the Guru and emphasis on good action. The Samaj prescribed ideal
social conduct and moral ethics, such as not accepting bribe, gambling,
consumposing intoxicants and non-vegetarian food and indulging in violence.

Two such Reform Associations were founded in Madras. In 1892, the Madras Hindu
Social Reforms Association was founded by Viresalingam Pantulu (1848-1919),
whose efforts were concerned with the Plight of widows and R. Venkat Ratnam
Naidu (1862-1939), who started social purity movement advocating temperance
and combating the devadasi custom.



This movement was founded in 1861 by a banker of Agra Tulis Ram, popularly
known as Shiv Dayal Saheb or Swamiji Maharaj. The Radhaswamis believes in one
Supreme Being, the supremacy of the Guru, a company of the pious people
(Satsang), and simple social life. They believe that there is no need for renunciation
of worldly life for spiritual attainments. They further hold that all religions are
true. The sect recognises no temples, shrines or sacred places. Works of faith and
Charity, the spirit of service and prayer, are laid down as necessary duties.

It was founded in 1915 by Gopal Krishna Gokhale to build a dedicated group of

people for social service and reforms. In the field of famine relief, union
organisation, cooperatives and uplift of tribals and depressed, the Society did a
very commendable work.



It was founded by M.G. Ranade and Raghunath Rao. The Conference, which met
annually from its first session in Madras in December 1887, at the same time and
the same place as the Indian National Congress was held, focussed attention on
matters relating to social reforms It launched the famous Pledge Movement to
inspire the people to take oaths to prohibit child marriage. The conference also
advocated the inter-caste marriages, and opposed kulinism and polygamy.



The genesis of the Aligarh movement may be traced to the combined efforts of Sir
Syed Ahmad Khan and his junior partners, and the foundation of the Muslim
Anglo-Oriental College in Aligarh..
Essentially, it was a cultural movement with the objective of regeneration of
liberal values in literature, social life, education and religion. Aiming at the
modernization of the Muslim community, then allegedly trapped in the vice of
medieval, obscurantism, it appealed mainly to the well-to-do classes through
whom, it was hoped, it would filter down to the masses. Its main objectives were
the popularization of education and rationalization of religious tenets.



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