United Kingdom 6th Airborne Division June 6, 1944

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6th Airborne Division Maj Gen Gale

Divisional Troops
note 1

3rd Parachute Brigade Brig Hill

5th Parachute Brigade Brig Poett

6th Air-Landing Brigade Brig Kindersley

1st Special Service Brigade Brig The Lord Lovat note 2

8th Parachute Bn Lt Col Pearson

7th Parachute Bn Lt Col PineCoffin

1st Royal Ulster Rifles Lt Col Carson

3 Commando Lt Col Young

9th Parachute Bn Lt Col Otway

12th Parachute Bn Lt Col Johnston

2nd Oxford & Bucks Lt Col Roberts

4 Commando Lt Col Dawson

1st Canadian Parachute Bn Lt Col Bradbrooke

13th Parachute Bn Lt Col Luard

12th Devons Lt Col Stevens note 3

177 Fusilier Marins of 1 & 8 Tps No 10 (IA) Commando Cdt Kieffer

Coup de Main Party Orne & canal Bridges note 4 Maj Howard

6 Commando Lt Col MillsRoberts

45 Royal Marine Commando Lt Col Ries

3 BDE TROOPS 3 Air-Landing A-Tk Bty RA 3 Para Sqn RE 224 Para Fd Ambulance

5 BDE TPS 4 Air-Landing A-Tk Bty RA 591 Para Sqn RE 225 Para Fd Ambulance

6 BDE TPS 249 AB Fd Coy RE 195 Air-Landing Fd Ambulance

6 AB Armd Recce Regt 53 Air-Landing Lt Regt RA5 2 Fwd (AB) Obs Unit RA 2 Air-Landing LAA Bty RA 22 Independent Para Coy 286 (AB) Fd Park Coy RE

Note 1. DIVISIONAL TROOPS 63 Composite Coy RASC 398 CompositeCoy RASC 716 Lt Composite Coy RASC 6 AB Div Ordnance Fd Park RAOC 6 AB Div Workshops REME 249 Fd Coy RE

6 AB Div Postal & Courier Unit RE 317 (AB) Fd Security Sec Int Corps 6 AB Div Provost Coy CMP No 1 Wing Glider Pilot Regt No 2 Wing Glider Pilot Regt 6 AB Div Signals

Note 2. Came under command 6 Jun after link up at canal bridge. Note 3. C Coy only; remainder of 12 Devons arrived D+1 by sea. Note 4. D Coy + 2 Plns B Coy 2nd Oxf & Bucks + sappers. Note 5. 211 Bty only, 210 & 212 Btys arrived by sea D+8

6 Airborne Division Parachute Brigade Air-Landing Brigade Parachute Battalion Air-Landing Battalion Parachute Rifle Company Air-Landing Rifle Company Rifle Platoon Rifle Section 3 Brigades & Divisional Troops 3 Battalions & Brigade Troops 3 Battalions & Brigade Troops HQ Company & 3 Rifle Companies HQ Company, Support Company, 4 Rifle Companies 12,200 men (not incl Commandos) 2,500 men 3,500 men 550 men 800 men 100 men 120 men 30 men 8 men


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