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Introduction Generation System Reliability Evaluation Composite Generation and Transmission Reliability Electric Power Industry Restructuring and Reliability
adequacy The ability of the electric systems to supply the aggregate electrical demand and energy requirements of their customers at all times, taking into account scheduled and reasonably expected unscheduled outages of system elements. bulk electric system The part of the system that encompasses the electrical generation resources, transmission lines, interconnections with neighboring systems, and associated equipment, generally operated at voltages of 110 kV or higher. distribution system The part of the power system that functions to move electric energy from the bulk supply points to individual consumers. embedded generation The generation sources that feed into middle- or low-voltage distribution networks. generation system The part of the power system that functions to convert different forms of primary energy in electric energy. reliability The ability of a technical system to perform its function properly, for the period of time intended, under the operating conditions intended. restructuring The transformation process of the electric power industry, from vertically integrated monopoly utilities to market-oriented structures. security The ability of electric systems to withstand sudden disturbances, such as electric short-circuits or unanticipated loss of system elements. transmission system The part of the power system that functions to transport electric energy from generation points to bulk supply points.
Power system reliability is the field of engineering devoted to assessing the adequacy and security of power systems. Adequacy is defined as the ability to meet the aggregate electrical demand and energy requirements of customers at all times, taking into account scheduled and reasonably expected unscheduled outages of system elements. Security is the ability of electric systems to withstand sudden disturbances. It is generally understood that adequacy assessment involves steady-state consideration of the systems, whereas security assessment must include analysis of the dynamic system behavior following disturbances. This article deals with the problem of bulk power system adequacy assessment, involving both transmission and generation systems.
I. I N T R O D U C T I O N
The behavior of technical systems is conditioned by internal and external factors, many of them of stochastic nature, that can lead to system failure. In order to evaluate the reliability of a system, possible system states should be identified, the ability of the system to perform its function in each of these states should be analyzed, and probabilistic measures about the occurrence of system states should be calculated. The function of a power system is to supply consumers with electric energy economically, at any time and location, observing reliability and quality standards. The practical economic impossibility to store significant amounts of electric energy implies that a balance between generation and load, including network losses, must be maintained at all points in time. According to the North American Electric Reliability Council, the reliability of the interconnected bulk
electric systems is defined through adequacy and security. Both adequacy and security are affected by stochastic events. It is generally understood that adequacy assessment involves steady-state consideration of systems, and that security assessment must include the treatment of the dynamic system behavior following disturbances. Tools for adequacy assessment, based on probabilistic procedures combined with methods for steady-state power system analysis, involve the solution of large nonlinear equation systems. The analysis of power system security requires that sets of differential equations describing the dynamic system behavior be solved. Even considering the powerful computers available today, the combination of dynamic analysis with probabilistic procedures leads to very time-consuming calculations. Generally, security analysis of power systems is carried out within a very short time flame after a disturbance, disregarding the possibility of multiple independent events. The typical structure of a power system includes the subsystem generation, transmission, and distribution components. Generation and transmission affect bulk power system reliability and are the focus here. The most important types of studies of bulk power system reliability involve generation system reliability and composite-generation and transmission-power system reliability. During the last 20 years of the 20th century, the industry of electric power supply underwent a great structural transformation, going from a regulated, vertically integrated monopoly to a more competitive industry that is thought to be better suited to provide service more efficiently. The ongoing restructuring process, however, adopting different structures in different regions, generally involves privatization and unbundling of generation, transmission, distribution, and retail activities. The change of paradigm in the electric industry, from minimizing total system costs to maximizing system-participant profits, can strongly affect system reliability. Because most of the tools for reliability assessment currently in use have been adapted from those developed for vertically integrated systems, it is relevant to question the impact of change on reliability.
large quantities, uncertainties affect the amount of load to be supplied, and components are subject to unscheduled outages, it is necessary to have generation reserve for a reliable service. A first approach in generation reliability evaluation assumes that network components are substantially more reliable, compared to generation units, and that those networks have enough redundancy. In this context, a fundamental simplification can be made, assuming that power can be moved unconstrained from suppliers to consumers. 2.1 Reliability Criteria and Indexes The optimal reliability level can be obtained, minimizing the total cost, including reserve and outage costs. With increasing reserve, the utility costs will increase due to the investments needed and the outage costs will decrease, and vice versa. The actual determination of the optimal reliability level requires knowledge of outage costs. This is problematic because it involves both objective measurable quantities and subjective perceptions of customers. Generally, the reliability level to be maintained is determined on the basis of estimation of outage costs by regulatory agencies, which set planning and operation standards to guarantee quality, reliability, and security of the service. Historically, deterministic criteria, such as a percentage of the peak load or the capacity of the largest unit dispatched, were used to define generation reserve requirements. Then, probabilistic criteria were developed and implemented to take into account the stochastic nature of factors affecting reliability. One of the most widely used reliability indexes for generation systems is loss-of-load probability (LOLP), which is the probability of the customer load being greater than the available generation capacity. Other well-known reliability indexes are loss-ofqoad expectation (LOLE), generally given in number of days per year on which the peak load is expected to exceed the available generating capacity, and expected energy not served (EENS), which gives the expected megawatt-hours not supplied due to capacity shortages in a given time unit (a year, for example). 2.2 Reliability Calculation The first step in reliability evaluation of generation systems is the modeling of the stochastic behavior of generation units. Many different generator models for reliability studies have been developed, varying in
Pr (PF = P)
1 - Pr(F)
P ---,'-
the degree of sophistication to describe the actual behavior of generating units. From the system viewpoint, it is important to identify those generator states in which reserve is needed because the generator is not able to supply load. These states can be combined to form the failure state, obtaining a two-state generator model such as the one depicted in Fig. 1. Given the failure probability function Pri(F) of each generator i in the system and assuming independent behavior of generators, the cumulative probability function of unavailable capacity, FF(P) =Pr(PF>P), can be calculated through simple convolution of the probability functions of all generators in the system. Figure 2 shows the qualitative form of the function FF(P). The reserve capacity PR of a generation system is defined as the difference between installed generation capacity and maximum load to be supplied. For a
given value of Pp,, LOLP can be calculated as the value of FF(P) for P = PR (Fig. 2). According to its definition, LOLP is the probability that the system cannot fully supply the customer load. This happens when the outage capacity exceeds the available reserve. Because the load is known only as a forecast value, it should be modeled through a probability distribution. Usually a normal distribution with mean equal to the forecast value is used. Assuming independence of generation and load, the probability function describing the stochastic load behavior can be included in the convolution calculation to evaluate the function FF(P). On the other hand, if a maximum acceptable value of LOLP, called here LOLP. . . . is given, the generation reserve, PR~, needed to achieve the reliability level defined through LOLPmax can be obtained as indicated in Fig. 2. With the exception of the simpler, deterministic approaches, this is probably the most common methodology used by system operators to calculate generation reserve requirements. LOLE is determined as the annual average value of LOLP calculated for each daily peak load in the year, multiplied by the number of days in the year. The weakness of the indexes LOLP and LOLE is that they do not give any information about the severity of a failure. The index EENS overcomes this problem, encompassing probability and severity of the failure, and can be calculated using the yearly load duration curve shown in Fig. 3. For each value of available generation capacity PA = Pi, with probability Pr(PA =Pi), there is an energy deficit value, Edi , such that EENS = ~ '
i Edi " r(PA
2.3 E m b e d d e d G e n e r a t i o n
An increasing concern about environmental issues has led many governments to establish incentives for
~max ~min
0 PR PRn P~
gy deficit E d
Outage capacity
Available capacity PA
clean generation using renewable energy sources such as sun or wind. Unlike large conventional generation units, small solar or wind generators often feed into the distribution networks, creating a completely new set of problems. However, reliability studies of systems with sizable participation of embedded generation should consider this type of generation. Even when network constraints are neglected, typical in reliability evaluation of generation systems, some new problems arise: (1) prediction of embedded generation output is no easy task because often embedded generation is not dispatched by the system operator; (2) primary sources, especially wind, are highly variable and difficult to forecast; (3) there are dependencies in the behavior of generators, and loads are correlated with the availability of primary energy sources, notably the sun; and (4) frequently, distributed generators are not permitted to generate if the distribution network they are feeding into is disconnected from the bulk power system. Although some efforts have been made in order to overcome these problems, further work is needed to develop models that properly consider the contribution of embedded generation in reliability studies of generation systems.
lead to changes of the system state. Although the subject of intense research, probabilistic assessment of the dynamic behavior of power systems has not yet reached the maturity needed for successful implementation in real power systems. Adequacy studies analyze power system states from a steadystate viewpoint using a load flow model. A system state will be termed adequate whenever it has enough generation available to supply the customer load fully and has the ability to transport the energy from the generating plants to the supply points, observing voltage and thermal limits. Dynamic constraints are often taken into account indirectly through reduction of transmission line transport capacity limits on the basis of stability considerations. 3.1 The ( n -
1) Criterion
The most frequently used approach to assess adequacy of transmission and composite systems is the so-called ( n - l ) criterion, which states that a system must be able to withstand any single contingency without affecting functionality. Using load flow calculations, all system states, including one major component (generator, line, or transformer) forced out of service, are examined. If the system load is fully supplied, satisfying all constraints (including active and reactive generation limits, nodal voltages, and thermal or stability capacity limits), the considered state is deemed adequate. Otherwise, the state is considered inadequate. Then, reinforcements are proposed until all ( n - l ) states fulfill the adequacy criterion. The appeal of the ( n - l ) criterion derives from its simplicity. The ( n - l ) criterion is also the most frequently used approach to composite systems security analysis. Replacing the steady-state load flow analysis of each ( n - l ) state by a dynamic behavior analysis following each possible single failure of the system, the system states can be classified as secure, when all constraints are satisfied, or insecure otherwise. The weakness of the (n-1) approach to composite system adequacy assessment is that it considers neither the probability of the analyzed states nor the magnitude of the problem in case of inadequate states. It must be pointed out that the (n-1) criterion neglects all multiple contingencies regardless of their probabilities. An extension of the approach to consider multiple contingency states and the introduction of load point-related, individual component-related, and system wide reliability indexes help to overcome these problems. Regarding the
severity of the problems, the ( n - l ) criterion can be extended to consider a more detailed classification of the system states: (1) a system state with fully supplied load, no constraint violations, and fulfilling the ( n - l ) criterion is termed the normal state; (2) when the load is fully supplied, no constraint is violated but the ( n - l ) criterion is not fulfilled, the state is called the alert state; (3) if the load is fully supplied but there are constraint violations, the system state is designated as an emergency state; and (4) any state with load curtailment is called an extreme emergency state. Probabilistic indexes can be calculated for each of these states.
of a certain time period. Because the load state of a power system changes with time, leading to changes in the generation units scheduled to supply load and in the network state, any calculation of average reliability indexes requires definition and analysis of representative load states for the time period of interest.
3.3.1 Definition of Representative Load States To Be Considered The question about the load states to be considered depends on the aim and scope of the study. If, for example, the probability of the system not being able to supply the load fully at a given point in time (usually the peak load) is desired, the load at that time point is to be considered. When the expected value of energy not supplied in a given time period is required, many load states representing the possible load conditions in that period must be studied. 3.3.2 Active and Reactive Power Dispatch Once the load states are defined, it is necessary to schedule the operation of the generation system to supply the load. This has been done in the vertically integrated industry using well-known and generally accepted optimization methods. In the new competitive environment, generators submit to the Independent System Operator (ISO) bid prices at which they are willing to sell energy, and the ISO allocates the resources economically. 3.3.3 Load Flow Analysis Given the loads and the generation scheduling, a load flow analysis is performed in order to verify compliance of technical constraints, such as transport capacity limits or supply point voltages. 3.3.4 Contingency Simulation Contingency simulation is the heart of composite systems reliability evaluation and is based on a load flow model. It aims to find out the system states in which there are load curtailments, constraint violations, or both. The selection of the system states to be analyzed can be made using simulative or analytical techniques. Simulative techniques, usually called Monte Carlo methods, are based on the use of computer-generated random numbers to determine the state of each system component. Outages of
Reliability Indexes
System-wide indexes Probability of failing to fully supply the system load satisfying all technical constraints Probability of any capacity limit violation Probability of any voltage limit violation Expected energy not supplied for the whole system Supply-point or componentrelated indexes Probability of failing to fully supply the load at a given bulk supply point Probability of capacity limit violation for a given component Probability of voltage limits violation at a given network node Expected energy not supplied for a given load point
Electric Power: Transmission and Generation Reliability and Adequacy flow equations as equality constraints. The solution of the OPF problem is an operating plan with minimal costs and a complete load flow solution. A further development of OPF is the so-called security-constrained OPF, which introduces inequality constraints on power flows and voltages. Security-constrained OPF allows the calculation of optimal corrections of active and reactive generation aimed to eliminate or mitigate violations of power flow or voltage constraints. Attempts are being made by researchers to develop accurate and robust procedures to determine corrective actions, including all possibilities available to system operators using different modeling approaches, such as expert systems or other artificial intelligence tools. The reliability indexes must reflect the constraint violations remaining after exhausting the possibilities regarding corrective actions.
components with high failure rates are likely to be simulated more frequently, compared to outages of more reliable components. The simulation process produces a sample of the possible behavior of the system. Reliability indexes are calculated through statistical evaluation of this sample. The number of simulations required to obtain a representative sample can be calculated as a function of the desired accuracy of results. In the analytical approach, the system states are enumerated, generally in an increasing order of contingency level, stopping either after a given contingency order or when the state probability falls below a given value. Power system components are very reliable, implying that for increasing contingency order, state probabilities rapidly become very small. For each system state, selected either through simulation or enumeration, probabilistic measures regarding its occurrence are calculated and a load flow analysis is performed to verify if any constraint is violated. In case of constraint violations, the procedure must mimic the operator behavior, determining and simulating the introduction of remedial actions. The impact of these corrective actions is then studied through a new load flow calculation. After all corrective possibilities for a given contingency state have been used, the remaining constraint violations determine that the analyzed state is a failure state.
central planning, including generation and transmission, is the natural way to achieve high reliability while minimizing total costs. All necessary data are available to the power company and the problem is easily formulated as an optimization problem with total cost minimization as the objective function, subject to technical and reliability constraints. The reliability constraint is formulated as an inequality, requiring that a reliability index, typically loss-ofload probability or expected energy not supplied, does not exceed a prespecified limit. A vertically integrated utility does its planning much in the same way as the state monopoly. In its geographically delimited concession region, the vertically integrated utility has to economically supply the customer demand subject to the same constraints as the state-owned monopoly. Reliability standards are set by the state through regulatory agencies and electricity prices to end consumers are regulated on the basis of audited costs and a guaranteed rate of return. New generation technologies, notably high-efficiency gas-fueled combined cycle thermal plants, broke the notion that scale economies made electricity production a natural monopoly. This, combined with the fact that a regulated monopoly has little incentive to reduce its costs because any reduction is passed on to the consumers through adjustment of the regulated prices, and the success of deregulation in other industry branches, such as telecommunications and airlines, led to the movement toward restructuring in the power industry. On the other hand, there is a feeling that the high reliability standards used in the vertically integrated industry, state or private owned, have sometimes led to overcapacities that probably increase costs beyond the values consumers would be willing to pay for reliability. In the new deregulated environment, there is no more central planning. Regarding generation investment, instead of central planning it is expected that economic signals will play a fundamental role in defining location, capacity, and time of investments. Concerning short-term operation, it is necessary to have a set of market rules such that reliability-related products can be commercialized in a more flexible and competitive way. It is expected that the adequacy of generation systems is a problem that can be properly addressed in a framework of competitive market rules, in both long-term planning and short-term operation. Transmission systems are essentially different from generation systems due to the factual impossibility of direct competition. Because of the large investments required and the problems in finding
new sites for high-voltage lines, transmission systems will continue to be seen as natural monopolies. How to assure reliability in the long term under the new industry environment is yet an open problem. Even though there is no consensus about the solution to this problem, currently there is an ongoing discussion about considering transmission as a sector that can be contemplated as a performance-based industry rather than a guaranteed rate-of-return industry. With this change in regulation plus the implementation of new transmission technologies such as flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) and the acceptance of distributed generation, competition for some of the transmission reliability-associated products can be expected. On the other hand, in the short term, for a given transmission network, the real questions are reserve requirement calculation and reserve allocation procedures. Adequacy problems derived from transmission bottlenecks or transmission failures lead to undesired supply interruptions and highly volatile prices. This problem is much more severe in cases in which demand plays a passive role. To be consistent with the aim of competition in power systems, procedures for reserve allocation should be able to consider explicitly reliability requirements submitted by the demand. Composite systems reliability analysis should be further developed on the basis of the fundamentals discussed here, with the aim to provide tools for proper reliability-related risk management for both system operator and market participants. The ISO needs reliability analysis tools to define the reserve requirements on the basis of the desired reliability level, and market participants need tools to be able to manage their exposure to dispatch risks for any kind of generation capacity. On the basis of this analysis, a market participant can optimize bids for energy and reserve on a portfolio basis.
SEE ALSO THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES Electrical Energy and Power Electric Power: Critical Infrastructure Protection Electric Power Generation: Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation: Valuation of Environmental Costs Electric Power Measurements and Variables Electric Power Reform: Social and Environmental Issues Electric Power Systems Engineering Electric Power: Traditional Monopoly Franchise Regulation and Rate Making
Further Reading
Allan, R., and Billinton, R. (2000). Probabilistic assessment of power systems. Proc. IEEE, 88, 140-162. Alvarado, E (2000). The relationship between reliability and market design: Where are we? "NSF/DOE/EPRI Workshop: Future Research Directions for Complex Interactive Electric Networks," Nov. 16-17. Dept. of Energy, Washington, D.C.
Billinton, R., and Allan, R. N. (1996). "Reliability Evaluation of Power Systems." 2nd Ed. Plenum, New York. CIGRE Task Force 38.03.12. (1997). Power system security assessment: A position paper. Electra 175, 49-78. North American Electric Reliability Council. (1997). "Operating Policies and Planning Standards." Available on the Internet at http://www.nerc.com.
1. Introduction 2. General Toxicity Studies of EMF 3. Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity Studies of EMF 4. Immunotoxicity Studies of EMF 5. Genetic Toxicity Studies of EMF 6. Oncogenicity Studies of EMF 7. Conclusion
suggest a small increase (relative risk <2.0) in the risk of leukemia in children exposed to magnetic fields; this increase is not seen in other sites in children, or in any organ site in adults. Because no compelling biological mechanism has been identified through which magnetic fields may induce neoplasia or other adverse health effects, further studies are required to determine whether magnetic fields are causally linked to childhood leukemia.
clastogenic Capable of inducing DNA strand breaks. mutagenic Capable of inducing mutations in DNA. oncogenic Capable of inducing a tumor or other neoplasm. terata Birth defects. teratogenesis Abnormal processes of fetal development leading to birth defects.
1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
Over the past two decades, the possible relationship between human exposure to power frequency (50 and 60 Hz) electromagnetic fields (EMF) and adverse health outcomes has generated significant interest in both the scientific community and the general population. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, several epidemiology studies were published whose data suggested that adverse health effects may be seen in human populations receiving either occupational or environmental (i.e., residential) EMF exposures. Health effects associated with EMF in these studies included reproductive dysfunction, increased risk of birth defects and other developmental anomalies, and increased risk of cancer in several sites. These suggestive epidemiology data stimulated a large number of additional epidemiologic and experimental investigations, whose goals are to (1) confirm or refute the existence of specific health hazards of EMF exposure and (2) where such hazards are demonstrated to exist, identify EMF flux densities at which adverse health effects are observed, in order to quantify the risks of human exposure to EME On the basis of the type of system studied, scientific investigations into the possible health
Efforts to identify and quantitate possible health hazards of exposure to power frequency (50/60 Hz) magnetic fields include both epidemiology studies of human populations and hazard identification and mechanistic studies performed in experimental model systems. The results of these studies demonstrate that magnetic field exposure induces no systemic toxicity in humans or in experimental animals. Similarly, magnetic field exposure has no adverse effects on reproduction or fetal development in humans or in animal models that are commonly used for hazard identification. Magnetic fields do not induce mutations or chromosome damage in standard genetic toxicology test systems, and extensive studies in a wide range of animal models provide no clear evidence that magnetic field exposure is oncogenic in any test system. Epidemiology studies
effects of EMF can be divided into three general categories: 1. Epidemiology studies, in which the risk of a disease is compared in human populations with different levels of EMF exposure 2. In vivo experimental studies (animal bioassays), in which the risk of disease is compared in groups of experimental animals with different levels of EMF exposure 3. Mechanistic studies, in which the effects of EMF exposure on biochemical, molecular, or other disease-associated end points are evaluated using experimental animals or in vitro model systems Each category has important strengths and limitations that should be considered in the overall interpretation of EMF bioeffects data.
An imputed or calculated level of EMF exposure that is based on job classification, residential wire code, residential distance from a power line or substation, or other metric? It has been demonstrated that EMF exposures that are measured or imputed using different strategies can vary substantially; more specifically, important criticisms have been raised concerning the accuracy of residential wire codes that have been used widely as a surrogate for residential EMF exposure levels and job title classifications that have been used as an estimator of occupational EMF exposures. A parallel consideration is the temporal variability of EMF measurements: Does today's measurement of an EMF flux density in a house or other location provide an accurate estimate of the magnetic field environment that was present in the same location 5 years ago, 10 years ago, or at some other earlier time that is relevant to the etiology of the disease in question? Because EMF flux densities in any specific location can demonstrate considerable temporal variability, the ability of such measurements to support retrospective epidemiology studies remains an important issue.
ElectromagneticFields,Health Impactsof predictive of human responses. Animal studies also provide the opportunity to conduct bioassays under precisely controlled and monitored exposure conditions and to incorporate statistical considerations into study designs. In consideration of the difficulties associated with EMF exposure assessment in epidemiology studies, the ability to conduct animal studies under rigorously controlled exposure conditions is a major strength of this approach to hazard identification. Finally, through the use of genetically engineered animal models, possible effects of EMF on susceptible subpopulations can be investigated. Studies in such susceptible subpopulations may identify hazards that cannot be identified in normal animals or humans, but that may substantially increase the risk of disease in individuals with a genetic predisposition, preexisting condition, or other factor that increases disease risk. 1.3 Role of Mechanistic Studies in EMF Hazard Assessment The results of mechanistic investigations performed in experimental animals or in vitro model systems provide critical data that can establish the biological framework in which observed health effects of EMF can be interpreted. Although identification of a mechanism of action for a toxic agent is not essential for hazard identification, elucidation of one or more biochemical, molecular, or cellular pathways through which an agent exerts biological effects will clearly strengthen hazard assessments developed on the basis of epidemiology and animal bioassays. Conversely, should the results of epidemiology studies and animal bioassays be negative or conflicting, the identification of a clearly definable mechanism of action can both (1) provide a rational biological context for hazard identification and (2) support the design of optimized hazard identification studies. However, should the results of epidemiology studies and animal bioassays be negative, the lack of an identified biological mechanism of action further weakens the assertion that a substantive human health hazard exists.
agreed that acute, subchronic, or chronic exposure to EMF causes little or no systemic or generalized toxicity in humans. Because certain occupational environments contain "high field" areas in which EMF flux densities exceed those of residential environmental by tens to hundreds of fold, it is logical to expect that such high field environments would be the primary sites of any observed EMF toxicities. However, no case reports of EMF-associated generalized toxicity or malaise in any exposed worker have been published. The lack of systemic toxicity of EMF exposure is further supported by the results of acute and subchronic animal bioassays conducted in rodent models. Although occasional instances of statistically significant differences from sham controls have been reported, no clear pattern of EMF toxicity identifiable by effects on animal survival, clinical observation, body weight, food consumption, hematology, clinical chemistry, or histopathology has been reported. As such, no evidence of generalized toxicity associated with EMF exposure has been identified in studies of either humans or experimental animals. On this basis, it can be concluded that EMF exposure presents little or no hazard of systemic acute, subchronic, or chronic toxicity.
included no measurements of EMF exposure. Furthermore, the design of these studies essentially precluded the separation of possible EMF effects from possible thermal effects associated with the use of an electric blanket or bed heater. Since the publication of these early findings, a large number of epidemiology studies have been performed to investigate the hypothesis that EMF exposure is a risk factor for teratogenesis. These studies have examined the incidence of birth defects, growth retardation, and premature delivery, among other end points, in the offspring of women who used electric blankets or electric bed heaters during pregnancy. Other studies have examined rates of these abnormalities in pregnant women with different levels of residential EMF exposure and in pregnant women with different measured or imputed levels of occupational EMF exposure. In general, although occasional EMF-associated differences have been reported, the results of these studies failed to confirm the hypothesis that EMF exposure during pregnancy is a significant risk to the developing fetus. In most studies, no statistically significant relationships were found between EMF exposure and the risk of birth defects or other developmental abnormalities, regardless of whether the increased EMF exposure resulted from the use of an electric blanket or bed heater, from a higher level of EMF in the residential environment, or from EMF exposures that occurred as a result of employment. Supporting these epidemiologic data are the results of more than a dozen teratology studies that have been conducted in animal model systems. In this regard, it is essential to note that the rodent models and study designs used in the EMF teratology studies are used routinely to evaluate the possible teratogenicity of pharmaceuticals and environmental chemicals; these models have been validated extensively and have been shown to be generally predictive of human responses. The results of these studies, which have been conducted by several different teams of investigators in several countries, have been uniformly negative. When the negative results generated in these experimental evaluations of EMF teratogenesis are considered together with the negative results of most epidemiology studies, the overwhelming majority of available teratology data do not support the hypothesis that EMF exposure during pregnancy constitutes an important hazard to the developing fetus. As was the case with teratology studies, no body of evidence exists to implicate EMF as a significant risk for fertility. Although the total number of available studies is small, no evidence of reduced fertility
has been reported in either men or women receiving occupational exposure to high levels of EME Although the number of experimental studies of EMF and reproductive function is similarly small, animal studies of male and female fertility are similarly negative. These studies, which commonly involve exposure of several generations of rodents to the test agent, have failed to identify any decreases in fertility in either male or female animals exposed to EME
Evaluation of the possible effects of EMF exposure on immune function is important to support our understanding of the possible role of EMF in carcinogenesis and as a modifier of host resistance to infection. Any reproducible down-regulation of immune function in EMF-exposed animals could have important consequences in terms of the host's ability to resist infectious disease challenge or to provide effective immune surveillance against neoplastic cells. The body of studies in which the influence of EMF on immune function parameters has been evaluated is small and is almost entirely limited to studies conducted using rodent model systems. In these studies, a battery of immune function assays (lymphoid organ weight, lymphoid organ cellularity, lymphoid organ histology, B- and T-cell mediated immune responses, NK cell function, lymphocyte subset analysis, host resistance assays) was performed on mice and/or rats exposed to magnetic fields for period ranging from 4 weeks to 3 months. In these studies, no alterations were found in lymphoid organ weights, lymphoid organ cellularity, or lymphoid organ histology; similarly, no deficits in T-cell function or B-cell function were identified, and lymphocyte subset analysis did not reveal any effects of EMF exposure. Interestingly, however, a statistically significant suppression of NK cell function was seen in two studies performed in female mice; this alteration was not seen in male mice of the same strain, nor in either sex of rat evaluated in a parallel study. Although the authors conclude that this suppression of NK cell function is real, it appears to have little or no biological significance. The primary role of NK cell appears to be in immune surveillance against cancer cells. However, completely negative results were obtained in a 2-year carcinogenesis bioassay of EMF performed in the same strain of mice that demonstrated the reduction in NK cell
function. Because the deficit in NK cell function was not associated with an increase in cancer risk, it is concluded that either (1) the quantitative reduction (~30%) in NK cell function induced by EMF is too small to be biologically significant or (2) other arms of the host immune system were able to perform required immune surveillance in these animals. 5. G E N E T I C T O X I C I T Y S T U D I E S OF EMF The possible activity of EMF exposure in the induction of genetic mutations, DNA breaks, and other types of DNA damage is a key mechanistic consideration that underlies the interpretation of data relevant to the possible activity of EMF as a carcinogen. Although nonmutational mechanisms may also be responsible for carcinogenic activity, mutation and DNA damage are a common mechanism of action for carcinogens. As such, any evidence of genetic toxicity for EMF would have substantial implications for its potential activity as a risk factor for human cancer. Numerous studies have been performed over the past 20 years to investigate the hypothesis that EMF exposure induces mutations or other genetic damage. Studies to evaluate the possible genetic toxicity of EMF have been performed using a broad range of experimental model systems, including in vitro bacterial mutagenesis assay systems (such as the Ames test), in vitro mutagenesis and DNA damage test systems using mammalian cells, and in vivo assays of DNA damage. A substantial number of the in vitro genetic toxicology studies of EMF have been performed using test systems that are used widely in the safety assessment of pharmaceuticals and chemical agents. As such, a large database exists to support the utility of these assays to predict in vivo responses. The results of the overwhelming majority of genetic toxicology studies published in the peerreviewed literature have been negative; as such, a broad assessment of the genetic toxicology database does not support the hypothesis that EMF is genotoxic in either bacteria or in mammalian cells. Virtually all genetic toxicology studies that have been performed using what are considered to be "standard" genetic toxicology test systems (bacterial cell mutagenesis [Ames test], mammalian cell mutagenesis, micronucleus assays) have generated negative data; the quantity of negative genetic toxicology data for EMF in these test systems would ordinarily be
sufficient for a federal regulatory agency to consider EMF to be nonmutagenic. It should be noted that not all genetic toxicology studies of EMF have been negative. Positive evidence of genetic toxicity has been obtained under certain very limited experimental conditions (i.e., electric shocks and spark discharges) associated with power frequency electric fields; however, these specialized situations are not encountered in most residential or occupational environments and therefore appear to be a little relevance to overall EMF hazard assessment. Most other positive reports have involved studies in nonstandard experimental systems whose relevance to human hazard identification is unclear. A few positive results have been obtained in studies using test systems in relatively wide use in the genetic toxicology community; however, efforts to replicate the positive data have failed. Aside from specialized situations that are not encountered in routine residential or occupational environments, there is no consistent body of experimental evidence that demonstrates that either power frequency magnetic fields or a combination of power frequency magnetic + electric fields (nonshocking and nonsparking) induce mutations, DNA breaks, or other DNA damage in any standard genetic toxicology test system. On this basis, it is generally accepted within the scientific community that power frequency EMF is not genotoxic.
Although other possible health effects of residential or occupational EMF exposure are clearly of concern, the primary focus of most EMF hazard assessment studies has been to determine whether exposure to EMF increases the risk of cancer or other neoplasms. The majority of epidemiologic studies of EMF published by the end of the 20th century have been focused on cancer end points. Similarly, a large fraction of experimental resources dedicated to studies of EMF action have been directed toward the question of cancer hazard assessment.
total body of epidemiologic data linking EMF exposure and cancer risk is by no means conclusive. The results of several EMF epidemiology studies published in the late 1970s and early 1980s suggested that EMF exposure may be a risk factor for cancer of the brain, breast, and hematopoietic system. However, other epidemiologic studies of similar populations failed to confirm these findings, and no clear picture has emerged from this body of literature. Since 1990, nearly 100 epidemiology studies and meta-analyses designed to investigate the possible association between occupational or residential exposure to magnetic fields and cancer risk have been published. The experimental methods used in these studies are often substantially improved in comparison to methods used in earlier investigations; specific areas of improvement include the use of larger sample sizes and substantial improvements in EMF exposure assessment. However, despite these improvements in epidemiologic methods, EMF cancer epidemiology studies continue to generate both positive and negative results. When considered together, the results of these studies are insufficient to either clearly support or refute the hypothesis that exposure to EMF is a significant risk factor for human cancer in any organ system. The most comprehensive evaluation of the possible carcinogenicity of power frequency magnetic fields was that published by a working group assembled by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The conclusion of this group, which reviewed essentially every epidemiology study of EMF and cancer that has been published in a peer-reviewed journal, was that limited evidence exists to support the hypothesis that EMF exposure is a risk factor for childhood leukemia. The increased risk of childhood leukemia associated with EMF exposure is small (relative risk of <2.0), but is a generally consistent finding across a relatively large number of epidemiology studies. By contrast, however, the conclusion of this group was that the sum of the epidemiology data is inadequate to support the hypothesis that EMF exposure is a significant risk factor for leukemia or any other type of neoplasm in adults and is inadequate to support the hypothesis that EMF exposure is a significant risk factor for any type of malignancy other than leukemia in children. As such, the IARC panel concluded that suggestive evidence of EMF oncogenicity exists only for childhood leukemia and not for any other neoplasm in either children or adults.
Because the increased risk of childhood leukemia in EMF-exposed groups is small, epidemiology studies are continuing in order to quantify more precisely the risks involved, and to confirm that this observed elevation in leukemia risk does, in fact, result from EMF exposure and is not the result of some confounding factor. 6.2 Experimental Studies of EMF
and Cancer
In situations where epidemiology does not support the conclusive identification and quantitation of the potential risks associated with exposure to an environmental agent, laboratory studies conducted in appropriate experimental model systems increase in importance. Well-designed and controlled animal studies permit evaluation of biological effects in vivo under tightly controlled exposure and environmental conditions, as well as in the absence of potential confounding variables. In consideration of the conflicting results of EMF epidemiology studies and difficulties associated with exposure assessment in such studies, animal studies may provide the best opportunity to identify effects of EMF exposure that could translate into human health hazards.
