SENA Ingles
SENA Ingles
SENA Ingles
1. when was great wall of china created? R/: Constructed and reconstructed between the century V a.c and century XVI 2. why was the great wall of china created? R/: para proteger la frontera norte del imperio Chino durante las sucesivas dinastas imperiales de los
ataques de los nmadas xiongnu de Mongolia y Manchuria.
3. who built the great wall of china? R/: The emperor Qin Shi Huang di 4. what are the notable areas of the great wall of china? R/: Is near of Beijing and is considered world heritage. 5. whatgreek god did Colosus of Rodas represent? R/: representing the Greek god of the Sun Helios. 6. when was Colosus of Rodas created? R/: was created in 292a.c And destroyed by an earthquake in 226a.c 7. where was Colosus of Rodaslocated? R/: the island of Rhodes, Greece. 8. what part of the city the colosus was located? R/: at the entrance of the port of the city of Rhodes on. 9. when were babylon gardens destroyed? R/: In the year 125a.c 10. where were the babylon gardens located? R/: In the city of Babylonia On the banks of the river Euphrates. 11. why were the babylon gardens created? R/: for that the king of the caldeos, wanted to do to his wife Amytis a gift that was demonstrating his love for her and he him reminded the beautiful mountains of his flowery land. 12. why did the angel's fall get its name? R/: In honor to the American aviator Jimmy angel. 13. where are the angel's falls? R/: There is located in the National Park Canaima, in the condition Bolivar, Venezuela. 14. what is the height of angel's falls? R/: 979 m, 807 m of uninterrupted fall. 15. why are the angel's falls considered a wonder of the wall? R/: the angel's falls It is the highest cataract of the world.
16. where is the tunnel of channel? R/: It joins France with the United Kingdom. 17. when was the tunnel of channel opened? R/: It was opened on May 6, 1994. 18. how many minutes does the journey in the tunnel of channel take? R/: His voyage lasts approximately 35 minutes. 19. what countries does the tunnel communicate? R/: france, close kingdom, london, you give birth, Brussels. 20. why is the tunnel considered a wonder of engineering? R/: It has a length of 50,5 km, 39 of submarine them, being like that the longest second submarine tunnel of the world, with an average depth of 40 meters, behind the Tunnel Seikan, whose length is 55 km. 21. How many pyramids were discovered as of 2008? R/: In Bosnia discovered 5 pyramids in 2008. 22. who is attributed the pyramids? R/: Is atribuyed to varius pharaosh between to zoser, khaba, khafra, and others. 23. why are pyramids considered a wonder of the world? R/: Because his construction is perfect and complex. 24. when was eiffel tower built? R/: I initiate in 1887 until 1889 25. whobuilteiffeltower? R/: It was designed by the French engineer Gustave Eiffel. 26. where is eiffel tower located? R/: Placed in the end of the Field Of Mars to the shore of the river Seine you give birth to france.
27. Is the Niagara falls natural or artificial? R/: Natural. 28. In what countries are the Niagara Falls? R/: Placed in the river Niagara in the oriental zone of North America, in the border between the United States and Canada. 29. who built the alexandria lighthouse? R/: It was constructed by the architect Sstrato de Cnido. 30. when was the alexandria lighthouse built? R/: In the century III a.c between the years 285 247 a.c
31. why was the alexandria lighthouse built? R/: To serve as point of reference of the port.