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Cheats For Sims 3

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Display most cheats Enable testing cheats [Note 1] 1,000 more Simoleons 50,000 more Simoleons Ignore the cost when buying a lot in Town Edit mode View career outfits and service uniforms [Note 2] Toggle objects can be placed anywhere in Buy/Build mode [Note 3] Return Sims to safe and nuetral state at home Reset lifetime happiness of all Sims in active household Delete any object Force terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures Objects will not snap to slots while holding [Alt] Objects fade when camera gets close to them Show talk/thought balloons above Sim's head Print random joke to console Toggle lot tooltips Toggle "Llamas" warning icons [Note 4] Slow motion visuals; 0 is normal, 8 is slowest Toggle framerate display at top right Full screen Quit the game

Cheat Code help testingCheatsenabled [true or false] Kaching Motherlode freerealestate unlockOutfits [on or off] moveObjects [on or off] resetSim [first name] [last name] Resetlifetimehappiness Delete object constrainFloorElevation [true or false]

disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on or off] fadeObjects [on or off] hideHeadlineEffects [on or off] jokePlease displaylotpackagefilename [on or off] enablellamas [on or off] slowMotionViz [0-8] fps [on or off] fullscreen [on or off] Quit Note 1: This code allows additional cheat codes to be used and unlocks various testing options, as described below. Note 2: This code must be enabled before entering Create-A-Sim mode. Note 3: This code allows you to delete objects that normally cannot be removed (for example, Sims, mailbox, garbage can). However, you cannot get those objects back. Also, when the code is used on a Sim with the "good" trait, a halo will appear on their head when you exit Buy/Build mode. Note 4: "Llamas" are the triangular warning signs that appear with some messages. Testing cheats Enable the "testingCheatsenabled true" code, then type one of the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function: Result Cheat Code Ageuptonpc Make toddler that grows to child become an NPC Set Simoleon total for indicated family familyfunds "[last name]" [number] Buy mode slot with debug objects buydebug [on or off] Set game speed speed [0 to 4] Toggle map tags maptags [on or off] Toggle all audio playsounds [on or off] Recordvideo Record video with specified size and quality After enabling the "testingCheatsenabled true" code, you can also hold [Shift] and click on the following objects to access new options: Mailbox "Make All Happy" "Make Friends For Me" "Make Needs Static" or "Make Needs Dynamic" "Make Me Know Everyone" "Force Visitor" Various "Force NPC" options Various "Set Career" options Work place "Force Opportunity" "Force Event"

"Force All Events" Ground "Build/Buy on this lot" (requires v1.7) "Teleport" Any Sim "Add To Active Household/Family" "Trigger Age Transition" Active Sim "Modify Traits for Active Sim" Non-household Sim "Add to Household" Any object "Object... Delete It" (requires v1.7) While the "testingCheatsenabled true" code is enabled on the "Select Family" screen before loading a family, hold [Ctrl] and click just below the box in the lifetime happiness to add 500 to lifetime happiness. You can also drag the needs bars up or down as desired. When viewing your Sims' relationships, you can drag the bars on that screen either way. While the "testingCheatsenabled true" code is enabled, hold [Ctrl] and click a Moodlet in the Moodlet panel to remove it. Note: If it is motive-induced, the bar related to the negative Moodlet will be completely filled. To max out Moodlets and keep them that way, enable the "testingCheatsenabled true" code. Then, hold [Shift] and click your Sim's mailbox. Select "Make all happy", and click the mailbox again, then select "Make needs static". While the "testingCheatsenabled true" code is enabled, hold [Ctrl] and drag the Mouse left or right to raise or lower your Sim's current motive as well as raise or lower relationships. Watching your own videos on the TV Use the following trick to watch your own videos on the Sim television. Place the video you want into the "/My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 3/Movies/Broadcast/[television station]" folder. Turn on the television in the game, and you can watch it. The video must be in .AVI format, with a resolution no larger than 128x128 pixels, and frame rate not greater than 15 frames per second. Listening to your own music on the radio Place the desired .MP3 files in the "/My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 3/Music/[radio station]" folder. Start the game, go to "Options" menu, select "Music Settings", then choose radio station. Select which songs you want the radio to play. Easy money Start writing novels on your computer. Write fiction novels as they take the least amount of time. They will not bring you too much Simoleons. When you write, your skill will automatically advance. If your skill is high enough, you will be able to write more novel types/genres. The most money can be made from "Romance Novels". You will get royalties for six weeks once you finish a book. With the "Writing" skill maxed out, you can make approximately 40,000 Simoleons every week, which is more than the 34,800 Simoleons you can get by purchasing all neighborhood businesses, and takes less time to achieve. In three game weeks you should have a very high speed writing, 9 or 10 novels as best sellers, and 100,000 Simoleons. Saving money No matter how many times you use an object, if you sell it the same day you got it you can get all your money back. If your Sim is poor and needs body points or something else, buy a body machine and keep selling it back to get a refund of all your money. Easy Cooking, Fishing, and Gardening skills This trick requires a TV with a Cooking, Fishing, or Gardening channel and a video game system. Have a Sim sit down and watch television. Switch the TV over to one of the previously mentioned channels so that the Sim can start earning his or her skill point. Then, have a second Sim go over and start playing video games. Notice that although the TV is displaying video games, the first Sim still has the skill meter above their head. Allow this Sim to sit there for as long as they please until they decide to do another activity of their own. After that, the skill meter should stay above their head until you start another Cooking, Fishing, or Gardening skill activity. As an added bonus, you can train two skill points at once. For example, work out and both the Athletic and Cooking skills will continue to rise. If you keep repeating the steps until each skill channel has been viewed, the Sim will keep learning the three skills as he or she goes on about their daily life, and four when doing skill activities. Free bookcase skills Buy a bookcase, then have your Sim begin to study. Interrupt the action so that the book is placed on the ground. Sell the bookcase. The book can now do everything the bookcase could have done for free. Increasing chance to have baby boys Have a pregnant female Sim eat apples to increase the chance of having a boy. Increasing chance to have baby girls