6.2.1 Assessment of the Possible Oncogenic Activity of EMF as a Single Agent Several teams of investigators have published the results of studies that are designed to investigate the possible oncogenic activity of chronic exposure to EMF alone (as opposed to EMF exposure in combination with simultaneous or sequential exposure to other agents). These studies have generally been conducted using the chronic rodent bioassay design, a standardized study design in which animals are exposed to the test agent for the majority of their natural life span (2 years), followed by a complete microscopic evaluation of approximately 50 tissues from every animal to identify induced cancers and other lesions. This study design has been used widely to evaluate the potential carcinogenicity of new drugs, chemicals, and environmental agents; the IARC and the United States National Toxicology Program (NTP) have both performed statistical analyses demonstrating the utility of the chronic rodent bioassay as a predictor of human carcinogenicity. As a result, it is generally accepted among toxicologists that the chronic bioassay in rodents currently provides the best available experimental
approach to identify agents that may be carcinogenic in humans. In all studies conducted using this study design, chronic exposure to power frequency EMF had no effect on the incidence of neoplasia in any of the three putative targets for EMF action (brain, breast, and hematopoietic system) that had been identified by epidemiology. Furthermore, chronic exposure to EMF did not induce any pattern of biologically significant increases in cancer incidence in other tissues. The very close comparability of the results of chronic rodent oncogenicity bioassays conducted independently in three laboratories strengthens the conclusion that exposure to magnetic fields does not induce cancer in rodents. On the basis of the demonstrated predictive nature of the rodent 2-year bioassay, these findings do not support the hypothesis that EMF is a significant risk factor in the etiology of human neoplasia. 6.2.2 Site-Specific Rodent Oncogenicity Studies It is generally accepted that exposure to power frequency EMF does not induce mutations or other genetic damage that is identifiable using standard genetic toxicology model systems. Because EMF is apparently not genotoxic, it is logical to conclude that any oncogenic effects of exposure are mediated through co-carcinogenic or tumor promotion mechanisms. To address this possibility, a relatively large number of in vivo studies have been conducted to identify possible co-carcinogenic or tumor promoting effects of EMF in various target tissues. The design of these studies involves simultaneous or sequential exposure to EMF in combination with another agent (generally a chemical carcinogen or ionizing radiation) and is focused on neoplastic development in a specific organ. Most multistage tumorigenesis studies of EMF have been conducted using animal models that are designed as research tools to study site-specific carcinogenesis. As a result, the utility of these assays to predict human oncogenicity is less completely understood than are the results of the chronic oncogenicity bioassay. Studies of the effects of EMF on cancer induction in multistage models for cancer of the brain, hematopoietic system, and liver have been uniformly negative: in all cases, exposure to an inducing agent + EMF induced no more neoplasms than were induced by exposure to the inducing agent alone. Conflicting data have been presented for studies of the effects of EMF exposure on the induction of skin and breast cancers in multistage animal models: in
each case, positive data have been presented by one laboratory, but independent studies conducted in one or more additional laboratories have failed to confirm the original finding. Overall, the peer-reviewed literature provides little compelling evidence that exposure to EMF has cocarcinogenic or tumor promoting activity in any organ site in experimental animals. Completely negative results were found in studies conducted using models for cancer in two of the three target organs (brain and hematopoietic system) identified in epidemiology studies as possible targets for EMF action; data in the third putative target tissue (breast) are conflicting. These data generally support the conclusions from the 2-year oncogenicity bioassays and do not support the hypothesis that EMF exposure is a key risk factor for cancer induction in these target tissues.
radicals), an overwhelming majority of genetic toxicology studies conducted in standard safety assessment models have failed to identify any significant mutagenic or clastogenic effects of EMF exposure. As such, a consensus has emerged in the scientific community that exposure to power frequency EMF presents little to no risk of genetic toxicity.
cycle regulation, and apoptosis would be expected if EMF exposure was significantly associated with either complete carcinogenesis or tumor promotion. Several reports of this type of EMF bioeffect (e.g., alterations in the activity of ornithine decarboxylase) have been presented in the literature. However, these reports generally demonstrate little consistency across investigators or experimental model systems; as such, the results of individual studies do not appear to be supportable as a general mechanism for EMF activity. As discussed earlier with regard to possible alterations in gene expression, an isolated finding of changes in enzyme activity or other pathway in cells that are exposed to EMF can be considered to be no more than suggestive of a possible adverse outcome. Linkage of these biochemical or cell-based effects to the physiological or pathophysiological effect is essential to demonstrate their biological significance.
6.3.4 Alterations in Immune Function
Down-regulation of the host immune response by EMF is a tempting hypothesis through which EMF exposure could be associated with risk of carcinogenesis. However, as reviewed in Section 4, this hypothesis is supported by little experimental evidence: with the exception of an apparently biologically insignificant effect on NK cell function, the results of all studies of EMF effects using standardized immunotoxicology test systems and end points have failed to demonstrate effects of EMF on any arm of the host immune response. Although the hypothesis that EMF exposure stimulates tumorigenesis through an indirect mechanism involving suppression of host immunity is intellectually appealing, it is unsupported by any substantial body of experimental evidence.
6.3.5 Alterations in Melatonin Levels or Action The "melatonin hypothesis" is perhaps the most widely accepted potential mechanism for the biological effects of EMF exposure. A simplified version of this hypothesis states that EMF bioeffects are mediated through alterations in the function of the pineal gland; these changes in pineal function are then responsible for alterations in patterns of melatonin synthesis, kinetics, or action. Ultimately, reductions in melatonin synthesis may have a number of potential adverse effects on the host, including reduced activity as an endogenous free radical scavenger, and influences on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.
A considerable body of evidence to support the melatonin hypothesis was generated in bioelectromagnetics studies performed during the 1980s and early 1990s; in these studies, reductions in circulating melatonin levels or time shifts in the circadian rhythm of melatonin biosynthesis were reported in both experimental animals and in humans. However, several leading investigators who previously reported significant effects of EMF exposure on pineal function have been unable to replicate their own data. This failure of replication is often associated with the acquisition of new, more sophisticated EMF exposure and monitoring equipment. Furthermore, the majority of papers from other laboratories have failed to demonstrate any consistent pattern of effects of EMF exposure on melatonin synthesis or kinetics in humans or in rodent model systems. One notable exception to this trend is a series of studies that have been conducted using the Siberian hamster as a model system; EMF effects on melatonin secretion in this species appear to be a reproducible finding. However, this animal demonstrates a seasonal circadian rhythm that is considerably different from that seen in either humans or rodent species that are commonly used for safety assessments; as such, a relationship between this finding and possible human health effects is difficult to establish. Concomitant with the weakening of the data set relating EMF exposure to alterations in pineal function, the melatonin hypothesis has been revised to suggest that EMF influences on melatonin may be effected through alteration in melatonin effects at the level of the target cell, rather than through effects on its synthesis or secretion. The database supporting this hypothesis is very limited and is considered insufficient to provide strong support for this potential mechanism of EMF action.
7. C O N C L U S I O N
With one possibly notable exception, the large body of epidemiologic and experimental data generated over the past 20-plus years generally fails to support the hypothesis that exposure to power frequency EMF is associated with adverse health effects in either humans or experimental animals. No substantive evidence of generalized toxicity resulting from acute, subchronic, or chronic exposure to EMF has been reported in either humans or animal model systems. EMF exposure appears to have no biological significant effects on host immunity and does not impair fertility in either sex. Although some
conflicting data have been generated, EMF exposure does not appear to be a significant risk factor for the developing fetus. Those data notwithstanding, however, the primary consideration in most hazard assessments is whether the agent being evaluated causes cancer. EMF exposure is not genotoxic, and the results of oncogenicity evaluations conducted using standard animal models, multistage animal models, and genetically engineered animal models are overwhelmingly negative. Similarly, the results of epidemiology studies provide no clear evidence of EMF oncogenicity in any organ site in adults. However, a small, but consistent increase in the risk of childhood leukemia has been observed in a substantial number of EMF epidemiology studies; the consistent nature of this finding was considered to be sufficient for the IARC Working Group to conclude that "limited evidence" of activity exists for EMF in the induction of childhood leukemia. In summary, epidemiologic evidence provides limited evidence that EMF exposure is associated with an increased risk of childhood leukemia; by contrast, epidemiology studies have not identified increases in cancer risk for any other site in children or for any tissue in adults. No compelling body of epidemiologic or experimental evidence exists to demonstrate any other toxicologic effect of exposure to power frequency EMF, and no substantive biological mechanism has been identified for EMF
action. Further epidemiology studies will be required to characterize the relationship between EMF and childhood leukemia more completely.
SEE A L S O T H E FOLLOWING ARTICLES Air Pollution, Health Effects of" Climate Change and Public Health: Emerging Infectious Diseases Electricity, Environmental Impacts o f . Electric Power Generation: Valuation of Environmental Costs Electromagnetism Radiation, Risks and Health Impacts of
Further Reading
International Agency for Research on Cancer (2003). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risk to Humans, Volume 80. Non-Ionizing Radiation, Part 1: Static and Extremely Low-Frequency (ELF) Electric and Magnetic Fields. Lyon, France. McCann, J., Dietrich, E, and Rafferty, C. (1998). The genotoxic potential of electric and magnetic fields: An update. Mutation Research 411, 45-86. McCann, J., Dietrich, E, Rafferty, C., and Martin, A. O. (1993). A critical review of the genotoxic potential of electric and magnetic fields. Mutation Research 297, 61-95. Portier, C. J., and Wolfe, M. S. (eds.). (1998). "Assessment of Health Effects from Exposure to Power-Line Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields." National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC.
D A N I E L R. S T U M P Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan, United States
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Introduction Electric Charge and Current The Field Concept Electromagnetic Induction Applications of Electromagnetic Induction The Maxwell Equations of the Electromagnetic Field Electromagnetic Waves Summary
everyday life. This article describes the basic science and applications of electromagnetism.
1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
The earliest discoveries of electric and magnetic forces were made by philosophers of ancient Greece. They observed that when amber is rubbed with animal fur, it acquires the ability to attract small bits of reed or feathers. This small effect was the first observation of static electricity. (The Greek word for amber, e2exzpov, is the origin of our word "electric.") They also observed that a lodestone exerts a force on iron--the first example of magnetism. (The Greek province of Magnesia, where the iron ore magnetite occurs naturally, is the origin of our word "magnetic.") These discoveries of weak and mysterious forces were the first steps toward our scientific understanding of electromagnetism. Today science has dispelled much of the mystery of electricity and magnetism, and created technological power beyond the dreams of the ancient philosophers.
electric charge A property of the elementary particles of matter that gives rise to electric and magnetic interactions; electrons have negative charge and protons have positive charge. electric current Net flow of electric charge due to the motion of charged particles in a conducting material. electric field Lines of force produced by an electric charge and exerting a force on other electric charges. electromagnetic induction Phenomena in which a change of magnetic field induces an electric field or electromotive force (EMF); the basis of the electric generator. magnetic field Lines of force produced by an electric current or ferromagnet and exerting a force on other electric currents or on the poles of a magnet. Maxwell's equations A set of four equations that describe the electric and magnetic fields as functions of position and time.
2.1 Electrostatics and Electric Charge Electric charge is a property of matter. At the most basic level, the constituents of atoms are charged particles--electrons with negative charge (-e) and protons with positive charge (+e). An atom has equal numbers of electrons and protons so it is electrically neutral. However, a sample of matter becomes electrically charged if the balance between electrons and protons is broken. For example, when amber is rubbed with fur, electrons are transferred from the fur to the amber; the amber then has net negative charge.
Electromagnetism is the science of electric and magnetic fields and of the interactions of these fields with electric charges and currents, and as such it is one of the fundamental interactions of nature. Its physical origin lies in a property possessed by elementary particles of matter--electrons and protons--called electric charge. The electromagnetic interaction also governs light and other forms of radiation. Electricity and magnetism appear in many natural phenomena and are applied in many inventions of technology and
The current may be constant in time (DC, or direct current), oscillating in time with a constant frequency (AC, or alternating current), or varying in time. Currents can exist in metals and in several other forms of conducting matter. In a metal, some electrons occupy states that extend over large distances (i.e., not bound to a single atomic core). If an electric force is applied, then these conduction electrons will move in response, creating an electric current. (Ohm's law, V = I R where V = potential difference in volts, I = current in amps, and R = resistance in ohms, expresses quantitatively the relation between the electric force and the current.) In metals, the positively charged atomic nuclei are fixed in a crystalline lattice, so the electric current is due to motion of electrons. The first observation of the magnetic field associated with an electric current was an accidental discovery by Hans Christian Oersted during a public lecture in 1819. The current existed in a metal wire connected across a battery. Oersted noticed that a nearby compass needle deflected while the current was flowing. The strength of the magnetic field at a distance of 1 centimeter from a 1 ampere current is 2 10 - s tesla, comparable to the earth's magnetic field of approximately 5 10 -s tesla. Oersted's discovery was studied in detail by Jean Marie Ampere. The magnetic field can be determined quantitatively by measuring the force on a pole of a magnet or the torque on a compass needle. A compass needle in equilibrium points in the direction of the field vector at the position of the compass. Therefore, a compass can be used to map the field directions. Ampere found that the field direction "curls around" the current. Figure 1 shows a segment of current-carrying wire and the associated magnetic field encircling the wire. The field directions follow the right-hand rule: with the thumb of your right hand pointing along the wire in the direction of the current, the fingers naturally curl in the direction of the magnetic field around the wire. The theory of the magnetic field created by an electric current is called Amp&e's law. Electric currents can also exist in materials other than metals, such as plasmas and ionic solutions. The associated magnetic fields may be measured for scientific purposes. For example, the current in a neuron in the brain creates a magnetic field that is measured in magnetoencephalography. Or a lightning strike (current in an ionized path through the atmosphere) creates a magnetic field that may be measured to study the properties of lightning. The magnetic field of the earth is another natural example
Like charges repel and unlike charges attract. That is, if two samples of matter have net positive charge (or both have net negative charge), they exert equal but opposite repulsive forces on one another. If the samples have unlike charges, one positive and the other negative, then each exerts an attractive force on the other. The strength F of the electric force F was measured accurately by Charles Augustin de Coulomb (Vectors are indicated in boldface, scalars in plain face). The force is proportional to the product of the charges, ql and q2 and inversely proportional to the square of the distance of separation r,
F - kqlq2
This simple mathematical formula has been tested to extreme precision. The dimensional units for the constant k are Nm2/C 2, where N = newton = unit of force, m = meter = unit of length, and C = coulomb = unit of charge. The proton charge is e = 1.602 1 0 - 1 9 C. It forms part of the foundation for the theory of electromagnetism.
An electric current is a stream of electrically charged particles (of one sign) moving in the same direction.
3 21
The magnetic field B curls around the current I. The dashed curve indicates an imaginary circle around the wire segment. A compass needle placed near the wire will point in the direction of the field.
FIGURE 2 An electromagnet.
of a field produced by an electric current. The core of the earth is highly metallic and at high temperature and pressure. Electric currents in this metal core create the earth's magnetism, which we observe at the surface of the earth. Electromagnets Amp~re's law is applied in electromagnets. The magnetic field due to a straight length of current-carrying wire is weak. However, if the wire is wound around a cylinder, making a coil with many turns as illustrated in Fig. 2, then the field inside and near the ends of the cylinder can be strong for a practical current. The cylindrical coil is called a solenoid. The field strength can be increased by putting an iron core in the cylinder. Unlike a permanent ferromagnet, the field of an electromagnet can be turned on and off by an electric switch. Electromagnets are commonly used in electric motors and relay switches. 2.2.2 The Magnetic Force on an Electric Current A magnetic field, whether produced by a ferromagnet or by an electric current, exerts a force on any electric current placed in the field. Indeed, there exists a magnetic force on any moving charged particle that moves across the magnetic field vectors. So the interaction between electric charges in motion and a magnetic field has two aspects: (1) an electric
current creates a magnetic field (AmpSre's law); (2) a magnetic field exerts a force on an electric current. The Electric Motor The magnetic force on an electric current is the basis for all electric motors. The magnetic field may be produced by a permanent magnet (in small DC motors) or by an electromagnet (in large DC and AC motors). The current flows in a rotating coil of wire and may be produced by a battery or some other source of electromotive force. Many practical designs have been invented, with the common feature that a magnetic force acts on the current-carrying coil, in opposite directions on opposite sides of the coil, creating a torque that drives the rotation of the coil. A co-rotating shaft attached to the coil is then connected to a mechanical system to do useful work.
3. T H E F I E L D C O N C E P T
In field theory, electric and magnetic forces are described as the effects of electric and magnetic fields. The theory of electromagnetic phenomena is entirely based on the field concept. Any electrically charged particle q creates an associated electric field E. The field extends throughout the space around q and varies with the position
In field theory, the force on a charged particle q is attributed to the field E(x) created by the other charges. Thus, the field concept is significantly different from "action at a distance." The force on the particle, equal to qE(x), is exerted by the field at the position of q, rather than by direct actions of the distant charges. In other words, an electrostatic system consists of two physical entities: a set of charged particles and an electric field E(x). The field is just as real as the particles. Figure 3 illustrates the electric field for a system of two charged particles with equal but opposite charges. The curves in Fig. 3, called the electric field lines, represent the field. The electric field is a vector at each point throughout the space around the charges. A positive test charge q in the field would experience a force in the direction of the field vector at its position. We visualize the field by drawing the field lines, which are curves that are everywhere tangent to the field vector directions. Electric charges at rest create an electric field E(x). Ferromagnets and electric currents create another field--the magnetic field B(x). Figure 4 illustrates the magnetic fields for two elementary current sources: (1) a small current loop and (2) a long currentcarrying wire. In a ferromagnet the atoms behave as small current loops with a uniform orientation. The combined atomic fields make up the field of the magnet. Both E and B are force fields, which extend throughout a volume of space. But they exert distinct and different forces. The electric field E exerts a force on a charge q in the direction of the field vector. The magnetic field B exerts a force on moving charges or current-carrying wires. The direction of the magnetic force is perpendicular to both the current and the field, as illustrated in Fig. 5. The magnetic field also exerts forces on the poles of a ferromagnet. The direction of the force is parallel (for a north pole) or antiparallel (for a south pole) to the vector B. A compass needle aligns with the magnetic field because the equal but opposite forces on the two poles of the needle compose a torque that twists the needle toward alignment with the field. The magnetic forces on the current elements around a small current loop also compose a torque; in equilibrium, the plane of the loop is oriented perpendicular to the B vector. The combined torques on the atoms in a ferromagnet make up the net torque on the magnet. The field concept was first stated by Michael Faraday. From years of experimental studies on electricity and magnetism, Faraday had formed the idea that a physical entity extends throughout
x in space. If the particle is at rest (in some frame of reference), then its field is independent of time. In a system with many charges, the full electric field is the sum of the electric fields of the individual charges. Thus, the electric field in an electrostatic system, denoted mathematically by E(x), is a function of position x and depends on the locations and charge strengths of all the charged particles. The electric field extends throughout a volume of space. It exerts a force on any charge in the space. To consider the field concept, suppose two charged particles, ql and q2, are located at positions Xl and x2, respectively (see Fig. 3). The electric field at an arbitrary point x is E(x)
where rl is the distance from ql to x, el is the unit vector in the direction from ql to x, and q2 and e2 are the analogous quantities for q2. A small test charge q placed at x will experience a force F = qE(x). Since E(x) is the sum of the fields due to ql and q2, the force F on the test charge is the sum of the two forces exerted on q. The charges ql and qz also experience forces due to the presence of each other. For example, the force on q2 due to ql is q2El(x2), where E1 is the field due to ql alone. The field due to a charged particle is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the particle, so the force between charges obeys the inverse-square law observed by Coulomb.
FIGURE 3 The electric field lines of a system of two charges with equal but oppositecharge.
32 3
F I G U R E S The magnetic force on a moving charged particle (or current segment). The direction of the force is perpendicular to both the particle velocity v (or current) and the magnetic field: F = qv x B. A charged particle moving on a plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field moves along a circle.
The previous sections were concerned with static systems of electric charge or current--that is, in which the fields E(x) and B(x) do not change in time. Some relationships between electricity and magnetism were discussed: a steady electric current produces a magnetic field (Amp&e's law); a magnetic field exerts a force on any electric charge moving across the field lines. However, for static fields electric and magnetic phenomena appear to be rather distinct. Time-dependent fields will be described next. The electric field E(x, t) and magnetic field B(x, t) are functions of time t as well as position x. In dynamic systems, the two fields affect each other significantly. Therefore electric and magnetic phenomena are connected and must be described by a unified theory. Electricity and magnetism are then combined into electromagnetism. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction was discovered in 1831 by Michael Faraday in England and independently by Joseph Henry in the United States. The effect is that when a magnetic field changes in time, an electric field is induced in directions that curl around the change of the magnetic field. This phenomenon has important technological applications. Electromagnetic induction may be observed directly in simple physical demonstrations. Figure 6 shows schematically a coil of conducting wire C connected to a galvanometer G. The galvanometer acts as a current indicator: When no current flows around C the galvanometer needle points toward the
Magnetic field of (A) a small current loop and (B) a long straight wire segment.
the space outside charges or magnets and exerts forces on other charges or magnets in the space. He referred to this extended entity as the "lines of force." The term "electromagnetic field" was coined by James Clerk Maxwell, the renowned theoretical physicist who developed a mathematical theory of electromagnetism based on the field concept.
central (zero current) position; when current flows, the needle is deflected. No current source (such as a battery) is connected to the wire coil. In Fig. 6, M is a magnet that can be moved toward or away from the coil C. When the magnet is at rest, no current flows in C and the galvanometer needle points in the central direction. If the magnet in Fig. 6 moves toward the coil, the galvanometer needle will be deflected in one direction, indicating that a current is flowing in C. The current exists while M is moving. When the motion of M ceases, the needle will return to the central position indicating that the current has stopped. If the demonstration is repeated with the magnet moving away from the coil, the galvanometer needle will be deflected in the opposite direction while M moves. These demonstrations show directly that a change in the magnetic field through the coil induces a current around the coil. The magnetic field in the demonstration might be varied in a different way. Suppose the bar magnet M in Fig. 6 is replaced by an electromagnet that does not move. Electric current I(t) in the electromagnet solenoid produces a magnetic field B(x, t) according to Amp~re's law. If the solenoid current is constant, then B is constant in time and there is no current in the coil C. But if the solenoid current changes, the magnetic field changes. A deflection of the galvanometer needle will be observed while the magnetic field is varying in time. A current around the sensing coil C is again induced when the magnetic field through the coil is changing. These demonstrations show that when a magnetic field B(x, t) changes in time, a current is induced in a conductor that is present in the field. However, the induced current is actually a secondary effect. The current in C is created by an induced electric field E(x, t), and E is the primary effect. Electromagnetic induction is fundamentally a phenomenon of the fields, B(x, t) and E(x, t). A magnetic field that
changes in time induces an electric field in directions curling around the change of the magnetic field. If there happens to be a conducting coil present--as, for example, C in Fig. 6--then the induced electric field drives an electric current around C. But the primary effect is induction of the electric field. The induced electric field E(x, t) exists while the magnetic field B(x, t) is varying in time. The apparatus shown in Fig. 6 is only schematic. The induced current in C would be very small for an ordinary bar magnet M moving at reasonable velocities. A practical demonstration would require a sensing coil with many turns of wire and a sensitive galvanometer. The effect might be increased by putting an iron core inside the coil to enhance the magnetic field. Faraday and Henry performed laboratory experiments similar to the demonstrations illustrated in Fig. 6 in their discoveries of electromagnetic induction. Faraday described the results of his detailed studies in terms of the lines of force--his concept of a magnetic field filling space around a magnet. In modern language, a statement summarizing his observations is
Faraday's law: When the flux of magnetic field through a
loop changes in time, an electromotive force (EMF) is induced around the loop.
This statement is Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. In equation form, d~/dt z - ~ , where (I) is the magnetic flux through the loop, d~/dt is the rate of change of the flux, and ~ is the electromotive force around the loop. The "flux" is a quantitative measure of the field lines passing through the loop, defined by the product of the component of the magnetic field vector perpendicular to a surface bounded by the loop and the area of the surface. The "loop" in Faraday's law is a closed curve (e.g., a circle). The loop may be a conducting loop, in which case the induced EMF drives a current, or it may just be an imaginary curve in space. In either case, the EMF is an induced electric field curling around the change of the magnetic field. Another, related demonstration may be carried out with the simple apparatus of Fig. 6. Instead of moving the magnet M and holding the coil C fixed, suppose the coil is moved while the magnet is held fixed. Again, a current will be observed around C. The phenomenon in this case is called "motional EMF"; an electromotive force is induced in a conductor that moves relative to a nonuniform magnetic field. In the language of Faraday, when a conducting wire moves through magnetic lines of
force, an induced current flows in the wire. Evidently, any change of the magnetic flux through a conducting loop will induce a current in the loop. Yet another way to change the magnetic flux through the coil C in Fig. 6 is to change the orientation of the coil. In Fig. 6 the plane of the coil is shown perpendicular to the bar magnet. In this orientation the magnetic field lines pass straight through C; the flux is the product of the magnetic field strength B and the area A of the loop, = BA. Now suppose the coil rotates about a vertical axis, with M fixed. Then the flux of magnetic field through the coil changes as the plane of the loop is at a varying angle to the field vector. When the plane of the loop is parallel to the field lines, the flux is zero because no field lines pass through the coil. While the coil is rotating, a deflection of the galvanometer needle will be observed, consistent with Faraday's law, because of the changing flux. This is another example of motional EMF: The conducting wire moves through the magnetic field lines, and there is an induced current in the wire.
axis 05 rotating I
~ I~ sliprings
FIGURE 7 The design principle of an electric generator. The
magnetic flux through the coil varies as the coil rotates and an EMF is induced in accord with Faraday's law. The voltage difference V between the slip rings varies sinusoidally in time (inset graph).
A number of important inventions are based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Two that have great technological significance will be described here.
around the coil. Thus the device generates an alternating voltage V (shown in the inset graph) with constant frequency equal to the rotational frequency of the coil. If the rings are connected by a wire with resistance R, an alternating current (AC) I will occur in the wire with V = IR by Ohm's law. An external torque must be applied to the coil of the generator to maintain the constant rotation. If the slip rings are connected to an electric appliance, then energy is supplied by the generator because the induced EMF drives an alternating current in the appliance. But energy cannot be created--only converted from one form to another. If no external torque is applied, the generator coil will slow down and stop as its rotational kinetic energy is converted to the work done by the appliance. The slowing of the rotation is an example of magnetic braking: a conductor moving in a magnetic field experiences a force opposite to the motion. To maintain a constant rotation of the generator coil (and hence AC power to the appliance), the coil must be driven by a torque exerted by an external device. In a portable generator, the external torque is produced by a gasoline-powered engine. In an electric power plant, the external torque is produced by a turbine driven by a flow of hot steam; the steam is produced in a boiler (e.g., from burning coal in a coal-fired power plant or from the heat of nuclear reactions in a nuclear reactor). The electric generators producing electric power around the world are large and complex machines; but the fundamental physics in these devices is simple: Faraday's law and the design principle in Fig. 7.
5.2 The Transformer A transformer takes an input alternating EMF V1 (e.g., from an electric generator) and makes an output EMF V2 that might be supplied to an electric appliance (see Fig. 8). The frequencies of V1 and V2 are equal, but the amplitudes are different. A step-down transformer has V2 < V1; for example, a transformer might take in 110 volts (alternating) from a wall socket and put out 10 volts to a small electric motor in an appliance. A step-up transformer has V2 > V1; high-voltage applications require such a transformer. The physical phenomenon acting in a transformer is electromagnetic induction. Figure 8 shows a simple transformer: two coils of conducting wire are wrapped around a toroidal ferromagnetic core. The alternating current driven in the primary coil by the input EMF Vl(t) creates a strong alternating magnetic field B(t), according to Amp&e's law. Because of the ferromagnetism, B extends around the toroid. Then the changing magnetic flux through the secondary coil induces an EMF by Faraday's law, = -d@/dt; this EMF is the output voltage V2. If N 1 is the number of turns of wire in the primary coil and N2 is the number of turns in the secondary coil, then the ratio of the voltages is V2/V1 = N2/N1. Transformers are a crucial part of the electric power grid. An electric power plant creates a threephase alternating EMF supplied to the grid. But the electric appliances that will use the power are located far from the power plant. Therefore a current must occur over very long transmission lines. The amount of lost power Plost, dissipated in resistance of the transmission wires, is given by the formula P l o s t = I2R where I = current and R = resistance of the line. The power supplied to users is Pused= IV, where V is the transmitted EME The ratio of power lost to power used is
Plost _ (Pused/V) 2R __ Pused R Pused Pused V2 '
The design principle of a transformer. Two coils of conducting wire are wrapped around an iron core. The number of turns is different in the two coils, so the output EMF V2 is different from the input EMF V1.
substation might reduce the voltage to 4.8kV for overhead lines into residential areas. A final transformer mounted on the utility pole reduces the voltage to 110V for the wires to a single house.
that is, it is inversely proportional to the square of the line voltage. Therefore the transmission of electric power is most efficient if the voltage V is high. A typical power-plant generator might produce an alternating EMF with amplitude 168 kV (i.e., root mean square EMF 120 kV). But that voltage would be changed in a step-up transformer at the power plant to a very high voltage (e.g., 345 kV). Highvoltage transmission lines carry the electric power across large distances. Then step-down transformers are required at the end of a transmission line to reduce the voltage for applications. A transformer
equation, is ~7.E_-p/t0. (The symbol ~'. denotes the divergence operator.) Here p(x, t) is the charge per unit volume in the neighborhood of x at time t; t0
is a constant of nature equal to 8.85 x 10-]2C2/ Nm 2. Gauss's law relates the electric field E(x, t) and the charge density. The solution for a charged particle q at rest is E(x)=kqe/r 2, where r is the distance from the charge to x, e is the direction vector, and k = 1/(4rc0); this is the familiar inverse square law of electrostatics. Electric field lines diverge at a point charge. Gauss's Law for Magnetism. The analogous equation for the magnetic field is I7. B = 0. There are no magnetic monopoles, particles that act as a point source of B(x, t). Unlike the electric field lines, which may terminate on charges, the magnetic field lines always form closed curves because magnetic charges do not exist. There is no divergence of magnetic field lines. Faraday's Law. The field equation that describes Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction is 17 E = -8B/cgt. The quantity 17x E, called the curl of E(x, t), determines the way that the vector field E curls around each direction in space. Also, OB/Ot is the rate of change of the magnetic field. This field equation expresses the fact that a magnetic field that varies in time implies an electric field that curls around the change of the magnetic field. It is equivalent to Faraday's statement that the rate of change of magnetic field flux through a surface S is equal to an electromotive force (EMF) around the boundary curve of S. The Ampkre-Maxwell Law. In a system of steady electric currents, the magnetic field is constant in time and curls around the current in directions defined by the right-hand rule. The field equation that expresses this field B (Amp~re's law) is 17 x B =/10J, where J(x) is the current per unit area at x and g0 is a constant equal to 4~ 10-7TrrdA. (The units are T=tesla for magnetic field and A = ampere for electric current). But Amp~re's law is incomplete, because it does not apply to systems in which the currents and fields vary in time. Maxwell deduced from mathematical considerations a generalization of Amp&e's law, OE V x B =/~oJ +/~o~o~-, in which the second term on the right side is called the displacement current. The displacement current is a necessary term in order for the system of four partial differential equations to be self-consistent. The AmpSre-Maxwell law implies that B curls around either electric current (J) or changing electric field (0E/ 8t). The latter case is analogous to electromagnetic
32 7
induction but with E and B reversed; a rate of change in one field induces circulation in the other field. Maxwell's introduction of the displacement current was a daring theoretical prediction. At that time there was no experimental evidence for the existence of displacement current. Laboratory effects predicted by the displacement current are very small, and their observation was not possible with the apparatus available at that time. However, the Maxwell equations, including the displacement current, make a striking prediction--that light consists of electromagnetic waves. The fact that Maxwell's theory explains the properties of light, and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, provides the evidence for the existence of the displacement current.
7. E L E C T R O M A G N E T I C
Electromagnetism includes phenomena involving charges, currents, magnets, and the fields E and B. Light is also an electromagnetic phenomenon. Light and other forms of radiation are described by field theory as electromagnetic waves. Therefore optics-the science of light--is a part of electromagnetism. The Maxwell equations describe the behavior of the electric field E(x, t) and magnetic field B(x, t). The time-dependent fields influence each other, even in a vacuum where no charge or current is present, through Faraday's law (17 E = - S B / S t ) and the displacement current (17 x B = tiooSE/St). The four field equations are all satisfied in vacuum if both E(x, t) and B(x, t) are waves traveling in space. However, the electric and magnetic waves are codependent (i.e., intricately related in several ways). Figure 9 shows a snapshot in time of the fields for a section of an electromagnetic wave in vacuum. The field vectors are shown at points along a line parallel to the direction of propagation of the wave (z axis). The wavelength is constant (at least for the section of wave shown). The field vectors E and B vary in magnitude as a function of position along the line of propagation. The magnitudes are related by B = E/c, where c is the wave speed. The directions of E and B are orthogonal, in the x and y directions, respectively. The field components oscillate sinusoidally with z. An electromagnetic wave is a transverse wave because the fields oscillate in directions orthogonal to the direction of propagation. Figure 9 shows the field vectors along only a single line parallel to the direction of propagation ~. The full wave fills a three-dimensional volume. In a
32 8
to 700 nm (red). Ultraviolet and infrared light have shorter and longer wavelengths, respectively. Microwaves have 2 from I mm to i m, with important technological uses (e.g., communications and radar). X-rays have very short wavelengths, 2 < 1 nm. All these forms of electromagnetic radiation have the same wave speed in vacuum, which can be evaluated from the field theory, c = l / ~x/-~F6=2.998 108 m/s.
8. S U M M A R Y
FIGURE 9 Electric and magnetic field vectors in a section of a linearly polarized electromagnetic wave.
linearly polarized plane wave the field vectors are constant on planar wave fronts orthogonal to ~--that is, with E and B pointing in the R and 9 directions, respectively, uniformly over the wave front. All properties of polarized light are then described by the wave theory. As another 3D example, a short radio antenna radiates a spherical wave; far from the antenna E and B are orthogonal to one another on spherical wave fronts. A wave is a structure that is extended in space. The parts of the wave also vary in time. Figure 9 is a snapshot showing the wave as a function of position at an instant of time. As time passes, the fields at any fixed position x will change. For a linearly polarized plane wave, E at x oscillates in time between orientations parallel and antiparallel to a fixed polarization direction (R), which is orthogonal to the line of propagation (~); B varies similarly in a direction (9) orthogonal to both E and the line of propagation. The combined variations in space and time imply that the wave structure moves as a whole in the direction of propagation. So a snapshot at a later time would look just the same as Fig. 9 except translated by some distance in the direction of propagation. In other words, the shape is constant but the positions of the nodes (points where E = 0 and B = 0) move in space.
Our scientific understanding of electricity and magnetism has developed over a period of centuries. Phenomena that we understand today as examples of electricity, magnetism, or electromagnetism have been observed since ancient times: For example, lightning is an electric discharge in the atmosphere; a lodestone attracts iron; light consists of electromagnetic waves. Such common phenomena, while easily observed, were unexplained until the scientific revolution. Today we are able to accurately describe and explain all variety of electromagnetic phenomena, based on the mathematical theory of fields. With this knowledge has come the ability to create technologies, such as the distribution of electric power, that affect our daily lives.
SEE ALSO THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES Electrical Energy and Power Electricity Use, History of" Electric Motors Magnetic Levitation Magnetohydrodynamics
Further Reading
Griffiths, D. J. (2000). "Introduction to Electrodynamics." 3rd ed. Prentice-Hall, Engelwood Cliffs, NJ. Jackson, J. D. (1998). "Classical Electrodynamics." 3rd ed. John Wiley, New York. Lorrain, P., Corson, D. R., and Lorrain, E (2000). "Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Phenomena." W. H. Freeman, New York. Meyer, H. W. (1972). "A History of Electricity and Magnetism." MIT Press, Norwalk, CT. Pollack, G. L., and Stump, D. R. (2002). "Electromagnetism." Addison-Wesley, San Francisco. Whittaker, E. T. (1960). "A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity." Harper, New York.
University of Siena Siena, Italy
1. Introduction 2. Emergy Evaluation of the Biosphere and its Processes 3. Unit Emergy Values for Fuels and Some
emdollar (or EM$) A measure of the money that circulates in an economy as the result of some process. In practice, to obtain the emdollar value of an emergy flow or storage, the emergy is multiplied by the ratio of total emergy to gross domestic product for the national economy. emergy An expression of all the energy used in the work processes that generate a product or service in units of one type of energy. Solar emergy of a product is the emergy of the product expressed in the equivalent solar energy required to generate it. Sometimes it is referred to as energy memory. emjoule The unit of measure of emergy, "emergy joule." It is expressed in the units of energy previously used to generate the product; for instance, the solar emergy of wood is expressed as joules of solar energy that were required to produce the wood. empower Emergy per unit time (sej/time) energy Sometimes referred to as the ability to do work. Energy is a property of all things that can be turned into heat and is measured in heat units (BTUs, calories, or joules) nonrenewable emergy The emergy of energy and material storages like fossil fuels, mineral ores, and soils that are consumed at rates that far exceed the rates at which they are produced by geologic processes.
production Production measured in emergy is the sum of all emergy inputs to a process. renewable emergy The emergy of energy flows of the biosphere that are more or less constant and reoccurring, and that ultimately drive the biological and chemical processes of the earth and contribute to geologic processes. transformity The ratio obtained by dividing the total emergy that was used in a process by the energy yielded by the process. Transformities have the dimensions of emergy/energy (sej/J). A transformity for a product is calculated by summing all of the emergy inflows to the process and dividing by the energy of the product. Transformities are used to convert energies of different forms to emergy of the same form.
