4 Grade Celebration - Student Information
4 Grade Celebration - Student Information
4 Grade Celebration - Student Information
Please provide the following information printed neatly and return to school in your childs backpack by
Friday, January 18 along with a check for $25 (payable to Spring Street School PTO).
Student Information
LAST Name: _________________________________________________________________________
FIRST Name: ________________________________________________________________________
TEACHER: __________________________________________________________________________
Memory Book Information please include one answer for each of the following:
Favorite FOOD: ______________________________________________________________________
Favorite COLOR: _____________________________________________________________________
Favorite SPORT or EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITY: ________________________________________
Favorite TV SHOW: ___________________________________________________________________
Favorite MOVIE: ______________________________________________________________________
Favorite SONG: ______________________________________________________________________
Please write a couple of sentences describing a special time, memory, or event at Spring Street School:
My favorite memory at SSS is: ___________________________________________________________
T-SHIRT Information
Each child will receive a Class of 2013 t-shirt to wear on the day of the celebration.
Please indicate your size requirement by circling one of the sizes listed below:
Youth Sizes:
Medium (10-12)
Large (14-16)
X-Large (18-20)
Adult Sizes:
Parent Name:_______________________________
Signature: _________________________________