Have a pregnant female Sim eat watermelons to increase the chance of having a girl. Increasing chance for multiple babies To increase the chance of having twins or triplets, have one or both parents have the lifetime reward of Fertility Treatment. Ghost baby Set one of your female Sim's traits to Kleptomaniac. Go to the graveyard, and have the Sim steal male remains. On the second day after putting the male remains in your home, a ghost will appear at 11:00 p.m. and disappear at 4:00 a.m. It will appear every other day. Socialize with the ghost every night it appears. When you become best friends with the ghost, it will begin appearing every night. Get the "Fertility" reward. Confess your attraction to the ghost. Ask to snuggle on the bed, and kiss him. Try for a baby every night until you start throwing up. You will now have a ghost baby that you can control. Ghosts in your house Go to the graveyard, click on all the tombstones, and take all possible tombstones. Return to your house, and place them somewhere in your backyard. You now have a 70% chance of a ghost or two, or even a whole party of ghosts visiting your house each night. To improve your chances, write in the epitaph "Here Lies [Sim's name], The One Who Returns". Making friends Buy a guitar. Play it to learn how to play guitar. Keep playing until you reach 5/10 level, which gives you the ability to "Play For Tips". When you have that ability, go to the park with the guitar in your inventory. When you are in the park, click the guitar in your inventory, and select "Play For Tips". People watching you will become your friends if you keep playing. The higher your guitar skill, the faster they will become friends with you. Disable aging Instead of using a cheat code to toggle "aging on" and "aging off" like in The Sims 2, you can de-activate the age in "Game Options" under "Options". When you uncheck the box next to "Aging", your Sims will no longer become older. You can also slow aging down in this menu by setting the "Lifetime" bar. It can be set from 25 days to 960 days. Quickly advance age Use the following trick to change your Sim's age (toddler, child, teen, etc.) quickly. Buy a birthday cake from the grocery store, and place it somewhere on your lot. Click the cake, and select "Have Birthday". Then, choose the Sim to be aged. This is a good method to get past the baby stage. Avoiding death Go to Pleasant Rest Graveyard. Near the gate is a bush called "Death Flower Bush". Harvest the flower from it, and keep it in your Sim's inventory. If you die, that Sim will give the flower to the Grim Reaper and be resurrected. Although the flower will not reappear there again, if your Sim has Level 7 Gardening, they can plant the "Unknown Special Seeds" found in the graveyard and some other places that have a chance to grow as a Death Flower. Note: Having the Green Thumb trait to revive the plant may help. Changing your name To easily change your name, go to the map, and find City Hall. It should give you an option to change your name during the day between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. New clothes To get new clothes, you first have to buy a dresser from "Buy Options". Once there, click "Plan Outfit". You can put a total of three different clothes for each type (formal, every day, athletic, etc.). Learning all guitar songs from books Have your Sim reach Guitar skill level 5. Have a level 5 book in their inventory, click the guitar, then select "New Song" to learn it. After reaching Guitar skill level 6, do the same thing with a level 6 book. Repeat the process until the Sim reaches Guitar skill level 10, and they will know all songs that were taught. Creating brilliant paintings or masterpieces Create a stylized still life after it is unlocked. Choose "Genius", and make it in the largest possible frame. You will now have a much better chance of getting a brilliant painting or masterpiece. Building a basement Put down staircases on a new lot to lower the terrain. Go to the bottom of the first one, and miss out one tile, then put down another staircase. Repeat this again to have three staircases. Delete the staircases. Use the "Level Terrain" tool to level the terrain from the lowest tile. Set it as big or small as desired. Using the "Straight Line Wall" tool, build walls around this hole so there are walls pressed up against hills. Build the room above so it covers the entire basement. Cover around the house with the "Foundation" tool; all the slopes should be covered up. Place one tile in the top floor, then create a staircase leading down to the basement. Make two or more foundation blocks at the front of the house, and place a staircase leading up them. Duck Time moodlet Buy the Ducksworth of Bathington, and place it in your bathtub. When a Sim takes a bath, they will get the Duck Time moodlet which results in a +15 boost for four hours.

Getting rid of dirty dishes Drag an empty plate into a Sim's inventory, then drag it to sell. You will not get any money, but if your Sim does not have a dish washer, it is a quick and efficient way to get rid of dirty dishes. Strange faces There is a glitch in Create-A-Sim mode that allows to you to make very strange faces. Go to the face designing area. Select a face part such as the eyes, and max out all the sliders one way or the other. Then, go to a different face part, and select one of the predesigned parts. Return to the eyes. The sliders will have reset to the middle, but the eyes will still look the same. This works for all of the face adjusting tabs. You can then continue to max out the size of the eyes and repeat. You can make eyes the size of dinner plates, very long cheekbones, huge noses, and more. Hording pizza Have a Sim call for pizza. When the pizza delivery man arrives, do not accept the pizza. The delivery man will eventually leave the pizza on the front porch, and it will never get stale. You can stack as many pizzas there as you want. If your Sims get hungry, just tell them to get a pizza from the front porch. EA game references When you have the video game system and your Sims play it, zoom in on the TV to see that the games they are playing are various Electronic Arts titles. Spore reference Have a Sim reach the top painting level to have the ability to create masterpieces. One of the paintings that can be created is that of a creature from Spore.

RELATIONSHIPS: Okay we all love a little love story am I wrong? but heres how to get a good one. 1. My fave - Simply meet someone in the park simple soulution! Not getting along? Have no fear go to the relationships panel and simple drag the relationship thing up, you'll be friends in no time! 2. Go to your mailbox go shift + click and say 'make me know everyone' its a great cheat for the lonely people! 3. Get a guitar and get to level 5 - 10 then go to the park and click 'play for tips' the higher the skill the more friends for you! GHOSTS: Ye olde ghosts. Has someone died recently? Just go to the science centre with the gravestone in pocket and ask them to bring the sim back to life and you will be able to play as a ghost! (With a small fee).

Eat 3 apples while pregnant, and you will have a boy! Eat 3 watermelons while pregnant, and that will make you have a girl!


----watch a lot of the kidz zone on the television and it will make your chances of twins

or triplets more. My person experience I made the mom eat a lot of watermelons (like 6, while pregnant) and she had twin girls, and this was without the lifetime happiness of higher chances of twins or triplets. Or maybe I just got lucky!