This article presents a brief review of the concepts of energy hierarchy and definitions of emergy and related quantities. Tables of data are given on global emergy flows from which emergy and transformities of most products and processes of the biosphere are calculated. Then tables of transformities for m a n y products are provided. Finally, several case studies of evaluations of energy technologies are given. In a s u m m a r y discussion emergy analysis (EMA) and embodied energy analysis (EEA) are compared describing the strengths and weaknesses of each approach related to the evaluation of energy systems.
1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
1.1 Energy and the Emergy H i e r a r c h y
Emergy is a universal measure of the w o r k of nature and society made on a c o m m o n basis. The w o r k of nature and society results in energy transformations
that when viewed in totality are interconnected in webs of energy flow. All energy transformations of the geobiosphere can be arranged in an ordered series to form an energy hierarchy. For example, many joules of sunlight are required to make a joule of organic matter, many joules of organic matter to make a joule of fuel, several joules of fuel are required to make a joule of electric power, and so on. Since different kinds of energy are not equal in their contribution to processes, work is made comparable by expressing each form of energy in units of one form. To accomplish this, the available energy of different forms of energy is evaluated by means of the energy of one type previously required to produce it. This quantity of one type of energy previously used is called emergy (spelled with an "m"). 1.2 Definitions The following paragraphs contain definitions and a brief explanation of emergy concepts. A more complete introduction can be found in H. T. Odum's 1996 text, Environmental Accounting: Emergy and
expressed as solar emergy per gram (sej/g). Solids may be evaluated best with data on emergy per unit mass for its concentration. Because energy is required to concentrate materials, the unit emergy value of any substance increases with concentration. Elements and compounds not abundant in nature therefore have higher emergy/mass ratios when found in concentrated form since more work was required to concentrate them, both spatially and chemically. Emergy per unit money is a unit emergy value used to convert money payments into emergy units. Since money is paid to people for their services and not to the environment, the contribution to a process represented by monetary payments is the emergy that people purchase with the money. The amount of resources that money buys depends on the amount of emergy supporting the economy and the amount of money circulating. An average emergy/money ratio in solar emjoules/$ can be calculated by dividing the total emergy use of a state or nation by its gross economic product. It varies by country and has been shown to decrease each year. This emergy/money ratio is useful for evaluating service inputs given in money units where an average wage rate is appropriate. Emergy accompanying a flow of something (energy, matter, information, etc.) is easily calculated if the unit emergy value is known. The flow expressed in its usual units is multiplied by the emergy per unit of that flow. For example, the flow of fuels in joules per time can be multiplied by the transformity of that fuel (emergy per unit energy in solar emjoules/joule), or the mass of a material input can be multiplied by its specific emergy (emergy per unit mass in solar emjoules/gram). The emergy of a storage is readily calculated by multiplying the storage quantity in its usual units by the emergy per unit. Unit emergy values are a kind of efficiency measure, since they relate all the inputs to an output. The lower the transformity or specific emergy, the more efficient the conversion. It follows from the second law that there are some minimum unit emergy values for processes, which are consistent with maximum power operations. While there is no way to calculate them directly, the lowest transformity found in long-operating systems is used as an approximation. When estimating a theoretical potential of some system, it is appropriate to use the best (lowest) transformity known. Empower is a flow of emergy (i.e., emergy per time). Emergy flows are usually expressed in units of solar empower (solar emjoules per time).
government, and information. A simple diagram of the global system including humans is shown in Fig. 1. The left-to-right organization also corresponds to increasing scale of territory and turnover time. As illustrated in Fig. 1, every energy transformation box has more than one input, including larger energy flows from the left, lesser amounts from units in parallel, and small but important controlling energies feeding back from the right.
Natural ecosystems
FIGURE 1 Successiveenergy transformations supporting human civilization. Large energy flows from the right support smaller and smaller amounts of high-quality energy. With each succeeding energy transformation, some energy is degraded some is passed on to the next level (to the left) and some is fed back in control actions. Explanations of symbols may be found in Odum (1996). TABLE I Example Emergy Evaluation Table
1 Note 2 Item 3 Data 4 Units 5 Emergy/unit (sej/unit) 6 Solar emergy (E + 15 sej/year) 7 em$ Value (1998 em$/year)
1. 2.
xx.x xx.x
sej/year g/year
xxx.x xxx.x
xxx.x xxx.x
xxx.x xxx.x
n. O.
xx.x xx.xx
xxx.x xxx.x
xxx.x ~1 Em n
xxx.x xxx.x
1.3.3 Emergy of Storages When calculating the emergy of stored quantities (storages)--for instance, w o o d biomass in a forest ecosystem or buildings in a city--it is necessary to sum the emergy of each of the inputs for the time of its contribution. Input emergy inflows are multiplied by the time it takes to accumulate the storage and exported yield, if any. 1.3.4 Evaluations Based on Averaged Inputs Apparently all systems pulse with time intervals and pulse strength that increase with scale. To evaluate a process on one scale of time and space usually means
using averages for each of the inputs from smaller scales where pulses are of high frequency. For example, for an evaluation of phenomena on the scale of h u m a n economy, yearly averages are often appropriate. On this scale average solar energy and average tidal energy are used. For calculations of global processes over a longer scale of time, an average of inputs from the deep earth m a y be used. Thus, for m a n y purposes emergy evaluations are made with averaged inputs. The result i s emergy evaluation as if the system was in a steady state. If the table is an evaluation of a storage, the result is in solar emjoules. If the table is an evaluation of a
product flow, the result is in solar emjoules per time (or empower). Dynamic emergy evaluations of storages and flows are also used. When a storage is growing, decreasing, or oscillating, its stored emergy contents and transformity are changing as well. Where a system is adequately represented by a dynamic model, an algorithm can be added to the model which calculates a time sequence of emergy and transformity. A simulation model of this type produces a running calculation according to the emergy definition, summing the inputs to storages, multiplying these by their unit emergy, and subtracting emergy removals.
Environmental loading ratio. The ratio of nonrenewable and imported emergy use to renewable emergy use. It is an indicator of the pressure of a transformation process on the environment and can be considered a measure of ecosystem stress due to a production (transformation activity). Emergy sustainability index. The ratio of the emergy yield ratio to the environmental loading ratio. It measures the potential contribution of a resource or process to the economy per unit of environmental loading. Emergy investment ratio. The ratio of emergy fed back from outside a system to the indigenous emergy inputs (both renewable and nonrenewable). It evaluates if a process is a good user of the emergy that is invested, in comparison with alternatives. Empower density. The ratio of total emergy use in the economy of a region or nation to the total area of the region or nation. Renewable and nonrenewable emergy density are also calculated separately by dividing the total renewable emergy by area and the total nonrenewable emergy by area, respectively. Several other ratios are sometimes calculated depending on the type and scale of the systems being evaluated.
Lsed resources
Yield (Y) = R + N + F Emergy yield ratio = Y/F Emergy investment ratio = F/(R + N) Environmental loading ratio = (F + N)/R E m p o w e r density = (R + N + F)/area
a process, which can be read as a potential additional contribution to the economy, gained by investing resources already available. The lowest possible value of the EYR is 1, which indicates that a process delivers the same amount of emergy that was provided to drive it, and that it is unable to usefully exploit any local resource. Therefore, processes whose EYR is 1 or only slightly higher do not provide significant net emergy to the economy and only transform resources that are already available from previous processes. In so doing, they act as consumer processes more than creating new opportunities for system's growth. Primary energy sources (crude oil, coal, natural gas, uranium) usually show EYRs greater than 5, since they are exploited by means of a small input from the economy and return much greater emergy flows, which have been generated by previous geologic and ecological activities that accumulated these resources over past millennia. Secondary energy sources and primary materials like cement and steel show EYRs in the range from 2 to 5, indicating moderate contribution to the economy. If the ELR (nonrenewable versus renewable emergy flows) and EYR (outside versus local emergy flows) are combined, a sustainability index is created--that is, an aggregated measure of the potential contribution to the larger system (EYR) per unit of loading imposed on the local system (ELR). This indicator, called emergy index of sustainability (EIS) is usefully applicable to measure openness and loading changes occurring over time in both technological processes and economies. In principle, the lowest possible value of the EIS is zero (when E Y R = 0 and ELR< ~ or when E Y R ~ 0 and ELR--, ~ ), while the theoretical upper limit ( ~ ~ ) is only possible for untouched, mature ecosystems. According to the results of several case studies investigated, EIS's lower than 1 appear to be indicative of consumer products or processes and those greater than 1 indicative of products that have net contributions to society without heavily affecting its environmental equilibrium. As it relates to economies, an EIS lower than 1 is indicative of highly developed consumer-oriented systems, EISs between 1 and 10 have been calculated for what have been termed "developing economies," while EISs greater than 10 indicate economies that have not yet significantly started any industrial development. Finally, the emergy density, ED, measures the amount of emergy invested on one unit of land and suggest land be a limiting factor to any kind of development or process. Higher EDs characterize
city centers, information centers such as governmental buildings, universities, and research institutions, and industrial clusters, while lower EDs are calculated for rural areas and natural environments.
TABLE H Annual Emergy Contributions to Global Processes* (after Odum et al., 2000)
Abbreviations: sej = solar emjoules; E24 means multiplied by 1024" *Not including nonrenewable resources. aSunlight: solar constant 2gcal/cm2/min=2 Langley per minute; 70% absorbed; earth cross section facing sun 1.27 E14 m 2. bHeat release by crustal radioactivity 1.98 E20J/year plus 4.74 E20J/year heat flowing up from the mantle (Sclater et al., 1980). Solar transformity 1.2 E4 sej/J based on an emergy equation for crustal heat as the sum of emergy from earth heat, solar input to earth cycles, and tide (Odum, 2000a). CTidal contribution to oceanic geopotential flux is 0.52 E20J/ year (Miller, 1966). Solar transformity of 7.4 E4 sej/J is based on an emergy equation for oceanic geopotential as the sum of emergy from earth heat, solar input to the ocean, and tide following Campbell (1998) (Odum, 2000a).
energy, and heat energy from the deep earth. Other inputs from space, such as the high-energy radiation of solar flares, cosmic rays, meteorites, and stellar dust, are not evaluated. All of these vary with oscillations and pulses, and their emergy values vary with their intensities. Total emergy contributions to the geobiosphere are about 15.83 E24 sej/year based on a reevaluation
Nonrenewable uses
FIGURE 3 Energy transformation network of the biosphere. The interconnected pathways of energy flow, inputs, and all main components are necessary to all the other components and processes.
and subsequent recalculation of energy contributions done in the year 2000. Prior to that date, the total emergy contribution to the geobiosphere that was used in calculating unit emergy values was 9.44 E24 sej/year. The increase in global emergy reference base to 15.83 E24 sej/year changes all the unit emergy values that directly and indirectly were derived from the value of global annual empower. Thus, unit emergy values calculated prior to that year are multiplied by 1.68 (the ratio of 15.83/9.44). 2.2 Average Emergy Unit Values for M a i n Global Processes Table III calculates unit emergy values for some main flows of the earth. The total emergy input to the geobiosphere in solar emergy (15.83 E24 sej/yr from Table II) is divided by each of the global product's ordinary measure (number of joules or grams). The unit values that result are useful for other emergy evaluations where global averages can be used.
2.3 T e m p o r a r y Emergy Inputs to the Geobiosphere In the 19th and 20th centuries, the production and consumption processes of human civilization using the large emergy in the geologic stores of fuels and minerals reached a scale with global impact. Because these storages are being used much faster than they are being generated in geologic cycles, they are often called nonrenewable resources. They are actually very slowly renewed resources. Table IV summarizes these additional components of the global emergy budget. At present, the emergy contribution through the human civilization to the geobiosphere from the slowly renewed resources is greater than the inputs from renewable sources. A symptom of this surge of temporary emergy inflow is the carbon-dioxide accumulation in the atmosphere that causes greenhouse effects that change the pattern and intensity of weather. It is important to note that the unit emergy values given in Table III are average values for global processes. It is well understood that there is no single
TABLE III Emergy of Products of the Global Energy System (after Odum et al., 2000)
Production units/year
1.26 E24 6.45 E21 1.09 E20 5.19 E20 3.96 E19 3.4 E20 1.96 E20 3.1 E20 8.6 E17
Emergy/unit sej/unit
12.6 2.5 1.5 3.1 4.0 4.7 8.1 5.1 1.8 sej/J E3 sej/J E5 sej/g E4 sej/J E5 sej/g E4 sej/J E4 sej/J E4 sej/J E7 sej/J
*Main empower of inputs to the geobiospheric system from Table II not including nonrenewable consumption (fossil fuel and mineral use). aGlobal latent heat=latent heat of evapotranspiration 1020mngyear (1020mm/year) (1000g/m2/mm) (0.58 kcal/g) (4186J/kcal) (5.1 E14 m2) = 1.26 E24 J/year. bGlobal wind circulation, 0.4 watts/m2 (Wiin-Nielsen and Chen, 1993) (0.4J/m2/sec) (3.15 E7 sec/year) (5.12 E14 m2/earth)= 6.45 E21 J/year. c Global precipitation on land = 1.09 E l l m3/year (Ryabchikov, 1975) (1.09 E14m 3) (1 E6 kg/m3) = 1.09 E20 g/year. a Chemical potential energy of rainwater relative to seawater salinity (1.09 E20 g/year) (4.94 J Gibbs free energy/g)= 5.19 E20 J/year. eGlobal runoff, 39.6 E3 km3/year (Todd, 1970) (39.6 E12 m3/year) (1 E6 g/m3) =3.96 E19 g/year. /Average river geopotential work; average elevation of land = 875 m (39.6 E12 m3/year) (1000 kg/m3) (9.8 m/sec2) (875 m) = 3.4 E20J/ year. gChemical potential energy of river water relative to seawater salinity (3.96 E19 g/year) (4.94J Gibbs free energy/g)= 1.96 E20 J/year. hAverage wave energy reaching shores, (Kinsman, 1965) (1.68 E8 kcal/ngyear) (4.39 E8 m shore front)(4186J/kcal)= 3.1 E20J/year. /Average ocean current: 5cm/sec (Oort et al., 1989); 2-year turnover time (0.5) (1.37 E21kg water) (0.050m/sec) (0.050m/sec)/ (2year) = 8.56 El7 J/year.
TABLE 1V Annual Emergy Contributions to Global Processes Including Use of Resource Reserves (after Brown and UIgiati, 1999)
Inputs and Units Renewable inputs a Nonrenewable energies released by society Oil, jb Natural gas (oil eq.), JC Coal (oil eq.), J'/ Nuclear power, je Wood, Jf Soils, Jg Phosphate, jh Limestone, jl Metal ores, gJ Total nonrenewable empower Total global empower (J/year) -1.38 E20 7.89 1.09 8.60 5.86 1.38 4.77 7.33 9.93 E19 E20 E18 E19 E19 E16 E16 E14
(sej/unit) -9.06 E4 8.05 6.71 3.35 1.84 1.24 1.29 2.72 1.68 E4 E4 E5 E4 E5 E7 E6 E9
Abbreviations: sej = solar emjoules; E3 means multiplied by 103; t = metric ton; oil eq. = oil equivalents. *Values of solar emergy/unit from Odum (1996) and modified to reflect a global resource base of 15.83 E24 sej/year. aRenewable Inputs: Total of solar, tidal, and deep heat empower inputs from Odum (1996). bTotal oil production = 3.3 E9 Mt oil equivalent (British Petroleum, 1997) Energy flux = (3.3 E9 t oil eq.) (4.186 El0 J/t oil eq.) = 1.38 E20J/year oil equivalent. CTotal natural gas production = 2.093 E9 m 3 (British Petroleum, 1997) Energy flux= (2.093 E12 m 3) (3.77 E7 J m 3) = 7.89 E19 J/year. '/Total soft coal production = 1.224 E9 t/year (British Petroleum, 1997) Total hard coal production = 3.297 E9 t/year (British Petroleum, 1997) Energy flux = (1.224 E9 t/year) (13.9 E9 J/t) + (3.297 E9 t/year)(27.9 E9 J/t) - 1.09 E20 J/year. eTotal nuclear power production = 2.39 El2 kwh/year (British Petroleum, 1997); Energy flux = (2.39 E12 kwh/year)(3.6 E6 J/kwh) = 8.6 El8 J/year electrical equivalent. fAnnual net loss of forest area = 11.27 E6 ha/year (Brown et al., 1997) Biomass = 40kgm2; 30% moisture (Lieth and Whitaker, 1975) Energy flux= (11.27 E6 ha/year) (1 E4 m2/ha) (40 kgm2)(1.3 E7 J/kg)(0.7)= 5.86 El9 J/year. gTotal soil erosion - 6.1 El0 t/year (Oldeman, 1994; Mannion, 1995) Assume soil loss 10 t/ha/year and 6.1 E9 ha agricultural land = 6.1 E16/g/year (assume 1.0% organic matter), 5.4 kcal/g Energy flux = (6.1 El6 g)(.01) (5.4 kcal/g)(4186 J/kcal)= 1.38 E19 J/year. hTotal global phosphate production = 137 E6 t/year (USDI, 1996) Gibbs free energy of phosphate rock = 3.48 E2 J/g Energy flux = (137 El2 g)(3.48 E2 J/g)=4.77 El6 J/year. /Total limestone production = 120 E6 t/year (USDI, 1996) Gibbs free energy of phosphate rock = 611J/g Energy flux= (120 E12 g)(6.11 E2 J/g) = 7.33 E16 J/year. /Total global production of metals 1994: AI, Cu, Pb, Fe, Zn (World Resources Institute, 1996): 992.9 E6 t/year = 992.9 E12 g/year.
unit emergy value for any given product, since no two processes are alike. This also holds for the processes of the biosphere. For instance, there are many transformities for rain depending on location and even time of year. Precipitation varies with altitude, is affected by mountains, and depends on the weather systems in complex ways. The evaluations in Table III are for the whole earth with 70% ocean. If the land is regarded as a higher level in the hierarchical organization of the geobiosphere, then rain over the land represents a convergence of oceanic resources as well as those of the continents, and calculation of continental rain transformity includes all geobiosphere driving energy (see rows 3 and 4 in Table III). As a result, continental rainfall has a higher transformity compared to the global average. To carry this idea even farther, the
rainfall in any particular location may have a higher or lower transformity depending on the source area and intensity of the solar energy driving the cycles that produce it.
TABLE VI Unit Emergy Values for Some Common Products (After Odum, 1996, Updated)
Sej/g 9.4 E7 6.7 E8 EYR 2.8 3.0 6.8 8-10.5 4.1 E8 2.2 6.8-10.3 3.2-11.1 2.6-9.0 --
Unit Emergy Values for Primary Nonrenewable Energy Sources (After Odum, 1996, Updated)
Transformity Item
Plantation pine (in situ) Peat Lignite Coal Rainforest wood (chipped, trans.) Natural gas Crude oil Liquid motor fuel Electricity (Sej/J) 1.1 E4 3.2 E4 6.2 E4 6.7 E4 6.9 E4 8.1 E4 9.1 E4 1.1 E5 3.4 E5
Specific emergy
Corn stalks Rice, high energya Cotton Sugar (sugarcane) b Corn Butter Ammonia fertilizer Mutton Silk Wool Phosphate fertilizer Shrimp (aquaculture) Steel b
(Sej/J) 6.6 E4 7.4 E4 1.4 E5 1.5 E5 1.6 E5 2.2 E6 3.1 E6 5.7 6.7 7.4 1.7 2.2 8.7 E6 E6 E6 E7 E7 E7
1.4 E9
2.4 E9
evaluation for instance plantation pine. In other cases, several evaluations have been done of the same primary energy but from different sources and presumably different technology, so a range of values are given. For instance, the range of values for natural gas (6.8 to 10.3) represent the difference between offshore natural gas (6.8) and on natural gas produce in the Texas field on shore (10.3). Obviously each primary energy source has a range of values depending on source and technology. By using data from typical production facilities (and actually operating facilities), the unit emergy values represent average conditions and can be used for evaluations when actual unit values are not known. If it is known that conditions where an evaluation is being conducted are quite different than the averages suggested here, then detailed evaluations of sources should be conducted. Table VI lists the unit emergy values for some common products in the order of their transformity. Only a few products are given here, while many more evaluations leading to unit emergy values have been conducted and are presented in a set of emergy folios, published by the Center for Environmental Policy at the University of Florida (www.ees.ufl.edu/cep). Calculations of emergy production and storage provide a quantitative basis for making choices about environment and economy. The unit energy values done previously aid new evaluations, since they may save time and energy of authors attempting other evaluations because they do not need to reevaluate all inputs from scratch. In light of this, a series of emergy folios have been published, and others planned, that provide data on emergy contents, the computations on which they were based, and comparisons (www.ees.ufl.edu/cep/emer-
7.8 E9
aAfter Brown and McKlanahan (1996). bArter Odum and Odum (1983).
gydownloads.asp). To date there are five folios by as many authors, who take the initiative to make new calculations or assemble results from the extensive but dispersed literature in published papers, books, reports, theses, dissertations, and unpublished manuscripts. The tabulating of unit emergy values and their basis is the main purpose of the handbooks.
System diagram of a thermal power plant an its environment showing the use of nonrenewable energy as well as the use of the environment for cooling.
steam generation, steam turbines, electric generators, a set of electricity transformers from low to high voltage for easier transport to final users, one or more chimneys for the release of combustion gases to the atmosphere, and finally a set of heat exchangers and pumps to cool the plant off by means of river or sea water (44m3/s) and condense the steam. Filters and scrubbers for partial uptake of pollutants at the chimney mouth as well as fuel desulfurization devices are also used. The data for the evaluation were provided by the Italian National Electric Company (ENEL) and relate to the actual average performance of the Piombino 1280 MWe power plant (Tuscany, Italy). The plant consists of four 320Mwe boilerturbine-generator groups, cooled by the seawater from the nearby Mediterranean Sea. All inputs were listed and grouped according to their material components (steel, copper, etc.), then suitable energy and emergy intensity coefficients were used, according to previous studies available in the scientific literature. Labor and services are also accounted for in the emergy analysis only. Waste heat and chemicals released to the environment (seawater and atmosphere) were quantified and the amount of environmental services (cooling water, wind, etc.) needed for dispersal, dilution and abatement is calculated by means of the emergy accounting procedure. Fig. 4 shows the direct and indirect annual environmental flows supporting the construction of the plant structure (assuming a lifetime of 25 years) as well as its daily operation. The plant started to be fully
operative in the year 1979, which means that it is not far from the end of its life cycle and may require a significant upgrade investment or final decommissioning and replacement by a more modern technology.
4.1.2 Wind Turbine The investigated case study (Fig. 5) consists of a 2.5MW wind powered field, composed with 10 single-blade, 250 kW, wind turbines M30-A, sited in southern Italy (Casone Romano). The wind field, installed in the year 1995 by the Riva Calzoni Company, is presently operated by ENEL. The distance between two generators is 150m. Each turbine is located on the top of a 33 m support tower. Operating wind speeds are between 4 and 25 m/s. For wind speeds outside of these extremes, the turbine automatically stops. The wind field does not require any local labor for its daily activity and is directly managed from the operating company by means of remote control. The energy systems diagram of a wind power plant is shown in Fig. 5.
4.1.3 Geothermal Plant To optimize the exploitation of the rich geothermal fields available in central Italy (Tuscany), the National Electric Company designed a 20MW power module to be efficiently and cost-effectively installed in several sites of the geothermal area (Fig. 6). The main reason supporting the development of such a module is the need for the reduction of the time between the discovery of a new geothermal site and
FIGURE S System diagram of wind power plant showing the industrial processes required to produce the generator and associated structure and the use of wind energy in the production of electricity.
FIGURE 6 System diagram of a geothermal power plant showing the use of nonrenewable energies in developing the steam field and power plant, the use of geothermal steam, and release of heat and salts to the larger environment.
its actual exploitation. The module essentially consists of a turbine-generator group, receiving highenthalpy fluids from nearby wells. A fraction of the extracted steam is then released to the atmosphere, through three cooling towers. The remaining fraction is, instead, condensed and reinjected into the underground reservoir to avoid their water depletion. The
steam pipelines are made with steel and are insulated with rockwool and aluminum. Instead, the reinjection lines are made with glass fiber. The data used for the case study were provided by ENEL and relate the Cornia 2 power plant, sited close to Pisa and installed in the year 1994. No local labor is required. The plant is 24 hours per day distance-operated by the
Emergy Analysis and EnvironmentalAccounting company's operative station sited in Larderello, the site where the first electric plant running on geothermal heat was installed in 1904. Geothermal fluids carry and release significant amounts of hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, radioactive radon, arsenic, mercury, nitrogen, and boron. This involves plant corrosion problems as well as pollution problems in the area. For this reason, several devices have been designed for the uptake and abatement of the most dangerous chemicals. The plant as well as the environmental and technological flows supporting its activity are described by the systems diagram drawn in Fig. 6.
FIGURE 8 Systems diagram of bioethanol production showing the use of nonrenewable resources in the construction of the processing plant, transportation, and corn production as well as the environmental, renewable energies of sun, wind, and water.
widely used process for hydrogen production. An aggregated energy systems diagram of a conventional steam reforming process is shown in Fig. 9A. The feedstock (i.e. natural gas) is mixed with process steam and reacts over a nickel-based catalyst contained inside a system of alloyed steel tubes. To protect the catalyst, natural gas has to be desulfurized before being fed to the reformer. The following reactions take place in the reformer: CH4 + H 2 0 ~ CO + 3H2 CO + H 2 0 ~ C O 2 + H2. The output of the reformer is fed to a series of shift reactors and a pressure swing adsorption unit, where hydrogen is separated and purified to over 99 % purity. The reforming reaction is strongly endothermic and energy is supplied by combustion of natural gas or fuel oil. The reaction temperature is usually in the range 700 to 900C.
Cathode reaction: 2H20 (1) + 2e---, H2(g) + 2 O H - (aq) Anode reaction: 2OH-(aq) ~02(g) + H20(I) Overall cell reaction: H 2 0 (1) ~H2(g) + 02 (g) An electrolysis plant can operate over a wide range of capacity factors and is convenient for a wide range of operating capacities, which makes this process interesting for coupling with both renewable and nonrenewable energy sources. The needed electricity can be purchased from the grid (an interesting option in the case of excess electricity production from hydroelectric plants, for example) or produced on site. In this article, the electrolysis is assumed driven by the electricity generated by the oil-powered and wind-powered plants described earlier.
@ IFos~,silfu~l~j PoweriplanT~
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4.2 M e t h o d s
(A) Aggregated systems diagram of hydrogen production from steam reforming and (B) electrolysis.
found between latitudes 20 N and 20 S. Within this tropical zone are portions of two industrial nations-the United States and Australia--as well as 29 territories and 66 developing nations. Of all these possible sites, tropical islands with growing power requirements and a dependence on expensive imported oil are the most likely areas for OTEC development. Electricity generated by plants fixed in one place can be delivered directly to a utility grid. A submersed cable would be required to transmit electricity from an anchored floating platform to land. Moving ships could manufacture transportable products such as methanol, hydrogen, or ammonia on board. The OTEC data for the evaluation are from Odum. He investigated the OTEC technology, performing both an energy and emergy assessment. His conclusions, based on emergy accounting, were that although OTEC shows a small net emergy yield it is unlikely to be competitive with fossil powered technologies for electricity, due to the excessive
dilution of solar energy resulting into a very small heat gradient of marine water.
Apart from the OTEC plant, the case studies represent real plants, evaluated on the basis of the electricity actually generated and the fuel actually used. Therefore, calculated performance indicators may appear worse than those theoretically obtainable on the basis of nameplate power and efficiency, although the order of magnitude does not change significantly.
4.2.1 Data a n d Calculations
Unless specified differently, a lifetime of 25 years is assumed for each of the investigated plants or assets. Data used include construction materials, source energy, and labor in construction, as well as operation and maintenance, environmental inputs,
multipliers of indirect energy consumption for their production. These multipliers are derived from a standardized comparison of literature in this field. 4.2.2 Performance Indicators EEA typically evaluates energy sources and the outputs from process in their heat equivalents. Two indicators commonly used in EEA are calculated for all the investigated case studies. The first one is related to CO2 production and global warming potential and is the amount of CO2 released per megawatt of energy delivered. The second indicator is the output/input energy ratio (also called energy return on investment, EROI, according to Hall et al.). It is calculated as the ratio of heat equivalent energies of outputs and input flows and is considered as a measure of the first law energy efficiency of a process. The total input energy in this study is derived by multiplying all goods and materials consumed in the construction (divided by the average life span of the structure and equipment) and the annual maintenance of plants by energy equivalent multipliers, and adding the annual energy consumed directly and indirectly. The output as electricity is converted to joules using the standard conversion of 3.6 106j/kWh, while the masses of bioethanol and hydrogen are multiplied by their higher heating value (J/g). CO2 releases are evaluated by multiplying the total input energy (sum of energy used directly and indirectly) by a standard stoichiometric conversion, 3.2 g CO2/g oil equivalent. Renewable energy plants (wind, hydro, and geothermal) obviously do not burn fossil fuels directly, so their direct CO2 emissions are lower (zero for the hydro and wind plants, but not negligible for the geothermal power plant due to underground CO2 contained in the geothermal fluid extracted). EMA indices are calculated in a similar way. Each item in Table VII (bioethanol) and Table VIII (wind turbine) as well as in all the other tables related to the investigated case studies is multiplied by an appropriate transformity to get the emergy input from the item to the process. The total emergy (a measure of the total environmental support or ecological footprint to the process) is then calculated by summing all inputs according to the previously described emergy algebra. Finally, a new transformity for the process output is calculated by dividing the total emergy by the exergy (sometimes the mass) of the product. Further emergy-based indicators (emergy yield ratio, environmental loading ratio, emergy index of sustainability, emergy density) are also calculated.
conversion (OTEC)
FIGURE 10 Aggregated systems diagram of ocean thermal energy conversion showing the use of labor, goods, and services (nonrenewable) and differential in surface and deep ocean water temperature.
and process outputs including electricity and pollutants. Input data for main plant components were kindly supplied by the companies producing and operating them. All plants are analyzed using the same procedures as outlined earlier. Input data for each item (row) in the evaluation tables are the actual operational data of each plant and are converted into appropriate units using specific calculation procedures, most of which are described by Odum in his text Environmental Accounting. Input data to each investigated process are multiplied by suitable conversion coefficients (unit oil equivalents, goil/unit of item, for energy evaluation; transformities, sej/unit of item, for emergy evaluation), to yield energy and emergy values associated with each input item. Energy values (expressed as grams of oil equivalent) are then converted into grams of released carbon dioxide, by means of an average oil-to-carbon dioxide conversion coefficient derived from typical reaction stoichiometry. Energy, emergy, and CO2 flows are then summed, yielding a total that is divided by the amount of the product of each plant to yield its energy cost, its transformity, and its associated carbon emissions. Finally, data are used to calculate several other energy-, emergy-, and carbon-flow indicators to obtain an overall picture of plant performance. All inputs to the electric production systems are expressed on a yearly basis. Fixed capital equipment, machinery, buildings, and so on are divided by their estimated useful life (10 to 30 years, depending on the case). Outputs are also expressed on an annual basis. CO2 production is calculated for direct fuel combustion in thermal plants and estimated for goods and human services using
while goods and machinery account for 71% of total emergy and 55% of total energy. This means that EEA overestimates the role of direct energy inputs and underestimates the role of energy flows embodied in goods and machinery. A similar calculation can be performed for the wind turbine by using data presented in Table VIII. As far as wind plant is concerned, it can be noted that wind emergy accounts for about 82% of the total emergy input, while labor and services (4%) and goods and machinery (14%) play a much smaller role. A comparison with energy data is less significant here, since no direct energy inputs are required. It is crystal clear that EMA offers a more comprehensive picture of the whole process by taking into account the hidden environmental flows that support a given process and by evaluating their role on the scale of the biosphere, where they are compared by means of a common measure of environmental quality.
4.3.2 Embodied Energy Performance Indicators 4.3.1 Energy and Emergy Evaluations
Emergy evaluations of bioethanol production from corn (Table VII) and electricity generation from wind (Table VIII) are given as examples for a clear description of the emergy approach. These two case studies do not focus on the best available technologies and it is possible that other wind turbines or biomass-to-ethanol processes exist showing better performances. These two cases are used as more or less average-technology case studies. The same rationale applies to the other case studies summarized in Tables IX and X but not shown in detail here. Renewable flows to bioethanol production from corn (Table VII) account for about 15.3% of the total emergy driving the process. They can be identified as the rain driving the agricultural phase and the wind dispersing the pollutants that come out of the industrial step. Electricity and fuels (including coal) account for about 17.4%, goods and machinery for 42.6%, while labor and services represent 24.7% of the total emergy input. Goods and machinery are therefore the main emergy input to the process, due to the environmental support embodied in their manufacture from raw materials. Environmental flows as well as labor and services are not included in the conventional energy accounting, therefore a comparison between EEA and EMA requires the percentages be calculated taking these flows out of the total emergy. In so doing, fuels and electricity come out to be respectively the 29% of total emergy and the 45% of total energy, The EEA results are synoptically shown in Tables IX and X. The EROIs of electricity generation range from a low 0.30 of the oil-powered plant to a high 23.7 of the hydroelectric plant. The geothermal and wind conversions also show high energy returns (respectively 20.7 and 7.7), while the OTEC plant only shows an energy return equal to 3.8, due to the low thermal gradient between deep and surface water temperatures. Similarly, Table X shows EROIs in the range 0.24 to 6.1 for energy carriers different than electricity (bioethanol and hydrogen). As expected, the lower value refers to hydrogen production via electrolysis with electricity generated by an oil-powered, thermal plant similar to the one described in Table IX. Instead, the highest EROI is shown by hydrogen generated via electrolysis by means of wind-powered electricity. The net CO2 release shows similar patterns, with higher values when direct fossil fuel combustion is involved and lower values when renewable sources drive the process, as expected. In the latter case, only indirect emissions can be calculated, linked to fuel use for the production of components and for machinery construction and operation. The surprising high emission from geothermal electricity is due to the CO2 content of geothermal fluids. The better performance of processes driven by renewables is clearly due to the fact that the EROI compares only commercial energies (i.e., calculates the ratio of the thermal energy delivered to the fossil or fossil equivalent energy that is provided to the
TABLE VII Emergy Analysis of Bioethanol Production Unit emergy values (seJ/unit)
Solar emergy (seJ/ha*year)
Amount (unit/ha*year)
Renewable inputs
Sunlight Rain water (chemical potential) Earth cycle J J 5.50E + 13 3.07E + 10 1.00E + 00 3.06E + 04 [1] [2] 5.50E + 13 9.39E + 14
J J g g g
Nonrenewable inputs
Organic matter in topsoil used up Nitrogen fertilizer Phosphate fertilizer Insecticides, pesticides, and herbicides Diesel Lubricants Gasoline Water for irrigation Electricity for irrigation Agricultural machinery (mainly steel) Seeds Human labor Annual services
J J J J J g
g 1.62E + 04 years 1.30E-02 US $ 8.90E + 02 Additional inputs for harvest of 70% residues to be used as process energy Nitrogen in g 7.88E + 04 residues harvested Phosphate in g 1.82E + 04 residues harvested Diesel for residues J 9.03E + 03 Machinery for g 2.59E + 03 residues Labor for residues years 1.39E-03 Additional services $ 8.90E + 01 Industrial phase (conversion of corn to bioethanol)
1.11E + 05
1.13E + 10 6.32E + 16 2.00E + 12
[3] [6] [6]
1.00E + 09 2.92E + 13
8.78E + 13 1.78E + 14
Nonrenewable inputs
Diesel for transport Transport machinery (mainly steel) Plant machinery (mainly steel)
4.41E + 04
1.13E + 10
4.96E + 14
Amount (unit/ha*year)
Cement in plant construction Additional coal for hot water/steam generation Process electricity Process and cooling water Gasoline denaturant Ammonia Lime
g J
7.84E + 04 8.10E + 07
[5] [2]
J J J g g
1.41E + 09
7.99E + 07
Electricity running J the waste water treatment plant Labor years Annual capital US $ cost and services Main product of industrial phase Ethanol produced, J without services Ethanol produced, J with services
1.68E-03 2.22E + 02
6.32E + 16
2.00E + 12
[6] [6]
1.06E + 14 4.44E + 14
5.65E + 10 5.65E + 10
1.28E + 05 1.73E + 05
[7] [7]
7.22E + 15 9.78E + 15
process). Energies that are not purchased, but instead are provided for free by nature (e.g., the solar energy driving the wind or the solar energy that drives the photosynthesis for corn production) are not accounted for by EEA and therefore are not reflected in the EROI or in the CO2 release.
tions to any electricity generation process are the driving forces of fuels or renewable sources, followed by the emergy associated with plant components. As a consequence, a significant lowering of the total emergy demand cannot be expected by simply moving the plant to countries with lower cost of labor, as has become very common with goods production. The OTEC plant combines very small inputs in the form of solar energy via the temperature gradient of the oceans and technological equipment and, instead, a significant input in the form of financial investment, labor, and services, to which a huge emergy is associated. This makes this plant too dependent on nonrenewable, purchased emergy inputs, very high compared to the locally available renewable flow. The transformity of OTEC electricity is around 1.7 10 s seJ/J, but declines by more than one order of magnitude when labor and services are not accounted for. Transformities of energy delivered in the form of energy carriers other than electricity (Table X) show similar orders of magnitude. Hydrogen from water electrolysis shows higher or lower transformities depending respectively on oil- or wind-generated electricity. Hydrogen from steam reforming of
Item Direct renewable inputs Wind Nonrenewable and purchased inputs Concrete (basement) Iron (machinery) Steel (machinery) Pig iron (machinery) Copper Insulating and miscellaneous plastic material Lube oil Labor Services Electricity generated Electricity, with labor and services Electricity, without labor and services
J g g g g g g J years US $ J J
[2] [1] [2] [2] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [6] [7] [7]
*Data on a yearly basis; 2.5 MW plant sited at Casone Romano, Foggia, Italy. References for transformities (Tables VII and VIII): [1] Brown and Buranakarn (2003). [2] Bargigli and Ulgiati (2003). [3] Lapp (1991). [4] Average estimate based on selected case studies. [5] Odum (1996). [6] Ulgiati (2003). [7] From calculation performed in this work.
natural gas shows a relatively low transformity. Unfortunately, only the value without services was calculated in the steam-reforming case study. However, since steam-reforming is a well-known technology, not particularly labor intensive, a dramatic increase of its transformity should not be expected when adding the emergy value of labor and services. The comparison with the transformities of primary sources in Table IV clearly shows that transformities depend on the length of the manufacturing chain. More process steps require more emergy inputs and may decrease the actual energy delivered at the end of the chain. Oil, coal, natural gas, hydro- and windelectricity, and hydrogen from steam reforming all show transformities on the order of 104seJ/J. However, when technologically heavy steps are added to further process the primary energy source, transformities grow by an order of magnitude to 10SseJ/J. It can be clearly understood that if bioethanol were used to generate electricity or if electricity from oil were used to refine metals, transformities would become even greater.
The other emergy indicators complement this picture, by showing low EYRs for oil-powered and OTEC electricity as well as for bioethanol and hydrogen from thermal electricity. Not surprisingly, all the other energy conversions have EYRs around 5. Similarly, high ELRs characterize oil-based patterns, as well as bioethanol and OTEC electricity, while very low ELRs (below 1) are shown by the processes relying to a larger degree on renewables. As a consequence, the aggregated sustainability measure expressed by the EIS ranges from a low 0.06 for oilbased processes up to a significantly high 25 for wind-based ones. Again, the OTEC plant shows a very low performance, quantified by an EIS lower than 0.01. However, let's recall that the evaluation of OTEC is based on a feasibility study and not on an actually existing plant.
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calculate bad performance indicators for oil-based energy systems. EEA simply indicates that the ability of the investigated devices to operate the conversion chemical energy to work is low, as expected for any engine subject to the second law and the Carnot factor. EMA adds an indication of poor sustainability in both the global dynamics of the economy and the biosphere. The same consideration applies to the investigated bioethanol from corn. In this case, however, EEA indicates a small thermal energy return, which supports several claims of bioenergy supporters in favor of increased use of photosynthesis for energy. On the other hand, EMA jointly evaluates the environmental work diverted from its natural pattern in order to provide free renewable inputs, to replace fertile soil eroded by the intensive tilling, to supply fuels, goods and machinery, to support labor and services, and concludes that the global sustainability of this product is so low that it cannot be usefully pursued as an alternative energy source. Much lower environmental work is required to deliver energy via hydro- and wind-powered turbines, which simply means that less environmental activity is diverted from its original patterns to provide electricity to the economy. This ensures that these technologies are not withdrawing too many resources from the global biosphere dynamics. Renewable energies (sun, wind, rain and deep heat) already have a role in nature's self-organization processes, so that diverting to much of them to support an economic process reduces their input to other natural processes. EEA assigns a more favorable energy return to hydro- than to wind-electricity, while EMA-based sustainability is much greater for wind conversion, due to equal EYRs and much lower ELR of wind compared to hydro. Geothermal energy return is surprisingly high according to EEA, since the huge amount of deep heat (high-quality flow) is not accounted for as an input. EMA indicators still suggest a good performance for geothermal electricity, but the fact that a large fraction of high-quality deep heat is dispersed increases the transformity of the output. In addition, the load on the environment due to the release of chemicals extracted with the underground fluid increases the ELR and decreases the global EIS of the process. None of these considerations could be obtained by the traditional energy analysis. A final remark about OTEC is also illuminating. The process was evaluated as a net energy supplier according to EEA, due to an energy return equal to 3.8. However, this favorable result cannot be
obtained without supplying a significant amount of resources in the form of capital, labor, and services. These resources, generated by previous investment of primary emergy sources, decrease the global sustainability of the process to values that make its viability very unlikely, more than its actual feasibility.
embodied in the transformity of a resource is the global environmental input required over space and time to drive the geological and biosphere processes, which converge to build a resource storage or to support a resource flow. Emergy-based indicators therefore have a built-in memory of the process history--that is, the real "trial and error" pathway that was followed by environment and humans to generate the product, including those pathways discarded by natural selection for maximum power output. The latter sentence may not completely apply to short timescale of technological processes and human economies, but results can be managed in such a way as to take into account the further uncertainty related to patterns that are not yet optimized. Issues of Quality Energy has been defined as the ability to do work, based on the physical principle that work requires energy input. Energy is measured in units of heat, or molecular motion, the degree of motion resulting in expansion and quantified in degrees of temperature. All energies can be converted to heat at 100% efficiency; thus, it is relatively easy and accurate to express energies in their heat equivalents. The basic units of energy are the amount of heat required to raise a given amount of water a given number of degrees of temperature. Thus, the calorie is the amount of heat required to raise l c m 3 of water 1Celsius. A joule is equal to 4.187 calories. Heat-equivalent energy is a good measure of the ability to raise water temperature. However, it is not a good measure of more complex work processes. Processes outside of the window defined by heat engine technology do not use energies that lend themselves to thermodynamic heat transfers. As a result, converting all energies of the biosphere to their heat equivalents reduces all work process of the biosphere to heat engines. Human beings, then, become heat engines and the value of their services and information is nothing more than a few thousand calories per day. Obviously, not all energies are the same and methods of analysis need reflect this fact. Different forms of energy have different abilities to do work, not only in terms of amounts of work but also in terms of kind of work. It is therefore necessary to account for these different abilities if energies are to be evaluated correctly. A joule of sunlight is not the same as a joule of fossil fuel or a joule of food, unless it is being used to power a steam engine. Sunlight drives photosynthesis. A system
organized to use concentrated energies like fossil fuels cannot process a more dilute energy form like sunlight, joule for joule. Evaluation of energy sources is system dependent. The processes of the biosphere are infinitely varied and are more than just thermodynamic heat engines. As a result, the use of heat measures of energy that can only recognize one aspect of energy, its ability to raise the temperature of things, cannot adequately quantify the work potential of energies used in more complex processes of the biosphere. As in thermodynamic systems where energies are converted to heat to express their relative values, in the larger biosphere system as a whole energies should be converted to units that span this greater realm, accounting for multiple levels of system processes, ranging from the smallest scale to the largest scales of the biosphere, and accounting for processes other than heat engine technology. The ability of driving processes other than engine-like ones is a new quality aspect of resource flows, which is accounted for by emergy analysis. Net energy evaluations of energy sources and transformation processes are designed to provide information concerning efficiency and potential yield under the engine-like point of view cited previously. This is something that energy analysis does appropriately. It is able to offer at least two different results: 1. As embodied energy analysis, it provides a measure of the commercial energy cost of a product (MJ or grams of oil equivalent per unit of product). When the product is energy, this measure is better expressed as EROI (joules of energy delivered per unit of energy provided to the process). 2. As exergy analysis at the process scale, it provides a measure of thermodynamic efficiency, indicates possible optimization patterns, and finally ranks the quality of the product from the user-side point of view. Neither of these two energy analysis patterns is able to provide any significant insight into the quality of each input and output flow in the larger scale of the biosphere, as pointed out earlier. Neither of them takes into account the role of the environmental work supporting both ecosystems and human societies, in particular the role of unmonied inputs provided by nature to human economies. This is something that requires a scale expansion and a change of perspective, from local to global, i.e., the emergy approach.
This article is a brief synopsis of the emergy accounting methodology. Emergy-based case studies of energy conversion systems are presented to allow both an increased understanding of how the method is applied as well as a critical comparisons with embodied energy analysis. Much like a short intensive course given in a limited time frame, this article has touched on what is most important. There is much literature explaining the theory and concepts of the emergy approach as well as applications of the method to a large number of case studies, ranging from ecosystems to socioeconomic systems, to evaluations of the biosphere, including energy processing, agriculture, industry, tourism, wastewater management, recycling patterns, generation and storage of culture and information, development of cities as emergy attractors, and scenarios for future societal development. References to emergy literature are given throughout. Starting on 1999, an international emergy conference takes place every other year. The books of proceedings of the first two emergy conferences provide a significant set of theoretical and applied papers for further reading. In all cases, the common thread is the ability to evaluate all forms of energy, materials, and human services on a common basis by converting them into equivalents of one form of energy, solar emergy, a measure of the past and present environmental support to any process occurring in the biosphere.
S E E A L S O THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES Earth's Energy Balance Ecosystem Health: Energy Indicators Ecosystems and Energy: History and Overview Exergy Exergy Analysis of Energy Systems Global Energy Use- Status and Trends Human Energetics Thermodynamics, Laws of
Further Reading
Bargigli, S., Raugei, M., and Ulgiati, S. (2002). Thermodynamic and environmental profile of selected gaseous energy carriers. Comparing natural gas, syngas and hydrogen. In "ECOS 2002," Book of Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems-Berlin (Germany), July 2-5 (G. Tsatsaronis, M. J. Moran, E Cziesla, and T. Bruckner, Eds.), pp. 604-612. Bargigli, S., Raugei, M., and Ulgiati, S. (2003). A multi-scale and multi-criteria analysis of aluminium "greenness." J. Cleaner Production, submitted.
Bargigli, S., and Ulgiati, S. (2003). Emergy and life-cycle assessment of steel production. In Proceedings of the Second Biennial Emergy Evaluation and Research Conference, Gainesville, FL. British Petroleum (1997). "BP Statistical Review of World Energy, 1997." The British Petroleum Company, London. Brown, L. R., Renner, M., and Flavin, C. (1997). "Vital Signs, 1997: The Environmental Trends That Are Shaping Our Future." W. W. Morton & Co., New York. Brown, M. T., and Arding, J. (1991). Tranformities Working Paper, Center for Wetlands. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Brown, M. T., Brandt-Williams, S., Tilley, D., and Ulgiati, S. (eds.). (2001). "Emergy Synthesis. Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology." Book of Proceedings of the First International Emergy Research Conference, Gainesville, FL, September 2-4, 1999. The Center for Environmental Policy, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Brown, M. T., and Buranakarn, V. (2003). Emergy indices and ratios for sustainable material cycles and recycle options. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 38, 1-22. Brown, M. T., and Herendeen, R. A. (1996). Embodied energy analysis and emergy analysis: A comparative view. Ecological Economics 19, 219-235. Brown, M. T., and McClanahan, T. (1996). Emergy Analysis Perspectives for Thailand and Mekong River Dam Proposals. Ecological Modeling 91, 105-130. Brown, M. T., Odum, H. T., Tilley, D., and Ulgiati, S. (eds.). (2003). "Emergy Synthesis. Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology-2." Book of Proceedings of the Second International Emergy Research Conference, Gainesville, FL, September 20-22, 2001. The Center for Environmental Policy, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Brown, M. T., and Ulgiati, S. (1997). Emergy based indices and ratios to evaluate sustainability-Monitoring economies and technology towards environmentally sound innovation. Ecological Engineering 9, 51-69. Brown, M. T., and Ulgiati, S. (1999). Emergy evaluation of the biosphere and natural capital. Ambio 28(6), 486-492. Brown, M. T., and Ulgiati, S. (2002). Emergy evaluation and environmental loading of electricity production systems. J. Cleaner Production 10, 321-334. Campbell, D. (1998). Emergy analysis of human carrying capacity and regional sustainability: An example using the state of Maine (Appendix). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 51, 531-569. Hall, C. A. S., Cleveland, C. J., and Kaufman, R. (1986). "Energy and Resource Quality: The Ecology of the Economic Process." Wiley/Interscience, New York. Huang, S. -L., Lai, H. -Y., and Lee, C. -L. (2001). Energy hierarchy and urban landscape system. Landscape and Urban Planning 53, 145-161. Kinsman, B. (1965). "Wind, Waves, Their Generation and Propagation on the Ocean Surface." Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Lapp, C. W. (1991). Emergy analysis of the nuclear power system in the United States. M. S. thesis, University of Florida, Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences, Gainesville, FL. Mannion, A. M. (1995). "Agriculture and Environmental Change: Temporal and Spatial Dimensions." John Wiley & Sons, New York. Miller, G. A. (1966). The flux of tidal energy out of the deep oceans. J. Geophysical Res. 71, 2485-2489.
Odum, H. T. (1996). "Environmental Accounting. Emergy and Environmental Decision Making." John Wiley & Sons, New York. Odum, H. T. (2000a). Handbook of Emergy Evaluation: A Compendium of Data for Emergy Computation Issued in a Series of Folios. Folio #2--Emergy of Global Processes. Center for Environmental Policy, Environmental Engineering Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Odum, H. T. (2000b). Emergy Evaluation of an OTEC Electrical Power System. Energy 25, 389-393. Odum, H. T., Brown, M. T., and Ulgiati, S. (1999). Ecosystems as energetic systems. In "Handbook of Ecosystem Theories" (S. E. Jorgensen and E Muller, Eds.), pp. 281-302. CRC Press, New York. Odum, H. T., Brown, M. T., Whitefield, L. S., Woithe, R., and Doherty, S. (1995). Zonal Organization of Cities and Environment: A Study of Energy System Basis for Urban Society. A Report to the Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for Intergational Scholarly Exchange, Center for Environmental Policy, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Odum, H. T., Brown, M. T., and Williams, S. B. (2000). Handbook of Emergy Evaluation: A Compendium of Data for Emergy Computation Issued in a Series of Folios. Folio #1Introduction and Global Budget. Center for Environmental Policy, Environmental Engineering Sciences. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Odum, H. T., and Odum, E. C. (2001). "A Prosperous Way Down: Principles and Policies." University Press of Colorado, Boulder, CO. Odum, H. T., and Odum, E. C. (eds.). (1983). Energy Analysis Overview of Nations. Working Paper WP-83-82. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria. Oldeman, L. R. (1994). The global extent of soil degradation. In "Soil Resilience and Sustainable Land Use" (D. J. Greenland
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Introduction Energy for All? General Phases of Public Land Administration Establishing the Legal Framework Making Legal Exception: Native American Communities History of Energy Development on Public Land Debating Ownership: The Sagebrush Rebellion A Symbolic Contest: Alaska Battle Lines in the Current Debate
from natural resources reveals the public debate and contest that often results when resources are owned in common. Recent developments suggest that future use of these resources will continue to be hotly debated.
1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
When Woody Guthrie wrote the song This Land Is Your Land, his rough-toned voice instructed Americans to recall that "this land was made for you and me." Nowhere is this American ideal more obvious than in the nation's publicly owned lands--or so it would seem. Yet the spirit of Guthrie's idealism has rarely penetrated the administration of the more than 600 million acres of land that belong to each citizen. One-third of all national land is administered by the federal government and is owned collectively by the people of the nation. For a variety of reasons, including climate and the late entry of Euro-American settlers, most of the federal land can be found in the American West. Public lands include parks, monuments, wilderness areas, refuges, underground mineral reserves, marine sanctuaries, historic parks, forests, and seashores. Throughout American history, the administration of this great national resource has been tied to politics and the powerful elements of economic development. The use of public land sites and particularly the harvest of natural resources existing on them have been consistently debated in recent years. Should these lands be viewed as vast storehouses of resources on which our nation depends? Or are federal lands intended more for preservation, regardless of valuable resources that might be found within their borders? And, of course, when development takes place, who should gain the financial benefit?
application for permit to drill (APD) An application to drill a well; submitted by a lessee or operator to the Bureau of Land Management. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) The Department of the Interior agency responsible for managing most federal onshore subsurface minerals. environmental impact statement (EIS) A written analysis of the impacts on the natural, social, and economic environment of a proposed project or resource management plan. lease An authorization to possess and use public land for a period of time sufficientto amortize capital investments in the land. public lands The lands owned by the federal government, including parks, monuments, wilderness areas, refuges, underground mineral reserves, marine sanctuaries, historic parks, forests, and seashores. withdrawal An action that restricts the disposition of public lands and that holds them for specific public purposes.
Public lands in the United States have provided supplies of raw energy resources for over a century. The story of the harvest and administration of energy
As a matter of existing law, mineral resources on public lands exist as national property, primarily due to specific strategies to foster development in the western United States. Outside variables, including the needs of war or domestic crisis or even presidential preference, influence the perceptions of mineral resources, particularly those resources related to energy production. Although the use and availability of such resources vary with the philosophy of each presidential administration, each American leader has viewed these energy sources as an important tool for economic development of communities in the western United States. The harvest of resources on public lands carries economic benefits locally and nationally (see Table I). Although wood must be included as an energy resource that has been harvested from federal lands, the major sources in the 20th century have included: coal, oil, natural gas, shale, uranium, and geothermal. In recent years, there has additionally been a concerted effort to develop alternative energy resources (such as solar and wind) on public lands. By the end of the 20th century, the energy industry estimated that Americans received 30% of their fuels for energy production from public lands.
303,500,000 287,500,000 591,000,000 77,630,000 64,920,000 37,130,000 21,700,000 117,600,000 6,100,000 3,400,000 328,480,000 94,400,000 61,000,000 34,000,000 13,900,000 10,900,000 10,700,000 224,900,000 1,144,380,000
aData estimated from available records. b Chiefly public, private, and preemption sales, but includes mineral entries, scrip locations, and sales of town sites and town lots. CThe homestead laws generally provided for the granting of lands to homesteaders who settled on and improved vacant agricultural public lands. Payment for the lands was sometimes permitted, or required, under certain conditions. 'tUniversities, hospitals, asylums, etc. eFor construction of various public improvements (individual items not specified in the granting acts), reclamation of desert lands, construction of water reservoirs, etc. fThe government has confirmed title to lands claimed under valid grants made by foreign governments prior to the acquisition of the public domain by the United States. gThe timber and stone laws provided for the sale of lands valuable for timber or stone and unfit for cultivation. hThe timber culture laws provided for the granting of public lands to settlers on condition that they planted and cultivated trees on the lands granted. Payments for the lands were permitted under certain conditions. /The desert land laws provided for the sale of arid agricultural public lands to settlers who irrigated them and brought them under cultivation.
(USDI) oversees the leasing of lands for this development, including mining. Within USDI, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages the development of all fossil fuels and minerals on nearly all of the lands, excluding areas of special jurisdiction such as the Naval Petroleum Reserves
TABLE II Public Lands under Exclusive Jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, Fiscal Year 1997~
Within grazing districts --10,093,234 -1,725,343 6,781,321 -10,733,321 -. . -----4,940,802 -44,493,239 11,047,165 --12,455,100 -21,155,026 --11,273,811 .
Grand total
110,963 86,908,060 14,252,778 291,166 14,556,074 8,296,512 25,277 11,847,328 227 378 309,611 74,854
2059 9,088,886 7,262,065 1512 11,155,662 3
57,211 2161 8,060,382 6,580 47,840,569 12,770,569 59,717 2142 16,233,739 279,869 22,877,663 370,110 160,137 18,383,926 263,929,258
585,675 272,277
-366,921 2521 3,910,677 107,560,433
272,277 21,155,026 366,921 2521 15,184,488 242,259,208
1,677,604 3189 157,616 3,189,004 19,355,680
a Lands under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) (and resources) managed solely by the BLM. The table includes all Uperfected entries except for those involving reclamation and forest homesteads. Differences in fiscal year 1997 acreage from the previous year are due to land acreage acquired by the BLM; exchange land acreage received by the BLM; exchange BLM acreage (surface estate only) patented out by the BLM; withdrawn land acreage restored to BLM's jurisdiction; withdrawals, rights-of-way, acreage adjustments in carryover data. bThe following types of surveyed and unsurveyed public and ceded Native American lands are included: areas withdrawn under the executive orders of November 26, 1934, and February 5, 1935 (43 CFR 2400.0-3 et seq.); areas embraced in mineral withdrawals and classifications; area withdrawn for survey; and areas restored to entry within national forests (Act of June 11, 1906, 34 Stat. 233, 16 U.S.C., 506-509), within reclamation projects (Act of June 17, 1902, 32 Stat. 388) and within power site reserves (Act of June 10, 1920, 41 Stat. 1063; 16 U.S.C., 791). These lands are not covered by any nonfederal right or claim other than permits, leases, rights-of-way, and unreported mining claims. CLaM Utilization project lands, purchased by the federal government under Title III of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act and subsequently transferred by various executive orders between 1941 and 1958 from jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Agriculture to the U.S. Department of the Interior, now administered by the Bureau of Land Management. Acreages are within grazing districts unless otherwise noted. alncludes acreage on the Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range.
and hydroelectric watershed development areas that are administered by the Army Corps of Engineers (see Table II).
The sheer amount of energy resources on federal lands is staggering. Of the 75.6 million acres of coalbearing public lands, only 1% is currently being
mined. As for oil and gas, energy companies are actively working between 18,000 and 25,000 wells on public lands, with tens of thousands more sites held in reserve. A rarer mineral, uranium, is processed to create nuclear energy, which provides electricity to millions of homes, schools, and businesses. About one-third of all oil and gas comes from public lands. In addition, public lands are estimated to contain about 68% of all undiscovered oil reserves and 74% of all undiscovered gas reserves in our country. Nearly all reserves of uranium are found on federal land. Public lands are also used for harvesting hydroelectric power, although these areas are administered by the Army Corps of Engineers. Regardless of the resource, the story of the harvest and administration of this energy supply reveals a theme that recurs in many publicly owned areas: public debate and contest. If studied over time, the use and management of the energy resources on public lands demonstrate important changes in the ethics guiding the management of federal lands. In addition, though, a survey of public land use demonstrates a public controversy that promises to rage deep into the 21st century.
trace the general chronology of legal restrictions on public land policy, to explore how the harvest of specific resources has been affected by these laws, and, finally, to shed light on a few of these interruptions in the overall evolution of public lands policy. The data in Table III detail how public lands were allocated in 1996.
TABLE Ill Applications, Entries, Selections, and Patents, Fiscal Year 1996
Applications, entries, and selections Allowed Type by state Homestead Montana Wyoming Total homestead Desert land Idaho Nevada Utah Total desert land Land sales (FLPMA) b Alabama Arizona California Colorado Idaho Nebraska Minnesota Nevada New Mexico Oregon South Dakota Utah Wyoming Total land sales Mineral Arizona Total mineral Native American new trust California Minnesota Wyoming Total Native American new trust Native American fee and reissue trust Colorado Idaho Montana Minnesota Nebraska North Dakota Oklahoma Oregon 1 1 39 39 Number Acres Approved Number Acres Patents issued Number Acres Purchase money (U.S. dollars)a
1 2 3 2 8 1 11 2 8" 2 2 2 7 2 9 9 9 2 10 5 69 6 6
160 304 464 520 2530 39 3089 80 280 10 38 100 349 232 444 18 1744 1 875 246 4417 487 487 520 3162 40 3722 1050 213,681 550 64,906 15,456 1600 2,717,375 60,892 203,459 1000 71,050 10,775 3,361,794
1 6 4 11
13 275 22 310
1 145
52 27,161
35 24
6903 2091
1 7 145 2 3 35 25 24
Applications, entries, and selections Allowed Type by state South Dakota Washington Total Native American fee and reissue trust Miscellaneous cash sales Color of title Alabama Arkansas Colorado New Mexico North Dakota Oregon Total color of title Recreation and public purposes Arizona California Colorado Florida Minnesota Missouri Montana Nevada New Mexico Oklahoma Oregon Utah Wyoming Total recreation and public purposes Other Nevada Washington Total other Total miscellaneous cash sales Conveyance of federally owned mineral estates Arizona California Colorado Florida Georgia 20 2356 1 160 1 1 1 3 1 40 40 81 2 2 1 5 1 1 12 80 194 1 2 40 40 357 1050 12,172 3276 6 430 3760 20,694 Number Acres Approved Number 76 49 330 Acres 16,696 2779 55,682 Patents issued Number 76 49 367 Acres 16,676 2779 57,907 Purchase money (U.S. dollars) a
6 3
1465 333
8a 7 3 1 1 1 1 8 2 1 1 6 2 42
1 6 17
3 314 2275
ie If 2 56
7 1 2 1
Table III continued Applications, entries, and selections Allowed Type by state Minnesota Montana New Mexico Utah Wyoming Total conveyance of federally owned mineral estates Exchangesg Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Idaho Michigan Montana Nevada New Mexico Oregon South Dakota Utah Washington Wyoming Total exchanges State grants Florida Total state grants Corrections Alabama Arkansas California Colorado Indiana Louisiana Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana New Mexico North Dakota Ohio Oregon Utah Wisconsin 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 4 2 1 5k 2 4 2 5 2 175 175 508 320 6548 74 64 685 640 380 376 572 15 640 560 91 471 280 continues 3 1 42 48 32 3 11 20 10 17 3 5 11 3 209 150 40 17,981 6208 i 7831 128 12,058 45,039 80,476 11,541 707 3963 1925 5244 193,291 184,000 h 23,500 ---/ Number Acres Approved Number Acres Patents issued Number 1 1 1 21 35 Acres 331 2 1 1443 8449 Purchase money (U.S. doUars)a 547 2600 1650 584,798 50 591,920
10,360 74,000
Applications, entries, and selections Allowed Type by state Wyoming Total corrections Other Alaska Colorado Wyoming Total other Grand total Number Acres Approved Number Acres Patents issued Number 1 43 364 t im 2n 351 58,077 367 1178 Acres 160 12,384 600,204 1 256 600,461 817,594 400 4,895,520 400 Purchase money (U.S. dollars) a
aPurchase money includes all revenues collected during the reporting fiscal year at allowed and approved stages from all ongoing cases leading to patent; however, this money is not always received in the same year that the application is allowed or approved, or in the same year that the patent is issued. Purchase money enters into the land exchange process because exchanges must result in equal value given and received by both parties; this means that cash payments are sometimes made or received by the Bureau of Land Mangement to ensure an equitable exchange. bFLPMA, Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976. CPatents issued under Sections 203 and 209 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1713, 1719). aIncludes two Certificate of Transfer/Change of Use patents. epublic land sale (2.5 acres), Santini-Burton Act of December 23, 1980 (94 Stat. 3881; Public Law 96-586). fPublic land sale patent under the Act of September 19, 1964 (78 Stat. 988; Public Law 88-608). gIncludes National Forest Service forest exchanges, Act of March 20, 1922 (42 Stat. 465; 16 U.S.C. 485) as amended; Federal Land Policy and Mangement Act exchanges, Act of October 21, 1976 (90 Stat. 2756; 43 U.S.C. 1716; and other exchanges. hThe U.S. Forest Service received a cash equalization payment under the Sikes Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 484a); no land received by the United States. /Does not include 960 acres of mineral estate only that was patented. /The U.S. Forest Service paid $666,010 in equalization payments to the exchange proponents. k Recordable Disclaimers of Interest in Lands, Section 315 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1745); no patents issued. lEight homesites (37 acres), Act of March 3, 1927 (44 Stat. 1364; 43 U.S.C. 687a), as amended; headquarters Sites (15 acres), Act of March 3, 1927 (44 Stat. 1364; 43 U.S.C. 687a), as amended; one trade and manufacturing Site (66 acres), Act of May 14, 1898 (30 Stat. 413), as amended August 23, 1958 (72 Stat. 730; 43 U.S.C. 687a); 39 tentative approvals (355, 355 acres), Alaska Statehood Act of July 7, 1958 (72 Stat. 339),as amended; 3l interim conveyances (212, 333 acres), Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of December 18, 1971 (43 U.S.C. 1601); 281 native allotment certificates (32, 396 acres), Act of May 17, 1906 (34 Stat. 197), as amended August 2, 1956 (70 Stat. 954; 43 U.S.C. 270-1 to 270-3); 1 highway lot (0.35 acres), Act of June 14, 1926 (44 Stat. 741; 43 U.S.C. 971a). mClear Creek County, Colorado Public Lands Transfer Act of 1993 (108 Stat. 674), approved May 19, 1994. nAirport patents under Section 516 of the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of September 3, 1982 (49 U.S.C. 2215). This total does not include 57,907 acres in Native American fee and reissue trust patents, and 12,384 acres in correction of patents, for a total of 70,291 acres.
withdrawal in 1906 that allowed the government to reserve mineral rights on 66 million acres. Initially, this reservation included oil and gas, though it would be further expanded to include many other minerals. Roosevelt also withdrew other public lands from settlement, using them to create national parks, monuments, wildlife refuges, and military bases. Within such sites, this era saw an increase in control over the use of the resources on public lands, including legislation such as the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 and the Taylor Grazing Act of 1934. Pinchot's conservation ethic was reflected in laws that promoted sustainable use of natural resources.
These ideas were also of interest to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who used the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) during the 1930s to carry out many of these ideas on public lands.
the majority of the public lands in the western United States. The pressure to harvest resources from these lands intensified with the need for materials for war and the expansion of American consumption with the massive growth of its middle class. With the beginnings of environmentalism in the late 1950s, many Americans grew more concerned that public lands were not subject to environmental assessment prior to use. This shift in overall ethics is generally accepted to have grown from the effort to prevent the damming of the Green River in Dinosaur National Park in 1954. Although the environmental movement influenced land use in national parks to a much greater degree, the public lands shifted more toward a compromise philosophy of "multiple use."
Similar to the Homestead Act, the General Mining Law of 1872 provided incentives to settlement and development (see Table IV). Typical of legislation of this era, the General Mining Law emphasizes individual rights with minimal government management. The law prioritizes free and open access to the land and relatively unlimited opportunity to explore and develop resources. Developers were offered access to permanent, exclusive resource rights and were exempted from paying royalties to the federal government. Clearly, the law is based on the simple motive to spur development. The success of the effort of the General Mining Law to stimulate western development relied on allowing open exploration. During the late 19th century, little was done to stop exploration from growing rapidly into mine development and fullblown extraction. In these early years, miners were not required to share production, to create joint ventures, or to pay taxes or royalties. Many mining expeditions proceeded largely unnoticed on public lands. Today, the Mining Law continues to provide the structure for much of the western United States mineral development on public domain lands. The unfettered basis of use and ownership established by the 1872 law continues to fuel the debate over how to harvest energy and mineral resources from public lands. The basis for such law was the assumption that there were no alternative criteria for land valuation than the resources that it held. The basis for much of the debate at the end of the 20th century revolved around the simple question of what would happen when, for a variety of reasons, this land became desirable. These debates in the 20th century slowed the unlimited development of the earlier years. Many of the public lands had acquired additional importance, independent of energy and mineral resources. Additionally, such development now rarely proceeded unnoticed. Some Americans began calling for energy companies to share revenues with the land's owner through royalties. Other observers reflected a growing call for more stringent oversight of the extraction process. This call resulted in the 1920 Minerals Leasing Act. For the first time, this act closed some federal lands to open access. Most often, such lands then became available for leasing. The 1920 act established a broad framework for leasing and for the payment of royalties. Lands were to be designated as "known mineral areas" (KMAs) and then administered by one of two methods: (1) preference right leasing, which provided exploration permits that would expire if the search was unsuccessful, or
Patents Issued with Minerals Reserved to the United States through Fiscal Year 199C
State 1909-1948 b Alaska Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Florida Idaho Illinois Iowa Kansas Louisiana Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Mexico North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon South Dakota Utah Washington Wisconsin Wyoming Total through 1948 Fiscal periodc 1949-1950 1951-1960 1961-1970 1971-1980 1981-1990 1991
All minerals
6501 4412 2,547,517 1107 2,352,070 4,271,042 1154 1,291,163 634 359 54,384 1223 1935 235 974 166 3,993,640 72,964 242,717 6,378,118 134,578 38 48,781 1,639,742 1,565,802 856,083 262,444 1546 9,541,179 35,272,508
71,259 70,036
1421 17,105 3261 8 10,231 6,658,554 960 614,779 4,636,851 987,472 3253 1119 112,995 11,915 11,290
19,192 80,450 2,681,297 17,795 2,513,745 5,873,247 75,237 1,793,948 754 359 55,805 22,172 5196 243 11,205 166 11,668,894 76,217 244,916 9,269,336 4,784,548 782 59,698 1,660,189 1,759,852 1,201,946 280,281 1546 12,265,083 56,424,099
32,037 406,971
Table IV continued
Type of mineral reservation (acres) Miscellaneous minerals and combinations 2261 4096 1354 27,033 1988 330,092 2,529,238 a
State 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Total, 1949-1996 Grand total
Oil and gas 71,773 3034 11,781 38,630 57,483 2,227,651 4,319,031
Oil and gas plus other minerals 2486 8963 11,061 21,265 3532 1,012,025 1,390,735
7551 414,522
aData prior to 1949 were tabulated from incomplete records. Data include patents issued on both BLM and Forest Service lands. 6Minerals began to be reserved with the Agricultural Coal Lands Act of March 3, 1909; acts expanding on this and covering other minerals were suvsequently enacted. CAs of June 30 through 1976; thereafter, as of September 30 each year. aDoes not include 165,712 stockraising homesteads comprising 70,362,925 acres that reserved all minerals to the United States. Some of these homesteads were entered but not patented.