Ghost baby - sims 3


*At night from about 12 until 6 go to the graveyard and talk to a ghost the opposite sex to your Sim. *Every night from then on go and talk to them, some nights though the ghost might not come out. *When you and the ghost have made really good friends click on 'romantic' then 'try for a baby' (you made have to use lots of romantic options first) *Keep trying for a baby ever night until you're pregnant. (you may have to move his gravestone into your lot before you can try for a baby) *The first baby may not be a ghost, so if it's not, then just keep trying until it is a ghost baby *Your ghost baby can continue like any other child, it just looks cooler! *If you get bored of having a ghost baby, then keep fishing until you reach level 10, then go and fish in the graveyards pond until you find a 'death fish'. *Somewhere in the graveyard there's the 'death flower', harvest it, you may need to be a level 10 gardener. *Become a level 10 cook, and buy the ambrosia recipe and make it using the death fish and flower. *Make the ghost child (must wait until child-old person) eat the food and whoa, a human Sim!

Using the "testingcheatsenabled" Command


This testingcheatsenabled cheat allows you to do several things when used properly. First, hold CTRL+SHIFT+C (CTRL+SHIFT+WindowsKey+C for Vista) and enter this code:testingcheatsenabled true Now, hold SHIFT and click your letterbox. This will provide you with these options: Make All Happy Force Visitor Set Career Set level You may also hold SHIFT and click on Sims to get these options: Add Sim to House Modify Sim Traits Force Aging In Ground View mode, hold SHIFT and click a spot and your Sim will teleport to it. You can also click and drag your Sims' need bars to full. Shift click the mailbox and select Make Needs Static to keep the max level until you leave the game. (*** if you Shift-click the mailbox and it says Make Needs Dynamic, select that. Shift-Click the mailbox again and it will say Make Needs Static) This must be repeated each time you re-enter the game. But you only have to do it once, as it will work for all of the Sims in the household.

Easy Cooking, Gardening, or Fishing skill


This cheat requires a television with a cooking, gardening, or fishing channel & a video game system. How to: Have your Sim sit down & watch television. Switch the television over to one of the skill channels so that the Sim can start earning his or her skill point. Then have a 2nd Sim go over & start playing video games. You notice that although the television is displaying video games, the first Sim still has the skill meter above their head. Allow this Sim to sit there for as long as they please until they decide to do another activity of their own. After that, the skill meter should stay above their head until you start another Cooking, Gardening, or Fishing skill activity. As an added bonus, you can train two skill points at once. For example, work out and both the Athletic & Cooking skills will continue to rise. Try it!

Painting Spore & More [Easter Egg]


Description: When your Sim finally reaches the top level in painting, they begin to paint masterpieces. Look at the paintings for some nice suprises. One is an image of a Spore creature.

Money $$$ Money without cheats


You have multiple options, of which writing novels is the one that can make you very rich, very fast: 1. Start writing novels on your computer. Write fiction novels as they take the least time. They will not bring you too much cash. 2. When you write your skill will automatically advance. If your skill is high enough you will be able to write more novel types / genres. 3. The most money can be made from "Romance Novels". You get royalties for 6 weeks once you finish a book. 4. With the "writing" skill maxed out, you can make around 40.000 every week, which is more than 34.800 you get by purchasing all neighborhood businesses and takes less time to achieve. 5. In three game weeks you should have super high-speed writing, 9/10 novels as best-sellers and 100.000

Mysterious Mr. Gnome


Description: If on one of you sim travels you happen to find a Mysterious Mr. Gnome, DO NOT SELL HIM!!!!! Apart from being a very valuable item, he has some entertaining qualities. When you go to sleep at night he will move: not when you are watching of course but if you kick him and stand him up again he will change positions.

* The Sims 3, Ambitions, and World Adventures Traits List Guide


Description: This Sims 3 Personality Traits Guide provides information about how the traits in Sims 3, Ambitions, World Adventures, and Late Night affect your Sims. Xbox

360 and Playstation 3 owners of The Sims 3 will also find this guide helpful, as all of the traits offered in their version are featured here. Also in this guide is a list of which lifetime wishes that will pop up if you make a Sim with that particular trait. If you want to be sure that your Sim gets a certain lifetime wish you want then you need to make one of the traits you pick have that lifetime wish as a possiblity. Read the Guide --> The Sims 3, Ambitions, and World Adventures Traits List [Guide]

Cheats/Walkthrough/Hints. Help is here, finally....


pSECTION IV. RELATIONSHIPS I take it by now that we are all familiar with the relationshiips panel. But some may ask how do we start the relationships. even when nobody comes to my house? Well, you can go to places such as the theatre, the shopping plaza, the town park. and then you will see people eventually show up there. Then, you click on a person, if you want them to be your sims significant other then you may want to start by flirting. That usually shows a person that you are into them, right? haha I really wouldnt know how because mine is so slow, I got to the theatre to take a class, and well, nobody showed up, I dont even think the instructor was there, haha. but from reading my sims official guide book that I got, or shall I say that my mom bought me. Also you can meet peope called service sims. Almost all the service sims are datable for your sims, if they are the gender you would like in the first place, but if they are, then they are alll datable EXCEPT the paper boy. I mean its a boy for pete's sake. That would be like... illeagal! so I wouldnt recommend that. but for the other service sims, I guess you could be a boyfriend/girlfriend to them. I mean how cool, you would get to see them every day! That's more than the usual in the real life. haha. I feel all smarticles. but back to mah guide. those are just a few ways to meet other sims. Who knows your sim's significant other might just be that hot guy/girl right down the street? Or maybe that lovely maid dude/gal? who knows in the sims world, where your imagination is unlimmited.

Don't want to let your sims die?


I found this out by accident, but if you let your sim die by making it too hungry, and you were not meant to do that, just use this! TestingCheatsEnabled required! Press sim and hold, click on the sim and choose Change traits. Set them all to very bad traits, like unlucky, loser, afraid of water. Then accept it. Grim Reaper will say something like: "I won't let you die, that would be nice for you.". Then he just dissapears. It doesn't cost you anything, but you should do it fast or your active sim will be another sim!

How To Kill a Sim : )


First, you trap the sim in a small space with no doors. Next, you put a radio in it, turn it on, and then move it to where they can't turn it off. Additionally, you can put a

fireplace in it with an object in front of it-prefferably a decorational object- and wait until he just burns to death(You may put a fire alarm in there, because the fire might spread to other important objects). Not all sims can be killed.

Sims 3 wii


You get a fridge go to the corner market get 62 fish it has to be 3 star cat fish put it in your fridge and wiat 20 seconds then take them out and sell them you will get 999,999 simoelions

How to get Life fruit and Deathfish in the Sims 3


For Death Fish, go to the graveyard at 12:00 (midnight) and inspect the water to see if there is a death fish in there. If there is, fish it out! By the way, you might need to have a high fishing skill to do this! For Life Fruit, when you are making your sim, make their lifetime wish 'Swimming in Cash' and do the cheat (motherlode) to get 50,000 simelons. Then, when you have earned 5,000 more points, you can buy 'Collection Helper'. This will be a butterfly in your inventory. Click on the butterfly in your inventory, and then set it to look for seeds. Then go picking up seeds, but the only seeds that could be the life fruit, are special ones. Pick them up, and plant them. Again, you need level 7 to plant that seed. When you have got both of those things, you can make Ambrosia!

Constant ghost - the sims 3


Do you ever want a loved one who's died to be around all the time, not just at night? Well, just follow these simple steps and you can! 1) type in whilst playing (can be put on paused) shift ,ctrl, c. 2)enter in the box that appears at the top: testingcheatsenabled true 3)When the ghost is out at night, make sure it's well away from its grave, and hold shift whilst clicking on the gravestone. 'delete object' should appear, click it. 4)Next morning there will be no where for your ghost to disappear to, so it will stay up 24/7! ***WARNING*** *Ghosts can get incredibly annoying after a while! Your Sims keep wanting to talk to it, guests are always crowding around it, and it is always making messes, using your stuff, and jumping into toilet and other object making them levitate! It eats all of your food, scares people, and does nothing to the burglars! You can't get rid of the ghost once you've deleted the gravestone, so think carefully about this cheat before you do it! It may not happen to all of the ghosts, but it happened to my ghost named Eric who was a zombie/mummy! (When I moved in, it was already on my lot) *However, it is always available to help you with your homework and socialising, plus you can have children with it! ***See ghost baby***

Easier Avoid Death


Instead of going to Pleasant Rest Graveyard to get the Death Flower Bush you can simply enter buydebug into your cheat box and then enter buy mode and look in the item collection under the "?" tab. There you will find a Death Flower Bush to plant in your garden and you can also spawn seeds from any country and put fish from any country into a pond on your lot and many more fun things to play about with.

Cheat Code List


Description: During gameplay, press CTRL+SHIFT+C to bring up the cheats console. Enter the codes below for the desired effect.
force service sim [x] Add to Household Force Event Force All Events Force Opportunity force visitor set career [x] Set Career [x] shazaam Modify Traits Make Me Know Everyone make happy make motives [ static/dynamic] make friends for me Set Age [x] Edit in CAS A specific service Sim will show up, where [x] is a name Add the active Sim to the current household Click on a Career Building for a random career event Click on a Career Building to display all events for the career consecutively Click on a Career Building to force an opportunity Summon a visitor Give the selected Sim a career, where [x] is the career Give the selected Sim any career at any level where [x] is the career / level Gives 2,500 Lifetime Happiness Points to active Sim Bring up Trait Modification window Everyone in your town becomes an acquaintance Gives household perfect moods Makes motives static or dynamic for whole Household Selected Sim knows everyone in town Set the age of selected Sim, where age is [x] Edit the selected Sim in Create-A-Sim

Play as a ghost!!!!


THIS WILL WORK! Make sure that you have more than one sim in your household, kill one of them then you should get a phone call some time and it will say oh my ghost! This means you will donate your ghost to science. Now donate your ghost to science and it will not go now you can play as a ghost

Sims 3 Career, happy ect. cheats!


In sims 3 there are MORE careers to choose from and instead of having to get promotions all the time there is a Super cheat! By pressing Ctrl+Shift+C you'll get cheat block above on your screen. Type in testingcheatsenabled true and the press enter. Go to your mailbox. Press Shift and hold it down then click on your mailbox and you have probably more than 50 cheats! Have fun playing Sims3!

Have Your Child or Teen Get A Job (Not part time)

If you want your sim-child to get a job in anything: culinary, music, or even the criminal career, go ahead. (In any level and branch of the job!)


TODDLER SIMS: you can apply them a job too in the same way, but they can't go to work or anything so wait until they are a kid or teen 1. Press ctrl+shift+c when you are playing your family. A blue box will appear at the top of the screen 2. Click on the sim that is a child that you want to get a job. 3. Press down SHIFT, and then click on the mailbox while still holding shift 4. Click 'Set Career' 5. Click any type of job you would like your child sim to have (MUSIC career might mess up your job because a car won't come for you and you won't get paid :/ ) 6. Once you have picked your career you might notice a thing pop up saying you got something in your inventory or unlocked an ability to do something. Like in the law enforcement career, you get a cop car and get to raid the criminal's warehouse. Or a doctor... you get a medical beeper but it depends on what career you have 7. A car does come for your child sim, and you do get paid! It's like your an adult! But you do not get to wear the outfiit that comes with the job 8. Be careful when picking jobs because some of them conflict with school times. 9. Save your game when done and it will be there too when you come back to the game.

Job level up + increased Life time rewards


After enabling "testingcheatsenabled true" Register as self employed. By dragging the Job Experience Bar you can inclease your job level + you increase your Life Time Rewards by around 200 a time.

How to get the house of your dreams and a whole lot of money!


When you start your game click "chose household", pick one of the rich families and start game. When you are playing the rich family use your phone to move. Move the whole family sell the old house and all the funitare. Once you have moved in, go into "Edit Town" create your household and mix it with your rich family. The click on your house and "split up household" kick the rich sims or put them another family. Enjoy living with your ideal house and over 300,000 simoles!

Like late night guide from the like Internet


The Sims 3 Late Night was a highly anticipated expansion by Simmers who love watching Sims get down, socialize, and party. In this Guide to Late Night, I'll provide a list of new objects and gameplay features. Nothing in-depth, rather information that will help you to be sure you're experiencing everything the game has to offer. It may even help you decide whether The Sims 3 Late Night is an expansion you'll enjoy. Lastly, this guide will serve as a gateway to find other information exclusive to this expansion.

A New Life in the City: Bridgeport The new city in The Sims 3 is Bridgeport. Simmers who wanted an apartment life now have it, and there's sparsely available land on which to build a traditional home. Instead, we're presented with high-rise apartment buildings. Parking space is also limited, and Sims may now use mass transit in the form of a subway system to get around. With the city, comes city life. Bridgeport's denizens and underbelly make Sunset Valley townies seem ultra-conservative. Woohoo can now be undertaken in hot tubs and elevators. Sims are more likely to head to a bar, lounge, or dance club than the park for their weekend kicks. As you'd expect, the full breadth of these features can't really be enjoyed in a town. Late Night is about club hopping and trying to find the hottest party atmosphere around. Dancing on the Rooftop of Aquarius Party Time! Late Night's biggest feature in a nutshell is its Night Life. Bridgeport is filled with places to hang out and party. Dance Clubs, Lounges, and Bars dot the city, inviting Sims' money and beckoning them to let loose. A slew of new social interactions both on the fun and romantic sides now present themselves to allow Sims to show us just how much they're enjoying the night life. Celebrities can be spotted in clubs, and can be wooed for your Sims to be allowed to share their company. Player-controlled Sims can even climb the ladder of fame. Celebrity Sims get occasional gifts, even some exclusive objects, on a regular basis. They can hang with celebrities and move their way up the social ladder. Paparazzi will photograph celebs. The entire scene makes Late Night feel like it's placed in the Thirty Mile Zone. Just a little drink and he could've been fine. Now he's a Vampire ghost. And yes, she did get pregnant. Vampires visit the upper class establishments, a long-lived romantic predator that feeds on Sims' plasma. This is a fun new feature for the game and will likely be the most popular alternative Life State brought with a Sims 3 expansion pack. They come with a long list of features, and few drawbacks. The vampire is truly a new way to experience the game. New Fashions can be seen everywhere. Sims on the scene dress hot, and some might even say a little trashy. Miniskirts and other things mom wouldn't want you to wear in public are not in short supply in Late Night. There's plenty to choose from for your Sim's night out, but you're going to see plenty of skin when hitting up the clubs. Think rock, pop star, diva, raver, groupie and you've nailed the new clothing. Muscle Definition in Create-a-Sim New Body Types are available in Create-a-Sim thanks to the patch launched the same day as Late Night. Muscles can now be given more definition, which changes the way muscular Sims appear to quite some degree. They can get some six-pack abs this way. And of course the breast slider, which allows modification of female Sims' breast sizes. This gives a lot more diversity to the way Sims can look, but most of the ladies

in Bridgeport appear to have already had cosmetic surgery. New Skills: Mixology (Bartending), and More Music! Sims need drinks when they're out on the town, and the Mixologist provides them. Your Sim can take up the drink mixing trade and make some killer new creations that provide different special bonuses, and can really bring a party to life. This is also a great way to make friends, even with Celebrities. Make an awesome new drink concoction and name it after a star. That'll get their attention. Of course you're not limited to serving the celebrities to get into their good graces. The Bass, Drums, and Piano skills are out and the instruments can be played like the guitar to wow other Sims and make Simoleons. Sims can now form a band, play gigs, and have jam sessions. A beautiful, relaxing Hot Tub. Just the thing a Sim needs after a hard week. New Stuff: Objects Galore! Late Night gives us tons of new d? cor, furniture and interactive objects all with a party feel. Neon lights, black lights, and strobes all add to the atmosphere. The furniture gives off a relaxed vibe that fits perfect in a party animal's penthouse. A Bubble Bar. Your Sim can even get better at this! But not everything is cosmetic. There are hot tubs, bubble bars, arcade machines, shuffleboard tables, dartboards, and effects machines that give Sims a ton of new ways to play when they're not at the bar or shaking it on the dance floor. If you wanted new stuff, you've got it. It's a feature that really stands out. There are new objects in most categories. New Traits are in short supply. The only new offerings are Shy and Star Quality. Shy Sims prefer to only be around friends. Sims with that special Star Quality will succeed more when trying to talk to celebrities, and find themselves more likely to gain fame. Since a Sim's celebrity rating is so important in Late Night, this is going to be a trait that's very often picked. Especially since the Patch that comes with Late Night eliminates the necessity to select certain traits to spawn a Lifetime Wish selection. We still get five random LTWs when the trait selection phase of Create-a-Sim is over, but a sixth option presents itself ? allowing the selection of any LTW. New Moodlets are all over the place. Mixed Drinks naturally give moodlets, much as nectar did. Sims may feel creeped out by a nearby vampire wishing for a snack. New social interactions bring happiness and embarrassment to Sims, and celebrities feel the delights and occasional crushing burden of fame trying to lead everyday lives in the public eye. New Lifetime Rewards are always welcome to Simmers. It's fun to save up those points to give a Sim a powerful new ability or bonus. Late Night does not disappoint in this category. All are centered on socializing or living the party lifestyle. Simple rewards like discounts at clubs, and better odds of winning pub games may not be very tempting to some Simmers. However, powerful LTRs like always being on the list at lounges, finding the home of every celebrity to be a world class stalker, or always succeeding as a seducer can really improve the gaming experience.

A striking grand piano. Its beauty adds to the Environment score. Lifetime Wishes come in a variety of flavors. There are two career oriented ones to choose for the Film Career Track: Distinguished Director and Superstar Actor, both to climb to the top of their respected career branches. One Sim band sets Sims on a mission to master all four available instruments (the three new ones, plus guitar). Master Mixologists want to own a bar and master Mixology, and Sims looking for the Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous want $100,000 Simoleons and top-notch fame. Perhaps the most interesting of the new choices shines a huge spotlight on the WooHoo interaction. The Master Romancer Lifetime Wish brings out the playboy side of Sims, sending them on a quest to WooHoo with five different Sims in five different places. Last, but not least.. with all the other changes, there are of course minor tweaks to other areas of the game. Some of the new objects can be upgraded, and there are a few more fish to catch in Bridgeport. Vampires can eat plasma fruit to satisfy their thirst. Sims can also be given an astrological sign, which doesn't do much but can be another way to make a friend if your Sim's sign is compatible with others. The Sims 3 Late Night is an excellent expansion to the already fun game. It provides plenty of different gameplay, and Bridgeport is the first city or town added to the game that feels quite different from the others. Living in an apartment, using the subway to get around, and partying with Sims in the night clubs are all welcome additions to the formula. While the skills sort of fell flat in this expansion, it added a lot more variety to the recreation of Sims. I hope this guide has informed you of new things you can do, or helped you make a decision on whether to own this expansion or not. Late Night Problems & How to Solve Them There is no Mixologist on Duty! If one of the night clubs in Late Night loses their mixologist, you can fix it. Open the cheat console with Control + Shift + C, type testingcheatsenabled true, then shift-click the bar. Select delete object, then shift-click the floor and select buy on this lot. Head to the dining room tab, and select bars. Replace the bar with one of the two professional bars. A Mixologist should arrive soon to fill the position. How Do You Fix a Stuck Elevator Sometimes Elevators in the High-rise buildings in Bridgeport can get stuck. When this happens, Sims can get stuck inside a building, and may even stand there until they die because they're trying to leave. The first thing you can do is turn on testingcheatsenabled true through the cheat console (Ctrl + Shift + C). Type resetsim (firstname) (lastname) and it will send the stuck Sims home. The elevator may begin working again. The next step is more involved. If resetting the Sims stuck waiting on the elevator doesn't work, you'll need to replace the elevator. Be sure testingcheats are on, then use the cheat console and enter the commands: buydebug and RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings off. Now head to buy mode and go to the ? icon in sort by type. From there, find the elevators, select the broken elevator, delete it, and replace it with a new one. Be sure you make the new elevator face the same way as the old one. This is the only known fix for the stuck elevator problem that came with Late Night.

I got this from a guide called late night expansion pack so I am just letting you know that this is like not mine all right man, -the cheese

Get a stolen baby back

If the nanny or a neighbor leaves home with the baby enter this code: Resetsim firstname lastname (in the name slots put in the baby name)


Make Everything Perfect


To make everything perfect on Sims 3, first get the cheat bar up. You can do this by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C. Once that is done, type in the cheat bar 'testingcheatsenabled true', the case (UPPER CASE Or lower case) does not matter. Once this information has been entered, right click on the postbox in front of the Sim's house. Option will then come up, such as... Make Needs Static ? ? ? ? ? ? Your Sim's needs will be on green for the rest of the game. Make All Happy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - Everyone in your family will be constantly happy for the rest of the game. Make Me Know Everyone ? Your selected Sim will be ? -

Teleportation Pad


If you hold down the SHIFT key and click where you want to go a button should pop up that says "Teleport me here" click it and you will teleport

Ghost baby (easy)


Type ctrl+shift+c and then type testingcheatsenabled true . If your Sim is in a relationship with a man (Sim must be female in order for this to work) then go to the needs bar for the male and click and drag the hunger bar all the way down. this will result in death for the male. Have the female then pick up the remains and hold on to them until an opportunity comes up fro h science facility to be able to bring a dead loved one back to life. Accept the opportunity, then complete it. when completed, yo will have your male back in ghost form. Have them try for a baby until you hear a chime, you will now have a ghost baby.

Be a ghost in sims!!!!!!


* make sure your sims has another sim in it's household * kill one of your sims * about 2-5 sim days later, your sim should get a phone call saying oh my ghost! This means your going to donate your sim to science *pick up the grave of the dead sim * Go to town map and click on the science lab and click the thing that's orange

* vwalla you have a new ghost sim! The best thing is it never ages!

Disco Map Tags

Bring up the cheats console and type in DiscoTags for really funky map tags )


More items


Ok all's you have to do is first Ctrl+shift+C to bring up the cheat menu, then type in the "testingcheatsenabled true" (without parentheses). Then the Ctrl+shift+C again, then type this cheat in "buydebug" (without parentheses). Now there will be a question mark in the buy menu if you go to the sort by type and there is tomb objects and stuff from china, France, and Egypt.

Making SimBots on Sims 3


After you reach level 10, Look out for an opportunity that says "Build a Master invention" It will consist of 4 different opportunities..If you do not accept this opportunity you will NOT be able to get the blue-prints for a SimBot to invent it at the Inventor's Workbench.. (You wil only be able to buy them in LifeTime Rewards for 40,000 points) Accept the Opportunity for Master Invention Opportunity #1) Deliver 1 piece of Palladium to the science facility **You can find Palladium while mining or searching for metals...also you can spawn it with the BuyDeBug cheat and spawn metals** Oppotunity #2) Deliver 10 pieces of Life Fruit to science Facility **Find the seed to grow them..must have gardening experience...or spawn them using BuyDeBug cheat.** Opportunity #3) Deliver a HEART CUT PINK DIAMOND to Science Facility **In order to get a Heart Cut gem you must Complete The Collector Challenge which is collecting every METAL, GEM, ROCK possible in the game. You can also spawn everything with BuyDeBug..After collecting every gem, metal and rock in the game you will have the option on the mailbox to "Get Cut" "Heartshaped"...Then you can send your Pink Diamond for heart cutting...Pink Diamonds can also be found While Mining** Opportunity #4) Deliver 100 Pieces of scrap Metal to science Facility ** You can find Scraps in Junkyards or by Detonating (blowing up) Objects** After completing these 4 Opportunities one after the other..then Final Opportunity will be to "Create Master Invention on Workbench" And Vuala! You can create a SimBot..

Spawning plants


After enabling the 'testingcheatsenabled true' cheats press ctrl+shft+c then type in buydebug and you can spawn plants rocks and all sorts

No more gardening


Too lazy to water your plants? just do this:When your plants are thirsty just put splinker from the outside entertainment menu and turn it on and wait for 2seconds and look. sorry for my english Working 100% Yazan.

Breathe Underwater!


In the cheat box (ctrl shift c) type testingcheatsenabled true and press enter, then get the cheat box up again and type moveobjects on. Create a basement, if you haven't already got one, and go down underground, go to the swimming pool bit and place some usable buy mode objects inside it. Then, on live mode, go back down there and click on the object to use it. Your sim will go into the swimming pool, swim downwards and use the item underwater! Pretty pointless, but amusing. You have to have world adventures.

A couple of cheats to try out......!

Make a neighbor your roomate!


Type Ctrl-Shift-C then type testingcheatsenabled true, next invite that sim over and shift click on them and then 'add to family'. To make it easier to find cheats that I have'nt said type Ctrl-Shift-C then help Hope I helped! Xxxxxxxxx

How to tutor Sims/How to learn something just by talking


Have at least 2 sims in your household and go to "Make needs static" by enabling TestingCheatsEnabled true and shift clicking the mailbox. Now have your sim play chess either online or on a chess thing until they master logic. Take your smart sim and make him tutor your other sim. The only things you can tutor in are things you've mastered. (other than athletic, I think)

WA merchant WooHoo
Do you want to woohoo a merchant in the marketplace? Here is how. 1. Pick a merchant. 2. Become good or best friends. 3. Use Romantic to the max. (Woohoo will not show up.) 4. Place a tent on the lot. (Inside building or out.) 5. Rest in the tent and click on target Sim. 6. Choose woohoo or make baby.


Pregnancy will not show up until you return from vacation. Pregnant Sims will not be able to do many activities on vacation. If you choose more than one merchant at a time you may get negative reactions. Don? forget to get the tent before you leave lot. t

Decide to kill or keep your sim healthy


If you want to kill your Sim then, press CTRL SHIFT and C then the box comes up,you then type in TESTINGCHEATSENABLED ON then go down to the needs place and just click on the bar with hunger on and drag it back, your Sim would feel starving, and will just die, but sometimes, it doesn't work straight away, if they try to go to get something to eat from the fridge, don't let em. If you want your Sims to be healthy, and your hungry, in stead of walking to the fridge and eating, just do the TESTINGCHEATSENABLED thing and then drag the hunger bar forward, so your now not hungry, and you didn't go to the fridge. NOTE: THE HUNGER THING DOESN'T LAST FOREVER, YOU HAVE TO KEEP DOING IT WHEN YOUR SIM IS HUNGRY!

Friendship cheat + get to know all sims


To do this cheat you have to open the cheat box by clicking ctrl + shift (the arrow) + c then type in testingcheatsenabled true then go to your friendship list and drag the green thing up and become best friends with that sim + how to get to know all sims is pause the game and hold the shift button (the arrow) then click c then theres suggestions click on get to know all sims then go to your friendship list and all the sims are there and have FUN!



Ok if you have kids in the game and you do not what, you get cakes and you wait 1 day to grow them up say you have a baby 1 b-day a close to a kid, wait a day and then a b-day again a kid, wail 1 more day and then a b-day again a teen and last you had 1 more b-day now you can kick them out I do that all the time lol you will love it

Control a ghost in the sims 3!


Step 1. Kill a sim. Step 2. After you have killed a sim ( in your family ) put their grave in your inventory Step 3. After two days of mourning, you will receive a phone call,it's about a science experiments accept it. Step 4. Go to the science fercilicy and you will now be able to control a ghost! HINTS To kill a sim quickly press control+shift+ c at the same time and type in testingcheatsenabled true and then press enter. Go I to the sim needs and drag the hunger bar all the way down, now hpp have a dead sim! Hope this help :D

Like sims 3 generations guid from the Internet


New Talent ? Chemistry Chemistry and Potion Making are a new feature of Generations. This activity is governed by the Logic skill. So, there are no new skills, but there is something extra to do with one. Some are useful for practical jokes, bringing imaginary friends to life, to making a quick escape. You can gain skill with this chemistry table alone, and there is a new logic skill challenge that makes the potions cheaper to produce.

New Profession ? Day Care Sims can now take up Daycare by reading the newspaper or using the computer. This will invite children to your Sim's home and they'll be paid for watching them. It gets a little harder with more children, but the system gives you time to improve. Check out the guide to this profession through the link above. Pranks and Punishment ? Kids and Teens Children can set booby traps, while Teenagers refine the art and can pull off Pranks. These give the rascals a good mood bump and are entertaining to watch. The wicked little pranksters can set up most everything in the house to blow, from whoopee cushions in the couch, to sinks and toilets. However, when they get caught, they can be disciplined by mom and dad. Check the pranks guide to learn more about discipline and punishments. Making Memories One of the new features of Generations is the ability to record video with a camera and review it on television. This is fairly cool, but with it comes a bit of a nuisance. At first, you will find it interesting to learn that your Sims now take note of big events in their life ? first kiss, learning to drive. But the number of these can be overwhelming and sometimes silly. If you take a family of five on vacation they'll likely all show a popup denoting the new memory. If the notifications were crowded to you before, you'll want to turn this feature off. For people who stick it out, sharing memories can lead to achievements and clothing unlocks. New Social Interactions and Activities Sims can now tell ghost stories to one another, as pictured below. That provides a nice storytelling session where everyone gathers 'round. Sims can ask one another on dates, and which gender is preferred for dating. Children can use their imaginations while dressed in costumes (see the kid's costume chest in the toys menu). There's a see-saw, slip and slide, spring ride, tree house, and sandbox to entertain the youngsters. Sims can also now give each other gifts and will judge your taste in doing so. You don't have to give them something they'll love, how about a nice drink of bladder flow? Boarding School Boarding Schools are a new addition that people who don't like raising kids will exploit often. You can send your child to one of several schools that will provide them with specific types of educations. Most kids will do great, and can be enrolled for both primary and high school. It comes with a price tag, but you won't need to micromanage the kid. On longer life-span games you can see the child once in a while over the weekend. Note that if they age up in one of these schools you'll lose control of trait selection and it'll likely be related to the school they went to. Childhood ? Imaginary Friends and More The biggest addition to childhood in Generations is the Imaginary Friend. This can start appearing when your Sim is a child if they've buddied up to the imaginary friend doll required to start the process. It is possible to make this doll into a real Sim. If you don't like the way it looks when it's made real, it has the power to look like the strange raggedy doll you've known all along. The imaginary friend doll or any teddy

bear can take part in a tea party with the child. Children can dress up in costumes, play on new playground equipment, and prank their parents. At school, they can participate in the scouts or ballet, and will learn some new interactions by doing so. It will also start them out developing skills. Children may sometimes miss their afterschool activities for new field trips, that sometimes come with souveniers. At the end of the day, they can be read a bedtime story by mom or dad. You can even have them read skill books to the kid. That'll put 'em to sleep! Of course, for daily living, you'll have some new clothing and decor for children. A couple of new toys exist, and there are now sand boxes that can conceal a child's buried treasure. Teenagers Teens in Generations can learn to drive, have mood swings, date others their age, and take part in clubs and activities at high school, such as the school newspaper, or study club. Have a look at the activities page to learn about the skills your Sim will gain by participating in these. Your teens will have a Prom, and may find a date and maybe even meet their partner for life at the party. Design your Sim's formal outfit for the engagement and be ready when the limo arrives! A lot of different things can happen at Prom. Later, your teen Sim will graduate complete with cap and gown. If they participated in any clubs or organizations at school they can get merits for excellence there. Overall all stages of childhood from toddler to teen are better represented in this expansion. School is given new life with the opportunities children and teens can take up. You'll find overall that there's a much greater variety of things the youngsters can do to pass the time. Childhood will be over in a blink. If you want your Sims to have more time in any particular life stage, you can now customize the length of each through the options menu. If you cheat, you will like that the Generations patch brough the ability to customize a Sim in Create-a-Sim with a shift-click and testingcheatsenabled true. Romantic Repuatation and Dating There is a new scrapbook on the Simology tab, where you can see any memories your Sims had throughout their lifetimes. Additionally, there's a tab for romance. It will lay out your Sim's stats in the field and how they're viewed by others. You can be a cheater or a sleaze. Watch what your Sims do in public to save face. It can be hard to find a good relationship when the town knows you get around. Sims can go on dates with Generations, which finally returns from the previous Sims games. The open world of The Sims 3 was waiting for this ? although we did have group outings. It's a more direct line to love and making the date fun adds more depth to romancing in TS3. Sims can now give each other flowers, stargaze together (a great interaction), and adults can woohoo in the shower or the new treehouse. Adults and Elders Young Adults in Generations can have a Midlife Crisis while advancing to Adulthood. Read more on this dynamic in the linked guide to new features for adults. This is a cool mechanic that doesn't present itself for every Sim, and is totally random. Elders

can now get around with canes. New Parties Teens can throw a party while mom and dad are out of town, but might get caught if their parents come home from the free vacation opportunity. They'll also have the aforementioned prom and the occasional school dance. Adult Sims can have bachelor/bachelorette parties that can feature entertainment in the form of a dancer (male or female). New Lifetime Rewards Generations gives several new and interesting Lifetime Rewards. The Motive Mobile is quite cool, filling a Sim's needs as they ride around town. Sims can purchase a clone voucher and get a child doppleganger of themselves which counts as family. Age is much more manipulable with the Young Again and Age Freeze potions. Tech fans will like the Hover Bed, perhaps the best bed to grace The Sims 3 at the low cost of 20,000 lifetime happiness points. Closing Thoughts The Sims 3 Generations brings a lot of interesting features that make Sim lives seem much more full and interesting. If you like expansions that bring a lot of new professions or skills it's not for you. Most of its features aren't as in-your-face as the Memories system, but you'll find new things to do throughout the game's many menus. I'd recommend this expansion pack second only to The Sims 3 Ambitions. This is like from a. Website so I didn't make it like up -the cheese

All cheats


I know you already have the testingcheatsenabled true but I don't think that the person that submitted the cheat knew that if you go on to a neighbours lot press down shift and click then you can either build or buy on that lot which also means that you can steal other Sim's stuff by putting the items in you inventory! note:you must have the cheat on before you can buy or build on the other lots and the game does NOT let you put everything in your family inventory

Adding More Money!!


Tip: To increases the Sim skill without wasting money. First you need to buy a cheap bookcase. then have your Sims get any of the skill book. Next, after when your Sim is done taking the book out, you may use this cheat: move objects on. After you entered the code, go to buy mode and delete the bookcase. Then the book will have all the skill your Sims needs. ? Also deleting the bookcase adds some money you spend ed.

How to have celebrity stars in: The sims 3 Late nights


If you want to have a celebrity star first of all, you need to know a celebrity to get the first star. Then, if you want to have more become bestfriends with the celebrity or become friends with other celebrities. If you become a best friend with a celebrity, you will straight away get 3 stars. From then on, you will be followed by papparazzi.

No homework ever


Type in sewnel and go to school then go to the beach the next day your kids wont hav home for two days

Be a superstar in no time
Press c and k together and then press b as well


How To Play The Sims 3


You can play by making a avatar and choose a house if you want a house with furniture pick furnished if you want thing you would need no furniture you pick unfurnished if want to build your own house pick empty lot and to build press the 3 dots and the last button after you press the 3 dots and you can store in the walls by pressing the wall with the plus to delete a wall press the wall with the x on it and you press on the frame to add a door then go back press the frame after you press the 3 dots again and have Sims come in you neighborhood

Turn into a vampire quicker in sims 3 late night


Get "turned" in sims 3 late night by a vampire, and you should get a moodlet with a picture of vampire teeth press control shift c and type in "testingcheatsenabled true" and press control and click the moodlet. This is also a way to be t rid of bad moodlets
Was this cheat: (-)Bogus or (+)Helpful

Sims 3 world adventure

Try asking for a raise or a promotion which is twohundred simoleons and above and you get a car


Get a money tree


Open up the cheat code box and type in buydebug then go in to build mode>sort by function and you will see a ? Now click that and go into plants and find a money tree, to harvest it you have to click it and press harvest.

Get your sims 3 teen pregnant

All you need to do is the following. 1. Open up the cheat box (Shirt,Control,C) 2. Type in TestingCheatsEnabled True 3. Shift click on your teenage sim 4. click on the "Edit Sim" option


5. When editing the sim, change the age to younge adult. 6. As a younge adult get pregnant and have a baby. 7. Do the cheat again but this time turn the sim into a teen. There you go 7 simple easy steps :)

Sim never dies!!!!


Get a sim preggers and enable testingcheatsenabled true and put her in a pool, make walls around the pool, and put all the bars down by dragging the needs. She won't die! She'll just sims around and be in a terrible mood because shes drowning and starving. If you have the kid before you change the settings back, you won't be able to choose the trait due to the fact she was like dying.

Floating home
Build a home then use sledge hammer to delete the first floor then put the stairs on a platform :D


Weird toddler glitch


There is a glitch if the toddler is watching tv he/she will go taller for two seconds it is quite a hard glitch to do though

Get 10 boyfriends or girlfriends

Shift+ctrl+c and bf or gf ex: bf


Bringing Back dead sims.


When your Sim dies have all the Sims morn and wait you should have a letter for bringing back a loved one go to the Center and It may work or not



Get your study house


To get your study house you just need to buy a book shelf and put in 500 books how simple is that

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