(2) competitive bidding for designated tracts, which used lotteries, oral auctions, sealed bids, or other formats to disperse the rights to KMAs and transfer them into known leasing areas (KLAs). Eventually, the Competitive Bidding Act would be made even more specific. For coal, the law differentiated between new or maintenance tracts, but still required bids for existing operators to continue mining an existing site. Oil and gas development used reservoir studies to determine the pattern of leasing and lottery systems. In 1987, lottery systems were discontinued for oil and gas and development and were replaced by a familiar pattern in which industry representatives nominated tracts, which were then assessed for their environmental acceptability. Neither the 1872 Mining Law nor the 1920 Mineral Leasing Act contained any direct environmental controls, but mining claims are subject to all general environmental laws as a precondition for development. These restrictions and requirements grew out of additional legislation, particularly the seminal environmental policies of the 1960s and 1970s, including the Multiple Use Sustained Yield Act, Wilderness Act, National Forest Management Act, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and Federal Land Policy and Management Act. To varying degrees, each of these policies addressed environmental protection, multiple use, and management of federal land generally. By imposing new requirements on agency actions, and by withdrawing some federal lands from development, these acts
have significantly influenced mineral development on public lands. By far, the most critical policies relating to the administration related to the formation and structure of the BLM. When it was formed by merging two portions of the U.S. Department of the Interior (the General Land Office and the Grazing Service) in 1946, the BLM became entrusted primarily with the management of the remaining public domain and railroad/wagon road grant lands. The BLM also has the primary responsibility for the management oversight of the mineral domain that underlies the public lands. As with the sister agencies, the BLM is heavily involved in forest and rangeland planning, as well as keeping the official land status records of all public federal lands. Over time, the BLM followed the lead of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service and adopted policies of multiple use and, eventually, of ecosystem management. In many cases, BLM lands are adjacent to or intermingled with other public lands, particularly National Forest land. The BLM essentially operated under these previously existing acts until congressional discussion over forest management in the Forest Service came to a head in the mid-1970s. This debate resulted in the passage of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA), which provided the BLM with its "organic act"--albeit three decades after its founding. FLPMA brought the greatest change to the administration of public lands in American history. Through FLPMA, BLM acquired an unequivocal
statutory basis for its public land management policy; however, debate continued over what exactly this meant. The 1934 Taylor Act had provided for management of natural resources on public land "pending its final disposal." To some observers, the phrase spoke to the old policy of transfer of public lands into private ownership; to others, it provided an argument against federal investment in land administration or rehabilitation. FLPMA, however, clearly prescribed retention of public lands in federal ownership as the rule and made transfer a carefully circumscribed exception. FLPMA established or amended many land and resource management authorities, including provisions on federal land withdrawals, land acquisitions and exchanges, rights-of-way, advisory groups, range management, and the general organization and administration of BLM and the public lands. FLPMA also called for public lands and their resources to be periodically and systematically inventoried. The BLM was empowered to use the data to create a plan for each site's present and future. Additionally, after many years of debate, FLPMA also specified that the United States must receive fair market value for the use of public lands and their resources. Finally, BLM was required to administer public lands in a manner that protected the quality of scientific, scenic, historical, ecological, environmental, air and atmospheric, water resource, and archeological values. Where appropriate, BLM was also empowered to preserve and protect certain public lands in their natural condition, particularly when such preservation would provide food and habitat for fish and wildlife. Of course, BLM also remained responsible for providing sites for outdoor recreation and human occupancy and use of such sites. In short, FLPMA proclaimed multiple use, sustained yield, and environmental protection as the guiding principles for public land management. Thanks to FLPMA, BLM took on the responsibility of administering public lands so that they are utilized in the combination that will best meet the present and future needs of the American people for renewable and nonrenewable natural resources. Although this remains the role of BLM today, there have been many exceptions to this jurisdiction.
reported that 80% of the nation's uranium reserves, 33% of the nation's low-sulfur coal, and 3-10% of the recoverable oil and gas are located on Native American reservation land. Problems of jurisdiction and ownership have highlighted the history of resource extraction on native lands. More important, though, are the health, social, and environmental impacts that have been noted where such development has been allowed to take place. Outside sources approached Native American reservations for energy resources as early as 1920. For instance, the Navajo's prolonged involvement with oil development began with the influence of New Mexico's own Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall (who will be discussed later for his pivotal role in the management of energy resources on federal land). With one of Interior's charges being to administer Native American reservations, Fall soon looked toward reservation land as a vast, untapped (and unprotected) resource. Native peoples, Fall wrote, were "not qualified to make the most of their natural resources." Using the General Leasing Act of 1920, Fall attempted to clarify the status of treaty lands for leasing so that the government could do the leasing for the Native Americans. Although Fall's perspective grew from a desire to battle waste, public sentiment after World War I held that the United States would run out of oil within 10 years. Fall saw to it that oil companies won leases on reservation land, particularly that of the Navajos in New Mexico. In addition, he conspired with oil companies to provide native occupants with ridiculously low royalty rates. Historian Kathleen Chamberlain notes that oil intensified factions within the native community. In sum, she writes, "oil also expedited a shift from subsistence and barter to a wage economy." Although oil generated some jobs for the community, it never neared the promised levels. Throughout the history of energy development on Native American lands, the development has been found to undermine tribal and family values and identity. For instance, in Hopi and Navajo experiences, wealth from royalties was spread unevenly and the large influx of wealth disturbed traditional hierarchies within the culture. Additionally, the nonNative American workers, who were necessary to energy companies for reservation development of energy resources, represented a persistent threat to tribal sovereignty. Possibly the most invasive change that energy development has wrought on Native American groups is on the traditional political process. In nearly every case, the debate over leasing lands for extraction has bitterly divided tribal leadership,
ultimately resulting in long-term impacts on the political structure of the group. With such breakdown, the reservations become what scholars have called a "colonial reservation economy." Some of the most troubling instances involved negotiations with the U.S. federal government. During World War II and through the Cold War, uranium was mined from Hopi and Navajo reservations in Arizona. The mine remnants as well as the remaining waste have contributed to significant rises in cancer and other health problems. Additionally, many Hopi and Navajo men worked in the mines and have therefore contracted a variety of ailments, particularly lung cancer. Since the 1970s, Native American groups have attempted to use the courts to acquire fair royalty rates and recompense for health hazards. This has been an uphill battle, with various successes starting in the late 1980s. The Native American community's lessons about the community impact of energy development blossomed into an organization, the Council of Energy Resource Tribes (CERT), which helps each tribe to complete independent management of its energy resources. This has helped many tribes to acquire fair royalty rates as well as to initiate extensive development of alternative sources on western reservation land.
the U.S. President authority to sell coal beds or fields for no less than $20/acre. Lands not sold in this fashion could be available to the general public at the minimum price under the general land statutes. In 1873, Congress authorized citizens to take vacant coal lands of not more than 160 acres for a minimum of $10/acre. This law governed the disposal of coal lands until 1920. Precious metals were governed much more freely. In all probability, the rationale behind this distinction lay in the relative ease of locating coal compared to that of most precious metals. The importance of the coal supply to national development would make it a major political issue in the early 20th century. In rapid succession, the Roosevelt administration proposed controlling the federal grazing lands, increasing the national forests, and withdrawing the coal, oil, and potash lands from sale. In this same period, the administration also reserved potential waterpower sites and set out to reclaim the arid lands of the West. In 1906, Roosevelt faced up to the rumors of random exploitation of coal supplies on federal lands by withdrawing coal-bearing lands from public availability. He responded to industry's complaint that the acreage limitations in the 1873 statute impeded the development of certain types of coal. As a result, many coal and railroad companies evaded these limits by using dummy entries or by entries processed under the agricultural land statutes. To keep certain companies from acquiring a monopoly and to conserve mineral supplies, the withdrawals began in November 1906. Located in Colorado, North Dakota, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Wyoming, and the Territories of New Mexico, 66 million acres of land with supplies of "workable coal" were withdrawn. In his autobiography, Roosevelt explained his logic as follows:
The present coal law limiting the individual to 160 acres puts a premium on fraud by making it impossible to develop certain types of fields....It is a scandal to maintain laws which sound well, but which make fraud the key without which great natural resources must remain closed. The law should give individuals and corporations under proper government regulation and control.., the right to work bodies of coal large enough for profitable development. My own belief is that there should be provision for leasing coal, oil and gas rights under proper restrictions.
Many western congressmen reacted angrily to Roosevelt's withdrawal. They claimed that Congress and not the Chief Executive possessed the right to dispose of the public domain in such a manner. Some
Energy Developmenton PublicLand in the United States nies had any standing if the federal government wished to withdraw land that they had already leased. These issues, of course, took on greater importance as the United States observed and then participated in World War I at the end of the decade. Petroleum had many military uses, including powering many of the ships of the new Navy. Historian John Ise was one of the loudest critics of such government policy. His argument, however, differed from those of most of the critics. He wrote in 1926 that "during this time there was always overproduction of oil from privately owned lands and there was never any need or justification for opening any public lands." Although this argument shifted to the fore by the end of the 20th century, there was little public support for the idea of conservation. Western lawmakers focused on ensuring federal supplies of petroleum on public lands when it passed the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, otherwise known as the Smoot Bill. Congress intended this act to bring relief to some of these issues and to offer more equal treatment to interests of the western United States. In the naval reserves, leases were given only on producing wells, unless the President chose to lease the remainder. Within 6 months after the passage of the Mineral Leasing Act, the Secretary of the Navy was granted extensive jurisdiction over the naval reserves. In 1921, Albert B. Fall, a senator from New Mexico, was appointed Secretary of the Interior by Warren G. Harding. In short order, Fall convinced Secretary of the Navy Edwin Denby to relinquish control of the reserves and had Harding sign a secret presidential order to this effect. Within a few months, word leaked to the public that Fall had leased reserves in California and Wyoming to his friends in the oil business. The episode that transpired in full view of the public became the primary test of jurisdiction and law regarding energy development and the West. In the scandal known as Teapot Dome, a congressional committee found that Fall had acted secretly and without competitive bidding to lease the Teapot Dome to Harry Sinclair and the California tract to E. L. Doheny. Allowing a private company to develop naval oil reserves, Fall went outside the boundaries of existing law. As a result, he was one of the first members of a presidential cabinet to serve a jail term; he was convicted of bribery and ordered to serve a year in prison as well as to pay a $100,000 fine. Fall represented the western interests who felt betrayed by the overly zealous control of the federal government over the development of public lands. Before Warren Harding appointed him as Secretary of the Interior, Fall had earned his spurs in farming and
referred to Roosevelt's use of conservation as "state socialism." Roosevelt revised his argument slightly in 1907 to include mineral fuels with forests and navigable streams as "public utilities." Between 1906 and 1909, public coal lands sold for between $75 and $100 per acre. During these same years, over 4 million acres were segregated, though many would be returned to the public domain. 6.2 Contested Development: Petroleum and Teapot D o m e Following the 1859 strike of the first oil well in Pennsylvania, development in the United States moved to the Midwest. As oil exploration moved westward, it became evident that the public lands held great stores of "black gold." By the 1870s, oil fever had swept specifically into the public domain of California. In the early 1890s, oil was discovered near Coalinga, California and in 1892, E. L. Doheny drilled the first successful well in Los Angeles. The Placer Act of 1870 included "all forms of deposit" except veins of quartz. Though the Department of Interior debated whether petroleum qualified, Congress passed an 1897 Placer Act that upheld that oil lands were administered by placer location. In 1909, President Taft temporarily withdrew 3 million acres of potential oil lands in the public domain. Similar to Roosevelt's coal withdrawals, Taft's act garnered a great amount of debate--particularly in the West. Congress then passed the Pickett Act in 1910 to allow presidents to withdraw public lands for examination and reclassification for various "public purposes." During the 1910s, this act enabled the President to withdraw nearly all of the known oil lands. In order to conserve an adequate supply of oil for the Navy, two naval reserves were established by executive order in 1912; one was in Elk Hills, California and the other was in Buena Vista Hills, California. Similar to a forest reserve, the oil supply, administrators believed, was best preserved if left in the ground. These withdrawals were then followed in 1915 by reserves at Teapot Dome, Wyoming and in 1916 by the naval oil shale reserves in Colorado and Utah. In 1923, a similar reserve was created in Alaska. Although most of the public debate centered on the right of the executive branch to make such withdrawals, other issues emerged as well, including whether the land should be sold or leased to oil companies, whether land previously patented to railroad companies could be withdrawn by the federal government as well, and whether oil compa-
ranching. In New Mexico, he owned a ranch that spanned more than 55 miles long and 35 miles wide. He had been a judge and a sheriff. Throughout his public life in New Mexico, Fall referred to the territory as "corporation country." He hated government interference in business, and he did not have to struggle with torn loyalties when he became a federal employee. "I have long believed," Fall said in 1918, "that the laws should protect.., capital and should be so enforced as to offer an inducement for its investment." In giving business the advantage of governmental favors, Fall had, however, acted as a man of a certain faith. The core of his faith was simple: because nature's resources were unending, there was no need for humanity to restrain its ambitions and desires. "All natural resources should be made as easy of access as possible to the present generation," Fall declared. "Man cannot exhaust the resources of nature and never will." This, of course, included those resources falling within the public domain. When Americans began to hear about Teapot Dome in news reports in the 1920s, much of the public participated in a growing appreciation of nature. Fall's feelings were well known to many observers. On his appointment in 1921, one newspaper wrote that "To us Fall smells of petroleum and we know what that means among...politicians." Another paper, also prior to the Teapot Dome scandal, described the new administrator of federal lands as a man who found "wise conservation of natural resources...hateful to his every instinct." Although Fall would be held accountable for his abuse of power on the federal lands, his basic idea of unfettered development and unending abundance remains on the table. This has been a major portion of the debate over petroleum development on federal lands. Although Congress would act in 1928 to give the Secretary of the Navy exclusive jurisdiction of the petroleum reserves, the matter would continue to be debated throughout the 20th century.
6.3 Energy and N a t i o n a l Security: Uranium
The uranium boom reached its height around 1954, when prospectors flooded western lands in fashion similar to the California gold rush. Private prospectors made millions of dollars leasing and locating uranium supplies through the end of the 1950s. Applicable to both uranium and oil and gas deposits, the Multiple Mineral Development Act of 1954 clarified how lessees were to deal with dormant mining claims that may cloud their own title. The new act provided a procedure in which title examiners may be used. After the lessee filed in the proper county office, he or she then waited for 90 days before filing with the BLM.
Similar debate followed the post-World-War II search for uranium to be used in nuclear weapons and eventually in nuclear power generation. The demand for fissionable source materials after the war and the urgency of a government monopoly in them prompted the enactment of the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, which reserved all such ores in public domain land to the United States and required that they also be reserved in any mineral patent.
lands met public debate at nearly every juncture. This has been most evident in an ongoing symbolic fight over federal lands in Alaska. The energy crisis of the 1970s, which was exacerbated by the 1973 Oil Embargo carried out by members of the Organization of Oil Exporting Countries (OPEC), caused a significant shift in feelings about oil development in federally owned areas of Alaska. The stalled debate over drilling in northern Alaska and constructing a trans-Alaska pipeline (TAP) to Valdez gathered congressional support and was ultimately carried out in the late 1970s. American leaders assured the public that the TAP would be a step toward energy independence. Specifically, the Nixon administration assured Americans that a TAP would cause oil imports from the Middle East to fall from 27% of the U.S. supply to 20% by 1990. President Jimmy Carter's willingness to allow these developments was predicated on his effort to formalize restrictions on further such activities in undeveloped areas of Alaska. From 1978 to 1980, President Jimmy Carter established the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and set aside 28% of Alaska as wilderness. Carter announced this watershed legislation as follows: "We have the imagination and the will as a people to both develop our last great natural frontier and also preserve its priceless beauty for our children." With the passage of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) in 1980, the BLM was ordered to oversee 11 million acres of Alaska as wilderness. This included the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge. Debate on further development in these areas of Alaska awaited the administration of George W. Bush. As part of the administration's energy plan, new priority was placed on developing energy resources on federal lands. Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton specifically zeroed in on ANWR in 2000. Congress rebuffed the first effort to open ANWR to oil development, but other efforts are sure to follow. With the Republican victory in the 2002 congressional elections, most environmentalists foresee little to stand in the way of energy developments in ANWR.
how it will affect wildlife, plant life, and the quality of the water, air, and soil. The EIS also examines how the resource extraction will affect other uses of the public lands, such as recreation, cultural resource conservation, or grazing. If the impacts of the proposed well, dam, or mine seem too great, then alternatives are examined. These range from scrapping the plan entirely to using advanced technology to extract the resource, such as directional drilling, whereby the well is sited in a less vulnerable area but the drill still reaches the underground reserves. The debate over ANWR crystallizes many of the issues that now make up the larger debate about how energy development should proceed on federal lands. During the administration of President William Clinton, oil and gas leasing increased considerably over previous administrations, but with new environmental restrictions on industries that sought to develop energy resources on public lands (see Table V). President Clinton also designated 21 western national monument areas and 56 million acres of roadless area. Such changes, however, were susceptible to any changes in national politics. That change came in the election of 2000. "Environmental issues today," instructed Bush's Interior Secretary Gale Norton, "are more complex and subtle than the ones we faced in the 1960s and 70s. With the growth of our population and expansion of our economy, pressures have increased correspondingly on our undeveloped land, water resources, and wildlife." Norton intends to put "collaboration ahead of polarization, markets before mandates.., and to transcend political boundaries." In order to do so, she and George Bush coined the phrase "new environmentalism" to meet the U.S. need "for a vibrant economy and energy security-while at the same time protecting the environment." Thus far, environmental organizations have been disappointed by Bush and Norton's "new environmentalism." "We're dismayed that Pres. Bush wants to turn the oil and gas industry loose on virtually all the lands in our national forests, national wildlife refuges, and other public systems," said Wilderness Society representative Bill Meadows. "We're beginning to wonder if James Watt is whispering in his ear," he said. In addition to ANWR, federal lands along the Rocky Mountain front in northwestern Montana to southern Wyoming's Red Desert and Colorado's Vermillion Basin are being explored for energy development. The BLM collected data on oil and gas deposits and their availability throughout the
TABLE V Continuing Oil and Gas Activities on Federal Lands as of September 30, 1996
Number of producible and
service holes b
Number of units in
State effect a
Number of producible and service completionsb 43 161 334 6122 3331 4 14 512 145 415 10 75 210 3568 39 98 26,201 2 743 331 289 58 195 11 223 2063 32 301 15,037 60,567
Number of producible leases a 18 38 158 350 2122 2 5 436 43 95 -57 85 1307 20 57 6122 4 490 125 775 67 76 3 163 1236 9 174 6049 20,086
Alabama Alaska Arkansas California Colorado Florida Illinois Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Michigan Mississippi Montana Nebraska Nevada New Mexico New york North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Pennsylvania South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia West Virginia Wyoming Total
4 9 2 26 136 -1 8 -12 -20 7 50 6 16 231 -32 -19 -7 -14 112 --518 1230
40 150 311 5693 3098 4 13 476 135 386 9 70 195 3318 36 91 24,367 2 691 308 269 54 181 10 207 1919 30 280 13,984 56,327
3468 964 110,464 24,132 38,289 -29,900 45,268 679,084 6507 44,300 3,512,145 1010 307,774 19,162 121,376 6967 48,921 2366 68,931 914,203 5126 104,065 2,514,920 10,514,920
aData from the Bureau of Land Management Case Recordaion System. b Service holes and completions are not neessarily located on producible leases. Data from the Bureau of Land Management Automated Inspection Record System.
public lands in order to support the prodevelopment stance of the Bush administration. Many local landowners and environmentalists have fought these efforts. Norton has requested new financing to streamline permits and study sites to drill on federal lands. The Bush administration has also shown some interest in increasing the development of alternative energy sources on federal lands as well. The future of the public lands is certain to contain open debate over the domain's role in America's energy future.
The author thanks the Center of the American West, University of Colorado, Boulder, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation for assistance in preparing this article.
SEE ALSO THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES Arid Environments, Impacts of Energy Development in Development and Energy, Overview Ecological
Risk Assessment Applied to Energy Development Environmental Injustices of Energy Facilities OilLed Development: Social, Political, and Economic Consequences Polar Regions, Impacts of Energy Development Population Growth and Energy Sustainable Development: Basic Concepts and Application to Energy Wetlands: Impacts of Energy Development in the Missippi Delta
Further Reading
Carstensen, V. (1963). "The Public Lands; Studies in the History of the Public Domain." University of Wisconsin Press, Madison. Center of the American West (2003). "What Every Westerner Should Know about Energy." http://www.centerwest.org/ Chamberlain, K. (2000). "Under Sacred Ground: A History of Navajo Oil, 1922-1982." University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. Clawson, M. (1987). The Bureau of Land Management, 1947-1953. Cruiser [Newsletter of the Forest History Society]. 10(3), 3-6. Gates, P. W. (1968). "History of Public Land Law Development." U.S. Government Printing Office for the Public Land Law Review Commission, Washington, D.C. Gerard, D. (1997). "1872 Mining Law: Digging a Little Deeper." Political Policy Research Center (PERC) Policy Series PS-11. PERC, Bozeman, Montana.
Gordon, R., and VanDorn, P. (1998). "Two Cheers for The 1872 Mining Law." CATO Institute, Washington, D.C. Hage, W. (1989). "Storm Over Rangelands: Private Rights in Federal Lands." Free Enterprise Press, Bellevue, Washington. Ise, J. (1926). "The United States Oil Policy." Yale University Press, New Haven. Leshy, J. D. (1987). "The Mining Law: A Study in Perpetual Motion." Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C. Muhn, J., and Stuart, H. R. (eds.). (1988). Opportunity and Challenge: The Story of Blm. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. National Research Council, Committee on Hardrock Mining on Federal Lands. (1999). "Hardrock Mining on Federal Lands." National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. Robbins, R. M. (1976). "Our Landed Heritage: The Public Domain, 1776-1970." University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln. Rohrbough, M. J. (1968). "The Land Office Business the Settlement and Administration of America's Public Lands, 1789-1837." Oxford University Press, New York. Voight, W., Jr. (1976). "Public Grazing Lands: Use and Misuse by Industry and Government." Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Williams, T. T. (2002). "Red: Passion and Patience in the Desert." Vintage Press, New York.
1. Introduction 2. Improving Trends in Energy Efficiency 3. The Combined Impact of Complimentary Efficiency Improvements 4. Efficiency Improvements Reduce Generation Requirements 5. Historic Primary Energy Trends in the United States 6. Energy Intensity Trends in the United States and Other Regions 7. Future Primary Energy Trends for the World 8. The Effect of Efficiency Improvements on Primary Energy Demand 9. Pathways to Improving Energy Intensity
Large quantities of fossil fuels are burned to meet the world's energy needs. The combustion of these fuels produces carbon dioxide, contributing to increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human activity are causing the average surface temperature of the earth to increase. Such human influences are expected to continue to contribute to rising greenhouse gas emissions and additional global warming through this century.
1. I N T R O D U C T I O N Glossary
energy efficiency Useful output divided by energy input. energy intensity Energy consumption per unit of gross domestic or gross world product. final energy Energy available for use in homes, factories, and for transportation after accounting for losses in conversion (for example, waste heat from an electric power plant). global warming Increases in the earth's surface temperature brought about by the release of greenhouse gases. greenhouse gases Gases in the atmosphere that tend to trap heat and contribute to global warming (for example, carbon dioxide). gross domestic product (GDP) Total value of goods and services in a country. gross world product (GWP)Total of gross domestic product for all countries. kWh Unit of electrical energy equal to 3,413 Btus. million tons of oil equivalent (Mtoe) 40 million Btus. primary energy Energy available from sources such as petroleum and coal. quads 10is British thermal units. Humans combust these fuels to provide energy for needs such as heating, transportation, refrigeration, and industrial processes. The efficiency with which fossil fuels can be converted to meet these needs determines how much primary energy will be combusted. The greater the end-use efficiency, the less fuel is needed and the less the impact that such human activities will have on global warming, all other factors remaining the same. Over the past century, the efficiency of energy use has improved. For example, lighting has changed from the burning of candles that produced 1 lumen for every 6 watts of candle or wax burned, to incandescent electric lights that produced 17 lumens with each watt of electric input, to fluorescent lighting that produces 100 lumens per watt. So the energy intensity index, defined as the amount of primary energy needed to produce a unit of gross domestic product, continues to improve. If this index can continue to improve at a rate of 2% per year, the
3 73
20 "~
"6 1400
Re~iig~aetze ( \ irsi~rev~--~s'z
~ u s e per unit
..0 O v
E "6
iiiiiiiiil~ 2001
Federal standard
', ', ', ', I ', ', I ', ', I ', ', I ', ', I ', ', I ', I I I I I P I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I ', ', I ', ', ', ',
United States refrigerator use versus time. Annual drop from 1974 to 2001 is 5% per year. From David Goldstein of the Natural Resources Defense Council.
primary energy needs of the world can be limited even while increasing access to goods and services. Such an improvement in energy intensity also will lead to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions and limit the extent of global warming.
freezers in the United States, the difference in consumption at 1974 efficiency levels compared to 2001 levels is the equivalent to avoiding 40 GW of power plants. A typical unit at a nuclear power plant is 1 GW, while the typical natural gas-fired combined cycle plant is 300 MW. This is based on saving 1400 kWh per year with the more efficient appliance and assuming power plant operation of 5000 hours per year. Significant gains in efficiency also have been achieved with improvements in other appliances. Figure 3 illustrates improvements in three difference appliances (gas furnaces, central air conditioning, and refrigerators) compared to their respective consumption in 1972. This figure is taken from
5O 40
10 0
At 1974 efficiency
At 2001 efficiency
Electricity generating capacity for 150 million refrigerators and freezers in the United States.
3 75
Steven Nadel in the ECEEE 2003 Summer Study. Compared to consumption in 1972, new gas furnaces use 75%, central air conditioning units use 60%, and refrigerators only 25%. The figure also indicates that early standards were adopted by states. United States' national standards were not adopted until the late 1980s. Although these trends are encouraging, some other uses of energy have shown little improvement in efficiency since the 1980s. For example, average fuel efficiency for cars and truck remains at the same level as in 1985, even though there are no engineering obstacles blocking significant improvements in fleet efficiency. This was after significant improvement in CAFE standards from 18 miles per gallon for model year 1978 cars to 27.5mpg for 1985 cars.
100 90
60 50 40 30 20 1972 1976
i i i
~. --
Effective dates of national standards Effective dates of state standards Gas furnaces
75% 60%
Central A/C - -
i i
1988 Year
FIGURE 3 Impacts of standards on efficiency of three appliances. From S. Nadel, ACEEE, in ECEEE 2003 Summer Study, www.eceee.org.
2,500 2,000 "-~ 1,500 r1,000 500
, i i i , , , , , , , , , , , i i i , , , , , , , , 1992 appliance Federal standard
--"~i,,~ "
J/" ~ ~ i
aCplp~rn~Titlae2Ord s a 1982
0 P~ 03
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~ P~ 03
~3 r'~ 03 v-
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0 OQ 03
C~ GQ O~
~" 00 03
~0 O0 03
O0 QO 03 v-
0 03 O~ v-
C~ 03 03
~ 03 03
~ 03 Q3
~0 03 Ob
0 0 0 C~
C~ 0 0 C~
~ 0 0 C~
~O 0 0 C~
FIGURE 4 Annual usage of air conditioning in new homes in California. Annual drop averages 4% per year. From CEC Demand Analysis Office.
thermostat. The efficiency of the air conditioning equipment (for example, the compressor and air handlers) itself is known at the time of purchase and is required to meet a specific federal standard. However, how much it actually runs is also dependent on the characteristics of the building or home where the equipment is located. Prior to the 1970s many homes, especially in milder climates, had little or no insulation and single pane windows. As building standards were introduced, new homes were built to more stringent standards, resulting in lower requirements for heating and cooling to maintain the same temperature within the structure. As indicated in Fig. 4, the effect of combining both air conditioning standards and building standards has been to reduce energy use in a new California home to 40% of the usage in the early 1970s. With the implementation of newer standards in 2006, use is expected to decline to 33% of the 1970s levels.
of electricity at the point of consumption is worth nearly three times its value at the point of production, the value of improvements in refrigerator and freezer efficiency is worth the same as all the nuclear generation in the United States in a typical year. Clearly, efficiency improvements have reduced the requirements for all forms of energy, even though some sectors, such as automobile transport, lag in this regard. Emissions of greenhouse gases have been proportionally reduced due to these efficiency gains. Yet it is generally accepted that the earth's surface temperature is on the rise, in great part due to human activity involving the combustion of fossil fuels. We now turn to past and estimated future trends in primary energy requirements.
40 0 20 0
O') ~" O to I~ tO ,r-eD to e~ O3 e,D O"2 I~ vI~ I'~ "~ O0 v" to OO O~ CO CO O~ I~ O'~ ~'O CXI
FIGURE S United States energy consumption, 1949 to 2001. From Table 1.5, Annual Energy Review; data for 2001 is preliminary.
150 100
O~ ~" O) CO to (30 I~ to O3 ~ e,D O~ to .0 O~ r O~ e,.O Cb ,rCO I~ O3 ,r-Year I~I".Ob .rCO O~ to CO O~ (33 CO O~ CO (3b O3 I~ O~ 03 O O
Energy consumption per person, 1949 to 2001. From Table 1.5, Annual Energy Review; data for 2001 is preliminary.
"5 O 25
CXl O') O~ "O
5 0
O) ,~O'~ CO to O'~ I~ to O'J ~ Co O~ to (D O'~ O~ r.o (30 v-CO I~ O~ .rr,.. I~ O~ .e-~ GO (30 ,rto CO O') o') CO Ob co (33 O3 ~ Cb (3b O O C~I
"~ tO
"O c-
O t-I--
Energy consumption per dollar of gross domestic product, 1949 to 2001. From Table 1.5, Annual Energy Review; data for 2001 is preliminary.
100,000 80,000
+ -@-
Energy intensity by geographic region including China, 1980 to 2001 (Btus/$US 1995). From Energy InformationAgency(EIA) data.
Energy Efficiencyand Climate Change variability than in the United States. Europe already is considerably more efficient than the United States (see Fig. 8). In Fig. 11, we find nearly constant improvements in E/GDP in the range of - 5 . 0 % per year. Such improvement is dramatic. According to IEA's World Energy Outlook 2002, China's GDP has grown at about 8% per year since the 1970s to become the world's second largest consumer of primary energy. Finally, in Fig. 12 we find improvements in energy intensity averaging about - 1 . 0 % since the 1970s. Many factors contribute to the energy intensity of a county or a region within a country. As indicated by Figs. 8 to 12, the rate of change of energy intensity varies significantly throughout the world. For energy intensity (E/GDP) to improve--that is, get smaller--GDP needs to increase more rapidly than primary energy, presuming that both are increasing. For example, primary energy use in the United States grew by 2.4% between 1999 and 2000. GDP grew by 3.7%, resulting in an improvement in energy intensity of 1.3% from 1999 to 2000. This article uses the convention of showing this as - 1 . 3 %. From the perspective of using energy better, the United States improved. Yet carbon emission also increased since the majority of primary energy comes in the form of fossil fuel--primarily coal, natural gas, and petroleum. If one is concerned about global warming, it seems that only three options are available to limit carbon emissions: (1) reduce the amount of primary energy requirements or limit the rate of growth in primary energy demand; (2) find
vertical lines divide the time period (1981 to 2001) into three eras. Era 1 covers the latter years of high OPEC oil prices. Era 2 starts soon after the collapse of OPEC and the consequent stagnation of corporate automobile fuel economy (CAFE) standards. Era 3 begins with the significant impact of information technologies on business and the economy. The numbers written above each era reflect the average rate of change in E/GDP for that era. We introduce each of these figures and discuss trends of interest as illustrated in the figure. Figure 9 tracks year to year changes in energy intensity and shows different rates of improvement in E/GDP in each of the three eras discussed earlier. In the early 1980s, the United States experienced improvements averaging - 3 . 4 % per year (improvements are indicated as negative numbers on these figures) and only - 0 . 7 % between 1986 and 1996. Improvements from 1997 through 2001 averaged - 2 . 7 % . Although many factors are at work, a number of analysts argue that the era improvements are the result of structural changes in the economy. The United States has moved away from energy intensive industry, such as steel production, and moved toward service and information-based firms, especially computer and internet firms. Such changes may portend not only less energy use for processes but improvements in scheduling, shipping, and other aspects of business practice due to the additional information availability. Figure 10 shows a nearly constant improvement in the range of - 1 . 3 % per year and much less
Oo _ . Oo _ . Oo
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0
3 79
, o
- 4.8% I - 5.0% I - 5.3%
primary fuel sources that are not carbon based; and (3) sequester the carbon that is emitted. Not only are these options not mutually exclusive, but we expect all might well be necessary if we are to stem the tide of rising carbon concentrations in the atmosphere and global warming. Even with improving E/GDP, concerns remain regarding primary energy demands for the world through the coming century and the amount of carbon that may be released into the atmosphere as fossil fuels are burned to meet these needs.
1.3% 0.7% 1.3%
. . . . "' ' a m "
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ O O 0
~ O 0
Annual rate of change in energ~GDP ~ r the world. Note that Russia not included.
world primary energy demand is from 500 quads all the way to 2600 quads per year. These scenarios are predicated on different estimates of population growth, economic development, and energy intensity.
3,000 2,500
"O j-
(~ 2,000
=~ 1,5oo
1,000 500
O O O t'kl
O ~ (NI
O (XI O Xl
O 03 O (NI
O ~" O (M
O t.D O kl
O ~ O GI
O I~ O t'Xl
O OO O xl
O O~ O Xl
O O ~q
FIGURE 13 Primary energy 2000 to 2100. This figure is taken from data provided in IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios 2001, Appendix VII.
IPCC's IS 92a as the base case, Fig. 14 compares this case with two alternative trajectories of the world's primary energy consumption. The IS 92a case assumes E/GDP improving at - 0 . 8 % per year through 2020 and - 1 . 0 % per year thereafter through 2100. The second trajectory is taken from EIA's Annual Energy Outlook 2003. In the third case, energy intensity is assumed to improve at - 2 . 0 % annually through 2100. In assuming this improvement, total gross domestic product (or gross world product) is held at the same level as in the IS 92a case, and primary energy is set so that E/GDP improves by - 2 . 0 % per year. Since the early 1990s when the IS 92a case was developed, primary energy demand has grown more slowly than anticipated. This explains the differences between the base case assumptions and the EIA International Energy Outlook as shown in Fig. 14. These differences result in a reduction of forecasted primary energy demand in 2025 of about 7.5%. However, if we assume that world energy intensity improves at a rate of - 2 % per year, world energy demand rises to only 510 quads by 2025 and then stays nearly flat through the end of the century. World demand is 400 quads per year. The impact of improvements in energy intensity is dramatic. Primary energy demand is cut by more than 60% compared to the IS 92a base case. Put more dramatically, IS 92a requires, by 2100, in units of today's energy infrastructure, growth from 1.0 to 3.5, whereas the 2% per year scenario requires growth only from 1.0 to 1.3, at great savings of
3 81
800 O 600 400
200 0
0 O~ 0 O~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 1990 to 2 0 0 0 Actuals from EiA
Primary energy demand in IPCC base case compared to other cases, c~is the annual growth in energy intensity, E/GWP negative c~indicates reduced energy intensity.
economic and environmental cost. While all this is occurring, per capita income rises to a worldwide average of nearly 25,000 (in 1995 US$). This is a level consistent with standards in developed European countries and Japan.
have SPTs that are safely shorter than the service life of the products installed. In contrast, investment in energy supply--power plants, transmission lines, refineries, dams, mines, and wells--typically has an SPT (from sale of energy) of 20 to 40 years, so efficiency is a better investment (although, of course, we need both), and the savings from efficiency, ploughed back into the economy, can stimulate jobs and growth. Developed countries, which already have low energy intensity, can improve further by tightening and enforcing standards and extending their scope and by expanding efficiency programs. Reductions of CO2 will then be an attractive by-product. But later developing countries (LDCs), all of them lacking adequate energy supply, tend to focus on expanding their supply, and indeed rich countries should help them finance new supply. But first, for their own economic development and to reduce CO2, more developed countries should attach conditions. Before financing supply with a 30-year payback time, developed countries should require that the host country develop standards and programs to capture all measures with a payback time of 3 to 5 years. Also, rich countries can help LDCs with technical assistance and training. These conditions should be adopted worldwide by donor countries, international banks, and host countries and their utilities. This is the cheapest way for the rich countries to delay climate change.
SEE ALSO THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES Carbon Taxes and Climate Change Climate Change and Energy, Overview Climate Change and Public Health: Emerging Infectious Diseases Climate Change: Impact on the Demand for Energy Climate Protection and Energy Policy Consumption, Energy, and the Environment Economics of Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency, Taxonomic Overview Environmental Change and Energy Greenhouse
Gas Emissions from Energy Systems, Comparison and Overview Obstacles to Energy Efficiency
Further Reading
"Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis." (2001). Contributions of Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Stewart, R. B., and Jonathan B. W. (2002). "Reconstructing Climate Policy Beyond Kyoto." AEI Pres~, Washington, DC.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Definition and Importance of Energy Efficiency Benefits of Energy Efficiency Engineering vs Economic Perspectives Diminishing vs Expanding Returns to Investments in Energy Efficiency 5. Market Failures and Business Opportunities 6. Old and New Ways to Accelerate Energy Efficiency
conversion efficiency The physical ratio of desired output to total input in an energy conversion process, such as converting fuel to electricity or fuel to heat. Undesired or nonuseful outputs are excluded, making the ratio less than unity for most devices (except in such cases such as heat pumps and heat-powered chillers, where it can exceed unity and is called a coefficient of performance). The definition is thus based partly on what each individual finds useful. Synonymous with the thermodynamic concept of First Law efficiency, but counts only the quantity of energy, not also the quality, and hence differs from Second Law efficiency, which counts both. customer The ultimate recipient of energy services, regardless of intermediate transactions. delivered energy Secondary energy provided at the place where it is used to provide the desired energy service (e.g., electricity or fuel entering the end-use device that performs that final conversion). Further losses between that device and the customer may or may not be included. Delivered energy is net of distribution efficiency (1) to the end-use device, but may or may not be net of distribution efficiency (2) between end-use device and customer. distribution efficiency (1) The fraction of centrally supplied energy shipped out (such as electricity from a power station, petroleum products from a refinery, or natural gas from a treatment plant) that is delivered to the end-use device, net of energy "lost" or "consumed" in its delivery. For electricity, this conversion into
unwanted forms, chiefly low-temperature heat, comprises transmission as well as distribution losses, and is conventionally measured from the generator's busbar to the customer's meter. (2) The fraction of energy services produced by the end-use device that reaches the customer (e.g., the fraction of the heat produced by a furnace that provides warmth in a room, net of nonuseful heat escaping from pipes or ducts). end use (1) The category of desired physical function provided by an energy service, such as heating, cooling, light, mechanical work, electrolysis, or electronic signal processing. (2) The physical quantity of such end use delivered to the customer, whether or not it is useful energy. end-use device Equipment converting delivered energy into energy service. end-use efficiency The physical ratio of end use (2) provided to delivered energy converted in the end-use device. energy conservation An ambiguous term best avoided; considered by some as synonymous with increased energy efficiency but to many others connoting the opposite: privation, curtailment, and discomfort, i.e., getting fewer or lower quality energy services. The degree of confusion between these meanings varies widely by individual, culture, historic period, and language spoken. Some analysts, chiefly outside the United States, embrace energy conservation as an umbrella term for energy efficiency plus changes in personal habits plus changes in system design (such as spatial planning or design for product longevity and materials recovery/reuse). energy efficiency Broadly, any ratio of function, service, or value provided to the energy converted to provide it. Herein, energy efficiency and its components all use (a) physical rather than economic metrics and (b) engineering, not economic, definitions (this physical convention can, however, become awkward with multiple inputs or outputs). Energy efficiency may or may not count thermodynamic quality of energy (ability to do work); see the distinction between First Law and Second Law efficiency. energy intensity Energy (primary, delivered, or otherwise defined) "used" per unit of service or value provided.
Encyclopedia of Energy, Volume 2. 2004 Rocky Mountain Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Energy Efficiency,Taxonomic Overview effectiveness of a device in approaching the constraints of the First and Second Laws of thermodynamics. First and Second Law efficiencies are nearly equal for a power plant, but are very different when high-quality energy is converted into a low-energy useful form: a 60%-efficient (First Law) furnace delivering 43C heat into a house in a 0C environment has a Second Law efficiency of only 8.2%. service substitution Providing a desired energy service by a different means (e.g., providing illumination by opening the curtain in the daytime rather than turning on an electric light). useful energy The portion of an energy service that is actually, not just potentially, desired and used by customers (e.g., lighting an empty room, or overheating an occupied room to the point of discomfort, is seldom useful).
Intensity can be expressed in economic or in physical terms (e.g., the very crude and aggregated metric of primary energy consumption per dollar of real gross domestic product). energy service The desired function provided by converting energy in an end-use device (e.g., comfort, mobility, fresh air, visibility, electrochemical reaction, or entertainment). These functions, which together contribute to a material standard of living, are generally measured in physical units, not by energy used or money spent. Because diverse services are incommensurable, they cannot be readily added to express a meaningful "total end-use efficiency" for a person, firm, or society. Economic surrogates for such totals are seldom satisfactory. extractive efficiency The fraction of a fuel deposit that is recovered and sent out for processing and use, net of energy employed to conduct those extractive processes. hedonic (functional) efficiency How much human happiness or satisfaction (equivalent to economists' welfare metrics) is achieved per unit of energy service delivered. Some analysts similarly distinguish the task (such as delivering heat into a house) from the goal it seeks to achieve (such as the human sensation of indoor comfort in winter). primary energy (1) Fossil fuel extracted and then converted, typically at a central facility, into a secondary form (e.g., crude oil into refined products or coal into electricity) for delivery to end-use devices. (2) Nuclear, hydroelectric, and renewable energy captured for such delivery; if electric, conventionally expressed as the imputed amount of fossil fuel used to produce that much electricity in a typical thermal power station. (3) The quantity of energy described in (1) or (2). Most analysts exclude from primary energy consumption the metabolic energy in human food, but include the nonsolar energy needed to grow, process, deliver, and prepare it. secondary energy Any processed, refined, or high-quality form of useful energy converted from primary energy, such as electricity, refined petroleum products, dry natural gas, or district heat. Excludes undesired and nonuseful conversion products. Second Law efficiency The ratio of First Law thermodynamic efficiency to its maximum theoretically possible value; equivalently, the ratio of the least available work that could have done the job to the actual available work used to do the job. For a device that produces useful work or heat (not both), such as a motor, heat pump, or power plant, Second Law efficiency is the amount of output heat or work usefully transferred, divided by the maximum possible heat or work usefully transferable for the same function by any device or system using the same energy input. This maximum is defined by the task, not the device: to maximize how much heat is delivered from fuel into a building, an ideal fuel cell and an ideal heat pump would be used. Second Law efficiency thus measures the
Efficient use of energy is in all countries the most important, economical, prompt, underused, overlooked, and misunderstood way to provide future energy services. It is rapidly becoming even larger, faster, and cheaper as technologies, delivery methods, and integrative design improve. Whole-system design can indeed make very large energy savings cost less than small ones. But capturing energy efficiency's remarkable potential requires careful terminology, prioritization, attention to engineering details and to market failures, and willingness to accept measured physical realities even if they conflict with economic theories. If well done, such energy efficiency can displace costly and disagreeable energy supplies, enhance security and prosperity, speed global development, and protect Earth's climate--not at cost but at a profit.
growth of any source of supply (except minor renewables). Yet energy efficiency has gained little attention or respect for its achievements, let alone its far larger untapped potential. Physical scientists, unlike engineers or economists, find that despite energy efficiency's leading role in providing energy services today, its profitable potential has barely begun to be tapped. In contrast, many engineers tend to be limited by adherence to past practice, and most economists are constrained by their assumption that any profitable savings must already have occurred. The potential of energy efficiency is increasing faster through innovative designs, technologies, policies, and marketing methods than it is being used up through gradual implementation. The uncaptured "efficiency resource" is becoming bigger and cheaper even faster than oil reserves have lately done through stunning advances in exploration and production. The expansion of the "efficiency resource" is also accelerating, as designers realize that whole-system design integration (see Section 4) can often make very large (one or two order-of-magnitude) energy savings cost less than small or no savings, and as energy-saving technologies evolve discontinuously rather than incrementally. Similarly rapid evolution and enormous potential apply to ways to market and deliver energy-saving technologies and designs; research and development can accelerate both. 1.1
Efficiency unfortunately means completely different things to the two professions most engaged in achieving it. To engineers, efficiency means a physical output/input ratio. To economists, efficiency means a monetary output/input ratio, though for practical purposes many economists use a monetary output/ physical input ratio. Only physical output/input ratios are used here, but the common use of monetary ratios causes vast confusion, especially to policymakers using economic jargon. Wringing more work from energy via smarter technologies is often, and sometimes deliberately, confused with a pejorative usage of the ambiguous term energy conservation. Energy efficiency means doing more (and often better) with less--the opposite of simply doing less or worse or without. This confusion unfortunately makes the honorable and traditional concept of energy conservation no longer useful in certain societies, notably the United States, and underlies much of the decades-long neglect or suppression of energy efficiency. However, deliber-
ately reducing the amount or quality of energy services remains a legitimate, though completely separate, option for those who prefer it or are forced by emergency to accept it. For example, the 20002001 California electricity crisis ended abruptly when customers, exhorted to curtail their use of electricity, cut their peak load per dollar of weatheradjusted real gross domestic product (GDP) by 14% in the first 6 months of 2001. Most of that dramatic reduction, undoing the previous 5-10 years of demand growth, was temporary and behavioral, but by mid-2002, the permanent and technological fraction was heading for dominance. Even absent crises, some people do not consider an ever-growing volume of energy services to be a worthy end in itself, but seek to live more simply--with elegant frugality rather than involuntary penury--and to meet nonmaterial needs by nonmaterial means. Such choices can save even more energy than can technical improvements alone, though they are often considered beyond the scope of energy efficiency. Several other terminological distinctions are also important. At least five different kinds of energy efficiency can be measured in at least five different stages of energy conversion chains; these are discussed in Section 1.2. Also, technical improvements in energy efficiency can be broadly classified into those applicable only to new buildings and equipment, those installable in existing ones (retrofitted), those addable during minor or routine maintenance (slipstreamed), and those that can be conveniently added when making major renovations or expansions for other reasons (piggybacked). Efficiency saves energy whenever an energy service is being delivered, whereas "load management" (sometimes called "demand response" to emphasize reliance on customer choice) changes only the time when that energy is used, either by shifting the timing of the service delivery or by, for example, storing heat or coolth so energy consumption and service delivery can occur at different times. In the context chiefly of electricity, demand-side management, a term coined by the Electric Power Research Institute, comprises both of these options, plus others that may even increase the use of electricity. Most efficiency options yield comparable or greater savings in peak loads; both kinds of savings are valuable, and both kinds of value should be counted. They also have important but nonobvious linkages: for example, because most U.S. peak electric loads are met by extremely inefficient simple-cycle gas-fired combustion turbines, saving 5% of peak electric load in 2000 would have saved 9.5% of total natural gas
consumption, enough to reequilibrate high 2003 gas prices back to ~ $2/GJ lower historic levels. Conflating three different things--technological improvements in energy efficiency (such as thermal insulation), behavioral changes (such as resetting thermostats), and the price or policy tools used to induce or reward those changes--causes endless misunderstanding. Also, consider that the theoretical potential for efficiency gains (up to the maximum permitted by the laws of physics) exceeds the technical potential, which exceeds the economic potential based on social value, which exceeds the economic potential based on private internal value, which exceeds the actual uptake not blocked by market failures, which exceeds what happens spontaneously if no effort is made to accelerate efficiency gains deliberately; yet these six quantities are often not clearly distinguished. Finally, energy statistics are traditionally organized by the economic sector of apparent consumption, not by the physical end uses provided or services sought. End uses were first seriously analyzed in 1976, rarely appear in official statistics even a quarter-century later, and can be difficult to estimate accurately. But end-use analysis can be valuable because matching energy supplies in quality and scale, as well as in quantity, to end-use needs can save a great deal of energy and money. Supplying energy of superfluous quality, not just quantity, for the task is wasteful and expensive. For example, the United States now provides about twice as much electricity as the fraction of end uses that economically justify this special, costly, high-quality form of energy, yet from 1975 to 2000, 45% of the total growth in primary energy consumption came from increased conversion and grid losses in the expanding, very costly, and heavily subsidized electricity system. Much of the electric growth, in turn, provided low-temperature heat, a physically and economically wasteful use of electricity. Many subtleties of defining and measuring energy efficiency merit but seldom get rigorous treatment, such as the following losses, services, or metrics: Distribution losses downstream of end-use devices (an efficient furnace feeding leaky ducts yields costlier delivered comfort). Undesired or useless services, such as leaving equipment on all the time (as many factories do) even when it serves no useful purpose. Misused services, such as space-conditioning rooms that are open to the outdoors.
intensity during the period 1975-2001 reflect mainly better technical efficiency. Joseph Romm has also shown that an important compositional shift of U.S. GDP--the information economy emerging in the late 1990s--has significantly decreased energy and probably electrical energy intensity, as bytes substituted for (or increased the capacity utilization of) travel, freight transport, lit and conditioned floorspace, paper, and other energy-intensive goods and services. The aim here is not to get mired in word games, but to offer a clear overview of what kinds of energy efficiency are available, what they can do, and how best to consider and adopt them.
1.2 Efficiency along Energy Conversion Chains The technical efficiency of using energy is the product of five efficiencies successively applied along the chain of energy conversions: (1) the conversion efficiency of primary into secondary energy, times (2) the distribution efficiency of delivering that secondary energy from the point of conversion to the point of end use, times (3) the end-use efficiency of converting the delivered secondary energy into such desired energy services as hot showers and cold beer. Some analysts add another term at the upstream end, (4) the extractive efficiency of converting fuel in the ground or power from wind or from sun in the atmosphere, etc. into the primary energy fed into the initial conversion device, and another term at the downstream end, (5) the hedonic efficiency of converting delivered energy services into human welfare. (Delivering junk mail with high technical efficiency is futile if the recipients did not want it.) Counting all five efficiencies permits comparing
ultimate means, the primary energy tapped, with ultimate ends, the happiness or economic welfare created. Focusing only on intermediate means and ends loses sight of what human purposes an energy system is to serve. Most societies pay attention to only three kinds of energy efficiency: extraction (because of its cost, not because the extracted fuels are assigned any intrinsic or depletion value), conversion, and perhaps distribution. End-use and hedonic efficiency are left to customers, are least exploited, and hence hold the biggest potential gains. They also offer the greatest potential leverage. Because successive efficiencies along the conversion chain all multiply, they are often assumed to be equally important. Yet downstream savings--those nearest the customer--are the most important. Figure 1 shows schematically the successive energy conversions and losses that require about 10 units of fuel to be fed into a conventional thermal power station in order to deliver one unit of flow in a pipe. But conversely, every unit of flow (or friction) saved in the pipe will save approximately 10 units of fuel, cost, and pollution at the power station. It will also make the pump's motor (for example) nearly two and a half units smaller, hence cheaper. To save the most primary energy and the most capital cost, therefore, efficiency efforts should start all the way downstream (see Section 4.2), by asking: How little flow can actually deliver the desired service? How small can the piping friction become? How small, well matched to the flow regime, and efficient can the pump be made? Its coupling? Its motor? Its controls and electrical supplies? Analyses of energy use should start with the desired services or changes in well being, then work back upstream to primary supplies. This maximizes the extra value of downstream efficiency gains and
o o H o.
,s 1 0 % 3sses 2 %
ses 2 5 %
.= l o s s e s 3 3 %
-~ "
losses 2 0 %
~its of e n e r g y output
FIGURE I To deliver one unit of flow in the pipe requires about 10 units of fuel at the power plant, thus those 10-fold compounding losses can be turned around backward, yielding 10-fold compounding savings of fuel for each unit of reduced friction or flow in the pipe. From the E SOURCE"Drivepower Technology Atlas," courtesy of Platts Research & Consulting.
Energy Efficiency,TaxonomicOverview able fans that detect and blow air toward people's locations in the room, rather than wastefully cooling the entire space. Western office workers, too, can save energy (and can often see better, feel less tired, and improve esthetics) by properly adjusting venetian blinds, bouncing glare-free daylight up onto the ceiling, and turning off the lights. As J0rgen N0rgfird remarks, "energy-efficient lamps save the most energy when they are turned off"; yet many people automatically turn on every light when entering a room. This example also illustrates that energy efficiency may be hard to distinguish from energy supply that comes from natural energy flows. All houses are already ~ 9 8 % solar-heated, because if there were no Sun (which provides 99.8% of Earth's heat), the temperature of Earth's surface would average approximately -272.6C rather than + 15C. Thus, strictly speaking, engineered heating systems provide only the last 1-2% of the total heating required. Service redefinition becomes complex in personal transport. Its efficiency is not just about vehicular fuel economy, people per car, or public transport alternatives. Rather, the underlying service should often be defined as access, not mobility. Typically, the best way to gain access to a place is to be there already; this is the realm of land-use management--no novelty in the United States, where spatial planning is officially shunned, yet zoning laws mandate dispersion of location and function, real-estate practices segregate housing by income, and other market distortions maximize unneeded and often unwanted travel. Another way to gain access is virtually, moving just the electrons while leaving the heavy nuclei behind, via telecommunications, soon including realistic "virtual presence." This is sometimes an effective alternative to physically moving human bodies. And if such movement is really necessary, then it merits real competition, at honest prices, between all modes--personal or collective, motorized or human-powered, conventional or innovative. Creative policy tools can enhance that choice in ways that enhance real-estate value, saved time, quality of life, and public amenity and security. Efficient cars can be an important part of efficient personal mobility, but also reducing the need to drive can save even more energy and yield greater total benefit.
the capital-cost savings from smaller, simpler, cheaper upstream equipment. Yet it is rarely done. Similarly, most energy policy analysts analyze how much energy could be supplied before asking how much is optimally needed and at what quality and scale it could be optimally provided. This wrong direction (upstream to downstream) and supply orientation lie at the root of many if not most energy policy problems. Even modest improvements in efficiency at each step of the conversion chain can multiply to large collective values. For example, suppose that during the years 2000-2050, world population and economic growth increased economic activity by six- to eightfold, in line with conventional projections. But meanwhile, the carbon intensity of primary fuel, following a two-century trend, is likely to fall by at least two- to fourfold as coal gives way to gas, renewables, and carbon offsets or sequestration. Conversion efficiency is likely to increase by at least 1.5-fold with modernized, better-run, combinedcycle, and cogenerating power stations. Distribution efficiency should improve modestly. End-use efficiency could improve by four- to sixfold if the intensity reductions sustained by many industrial countries, when they were paying attention, were sustained for 50 years (e.g., the United States decreased its primary energy/GDP intensity at an average rate of 3.4%/year from 1979 to 1986 and 3.0%/year from 1996 to 2001). And the least understood term, hedonic efficiency, might remain constant or might perhaps double as better business models and customer choice systematically improve the quality of services delivered and their match to what customers want. On these plausible assumptions, global carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel could decrease by 1.5- to 12-fold despite the assumed six- to eightfold grosser world product. The most important assumption is sustained success with end-use efficiency, but the decarbonization and conversion-efficiency terms appear able to take up some slack if needed.
preindustrial households often used more primary energy than modern ones do, because fuelwood-tocharcoal conversion, inefficient open fires, and crude stoves burned much fuel to deliver sparse cooking and warmth. Lighting, materials processing, and transport end uses were also very inefficient. Billions of human beings still suffer such conditions today. The primary energy/GDP intensities in developing countries average about three times those in industrialized countries. But even the most energy-efficient societies still have enormous, and steadily expanding, room for further efficiency gains. Less than onefourth of the energy delivered to a typical European cookstove ends up in food, less than 1% of the fuel delivered to a standard car actually moves the driver, U.S. power plants discard waste heat equivalent to 1.2 times Japan's total energy use, and even Japan's economy does not approach one-tenth the efficiency that the laws of physics permit. Detailed and exhaustively documented engineering analyses of the scope for improving energy efficiency, especially in end-use devices, have been published for many industrial and some developing countries. By the early 1980s, those analyses had compellingly shown that most of the energy currently used was being wasted--i.e., that the same or better services could be provided using severalfold less primary energy by fully installing, wherever practical and profitable, the most efficient conversion and enduse technologies then available. Such impressive efficiency gains cost considerably less than the longrun, and often even the short-run, marginal private internal cost of supplying more energy. Most policymakers ignore both these analyses, well known to specialists, and less well-known findings show even bigger and cheaper savings from whole-system design integration (see Section 4). Many published engineering analyses show a smaller saving potential because of major conservatisms, often deliberate (because the real figures seem too good to be true), or because they assume only partial adoption over a short period rather than examining the ultimate potential for complete practical adoption. For example, the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy estimates that just reasonable adoption of the top five conventional U.S. opportunities--industrial improvements, 40-mile per gallon (U.S. gallons;=4.881iters/100km) light-vehicle standards, cogeneration, better building codes, and a 30% better central-air-conditioning standard--could save 530 million T/year of oil equivalent--respectively equivalent to the total 2000 primary energy use of
Australia, Mexico, Spain, Austria, and Ireland. But the full long-term efficiency potential is far larger, and much of it resides in innumerable small terms. Saving energy is like eating an Atlantic lobster: there are big, obvious chunks of meat in the tail and the front claws, but a similar total quantity of tasty morsels is hidden in crevices and requires some skill and persistence to extract. The whole-lobster potential is best, though still not fully, seen in bottom-up technological analyses comparing the quantity of potential energy savings with their marginal cost. That cost is typically calculated using the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory methodology, which divides the marginal cost of buying, installing, and maintaining the more efficient device by its discounted stream of lifetime energy savings. The levelized cost in dollars of saving, say, I kWh, then equals Ci/S[1-(1 + i)-n], where C is installed capital cost (dollars), i is annual real discount rate (assumed here to be 0.05), S is energy saved by the device (kilowatt-hours/year), and n is operating life (years). Thus a $10 device that saved 100kWh/ year and lasted 20 years would have a levelized "cost of saved energy" (CSE) of 0.8C/kWh. Against a 5/ kWh electricity price, a 20-year device with a 1-year simple payback would have CSE=0.4C/kWh. It is conventional for engineering-oriented analysts to represent efficiency "resources" as a supply curve, rather than as shifts along a demand curve (the convention among economists). CSE is methodologically equivalent to the cost of supplied energy (e.g., from a power station and grid): the price of the energy saved is not part of the calculation. Whether the saving is cost-effective depends on comparing the cost of achieving it with the avoided cost of the energy saved. (As noted in Section 2, this conventional engineering-economic approach actually understates the benefits of energy efficiency.) On this basis, the author's analyses in the late 1980s found, from measured cost and performance data for more than 1000 electricity-saving end-use technologies, that their full practical retrofit could save about three-fourths of U.S. electricity at an average CSE ~ 0.6C/kWh (1986 dollars)--roughly consistent with a 1990 Electric Power Research Institute analysis in which the differences were mainly methodological rather than substantive. Similarly, the author's analysis for Royal Dutch/Shell Group found that full use of the best 1987-1988 oilsaving end-use technologies, assuming turnover of vehicle stocks, could save about 80% of U.S. oil use at an average levelized CSE below $2.5/barrel (1986 dollars). Both analyses have proven systematically
conservative: today's potential is even larger and cheaper. (The analyses explicitly excluded financing and transaction costs, but those would only slightly affect the results. There is also a huge literature accurately predicting and rigorously measuring the empirical size, speed, and cost of efficiency improvements delivered by actual utility and government programs.) Such findings are broadly consistent with equally or more detailed ones by European analysts: for example, late-1980s technologies could save three-fourths of Danish buildings' electricity or half of all Swedish electricity at $0.016/kWh (1986 dollars), or four-fifths of German home electricity (including minor fuel switching) with a ~40%/year aftertax return on investment. Such findings with ever greater sophistication have been published worldwide since 1979, but have been rejected by nontechnological economic theorists, who argue that if such cost-effective opportunities existed, they would already have been captured in the marketplace, even in planned economies with no marketplace or mixed economies with a distorted one. This mental model--"don't bother to bend over and pick up that banknote lying on the ground, because if it were real, someone would have picked it up already"--often dominates government policy. It seems ever less defensible as more is learned about the reality of pervasive market failures (see Section 5) and the astonishing size and cheapness of the energy savings empirically achieved by diverse enterprises (discussed in Section 3). But by now, the debate is theological--about whether existing markets are essentially perfect, as most economic modelers assume for comfort and convenience, or whether market failures are at least as important as market function and lie at the heart of business and policy opportunity. To technologists and physical scientists, this seems a testable empirical question.
the design space. Generations of engineers learned that big supercritical-steam power plants were as efficient as possible (~ 40% from fuel in to electricity out). But through sloppy learning or teaching, these engineers overlooked the possibility of stacking two Carnot cycles atop each other. Such combined-cycle (gas-then-steam) turbines, based on mass-produced jet engines, can exceed 60% efficiency and are cheaper and faster to build, so in the 1990s, they quickly displaced the big steam plants. Fuel cells, the next innovation, avoid Carnot limits altogether by being an electrochemical device, not a heat engine. Combining both may soon achieve 80-90% fuel-toelectric efficiency. Even inefficient distributed generators can already exceed 90% system efficiency by artfully using recaptured heat. As another example, most authors today state that the theoretical efficiency limit for converting sunlight into electricity using single-layer photovoltaic (PV) cells is 31% (~ 50% using multicolor stacked layers; the best practical values so far are around 25 and 30%). This is because semiconductor bandgaps have been believed too big to capture any but the highenergy wavelengths of sunlight. But those standard data are wrong. A Russian-based team suspected in 2001, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory proved in 2002, that indium nitride's bandgap is only 0.7eV, matching near-infrared (1.77~tm) light and hence able to harvest almost the whole solar spectrum. This may raise the theoretical limit to 50% for two-layer and to ~ 7 0 % for many-layer thin-film PVs. Caution is likewise vital when interpreting Second Law efficiency. In the macroscopic world, the laws of thermodynamics are normally considered ineluctable, but the definition of the desired change of state can be finessed. Ernie Robertson notes that when turning limestone into a structural material, one is not confined to just the conventional possibilities of cutting it into blocks or calcining it at 1250C into Portland cement. It is possible instead grind it up and feed it to chickens, in which ambienttemperature "technology" turns it into eggshell stronger than Portland cement. Were we as smart as chickens, we would have mastered this lifefriendly technology. Extraordinary new opportunities to harness 3.8 billion years of biological design experience, as described by Janine Benyus in Biomimicry, can often make heat-beat-and-treat industrial processes unnecessary. So, in principle, can the emerging techniques of nanotechnology using molecular-scale self-assembly, as pioneered by Eric Drexler.
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More conventional innovations can also bypass energy-intensive industrial processes. Making artifacts that last longer, use materials more frugally, and are designed and deployed to be repaired, reused, remanufactured, and recycled can save much or most of the energy traditionally needed to produce and assemble their materials (and can increase welfare while reducing GDP, which swells when ephemeral goods are quickly discarded and replaced). Microfluidics can even reduce a large chemical plant to the size of a watermelon: millimeter-scale flow in channels etched into silicon wafers can control time, temperature, pressure, stoichiometry, and catalysis so exactly that a very narrow product spectrum is produced, without the sidereactions that normally require most of the chemical plant to separate undesired from desired products. Such "end-run" solutions (rather like the previous example of substituting sensible land-use for better vehicles, or better still, combining both) can greatly expand the range of possibilities beyond simply improving the narrowly defined efficiency of industrial equipment, processes, and controls. By combining many such options, it is now realistic to contemplate a long-run advanced industrial society that provides unprecedented levels of material prosperity with far less energy, cost, and impact than today's best practice. The discussion in Section 4.1, drawn from Paul Hawken et al.'s synthesis in Natural Capitalism and Ernst von Weizs~icker et al.'s earlier Factor Four, further illustrates recent breakthroughs in integrative design that can make very large energy savings cost less than small ones; and similarly important discontinuities in policy innovation are summarized in Section 6. In light of all these possibilities, why does energy efficiency, in most countries and at most times, command so little attention and such lackadaisical pursuit? Several explanations come to mind. Saved energy is invisible. Energy-saving technologies may look and outwardly act exactly like inefficient ones, so they are invisible too. They are also highly dispersed, unlike central supply technologies that are among the most impressive human creations, inspiring pride and attracting ribbon-cutters and rent- and bribe-seekers. Many users believe energy efficiency is binary--you either have it or lack it-and that they already did it in the 1970s. Energy efficiency has relatively weak and scattered constituencies, and major energy efficiency opportunities are disdained or disbelieved by policymakers indoctrinated in a theoretical economic paradigm that claims they cannot exist (see Section 3).
Energy efficiency avoids the direct economic costs and the direct environmental, security, and other costs of the energy supply and delivery that it displaces. Yet the literature often overlooks several key side-benefits (economists call them "joint products") of saving energy.
from 1977 to 1985, when U.S. GDP rose 27% while total U.S. oil imports fell by 42%, or 3.74million barrels (bbl)/day. This was largely due to a 52% gain in oil productivity, causing U.S. oil consumption to fall by 17% and oil imports from the Persian Gulf to fall by 91%. That took away an eighth of OPEC's market. The entire world oil market shrank by a tenth; OPEC's share was slashed from 52 to 30%, and its output fell by 48%. The United States accounted for one-fourth of that reduction. More efficient cars, each driving 1% fewer miles on 20% less gasoline--a 7-mile per (U.S.) gallon gain in 6 years for new American-made cars--were the most important single cause; 96% of those savings came from smarter design, with only 4% deriving from smaller size. Those 8 years around the second oil shock (1979) demonstrated an effective new source of energy security and a potent weapon against high oil prices and supply manipulations. The United States showed that a major consuming nation could respond effectively to supply disruptions by focusing on the demand side and boosting oil productivity at will. It could thereby exercise more market power than suppliers, beat down their prices (breaking OPEC's pricing power for a decade), and enhance the relative importance of less vulnerable, more diversified sources of supply. Had the United States simply continued its 1979-1985 rate of improvement of oil productivity, it would not have needed a drop of oil from the Persian Gulf after 1985. That is not what happened, but it could be if the United States chose to repeat and expand its previous oil savings.
research and development teams were disbanded, and underlying political problems festered. From the perspective of 2004, that decade of stagnation looked like a blunder of historic proportions.
generation. Most of the literature on the cost of energy alternatives is based solely on accounting costs and engineering economics that greatly understate efficiency's value. Properly counting its benefits will yield far sounder investments. Efficient end use is also the most effective way to make energy supply systems more resilient against mishap or malice, because it increases the duration of buffer stocks, buying time to mend damage or arrange new supplies, and it increases the share of service that curtailed or improvised supplies can deliver. Efficiency's high "bounce per buck" makes it the cornerstone of any energy system designed for secure service provision in a dangerous world.
discovered new tricks faster than they used up the old ones. (Economic theory would deny the possibility of so much "low-hanging fruit" that has fallen down and is mushing up around the ankles: such enormous returns, if real, would long ago have been captured. This belief was the main obstacle to engineers' seeking such savings, then persisting after their discovery.) 5. Only about 25-35% of apartment dwellers, when told that their air conditioner and electricity are flee, behave as economists would predict-turning on the air conditioner when they feel hot and setting the thermostat at a temperature at which they feel comfortable. The rest of the apartment dwellers show no correlation between air-conditioning usage and comfort; instead, their cooling behavior is determined by at least six other variables: household schedules, folk theories about air conditioners (such as that the thermostat is a valve that makes the cold come out faster), general strategies for dealing with machines, complex belief systems about health and physiology, noise aversion, and wanting white noise to mask outside sounds that might wake the baby. Energy anthropology reveals that both the economic and the engineering models of air-conditioning behavior are not just incomplete but seriously misleading. 6. The United States has misallocated $1 trillion of investments to about 200 million refrigerative tons of air conditioners, and 200 peak GW (two-fifths of total peak load) of power supply to run them, that would not have been bought if the buildings had been optimally designed to produce best comfort at least cost. This seems explicable by the perfectly perverse incentives seen by each of the 20-odd actors in the commercial real-estate value chain, each systematically rewarded for inefficiency and penalized for efficiency. 7. Not just individuals but also most firms, even large and sophisticated ones, routinely fail to make essentially riskless efficiency investments yielding many times their normal business returns: most require energy efficiency investments to yield roughly six times their marginal cost of capital, which typically applies to far riskier investments. Many economists would posit some unknown error or omission in these descriptions, not in their theories. Indeed, energy engineers and energy economists seem not to agree about what is a hypothesis and what is a fact. Engineers take their facts from tools of physical observation. Three decades of conversations with noted energy economists suggest
to the author that most think facts come only from observed flows of dollars, interpreted through indisputable theoretical constructs, and consider any contrary physical observations aberrant. This divergence makes most energy economists suppose that buying energy efficiency faster than the "spontaneous" rate of observed intensity reduction (for 1997-2001, 2.7%/year in the United States, 1.4%/ year in the European Union, 1.3%/year worldwide, and 5.3%/year in China) would require considerably higher energy prices, because if greater savings were profitable at today's prices, they would already have been bought; thus the engineers' bottom-up analyses of potential energy savings must be unrealistically high. Economists' estimates of potential savings at current prices are "top-down" and very small, based on historic price elasticities that confine potential interventions to changing prices and savings to modest size and diminishing returns (otherwise the economists' simulation models would inconveniently explode). Engineers retort that high energy prices are not necessary for very large energy savings (because they are so lucrative even at present prices) but are not sufficient either (because higher prices do little without enlarged ability to respond to them). Of course, engineering-based practitioners agree that human behavior is influenced by price, as well as by convenience, familiarity, fashion, transparency, competing claims on attention, and many other marketing and social-science factors--missing from any purely technological perspective but central to day-to-day fieldwork. The main difference is that they think these obstacles are "market failures" and dominate behavior in buying energy efficiency. Most economists deny this, and say the relatively slow adoption of efficiency must be due to gross errors in the engineers' claims of how large, cheap, and available its potential really is. This theological deadlock underlies the debate about climate protection. Robert Repetto and Duncan Austin showed in 1997 that all mainstream climate-economics models' outputs are hard-wired to the input assumptions, and that realistic inputs, conforming to the actual content of the Kyoto Protocol and its rules, show that climate protection increases GDP. Florentin Krause has shown that the main official U.S. government analyses, taken together, concur. Yet the official U.S. position at the end of 2003 was still that climate protection, even if desirable, cannot be mandated because it is too costly. In fact, climate protection is not costly but profitable; its critics may have the amount about
right, but they got the sign wrong. The clearest proof is in the behavior and achievements of the smart companies that are behaving as if the United States had ratified the Kyoto Protocol, because energy efficiency is cheaper than the energy it saves. For example, large firms such as DuPont, IBM, and STMicroelectronics (ST; one of the world's largest chipmakers) have lately been raising their energy productivity by 6%/year with simple paybacks of a few years. DuPont expects by 2010 to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 65% below the 1990 level; ST expects to achieve zero emissions (despite making 40 times more chips). British Petroleum announced that its 10% reduction by 2010 had been achieved 8 years early at zero net cost; actually, the 10-year net-present-valued saving was $650 million. Other examples abound; the Web sites www.cool-companies.org and www.pewclimate.org contain examples of the achievements of actively engaged businesses. The companies involved, many of them well known in the business world, are hardly naYve or deluded. Anyone ignoring this market reality is mistaking the econometric rearview mirror for a windshield. Econometrics measures how human populations behaved under past conditions that no longer exist and that it is often a goal of energy policy to change. Where price is the only important explanatory variable, econometrics can be a useful tool for extrapolating history into how price may influence near-term, small, incremental changes in behavior. But limiting our horizons to this cramped view of technical possibilities and human complexity rules out innovations in policies, institutions, preferences, and technologies-treating the future like fate, not choice, and thus making it so.
Cost-effectiveness limit
FIGURE 2 Diminishing returns (greater energy savings incur greater marginal cost) can be true for some (not all) components, but need not be true for most systems.
Cumulative energysavings
FIGURE 3 Optimizing whole systems for multiple benefits, rather than isolated components for single benefits, can often "tunnel through the cost barrier" directly to the lower-right-corner destination, making very large energy savings cost less than small or no savings. This has been empirically demonstrated in a wide range of technical systems.
Similarly, Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Advanced Customer Technology Test for Maximum Energy Efficiency (ACT2) demonstrated in seven new and old buildings that the "supply curve" of energy efficiency generally bent downward, as shown schematically in Fig. 3. For example, an ordinarylooking new tract house was designed to save 82% of the energy allowed by the strictest U.S. standard of the time (1992 California Title 24); if this design were widely implemented rather than restricted to a single experiment, it was estimated by PG&E that it would cost about $1800 less than normal to build and $1600 less (in present value) to maintain. It provided comfort with no cooling system in a climate that can reach 45C; a similar house later did the same in a 46C-peak climate. Another example, the 350-m 2 Bangkok home of architecture professor Suntoorn Boonyatikarn, provided normal comfort, with 10% the normal air-conditioning capacity, at no extra construction cost. These examples illustrate how optimizing a house as a system rather than optimizing a component in isolation, and optimizing for life-cycle cost (capital plus operating cost, and preferably also maintenance cost), can make a superefficient house cheaper to build, not just to run, by eliminating costly heating and cooling systems. Similarly, a retrofit design for a 19,000-m 2 curtainwall office building near Chicago found 75% energy-saving potential at no more cost than the normal 20-year renovation that saves nothing, because the $200,000 capital saving from making the cooling system four times smaller (yet four times more efficient), rather than renovating the big old system, would pay for the other improvements. In a striking industrial example, a pumping loop for heat transfer originally designed to use 70.8 kW of pumping power was redesigned to use 5.3 kW, 92% less, with lower capital cost and better performance. No new technologies were used, but only two changes in the design mentality: 1. Use big pipes and small pumps rather than small pipes and big pumps. The friction in a pipe falls as nearly the fifth power (roughly -4.84) of its diameter. Engineers normally make the pipe just fat enough to repay its greater cost from the saved pumping energy. This calculation improperly omits the capital cost of the pumping equipment--the pump, motor, inverter, and electricals that must overcome the pipe friction. Yet the size and roughly the cost of that equipment will fall as nearly the fifth power of pipe diameter, while the cost of the fatter pipe will rise as only about the second power of
diameter. Thus conventionally optimizing the pipe as an isolated component actually pessimizes the system! Optimizing the whole system together will clearly yield fat pipes and tiny pumps, so total capital cost falls slightly and operating cost falls dramatically. 2. Lay out the pipes first, then the equipment. Normal practice is the opposite, so the connected equipment is typically far apart, obstructed by other objects, at the wrong height, and facing the wrong way. The resulting pipes have about three to six times as much friction as they would have with a straight shot, to the delight of the pipefitters, who are paid by the hour, who mark up a profit on the extra pipes and fittings, and who do not pay for the extra electricity or equipment sizing. But the owner would do better to have short, straight pipes than long, crooked pipes. Together, these two design changes cut the measured pumping power by 12-fold, with lower capital cost and better performance. They also saved 70 kW of heat loss with a 2-month payback, because it was easier to insulate short, straight pipes. In hindsight, however, the design was still suboptimal, because it omitted seven additional benefits: less space, weight, and noise; better maintenance access; lower maintenance cost; higher reliability and uptime; and longer life (because the removed pipe elbows will not be eroded by fluid turning the corner). Properly counting these seven benefits would have saved not 92% but nearer 98% of the energy, and cost even less, so about a factor-four potential saving was left uncaptured. Other recent design examples include a 97% reduction in air-conditioning energy for a California office retrofit, with attractive returns and better comfort; lighting retrofit savings upward of 90% with better visibility and a 1- to 2-year payback; an energy cost reduction >40% with a 3-year payback in retrofitting an already very efficient oil refinery; 75% electrical savings in a new chemical plant, with ~ 1 0 % lower construction time and cost; ~ 8 9 % in a new data center at lower cost; and 70-90% in a new supermarket at probably lower cost. The obvious lesson is that optimizing whole systems for multiple benefits, not just components for single benefits, typically boosts end-use efficiency by roughly an order of magnitude at negative marginal cost. These enormous savings have not been widely noticed or captured because of deficient engineering pedagogy and practice. Whole-system design integration is not rocket science; rather, it rediscovers the forgotten tradition of Victorian system engineering,
before designers became so specialized that they lost sight of how components fit together. It is not even generally true, as economic theory supposes, that greater end-use efficiency costs more at the level of components. For example, the most common type of industrial motor on the 1996 U.S. market, the 1800-revolution per minute (rpm) totally enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC) motor (National Electrical Manufacturers' Association Design B), exhibited no empirical correlation whatever between efficiency and price up to at least 225 kW. (Premiumefficiency motors should cost more to build because they contain more and better copper and iron, but they are not priced that way.) The same is true for most industrial pumps and rooftop chillers, Swedish refrigerators, American televisions, and many other products. But even if it were true, artfully combining components into systems can definitely yield expanding returns. Perhaps the most consequential example is in light vehicles. A small private company (see its Web site at www.hypercar.com) completed in 2000 the manufacturable, production-costed virtual design of a midsize sport utility vehicle (suv) concept car that is uncompromised, cost-competitive, zero emission, and quintupled efficiency. It is so efficient (2.38 liters/100km, 42km/liter, 99mpg, U.S. gallons) not just because its direct-hydrogen fuel cell is about twice as efficient as a gasoline-fueled Otto engine, but also because it is so lightweight (but crashworthy) and so low in aerodynamic drag and rolling resistance that it can cruise at highway speed on no more power to the wheels than a conventional SUV uses on a hot day just for air conditioning. This design suggests that cars, too, can "tunnel through the cost barrier," achieving astonishing fuel economy at no extra cost and with many other customer and manufacturing advantages. With aggressive licensing of existing intellectual property, such vehicles could start ramping up production as early as 2008. All major automakers have parallel development programs underway, totaling ~$10 billion of commitments through 2000, since the basic concept was put into the public domain in 1993 to maximize competition. A full U.S. fleet of such light vehicles of various shapes and sizes would save about as much oil as Saudi Arabia produces ( ~ 8 million bbl/day); a global fleet would save as much oil as OPEC sells. Moreover, such vehicles can be designed to plug into the grid when parked (which the average car is ~ 9 6 % of the time), acting as a power station on wheels, selling back enough electricity and ancillary
services to repay most of its cost. A U.S. fleet of light vehicles doing this would have ~5-10times as much electric generating capacity as all power companies now own. This is part of a wider strategy that combines hydrogen-ready vehicles with integrated deployment of fuel cells in stationary and mobile applications to make the transition to a climate-safe hydrogen economy profitable at each step, starting now (beginning with ultrareliable combined heat and power in buildings). The resulting displacement of power plants, oil-fueled vehicles, and fossil-fueled boilers and furnaces could decrease net consumption of natural gas, could save about $1 trillion of global vehicle fueling investment over the next 40 years (compared with gasoline-system investment), and could profitably displace up to two-thirds of CO2 emissions. It could also raise the value of hydrocarbon reserves, in which hydrogen is typically worth more without than with the carbon. It is favored by many leading energy and car companies today, and it is not too far off: over two-thirds of the fossil fuel atoms burned in the world today are already hydrogen, and global hydrogen production ( ~ 5 0 MT/year), if diverted from its present uses, could fuel an entire fleet of superefficient U.S. highway vehicles. 4.2 The Right Steps in the Right Order Breakthrough energy efficiency results need not just the right technologies but also their application in the right sequence. For example, most practitioners designing lighting retrofits start with more efficient luminaires, improving optics, lamps, and ballasts. But for optimal energy and capital savings, that should be step six, not step one. First come improving the quality of the visual task, optimizing the geometry and cavity reflectance of the space, optimizing lighting quality and quantity, and harvesting daylight. Then, after the luminaire improvements, come better controls, maintenance, management, and training. Likewise, to deliver thermal comfort in a hot climate, most engineers retrofit a more efficient and perhaps variable-speed chiller, variable-speed supply fans, etc. But these should all be step five. The previous four steps are to expand the comfort range (by exploiting such variables as radiant temperature, turbulent air movement, and ventilative chairs); reduce unwanted heat gains within or into the space; exploit passive cooling (ventilative, radiative, ground coupling); and, if needed, harness nonrefrigerative alternative cooling (evaporative, desiccant, absorption, and
hybrids of these). These preliminary steps can generally eliminate refrigerative cooling. If refrigerative cooling is still nonetheless desired, it can be made superefficient (e.g., system coefficient of performance 8.6 measured in Singapore), then supplemented by better controls and by coolth storage. Yet most designers pursue these seven steps in reverse order, worst buys first, so they save less energy, pay higher capital costs, yet achieve worse comfort and greater complexity. Whole-system engineering optimizes for many benefits. There are, for example, 10 benefits of superwindows and 18 benefits of premium-efficiency motors or dimmable electronic lighting ballasts, not just the one benefit normally counted. (The arch that holds up the middle of the author's house has 12 different functions but is paid for only once.) Superwindows cost more per window, but typically make the building cost less because they downsize or eliminate space-conditioning equipment. Similarly, 35 retrofits to a typical industrial motor system, properly counting multiple benefits, can typically save about half its energy (not counting the larger and cheaper savings that should first be captured further downstream, e.g., in pumps and pipes) with a 16-month simple payback against a 5C/kWh tariff. The saving is so cheap because buying the correct seven improvements first yields 28 more as free by-products. Such motor-system savings alone, if fully implemented, could save about 30% of all electricity worldwide. Such design requires a diverse background, deep curiosity, often a transdisciplinary design team, and meticulous attention to detail. Whole-system design is not what any engineering school appears to be teaching, nor what most customers currently expect, request, reward, or receive. But it represents a key part of the "overhang" of practical, profitable, unbought energy efficiency absent from virtually all official studies so far.
Energy Efficiency,TaxonomicOverview produce the same light and comfort via inefficient lamps and office/retail air conditioners. The efficiency investment is also repaid about 10 times faster. The resulting --~10,000-fold decrease in capital requirements could turn the power sector, which now uses about one-fourth of global development capital, into a net exporter of capital to fund other development needs. This is also true at the microscale of a rural village: a package of photovoltaics and superefficient end-use devices (lamps, pumps, mobile phone, water purification, vaccine refrigerator, etc.), with normal utility financing and no subsidy, often incurs debt service lower than what the villagers were already paying for lighting kerosene, candles, and radio batteries, so they have a positive cash flow from day one. Conversely, when Chinese authorities imported many assembly lines to make refrigerators more accessible, the saturation of refrigerators in Beijing households rose from 2 to 62% in 6 years, but the refrigerators' inefficient design created unintended shortages of power and of capital to generate it (an extra half-billion dollars' worth). A Chinese Cabinet member said this error must not be repeated: energy and resource efficiency must be the cornerstone of the development process. Otherwise, resource waste will require supply-side investment of the capital meant to buy the devices that were supposed to use those resources. This realization contributed to China's emphasis on energy efficiency (halving primary energy/GDP elasticity in the 1980s and nearly re-halving it since), laying the groundwork for the dramatic 1996 initial shift from coal to gas, renewables, and efficiency. This greatest contribution of any nation so far to reducing carbon emissions was a by-product of two other domestic goals: eliminating the bottleneck in China's development and improving public health.
about twice as fat. (2) The office owner or occupant will buy the electricity, but the electrician bought the wire. An electrician altruistic enough to buy fatter wire is not the low bidder and does not win the job. Correcting this specific market failure requires attention both to the split incentive and to the misinterpretation of a life-safety regulation as an economic optimum. This microexample illustrates the range and depth of market failures that any skilled practitioner of energy efficiency encounters daily. A 1997 compendium, Climate: Making Sense and Making Money, organizes 60-80 such market failures into eight categories and illustrates the business opportunity each can be turned into. Some arise in public policy, some are at the level of the firm, and some are in individuals' heads. Most are glaringly perverse. For example, in all but two states in the United States, regulated distribution utilities are rewarded for selling more energy and penalized for cutting customers' bills, so naturally they are unenthusiastic about energy efficiency that would hurt their shareholders. Nearly all architects and engineers, too, are paid for what they spend, not for what they save; "performance-based fees" have been shown to yield superior design, but are rarely used. Most firms set discounted-cashflow targets for their financial returns, yet tell their operating engineers to use a simple-payback screen for energy-saving investments (typically less than 2 years), and the disconnect between these two metrics causes and conceals huge misallocations of capital. When markets and bidding systems are established to augment or replace traditional regulation of energy supply industries, negawatts (saved watts) are rarely allowed to compete against megawatts. In short, scores of market failures--well understood but widely ignored--cause available and profitable energy efficiency to get only a small fraction of the investment it merits. Thus most of the capital invested in the energy system is being misallocated. The most effective remedy would be to put systematic "barrier-busting" atop the policy agenda, turning obstacles into opportunities and stumbling-blocks into stepping-stones, so market mechanisms could work properly, as economic theory correctly prescribes. Using energy in a way that saves money is not only a perquisite of the rich, it is also arguably the most powerful key to global economic development for the poor. Using quintupled-efficiency compact fluorescent lamps in Bombay or installing superwindows in Bangkok takes about a thousand times less capital compared to expanding the supply of electricity to
81%/year, at ~,, 1% of the long-run marginal cost of supply. In 1990, New England Electric System signed up 90% of a pilot market for small-business retrofits in 2 months. In the same year, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) marketers captured a fourth of the new commercial construction market for design improvements in 3 months, so in 1991, PG&E raised the target, and got it all in the first 9 days of January. Such impressive achievements resulted from nearly two decades of refinement of program structures and marketing methods. At first, utilities and governments wanting to help customers save energy offered general, then targeted, information, and sometimes loans or grants. Demonstration programs proved feasibility and streamlined delivery. Standards knocked the worst equipment off the market. (Congress did this for household appliances without a single dissenting vote, because so many appliances are bought by landlords, developers, or public housing authorities--a manifest split incentive with the householders who will later pay the energy bills.) Refrigerator standards alone cut electricity usage by new U.S. units by fourfold from 1975 to 2001 (5%/year), saving 40 GW of electric supply. In Canada, labeling initially did nearly as well. Utilities began to offer rebates--targeted, then generic--to customers, then to other value-chain participants, for adopting energy-saving equipment, or scrapping inefficient equipment, or both. Some rebate structures proved potent, such as paying a shop assistant a bonus for selling an energy-efficient refrigerator but nothing for selling an inefficient one. So did leasing (20 per compact fluorescent lamp per month, so that it is paid for over time), paying for better design, and rewarding buyers for beating minimum standards. Energy-saving companies, independent or utility owned, provided turnkey design and installation to reduce hassle. Sweden aggregated technology procurement to offer "golden carrot" rewards to manufacturers bringing innovations to market; once these new products were introduced, competition quickly eliminated their modest price premia. These engineered-service/delivery models worked well, often spectacularly well. Steve Nadel's 1990 review of 237 programs at 38 U.S. utilities found many costing < 1C/kWh (1988 dollars). From 1991 to 1994, the entire demand-side management portfolio of California's three major investor-owned utilities saved electricity at an average program cost that fell from about 2.8 to 1.9 current C/kWh (1.2 for the cheapest), saving society over $2 billion more than the program cost.
of the new marketing "hooks" just starting to be exploited: security (national, community, and individual), economic development and balance of trade, protection from disruptive price volatility, avoiding costly supply overshoot, profitable integration and bundling with renewables, and expressing individual values. Consider, for example, a good compact fluorescent lamp. It emits the same light as an incandescent lamp but uses four to five times less electricity and lasts 8-13 times longer, saving tens of dollars more than it costs. It avoids putting a ton of carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the air. But it does far more. In suitable numbers (half a billion are made each year), it can cut by a fifth the evening peak load that causes blackouts in overloaded Mumbai, it can boost profits of poor American chicken farmers by a fourth, or it can raise the household disposable cash income of destitute Haitians by up to a third. As mentioned previously, making the lamp requires 99.97% less capital than does expanding the supply of electricity, thus freeing investment for other tasks. The lamp cuts power needs to levels that make solar-generated power affordable, so girls in rural huts can learn to read at night, advancing the role of women. One light bulb does all that. It can be bought at the supermarket and self-installed. One light bulb at a time, the world can be made safer. "In short," concludes J~rgen N~rgfird, by pursuing the entire efficiency potential systematically and comprehensively, "it is possible in the course of half a century to offer everybody on Earth a joyful and materially decent life with a per capita energy consumption of only a small fraction of today's consumption in the industrialized countries."
curves, and are even making them less relevant by driving customer choice through nonprice variables. Ultralight cars, for example, would do a complete end run around two decades of trench warfare in the U.S. Congress (raising efficiency standards vs. gasoline taxes). They would also defy the industry's standard assumption that efficient cars must trade off other desirable attributes (size, performance, price, safety), requiring government intervention to induce customers to buy the compromised vehicles. If advanced cars can achieve not incremental but fivefold fuel savings as a by-product of breakthrough design integration, yet remain uncompromised and competitively priced, then the energy-price-driven paradigm becomes irrelevant. People will prefer such vehicles because they are better, not because they are clean and efficient, much as most people now buy digital media rather than vinyl phonograph records: they are simply a superior product that redefines market expectations. This implies a world in which fuel price and regulation become far less influential than today, displaced by imaginative, holistic, integrative engineering and marketing. In the world of consumer electronics--ever better, faster, smaller, cheaper--that world is already upon us. In the wider world of energy efficiency, the master key to so many of the world's most vexing problems, it is coming rapidly over the horizon. We need only understand it and do it.
The author is grateful to many colleagues, especially Dr. David B. Brooks, Dr. J~rgen S. Ncrgfird, and Dr. Joel N. Swisher, for their insightful comments, and to the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation for supporting the preparation of this article.
SEE ALSO THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES Conservation Measures for Energy, History o f . Consumption, Energy, and the Environment Economics of Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Industrial Energy Efficiency Market Failures in Energy Markets Obstacles to Energy Efficiency Potential for Energy Efficiency: Developing Nations
Further Reading
American Institute of Physics (AIP). (1975). "Efficient Use of Energy." AIP Conf. Procs. No. 25. AIP, New York. Benyus, J. M. (1997). "Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature." William Morrow, New York.
Brohard, G. J., Brown, M. W., Cavanagh, R., Elberling, L. E., Hernandez, G. R., Lovins, A., and Rosenfeld, A. H. (1998). "Advanced Customer Technology Test for Maximum Energy Efficiency (ACT2) Project: The Final Report. Proceedings, Summer Study on Energy-Efficient Buildings." American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Washington, D.C. Daly, H. E. (1996). "Beyond Growth The Economics of Sustainable Development." Beacon Press, Boston. Drexler, K. E. (1992). "Nanosystems: molecular machinery, manufacturing, and computation." John Wiley & Sons, New York. E SOURCE (Platts Research & Consulting). (2002). "Drivepower Technology Atlas" and "Electronic Encyclopedia." E SOURCE, Boulder, Colorado. [Available through their Web site at www.esource.com.] Fickett, A. P., Gellings, C. W., and Lovins, A. B. (1990). Efficient use of electricity. Sci. Am. 263(3), 64-74. Hawken, P. G., Lovins, A. B., and Lovins, L. H. (1999). "Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution." Little Brown, New York. [See also the Web site at www.natcap.org.] International Project for Sustainable Energy Paths (IPSEP). (19891999). "Energy Policy in the Greenhouse." IPSEP, El Cerrito, California. [www.ipsep.org] International Project for Sustainable Energy Paths (IPSEP). (2001). "Cutting Carbon Emissions at a Profit: Opportunities for the U.S." IPSEP, E1 Cerrito, California. [www.ipsep.org] Johansson, T. B., Bodlund, B., and Williams, R. H. (eds.). (1989). "Electricity." Lund University Press, Lund, Sweden. Lovins, A. B. (1992). "Energy-Efficient Buildings: Institutional Barriers and Opportunities." Strategic Issues Paper III. E SOURCE (Platts Research & Consulting), Boulder, Colorado. [www.esource.com] Lovins, A. B. (1994). Apples, oranges, and horned toads. Electricity J. 7(4), 29-49. Lovins, A. B. (1995). The super-efficient passive building frontier. ASHRAE J. 37(6), 79-81. Lovins, A. B. (2003). "Twenty Hydrogen Myths." Available from the Rocky Mountain Institute Web site at www.rmi.org. Lovins, A. B., and Cramer, D. R. (2004). Hypercars, hydrogen, and the automotive transition. Int. J. Vehicle Design (in press). Lovins, A. B., and Gadgil, A. (1991). "The Negawatt Revolution: Electric Efficiency and Asian Development." RMI Publication #E91-23. Rocky Mountain Institute, Snowmass, Colorado. Lovins, A. B., and Lovins, L. H. (1991). Least-cost climatic stabilization. Annu. Rev. Energy Environ. 16, 433-531. Lovins, A. B., and Lovins, L. H. (1996). Negawatts: Twelve transitions, eight improvements, and one distraction. Energy Policy 24(4), 331-344. Lovins, A. B., and Lovins, L. H. (1997). "Climate: Making Sense and Making Money." Rocky Mountain Institute, Snowmass, Colorado. Lovins, A. B., and Lovins, L. H. (2001). Fool's gold in Alaska. Foreign Affairs 80(4), 72-85. Lovins, A. B., and Williams, B. D. (1999). "A Strategy for the Hydrogen Transition." Proceedings, 10th Annual Hydro-
gen Meeting., 8 April. National Hydrogen Assoc., Washington, D.C. Lovins, A. B., Datta, E. K., Feiler, T., Rftbago, K. R., Swisher,J. N., Lehmann, A., and Wicker, K. (2002). "Small Is Profitable: The Hidden Economic Benefits of Making Electrical Resources the Right Size." Rocky Mountain Institute, Snowmass. Lovins, A. B., Koomey, J. G., Datta, E. K., Bustnes, O.-E., and Swisher, J. N. (2004). "Out of the Oil Box: A Roadmap for U.S. Mobilization." Rocky Mountain Institute, Snowmass, Colorado. Lovins, A. B., Lovins, L. H., Krause, E, and Bach, W. (1982). "Least-Cost Energy: Solving the CO2 Problem." Brick House, Andover, Massachusetts. [Reprinted 1989 by Rocky Mountain Institute, Snowmass, Colorado.[ Nadel, S. (1990). "Lessons Learned." Report #90-08. New York State Energy R&D Authority, Albany, with NY State Energy Office and Niagra Mohawk Power Corp. American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Washington, D.C. [www. aceee.org] Norgfird, J. S. (2002). "Energy Efficiency and the Switch to Renewable Energy Sources. Natural Resource System Challenge II: Climate Change. Human Systems and Policy" (A. Yotova, ed.). UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems. EOLSS Publ. Co., Oxford, U.K. Reddy, A. K. N., Williams, R. H., and Johansson, T. B. (1997). "Energy After Rio: Prospects and Challenges." United Nations Development Program, New York. Repetto, R., and Austin, D. (1997). "The Costs of Climate Protection: A Guide to the Perplexed." World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C. [www.wri.org] Romm, J. J., and Browning, W. D. (1994). "Greening the Building and the Bottom Line: Increasing Productivity through Energy-efficient Design." Rocky Mountain Institute, Snowmass, Colorado. Romm, J. J., Rosenfeld, A. H., and Herrmann, S. (1999). "The Internet Economy and Global Warming: A Scenario of the Impact of E-Commerce on Energy and the Environment." Center for Energy and Climate Solutions, Washington, D.C. Swisher, J. N. (2002). "The New Business Climate." Rocky Mountain Institute, Snowmass, Colorado. Swisher, J. N., Jannuzzi, G., and Redlinger, R. (1998). "Tools and Methods for Integrated Resource Planning: Improving Energy Efficiency and Protecting the Environment." UNEP Collaborating Centre on Energy and Environment, Denmark. von Weizs/icker, E. U., Lovins, A. B., and Lovins, L. H. (1995/ 1997). "Factor Four: Doubling Wealth, Halving Resource Use." Earthscan, London. Wilson, A., Uncapher, J., McManigal, L., Lovins, L. H., Cureton, M., and Browning, W. (1998). "Green Development: Integrating Ecology and Real Estate." John Wiley & Sons, New York. [See also "Green Developments," (2002) a CDROM published by the Rocky Mountain Institute, Snowmass, Colorado.[
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Introduction Criteria for Successful Futures Markets Exchanges and Their Contracts Futures Present Trading Futures: A Primer Future Directions Summary
natural gas liquids, and the major refined products of gasoline, heating oil, and fuel oil. In the 1990s, the boundaries of the energy complex expanded to include, first, natural gas (in 1990), then electricity (in 1996), and to add a wide range of options contracts based on the underlying futures markets.
1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
In the second half of the 19th century, a "petroleum exchange" flourished in New York. Again, in the early 1930s, when market discipline was briefly disrupted by the explosive growth of oil production in Oklahoma and Texas and oil prices fell dramatically, an oil futures market (in West Texas Intermediate crude oil) was established in California. It soon collapsed as a formidable alliance of "big oil" and "big government" restored discipline to the marketplace. Nearly 40 years of relative price stability ensued, leaving little incentive for the emergence of an oil futures market. Only with the traumatic price increases accompanying the Arab oil embargo of late 1973 was another attempt made, this time back in New York at the Cotton Exchange. The contract called for Rotterdam delivery (to avoid the constraints of U.S. price regulations). That attempt was stillborn, however, doomed by continuing U.S. government price controls and a skeptical oil industry. In the decade that followed, the commercial realities a n d - equally important--the perceptions of those realities by the international oil industry had gradually changed; the point at which oil futures could fulfill the industry's need for risk management and could provide an outlet for the speculative impulses of investors had been reached. Investors' interest in oil had been captured by the commodity's new prominence in daily headlines and nightly newscasts. The emergence of oil futures markets and their remarkable growth was a natural, indeed inevitable,
forward contract A supply contract between a buyer and seller, whereby the buyer is obligated to take delivery, and the seller is obligated to provide delivery, of a fixed amount of a commodity at a predetermined price on a specified future date. Payment in full is due at the time of, or following, delivery. futures contract A contract between a buyer and seller, whereby the buyer is obligated to take delivery, and the seller is obligated to provide future delivery, of a fixed amount of a commodity at a predetermined price at a specified location. Futures contracts are most often liquidated prior to the delivery date and are generally used as a financial risk management and investment tool rather than for supply purposes. margin The amount of money or collateral deposited by a customer with a broker, or deposited by a broker with a clearing member, or by a clearing member with the clearinghouse, for the purpose of insuring the broker or clearinghouse against adverse price movement on open futures contracts. spread (futures) The simultaneous purchase and sale of futures contracts for different months, different commodities, or different grades of the same commodity. spread (options) The purchase and sale of options that vary in terms of type (call or put), strike prices, and/or expiration dates. May also refer to an options contract purchase (sale) and the simultaneous sale (purchase) of a futures contract for the same underlying commodity.
Energy futures trading in the 1980s focused on growth of the liquid petroleum markets for crude oil,
consequence of three concurrent, but only partly interrelated, trends in petroleum, financial, and commodity markets. By far the most important determinant was the structural change in oil markets. The nationalization of production by members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and non-OPEC governments alike, and the subsequent pressures to eliminate large third-party crude resales, resulted in a disintegration of an oil market that had been highly integrated since the days of J. D. Rockefeller. In the 10 years following the 1973 Arab oil embargo, the crude oil available to the major companies fell by nearly 50%, from about 30 million barrels (bbl)/day to just over 15 million bbl/ day. Equity oil available to the majors fell even more sharply, by some 75 %. The net result was a drop in the major's share of internationally traded oil from 62% to just 37%. In addition to the newly created national oil companies, a host of oil trading firms and independent refineries entered the picture. The links that had traditionally tied upstream and downstream (vertical) integration were weakened to the breaking point. The reduction of horizontal integration (as large third-party crude sales were curtailed and joint venture production was nationalized) further eroded the ability of the largest oil companies to exercise control over markets. Simply put, there were too many actors with divergent commercial and political interests to guarantee market stability. The consequences were not long in coming (see Table I). After a decade of virtually universal confidence that oil prices would rise, prices began to weaken and fluctuate over an ever-wider range, climaxing in the dramatic events of 1986, when prices fell from nearly $30/bbl to less than $10/bbl in a period of only 9 months. Although many market observers feel stability returned in 1987, it is interesting to note that prices oscillated between $15 and $22/bbl between September and December of that year alone. The fact is that stability has yet to rear its hoary head in current-day oil markets. Along with the structural change that was reshaping oil markets during the decade, a second important trend was emerging from the financial markets. High interest rates (along with high oil prices) at the beginning of the 1980s were making inventory maintenance very expensive, causing oil company management teams to rethink traditional approaches to inventory and risk management. Also, hedging of financial risks was increasingly becoming a fact of life in foreign currency and interest rate markets. These trends ensured that oil companies
Crude Oil Price Trends ~
1950 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
Price $2.51 2.88 2.89 2.90 2.89 2.88 2.86 2.88 2.92 2.94 3.09 3.18 3.39 3.39 3.89 6.74 7.56 12.17 13.24 13.30 20.19 32.27 35.10 32.11 27.73 27.44 25.83 12.52 16.69 13.27 15.50
aAverage annual prices (U.S. dollars). Data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Monthly Energy Review, March 1989 (published June 1989). Prices shown for 19501975 are from the EIA's "U.S. Wellhead." After 1975, the EIA series is "FOB Cost of Imports" into the United States; 1989 prices are based on the first quarter.
were increasingly receptive to the hedging potential of the fledgling oil future markets. Finally, the third important factor that set the stage for the ultimate success of energy futures was the general growth and diversification of futures contracts in a wide variety of new markets, and the growing sophistication with which they were being used and modified to offer an ever wider range of hedging tools. For almost 100 years, futures markets (then commonly called commodity markets) were largely confined to the
traditional agricultural products (especially grains). In the past two decades, however, there has been an explosion in the variety of products served by these markets. The first waves of expansion brought in new agricultural contracts (especially meats) and precious metals. The second phase, starting in the 1970s, saw the introduction of financial instruments, including currency, interest rate, and stock index contracts. A third phase brought in oil and a number of other industrial products. The fourth stage saw the introduction and rapid acceptance of options on futures contracts. The fifth stage saw an explosion of trading in over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives, often in direct competition with exchange-traded instruments. The introduction and success of oil futures was a product of the first three trends. The growing volatility and loss of confidence in the future stability of oil prices demanded the emergence of new market structures and institutions. One obvious sign of the change was the rapid growth of spot markets and the trading companies that thrived on price volatility. Prior to 1979, less than 5% of internationally traded crude moved at spot prices, that is, outside of official term supply contract arrangements. By the end of 1985, virtually all crude moved at some sort of market-related pricing, and experts estimated that oil companies were acquiring anywhere from 30 to 50% of their supplies on a spot, noncontract basis. Although the proportion of oil sold on a purely spot basis has subsequently shrunk, the price risks remain, because term contracts today almost universally call for market-related prices. The trading companies, independent refineries, and increasingly the larger companies developed trading techniques to cope with the growing price volatility of these markets. The first response was to create informal, forward markets, at first only 30 days out, then 60 days out, and more recently 90 days out. A second response was an explosive growth in the demand for rapid, often real-time, pricing and other market information. Against this backdrop, futures became inevitable: a time-proven and efficient technique for coping with broad market instability. Although the breadth of energy markets has expanded, their fundamental purposes remain the same. Futures markets, basically spot markets for standardized forward contracts, serve three functions: 1. Price discovery, giving an instantaneous reading of marginal price movements. 2. Risk management, allowing companies to hedge their price risks for limited periods of time (however, the hedging opportunity rarely extends
more than 6 months forward as a result of market illiquidity in the more distant months). 3. Speculative opportunity, attracting additional risk capital to the market from outside the oil industry (low margin requirements--lower than in equity markets--enhance the attraction of futures as a vehicle for speculation). These are the necessary but not sufficient conditions for a successful contract. In reality, however, new futures contracts often fail. The reason is that the criteria for a successful futures contract are simply too stringent, with too few physical markets that can actually meet those criteria.
futures prices. Convergence between these two prices as the delivery period approaches is essential. A market in which all products are traded on the basis of long-term contracts for which prices remain undisclosed would be a very difficult market in which to establish futures trading. Quantitative indicators: Daily cash market prices should be available from at least two independent
2.8 Uniqueness
The uniqueness of a trading opportunity is another key factor. If an existing market for a commodity has reasonable liquidity and is serving its customers well, it is extremely difficult to launch a copycat contract. Inertia, habit, and personal relationships will tend to keep the traders loyal to the preexisting market. In addition, even if there is no active market at present, recent failures of similar contracts can be a substantial (but not fatal) deterrent. Quantitative indicators: The ideal candidate would be a commodity that is not currently traded on any futures exchange in the world and has not been the subject of a failed attempt in the previous 5years. However, special circumstances may override these concerns.
change and the London International Petroleum Exchange. In addition several smaller exchanges also have offered energy futures contracts, albeit with limited and often transitory success, including the Singapore International Monetary Exchange (SIMEX; currently known as the Singapore Exchange Ltd.) and the Kansas City Board of Trade. The future of open-outcry trading on exchange floors is increasingly being challenged by the advent of electronic trading. Although the exchanges and their floor traders still have the upper hand, the growth of electronic trading and the success of all-electronic marketplaces (such as the Internet) pose serious challenges for the exchanges and their trading floors.
Two exchanges currently dominate trade of energy futures contracts: the New York Mercantile Ex-
palladium still survive on the Merc's trading floor, energy contracts regularly account for more than 90% of its turnover. NYMEX, for most of its life, was a nonprofit organization. However, in 2000, its members voted to "demutualize" and the exchange became a for-profit corporation, the first New York commodity exchange to do so.
Since 1974, there have been over 60 attempts to launch energy futures and options markets. The success rate has averaged about 20%, typical of the experience in other commodity markets. In spite of thorough research by the exchanges, often excruciating governmental reviews (particularly in the United States), and extensive marketing campaigns, roughly 80% of all future markets opened fail to reach the critical mass needed for takeoff (commonly defined as reaching an average open interest of 5000 contracts). Table II lists the various attempts to launch new futures markets in energy from 1970 through 2002. When first introduced in late 1978, heating oil futures attracted smaller, independent marketers and refiners, who turned to the New York Merc as an alternative source of supply. Physical deliveries were initially quite high, as these smaller firms sought alternatives in a marketplace dominated by the larger companies. These initial participants were quickly joined by the spot oil traders and by a growing number of pure speculators on and off the trading floor, drawn from other financial and commodity markets. This phase lasted until well into 1983. Then, with the introduction of crude oil futures and the increasing instability of prices, the larger refiners and integrated companies reluctantly entered the market. By 1984, more than 80% of the 50 largest companies were using futures. Larger end-users, such as airlines and other major energy consumers, also appeared. In addition, a far wider range of speculators entered the scene, as trading volume and open interest rose high enough to meet the minimum liquidity requirement of the commodity funds. Finally, another phase, dating from 1986, brought in almost all the remaining holdouts among the large U.S. companies, more foreign participation, and a new group of traders, the Wall Street refiners. These were companies such as Morgan Stanley and Bear Stearns, which were attracted by the rising volatility of oil prices and the speculative opportunities presented by that price instability, particularly relative to other markets. As one Bear Stearns trader
1974 1978 1981
Commodity b
Crude oil Residual fuel Heating oil Residual fuel Gas oil Heating oil Leaded gasoline Leaded gasoline Unleaded gasoline Unleaded gasoline Propane WTI crude oil LLS crude oil Brent crude oil Heating oil Unleaded gasoline Leaded gasoline Unleaded gasoline Brent crude oil WTI crude oil options Heating oil options Brent crude oil options Brent crude oil Propane Residual fuel oil Unleaded gasoline options Brent crude oil options Gas oil options Brent crude oil Gas oil Residual fuel oil Residual fuel oil Residual fuel oil Natural gas Dubai crude oil Dubai crude oil Sour crude Gulf Coast gasoline Natural gas options NY gasoline/crude crack spread NYH heating oil/crude crack spread COB electricity Palo Verde electricity COB electricity options Palo Verde electricity options Permian basin natural gas Alberta natural gas
Delivery point
Rotterdam Rotterdam New York New York Rotterdam Gulf Coast New York Gulf Coast Gulf Coast Gulf Coast Texas Crushing, OK St. James, LA Rotterdam Gulf Coast New York Gulf Coast Gulf Coast North Sea Cushing, OK New York Rotterdam Cash settlement Texas Singapore New York Cash settlement Rotterdam Rotterdam Rotterdam Rotterdam Cash settlement Gulf coast Henry Hub, LA Cash settlement Cash settlement Gulf Coast Gulf Coast Henry Hub, LA New York New York COB Palo Verde COB Palo Verde, CA Permian Basin Alberta, Canada
Failed Failed Active Failed Active Failed Replaced Failed Failed Unopened Failed Active Failed Failed Failed Active Failed Unopened Failed Active Active Failed Active Active Active Active Active Active Failed Failed Failed Lightly traded Failed Active Failed Failed Failed Failed Active Active Active Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed
1994 1996
Table II continued
Year 1998
Commodityb Cinergy electricity Cinergy electricity options Entergy electricity Entergy electricity options PJM electricity Middle East crude Mid-Columbia electricity Central Appalachian coal Brent crude options Middle East crude
Delivery point Ohio Ohio Arkansas Arkansas New Jersey United States United States United States United Kingdom Asia
Status Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed Active
aYear first traded or, if never opened, year first authorized. Does not include various contract modifications or innovations in trading, e.g., in 2001 NYMEX began to offer "strip" trading in natural gas contracts across several months and introduced Exchanges of Futures for Swaps (EFS). bAbbreviations: WTI, West Texas Intermediate; LLS, Light Louisiana Sweet; NYH, New York Harbor; COB, California/Oregon Border; PJM, Pennsylvania/New Jersey/Maryland. cAbbreviations: NYCE, New York Cotton Exchange; NYMEX, New York Mercantile Exchange; IPE, International Petroleum Exchange; CBOT, Chicago Board of Trade; CME, Chicago Mercantile Exchange; EOE, European Options Exchange; SIMEX, Singapore International Monetary Exchange; ROEFEX, Rotterdam Energy Futures Exchange.
put it, "Plywood was dead, so we looked around for some better action and found it in oil." The low internal cost of capital for margin maintenance and a built-in trading infrastructure made these new entrants formidable competitors for the older oil trading and supply companies. However, even today, participation by independent producers and smaller end-users remains limited. Participation of the producers is limited by the lack of liquidity in the more distant months; participation of the end-users is limited by ignorance of how the markets operate, the high management cost of setting up a futures trading department, and, for a number of domestic as well as international companies, a very real basis-risk problem. Futures trading has thus survived adolescence and entered a period of youthful maturity. But growth in the coming years will have to come from an expansion of futures trading opportunities in the form of new contracts rather than from bringing in new participants. In other words, to continue to grow, the exchanges will have to offer a bigger and more diverse menu, not just put more seats around the table. The recent success of options would seem to confirm this point of view. Today, after the smoke has settled from various attempts by exchanges in New York, Chicago, London, and Singapore, there are six well established energy markets in New York and London: (1) NYMEX West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil, (2) NYMEX natural gas, (3) IPE Brent crude oil, (4) NYMEX heating oil, (5) NYMEX unleaded gasoline, and (6) IPE gas oil. In addition, options contracts have
been successful as extensions of those future markets. The latest innovations by the exchanges include the introduction of trading in smaller contracts (the emiNY at NYMEX), the expansion of electronic and after-hours trading, and the introduction of OTC trading and clearing services. Trading volumes of the major contracts are shown on Table III.
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traded (e.g., heating oil, unleaded gasoline, Brent crude oil), but also by the delivery month called for in the contract. In practice, traders often abbreviate the names of months, so that it is common to hear references to "Feb Brent" or "Jan gas." Options contracts are further identified by their strike prices and whether they are options to buy (call) or sell (put). Thus an options trader will talk about "Jan gas 55 puts," meaning options to sell January unleaded gasoline futures contracts at 55 d/gallon. A buyer of a commodity contract is said to be long while he holds that contract. A seller is said to be short. The contracts traded are highly standardized with respect to volume, quality, and delivery terms. Exchanges do, however, change the terms of these contracts from time to time, to keep pace with changes in the physical market. The appropriate exchange can provide a copy of the latest contract terms.
opportunity to take the other side of the trade. Assuming a willing seller is then found to meet the buyer's order, the trade is posted with the exchange. In practice, exchanges publish price quotations over the various electronic information services to provide an up-to-date record of pricing trends even before the official record of the transaction is entered. The actual trade is usually entered into the exchange's computer within a few minutes of the transaction. The buyer and seller, however, are not matched permanently. At the end of the day, each broker is assigned an appropriate long or short position with the exchange's clearing house. Thus, although there must be an equal number of buyers and sellers each day, their respective positions are maintained totally independently, and each buyer and seller is free to close his/her position at any time. To do so, the buyer will simply sell his/her contract back into the market, effectively clearing his position from the exchange's books.
5.3 Spreads
In addition to straightforward orders to buy or sell a single commodity for a single month, many traders take spread positions, which are positions in several different contracts to profit from the relative price movements between those contracts. For example, spreads can be placed between contracts for different delivery months for a single commodity. Or they can cover different commodities for delivery in the same month. Or they can cover different commodities and different months. One popular type of spread position in the energy contracts is the "crack spread," in which a position in crude oil is balanced against positions in both gasoline and heating oil, to approximate the refining process (in which crude oil is transformed by catalytic cracking into refined products). NYMEX has offered option contracts of such spreads since 1994. A newer type of spread trading is the "spark spread," which pairs positions in natural gas with those in electricity to approximate the gross margin of power generation using natural gas.
EnergyFutures of the contract being traded. Exchanges will therefore tend to lower margins in times of low price volatility and to raise them in times of high price volatility. Every night, based on the final closing or settlement price, the exchange calculates the effect of that price on each position and either requests additional margin or pays excess margin to each broker. Thus, if prices go up from one day to the next, a buyer's margin is credited with a gain and a seller's margin is debited. The rules of margin maintenance by customers to brokers vary considerably from country to country. The exchange and its clearinghouse are therefore always in a very strong position to guarantee all outstanding positions. Moreover, the clearinghouse holds its member brokers--not the ultimate customer-responsible for performing under the contracts. In the unlikely event that an individual broker is unable to perform as called for under the contract, all the members of the clearinghouse are called upon to guarantee performance. Futures markets therefore offer several levels of financial performance guarantees. Prices on an exchange are freely determined by the interplay of buyers and sellers. However, exchanges do place certain limits on both the minimum and maximum amounts of fluctuation that can occur in a given time period. The minimum price change is referred to as a tick and, in the oil contracts, is typically equal to 1.00d/bbl, 25.00d/MT, or 0.01 d/ gallon in New York. In all cases, there are no limits on the spot contract, which is the contract that is next scheduled to go to delivery, but all other contracts face limits. In New York, these limits are typically $1/bbl, $15/MT, or 2.00d/gallon. In a given day, no trades may take place outside these ranges. However, if a limit is reached on one day, the limits are expanded by 50% for the next day's trading, and so on, up to a maximum of $2/bbl or 4.00 d/gallon. In London, the limits do not apply for a full day, but rather trigger cooling-off periods before trading is resumed.
tions. As a consequence, delivery typically occurs in only about 2% or less of all futures contracts. In simplest form, all those holding positions in a given contract at the closing bell on the last day of trading for a given contract are automatically required to take or make delivery of the specified commodity. The timing and methods of delivery are clearly spelled out in each contract and in the exchange's rules. The exchanges' staffs match buyers and sellers and the matched companies then must meet their respective obligations. Exchanges have found it useful, however, to permit several variations of this simple process. Prior to the exchange-matching process (typically the day after the end of trading), any two market participants may agree to an exchange for physicals (EFP), transferring title to oil (or natural gas) by mutual agreement in lieu of closing out their position on the exchange. EFPs can also be used to establish future positions by mutual agreement. In fact, in the U.S. crude markets, this mechanism is widely used as a routine means of buying and selling crude, because it has the attraction of the exchange's financial performance guarantees. A recent innovation, introduced by NYMEX, is an Exchange of Futures for Swaps (EFS), which adds additional flexibility. Once trading in a given contract has ended and participants are matched, the two matched companies may elect to use an alternative delivery procedure (ADP), which also allows the two to make alternative arrangements. In the case of both EFPs and ADPs, the exchanges are relieved of any responsibility for guaranteeing performance.
5.6 Regulation
Exchanges are self-regulating and (since 2000) forprofit corporations, owned by their members/shareholders. The degree of governmental oversight and regulation has traditionally been most extensive in the United States (by the Commodities Futures Trading Commission) and least intrusive in the United Kingdom. The exchanges maintain active compliance and market surveillance programs to enforce trading rules and to detect any evidence of market manipulation. Traders caught violating rules are typically fined, and in relatively infrequent instances, barred from trading. If evidence of market manipulation is uncovered, exchanges possess a wide range of powers to remedy the situation. These powers include the right to order a given participant to reduce or even eliminate his or her position, to substitute alternative delivery points or additional
5.5 Delivery
These markets should always be thought of primarily as financial markets, being used in parallel with physical movement of oil and natural gas. Nevertheless, delivery does take place and serves to ensure that the prices on futures markets remain closely linked to the real world. The standardization of contracts and their delivery terms are often unnecessarily rigid for the commercial participants, who prefer greater flexibility in their day-to-day opera-
supplies (i.e., by broadening quality specifications), or even to impose a cash settlement in place of physical delivery (assuming the contract calls for such delivery). These powers are not often used, but their very existence serves as a powerful disincentive to would-be market manipulators. Perhaps the most controversial aspect of futures trading (particularly in the United States) is the permitting of dual trading; that is, allowing the same individuals to trade for their own account while simultaneously executing orders for customers as a floor broker. Many critics have argued that this practice provides opportunities for floor brokers to jump ahead of large customer orders, profiting from the market movements that those large orders are likely to provoke. Although such actions are a clear violation of exchange rules, detection is not always easy. Exchanges counter with the argument that dual trading promotes liquidity and that exchange enforcement activities are sufficient to prevent serious abuses. As periodic prosecutions in both Chicago and New York have demonstrated, there will always be temptations. Clearly, exchanges can improve their rules and surveillance. At a minimum, exchanges that want to allow dual trading have an obligation to create clear audit trails so that violations are easier to eventually detect. It seems likely however, that dual trading will be prohibited in futures trading as it is in securities trading. But the exchanges and their floor communities can be expected to resist this development until the bitter end.
tinues to be a challenge for the futures exchanges. As of 2003, the attempts to launch and sustain electricity futures markets had been hampered by a variety of obstacles, especially the Enron scandal. But it seems likely that the exchanges will continue to seek opportunities to serve the electricity trading market. In addition, price volatility seems unlikely to retreat, so the need for risk management instruments, both on and off exchanges, will remain a constant in these markets for decades to come.
7. S U M M A R Y
The oil markets led the way for the entire futures complex. This was no accident. As the largest and most global energy source, oil is the natural leader. In addition, government regulations were first removed from oil before deregulation hit the natural gas and power markets. Although the natural gas and power markets have distinct characteristics, there is no doubt that the experience of oil markets in deregulation provides an important indicator of future directions for all energy markets. However, the rapid growth of e-commerce in natural gas and power has propelled those markets into a period of rapid growth, temporarily leaving oil the laggard. The explosive growth of electronic commerce is rapidly closing the gap between physical trading and futures. Within the first years of the 21st century, the convergence of wet and paper markets will be completed as the old "analog"(open-outcry) physical markets evolve to "digital" (Web-based) exchanges. At some point in the not too distant future, risk management tools will simply be a mouse click or a pull-down menu away, as companies and traders make their deals and fulfill them on the net. Among energy markets, natural gas and electricity have leapt ahead to embrace e-commerce, leaving the oil patch to catch up. Ironically, the early deregulation of most national oil markets and the far-flung nature of global oil markets brought innovation to those markets in the 1970s and 1980s. However, the relatively quick deregulation of natural gas and electricity markets, the high level of market inefficiency spawned by decades of government economic regulation, and the greater homogeneity of product quality have encouraged those markets to move more quickly into the Internet era. Electronic exchanges blossomed in the late 1990s, and energy was one of the largest categories of business-to-business ecommerce. Electronic commerce will have a growing impact on the energy industry, including reducing
The world oil market is relatively mature, but will continue to evolve as the supply/demand balances shift. On the supply side, this implies an increasing dependence on the Middle East and the Caspian Basin, creating pressures for the evolution of new marker crudes to replace the gradually diminishing supplies of WTI and Brent. On the oil products side, the inevitable growth of demand in the developing world will also challenge the traditional role of Rotterdam and the U.S. Gulf of Mexico as the pricing reference points. This may in turn increase the importance of Singapore and eventually lead to a more favorable market for the evolution of futures and options in that city. Natural gas is still an emerging market. The growth of liquid natural gas (LNG) and interregional pipeline trade in the world should provide new opportunities for futures markets. Electricity con-
costs and improving service all along the supply chain, enhancing existing businesses, especially in the area of customer service, transforming existing business models, especially through the creation of "infomediaries" (companies that provide and analyze market information for other participants), and creating new businesses. By lowering entry costs and facilitating access, Web-based exchanges can expand the range of energy products traded. The process has already started in the chemical industry, and Web sites (e.g., Chemdex, ChemConnect, and e-Chemicals) have been launched to compete for business. There will, however, remain two challenges for these sites. First, markets will remain focused on the liquidity of new products. Traders have notoriously short attention spans and will "tune out" if sites do not offer sufficient volume to move reasonable quantities quickly. Second, as these sites grow in importance and their impact on pricing grows, they will inevitably come under regulatory scrutiny, at least by the United States Government and possibly by the European Commission and other jurisdictions as well. The regulation (and taxation) of Internet transactions will likely be a major political and economic battle. Third, as these markets grow, there will be significant pressure to develop new risk management instruments as integral offerings. The growth of electronic trading should lower the hurdle rates for new risk management instruments. However, the launching of new futures and options instruments will always depend on their ability to attract liquidity early--as mentioned, traders are notoriously impatient and will not support illiquid markets. It is probable that the future instruments will therefore include a modest expansion of formal futures and options markets and a continued rapid expansion of off-exchange derivatives, perhaps with more standardized settlement terms and, eventually, common clearing mechanisms. The exchanges have realized the opportunity and NYMEX has been especially innovative in trying to capture more of these traditionally off-exchange activities. Ideally, the market would like to have a complete suite of energy markets serving both the Atlantic and
Pacific basins, which would imply the development of additional futures and options markets for crude oil, products, gas, and electricity markets, especially in Asia. Obviously, the growth in interconnections of gas and power grids would tend to accelerate that trend, as would the continued expansion of international LNG trade. There seems little risk (or hope?) that volatility will soon depart the energy scene. And as long as there is volatility, there will be risk and a desire to manage that risk. However demand and production will shift, trade patterns will change, and product specifications will evolve, all requiring changes in contract design and continuous innovation.
Portions of this article originally appeared in Energy Futures, Trading Opportunities (John Elting Treat, ed.; PennWell Books, 2000). Excerpted by permission of the author.
SEE ALSO THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES Business Cycles and Energy Prices Economics of Energy Demand Economics of Energy Supply Energy Services Industry Inflation and Energy Prices Innovation and Energy Prices Oil Price Volatility Prices of Energy, History o f " Stock Markets and Energy Prices
Further Reading
Errera, S., and Brown, S. L. (2002). "Fundamentals of Trading Energy Futures and Options." 2nd ed. PennWell Books, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Eydeland, A., and Wolyniec, K. (2002). "Energy and Power Risk Management: New Developments in Modeling, Pricing and Hedging." John Wiley & Sons, New York. Fusaro, P. C. (ed.). (1998). "Energy Risk Management: Hedging Strategies and Instruments for the International Energy Markets." McGraw-Hill, New York. Fusaro, P. C., and Wilcox, J. (eds.). (2000). "Energy Derivatives: Trading Emerging Markets." Global Change Associates, Inc., New York.
1. 2. 3. 4.
The Puzzle of Energy The Word Energy The Concept of Energy Energy Prior to 1800?
Glossary argumentative analogy An analogy in which the secondary term is used to bring to bear an already-organized set of equations or network of concepts on the primary term, so that the primary term becomes a mode of the secondary. constructivism The view that that nature is how we represent it and that the real depends on intersubjective agreement. context of discovery The manner in which a theory or datum was historically discovered. context of justification The manner in which a theory or datum is justified by reference to all the available evidence on hand. corporeal template The use of the first-person experiences of a sentiently felt body to forge or model new concepts. energeia A term in Aristotle's metaphysics constructed out of ergon, meaning act or deed, used to refer to the activity of tending toward or enacting a goal (literally, en-act-ment). filtrative analogy An analogy in which the secondary term calls attention to certain of its conventionally understood features in the primary term. paradigm A framework that provides the conditions, criteria, and examples for explaining problems and phenomena of a standard type. realism The view that nature has a fixed structure prior to the way human beings represent it. vis viva Living force, later formulated as mv2 and thus an ancestor of the modern notion of kinetic energy, that some early modern philosophers argued existed in addition to quantity of motion or dead force (formulated as my).
One important and controversial issue in the history and philosophy of science concerns whether the phenomena named by concepts precede the development of the concepts themselves. While realists claim that nature has a fixed structure and only concepts have histories, constructivists claim that, inasmuch is nature is how we represent it, natural phenomena are themselves histories. The history of energy sheds some light on this issue, exposing the ambiguities that lead to each position, by highlighting the significance of the fact that the environment in which scientists work is not simply a human-environment relation but one mediated by technology.
Energy the History and Philosophy of Science in against a resistance (sources such as friction) to keep a body (cart) in motion. Aristotle compared other situations he was interested in to this type of example in formulating explanations of them. His analysis was therefore based on what Stephen Toulmin rather loosely (and prior to Thomas Kuhn's more elaborate and technical account) called a particular paradigm. It would not have occurred to Aristotle, Toulmin notes, to explain a familiar horse-and-cart situation with reference to "idealized, imaginary states-of-affairs that never in practice occur, ideals to which even the motions of the planets can only approximate." Unless we understand this context in which Aristotle was making and justifying explanations, we not only misunderstand him, but risk coming away thinking that he was guilty of elementary, unscientific blunders. Aristotle's conception of energeia is, of course, worlds away from the modern conception of energy as the sheer capacity to do work. Energeia is not found in a specific place, but suffused everywhere and in different forms. It cannot be created and stored, converted or dissipated; it has a directionality toward forms to be realized and cannot be detached from these ends. The notion that energeia could be set up independently over and against the objects on which it does work, or stored apart from them, or collected or harnessed, would not have made sense to Aristotle. Energy, the eventual English anglicization of energeia, came to lose the technical meaning Aristotle had given it and, for a while, virtually any value as a scientific term. In the mid-18th century, philosopher David Hume, for instance, complained that the words power, force, and energy are virtually synonymous, and "obscure and uncertain." As late as the seventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1842), the word only merits a short entry: "ENERGY, a term of Greek origin, signifying the power, virtue, or efficacy of a thing. It is also used figuratively, to denote emphasis of speech."
died of tuberculosis (as now thought) because the bacillus had no real existence before Robert Koch discovered it in 1882. The history of energy is an intriguing episode in the history of science that sheds some light on this issue. It does so because the phenomenon of energy nicely illustrates the presence of factors such as the technological transformation of the world, and even the role of more metaphysical considerations such as the changing patterns of thought that sometimes have to occur for a concept to be taken as applying to nature.
2. THE W O R D E N E R G Y
The word energy has a well-charted and uncontroversial history. Energy comes from the Greek energeia, or activity. For practical purposes one may say that the word was all but invented by Aristotle, who treats it as a noun form of a nonexistent verb. The word was constructed out of ergon, meaning act or deed; en-erg-eia might be literally translated as "en-act-ment." In his substance ontology, Aristotle uses it to refer to the activity of tending toward or enacting a goal, a meaning much different from today's. Aristotle saw bodies as composites of matter (hyle) and form (eidos). But for him, matter was only the possibility of a body, with no inherent structure and no perceptible or corporeal properties of its own--only a body can be soft or hard, hot or cold--and obtains a structure only via its form. Inextricably related to this distinction is another related to a body's activity. Every existing thing, he said, has an energeia, which maintains it in being and is the activity of tending toward or enacting a goal, its end or function (telos) to which it is naturally fitted. Aristotle has various names for how that activity is related to its end. A body's sheer potential or capacity for action he calls dynamis (potency), while its being at work en route to or at its telos he calls its en-ergeia. Every existing thing, then, has some activity or energeia, which maintains that thing in being. Aristotle seems only to have sensed, but not explicitly described, a difference between brute mechanical power and accumulated energy, or what we might call force and energy. As philosophers such as Stephen Toulmin have emphasized, Aristotle's view was a product of the everyday situations with which Aristotle was specifically concerned. When he did concern himself with situations involving what we would call force and energy, they were mechanical horse-and-cart like situations in which a body (such as a horse) moves
3. THE C O N C E P T O F E N E R G Y
How, then, did the word come to refer to a precise technical concept? The word would become a technical term only by being linked, at the beginning of the 19th century, with a concept that itself had undergone a complex evolution, and this evolution was the product of a number of factors. One factor was a metaphorical extension of the subjective experience individuals have of themselves as a bodily center of action, which was then projected into nonhumans as one of their properties. This
illustrates what philosopher Maxine Sheets-Johnstone calls "the living body serv[ing] as a semantic template," a process which, she points out, is key to the emergence of many early scientific concepts. It is a classic case of the use of analogical thinking, or the use of the familiar to understand the unfamiliar. What is remarkable in this instance is that the familiar has its basis in the tactile-kinesthetic experiences of bodily life; thus, in a corporeal template. Yale science historian Stanley Jackson, for instance, has written about how such a subjective experience was analogously extended into the concepts of early modern physics in the works of scientists such as Johannes Kepler and others. Kepler, like many scientists of his time, analogically projected a secular version of a soul-like animistic force into his mechanics. "If we substitute for the word 'soul' the word 'force' then we get just the principle which underlies my physics of the skies," Kepler wrote, adding that though he now rejected such souls, he had come "to the conclusion that this force must be something substantial--'substantial' not in the literal sense but.., in the same manner as we say that light is something substantial, meaning by this an unsubstantial entity emanating from a substantial body." What, then, was this unsubstantial entity? In the 17th century, this question sparked a furious metaphysical and scientific controversy on the existence, nature, and measure of force. Ren~ Descartes spoke of quantity of motion (mass times velocity, or mv), while Gottfried Leibniz argued that the force was not just a quantity but a quality of matter, called living force or vis viva, whose proper measure was mv 2. The vis viva controversy, as it was known, continued through the 18th century and was the subject of young Immanuel Kant's first essay. In 1807, Thomas Young, lecturing to the Royal Institution on "Collisions," said that "the term energy may be applied, with great propriety, to the product of the mass or weight of a body, into the square of the number expressing its velocity." He thereby tied the word, apparently for the first time, to its modern concept. But Young's "energy" was not ours, only what we call kinetic energy, and not even our formulation of it ( mv2). The first half of the 18th century witnessed an intense discussion of the proper way to understand notions of activity, work, force, and vis viva among engineers and scientists including James Joule, Sadi Carnot, Hermann von Helmholtz, James Mayer, Emmanuel Clausius, William Thomson, and others. One of the most important motivations for this activity was to achieve a formulation adequate to the
phenomena that scientists and engineers of the day were occupying themselves with: most notably, steam and heat engines, which were revolutionizing the engineering and industry of the day. In particular, scientists and engineers were concerned with the question of how to evaluate and measure the efficiency of steam and heat engines. A second, closely allied factor involved what might be called a metaphysical shift, which opened up the possibility of seeing phenomena that look and act very differently as but different modes of one force. Thomas Kuhn emphasizes this point in an article on energy conservation, saying that such a metaphysical shift helps to explain why "many of the discoverers of energy conservation were deeply predisposed to see a single indestructible force at the root of all natural phenomena." The metaphysical shift in question itself may perhaps be specified more fully as the working out of another kind of analogical thinking, in this case, the use of an extended argumentative or scientific metaphor. Analogies and metaphors come in many different kinds, one common form being filtrative. In filtrative analogies or metaphors ("man is a wolf, .... love is a rose") the secondary term (wolf, rose) calls attention to certain conventionally understood features of these things in the primary term (man, love). The focus is therefore on the primary term, and the secondary term only provides an assist. In argumentative or scientific analogies or metaphors, on the other hand, the priority of the two terms is reversed, and the secondary term is used to bring to bear an already-organized set of equations or network of concepts in order to understand the primary term-and the secondary term grows into the salient, technically correct term, often expanding its meaning in the process, with the primary term being merely one mode of the secondary. One classic illustration of an argumentative or scientific analogy occurred when Thomas Young and others began to call light (the primary term) a wave (the secondary term). Waves originally referred to a state of disturbance propagated from one set of particles in a medium to another set, as in sound and water waves. When Young and other early investigators called light a wave, they assumed that it, too, moved in some medium--but this proved erroneous, and scientists were soon saying that waves propagated in the absence of a medium. Despite this change, the same concepts and equations nevertheless governed light, which was now just another mode of an expanded conception of wave. Wave had grown into the technically correct term for characterizing light,
though in the process it became transformed and expanded (and the evolution would continue when waves turned up in quantum mechanics). This kind of argumentative or scientific metaphor was at work in the beginning of the 19th century, in allowing engineers and scientists to see the presence of energy in quite different phenomena, from falling water and expanding air to heat and electricity. Only the kind of metaphorical sensitivity allowed the early investigators to realize the significance of the conversion processes that were so critical to the development of the concept of energy. It was doubtless key in allowing William Thomson, in a famous footnote (1849) to a work addressing a dispute between Joule and Carnot over conceptual and experimental problems in the heat formation of heat engines, to intimate that something involving both work and vis viva was conserved, though not yet visible "in the present state of science." The specific changes in state that then made the conserved something visible are discussed at length in other entries. If any date marks the emergence of this new conception of energy into visibility, it is 1868, with the publication of the mechanics textbook, A Treatise on Natural Philosophy, by William Thomson and Peter Tait. The full articulation of this insight, involving the recognition that heat was energy--and only one of many forms--revolutionized science, and by the time of the ninth edition of the Britannica (1899), the entry on energy was six pages long and full of technical terms and equations. The factors just mentioned are extremely significant for the history and philosophy of science, for they illustrate an inversion of the traditional conception of the relationship between theory and practice, as well as the fact that the environment in which scientists work is not simply a static humanenvironment relation, but a dynamic, ever-changing one mediated by technology. The practical coping with technologies can precede and even help give birth to theoretical reflection. Technologies therefore can become a kind of philosophical springboard for scientists: familiarity with them reshapes the theoretical imagination, allowing scientists to perceive and project new kinds of concepts or extend them to larger terrains.
4. E N E R G Y P R I O R T O 18007
These developments help to shed light on the puzzle, mentioned at the outset, concerning whether the phenomena named by concepts precede the develop-
ment of the concepts themselves and how the two vastly different positions mentioned can arise. The puzzle is posed here by the question: Was there energy prior to 1800? This question would surely make most people, including and especially scientists, roll their eyes. Such people would interpret the question as asking whether the phenomenon named by the word existed. In this commonsense view, the answer is surely yes. Energy, after all, was not discovered or invented. It has powered the sun for billions of years, made organisms grow for millions, and driven industrial machines for hundreds. Our opinions, ideas, and representations of energy may have evolved, but energy apart from these--what we are trying to get at through them-does not. But if the question is interpreted as asking whether the abstract notion of a capacity to do work that comes in various forms convertible into each other existed prior to 1800, then the answer to the question is just as surely no. Traditional philosophers of science would try to resolve the puzzle by appeal to the extremely influential distinction between the context of discovery, or the manner in which a theory or datum was historically discovered, and the context of justification, or the manner in which that theory or datum is justified by reference to all the available evidence on hand--and say that the convoluted, fortuitous, and often idiosyncratic process by which a discovery or concept enters science does not matter. There is some truth to this. But a term like energy cannot be justified in a bare environment, but only within a network or horizon of other historically given concepts (force, work, heat, etc.) and technologies (steam engines, instruments to measure temperature, etc.). These phenomena lead us to interpret other things in their light, changing our view of world and its findings, structures, and laws, leading us to project them as elements of the world--past, present, and future. This does not make scientific concepts arbitrary, an artifact of language or culture, but nor does it legitimate us thinking that these concepts refer to things apart from time and history. The various interpretations of the question arise because the formulation of concepts such as energy is indebted both to a set of purely theoretical considerations and to a practical, technologically shaped world. This latter world is constantly changing, giving rise to new kinds of phenomena to be explained and related to phenomena that already appear. The network of theory and technologically shaped world forms a horizon in which scientific claims can be tested and be judged true or false.
Next Page
If one emphasizes the values which permeate the horizon at the expense of the theoretical considerations, and the dependence on them that the invariance that phenomena such as energy show--if one emphasizes let us say the role of the development of steam and heat engines, the social and economic interest in creating more efficient types of such engines, and so forth; and if one emphasizes that a concept such as energy could not have emerged without such interests--it promotes a position such as Latour's. On the other hand, if one emphasizes the theoretical considerations at the expense of the practical and technologically rich horizon thanks to which phenomena such as energy can show themselves as being invariant in myriad guises--if one emphasizes let us say the tightness and interdependence of the connection between concepts such as energy, power, work, and so forth--it promotes the view that science represents an ahistorical reality apart from a worldly context. But because the horizon is relatively stable, we tend to forget that it, too, can change, and that we justify things only in it. So was there energy before 18007 If this means an abstractly defined concept of a quantity conserved in closed systems and related in precise quantitative ways to other concepts like power and work, no; if this means this is how we currently understand the world and its phenomena, yes. The history of the term energy is an episode in the history of science that helps to reveal the complexities of the history of science. The scientific tradition as it has developed up to the present has shaped the contemporary notion of energy such that everything is a modality of energy. In cosmology, for instance, starting with radiant energy, some radiant energy becomes particles (thus
mass energy), some particles become atoms, which in turn become molecules and condensed matter, and so forth. Energy is, as it were, the dynamic existential materia prima of the universe. This has both a theory side that gives to the present an illusion of wild nature that exceeds all representations and is beyond human creation, and a practical, representable, and controllable side that gives to the present an illusion of being merely socially constructed.
SEE A L S O THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES Conservation of Energy Concept, History of" Early Industrial World, Energy Flow in Economic Thought, History of Energy in Forms and Measurement of Energy Geographic Thought, History of Energy in Thermodynamic Sciences, History of" Work, Power, and Energy.
Further Reading
Crease, R. (2002). What does energy really mean? Physics World, July. Jackson, S. (1967). Subjective experiences and the concept of energy. Perspect. Biol. Med. 10, 602-626. Kuhn, T. (1977). Energy conservation as an example of simultaneous discovery. In "The Essential Tension: Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition and Change" (Thomas, Kuhn, Ed.), pp. 66-104. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Sch6nfeld, M. (2000). The vis viva debate. In "The Philosophy of the Young Kant" (M. Sch6nfeld, Ed.), pp. 17-35. Oxford University Press, New York. Sheets-Johnstone, M. (1990). "The Roots of Thinking." Temple University Press, Philadelphia. Toulmin, S. (1961). "Foresight and Understanding." Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN.