Sons of Liberty

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The document discusses Strategic Simulations Inc.'s limited warranty policy for their software and games, what to do if a disk is defective, and the contents included in the rule book.

The limited warranty covers replacing defective disks within 30 days of purchase for free, and replacing defective disks after 30 days for a $10 fee. It disclaims all other warranties and liabilities.

You should first check your disk drive to ensure it is not the problem. If the disk is defective, return just the disk along with a description of the issue to the customer support department and they will replace it.


Strategic Simulations, Inc. (" SSI ") warrants that the diskette on which the enclosed
program is recorded will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a
period of 30 days from the date of purchase. If within 30 days of purchase the disk-
ette proves defective in any way, you may return it to Strategic Simulations, Inc., 1046
N. Rengstorff Ave., Mountain View, CA 94043 and SSI will replace it free of charge.
In addition, if the diskette proves defective at any time after the first 30 days, return
the diskette to SSI and SSI will replace it for a charge of $10.00. Please allow about
four weeks for delivery.
The enclosed software program and this Rule Book are copyrighted. All rights are
reserved. This Rule Book may not be copied, photographed, reproduced, or translated
or reduced to any electri cal medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part,
without prior written consent from SS!. The program accompanying this Rule Book
may be copied, by the original purchaser only, as necessary for use on the computer
for which it was purchased.
1987 by Strategic Simulations, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
If you are unable to make a backup copy of your disk (most of our games have some
form of copy-protection), you may purchase a backup disk from SSI for $10 plus
$2 for shipping and handl ing. California residents, add applicable sales tax.
What to do if you have a defective disk
Each of our games undergoes extensive play testing prior to its release. Through this
process we hope to uncover, and correct , any errors in programming. However, due
to the complex nature of our Simulations, some program errors may go undetected
until after publication. In addition to errors in the program, there are occasionally
problems with the disk itself. We experience the industry standard of approximately
a 3 to 5% failure rate of duplicated disks. Before assuming that a disk is defective,
make sure to check your disk drive. Up to 95% of the disks returned to us as defective
will run fine on our computer systems. Often the problem is with a disk drive that needs
servicing for alignment , speed, or cleaning.
Should you have a defective disk, please return the disk only (keep all other parts of
the gamet to our Customer Support Department, along with a note describing the
problem you have encountered. A replacement disk will be provided upon our receipt
of the defective disk.
Should you uncover an error in the program, return both your game disk and any "save
game" disks to our Customer Support Department. Please enclose a description of
what was taking place in the game when the error occurred. Upon correction of the
program error, we will return an updated disk to you.
Always make sure to include your name, address, and daytime telephone number
with any correspondence. We will do our best to see that any problems are corrected
as soon as possible.
APPLE- version: Produced using copyrighted software products of Einstei n Corporation.
ATARI- version: Produced using copyrighted software products of Monarch Dat a Systems.
version: This program was compiled usinglnsta-Speed, a product of Microsci Corp., Santa Ana, CA.
Title Screen Animation Routines Courtesy of Electronic Movie Copyright 1982
by Interactive Picture Systems and Electronic Arts, respectively.
PARTS INVENTORY ....................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 1
QUICK START .................................................................................. 1
BASIC GAME ................................................................................... 3
1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 3
Starting the Game (C-64/128) Starting the Game (Atari 8-bit)
Starting the Game (Apple II Series) Starting the Game OBM/compatibles)
Preparing to Play Documentation Check
2.0 TUTORIAL .................................................................................................................. 4
3.0 THE MAIN MENU ................................................................................................... 11
Main Menu Option.s Other Screens and Options
4.0 MENUS ....................................................................................................................... 13
The Cursor Menu Command Menu
5.0 MOVEMENT ............................................................................................................. 16
Direction of Movement Movement of Cursor Movement of Units
6.0 STACKlNG ................................................................................................................ 19
7.0 ZONES OF CONTROL (ZOC) ............................................................................... 19
8.0 UNIT INFORMA TION ........................................................................................... 19
Nationality Name Type Number of Men Weapon Type
Efficiency Fatigue Morale Status Operation Points
Melee Advance Terrain Unit Location Fire Plot
9.0 OPERATION PHASE .............................................................................................. 23
10.0 COMBAT PHASE ................................................................................................... 23
Offensive and Defensive Fire Fire Effects Melee Effects
Retreat Rout Combat Sequence
11.0 SAVING A GAME ................................................................................................. 25
12.0 REINFORCEMENTS ............................................................................................. 25
13.0 HOW TO WIN ......................................................................................................... 25
Victory Points for Losses Victory Points for Terrain Objectives
INTERMEDIATE GAME RULES ................................................ 26
14.0 DIFFERENCES FROM THE BASIC GAME ...................................................... 26
Ammunition Unit Facing and Formation Double Time
Melee and Advance Disruption Unit Information
Reconnaissance Cursor and Command Menus
ADVANCED GAME ...................................................................... 31
15.0 ADVANCED GAME RULES ............................................................................... 31
Voluntary Fortifications Leaders
Command Control Ammunition Supply
Parts Inventory:
Your Sons of Liberty game should come
with the following:
One game box
One Reference Guide
One Monmouth/Saratoga
Map Card
One Bunker Hill Map Card/
Quick Reference Table Card
One game disk
This rule book
Sons of Liberty is a historical simulation
game system used to re-create the Ameri-
can Revolutionary War battles of Bunker
Hill, Monmouth, and Saratoga. As a his-
torical re-creation, the combat units, lead-
ers, and battlefields are drawn from his-
tory and presented here as accurately as
the computer permits.
In Sons of Liberty, the game players
function as commanders who move com-
bat units over a battlefield map and guide
combat with a variety of attack and de-
fend orders.
A game consists of moving and fight-
ing units to cause enemy casualties and
capture terrain objectives. Casualties and
terrain objectives are worth points.
Points determine who wins a game.
A game is played on a map which is
displayed on the monitor screen. For easy
reference, a copy of each map is provided
on a card which shows that map overlaid
with a square grid. Although these
squares are not shown on the monitor
screen, the game will function as though
they are.
Because there are three separate battles
to play, the rules are organized so that the
information which is common to all the
battles is presented first. Following these
general rules are sections for each of the
battles which explain the special situ-
ations, rules, strategy or tactics which
pertain to a particular battle only.
The game is played in turns. Each turn
equals one hour of real time and is broken
down into a number of phases (refer to
Section 21.0). Each square on the game
map represents 100 yards on a side.
The player may choose from
three different levels of game com-
The most important sections of
this rulebook are set offby a colored
shading. Players who are inter-
ested in getting into the game
quickly may want to go directly to
Quick Start and refer to the shaded
sections as needed. Players who
want to know more about the game
before they start may wish to work
through the Tutorial (Section 2.0)
and read the Main Menu (Section 3)
and the shaded sections before be-
ginning play and then read the
other rules sections as needed.
Players familiar with "SHILOH:
Grant's Trial in the West" game
may read the shaded rule sections
for the rules differences between
that game and this one.
A joystick may be used in the BA-
SIC GAME only. Instructions for
joystick use are given in italics.
Boot the game using the instructions for
your system as provided in rules Sections
1.1 - 1.4 (or on a separate data card).
Follow the directions as they appear on
the screen. Where given an option choice,
don't choose. Accept the options as they
are presented (joystick users may choose to
use a joystick).
You will be playing a BASIC GAME
version of BUNKER HILL in which you
will be the British Commander. American
units will only appear on your screen
when one of your units can "see" them.
The first thing you must do is go to
combat. This is because the American
side moves first and you must resolve its
combat before you get to your turn.
When your turn begins, you will see a
white rectangle in the center of the screen.
Thisisthecursor. Use the number keys (or
joystick) to move the cursor over the red
units (British). These units are off the right
side of the screen and near the top.
You may want to refer to Sections 4.1
and 4.11 (and Section 4.12 if using a joystick)
of this rulebook for an explanation of cur-
sor movement and commands.
Move the cursor over a unit and press
the SPACE BAR to access it (joystick users
must first press the joystick button until GET
UNIT is highlighted. Then press the joystick
button to access the unit).
When a unit is accessed, information
about that unit appears under the game
map. Once the unit is accessed, you may
moveit as you did the cursor (joystick users
move the cursor to where they want a unit to go
and then press the joystick button to move the
unit. Refer to rules Section 5.31).
A unit will only move if it has sufficient
OP (Operation Points) to pay for the move
(refer to the Operation Cost Table Section
20.21). Watch your unit's FT (Fatigue) .
When the number nears 20, save some OP
at the end of your turn. These will be used
to reduce Fatigue.
An infantry unit which is moved
within two squares of an enemy unit will
fire at that unit if it is able to do so (units
won't fire if they are routed or have less
than 20P).
Artillery units may fire at enemy units
up to 12 squares away. Artillery units
which move won't fire in the combat
phase which follows that movement.
The computer will choose the targets
your units will fire at. If you want to
choose your own targets, follow the in-
structions that appear in Section 4.211 of
this rulebook (See Section 4.221 for joystick
You may order your units to Melee an
adjacent enemy unit by pressing the "M"
key (joystick users refer to Section 4.22 for
instructions on how to order Melee) . You
may order your unit to advance into an
adjacent square which an enemy unit re-
treats from by pressing the" A" key (joys-
tick users refer to Section 4 .22 for instructions
on how to order an Advance). Artillery units
cannot be ordered to Melee or Advance.
When you have finished giving orders
to a unit, press the "N" key to access an-
other unit and give it orders (joystick users
refer to Section 4.22 for instructions on how to
access the Next unit).
You will know you have given orders
to all of your units when the "N" (NEXn
command accesses units you've already
given orders to. When this occurs, press
the "Q" key (joystick users refer to Section
4.22 for instructions on how to Quit). When
unit information is no longer shown be-
neath the map, press the "C" key to start
combat (joystick users refer to Section 4.12
for instructions on how to enter Combat) .
Continue these procedures until the
game is over.
NOTE: the American units start this
game in prepared defensive positions. It
is best to move around these positions,
fire at them for a few turns, and then as-
sault them from several sides at once.
Trying to run them over early on will re-
sult in heavy British casualties. British
reinforcements arrive during the first
three game turns. It is best to wait for the
reinforcements before attempting any
heavy assaults.
The BASIC GAME is a simplified version
of the more sophisticated games which
follow. We strongly recommend that you
become comfortable with the BASIC
GAME before progressing to the INTER-
1.1 Starting the Game (C-64, C-128)
To begin the game, insert the game disk
and type LOAD """,8 and press RETURN.
When READY appears, type RUN and
press RETURN.
If using a joystick, conned it to port 2.
1.2 Starting the Game (Atari 8-bit)
Remove all cartridges from the computer.
Boot the front disk side (XL and XE users
hold down the OPTION key while boot-
ing). Select the starting play options and
insert the game disk side when prompted.
If using a two-drive system, make a copy
of the back side of the game disk and have
it ready for use as prompted by the com-
If using a joystick, conned it to the # 1 port.
1.3 Starting the Game (Apple II
Boot the front side of the game disk (if
your system has a CAPS LOCK key, make
sure this key is down throughout the
game). You have the option to select the
keypad movement format (where press-
ing the "8" key means move toward the top
of the screen).
If using a joystick, move it left to move the
select bar up menus and right to move the se-
lect bar down menus. You may have to move
the joystick to the lower left or right to have
your system read a down command.
NOTE: Older versions of the "Speed
Demon" that do not contain dip switches
may not work properly with this game.
1.4 Starting the Game (mM PCs and
compatible systems)
Boot with a DOS version 2.0 to 3.2 (if using
an IBM PC JR, first remove the BASIC
cartridge). If you intend to save the game
(and this is often the case) you should have
a formatted save game disk ready for this
When the system prompt appears
(typically A, insert the game disk, type
START, and press the ENTER Key.
You have the option of changing the
colors and selecting the keypad move-
ment format (where pressing the "8" key
means move toward the top of the screen).
1.5 Preparing to Play
When the game is booted, you first see a
Title Screen and, depending on your sys-
tem, a number of option screens. Once
past these, you will see the Main Menu.
This menu contains a number of options
which affect how the game plays
For Quick Start purposes, press the RE-
TURN/ENTER key for the default set-
tings (joystick users should use the N option
to exit the Main Menu).
Note that while playing the BASIC
GAME, a joystick may be used to give
commands. While playing an INTERME-
DIATE or ADVANCED Game, only the
keyboard may be used to give commands.
Throughout this rulebook, sections
which pertain to the use of the joystick
are printed in italics.
1.6 Documentation Check
There is no physical copy protection in
this game. This permits you to make back-
up copies (bit copier for the Apple) of the
game and/or install it on a hard disk.
There are Documentation Checks in the
When a Documentation Check
appears on the screen, type in thein-
formation requested and press the
The tutorial provides a hands-on example
of how the BASIC GAME works. The
tutorial will walk the player, who will be
commanding the British forces, through
one turn of the Bunker Hill scenario.
While working through the tutorial, it is
important to remember that it is teaching
play mechanics and not tactics. In fact, the
player should end the tutorial with an
understanding that frontal assaults
against prepared positions held by fresh
infantry are very bad tactics.
The tutorial is drawn from the Apple
version of the BASIC GAME. Other ver-
sions may have slight differences. Where
these differences occur, follow the instruc-
tions which appear on your computer
To tell the computer you are using a joys-
tick, highlight "YES" for joystick and press the
joystick button. You may have to adjust your
joystickasprompted by the screen. Followany
special joystick instructions which appear on
the screen.
If given a choice, choose the standard
keyboard (1).
After the Title Screen, you will be asked
if you want to see a Demo Game, Press
"N" (Highlight NO and press the joystick but-
ton). When the SONS OF LIBERTY Main
Menu screen appears, accept the default
setting by pressing the RETURN /ENTER
key. Move the joystick to highlight the N op-
tion (exit) and press the joystick button.
You will be presented with a number
of screens which record losses and gains
and give a score. Press the RETURN /
ENTER key (joystick button) as needed to
get through these. You will see "SOUND
ON? Y /N". Unless you don't want sound,
press the "Y" key (highlight YES and press
the joystick button). The next screen in-
structs you to set the Delay Timer which
determines how long messages remain on
the screen. For now, press the RETURN/
ENTER key (joystick button). You may
want to ad just this later if you are uncom-
fortable with the length of time the mes-
sages are displayed in the game.
The game will first go through the
TION POINTS phases of the game. In
these phases, the computer carries out
certain operations which determine how
many Operation Points various units may
spend in a turn. Following this you may
be prompted to remove your disk, turn it
over, and re-insert it. Follow whatever
instructions appear on your screen at this
The game will begin with the message
cause the American player (the computer
in this case) moves first and the game
begins after this first movement. Press the
SP ACE BAR (joystick button).
Messages will appear which name the
different Combat Phases. Since all of the
units are out of range, no combat will
occur. The game will then proceed to a
Recovery/Rally Phase. Following this,
you will be asked "DO YOU WANT TO
SAVE THE GAME? Y /N". Press the "N"
key (highlight NO and press the joystick
The game next goes to the British
Operation Phase. The white rectangle in
the center of the monitor screen is the
cursor. At this point, you are in the Cursor
Menu which permits you to move the
cursor over the battlefield map. Use the
number keys (the joystick) to move the cur-
sor around the map and examine the ter-
rain and the position of the enemy units
you can see.
Because the hidden unit option was
a Main Menu default, enemy units
only appear on the screen when a
British unit can "see" them. Units
can see for 24 squares, but they
cannot see through blocking ter-
rain. Blocking terrain can include
other units, friendly or enemy.
At the bottom right of the screen,
numbers are arranged in a small square
pattern that looks like this:
This is your movement compass.
Pressing any of the number keys for the
numbers in this compass will move the
cursor. It will move the cursor in the di-
rection that number lies from the center of
thecompass. That is, pressing the "2" key
will move the cursor up and to the right
because 2 is up and to the right from the
center of the compass.
At the bottom right of the screen, numbers
are arranged in a small square pattern that
looks like this:
You may move the cu rsor as long as the a in
the center of the compass is blinking. This will
happen while the word MOVE which appears
in the text beneath the map is highlighted. The
cursor may only be moved straight up (direc-
tion 1), straight down (direction 5), straight
right (direction 3), and straight left (direction
7). Move the cursor four squares in direction
5 and six squares in direction 3.
Press the following number keys in the
order given: 5,5,5,5,3,3,3,3,3,3. The cursor
is now over the circular redoubt on Breeds
Hill next to a known enemy unit. At the
bottom right of the screen is a small por-
tion of a town. Your units will not be per-
mitted to enter this town during play. At
the top and bottom left of the screen are
blue areas. These represent water
squares. Your units may not enter these
squares either.
Press the 'T' key. (While the a in the
center of the movement compass is blinking,
press the joystick button. This highlights GET
UNIT. Now move the joystick until CLEAR is
highlighted and press the joystick button.)
This removes the enemy units from the
map so that you can get a better view of
the terrain. The wide white lines on the
screen are roads. The smaller white lines
represent redoubts, breastworks, and
other terrain which give an advantage to
the defender.
When you move your units, they
will move more efficiently when
you can move them along the roads.
Press the SPACE BAR (joystick button)
and the units reappear on the map.
Press the ''V'' key. (Move the joystick to
highlight VIEW and press the joystick but-
ton). This highlights every square which
can be seen from the square the cursor is
occupying. Because units may only fire
into squares they can see, you may want to
use the View function to check a square
before you move a unit into it. Press any
key (the joystick button) to exit the View
Press the "0" key. (Move the joystick to
highlight MAP and press the joystick button.)
The map changes to the Strategic Map.
This map gives you a better overall picture
of the battlefield because it shows more of
it. Because everything is shown smaller
on the Strategic Map, many details are
lost. Press the "0" key again (the joystick
button again) and you return to the Tactical
Map. You may perform any Cursor Menu
function on either map.
Press these number keys as indicated:
2,2,2,2,1,1,1. (Move the cursor seven squares
in direction 1 and three squares in direction 3.)
You will notice that information is dis-
played under the game map. This infor-
mation gives the date, time of day, the
player whose phase it is, the X,Y coordi-
nates of the cursor, the type of terrain (and
its elevation) that the cursor is over, and
an abbreviated version of the commands
which may be given in the Cursor Menu
The cursor is now located over a British
unit. As the British commander, you want
to give orders to these units. In the BASIC
GAME, you may only give orders to a unit
which is accessed. One way to access a
unit is to move the cursor over it and press
the SPACE BAR (highlight GET UNIT and
press the joystick button while the cursor is
over a unit). Press the SPACE BAR (high-
light GET UNIT and press the joystick but-
In doing this, you have accessed the
unit. This action takes you from the Cur-
sor Menu to the Command Menu (the
Access Menu). When you access a unit, the
information that appears under the screen
changes. The information for the unit you
have just accessed is:
7 3
6 5 4
The information identifies the unit as
the British Grenadier infantry regiment. It
has 295 men who are armed with muskets.
The unit has an Efficiency (EFF) of 90, has
no Fatigue (FT), and has a Morale of 90
(Morale is equal to Efficiency minus Fa-
tigue). The unit is not routed (NON RTD)
and has 10 Operations Points (OP). It is
ordered not to Melee or Advance. It cur-
rently occupies a Ridge square which has
an elevation of 2. This square is located at
the X,Y coordinates 20,2 (each square on
the map has its own unique coordinates).
The unit is not plotted to fire.
Once a unit is accessed, it is moved in
the same manner that the cursor was
moved in the Cursor Menu (to move an
accessed unit, move the cursor to the square
you want the unit to move into and press the
joystick button). Press the "5" key (move the
cursor one square in direction 5 and press the
joystick button}. This moves the unit one
square onto the road. You will notice that
this move costs the unit 2 OP. It also had a
Fatigue cost which is shown in the
changes to the FT and MORALE numbers
for the movement. Continue moving the
unit as follows: 5, 5, 5, 3, 5, 5, 5, 7. Move the
cursor to square X, Y:20,6 and press the joys-
tick button. Now move the cursor one square
in direction 3 and press the joystick button.
Now move the cursor to X,Y:21,19 and press
the joystick button. Now move the cursor one
square in direction 7 and press the joystick but-
ton. The X, Y address for each square is shown
on the bottom line of text under the map
If you make a mistake while moving the
unit you may "take back" the move by pressing
the joystick button while the 0 in the center of
the Cursor Compass is blinking. This will take
you to the Command Menu. Here you may
highlight the option ABORT and press the
joystick button. You . will be returned to the
Access Menu where you will see your unit
retrace its move and recover its Operations
Points. Remember how to enter the Command
Menu and select options from it. You will be
instructed to do this several more times in this
tutorial .
You will notice that while you are
moving the unit along the road, it costs
only 1 OP per move instead of the 2 re-
quired for off-road movement. You will
also notice that there is less Fatigue cost for
moving a unit along a road.
Press the "Q" key to "put down" the
Grenadier unit and return to the Cursor
Menu. While the 0 in the middle of the move-
ment compass is blinking, press the joystick
button. This takes you to the Command Menu.
Move the joystick to highlight QUlTand press
the joystick button. This returns you to the
Cursor Menu.
Now press the "G
key. When you
press this key in the Cursor Menu, you are
telling the computer to access a particular
unit for you. The message "ENTER UNIT
#?" appears on the screen. The computer
is asking you to identify the unit by its unit
number. These unit numbers are listed as
part of the Order of Battle information that
is provided under the special rules for
each of the three scenarios. Enter the
number "20" and press the RETURN /
ENTER key.
Highlight GO TO UNIT and press the
joystick button. (Remember you will have to
first exit from MO VE by pressing the joystick
button while theOisblinkingbeforeyou will be
able to choose a different command.) GO TO
UNIT # 0 appears on the bottom of the screen.
Move the joystick until the number 20 appears
in place of the o. Press the joystick button.
The BRITISH 43rd Foot Infantry Regi-
ment is now accessed. You have left the
Cursor Menu and returned to the Com-
mand Menu (the Access Menu2. Move this
unit as follows: 5,7,5,5,5,3,5,5,5. Use the
joystick to move the unit to square X, Y:21,9.
You will not be able to merely move the cursor
to this square and press the button or the unit
will follow a path that will use all its OP before
it gets to the destination square. You will have
to move it to a number of intermediate squares
along the way. The best approach is pause the
cursor before it changes movement direction
and move the unit to that square before moving
the cursor in a new direction.
Now press the "N" Key. Press the joys-
tick button to enter the Command Menu.
Highlight the word NEXT and press the joys-
tick button.
When you press the "N" key (select the
NEXT option), you are telling the com-
puter to access the next unit in the Order
of Battle (the one with the next highest
number). In this case, youhavegonetothe
BRITISH 52nd Foot Infantry Regiment.
Notice you were able to access the unit
directly from the Command Menu.
Move this unit as follows: 5,6 (notice
the increased OP cost for a diagonal move)
5,5,5,3,5. Move the unit to X, Y:21,7 using the
movement route given in the preceding sen-
tence for keyboard movement. You will notice
that even though the joystick cannot be used to
move the cursor diagonally, units can be made
to movediagonaIly. To get the unitto move in
direction 6, move the cursor so that it is in the
square diagonally down and to the left from the
unit and press the joystick button. The unit
will make a diagonal move to enter this square.
Press "N" and access the BRITISH
Light Infantry Regiment (Go into the Com-
mand Menu and select the NEXT option).
Move this unit: 5,5,5,5,5,3,5 (Move the unit
into square X, Y:21,7 using the route given for
keyboard movement). Notice that when this
unit moved over the unit already on the
road, it paid 2 OP for the move instead of
the normal 1 for road movement.
This is because the less expensive
road movement is only available
when the road square being entered
does not already contain another
Press the "N" key (Go into the Command
Menu and select the NEXT option).
This accesses the Grenadier Regiment
again because it is the next unit in the
Order of Battle (OB). Notice that the unit
shape shown for the square that contains
two units (X,Y:21,7) is different from the
shapes for the squares which contain 1
unit. Press "N" (Go into the Command
Menu and select NEXT).
The BRITISH 5th Foot Infantry Regi-
ment is accessed. Move it: 6,6,6 (move the
unit to X, Y:19 ,4).
Notice how diagonal moves from
one road square to another do not
qualify for the road movement rate.
Press "N" (enter the Command Menu and
select NEXT) to access the BRITISH 38th
Foot Infantry Regiment. Move it: 5,7,7,5,7
(move it to X,Y:19,4). Now press the "Z"
key (enter the Command Menu and select
ABORT). Pressing the "Z" key (selecting
ABORT) permits you to abort the orders
you have just given (as long as you have
not "put down" that unit). In this case, the
orders were aborted because the unit
moved on top of the 5th Foot but there is a
more efficient way to get it where it is
Move the 38th Foot as follows :
5,7,7,5,5,7,7,7,5 (move the unit to X,Y:17,6) .
Notice that it paid 1 OP for the third "5"
move even though this movement was
not along a road.
The road movement rate applies
while making a horizontal or vert i-
cal move from one road square to
another (even if the squares are not
directly connected by a road).
All units have been given orders for
this phase. It is time to return to the Cur-
sor Menu and exit to the Combat Phase so
the game can continue. Press "Q" (enter
the Command Menu and select Qum to re-
turn to the Cursor Menu and press "C"
(select the COMBAT option from the Cursor
Menu) to go to Combat. When the ques-
BAT? Y IN" appears, press ''Y'' (press the
joystick button while "DO YOU WISH TO
HAVE COMBAT? YES" is on the screen) .
The computer first plots Opportunity
Fire. This is where the computer gives fire
orders to all of its units and to any of your
units which have a NO PLOT fire desig-
nation and which have an enemy unit
they can fire at. Press any key (press the
joystick button) to go to Combat.
Notice that the American unit Nixon
fired at the 38th Foot. The 38th Foot did
not return the fire even though it was in
fire range. This is because the unit did not
have any OP remaining and it costs OP to
fire. Units which do not have sufficient
OP to fire may only fire in Melee Defen-
sive Fire.
You are asked if you want to save the
game. Answer "N" (highlight NOandpress
the joystick button) .
The game now goes into the next
American Phase. You may watch the
computer move its units. Again, you will
only be able to see those American units
which British units can "see". This means
you will see some American units disap-
pear as they move out of the Line Of Sight
of your units. You may also see some
American units appear on your screen.
Press a key to start combat (press the joys-
tick button).
This time, the 38th Foot fires. This is be-
cause it recovered its OP during its RE-
COVERY IRALLY Phase which followed
the previous Combat. You will also no-
tice, when you access this unit in the
coming phase, that it will have less OP
than most other British units. This is be-
cause it "spent" 2 points by delivering
defensive fire. Do not save the game and
proceed to the next British Operation
Press the "G" Key and enter "16" when
prompted (select GET UNIT, move the joys-
tick to bring up the number 16, and press the
joystick button). This will take you to the
Light Regiment. Move thi s unit: 6,7,7,7
(move this unit to X, Y:17,B). This move cost
14 OP because the last move placed the
unit next to an enemy unit. The cost to
move next to an enemy unit is 3 OP in
addition to normal movement costs. This
move also revealed that two enemy units
are occupying the redoubt. If you were to
"take back" this move (by pressing the
"Z" key) (selecting ABORT in the Command
Menu), you would find that you would
still be charged 4 OP for revealing a hid-
den unit. (If you don' t have the OP to
make the move as indicated, come as close
as you can. OP vary from turn to turn).
Press the "N" key (enter the Command
Menu and select NEXT) to access theGrena-
diers. Move this unit : 7,5,7,5,7 (move the
unit to X,Y:17,l1). With thi s last move, an
enemy unit in 16,10 is revealed. To give
the Grenadiers Fire orders, press the "F"
key (enter the Command Menu and select the
FIRE option).
When the "F" key is pressed (the FIRE
option selected), the Fire Menu appears at
the bottom of the screen. You may see all
the squares you can fire into by pressing
the "v" key (selecting VIEW LOS). This
will highlight all squares in that unit's
Line Of Fire (those squares it can see into
and which are within the range of its
When firing artillery units, which have
a very long range, you may want to check
Line Of Fire (LOF) from the Strategic Map.
To switch from Strategic to Tactical map
(and back again) from the Command
Menu, press the 0 key (select OTHER
MAP) . Press the SPACE BAR (the joystick
button) to return to the Fire Menu.
To order fire on a particular enemy
unit, move the cursor over that unit and
press "T" for target (while TARGET
SQUARE is highlighted, press the joystick
button so the 0 in the middle of the Movement
Compass is blinking, move the cursor over the
target square, and press the joystick button).
To fire attheunit in 16,12, press the"6" key
to move the cursor over that square and
then press the "T" key (select target square,
move the cursor over X, Y: 16 ,12 and press the
joystick button) . This returns you to the
normal Command Menu. Notice that the
NO PLOT command has been replaced
with FIRE: 16,12 (when you return to the Ac-
cess Menu). This shows that the unit has
been ordered to fire into that square.
A unit may melee into an adjacent
square if it is so ordered and has sufficient
points to melee. In our example, we have
6 points remaining (you may have a dif-
ferent number). When the Grenadiers
fire, they will pay 2 OP for that fire. Melee
costs 4 OP. To order melee, press the "M"
key (select MELEE while in the Command
When the "M" key is pressed (MELEE
is selected), you will notice that the N next
to MELEE at the bottom of the screen is
changed to a Y. Pressing the M key again
(selecting MELEE again) will change this
back to a N. Pressing it again will change it
to a Yagain. There is no OP cost to order
Melee. The OP cost is only paid when the
melee is actuallyexecuted. Make sure that
your MELEE command is Y.
When a unit's attack forces an adjacent
enemy unit to retreat, the attacking unit
may advance into the just vacated square
if it has been ordered to advance. The
Grenadiers are not now ordered to ad-
vance. This is shown by the N next to
ADVANCE. Order the Grenadiers to
advance by pressing the "A" key (select
ADVANCE while in the Command Menu).
This places a Y next to ADVANCE. As
with melee, you may toggle between
advance orders. There is no OP cost to
advance. It is a free move (NOTE: units
receive an Efficiency bonus when they
Press the''N'' key (select NEXT from the
Command Menu} and access the 5th Foot.
Move the unit: 5,7,7,7,7 (move the unit to
X,Y:15,5). This places the unit next to the
American units along the fence line.
Leave the NO PLOT Command so that the
computer will pick a target for this unit.
You may order the unit to melee or ad-
vance as you wish. It really won't matter.
You will see why later.
Press the "N" key (enter the Command
Menu and select the NEXT option). This ac-
cesses the 38th Foot. As earlier indicated,
this unit spent 2 OP in defensive fire. Like
all other British units, it has a high Fatigue.
We will permit this unit to rest this phase.
Press the "F" key (enter the Command Menu
and select FIRE) to bring up the Fire Menu.
Press the "N" key (move the joystick to high-
light NO FIRE and press the joystick button).
This orders the unit not to fire. The words
NO FIRE appear at the bottom right of the
screen (return to the Access Menu by select-
ing the RETURN option). Units with a NO
FIRE order will not fire either offensively
or defensively UNLESS they are adjacent
to an enemy unit.
Press the ''N'' key (select NEXT from the
Command Menu) to access the 43rd Foot.
Move this unit:7,7,7,7 (move the unit to
X, Y:17,9). This places it next to the re-
doubt. Press the "F" key (select the FIRE
option from the Command Menu). Target the
redoubt by pressing the "7" key and then
the "T" key (while TARGET SQUARE is
highlighted, press the joystick button so the 0
in the middle of the Movement Compass is
blinking. Move the cursor over the redoubt
and press the joystick button). When you re-
turn to the Command Menu (Access
Menu), you will see that the square 16,9
(the redoubt square) has been targeted for
fire. Press the ''F'' key again (return to the
Command Menu and select FIRE). While in
the Fire Menu, press the "E" key (highlight
EXIT/ERASE PLOT and press the joystick
button. Select RETURN to go back to the
Access Menu). You are now back in the
Command Menu (Access Menu), but
FIRE:16,9 has been replaced by NO PLOT.
Pressing the "E" key (selecting EXIT/
ERASE PLOn in the Fire menu will erase
a fire plot and return you to the Command
Press the "N" key (select NEXT from the
Command Menu). This accesses the 52nd
Foot. Move this unit 6,7,7,7 (move the unit
to X, Y:17 ,8). In our example, this leaves it
with insufficient OP to plot fire, melee, or
advance (since it doesn't have the OP to
attack, it can't force a unit to retreat which
would permit an advance).
Press the "N" key (select the NEXT op-
tion from the Command Menu). This returns
the Light Regiment which has already
been given orders. All units have been
given orders. Press "Q" (select QUIT from
the Command Menu) and "c" (select COM-
BAT from the Cursor Menu) to go to com-
Using the "N" key (NEXT option) to ac-
cess units is a good idea because it makes
it less likely you will skip a unit and forget
to give it orders. Many players use the
''N'' key (NEXT option) to check all of their
units after they think that they are through
giving orders.
Go to Combat. Since the results of
Combat vary somewhat with each game,
it is impossible to state exactly what will
happen. Generally, your units should
suffer heavy casualties from the tactics
that have been used in this tutorial. Units
which fire from breastworks and similar
prepared positions have their firepower
tripled. There is a reasonable chance your
Grenadier unit will be able to force its
opponent to retreat so that it can advance.
Notice that attacking units only retreat
one square. Defending units retreat three
squares. Routed units retreat five squares
and change their shape to show that they
are routed.
(A word on tactics. This type of assault
on prepared positions is what the British
tried when they first attacked historically.
Learn from it. When you play the British
in this scenario, you want to move around
the prepared American positions and
force the American player to spread him-
self thin and leave his prepared positions
to protect his line of retreat.)
When asked, "DO YOU WANT TO
"Y" (press the joystick button when the
THE GAME? YES" is on the screen).
You are instructed to place your
save-game disk in the disk drive.
You need to have a separate disk to
use for this and if you are playing on
an IBM or compatible system, you
need to have already formatted the
save game disk.
After you insert the disk and press the
RETURN IENTER key (the joystick button),
you are taken to the Save Game Menu. In
this menu you have the options to: Save
the Game, Delete a File (eliminate a previ-
ously saved game), List the Directory (see
a list of the games you have saved), and
Exit (leave the Save Game Menu). Some
systems also provide an Init Disk option.
Where the Init option is given, players
need to use it to initialize their save game
disk before they can save a game on it for
the FIRST time only. Do not Init your disk
after you have saved a game on it as this
will eliminate the saved game(s) .
When you go to save a game, you have
to name the file under which the game will
be saved. Since three separate battles are
provided with the game, we recommend
that you select a name that identifies that
battle. Since it is normal to save a game at
different stages of play, we recommend
that you also provide a number in the
name. Since this is the first Bunker Hill
Battle you will be saving, you might name
it BUNK1. You do need to limit your save
game file names to 8 characters or less.
Joystick users will hIlve to use the keyboard to
type in the name of their saved games.
After you save a game, it is a good idea
to check and see that it was in fact saved by
choosing the List Directory option (high-
light the LIST DIRECTORY option and press
the joystick button) when you are returned
to the Save Game Menu. If you don't see
the file for the game you have just saved,
you will want to save it again on either the
same or a different save game disk.
You recall saved games by booting the
game, and selecting the Save Game Op-
tion (A) in the Main Menu. We recom-
mend you "throwaway" this particular
saved game and start Bunker Hill again
with a better strategy. You may want to
Exit the Save Game Menu and return to
the regular game long enough to go
through the Victory Determination Phase
where your casualties will be listed and
you can see how the first battle affected
your victory points.
When it comes time to playa real game,
we recommend that you start with a
BASIC GAME. You may want to start by
reading only the Main Menu section, the
special Bunker Hill (or whatever battle
you choose) Section, and the shaded sec-
tions of the BASIC RULES. The most
important sections of this rulebook have
been shaded. You may want to read them
and only refer to the other rule sections to
answer a particular question.
The Main Menu presents a number
of options which affect how the
game will play. The Default Set-
tings are shown underlined. This
menu appears as follows:
K) AMERICAN AMMO 1 2 .1 4 5
L) BRITISH AMMO 1 2 3. 4 5
The menu options are identified by
the option letter on the left of each
line. To select an option, press the
option letter until your choice is
highlighted. When all option
choices are as you want them, press
the RETURN/ENTER key to exit
the menu.
To select an option, use the joystick to
highlightitsoptionletter. Whl7etheop-
tion letter is highlighted, press the juys-
tick button until the option choice you
desire is highlighted. When all options
have been selected, exit the menu by
highlighting option letter N and press-
ing the joystick button.
3.1 Main Menu Options
The "A" option allows the player to se-
lect a new game or to continue playing a
saved game. When a saved game is se-
lected, the option menus are as saved.
When you select to resume a saved game,
you will be prompted to insert your save
game disk and press RETURN/ ENTER.
You must then enter the file name of the
saved game you want to resume (you may
view the save game disk directory for a list
of the file names). You may not change
Main Menu options when you boot up a
saved game.
The "B" and "C" options allow the
player(s) to choose if the American and
British forces will be controlled by a
human player or by the computer.
The "D" option permits you to select
from three games of varying complexity.
The "E" option provides a game where
each player is only shown the location of
his opponent's units when they can be
seen by some of his own units. Hidden
units will also be revealed if an enemy unit
moves adjacent to them during the
Operation Phase. It is recommended that
beginning players not use this option. To
re-create the "fog of war", it is strongly
recommended that intermediate and
advanced players do use this option.
The "F" option may be used to provide
the unit sha pes best suited for color moni-
tor lTV users and monochrome monitor I
black & white TV users. Atari owners are
given the option of a one- or two-drive
system here. C-64 owners are allowed to
choose between light blue or dark blue for
American units.
The "G" option allows you to play with
icons (figure profiles) or symbols (bars).
Icons are automatically used for the BA-
SIC GAME. Symbols (which show facing
and formation changes) are recom-
mended for the INTERMEDIATE and
ADV ANCED games.
The "H" option selects the difficulty
level. Level 3 is historical and makes no
modification to either side. Levels land 2
favor the American player (levell more so
than level 2). Levels 4 and 5 favor the
British (5 more so than 4). Levels affectthe
casualties inflicted in fire and melee com-
bat. Please note that you should play an
easy level of difficulty the first few times
you play the game. Level 3 is a challenge.
The "I" and "]" options allow for vari-
able reinforcement arrival. Units may
appear up to one to two turns earlier or
later than their historical arrival time.
Level 3 is historical with no changes.
Levell allows units to arrive up to two
turns earlier. Level 2 allows units to arrive
up to two turns later. Level 4 allows units
to arrive from up to one turn earlier to one
turn later. levelS allows units to arrive
from up to two turns earlier to two turns
later. The authors and play testers recom-
mend that once players are acquainted
with the system, they should play with
Option LevelS. This truly re-creates the
uncertainty of a battle where opposing
commanders did not know the size of an
enemy force or how quickly it would be
The "K" and "L" options allow for vari-
able ammunition supply. Ammunition
supply only affects the ADVANCED
Game. Level 3 is historical. Levels 1 and 2
give progressively less ammunition.
Levels 4 and 5 give progressively more
The "M" option permits the player to
select which of the 3 American Revolu-
tionary War battles he wants to play.
The "N" option only appears when a joys-
tick is used in the BASIC GAME. It permits
the player to exit the Main Menu.
3.2 Other Screens and Options
After exiting the Main Menu, you will see
a series of screens which list the casualties
sustained or ground objectives taken. At
the start of the game, losses are typically
set to O. These screens are also shown at
the end of each turn during the Victory
Determination Phase. They may be used
to gauge who is winning or losing as play
Before play starts, you may turn the
sound off or on and select a delay
loop. The delay loop determines
how long messages remain on the
screen. The larger the delay num-
ber, the longer messages remain (if
using an Apple, we recommend
you start with a delay loop of 6 if
you have an accelerator board and a
delay loop of 4 if you do not).
When using the keyboard to control the
game, there are two main menus, the
Cursor Menu and the Command Menu.
The Command Menu has a subordinate
menu (the Fire Menu) that is used to give
fire commands.
When using the joystick to control the
game, there are two main menus, the Cursor
Menu and the Command Menu, and two
menus which are subordinate to the Command
Menu, the Access Menu and the Fire Menu.
4.1 The Cursor Menu
TheCursor Menu is automatically entered
at the beginning of each Operation Phase.
It is also entered when the Command
Menu is exited. The Cursor Menu is ex-
ited whenever a unit is accessed or when
the game player chooses to go to Combat.
The main purposes of the Cursor Menu
are to permit the gamer to access combat
units, to view different parts of the map,
and to enter Combat.
The cursor appears as a white square
or rectangle which is in the middle of the
game map at the beginning of each
Operation Phase.
4.11 Keyboard Cursor Menu
When in the Keyboard Cursor
Menu, an abbreviated version of the
menu is displayed below the map
(along with the date, timeofday, and
phase number). To give a command
while in this menu, press the key
which appears in parenthesis 0 for
that command. The commands that
can be given while in the Cursor
Menu are:
(0) = Centers the map at the cursor
("5" for the optional key pad).
0-8) = Moves the cursor in the de-
sired directions according to the
compass on the lower right hand
side of the display. ("1-9" for the
optional key pad)
(C)ombat = Starts the Combat Phase.
Give this command when you have
finished moving and giving orders
to all units.
(G)o To Unit = When this command
is given, you will be prompted to
type in the number of the unit you
want to access. Unit numbers are
provided in the Orders of Battle that
a ppear in the special rules section for
each battle. After the unit number is
entered, that unit will be accessed
(with this, the Cursor Menu is exited
and the Command Menu is entered).
(J)oystick = Switches control from
the keyboard to the joystick by enter-
ing the Joystick Cursor Menu.
(O)ther Map = Toggles between the
Tactical Map (which shows more
detail) and the Strategic Map (which
shows a larger section of the battle-
(SPACE BAR) = Accesses the unit
under the cursor. If two or more
units are in the square, the top unit is
the one accessed (with this, the Cur-
sor Menu is exited and the Com-
mand Menu is entered).
(T)errain = Removes the unit shapes
from the map to reveal the terrain
(V)iew = Highlights all the squares
that a unit in the cursor's square
could see.
(W) = Highlights all American Ob-
jective squares on the screen. Press-
ing a key will then highlight British
Objective squares on the screen.
PreSSing a key will then return to the
Cursor Menu.
(2) = Moves the cursor back to the
last square where a unit was ac-
4.12 Joystick Cursor Menu
When in the Joystick Cursor Menu, an abbre-
viated version of the menu is displayed below
the map (along with the date, time of day, and
phase number). To select a command in this
menu, move the joystick to highlight that
command and then press the joystick button.
When the MOVE command is selected,
this command must first be exited by pressing
the joystick button before another command
can be selected. The commands that can be
given while in the Joystick Cursor Menu are:
ABORT = Returns the cursor to the last
square where a unit was accessed.
CLEAR = Removes the unit shapes from the
map to reveal the terrain beneath.
COMBAT = Starts the Combat Phase. Give
this command when you have finished moving
and giving orders to all units.
EXIT = Switches control to the keyboard by
entering the Keyboard Cursor Menu.
GET UNIT = Accesses the unit under the
cursor. When two or more units are in a
square, the top unit is accessed (with this, the
Cursor Menu is exited and the Access Menu is
GO TO UNIT = When this command is given,
you are prompted to enter the number of the
unit you want to access. Unit numbers are
provided in the Orders of Battle that appear in
the special rules section for each battle. Use the
joystick to change the number that appears on
the screen to match the number of the unit you
wished accessed and then press the joystick
button. The cursor will then move to that unit
and access it (with this, the Cursor Menu is
exited and the Access Menu is entered).
MAP = Toggles between the Tactical Map
(which shows more detail) and the Strategic
Map (which shows a larger section of the bat-
MOVE = Moves thecursorin the direction the
joystick is moved. This direction is highlighted
on the compass on the lower right hand side of
the screen.
OBJ = Highlights all American Objective
squares currently on the screen. Pressing the
joystick button will then highlight all British
Objective squares on the screen. Pressing the
joystick button again returns the Cursor
VIEW = Highlights all squares that could be
seen by a unit in the square the cursor is in.
4.2 Command Menu
The Command Menu is entered when a
unit is accessed (the Command Menu is
entered from the Access Menu when the joys-
tick button is pressed). The Command
Menu is exited when the Quit command is
given. The Command Menu is used to
move and give combat orders to units (the
Command Menu is used to give combat orders.
Movement is done through the Access Menu).
4.21 Keyboard Command Menu
Commands are given to the ac-
cessed unit. The name of this unit is
shown beneath the map along with
other information about that unit.
To give a command to a unit, press
the key that is shown in parenthesis
o for that command as follows:
(0) = Centers map on the unit ("5"
for the optional key pad).
(1-8) = Moves the unit in the desired
direction as indicated by the Move-
ment Compass at the bottom right
of the screen ("1-9" for the optional
(A)dvance = Sets the unit to ad-
vance into a square vacated by the
retreat of an adjacent enemy unites).
To be eligible to advance, that
friendly unit's attack must have
caused the enemy unit to retreat.
(F)ire = Calls up the Fire Menu
which permits the giving of fire
(H)elp = Displays a list of the com-
mands available in this menu.
(M)elee = Plots the unit to MELEE
combat the adjacent unit at which it
is firing.
(N)ext = Accesses the next friendly
unit in the Order of Battle.
(O)ther Map = Toggles between the
Tactical and Strategic Maps.
(Q)uit = Exits to the Cursor Menu.
(Derrain = Removes unit shapes on
the map to reveal the terrain be-
(U)nder = Accesses the next unit in
the square.
(V)iew = Highlights all squares the
currently accessed unit can fire into.
(Z) = Aborts the orders you have
given to the currently accessed unit
since its most recent access. The
unit is returned to the square it oc-
cupied at the time it was accessed
and any combat orders given it are
4.211 Keyboard Fire Menu
This menu is entered from the
Command Menu when "F" is
pressed. It is exited back to the
Command Menu when either a fire
option or the exit option is chosen.
To select an option, press the key
that is shown in parenthesis 0 for
that option as follows:
(1-8) = Moves the cursor in the de-
sired direction as indicated by the
Movement Compass ("1-9" for the
optional key pad).
(T)arget Square = Orders the unit to
fire into the square currently occu-
pied by the cursor. This order will
only be accepted if that square can
be seen by the unit and is in its
weapon's range. (NOTE: the com-
puter will sometimes override plots
due to a random factor.)
(V)iew Line Of Fire = Highlights all
squares which the unit can fire into.
(N)o Fire = Orders the unit not to
fire. The unit will only fire if an
enemy unit is adjacent to it.
(E)xit/Erase Plot = Returns to the
Command Menu without giving a
fire command. If a fire command
had been previously given, this
command is eliminated.
Fire will be resolved as plotted if
certain conditions are met. Someof
these are: the firing unit's Line Of
Fire to that square is not blocked,
that square is occupied by an enemy
unit, and (where the plotted square
is not adjacent to the firing unit) no
enemy units are adjacent to the fir-
ing unit.
When fire is not plotted, the com-
puter will choose a target for the
unit to fire at. NO FIRE orders not
withstanding, a unit which is ca-
pable of fire will ALWAYS fire at an
adjacent enemy occupied square
during the Combat Phase.
4.22 Joystick Command Menu
The Command Menu is entered from the
Access Menu when the joystick button is
pressed at any time while the 0 in the middle of
the Movement Compass is blinking. While in
the Command Menu, you may select any of the
following options by moving the joystick to
highlight the option and then pressing the
joystick button:
ABORT = Aborts or cancels the orders given
the unit since its most recent access. The unit
will be returned to the square it occupied at the
time it was accessed and any combat orders
will be reset. OP points are recovered for
cancelled orders. (Exception: There is a four
OPpenalty ifanaborted move reveals a hidden
ADVANCE = Pressing the button when an
"N" appears next to this option will order the
unit to advance into an adjacent square. The
unit will only advance where its attack forces
the retreat of an adjacent enemy unit. Press-
ing the button while a "Y" appears next to the
option will set the unit to NOT advance.
CLEAR = Removes the unit symbols from the
map to reveal the terrain beneath.
FIRE = Calls up the Fire Menu to permit the
giving of fire commands.
MELEE = Selecting this option while a N
appears next to MELEE in the Access Menu,
sets the unit to Melee combat an adjacent en-
emy unit it fires at . Selecting the option while
a Y appears next to MELEE, orders the unit to
NOT Melee.
NEXT = Goes to the next friendly unit in the
Order of Battle.
OTHER MAP = Toggles between the Tactical
and Strategic Maps.
QUIT = Exits to the Cursor Menu.
RETURN = Exits to the Access Menu.
VIEW = Highlights all squares the unit can
see which are within its weapon range.
4.221 Joystick Fire Menu
The Fire Menu is entered from the Command
Menu when the FIRE Option is selected. This
menu is exited to the Command Menu when
either a fire option or the exit option is selected.
Options in this menu may be selected by
moving the joystick to highlight them and then
pressing the joystick button. The following
options are available from this menu:
EXIT/ERASE PLOT = Selecting this option
will set the unit for a NO PLOT fire command.
A NO PLOT means that the computer will
select a target for the unit.
NO FIRE = Orders the unit not to fire. This
order will be over ridden to permit the unit to
fire at adjacent enemy units.
T ARG ET SQUARE = Permits the selection of
a square for the unit to fire into. After this
option is selected, press the joystick button, use
the joystick to move the cursor into the square
you wish to target, and press the joystick but-
ton again. This sets your unit to fire into the
selected square and returns you to the Com-
mand Menu. The computer will not accept a
command to fire into a square which a unit
cannot see or which is out of its weapon range.
The computer will sometimes override plots
due to a random factor.
(NOTE: Your unit will only fire into this
selected square if certain requirements are met.
These include: your unit being able to fire, a
clear Line Of Sight to the target square, and
the absence of adjacent enemy units when the
target square is not adjacent).
VIE WLine Of Fire = Highlights those squares
which the unit can see and are within the range
of its weapon.
4.222 Joystick Access Menu
This menu is entered from the Cursor Menu
when a unit is accessed. It is entered from the
Command Menu when the RETURN or
NEXT options are selected. This menu is ex-
ited to the Command Menu when the joystick
button is pressed at any time when the 0 in the
middle of the Movement Compass is blinking.
While in the Access Menu, information
about the unit (Name, Morale, etc.) will be
displayed beneath the map.
The Access Menu permits a unit to be
moved to a square by first using the joystick to
move the cursor to the desired square and then
pressing the joystick button. The unit will
then move to the selected square (assuming it
is a legal move).
Movement commands are given
using the keyboard or, for the Basic
Game only, a joystick. The game
player may move either the cursor
(a white square or rectangle) or a
combat unit.
5.1 Direction of Movement
There are eight directions for move-
ment. These are: up (north); diago-
nallyupand to the right (northeast);
right (east); diagonally down and to
the right (southeast); down (south);
diagonally down and to the left
(southwest); left (west); and diago-
nally up and to the left (northwest).
Using a compass to represent
these directions, they appear as fol-
W (0 E
Diagram 1
When moving, it is important to
remember that you are moving the
cursor or accessed unit from one
square to another. In the compass
above, the square the cursor or ac-
cessed unit is moving from is repre-
sented by the center of the compass
(C). The square the cursor or ac-
cessed unit is to move into is repre-
sented by the direction (NW, N, NE,
etc.) that square lies from the square
In many instances, a Movement
Compass will be shown at the bot-
tom right of the screen. Numbers
are arranged around the center of
this compass in the same manner as
the directions in Diagram 1. Press-
ing a number key will cause move-
ment in the direction that number
lies from the center of the compass.
Pressing the number that lies in the
center of the compass will center the
screen on the square the cursor or
accessed unit currently occupies.
The movement compass will ap-
pear as either:
812 789
(Standard) 7 0 3 or 4 5 6 (Optional)
654 123
Diagram 2
The joystick can be used to move the cursor
in four directions: up (north), right (east),
down (south), and left (west). To move a unit
with the joystick, point the joystick in the de-
sired direction until the cursor moves as di-
Although the joystick has only four move-
ment directions, it may be used to move units
in any of eight directions. An explanation of
this is provided in section 53 which follows .
In many instances, a Movement Compass will
be shown at the bottom right of the screen.
Numbers are arranged around the center of the
compass which correspond to the direction
they lie from the center of the movempzt com-
pass as shown in Diagram 2.
When the joystick is being used for move-
ment, the direction number for that movement
will appear highlighted in the Movement
5.2 Movement of Cursor
A t the beginning of each Operation Phase,
a white square or rectangle is shown in the
exact center of the game map. This is the
The cursor has several major functions
in the game. They are:
1. Accessing units. In order to command a
unit, that unit must be accessed. One way
to access a unit is to move the cursor over
the square that contains the unit and give
the appropriate access command.
2. Plotting fire. Oncea unit is accessed, fire
from that unit may be plotted into a par-
ticular square bygoing into the Fire Menu,
moving the cursor over the square you
want to fire into, and giving the appropri-
ate command.
3. Viewing the battlefield. During those
times when a unit is not accessed, the
cursor may be moved to permit the game
player to see different portions of the
game map. This is helpful because, for
most of the battles, only a portion of the
map can be fit on the screen at a time.
4. Unit movement. When using the jays tick,
the cursor is moved to select the square a unit
is to move into.
To move the cursor, you must be in
either the Cursor Menu or the Fire Menu.
You start each Operation Phase in the
Cursor Menu. You return to the Cursor
Menu whenever you exit the Command
The Fire Menu is a subset of the Com-
When you are in a menu which permits
cursor movement, you move the cursor by
pressing the number key that corresponds
to the direction in which you want the
cursor to move (See section S.1 above).
When in the Cursor Menu, you may move
the cursor when the MOVE command is
selected. The MOVE command appears as one
of your aptions in the menu at the bottom oft he
screen. To select the MOVE command, move
the jays tick until MOVE is highlighted and
then press the joystick button.
While the MOVE command is highlighted,
moving the joystick will cause corresponding
~ u r s o r movement. When the computer is read-
mga movement command, it will highlight the
number in the Movement Compass for that
movement direction. While the MOVE com-
mand is highlighted and no movement is being
read by the computer, the 0 in the center of the
movement compass is highlighted.
While in the Access Menu, you may move
the cursor. The cursor will move in the same
manner as when in the Cursor Menu with
MOVE highlighted.
While in the Fire Menu, you may move the
cursor when the TARGET SQUARE com-
mand is selected. To select this command, use
~ h e joystick to move the select bar to highlight
It and then press the joystick button. While
TARGET SQUARE is selected, the cursor
may be moved in the same manner as in the
Cursor Menu.
5.3 Movement of Units
U nits may be moved once they have been
accessed. Unlike cursor movement, unit
movement is restricted by a number of
factors which include:
1. Terrain.
2. The presence of enemy units.
3. Available operation points.
The mechanics of moving a unitarethe
same as those to move the cursor.
Once a unit is accessed, it will move
as indicated by the numbers around
the Movement Compass (See sec-
tionS.l above).
Unlike cursor movement, unit
movement has a cost in Operations
Points and Fatigue.
For each square a unit moves, it must
payan Operation Points (OP) cost (Section
20.21) and may have to pay a Fatigue cost
(Section 20.3). A unit's current Operation
Points are shown next to the OP designa-
tion that appears as part of the informa-
tion displayed under the map when a unit
is accessed.
The Operation Costs for movement
vary with the type of terrain being en-
tered. These costs are given in the
Operation Costs Tables (Section 20.21). In
addition to the basic cost for entering a
square, there are additional OP costs to
enter or leave a square that is next to an
enemy unit.
Moving along a road will generally
reduce OP movement costs as long
as the movement is from one road
squaretoanotherand isnotadiago-
nal move.
Certain types of terrain are impassable
and unit movement into them is not per-
mitted. Units may not move into squares
which are occupied by enemy units (al-
though they may advance into them after
forcing an enemy retreat).
Units may not move from one
square that is next to an enemy unit
directly into another square which
is also next to an enemy unit unless
the square being entered is already
occupied by a friendly unit.
Units may not enter a square if they
lack sufficient OP to pay the movement
costs (EXCEPTION: units normally may
move one square as their only movement
regardless of the OP costs).
Artillery units which move cannot fire
in the following combat phase.
5.31 Joystick Unit Movement
The joystick may be used to move units when
the Access Menu is on the screen. The Access
Menu appears when a unit is accessed and
shows information about that unit which in-
cludes its current OP.
While the Access Menu is on the screen,
moving the joystick will cause corresponding
cursor movement. To move a unit, move the
cursor to the square you want the unit to move
into and press the joystick button. The unit
will then move into that square provided that
square can be legally entered and the unit has
sufficient OP to pay for the move.
There are several things to keep in mind
when moving units.
When you order a unit to move into a
square it is not adjacent to, it is up to the
computer to choose the path it will take to get
there. The computer will attempt to move
units along roads whenever possible. This is
not always the most efficient path into the
desired square. Whether or not road move-
ment is involved, the computer may choose a
movement path that you do not like.
When problems such as these arise, the best
solution is to abort the move and then move the
unit along a path of your choosing by giving
movement orders a square at a time.
While the cursor cannot be moved diago-
nally, units can and will move diagonally. For
example, if you want a unit to enter the square
that is diagonally above and to the right of it,
move the cursor into that square and press the
joystick button. The unit will then make the
desired diagonal move.
There are a maximum number of
units which may occupy a square at
any given time. This maximum is
typically two infantry and/or cav-
alry units plus one artillery unit.
Cavalry units may overstac!< while
moving but may not end their movement
overs tacked . Reinforcements may exceed
stacking limits when they enter the map.
They may remain overstacked until the
reinforcing units move.
Artillery may never enter a square
which contains another artillery unit (al-
though they may be overstacked when
they enter as reinforcement).
The eight adjacent squares which
surround a unit are in that unit's
Zone Of Control (ZOC).
Units pay extra OP to enter or leave an
enemy ZOC. In addition, units which
must retreat into an enemy ZOC will suf-
fer additional losses. Units which rout
while in an enemy zoe lose additional
Movement is not permitted directly
from one enemy zoe to another unless
the square being entered already contains
at least one friendly unit.
When a unit is accessed, important infor-
mation about that unit will be displayed
beneath the game map (while in the Access
This information includes the unit's
nationality, its name, the type of unit it is,
the number of men it contains, the type of
weapons it has, its Efficiency, its Fatigue,
its Morale, its status, the number of Oper-
ations Points it has, if it is set to melee, if it
is set to advance, the type of terrain it
occupies, the coordinates of the square it
occupies, and its fire orders.
A sample of this information is:
MSK EFF: 60 Ff: 0 MORALE: 60 8 1 2
ROAD(3) X,Y:4S,19 NOFIRE 6 5 4
8.1 Nationality
A unit will be controlled by either the
American or British Commander. A unit's
nationality is given as the first item on the
top line of its information display.
8.2 Name
A unit's name will follow its nationality.
British units are identified by their unit
organization. The BRITISH 1/1 LT INF
BAIT, for example, is the first battalion of
the first light infantry regiment.
American units are identified either by
the state or area they are from, by the name
of their unit commander, or by some com-
bination of these. In the example, the unit
is the C section of Wayne's Brigade.
8.3 Type
A unit will either be Infantry (INF), Cav-
alry (CA V), o ~ Artillery (ART). The unit
type determines a unit's OP movement
costs and its melee modifiers.
8.31 Organization
A unit will be further identified by its
organization. A unit will be either a Bat-
talion (BAIT), a Regiment (REG), or a
Brigade (BRIG). Some artillery units are
identified as a battalion of a particular
Division (D1V) . WayneCINFisaBrigade.
The typical organization of units changes
with the different scenarios. Refer to the
Orders of Battle in the various special
rules sections.
"One" Infantry
"Two" Infantry
I ~ I
Artillery plus
"One" Infantry
Artillery plus
"Two" Infantry
Figure 8.3 Unit Icons
8.4 Number of Men
A unit's base strength is determined by
the num ber of men it has for Infantry and
Cavalry units. Wayne C contains 350 men.
A unit's base artillery strength is deter-
mined by the number of guns it has. The
number of men determines, in part, how
effective an artillery unit is.
An artillery unit requires 16 men
per gun to fire the guns at full
When less men are available, the unit's
fire is reduced accordingly. A unit with
only eight men per gun would fire at only
half strength.
8.5 Weapon Type
Different units were armed with different
types of weapons. Weapon type deter-
mines a unit's maximum fire range and
how powerful its fire is at any square
within that range. WayneC is armed with
The Weapon Range/Casualty
Table (Section 20.5) shows the fire-
power of each weapon through its
8.6 Efficiency
Efficiency (EFF) means current Effi-
ciency. This number will change as
a result of combat.
For every two points a unit's current
Efficiency is below 100, that unit's
combat strength is decreased byone
percentage point.
A unit may "buy up" its current Ef-
ficiency by having unused Oper-
ations Points (OP) remaining at the
end of its combat phases.
This buy up costs 3 OP per Efficiency
point if the unit is in an enemy zoe and 1
OP if it is not. The buy up isdone immedi-
ately after combat in the Recovery/Rally
A unit's current Efficiency will in-
crease by3 when it advances after combat.
A unit's current Efficiency drops when
it takes losses, is forced to retreat, when it
is stacked with a unit which routs, and
when a routed or retreating unit retreats
into or through the square it occupies.
8.7 Fatigue
A unit's Fatigue (FT) is an indica-
tion of how tired itis. For every two
points of Fatigue, a unit's combat
strength decreases by one percent.
A unit gains Fatigue through move-
ment and engaging in combat (refer
to Section 20.3).
A unit loses Fatigue by having
unused Operation Points remain-
ing at the end of its combat phases
(NOTE: these are the same OP that
are used to buy up Efficiency).
A unit loses 1 Fatigue point for every 3
OP remaining if in an enemy ZOC and 1
Fatigue point for every 1 OP remaining if
outside of an enemy ZOC.
WARNING: A common mistake of
novice players is to let their units get too
tired . Units wi th a high fatigue are a lia bil-
ity. They are useless in combat and are
likely to rout which pulls down their Effi-
ciency and the Efficiency of friendly units
near them. When units get tired it is im-
perative to pull them out of the line and
permit them to rest.
8.8 Morale
A unit's Morale is equal to its Effi-
ciency minus its Fatigue. Morale
determines whether or not a unit
will rout when it is attacked. Units
with a morale of14 or less rout auto-
matically. Units with a moraleof15
to 24 have a chance of routing.
The higher a unit's Morale, the greater
the chance that it will Rally (recover from
a rout). Asa general rule, units witha high
morale receive more Operations Points
than units with a low morale.
Since Morale is equal to Efficiency
minus Fatigue, permitting units to rest
with OP remaining after their Combat
Phase will raise their Efficiency, lower
their Fatigue and, consequently, raise
their Morale.
8.9 Status
A unit's status is either Routed (ROUTED)
or Nonrouted (NON RTD) .
Routed units automatically rout again
(with subsequent Efficiency losses) each
time they are attacked. Routed units may
not attack enemy units and defend against
enemy attacks with a greatly reduced
Units may recover from the effects of
Rout during their Recovery/ Rally Phase.
A unit's Morale must be at least 2S
for it to have a chance to Rally.
8.10 Operation Points
The following require an expenditure of
Operation Points (OP): moving, attacking,
defending, and recovering from the ef-
fects of combat (see Sections 20.21 and
Operation Points are expended in
Operations Phases when they are used to
pay for movement and combat . Each
pIa yer receives two Operation Phases per
turn. Each unit receives from 8 to 15
Operation Points in its Operation Phase.
Operations Points are supplied to
units during their Recovery/Rally
Phase after any remammg
Operation Points are used to red uce
Fatigue and increase Efficiency.
Because Operation Points are
awarded during the Recovery /
Rally Phase, the Operation Points
used by units during their first
Operation Phase were determined
in the Command Control Phase of
the pt:evious turn.
Operation Points are automatically
spent when a unit fires. Since units will
always fire if adjacent to an enemy unit or
to defend themselves in melee, players do
not have total control over the expendi-
ture of Operations Points.
8.11 Melee
Melee represents a close assault type of
combat when a unit closes with the en-
emy, engages in a fire fight at very close
range, and engages in actual hand-to-
hand combat in some instances.
In order to melee, the unit must be
adjacent to the enemy it intends to
melee, ordered to melee it, and have
sufficient OP to pay for fire and the
A unit has been ordered to Melee when
the letter "Y" appears next to the word
MELEE. A unit has been ordered not to
melee when the letter "N" appears next to
the word MELEE.
8.12 Advance
A unit whose attacks have forced
enemy retreats which leave an adja-
cent square vacant may advance
into that square.
There is no OP cost for this advance.
A unit is set to advance when the letter
"Y" appears next to the word ADVANCE.
A unit is not set to advance if the letter "N"
appears next to the word ADVANCE.
Units which ad vance receive an Efficiency
(NOTE: A unit whose melee attack
forces an enemy retreat will not advance
into the enemy-vacated square unless it
has been ordered to Advance.)
8.13 Terrain
Each square contains an identifiable ter-
rain type. The terrain type is shown on the
left side of the bottom line of the informa-
tion that appears beneath the map when a
unit is accessed.
In addition to the terrain type, its
elevation (height) is shown in parenthesis
o next to it.
Units which occupy higher ground
than that occupied by the enemy
they are opposing enjoy a distinct
advantage in combat.
Terrain may have other affects on
combat. Refer to Sections 20.6 and 20.61.
8.14 Unit Location
Each square on the map has an "address"
which is shown as its X, Y location. The X
coordinate shows how many squares a
square is from the left edge of the map.
The Y coordinate shows how many
squares a square is from the top of the
The coordinates (or address) of the
square a unit occupies is given on the
bottom row of information that appears
beneath the map when a unit is accessed.
8.15 Fire Plot
If a unit has orders to fire into a square, the
coordinates of that square are shown on
the right side of the bottom row of infor-
mation that appears beneath the map
when a unit is accessed.
Ifa unit has been ordered to not fire, the
words NO FIRE will appear here. In this
case, the unit will only fire if adjacent to an
enemy unit during a fire phase.
If it has been left to the computer to
select a target square, the words NO PLOT
will appear here until after the unit has ac-
tually fired at a computer selected target.
When this occurs, the coordinates of the
square it fired into will appear here until
the computer or player give it a different
fire command.
Artillery units which move cannot fire
in the following combat phase.
Each turn begins with an Operation
Phase. During the Operation Phase, play-
ers move units and give combat orders.
These actions cost Operation Points. Each
player receives two Operations Phases
per turn.
The side which initiates combat from
its Operations Phase is considered the at-
tacker for that Combat Phase. The other
side is considered the defender.
Each Operation Phase is followed by a
Combat Phase in which Fire and Melee
combat are resolved.
10.1 Offensive and Defensive Fire
The player whose Operations Phase pre-
ceded the Combat Phase (the phasing
player) is known as the Offensive Player.
All fire by his units is termed attacker's
fire. Fire by the other player's units (the
non-phasing player) is termed defender's
10.2 Fire Effects
Units will only fire if they have suf-
ficient Operation Points to do so. It
costs two Operation Points to fire
(four operation points for artillery
to fire). After paying this cost, if the
firing unit has two or fewer OP
remaining, it will fire at only three-
quarters of its normal strength.
U nits which are fired on may retreat or
rout as a result. The more casualties a unit
sustains and the lower its morale, the
more likely it is to r e t r ~ t or rout (NOTE:
A routed unit which is fired on will rout
again, even if that fire failed to inflict any
casualties on the routed unit. Artillery
never routs.).
A defending unit in a woods square
may have its fire power cut in half if it is
outmaneuvered. Outmaneuvering can
occur in the Combat Phase which follows
an enemy unit entering an adjacent woods
An attacking unit may have its fire
power increased by 50 percent in the
Combat Phase which follows its moving
adjacent to an enemy unit.
10.3 Melee Effects
Units may only initiate Meleeifthey
have sufficient Operation Points to
do so. Melee costs four OP. The at-
tacker must have four OP remain-
ing after paying the OP cost to fire
into the target square. The com-
puter will accept a Melee order for a
unit which lacks sufficient OP to
Melee, but that unit will not be per-
mitted to initiate a Melee until it has
sufficient OP to do so. (NOTE: Artil-
lery units may never initiate Melee.
That is, they may never be the at-
tacker in Melee.)
Melee is a short range combat that is
conducted between adjacent unit s. In
Melee, the attacker advances toward the
enemy, engages in a fire fight, and may
engage in hand-to-hand fighting.
The defending units always deliver a
special Melee Defensive Fire into the at-
tacker. This fire costs OP, but Defending
units without sufficient OP to pay for the
fire are permitted to deliver it anyway.
Because of the extra defensive fire and
the intensity of combat, melees typically
cause a large number of casualties.
Melees may result in either the attacker
or thedefender retreatingorrouting. If re-
sults call for both the attacker and defen-
der to retreat, American units retreat first.
British units then retreat only if some of
the American units remain unretreated.
10.4 Retreat
When a defending unit retreats, it
moves three squares in a direction
generally away from the enemy.
When an attacking unit retreats, it
moves one square in a direction
generally away from the enemy. A
unit which retreats will lose Effi-
A unit which causes an enemy unit to
retreat and advances into the square va-
cated by the retreat will gain Efficiency. If
a unit causes an enemy retreat so that an
adjacent square becomes vacant, that unit
may advance into that square (if it has
been ordered to advance).
A unit which retreats into an enemy
Zone of Control suffers additional casual-
ties. When a retreating unit retreats into a
square which contains other units, those
units suffer an Efficiency loss.
10.5 Rout
When a unit suffers casualties, its
Morale level is lowered due to the
Efficiency loss. When Morale drops
to 24 or lower, there is a chance the
unit will Rout. When Morale drops
below 14, the unit will always rout if
attacked. Units with 40 or less men
will always rout when attacked.
(EXCEPTION: Artillery never
A uni.t which routs retreats 5 squares.
It suffers an Efficiency loss. It causes an
Efficiency loss to all units which were
stacked with it at the time it routed, all
units whose square it retreated through,
and all units whose square it retreated
U nits which Rout will not Fire or Melee
Offensively. They will Fire and Melee
Defensively at a greatly reduced strength.
Any routed unit which is attacked will
Rout again.
Units remain routed until rallied in
their Recovery /Rally Phase. The higher a
unit's morale, the greater its chance to
A unit which routs while in an enemy
Zone of Control loses men to casualties
and capture.
10.6 Combat Sequence
Combat occurs in the following order:
- Defender's Artillery Fire Phase
- Attacker's Artillery Fire Phase
- Defender's Fire Phase
- Attacker's Fire Phase
- Retreat Phase
- Advance Phase
- Melee Defender's Fire Phase
- Melee Phase
- Retreat Phase
- Advance Phase
At the end of each Combat Phase,
the computer will allow the
player(s) to save a game in progress.
A separate save game disk will be
required to store the save game
Players must initialize their disk from
within the save game menu (IBM users
must format this disk in advance). Saved
games may be restarted from the point
where they were left off. Main Menu op-
tions may not be changed for a saved
Reinforcements arrive on the map in ac-
cordance with the schedule shown on the
Order of Battle (and as modified by Main
Menu Options "I" and ')").
Reinforcements may enter the game
overstacked. These units may remain
overstacked until they are moved.
Each player receives a number of
Victory Points which are deter-
mined by the type and number of
enemy casualties he has inflicted
and the Victory Squares he holds.
At the end of the game, the
American Victory Points are Sub-
tracted from the British Victory
Points. The resulting numberdeter-
mines which side has what level of
victory (draws are possible).
13.1 Victory Points for Losses
Players receive victory points for
the casualties they inflict on their
opponent as follows:
- 1 point per infantryman/
- 1.5 points per infantryman
- 2 points per cavalryman lost
- 3 points per cavalryman
- 50 points per gun lost
- 75 points per gun captured
13.2 Victory Points for Terrain
Victory points are awarded for ter-
rain objectives when a player has a
unit occupying the square and at
least 400 men in or adjacent to that
Victory Square during the Victory
Determination Phase. Points are
only awarded if there are no enemy
units in or adjacent to that square.
Refer to the special rules section
for each battle for the exact victory
conditions for that battle.
similar to the BASIC GAME with
the following additions:
Unit Facing and Formation,
Double Time, Melee and Advance,
Disruption, Unit Information, Re-
connaissance, and Cursor and
Command Menus.
14.1 Ammunition
The effects of ammunition supply are
abstracted in the INTERMEDIATE
GAME. For this reason, no information on
ammunition supply appears for an ac-
cessed unit (see section 14.6). This infor-
mation is included for the ADVANCED
GAME only.
14.2 Unit Facing and Formation
Unlike the BASIC GAME, units in the
Games have facings and formations.
14.21 Unit Facing
A unit may face in one of eight dif-
ferent directions. These directions
correspond to the eight directions
on the Movement Compass.
When unit symbols are chosen the rep-
resent units, these symbols change to indi-
cate unit facing.
Facing may be changed at any
time during the Operation Phase. A unit's
facing will automatically change during
movement as it faces the square it is mov-
ing into. All units in a square assume the
facing of the last unit to enter that square.
Changing the facing of one unit in a square
will change the facing of all units in that
square. All units in a squaTehave the same
Some units must pay one OP to
change facing. If one unit in a
square changes faci ng, the other
units' facing is changed with no OP
14.211 Line Of Sight
Facing determines a unit's Line Of Sight
(LOS). A unit has a LOS only in the direc-
tion it is facing. The LOS extends in a 90
degree angle from the center of the unit's
square in the direction it is facing.

Figure 14.211 Line of Sight
14.21 2 Combat Effccts
When a unit is attacked from a
square that is not in its LOS, it is said
to be attacked on a flank. Defenders
suffer additional casualties when
subjected to a flank attack.
A unit may deliver Melee Defen-
sive Fire through its fl anks, but at a
greatly reduced rate. A unit may
not conduct normal fire through its
An attacking unit has its attack
strength increased when it attacks a
defender' s flank.
14.22 Unit Fonnations
Each unit has two normal forma-
tions. For Infantry, these are line
and column. For Cavalry, these are
dismounted and mounted. For
Artillery, these are unlimbered and
limbered. Routed infantry and
cavalry are considered to be in a
special formation.
There is an OP and Efficiency
cost to change a unit's formation.
Formation changes may only be
voluntarily made during the Oper-
ations Phase. Certain formation
changes are made automatically as
a result of combat (EXAMPLE:
When artillery is forced to retreat, it
automatically limbers).
Infantry has more fire power in
line formation and more melee
strength and mobility in column
formation. Cavalry has more fire
power in dismounted formation
and more mobility in mounted for-
mation. Mounted Cavalry receives
melee bonuses. Artillery may only
engage in normal fire if Unlimbered
and may only move if Limbered.
Limbered artillery may engage in
Melee Defensive Fire and defend in
melee, but at a greatly reduced
14.221 Unit Shapes
When symbol s are used, the symbol
shapes will change to show a unit' s forma-
tion. There is a special shape for routed

Ilell Umb",d 1;.;;1 ~ Artillery _

I---I Unlimbered
Column or

Figure 14.221 Unit Symbols
14.222 Movement
II One"
ll Twotl
In order for units to receive the road
movement bonus, they must be in
Column, Mounted, or Limbered
A unit in Column, Mounted, or
Limbered formation may not enter
a road square through road move-
ment if that square is occupied by
another unit.
A Mounted Cavalry or a unit in
Column formation may overstack
during movement, but it may not
end its movement overstacked.
14.223 Effects on Combat
Units in Column formation may
only fire in Melee Defensive Fire.
Units in Mounted formation will
not fire offensively if ordered to
Units in Dismounted formation
have only three-quarters of their
men available for combat. The
other one-quarter is considered to
be holding h ~ r s e s .
Units in Column, Mounted, or
Limbered formations suffer addi-
tional casualties when fired on by
enemy units.
A unit in Limbered formation
defends in melee with a reduced
strength (Artillery may never initi-
ate melee).
Artillery may move, unlimber,
and fire in the same tum as long as it
has sufficient OP to do so. Note that
this is a difference from the BASIC
14.3 Double Time
A unit may purchase extra Operations
Points at a cost of 6 Fatigue Points Each.
Pressing the "X" key while in the Com-
mand Menu will increase fatigue by 6
points and increase OP by 1 point. Routed
units, units with 15 OP, and units with 40
or more Fatigue points may not use
Double Time.
14.4 Melee and Advance
When a unit is ordered to melee, it auto-
matically receives orders to advance into
the target square.
If you do not wish a unit to advance
after melee, you must set ADVANCE to N
after ordering melee.
A unit will only melee in the direction
it is facing. Note that this is not the same as
its LOS. A unit's LOS extends into three
adjacent squares. A unit may only Melee
the adjacent square it is directly facing.
A previous melee plot is erased when a
unit moves or changes its faCing.
14.5 Disruption
Every time a unit suffers losses, there is a
chance that it will become disrupted (refer
to section 20.8). A defending unit which
retreats as a result of melee is automati-
cally disrupted.
The less men a unit has and the more
casualties it suffers, the greater the chance
that it will be disrupted.
Disrupted units may not fire or melee
Units may recover from disruption
during a Recovery/Rally Phase (refer to
Section 20.81).
14.6 Unit Information
When a unit is accessed, information for
that unit is presented below the map in a
slightly different format than given in the
Some samples of this format are:
OS:N MEL:N Fr:IO EFF: 60170
RIDGE (6) X,Y:2,1 FIRE:2,2
DS:N Ff:O EFF:75/75
8 I 2
7 3
8 I 2
7 3
The top unit is the British Iroquois In-
fantry Battalion. It has 200 men. The unit
is not disrupted (OS) . The unit is not set to
MELEE. It has a Fatigue of 10. Its current
Efficiency is 60 and its maximum Effi-
ciency is 70. The unit is in line formation.
It has 14 Operation Points. It is facing in
direction 6 (this is the direction as shown
in the Movement Compass to the right). It
is set to Advance. The unit is in a ridge
square which has an elevation of 6. The
coordinates of this square are X:2 and Y:l.
The unit has been ordered to fire into
square X:2, Y:2.
The bottom unit is the British Left Ar-
tillery Battalion. You will notice the infor-
mation is different than that for infantry.
Artillery cannot be ordered to Melee so
there is no MEL. Artillerycannot advance
after combat so there is no ADV. In addi-
tion to the number of men, it is important
to know the number of guns an artillery
unit has. This information is given at the
right of the third line - 6 guns.
Because there is more unit information
than in the BASIC GAME, a second unit
information screen may be called up by
pressing the "P" key (for page).
Samples of this other format are:
RIl)G!, (6) X,Y:2,l FlRE:2,2
6PD MRL:75
ROAD (3) X, Y:44,5 NO PLOT
7 3
7 3
The above again identifies the unit as
the British Iroquois Infantry Battalion
which has 200 men. Itshows the unit's for-
tification level (0). It shows that the unit is
not routed. It shows that the unit has a
Command Control (CC) rating of 1.1
(assigned randomly in the INTERMEDI-
ATE GAME). The unit is armed with
muskets (MSK). The unit has a morale
(MRL) of 50. The unit's leader is BUR-
GOYNE. Again the unit is in a sixth level
woods square with coordinates X: 2, Y:1
and is plotted to fire into square X:2, Y:2.
The information for the other unit
again identifies it as the British Left Artil-
lery Battalion. Because Artillery units are
not affected by leaders, no leader is listed
for the unit. Artillery Command Control
is randomly determined in the INTERME-
DIATE GAME (always 1.0 in the AD-
V ANCED GAME) and this is shown by its
CC number. The unit has 6 pound guns
which is shown by the 6PD a t the left of the
third line.
While a unit is accessed, pressing the
"P" key will toggle between these two
14.7 Reconnaissance
Players are permitted a limited number of
reconnaissance attempts during each
Operations Phase. To conduct a recon-
naissance, move the cursor over an enemy
occupied square and press the "R" key.
You will receive a number that indicates
the approximate number of enemy in the
14.8 Cursor and Command Menus
The Cursor and Command Menus are
substantially the same as in the BASIC
GAME. These menus as they appear for
Games are given below.
14.81 Cursor Menu
(0) = Centers the map at the cursor ("5" for
the optional key pad).
(1-8) = Moves the cursor in the desired
directions according to the compass on the
lower right hand side of the display. ("1-
9" for the optional key pad)
(C)ombat = Starts the Combat Phase. Give
this command when you have finished
moving and giving orders to all units.
(G)o To Unit = When this command is
given, you will be prompted to type in the
number of the unit you want to access.
Unit numbers are provided in the Orders
ofBattle that appearin the special rules for
each battle. After the unit number is en-
tered, that unit will be accessed (with this,
the Cursor Menu is exited and the Com-
mand Menu is entered).
(O)ther Map = Toggles between the Tacti-
cal Map (which shows more detail) and
the Strategic Map (which shows a larger
section of the battlefield).
(P)age = Second Menu. On this menu
will be displayed the number of recons
you are allowed to conduct, along with
other commands. If in this menu, "P"
will return you to the first menu.
(R)econ = Pressing this key when the
cursor is over an enemy occupied
square will display an approximate
strength of the units in that square.
(SPACE BAR) = Accesses the unit under
the cursor. If two or more units are in the
square, the top unit is the one accessed
(with this, the Cursor Menu is exited and
the Command Menu is entered).
(T)errain = Removes the unit shapes from
the map to reveal the terrain underneath.
(V)iew = Highlights all the squares that a
unit in the cursor's square could see.
(W) = Highlights all American Objective
squares on the screen. Pressing a key will
then highlight British Objective squares
on the screen. Pressing a key will then
return to the Cursor Menu.
(Z) = Moves the cursor back to the last
square where a unit was accessed.
14.82 Command Menu
(0) = Centers map on the unit ("5" for the
optional key pad).
(1-8) = Move the unit in the desired direc-
tion as indicated by the Movement Com-
pass at the bottom right of the screen ("1-
9" for the optional key pad) .
(A)dvance = Sets the unit to advance into
a square vacated by the retreat of an adja-
cent enemy unites). To be eligible to ad-
vance, that friendly unit's fire must have
caused the enemy unit to retreat.
(B)uild = (ADVANCED GAME only)
Builds one level of fortification.
(D)irection = Permits the player to
change the facing of the accessed unit.
The computer will ask the player to
enter the new facing 1-8 ("1-9" for op-
tional keypad) as indicated by the
Movement Compass.
(F)ire = Calls up the Fire Menu which
permits the giving of fire commands.
(H)elp = Displays a list of the commands
available in this menu.
(I)nverse Division = All units which be-
long to the same division as the ac-
cessed unit will be inversed. The
square containing t he d ivisiona I leader
will be blinking as well. (ADVANCED
GAME only: pressing this key permits
"NO PLOT" or "NO FIRE" orders to be
given to the entire division).
(L)eader = (ADV ANCED GAME only)
Displays a menu which shows the di-
visional or corps commander. This
menu permits the transfer of that
leader to another unit under its com-
mand. Permits the unit to which the
leader is attached to be accessed.
(M)elee = Plots the unit to MELEE combat
the adjacent unit it is facing.
(N)ext = Accesses the next friendly unit in
the Order of Battle.
(O)ther Map = Toggles between the Tacti-
cal and Strategic Maps.
(P)age = Toggles between the two
screens of unit statistics.
(Q)uit = Exits to the Cursor Menu.
(S)tatus = Changes the formation of the
accessed unit.
(T)errain = Removes unit shapes on the
map to reveal the terrain beneath.
(U)nder = Accesses the next unit in the
(V)iew = Highlights all squares the cur-
rentlyaccessed unit can fire into.
(W) = Objective Squares. Pressing this key
will highlight all American Victory
Squares visible on the map. Pressing any
key will then highlight all British Victory
Squares visible on the map. Pressing any
key will then return the Command Menu.
(X) = Double Time. Increases
operation points by increasing Fatigue
by 6 for each OP gained.
(Z) = Aborts the orders you have given to
the currently accessed unit since its most
recent access. The unit is returned to the
square it occupied at the time it was ac-
cessed and any combat orders given it are
reset. OP points are recovered for
cancelled orders (Exception: There is a 4
OP penalty if a cancelled move reveals a
hidden unit) .
same as the INTERMEDIATE
GAME with the addition of volun-
tary fortifications, leaders, Com-
mand Control and ammunition
15.1 Voluntary Fortifications
A unit mayhavea fortification levelofOto
5. Fortifications may be built by a unit.
Such fortifications apply only to that unit
and are erased as soon as that unit exits
that square.
Fortifications are built one level at a
time by pressing the "B" key while in the
Command Menu. It costs Operation and
Fatigue points to build fortifications (refer
to the Operation Points and Fatigue Cost
Fortifications may not be built by: units
in mounted, column, or limbered forma-
tions; units with less than 8 OP; and units
with a Fatigue of 20 or more.
15.2 Leaders
Units are under the command of leaders.
Leaders represent the individuals who
historically commanded the forces at the
actual battl es. Leaders are always at-
tached to a unit under their command and
move with that unit .
Leaders provide a combat bonus to
their attached unit . This bonus is as
shown in the Order of Battle for
each leader. Artillery and Cavalry
may never have a leader attached to
them and never benefit from leader
Leaders may be reassigned to different
units under their command during the
Operation Phase (EXCEPTION: They
may not be attached to units which are not
on the map) . Leaders are typically reas-
signed to give combat bonuses to units
involved in key battles, to improve Com-
mand Control, and to help rally routed
15.21 Leader Effects
Command Control is determined by the
bonus rating of the appropriate leaders
and the distance from the unit to its lead-
ers. Command Control ranges from a
minimum of 0.5 to a maximum of 1.5.
(EXCEPTION: The Command Control of
Cavalry and Artillery units is not affected
by leaders. Cavalry always has a Com-
mand Control of 1.2 and Artillery always
has a Command Control of 1.0).
The closer a unit is to its leaders, the
better its Command Control. The effect of
thi s is to make units more effective when
t hey operate under their historical organi-
U nits are penalized Command Control
points for each square they are away from
their leaders (up to a maximum amount).
Units which are in the square which
contains their corps leader or are
adjacent to that square are not pe-
nalized for being away from their
divisional leader.
For a more detailed explanation of
leader command control (including ex-
amples and an explanation of the for-
mula), refer to Section 20.1 in the Refer-
15.3 Command Control
The Command Control rating for each
unit is determined at the beginning of each
turn. Command Control affects a unit's
strength, the number of Operation Points
it receives, its ability to recover from rout,
and its ammunition resupply chances.
The Command Control determined at
the beginning of a turn is used for the
second player phases of that turn and the
first player phases of the following turn.
A unit's base strength will be modified by
its Command Control rating in arriving at
its actual combat strength. Refer to the
Fire and Melee Strength Modifiers tables
and examples (Sections 20.6, 20.61, and
In the ADVANCED GAME, cavalry al-
ways has a Command Control of 1.2.
Artillery always has a Command Control
of 1.0.
15.4 Ammunition Supply
Game Design:
Chuck Kroegel
Game Programming:
David Landrey, George Kucera and
Brian Hennundstad
Game Development:
Chuck Kroegel, George Kucera and
Joel Billings
Victor Penman
Computer Graphics
Keith Brors and Chuck Kroegel
Customized Disk Operating System
(Apple Version):
Roland Gustafsson
Play testers:
James Kucera, Graeme Bayless and
Victor Penman
IBM Version:
Ed Harr
Desktop Publishing:
Abra Type, Robert Hu and
Louis Saekow Design
Art Directors:
Each unit begins the game with 4 ammu-
nition points. Each time a unit fires, it
expends 1 ammunition point. Ammuni-
tion is resupplied at the beginning of each
turn. Units which are Routed or which
already have 4 ammuniton points (maxi-
mum permitted) will not receive any
additional ammunition. There is a chance
that other units will receive a partial
ammunition resupply or no ammunition
Louis Hsu Saekow and David Boudreau
When a unit is outof ammunition, it
may only defend in Melee and fi re
in Melee Defensive Fire.
Graphic Artists:
Ben Willemsen and Meg Pelta
A&a Printers and Lithographers
Sections 16 through 21 are lo-
cated at the front of the Refer-
ence Guide that accompanies
this Rule Book. These sections
contain historical information,
special battle rules, orders of
battie, strategy and tactics
hints, charts, tables, glossary
and index.
Our main business telephone is (415) 964-1353.
We also have a Technical Support Hotline
number: (415) 964-1200, which you can call if you
ha ve problems with your disk or if you need a clari-
fication of the game and/ or rules.
Both numbers can be called every workday, 9 to
5 Pacific Time.
Many of our games will work on Apple II and IBM compatible
computers. Most of our games will work on an Apple II G5 in the
Apple II emulation mode.
If you own an Apple II G5, Apple compatible or IBM compatible
computer, we suggest that you consult with our Technical Hotline at
(415) 964-1200 any workday between 9 and 5 Pacific Time to see if an
551 game you're considering purchasing is compatible with your
If we have sufficient data to determine compatibility, you may
wish to purchase the game and test for compatibility yourself.
If the game proves to be incompatible, you may return it within 14
days with your dated receipt and we will refund your money. Or if
you return the game within 30 days, you may exchange the game for
1046 N. Rengstorff Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94043
16.0 SPECIAL SCENARIO RULES .... ........ .................. ........... .. ... ................... ................. 1
16.1 Orders of Battle ................................................................................................. . 1
16.2 Strategy and Tactics ....... ... ................. .................................................... ........... . 1
17.0 BUNKER HILL ................................................ ............................................................ 1
17.1 Special Bunker Hill Rules ........ ......................................................................... 1
17.2 Orders of Battle ................................................................................. ............. ... . 2
17.3 Bunker Hill Victory Squares .............................................................. : ......... ... . 3
17.4 Bunker Hill Strategy and Tactics ............ ........................................................ . 3
18.0 MONMOUTH ........................................................ ...................................................... 4
18.1 Special Monmouth Rules .................................................................................. 4
18.2 Orders of Battle .............. ...... ............. ................ ................................ ................ . 4
18.3 Monmouth Victory Squares ............................................................................. 6
18.4 Monmouth Strategy and Tactics ............. ........................ ................................. 6
19.0 SARATOGA ............................. .. .... ..... ........... .. ................ ................................ ........ ... . 6
19.1 Special Saratoga Rules .................................................. ........................... ....... .. 6
19.2 Orders of Battle ......................... ................ .. ....................................................... 7
19.3 Saratoga Victory Squares ............................ .......................................... ... ..... ..... 8
19.4 Strategy and Tactics ............. ..... ..... ... ................... ............................................. . 8
20.0 TABLES AND EXAMPLES ......................... ........................ .................. .................... 9
20.1 Command Control ......................... ...... ..... ............. ... ......................................... 9
20.2 Operation Points .... ........................... ............................................................... 11
20.3 Fatigue Table ............. ........ ..................................................................... .......... 12
20.4 Efficiency Table .............. ........................... ..... ...... .. .......................................... 13
20.5 Weapon/Range Casualty Table .. ...................................... ........................ .. .. 13
20.6 Fire and Melee Strength Modifiers Table ......... ........ ..... ... ............................ 13
20.7 Melee Results Table .......... ..... ..................... .............. ........... .. ...................... .. .. 16
20.8 Disruption Table .......... ..... ................. .... ... ................... .......... ........ ............ .. .... 16
20.9 Rally Table .............................. ...... ....... ... ................... .. ...... ..... ...... .......... .. .... .... 17
21.0 TURN SEQUENCE ..................... .. ...... .. .. ...................... .......................... ... ............... 17
BUNKER HILL ORGANIZATIONAL CHARTS ....... ....... ................................. ...... .. .. 18
BUNKER HILL HISTORICAL SITUATION MAP ........... ................ ..... .... .. .. ....... ...... .. 19
THE BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL ....... ................... .. .......................................................... 20
MONMOUTH ORGANIZATIONAL CHARTS ...................... .... .. ... .. ........ ........... ....... 22
MONMOUTH HISTORICAL SITUATION MAP ...... .. ................. ..... ................ .......... 23
THE BATTLE OF MONMOUTH ................. ... .. ...................................... ..... ........... ..... ....... 24
SARATOGA ORGANIZATIONAL CHARTS .. .......... .......................................... ... ..... 26
SARATOGA HISTORICAL SITUATION MAP .... ....................... ................................ 27
THE BATTLE OF SARATOGA .... ......... .. .. ... ........ ... .. ...... ............. ..................... ... ........... .. .. 28
BREED'S HILL: ENDGAME FOR PROFESSIONALS ............... ........ .. ... ..... .............. .. .. 29
GLOSSARY ....................... .. ... ........ .......... .. .. .. ... .. ..... ......... .. ... ... ..... .. ... ................ .. ..... .... ....... 42
INDEX ..... ............... ................................ .. ........ .... .. ............ .. ..... ... ... ............ ......... ... ... .. .......... 48
Sons of Liberty offers the gamer his choice
of three separate scenarios (battles) to
play. Each of these has its own special
rules to cover conditions unique to that
battle. The special rules for Bunker Hill
are found in Section 17, the special rules
for Monmouth are found in Section 18,
and the special rules for Saratoga are
found in Section 19.
16.1 Orders of Battle
The Order of Battle (force organization) is
given for each side in each battle as part of
that battle' s special rules. In order to con-
dense this information, certain abbrevia-
tions were used. Many of the unit names
are abbreviated. Additional abbrevia-
tions are: DIV (for division), EFF (for start-
ing Efficiency), WEAP (for weapon), SQ.
(for square), BRG (for brigade), and a
number of abbreviations for weapons
which are explained in the Weapon/
Range Casualty Table (Section 20.5).
16.2 Strategy and Tactics
While each special section contains some
tips on how to play that particular battle,
the following advice applies to all battles.
The game is normally won by controlling
Victory Squares. When a Victory Square
can award points to either side, if you lose
100 men more than your opponent to take
a 100 point Victory Square, you are 100
points ahead. This is because taking that
square took 100 points away from your
opponent and added 100 points to your
score. This is a 200 point swing.
The only time in the game when Vic-
tory Squares really matter is at its end.
This is where points are translated into
defeat or victory. Victory points are only
awarded if there are no enemy units in or
adjacent to the Victory Square. If you can
move one of your units adjacent to one of
your opponent's Victory Squares on the
last turn of the game, you can deny him
those victory points.
Put your artillery on hills where the
height ad vantage will increase their effec-
tiveness. If the battle is ranging near your
guns, protect your artillery by keeping an
infantry unit with it to absorb enemy fire.
Don't let your units get too tired. Gen-
erally, when their morale drops below 40,
it is time to pull them out of the line and let
them rest.
When playing an ADV ANCED
GAME, use your leaders. In the first
Operation Phase of each turn, move your
leaders to the units that are to be involved
in the most important combat. This will
give that unit the leader bonus (see the
Order of Battle) for the upcoming combat.
Leader bonuses translate directly into in-
flicting increased casualties on you oppo-
In the second Operation Phase, move
your leader to the unit that will give you
the best overall Command Control. Com-
mand Control is only determined once a
turn (in the Command Control Phase).
Good Command Control means more
Operation Points. The more Operation
Points your force has, the better it will do.
Flank attacks are advantageous in
melee as well as in fire. If you have a large
force on an enemy's flank, try melee. If not
exposed to too much danger from the af-
ter-affects, put units into column to melee.
Pull disrupted units out of enemy
Zones of Control so that they can recover.
When attacking, make sure you have
enough OP to fire and melee.
The Battle ofBunker Hill is a six turn game
covering the time from 2 p.m. through 8
p.m. on June 17, 1775.
17.1 Special Bunker Hill Rules
The normal losses inflicted by in-
fantry fire (see Section 20.6) are
doubled. The American units
which begin the game on Bunker
Hill are not permitted to move dur-
ing the first game turn. British units
suffer one extra fatigue point cost
for each square they enter during square they are from their Corps
the first three game turns. Units in Commander and 8 Command Con-
the Redoubt cannot be flanked in trol points for each square they are
the INTERMEDIATE and AD- from their Division Commander.
V ANCED Games. No units are per- All British units begin the first
mitted to enter the town. The Operation Phase of the game with
American Commander Stark lOOP. British reinforcements will
counts as a Division Commander not be permitted to enter the map if
for purposes of determining Com- their entry square and the adjacent
mand Control. coastal squares are occupied by
American units are penalized 2 American units.
Command Control points for each
17.2 Orders of Battle
0 P AM 50 PRESCOTT 60 300 55 MSK 16,9 1
1 Fr e PUTNAM 50 PRESCOTT 60 250 50 MSK 8,8 1
PUTNAM PRESCOTT 60 250 50 MSK 14,6 1
3 Brewer PUTNAM 50 PRESCOTT 60 150 50 MSK 16,9 1
4 Nixon PUTNAM 50 PRESCOTT 60 150 SO MSK 16,8 1
5 Woodbrde PUTNAM 50 PRESCOTT 60 100 50 MSK 15,8 1
6 Uttle .fU1NAM 50 PRESCOTT 60 100 SO MSK 15,8 1
7 PUTNAM 50 PRESCOTT 60 100 50 MSK 8,6 1
8 Doolttle PUTNAM 50 PRESCOTT 60 100 50 MSK 14,8 1
9 Putnam PUTNAM 50 PRESCOTT 60 200 55 MSK 8,7 1
10 Gerrish
J'1.ON..AM 50 PRESCOIT 60 300 SO MSK 72 1
11 Stark PUTNAM 50 PRESCOTT 60 600 65 MSK 14,4 1
12 Reed PUTNAM 50 PRESCOTT 60 600 SO MSK 14,5 1
Unit. CORPS EFF ,euns
13 Gridley PRESCOTT 35 26PD 5,8 1
14 Trevett PRESCOTT 35 26PD 7,8 1
15 Callnder PRESCOTT 35 26PD 6,8 1

16 LTINr: PICOT 40 HOWE 6U 295 90 MSK 20,1 1
17 Crenadrs PICOT 40 HOWE 60 295 90 MSK 20,2 1
III 5th IT PICOT 40 I lOWE 60 240
MSK 22,1 1
19 38th IT PICOT 40 HOWE 60 240 75 MSK 22,2 1
20 43rd IT PICOT 40 HOWE 60 240
MSK 21,2 1
21 52nd FT PICOT 40 HOWE 60 240 75 MSK 21,1 1
22 47th IT PICOT 40
I I( l\\'[ Ii! 210 M5K
PICOT 40 HOWE W 180 90 MSK 23,3 2
PICOT 40 HOWE 60 140 90 MSK 23,3 2
PICOT 40 IIOWE 60 140 90 MSK 23,3 2
CLINTON 40 HOWE 60 200 75 MSK 21,7 3
ECLINTON 40 I lOWE 60 200 75 MSK 21,7 3
17.3 Bunker Hill Victory Squares
Victory points are awarded for the follow-
ing squares:
8,8 = 300 pts
14,5 = 150 pts
16,9 = 150 pts
23,3 = 500 pts
0,9 =500 pts
8,8 = 300 pts
14,5 = 150 pts
16,9 = 150 pts
17.4 Bunker Hill Strategy and Tactics
Don't move too many units out of their
starting entrenchments. These are valu-
able defensive positions. A good strategy
is to have Reed, Prescott, Brewer, and
Nixon stay put while reinforcing the
southern flank with Woodbridge,
Doolittle, and Stark.
Don't commit Stark or Bridge until
you're sure the British aren't just trying to
draw you out of your entrenchments. By
the end of the first turn, if at least half of
the British units are south of Y row 8, the
British have committed to a southern at-
tack. You can then afford to move Stark
and Bridge out.
Reed is a powerful unit and can hold
the fence on his own for a turn or so, even
against overwhelming odds. Don't with-
draw this unit too soon.
Stark is considered a Divisional Com-
mander who helps Putnam for Command
Control purposes. Use him to keep the
Redoubt area controlled (square 15,9 is a
good place for him). This frees Putnam to
hold the line to the south of Breed's Hill.
T ~ 26PD 21,7 3
75 26PD 21,7 3
_6T'D 21,7 3
One final note, the British are outnum-
bered, but they are much more powerful
than the Americans. Don't expect your
units to be able to stand up to them in the
open. Slowly give ground, but make the
British pay for it.
If the Americans are in the fence and
breastworks (on Breeds Hill) in force, your
only practical option is to swing to the
south of Breeds Hill. If you assault the
fence or breastworks w h i l ~ they are even
moderately defended, you will take dev-
astating losses.
Consider sending five units south on
the first tum, leaving one unit on the road
near the swamp to guard your reinforce-
ment square. Unless the American player
moves to stop you, you should have all
five of these units south ofY row 9. If the
American player does move a unit out to
stop you, you have the strength to destroy
that unit and move on.
Be careful notto move adjacent to Reed
or Stark without a large force. They can
cripple a unit with one volley. Do not
move adjacent to a breastworks or the
redoubt until you are ready to overrun it
by attacking it from at least four sides with
units ordered to melee. Push the Ameri-
can units back behind Breeds Hill being
careful not to overtire your units. You
should be ready to begin overrunning
Breeds Hill about the time that your artil-
lery arrives.
Try to attack the Redoubt through its
flanks. You won't get a flank modifier, but
his fire against you will be greatly re-
duced. After you take the Redoubt, you
should be able to clear the Americans off
of Breeds Hill. At this point you have to
decide whether to go after the fence, Bun-
ker Hill, or both. This decision will largely
depend on how well you have done up to
this point.
Try to have at least one unit adjacent to
the American Player's Victory Squares at
the end of the game.
The Battle of Monmouth game is played in
9 turns. It represents the time from 11 a.m.
until 8 p.m. on June 28, 1778.
18.2 Orders of Battle
18.1 Special Monmouth Rules
The following British units use
American fire charts for fire into
and out of the village and woods
and American woods OP move-
ment costs: 1/1 LT and 2/1 LT.
Wing Commanders function as
Corps Commanders for Command
Control purposes. British Brigade
Leaders act as Division Leaders and
British Division Leaders act as
Corps leaders for Command Con-
trol purposes. The American player
may choose to bring on the optional
Morgan unit(#O). Choosing this
option will give the British player
100 Victory points.
3 HuntMI
4 Scott A
5 Scott B
6 ScottC
7 Wayne A
8 WayneB
9 WayneC
101 N.J.
11 2 N.J.
12 3-4 N.J.
139 PA-JKN
14 Scott
15 Yarn
19 Glover
20 Learned
21 Pattersn
22 Woodford
23 N.C.
24 Poor
25 Huntngtn
Division WING
Lee 40 500 75
Dickinsn 10 Lee 40 400 50
Dickinsn 10 Lee 40 200 50
Dickinsn 10 Lee 40 200 50
Lafaytte 30 Lee 40 500 60
Lafaytte 30 Lee 40 500 60
Lafaytte 30 Lee 40 440 65
Lafaytte 30 Lee 40 350 70
Lafaytte 30 Lee 40 300 80
Lafaytte 30 Lee 40 350 60
Maxwell 20 Lee 40 300 60
Maxwell 20 Lee 40 300 60
Maxwell 20 Lee 40 400 60
Wayne 40 Lee 40 400 65
Wayne 40 Lee 40 400 60
Wayne 40 Lee 40 400 60
Stirling 60 352 60
Stirling 60 401 60
Stirling 60 343 65
Stirling 60 512 60
Stirling 60 294 60
Stirling 60 357 60
Greene 60 385 60
Greene 60 369 60
Greene 60 639 65
Greene 60 509 60
RFL 0,10 3
MSK 47,6 1
MSK 46,6 1
MSK 46,6 1
MSK 44,16 1
MSK 44,17 1
MSK 44,17 1
MSK 45,17 1
MSK 45,18 1
MSK 45,19 1
MSK 44,14 1
MSK 44,1 4 1
MSK 44,15 1
MSK 46,13 1
MSK 46,14 1
MSK 46,15 1
MSK 0,10 5
MSK 0,10 5
MSK 0,10 5
MSK 0,10 5
MSK 0,10 5
MSK 0,10 8
MSK 0,10 6
MSK 0,10 6
MSK 0,10 6
MSK 0,10 6
261MD SmUwood 10 657 70 MSK 0,10 8
272MO Smllwood 10 529 70 MSK 0,10 8
28 Muhlnbrg SmllwoOa 10 575 60 MSK 0,10 8
29 Weedon Smllwood 10 449 60 MSK 0,10 7
it WING EFF it Guns
30 Lee A 60 46PO 46,14 1
31 Lee B Lee 60 46PD 45,18 1
32 LeeC Lee 60 43PD 44,15 1
33 Stirl.A Stirling 60 43PD 0,10 5
34 Stirl.B Stirling 60 26PD 0,10 6
35 Greene A Greene 60 43PD 0,10 6
36 Greene B Greene 60 26PD 0,10 6
Brigade Division SETUP TURN
3716LT.ORG Cornwallis 70 305 75 CRB 50,13 1
38 Q.A.RNGR Cornwallis 70 385 65 CRB 52,10 1
39 1/1 LT Cornwallis 70 350 85 MSK 49,16 1
40 2/1 LT Cornwallis 70 350 85 MSK 49,16 1
41 1/1/BRG Cornwallis 70 290 99 MSK 49,18 1
422/1/BRG Cornwallis 70 310 99 MSK 49,18 1
431/2/BR.G Cornwallis 70 300 99 MSK 49,17 1
442/2/BRG Cornwallis 70 300 99 MSK 49,17 1
45 1 Hess.G Laos 30 Cornwallis 70 330 85 MSK 51.21 1
462 Hess.G Loos 30 Cornwallis 70 400 85 MSK 52,22 1
47 3Ik'SS.G Loos 30 Cornwallis 70 270 85 MSK 53,22 1
48 15/3 Ff Grey 30 Cornwallis 70 300 75 MSK 52,16 3
49 17/3 IT Grey 30 Cornwallis 70 300 75 MSK 52,16 3
50 1/42/3Ff Grey 30 Cornwallis 70 305 75 MSK 52,16 3
51 2/42/3FT Grey 30 Cornwallis 70 300 75 MSK 52,16 3
52 44/3 Ff Grey 30 Cornwallis 70 310 75 MSK 52,16 3
5333/4 IT Agnew 30 Cornwallis 70 350 85 MSK 52,16 3
5437/4Ff Agnew 30 Cornwallis 70 350 75 MSK 52,16 3
55 46/4 IT Agnew 30 Cornwallis 70 300 75 MSK 52,16 3
56 64/4 Ff Agnew 30 Cornwallis 70 410 75 MSK 53,16 3
577/5 Rr: Leslie 30 Cornwallis 70 300 75 MSK 53,16 3
58 26/5 Ff Leslie 30 Cornwallis 70 290 75 MSK 53,16 3
59 63/5 IT Leslie 30 Cornwallis 70 300 75 MSK 53,16 3
60 l/BR.GDS Cornwallis 70 375 85 MSK 53,16 3
61 2/BR.GOS Cornwallis 70 400 85 MSK 53,16 3
Unit it CORPS EFF it Guns
62 All DlV Cornwallis 75 23PD 49,19 1
63 B/l DIV Cornwallis 75 46PD 53,16 3
64 C/1 DIV
Cornwallis 75 46PO 53,16 3
65 0/1 DIV Cornwallis 75 46PO 53,15 3
66 E/l DIV Cornwallis 75 212P 53,15 3
18.3 Monmouth Victory Squares
Victory points are awarded for the follow-
ing squares:
21,10 = 100 pts
21,18 = 100 pts
41,11 = 200 pts
47,21 = 1000 pts
0,10 = 200 pts
6,27 = 200 pts
9,13 = 200 pts
12,17 = 200 pts
15,6 = 200 pts
21,10 = 100 pts
21,18 = 100 pts
33,3 = 200 pts
18.4 Monmouth Strategy and Tactics
Attackimmediately. Don't let your begin-
ning advantage go to waste. Move all of
your artillery to within three squares of
the British line and fire. Consider concen-
trating an infantry assault against his ar-
tillery unit at the onset.
Be prepared to begin retreating at the
end of the second turn. You will have to
keep ahead of the arriving British rein-
forcements. Pull all the way back to the
woods on the hill in front of the hedge. If
losses are heavy, pull back to the hedge.
Y o ~ may haveto sacrifice some rear guard
umts to slow the British advance.
Have one division north of the creek to
stall his progress and use the woods. Your
units have an advantage in the woods.
When your reinforcements arrive, try
to push the British off at least one of the
center objectives and deny him the points
for both.
It is often a good idea to put a 6PD artil-
lery unit on the hill on the southwest part
of the map to take advantage of its height
Be cautious for the first few turns while
the Americans outnumber you, and then
get your units in a position to attack on
turn 3. Use your cavalry to flank the
Americans and cut off their retreat.
When your reinforcements come on
charge hard after the Americans and
chase him to the objective squares as fast
as you can. Your time to attack is after
your reinforcements arrive and before the
bulk of the American units appear.
Once the American reinforcements ar-
rive, you need to switch to the defense.
You want to have your objectives in hand
by this time. Makeasolid line to hold allof
your objectives.
Use your light units to scout the woods
for hidden American units. These Ameri-
cans could get into your rear area and
capture Victory Squares if you bypass
The Battle of Saratoga is played in
seven turns which represent the
time from 1 p.m. until 8 p.m. on
September 19, 1777.
19.1 Special Saratoga Rules
Units cannot move through creeks.
The three bridges on the X coordi-
nate 44 row can be rebuilt by a Brit-
ish unit which is adjacent to them at
end of the turn. If British unit #55
(47th Batt) is routed, then British
units will receive less ammunition
in subsequent turns and the Ameri-
can player will receive 500 Victory
The following British units use
the American fire charts for firing
into and out of woods and pay
American OP costs for woods
movement : L T INF, Rangers,
Q.L.Rngr, K.L.Amer, Canadian,
Iroquois, and Brns Jgr.
American Division Command-
ers act as Corps Commanders and
Brigade Commanders act as Divi-
sion Commanders for Command
Control purposes.
The British Army Commander
acts as a Corps Commander and the
Corps Commander act as Division
Commanders for Command Con-
trol purposes.
At the beginning of the game, the
American player secretly chooses less or if the British move south of y
one of the following options: row 24. No additional victory
- 1. Gates' units may not move points are awarded to either side if
unless British move south of Y row this option is chosen.
24. British lose 200 Victory points if -3. Gates' units are immedi-
this option is chosen. atelyavailable. Chosing this option
-2. Gates' units may move as costs the Americans 600 Victory
soon as the Victory score is -450 or Points.
19,2 Orders of Battle
Brigade Division SETUP TURN

0 3rd Mass Nixon 30 Gates 20 200 65 MSK 29,35 1
1 5th Mass Nixon 30 Gates 20 200 60 MSK 30,35 1
2 6th Mass Nixon 30 Gates 20 200 60 MSK 31,36 1
3 7th Mass Nixon 30 Gates 20 200 60 MSK 32,36 1
4 10th Mass Pattersn 30 Gates 20 200 65 MSK 33,37 1
5 11th Mass Pattersn 30 Gates 20 200 70 MSK 34,37 1
6 12th Mass Pattersn 30 Gates 20 200 60 MSK 35,38 1
7 14th Mass Pattersn 30 Gates 20 200 65 MSK 36,39 1
8 1st Mass Glover 60 Gates 20 200 60 MSK 36,40 1
9 4th Mass Glover 60 Gates 20 200 65 MSK 37,41 1
10 13th Mass Glover 60 Gates 20 200 65 MSK 37,42 1
11 15th Mass Glover 60 Gates 20 200 60 MSK 37,43 1
12 2AL MI Glover 60 Gates 20 400 5 MSK 41,43 1
13 17ALMI Glover 60 Gates 20 400 55 MSK 42,43 1
14 DU&UL MI Glover 60 Gates 20 400 55 MSK 44,44 1
15 2nd N.Y. Poor 60 Arnold 70 200 70 MSK 11,23 1
164thNY. Poor 60 Arnold 0 200 70 MSK 11,24 1
17 1st N.H. Poor 60 Arnold 70 200 65 MSK 7,13 1
182ndN.H. Poor 60 Arnold 70 200 60 MSK 11,20 1
19 3rd N.H. Poor 60 Arnold 70 200 65 MSK 7,14 1
20 CookMI Poor 60 Arnofd 70 2110 65 MSK 11,21 1
21 Latrnr MI Poor 60 Arnold 70 200 55 MSK 11,22 1
22 11th VA Morgan 70 Arnold 70 350 75 RFL 14,12 1
23 Dearbn Morgan 70 Arnold 70 300 70 RFL 15,12 1
241 N.Y. MI Broock 10 Arnold 70 200 50 MSK 41,45 1
252N.Y. MI I3roeck 10 Arnold 70 200 50 MSK 42,45 1
263N.Y.MI BrooCk 10 Arnold 70 200 50 MSK 43,45 1
272ndMass Learned 30 Arnold 70 200 70 MSk 20,28 1
28 8th Mass Learned 30 Arnold 70 200 65 MSK 20,29 1
29 9th Mass Learned 30 Arnold 70 200 60 MSK 20,30
303rdN.Y. Learned 30 Arnold 70 200 65 MSK 21,30
Unit /I
31 BaUer A Gates 50 46PD 29,35 1
32 Battery B
Gates 50 46PD 30,35 1
33 BaUer C
Gates 50 46PD 31,36 1
34 Battery D Gates 50 53PD 34,37 1
35 Battery E
Gates 50 53PD 36,39 1
36 24th Bat Fraser 60 Burgoyne 30 300 80 MSK 4,0 3
37 LTINF Fraser 60 Burgoyne 30 300 80 MSK 3,0 3
38 Grenadr.l 60 Burgoy'!!e 30 300 80 MSK 5,0 3
39 Ranger.! 60 Burgoyne 30 150 85 RFL 2,0 3
40 Q.L.Rngr 60 Burgoyne 30 200 65 MSK 3,0 1
41 K.L.AMER Fraser 60 Burgoyne 30 200 70 MSK 2,0 1
42 Canadian Fraser 60 Burgoyne 30 200 70 MSK 3,1 1
43 Iroquois Fraser 60 Burgoyne 30 200 80 MSK 2,1 1
44 9th Batt Hamilton 60 Burgoyne 30 250 75 MSK 15,7 1
45 20th Bat Hamilton 60 Burgoyne 30 250 85 MSK 14,9 1
46 21st Bat Hamilton 60 urgoyne 30 250 75 MSK 16,9 1
47 62nd Bat Hamilton 60 Burgoyne 30 350 75 MSK 15,9 1
48 Rhetz Riedesel 60 Burgoyne 30 400 75 MSK 44,8 1
49 Specht Riedesel 60 Burgoyne 30 350 80 MSK 44,7 1
50 Riedesel Riedesel 60 Burgoyne 30 400 80 MSK 44,6
51 Bmswick Breyman 30 Burgoyne 30 300 75 MSK 8,0
52 Bms]gr Breyman 30 Burgoyne 30 200 75 RFL 8,0
531BreyGR Breyman 30 Burgoyne 30 250 80 MSK 8,0
54 2BreyGR Breyman 30 Burgoyne 30 250 80 MSK 8,0
55 47th Bat Phillip' 30 Burgoyne 30 200 70 MSK 44,0
56 Hesse-HA Phillip 30 Burgoyne 30 300 70 MSK 44,0
, Guns
57 RES A Burgoyne 75 46PD 8,0 4
58 RESB Burgoyne 75 46PD 8,0 4
59 Center A Burgoyne 75 46PD 15,6 1
60 Center B Burgoyne 75 43PD 15,5 1
61 Left Burgoyne 75 661'D 44,5 1
62 PARKA Burgoyne 75 324D 44,0 4
63 PARK B Burgoyne 75 412D 44,0 4
64 PARKC Burgoyne 75 46PD 44,0 4
65 PARK D Burgoyne 75 4MTR 4,0 4
19.3 Saratoga Victory Squares
options you choose.
Victory points are awarded for the follow-
- If you choose option 1:
ing squares:
Try to push the British north of the ravine
American British
and into the woods centered on 7,2. The
6,11 = 200 pts 6,11 = 200 pts
British will slowly push you back, but the
10,8 = 200 pts 10,8 = 200 pts
longer you can keep the fight in the
13,12 = 200 pts 10,16 = 300 pts
woods, the better your chance of holding
15,5 = 300 pts 13,12 = 200 pts
two Victory Squares at game's end.
15,9 = 200 pts 16,39 = SOO pts
- If you choose option 2:
44,0 = 500 pts 29,37 = SOO pts
You must be aggressive at the onset. Try
42,45 = SOO pts
to take three of the four objectives around
19.4 Saratoga Strategy and Tactics
the woods in 10,10. Deny the British the
15,9 objective. This will allow Gates to
move up the road on turn 2.
What you do depends on which of the
You should have at least two objectives by
the end of the game and should have con-
trol of all four center objectives.
- If you choose option 3 :
Push the British as far north as you can
early on and keep pushing until you have
taken the bridge at 15,5. If you don't hold
all four center objective squares, you are in
danger of losing the game.
Overall, unless you need them to attack
in option 2, send the 1st and 3rd N.H. into
the woods at 5,5 and 5,6 to slow the prog-
ress of the British skirmishers. Keep your
rifles at a range of 2 from the enemy units.
Watch out for the British artillery. He
has artillery immediately and you don't so
be careful how you move in open terrain.
Remember that except in the BASIC
GAME, hecan move his artillery up to you
and fire it.
If you manage to push the British
across the ravine, set up a defensive line
on its south side.
If you are playing with hidden units, you
won't know which option the American
Player has chosen until you see some of
Gates' units move.
Hold the hill at 15,9 if at all possible. It
provides Victory points and is an excellent
place to put artillery. From here, artillery
can fire on the American rifle units and
support attacks against two objectives.
Close with his rifle units and attack
them from adjacent squares. His rifles
aren't much better at one square range
than they are at two square range. Your
muskets are much better when they're
adjacent. If you don't drive off the rifle
units, they will pick your units to death
throughout the game.
Don't let the American units advance
too far into the woods near where your re-
inforcements enter or you will be trying to
dig them out for the rest of the game.
Hold the hill, try to hold the road at
10,4, and hold the woods as far south as
you can. Square 8,3 should be sufficient.
Remember that your artillery gives
you an advantage in the open while your
opponent has an advantage in the woods.
Unless you are prepared to take a big
gamble, don't move down the road by the
river. This could activate Gates' units and
bring them into the game at no Victory
point cost to the Americans.
20.1 Command Control
Determining Command Control is a
multi-stepped process. These steps in-
clude determining the distance from a
unit to its leaders and determining its
leaders' Command Control Effect.
20.11 Distance from Leader and
Base Number
For every square a unit is away from its
Divisional Commander, it is penalized 5
points up to a maximum penalty of 35
points (7 squares). For every square a unit
is away from its Corps Commander, it is
penalized 1 point up to a maximum of 10
points (10 squares).
Units which are in the same square as
their Corps Commander (or adjacent to
that square) are not penalized for being
away from their Division Commander.
The total number of points a unit is pe-
nalized is divided into 28. The number
which results from this division (the quo-
tient) will be modified as necessary to
provide a Base Command Control Num-
ber between 0.5 and 1.5. Numbers below
0.5 will be modified up to 0.5. Numbers
above 1.5 will be modified down to 1.5.
Numbers between 0.5 and 1.5 will be
rounded down as needed to produce a
number with only one decimal point
(EXAMPLES: 1.27 would be rounded
down to 1.2, 1.326 would be rounded
down to 1.3., and 0.599999 would be
rounded down to 0.5).
20.12 Leader Bonuses and Command
Conrtol Effect
Each leader has a base Bonus rating which
is stated in the Order of Battle. At the
beginning of each turn, a random number
from 1 to 64 is generated (this is affected
by level of play, Main Menu option H) and
is added to each leader's bonus (the ran-
dom numbers may be different for differ-
ent leaders). The results of this are an-
nounced during the Command Control
Phase at the beginning of each turn when
each leader is given a rating ranging from
Confused!!! (worst) to Confident (best).
This total of bonus plus random is used to
determine each leader's Command Con-
trol Effect as follows:
Random Plus Message Given
Bonus Effect on Screen
0-50 -Q.3 Leader Confused!!!
51-71 -Q.2 Leader Indecisive!!
71-90 -0.1 Leader Cautious!
91+ 0 Leader Confident
20.13 Determining Final Command
A unit's leaders' Command Control Ef-
fects are subtracted from its Base Com-
mand Control Number to arrive at its
Final Command Control rating. The fol-
lowing example illustrates this proce-
dure. Note that Command Control is only
determined once per turn - during the
Command Control Phase.
The examples below involve the bri-
gades of Scot, Varn, and 9 PA-JKN of
Wayne's Division of Lee's Corps (Wing).
During the Command Control Phase,
Lee is declared CAUTIOUS! and Wayne is
declared INDECISIVE!!. Wayne's bri-
gades are situated as follows (#4 is a unit
from a different division but the same
# 2
- -
#4 #3
- -
The #1 unit has the leader Wayne at-
tached to it. The #4 unit belongs to a dif-
ferent division and has Lee attached to it.
The #1 unit is 0 squares away from its
Divisional Commander and 2 Squares
away from its Corps Commander. It is
penalized 0 points for the distance to its
Divisional Commander and 2 points for
the distance to its Corps Commander. Its
base number is 28 divided by 2 (28/2) or
14. This is rounded down to a Base Com-
mand Control Number of 1.5.
The #2 unit loses 20 points for being
four squares away from its Divisional
Commander and 4 points for being four
squares away from its Corps Commander.
Its base numberis 28 divided by 24 (28/24)
or 1.16. This is rounded down to a Base
Command Control Number of 1.1.
The #3 unit loses 10 points for being
two squares away from its Division Com-
mander and 2 points for being two squares
away from its Corps Commander. Its base
number is 28 divided by 12 (28/12) or
2.333. This is rounded down to a Base
Command Control Number of 1.5.
The #4 unit is not penalized for being
away from its Division Commander and is
in the same square as it Corps Com-
mander. With 0 penalties, its Base Com-
mander Control Number is 1.5.
Since Lee was declared CAUTIOUS!!,
all units in his corps have 0.2 subtracted
from their Base Command Control Num-
ber. Since Wayne was declared INDECI-
SIVE!, all units in his division have 0.1
subtracted from their Base Command
Control Number.
Units #1 and #3 then have a Command
Control Rating of 1.5 (Base) minus 0.2
(Corps Leader Effect) minus 0.1 (Divi-
sional Leader Effect) for a Final Command
Control Rating of 1.2.
Unit #2 has a Command Control rating
of 1.1 (Base) minus 0.2 (Corps) minus 0.1
(Division) for a Final Command Control
Rating of 0.8.
Unit #4 belongs to a Division with a
CONFUSED!!! commander. Its Com-
mand Control is computed as 1.5 (Base)
minus 0.2 (Corps) minus 0.3 (Division) for
a Final Command Control Rating of 1.0.
Note that while units stacked with the
Commander are not penalized for
20.2 Operation Points
being away from their Division Com-
mander, they are still affected by the Divi-
sion Commander's Command Control
Effect Rating.
A unit's Operation's Points on any particular turn are determined by its Command
Control Rating, its Morale, and a random number as illustrated by the following table:
Control 30 Morale 60 Morale 90 Morale
.5 8 8 8
.6 8 8 8-9
.7 8 8-9 9-10
.8 8-9 9-10 10-11
.9 9-10 10-11 11-12
1.0 10-11 11-12 12-13
1.1 11-12 12-13
1.2 12-13 13-14 14-15
1.3 13-14 14-15 15
1.4 14-15 15 15
1.5 15 15 15
20.21 Operation Costs Tables
Entered For: DIS.CA V. COL CAY. ART. ART
Clear, Ridge,
Bridge 4(5) 2(3) 1(2) 2(3)
Breastworks, Hedge,
Rough, Village
Fence 5(7) 3(5) 3(5) 4(6)
Woods[1] 6(8) 4(6) 5(7) 6(8)
Road[2] NA 1 1 1
Wa!er P P P P
Ravine 6(8) 4(6) 4(6) 6(8)
Town P P P P
Swamp 7(9) 5(7) 6(8) [3]
Creek 5(7) 3(5) 3(5) 5(7)
Higher Elevation +1 +1 +1 +2
Per Leve1[4]
EnterZOC +3 +3 +1 +3
LeaveZOC +1 +1 +1 +1 P"
ZOC to ZOC[5] +2 +2 +2 +2
[I] Most British units pay one additional OP to enter woods
[2] To be elit'le for road movement rate, a unit must be in CO umn, Mounted, or Umbered for-
mation and moving either horizontally or (not diagonally) from one road square to
another. Infantry in line/dismounted cavalry pay 0 for the normal (non-road) terrain type in
the square.
(3) Requires all of the units OP. May only be entered if the unit performs no other action that
phase and has a minimum of lOP.
[4) Penalty is for each change in elevation. Entering a square that is one elevation higher would
cost one additional OP. Entering a square which is two elevations higher will cost two addi-
tional OP and so on.
[5] To be eligible for zoe to zoe movement, the unit must be entering a friendly-occupied
square. Movement penalties are cumulative. The moving unit must pay the cost to leave a
ZOC, plus the cost to enter a zoe! plus the zoe to zoe movement cost, plus the normal cost to
enter that terrain type. zoe to zoe movement is normally permitted for units with insufficient
OP to pay the movement cost, if it is the only action the unit performs in a phase and if that unit
has at least lOP.
Numbers shown in parenthesis 0 are for diagonal movement.
P = Prohibited.
NA = Not Applicable.
" Not applicable in BASIC GAME.
20.22 Other Operation Costs
Action OPCost INF." INF.
Performed For: DlS.CAV. COL
Change Facing +1 0
Change Formation to
Column, Mounted, or
Limbered" 2 NA
Change Formation to
Line, Dismounted, or
Unlimbered" NA 4
+8" P
Fire in Rre Phase 2 2
Melee (attacker) 4 4
Melee (defender) 4 4
(6) Used in ADVANCED GAME only.
NA = Not Applicable.
P'= Prohibited.
" Not applicable to BASIC GAME.
20.3 Fatigue Table
Fire and Melee Combat
Infantry and Cavalry
Enter Gear, Village, Bridge,
Rough, or Road" square
Enter Woods, Swamp, Creek,
or Ravine Square
Cross Fence or Hedge
Enter Higher Terrain
+ 1 per elevation gain
"Only applies if unit is eligible for road movement rate. Units in road movement have a 50
percent chance of getting 1 Fatigue point per move. Units not using road movement are penal-
ized Fatigue cost for the non-road terrain type of the square.
20.4 Efficiency Table
Unit moved onto by Routing unit
Unit moved onto by retreating unit
Unit retreats
Unit stacked with unit that Routs
Per casualties of 3 men-
Unit changes formation
Unit changes formation in ZOC
Unit Advances
For units with less than 400 men. If a unit has over 400 men, the Efficiency loss is equal to: 2/
3(men lost) x 400/(# of men in unit).
20.5 Weapon/Range Casualty Table
WEAPON TYPE ABBREV. 1 2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-12
Rifle RFL 3.5 3 .5 0 0 0
Musket MSK 3 .5 0 0 0 0
Carbine eRB 2 0 0 0 0 0
3 Pound Gun 3PD 4.5 2.5 1.5 1 0 0
6 Pound Gun 6PD 8.5 4.5 3.5 1.5 1 .5
12 Pound Gun 12P 15 7.5 5.5 3.5 1.5 1
24 Pound Gun 24P 19 9.5 7 4.5 2.5 1
Mortar MTR .5 .5 3 4.5 1.5 .5
The number under the range column for each weapon type is the number of casualties that
weapon will inflict at that ninge per 100 men or per gun firing. These casualties are modified by
other factors. Refer to Section 20.6.
20.6 Fire and Melee Strength Modifiers Table
Gear 1.00
British" units in woods or village 0.90
American units in woods or village 0.60
Ravine 0.80
Breastworks/Redoubt 0.70
Swamp 1.00
Hedge/Fence 0.70
"Some British units fire as American. Refer to scenario special rules.
Gear, Swamp, Hedge
Units in woods
INF in Breastworks/Fence/Redoubt
Mounted Cavalry
Dismounted Cavalry
American Column [II
American Line
British Column (1]
British Line
Limbered [II
[1) Allowed to Melee Defensive Fire only .
May only defend in melee and with this modifier.
Artillery Woods to Woods [2] 0.20
Melee Defensive Fire 1.SO
Disrupted unit [I] O.SO
Routed unit [1] 0.05
Out of ammunition [1] 0.30
Per 10 points of attached leader bonus [3] +.10
Command Control As given
Per 20 points of Fatigue -.10
Per 20 points of Efficiency less than 100 -.10
Per artillery gun for each man less than 16 -.06
Unit attacked through its Flanks [1] 0.15
Target unit is Flanked 1.SO
(1) Melee Defensive Fire only.
(2) Replaces other woods penalties.
(3) INTERMEDlA TE and ADVANCED Games only.
NA = Not Applicable .
May only defend in melee and with this modifier
20.61 Elevation Fire Modifiers
Firer 1 Elevation higher than target
Firer 2 Elevations higher than target
Firer 3 Elevations higher than target
Firer 4 Elevations higher than target
Firer 1 Elevation lower than target
Firer 2 Elevations lower than target
Firer 3 Elevations lower than target
Firer 4 Elevations lower than target
O.SO ....
O.SO ....
As given
20.62 Additional Fire and Melee
Strength Modifiers
Ammo Blow Up!: Artillery units which
suffer an Ammo Blow Up have their
ammunition reduced to O.
Leader Bonus: A leaderwitha bonusof20
would multiply casualties by 1.2.
Target Density: For every 20 men over 200
in the target square, casualties are in-
creased byO.01. Forevery20men less than
200 in the target square, casualti es are
decreased by 0.Q1 .
Density of Firing Unit's Square: For ev-
ery 20 men over 200 in the firer's square,
casualties inflicted by that fire are red uced
by 0.01. For every 20 men under 200 in the
firer's square, casualties inflicted by that
fire are reduced by 0.01. Does not apply to
artillery fire.
Fortification level: The unit firing into the
fortification is penalized .10 per level of
fortification. Firing at a unit in a level 3
fortification would reduce casualties by
30 percent.
Efficiency: For every two points a unit's
Efficiency is belo w 100, its fire is penalized
by 0.Q1. A unit with an Efficiency of 60
would have its fire multiplied by 0.80.
EXAMPLE: A 500 man unit with an Effi-
ciency of 60 would have the same fire
power as a 400 man unitwithan Efficiency
of 100 (excluding all other modifiers).
Fatigue: For every two points of Fatigue, a
unit's fire is penalized by 0.01. A unit with
a Fatigue of 10 would have its fire multi-
plied by 0.95. EXAMPLE: A SOO man unit
with a Fatigue of 10 would have the same
fire power as a 475 man unit with no Fa-
tigue (excluding all other modifiers).
Command Control: A unit' s fire is multi-
plied by its Command Control Number.
Excluding all other modifiers, a 500 man
unit with a Command Control of .8 would
fire as a 400 man unit with a Command
Control of 1.0 (SOO x .8 = 400. 400 x 1.0 =
400), and a 300 man unit with a Command
Control of 1.5 would fire as a 4SO man unit
with a Command Control of 1.0 (300 x 1.5
= 4SO. 450 x 1.0 = 450).
Artillerymen: Each gun requires 16 artill-
erymen to fully support it. When a gun
has less than 16 artillerymen, its fire is
reduced proportionately. EXAMPLE: a
gun with 8 men would have its fire multi-
plied by O.SO. (8 = 0.50 of 16).
Unit Outmaneuvered: Units occupying a
woods square may be outmaneuvered by
enemy units which move into an adjacent
wood square. Unit's which have been out-
maneuvered have their fire power halved
for that Combat Phase.
Successful Attack: A unit which moves
next to an enemy unit may receive a suc-
cessful fire bonus in the following Combat
Phase. The bonus increases the unit's fire
power by 50 percent.
Maximum and Minimum Modifi-
ers: All modifiers are cumulative
with a maximum of 2.00 and a mini-
mum of 0.16. Exception: there is no
minimum modifier for file by
routed units.The 3 times modifier
for fire from breastworks is applied
after other modifiers. It is not sub-
ject to the normal 2.00 maximum
modifier restriction.
20.63 Fire and Melee Strength
A unit's fire causes a number of casualties
equal to the number indicated on the
for the type and numberofweapons firing
multiplied by all modifiers.
A unit firing under the following con-
ditions would receive the indicated modi-
fiers (all modifiers are multiplied to-
-Target is 2 elevations higher than firer= 0.77
-Firer Density = 0.90
-Target Density = 1.00
-Firer has. 75 Efficiency = 0.87
-Firer is in Breastworks = 3.00
-Firer has leader w/ bonus of 20 = 1.20
-Firer has 30 Fatigue = 0.85
-Target is in Breastworks = 0.40
-Firer has Command Control of 1.3 = 1.30
TOTAL =0.96
In this example, a 400 man unit that is
armed with muskets and firing at a 200-
man target 1 square away would inflict 11
casualties. The equation for this is:
Casualties per 100 men with muskets/one square
range =3
TlDles number of men firing divided by 100 = 4
TlDles all modifiers" 0.96
Ox4xO.96 - 11.52) rounded down" 11.
20.7 Melee Results Table
The attacker's modified strength is di-
vided by the defender' s modified strength
to determine the odds which govern the
losses and retreats from melee. The odds
of 2 to 1 are considered the break-even
point for losses. The defender or attacker
(not both) may retreat according to the
chart below. The American is checked
first and then the British (provided the
American does not retreat).
% Chance % Chance
Attacker Defender
ODDS Retreat Retreat
<0.3 60 10
0.3 to 0.49 50 20
0.5 to 0.99 40 30
t.O to 1.99 30 40
2.0 to 2.99 20 50
3.0 to 3.99 0 60
4.0 to 4.99 0 70
5+ 0 80
20.8 Disruption Table
A unit has a chance of being disrupted based on the number of men in the unit and its
number of losses (LS). The chart below gives some examples:
100 0 - 5 LOSSES
200 0 - 10 LOSSES
300 0 - 15 LOSSES
400 0 - 20 LOSSES
10LS l5LS 20LS 25LS 30LS
10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
10% 20% 30%
10% 20%
20.81 Disruption Recovery Table
Recovery from disruption is based on Command Control and whether or not a unit is
in an enemy zoe.
Command Control
20.9 Rally Table
The higher a unit's Morale and Command Control, the greater its chance to recover
from Rout (Rally). See the following chart for examples of percentage chance to Rally.
Control 30
.5 41%
.6 43%
.7 45%
.8 47%
.9 49%
1.0 51%
1.1 53%
1.2 55%
1.3 57%
1.4 59%
1.5 61%
Each turn is subdivided into a number of
phases which appear in the following
1. The Command Control Phase in which
Command Control and Operation Points
are determined. This is done randomly in
and by formula in the ADVANCED
2. The Reinforcement Phase in which rein-
forcing units enter the game map.
3. The American Player First Operation
Phase when the American player moves
units and gives them combat orders.
4. The First Combat Phase when combat is
5. The American Player First Recovery /
Rally Phase in which American units re-
cover from the effects of combat and
American Operation Points are aSSigned.
6. The British Player First Operation Phase
when the British Player moves units and
40 60 80
45% 53% 60%
47% 55% 62%
49% 57% 64%
51% 59% 66%
53% 61% 68%
55% 63% 70%
57% 65% 72%
59% 67% 74%
61% 69% 76%
63% 71% 78%
65% 73% 80%
gives them combat orders.
7. The Second Combat Phase.
8. The British Player First Recovery/Rally
Phase in which British units recover from
the effects of combat and British
Operation Points are assigned.
9. The American Player Second Operation
10. The Third Combat Phase.
11. The American Player Second Recov-
ery /Rally Phase.
12. The British Player Second Operation
13. The Fourth Combat Phase.
14. The British Player Second Recovery/
Rally Phase.
15. The Victory Determination Phase
when points for casualties and terrain
objectives are totalled.
Major phases may be subdivided into
minor phases (Example: 10.6 Combat
Bunker Hill British Organizational Chart
2,746 men (2,650 men, 96 artillerymen) 6 guns
6 guns
Grenadiers 295
Sth FI' 240
38th FI' 240
oL3rd FI' 240
52nd FI' 240
47th FI' 240
63rd lkG 180
11M UcG 140
2/MUcG 140
xx 400
63rd FI' 200
Bunker Hill American Organizational Chart
3,296 men (3,200 men, % artillerymen) 6 guns
3,296 I
6 guns PESCOIT
1 .... ... . ..............
: ....................... :
FRYE 250
REED 600
Battle of Bunker Hill
In late May, 1775, General Gage's force
in Boston was reinforced from England,
binging it to a total of about 6,500 men.
With the British reinforcements came
three major generals of considerable
military experience and reputation who
were to play leading roles in the
Revolution - William Howe, Henry
Clinton, and John Burgoyne. All were
anxious to take the offensive and get
what Burgoyne referred to as "elbow
room." However, it was the Colonials
who first took the initiative and, on the
night of 16 June, 1775, threw up
entrenchments on Breed's Hill on the
Charelston isthmus overlooking Boston
from the north. The original intent had
been to fortify Bunker Hill, nearer the
narrow neck of the isthmus, but for
reasons not clear even today they
decided to move in closer. Nevertheless,
Bunker Hill was to give its name to the
battle that ensued.
In moving onto Breed's Hill the
Americans placed themselves in a
position where they could easily have
been cut off had the British landed in
their rear at the neck of the isthmus. But
other councils prevailed in Boston. Gage,
with the approval of Howe, to whom
tactical control was entrusted, decided
on the morning of 17 June that the rebels
must be dislodged before they could
complete their works. Scorning
elaborate maneuver, he evidently
calculated that the ill-trained American
Militia would diSintegrate when faced
with disciplined Regulars and that such
a defeat administered in a direct attack
on the hill would show the rebels the
futility of resisting British power.
Howe's force of around 2,200 men was
ferried from Boston to Charlestown and
in midafternoon on 17 June began the
attack on the American front and flanks.
The Americans behind their
entrenchments held their fire while the
British Regulars sweated up the hill
under their heavy packs. When the
redcoats came within 50 yards, they
opened a devastating fire. Twice the
well-formed British lines broke and
retreated, leaving large numbers of
killed and wounded on the fireld. By
this time the Americans were nearly out
of powder, and a third British attack
with bayonets carried the hill. The
Militia, without bayonets or other means
of close-in defense, withdrew across the
neck of the isthmus to the mainland. But
Howe's victory had cost him more than
1,000 casualties to the American's 400,
and his forces were too disorganized to
undertake a pursuit. His experience at
Bunker Hill made Howe thereafter wary
of attacking Amereicans in fortified
positions, even under the most favorable
circumstances. The British again retired
to Boston and the siege was resumed.
Bunker Hill was more notable for the
failure of both sides to observe the
principles of war than for intelligent
military leadership. In moving onto
Breed's Hill the Americans exposed an
important part of their force to
destruction in an indefensible position,
violating the principles of concentration
of force and maneuver. They also
violated the principles of unity of
command, for to this day, no one can say
what their command structure was. The
British, for thier part, sacrificed all the
advantages the American blunders gave
them by violating the principles of
maneuver and surprise, undertaking a
suicidal attack on a fortified position
rather than cutting it off from the rear.
On the other hand, the untrained Militia
showed surprising steadfastness in the
face of attack by Regulars, and the
rapidity with which the entrenchments
were dug on Breed's Hill evidenced a
proficiency in the use of the spade
unknown and unencouraged in
European armies. On another score,
Bunker Hill created a dangerous myth
that untrained and hastily raised Militia
were the equal of trained troops under
any circumstances, a myth to which the
future course of the Revolution and our
national history was many times to give
the lie.
(This section on Bunker Hill was
HISTORY 1607-1958, a Department of
the Army ROTC Manual published in
1959. ROTC Manual No. 145-20, July 17,
1959, U.s. Government Printing Office)
X 1000
Monmouth British Organizational Chart
8,436 men (7,490 men,256 artillerymen, 690 cavalry) 16 guns
X 1410
X 890
X 3365
Laos ,
XX 3365

16 LT Dragoons 305 1 Hessian G. 330
Queen Anne Rangers 385 2 Hessian G. 4CO
1/1 LT 350 3 Hessian G. 270
2/1 LT350
1 /1/BR.G 290
2/1/BR.G 310
1 /2/BR.G 300
2/2/BR.G 300
I/BR. Guards 375
2/BR. Guards 400
15/3/FT 300 .
1/42/2 FT 305
2/42/3 FT 300
7/5 Rille 300
26/5 FT290
63/5 FT300
37/4 Fr350
46/4 Fr 410
Monmouth American Organizational Chart
12,719 men (12,271 men, 448 artillerymen) 28 guns
16 guns LEE
xx 800
xx 2400 XX 1000 XX 1200
II 500
6 guns
6 guns L--r-_.J
1 PENN.BO 352
2 PENN.BO 401
3 PENN.BO 343
HUNTR. 200
POOR 639
1 MO.B0657
2 MO.B0529

1 N.J. 300 9 PA-JKN 400
2 N.J. 300 SCar.BO 400
3 N.J . 400 VARN.BO 400











.. -







One day after Lt. Gen. Henry Clinton
was appointed Commander in Chief of
British forces in America, he received
orders to abandon his base in
Philadelphia and move to New York.
The entry of France into the war
(prompted by the British defeat at
Saratoga) had forced the British to shift
their forces. Ointon was to ship out
much of his army to guard more
important territory.
News of the coming move caused
much concern among the Tory
population of Philadelphia that had
remained loyal to King George. Fearful
of reprisals from the rebels once the
army withdrew, the Tories prevailed on
Clinton to move them as well. The
addition of the Tories and their baggage
forced Ointon to change his plans.
Ordered to go by ship, he instead
put the Tories and a small force aboard
the available transport and marched the
rest of his force, along with a 12-mile
long wagon train, out of Philadelphia
and into New Jersy.
The Americans under Lt. Gen.
George Washington had been waiting
for the move. Washington knew that
Clinton's forces would be dispersed
during the move. This could provide an
opportunity to fall on the British and
defeat them in detail. It was also
possible that too bold a move could
bring the colonials, still recovering from
a winter at Valley Forge, into a major
battle with the main British force. A
battle they could lose.
The Americans harassed the British
from all sides during the move.
Marching under a sweltering June sun,
Ointon rested his force for one day (J une
27) at the small town of Freehold where
the Monmouth County Courthouse was
located. The transport had delivered the
Tories safely to New York and Ointon
had decided to change his line of march
to meet the transports at Sandy Point
and finish the move by ship. This
decision greatly reduced the risk of
American attack. It also reduced the
time Washington had to act.
Advance American units under
Charles Lee were ordered to engage the
British rearguard. Skirimishing had
occured throughout the morning of June
28 with the first significant dash coming
between the British Dragoons and the
American 9th Pennsylvania infantry
around noon.
As contact between the two forces
increased, Clinton became concerned
that his wagon train, moving through a
narrow ravine, might come under attack.
He also saw an opportunity to turn and
punish the American forces which had
been dogging him throughout the move.
Many American units were fighting
under new commanders. Lee, who led
the force, had been opposed to going
after Clinton aggressively and this
caused friction between he and
subordinate commander Anthony
Wayne. American infantry units were
fighting from the cover of forest while an
accompanying artillery unit fought from
clear ground. The artillery unit
eventually ran out of ammunition and
Other American units, seeing the
only visible friendly unit falling back,
decided to withdraw also. This left the
American forces under Marquis de
Lafayette (whom Washington had
wanted to command the action) isolated
north of Freehold. Lee found himself
unable to halt this unauthorized
withdrawal and it continued for
sometime until it brought him into
contact with Washington at Tennent
Church at about 2 p.m.
Knowing that the British were
advancing, Washington formed a line
along a ridge. Behind the ridge and
protected from fire, he placed a reserve.
The strength of these forces was
increased by units that had retreated
from the fight around Freehold.
While Washington was forming his
line, Wayne had been positioned to blunt
the British attack. His force. was broken,
but rallied behind a hedge row long
enough to prevent the rest of Lee's men
from being cut off.
Around 3:30 p.m., forces under
Nathaniel Greene arrived on the
American right flank. Greene occupied
Comb's Hill which permitted him to
place artillery to rake the British line.
Clinton launched a main attack
against Washington'S line at around 4
p.m. His guard and foot units moved
against Washington's center, but they
failed to break the Americans who were
greatly aided by the flank fire provided
by Greene's units.
Clinton tried to send a flanking
force around the American left, but these
encountered an American line and were
The heat and fatigue took their toll
and the battle eventually faded into an
artillery duel in which the American
guns, with the advantage of height, had
the advantage.
At about 5 p.m., Clinton decided to
break off the action and withdraw.
Wayne attacked the rear guard, but was
repulsed. The Americans failed to
pursue vigorously, and the British
boarded the ships to New York.
A temperature of % degrees was
recorded at Freehold on the day of the
battle and a total of nearly 100 men (both
sides) are listed as having died of
sunstroke during the battle.
After Monmouth, Clinton did not
conduct a major campaign until his
capture of Charleston in 1780.
Saratoga British Organizational Chart
6,192 men (5,600 men, 592 artillerymen) 37 guns
37 guns.
r r I r
XXX 1850 XXX 1100 XXX 1150 XXX 1000
PHll1lP I
24 rn 300
20th 250
21st 250
~ ~ O O
BRUN!>WJ:KD) 47t h 200
Saratoga American Organizational Chart
7,402 men (7,050 men, 352 artillerymen) 22 guns
4,304 I GATES
22 guns .... -......,.--....
3rd MASS 200
5th MASS 200
6th MASS 200
7th MASS 200
10th MASS 200
11th MASS 200
12th MASS 200
14th MASS 200
3,450 I ARNOLD
O: G:
2nd MY 200 11 th V A 350
4th NY 200 DEARBORN 300
lstNH 200
2nd NH 200
3rd NH 200
1st MASS 200
4th MASS 200
13th MASS 200
15th MASS 200
2 ALMI400
17 ALMI400
lNY MI 200
2NY MI 200
2nd MASS 200
8th MASS 200
9th MASS 200
3rd NY 200
Battle of Freeman's Farm
To follow up the successes against the
forces of George Washington, the British
planned a three pronged assault into
New England in 1777. The major thrust
of this assault was to be against Albany
where General John Burgoyne would
lead a column south from Canada to
meet up with a column led north from
New York City by General William
Burgoyne began his movement with
over 9,000 men. This force grew smaller
as he was forced to leave units behind to
garrison forts he had captured along the
way. His advance delayed by American
forces, Burgoyne found himself growing
increasingly short of supplies. To allevi-
ate this, he detached a strong force to
capture supplies from the Americans.
This detachment was defeated with a
loss to Burgoyne of over 1000 men.
In the meantime, the second prong, a
smaller force from Canada, had been
forced to turn back. Howe failed to
advance from New York City and
Burgoyne's situation was growing des-
Advancing south toward Albany on
Sept. 13, he encountered the forces of
General Horatio Gates entrenched on
Bemis Heights west of the Hudson
At 11 a.m., Sept. 17, the Battle of
Freeman's Farm (part one of the Battle of
Saratoga) began with a British advance
on the American position.
The British intended to seize a hill on
the American left flank and use it as a
base for artillery to support a wheel
around the American left that would
result in a flank attack. This was to be
accomplished by two British columns
while a third attacked near the river to
keep the Americans pinned there and
unable to react to the British moves.
The British advance was made diffi-
cult by several days of rain which had
made the ground muddy and treacher-
ous and by the wild terrain which frag-
mented the British Army as it moved.
Gates was content to wait in the en-
trenchments for the British assault. Gen-
eral Benedict Arnold convinced Gates to
permit him to advance against the Brit-
ish forces moving against the American
Special skirmish units under Colonel
Daniel Morgan moved forward and took
up positions in front of Freeman's Farm.
These units were contacted by two Brit-
ish columns at about 1 p.m. Two New
Hampshire regiments moved to rein-
force Morgan and Arnold led a counter
attack against the British at about 2 p.m.
The counterattack failed, but Morgan's
units continued to hold on.
Arnold led another counter attack at
around 3:30 p.m., this one against the
center of the middle British force. The
attack went well until Brunswick infan-
try and artillery appeared on Arnold's
flank and forced him to fall back into the
The fighting sputtered out as dark-
ness fell. American losses were around
320 while Burgoyne lost approximatley
560. Gates had kept 4,000 men in his
entrenchments who had not fired a shot
during the battle.
Burgoyne fell back and entrenched to
wait reinforcements and resupply.
When this didn't happen, he attacked
again on Oct. 7 and was again defeated.
His force reduced to only 6,000 and
surrounded by 20,000 Americans, Bur-
goyne surrendered to Gates on Oct. 17.
This British defeat prompted France
to openly assist the Americans against
the British. As part of this, a treaty of
alliance was signed which eventually
brought France into the war against
By Robert S. Billings
Young Captain Henry Dearborn
couldn't keep himself from jumping
when he heard the ship's cannon fire. He
knew it would be firing behind him at
the narrow string of land the locals
called the "Neck." The inexperienced
young man was the leading company
commander of Colonel John Stark's new
regiment of New Hampshiremen, and
he was trying hard to look equal to the
role. So he didn't turn when he heard the
large cannonball strike the ground and
splash off into the sea. He prayed it
hadn't hit one of the men marching
gamely along behind him.
Directly ahead he saw the slight, erect
back of Colonel Stark. The man must be
made of steel, he thought. Here they
were, marching almost the entire regi-
ment across that skinny stretch of land
right under the guns of what seemed to
Lieutenant Dearborn to be most of the
British navy-and Colonel Stark was
plodding along as casually as if he were
bringing the cows home for milking.
Of course, a couple of decades ago
Colonel Stark had been second-in-com-
mand to Major Robert Rogers' in the
Rangers; he'd been captured by Indians
and gained their respect while living
with them. He was one of the few old
professionals in that band of rank ama-
teurs that had gathered to hem the Brit-
ish inside their Boston base.
They were a noisy, quarrelsome lot,
these Johhny-come-lately soldiers, and
Captain Dearborn knew how contemp-
tuously those professional British sol-
diers, quartered in Boston just a few
hundred yard away, must look down
their noses at them. It was true these
gawky, untrained bumpkins had given
the British professionals a bit of a scare
for just a short time there, coming back
from the raid on Lexington and Con-
cord. Those know-nothing soldiers were
swarming over the countryside like bees
in honey-making time, sniping from ev-
ery tree and stone wall, and for just a
few minutes the proud professionals
had broken into a wild retreat. In fact for
a moment there it looked like the red-
coats might be done for, that they had
chewed off a little too much to chew and
they were about to gag on it. But then
the wildly retreating redcoats had met
the reinforcements coming up with artil-
lery and fresh infantry, the situation had
been stabilized, and the retreat had re-
sumed in a more orderly fashion.
Neither Captain Dearborn nor his
colonel had been there-they were too
far away up in New Hampshire to make
it in time. But they'd all heard about it.
And for a moment they had really felt
they might be the equal of those military
profeSSionals after all.
That had been many weeks ago, and
since then a lot of people had been hav-
ing second thoughts. Captain Dearborn
had heard some of the old soldiers talk-
ing-veterans of the fighting in the
French and Indian wars. They knew the
score. They knew in an'open-field,
stand-up battle, ragged bands of civilian
soldiers tended to evaporate very
quickly when confronted by old pros
with wickedly glinting bayonets and
earth-shaking artillery. But those old
veterans, many of whom had fought
alongSide the professionals in the suc-
cessful Canadian campaign in the six-
ties, were still here, many like John Stark
leading regiments of these clumsy
farmboys and awkward mechanics.
Captain Dearborn figured that they
wouldn't be here if there wasn't some
chance for these hay-foot-straw-foot
neophytes in their attempt to challenge
His Majesty's mighty military machine.
Only Captain Dearborn hadn't
thought it would come so soon. This un-
ruly mob of civilians had scarcely had a
chance to learn to execute those simple
close-order drill patterns the old pros
could do in their sleep-and without the
ability to execute those commands a
mob of men could't even be lined up to
fight a battle, to say nothing of maneu-
vering under fire during one.
Still, here was Colonel Stark, plod-
ding along in front of him, apparently
undisturbed by the blasting guns, the
frightening rush of cannonballs-and
just over there a few hundred yards
away, thousands of redcoats were
probably even now preparing to cross
the strip of water and take their revenge
for that harried march back from Con-
cord. Colonel Stark had fought along-
side those redcoats once. He knew them
well-and he also knew what the New
England farmboy could and couldn't do.
Colonel Stark was a practical, hard-
headed man. He wouldn't go charging
off on a fool's errand. And he didn't look
scared or intimidated by all that British
Captain Dearborn envied him his
calm, sure presence. Back there coming
across the Neck the captain had sug-
gested perhaps they should hurry across
this highly exposed spot. But Colonel
Stark had not increased his pace, had
calmly told his subordinate that he
wanted his men fresh for the battle they
were going into, for one fresh man was
worth ten exhausted ones. And he'd
kept on at the same determined, unhur-
ried pace he had been setting.
Captain Dearborn felt his face
muscles twitch instinctively as another
cannon bellowed behind him. Maybe
Colonel Stark knew something he didn't,
maybe there was a chance for them after
It was now nearing mid-afternoon,
and the men Stark's regiment were
marching up to support had been up
there on the hill all day and had lost any
feelings of military glory they may have
started out with. When they had been
formed up and marched out in the
middle of the previous night there had
been a certain grand sense of moving up
to a rendezvous with history. But the he-
roics had evaporated pretty fast when
they had arrived, hardly knowing where
they were, and had been handed picks
and shovels and told to dig. They knew
the British were there not far off across
the water, and before many hours it
would be dawn. Then the British would
see their clumsy efforts at fortification-
and on they would come to teach the
farmboys turned soldiers a lesson. With
all those cannon-bearing ships lying just
off shore, the amateur soldiers had
damn well better be ready. It was going
to be no time for amateurs then. So they
had pitched in and dug with a will.
Many myths about the Battle of Bun-
ker Hill have been carried down the
years. One of them is that the Yankees
had suddenly decided, just sort of for
the hell of it, to tweak the king's beard-
to go out and build a fortification on
Charlestown Heights. The decision had
actually been made only after careful
consideration-and for a very specific
military purpose.
The situation at Boston was this: Af-
ter the Concord raid the British had had
to fight their way back to Boston. They
had made it-but now they were
trapped there. New England militia had
poured in by the thousands, and they
were now in hastily built fortifications
surrounding the city. The British had the
city and access to the outer world
through the ships of the Royal Navy.
And there they sat, all five thousand of
them, hemmed in by a cloud of con-
temptible rabble, poorly armed and with
insufficient ammunition-but still out-
numbering the British perhaps three to
The British leadership couldn't accept
this stalemate for long. One thing the
British did have was experienced gener-
als. There was Thomas Gage in overall
command. His was
Sir William Howe, and next in line was
General Henry Clinton. Both men were
destined to have a later try at the overall
command role. Finally there was Gen-
eral John Burgoyne, due for an all-im-
portant role in a later campaign. To-
gether they had agreed on a plan to
bring this ridiculous rebellion to an end.
They would launch a sudden attack
on the end of the American lines, then
roll the panicked amateurs up toward
their center in Cambridge. The date had
already been chosen: June 18.
But one thing the Colonials had was a
good intelligence-gathering system.
They had lots of friends still inside Bos-
ton, and important military information
had a way of leaking across the short
span of water that surrounded much of
Boston. And the system hadn't failed to
leak a prompt warning of the coming at-
At first glance the Colonials would
seem to have little to worry about. They
would outnumber the attacking British
by 3 to 1 or better. And the redcoats
would have to attack them in their forti-
fications. That was favorable odds for
the defense, even in those days.
But all the Colonials weren't ama-
teurs; there were some mili-
tary minds among them-men who had
fought alongside the British against the
French and who knew how quickly un-
trained militia can dissolve when con-
fronted by an army of hard-bitten pro-
fessionals, their discipline enforced with
the lash by officers unconcerned with
the "liberties" of their subordinates. So
far not much training had been going on
among many of the American regiments.
The privates seemed too busy electing
and unelecting their officers as it struck
their fancy, and getting into fights with
"foreign" militia-any who lived more
than a few miles from their own home
town. How would this rabble behave
when confronted with ranks of hard-
eyed professionals with bayonets?
Obviously some of the more experi-
enced American officers thought they
had a chance or they wouldn't be there.
But few had any illusions this was going
to be the joyous picnic a grade-school
textbook today can make it appear. They
knew they were not leading men who
could face odds a professional army
could face and still stand and fight un-
disturbed. Those who had been in on the
"rout" of the British retreat from Con-
cord knew how fast the sniping Coloni-
als had scattered when British reinforce-
ments with cannon had appeared on the
Old Artemus Ward, commanding the
Americans, was no dashing, heroic
leader-but he was nobody's fool either.
He knew if his untrained, poorly armed
forces ever had to face the redcoats in a
stand-up, open-field battle, even a 3-to-l
advantage wouldn't help much. It was
quite probable that a good part of the
Colonial soldiers couldn't even get
themselves into a proper formation and
faced in the right direction to fire one
voHey at the enemy.
No--something would have to be
done to try to preempt that British at-
tack. If it wasn't stopped before it got
started, considering how many miles of
fortifications the Americans had to man,
any reasonably competent British officer
should be able to get enough local supe-
riority to make the panicking novices
take to their heels. And with such a mob
of an army, let panic start anywhere on
the field and you'd never get it stopped.
But what could be done? To use these
raw recruits to actually attack any part
of the British in their bastion would be
outright insanity.
Two officers with considerable expe-
rience in the French and Indian wars had
been trying to get the leadership council
to consider their plan. General Israel
Putnam-"Old Put," Indian fighter, hot-
head, and a leader of Connecticut
troops-and a fellow veteran of the In-
dian wars, Colonel William Prescott, had
suggested that the Americans should
send a force to construct a fortification
on Charlestown Heights. This position,
on the northern flank and staring
straight across the water into the streets
of Boston, would be bound to put snarls
into any British attack plan. The whole
venture initially had struck the Colonial
leadership as too risky-too much like
what they might expect for Old Put. But
that was before this new intelligence of
an imminent British attack had reached
them. Now they would have to rethink
the whole thing.
After much deliberation Old Put was
told to go ahead. Colonel Prescott was
ordered to take his own regiment and a
few other troops, march them to Char-
lestown the night of June 16-17, and dig
a fortification there. The whole
operation would be under the command
of General Putnam.
And so they had set out, marching at
midnight, accompanied by an engineer
and former member of the British army,
Colonel Richard Gridley, who would lay
out the fortification for them.
The place they were marching to was
a strange location for a battlefield. Char-
lestown was en a peninsula that jutted
out like a triangular bottle with a narrow
neck connecting it to the mainland. It
was barely one and a quarter miles long,
and its breadth at the base of the triangle
was about same distance. The town of
Charlestown (now evacuated by most of
the citiZens) was at the southern end of
this broadest part. The peninsula at its
closest point was only separated from
Boston by 600 yards of water. Except for
the town and a few farmhouses, most of
the land was open fields separated by
many fences and stone walls. It was
used to pasture cows. Some of the tall
grass had been cut but had not yet been
carried away.
The little triangle actually contained
three hills: Bunker Hill, the tallest, barely
a half-mile from the Neck; Breeds Hill,
the next tallest, a little more than a half
mile further on toward the base; and fi-
nallya small mound called Morton's
Hill near the eastern shore-only 34 feet
When the three officers (the engineer
Gridley, Old Put, and Colonel Prescott)
arrived at Bunker Hill there was a hur-
ried conference. There was a difference
of opinion about which hill the men
should begin fortifying. The original or-
ders had specified Bunker Hill. Prescott
wanted to follow the orders directly.
Putnam felt both Bunker and Breeds Hill
should be fortified. But time was slip-
ping by while they talked, and Gridley
said they must start the work immedi-
ately to have work on the redoubt far
enough along by daylight for defensive
use. It was finally decided to start the
work on Breeds Hill immediately, while
Putnam would try to get reinforcements
arriving later to complete the works on
Bunker Hill. The decision made, the men
were set to work.
The pattern drawn out on the ground
by Gridley was of a typical earthwork of
the day, a redoubt about 180 feet across
at its longest, with certain portions jut-
ting outward on the front and sides.
There was a sally port toward the north-
east corner, and a narrow entrance to-
ward the rear. Earth was simply dug out
from the inside and piled up on the pe-
rimeter. Then a ditch was dug just out-
side the perimeter and that dirt too
added to the "walls." Any attackers
would have to first cross the open space
leading up to the redoubt, go down into
the ditch and then up and over the
walls-all this under a fire that could
begin as soon as the defenders cared to
trust their aim and their muskets.
The side of the fortress toward Char-
lestown faced a steeper slope which
would be difficult to attack. But the
slope on the other side of the hill was
more gradual, and here Gridley drew a
breastwork extending about a hundred
yards from the fort to a swampy area be-
low it. Men would be required to man
this line in order to protect the flank of
the redoubt. Below this breastwork was
at least two hundred yards of open field
which led down to a steep drop-off and
a strip of beach. There was no time now
to worry about this space-and no men
to station there anyway.
Throughout the night the men
worked-part with the picks and shov-
els, the rest standing guard. As streaks of
light began to spread over the eastern
sky, the anxious officers wondered if
they would be ready in time. Once it was
really light, once the British saw them
digging away there .... they had no idea
what to expect-but they were sure it
wouldn't be pleasant.
Suddenly there came to the digging
men the boom of a cannon, then the tear-
ing sound of a cannonball flying through
the air. The men ducked, dropped tools,
dove for cover inside the half-con-
structed fortress.
They could have saved themselves
the trouble. It was a wild shot in no dan-
ger of striking anyone. But they knew
there would be more to come. There
were a number of British warships off-
shore where they could train their guns
on this new insult to British rule of the
Colonies. Throughout most of the morn-
ing the guns had kept up their harassing
fire. Though an irritant, it still had done
little damage-except for blowing one
man's head off and a leg off a second.
The navy was under separate control-
combined operations under a single
command was far in the future. And this
British admiral didn't want to get his
larger ships in too close. He had no accu-
rate soundings of the area-specially of
that section of water inside the pen in-
sula---and he didn't want to run the risk
of having a ship go aground at low tide.
Furthermore, much of the coastline of
the peninsula was a vast mudflat, espe-
cially at the Neck. This factor would not
only make ships stand off, but it would
also be important in limiting the choice
of the British landing spots.
Across the few hundred yards of wa-
ter the higher-ranking British officers
were quickly called together to discuss
what should be done. General Gage
wanted the views of his ranking gener-
als. General Howe, next in line of com-
mand, suggested transporting a good-
sized body of troops to the peninsula,
landing them on the clear space near
Morton' s Hill, and then attacking and
driving out the troublesome diggers.
General Clinton, next in line of com-
mand, didn't like that long stretch of
open ground the redcoats would have to
cover before hitting the redoubt in its
front. Much better, he thought, to land
nearer the Neck and then take the struc-
ture from behind.
General Clinton had a point-but
there were arguments against landing
near the Neck. The mudflats there were
one problem. Would the redcoats be any
better off landing where they had to wal-
low through many weary yards of
mud-almost surely against a waiting
Howe' s proposal was chosen, and he
was placed in command of the
operation. He hastened to select the
units he would need.
But there was no reason for a hurried
embarcation--they would have to wait
for the tide to be high enough to let the
boats float over the mud and up close to
hard ground before making their land-
ing. It would be mid-afternoon before
the attack could be made. Plenty of time
to prepare those who were chosen to go.
The troops chosen for the operation
were the 5th, 38th, 43rd, 47th, and 52nd
regiments, together with a battalion of
Marines. Ten companies of light infantry
and ten companies of grenadiers would
go as separate formations. All men
would prepare three days' rations to
carry with them. The orders went out to
the chosen men.
Why load the men for an attack with
so many rations? The answer was
simple. General Howe didn't like giving
up that matvelous attack against the en-
tire American line that had been planned
for the following day. So if these rebels
could be driven off their hill in panic-
why not just keep going, right into the
larger plan? And if they did, the soldiers
would have their rations for the whole
operation with them.
The troops had been assembled at
11:30. Then came the tedious task of
loading them into the fleet's row boats
for the short trip across the water. At one
o'clock the boats were pushed off from
the whatves and set out for the Char-
lestown peninsula-twenty-eight boats,
two abreast, making stately progress
past the the booming guns of His
Majesty's ships. These guns now in-
creased the intensity of their fire. It was
all a grand sight to the watching British
still in Boston-and a heart-stopping one
to those amateur soldiers waiting on the
hill by their newly dug redoubt. They
had tweaked the giant's beard-and the
giant was now coming out to show them
what happened to men who thought
they could do that and live to tell the
While all these British preparations
had been proceeding, the men on the hill
hadn't been idle. They had continued to
dig through the growing heat of the day.
Once the redoubt was finished their
work wasn't through. Next they had to
prepare the breastwork which was to jut
out from the side of the redoubt to cover
the left flank. The right flank, where the
land sloped more steeply two hundred
yards down to the closest point of the
Charlestown buildings, was to be left
unfortified . Some small bodies of men
were dispatched to conceal themselves
in the buildings on the near edge of the
town. There they should be able to snipe
at any troops attacking the redout's
right. A large barn, about two hundred
yards behind and to the right of the re-
doubt, was chosen as a post for addi-
tional men to harass any unit attacking
on the Charlestown side.
There had been a feeble attempt to
match some of the heavy British cannon
fire. The Americans had managed to
drag four small cannon up to the re-
doubt. There they found no platforms
had been prepared for the guns. After
considerable delay, firing platforms were
final\y prepared for two cannon. The
men hoisted two cannon onto the plat-
forms and, after more delay, final\y got
off a few ineffective rounds-with little
damage to the British, but with enough
force to cause a firing platform to col-
lapse. Prescott wearily told Captain Gri-
dley, the artillery commander, to take the
cannon outside and fire them. The
Americans managed to fire a few more
ineffectual rounds-stirring up a hor-
nets' nest of British return fire that sent
the gunners scrambling for safety. Gri-
dley promptly decided to withdraw to
Bunker Hill-though he said Captain
Cal\ender, who commanded the other
two guns, could stay if he wished. This
was clearly not a glorious day in the an-
nals of American artillery.
There were other events which did
not bode well for the Americans. A short
time before, the other two regimental
commanders in the redoubt, Colonel
Bridge and Colonel Bricket, had an-
nounced that they were too exhausted to
stay any longer- intended to retreat to
some of the houses in the right rear. As
soon as they had left, most of their men
began to drift away.
Even Old Put turned out to be a nega-
tive factor at one point. Shuttling back
and forth from the redoubt to Bunker
Hill to the American command post at
Cambridge, alternately roaring and beg-
ging for reinforcements, water and sup-
plies for the men on the hill, the fiery
little man at one point insisted that
Prescott have all the entrenching tools
carried back to Bunker Hill, so the men
there could dig in. Prescott wearily
warned him that if he did so, he would
never get the men back again to fight the
British when they finally appeared. Still
General Putnam insisted. Prescott com-
plied-and just as he had predicted, his
little band was further depleted as the
tool carriers, on reaching Bunker Hill,
promptly refused to return to the re-
doubt. Colonel Prescott, still up there on
the hill trying to inspire his remaining
troops, all of them now desperate for
water after their continuous exertions on
one of the year's hottest days, must have
often wondered what he was doing
there and why he stayed. If he did, he
kept those wonderings to himself, for he
and his much depleted force grimly pre-
pared to do what they could when the
British unloosed their attack.
There were, however, a few positive
events in the morning's dreary march
toward disaster. One seems hardly
worth mentioning-but in this strange
war of inspired but ineffectual amateurs
against indifferent but disciplined pro-
fessionals, no one could tell what might
suddenly make a difference. A civilian
doctor, so stylishly, indeed almost fop-
pishly dressed he must have looked out
of place among the sweat-stained, ex-
hausted men in the redoubt, appeared
suddenly on the scene.
Hearts beat a little faster and spirits
rose as the men learned it was Dr. Joseph
Warren, spiritual and political leader of
the rebels in the Boston area. Although
just made a general in the army, he as yet
had no command and had come out to
serve as a "volunteer" in the forces fight-
ing for freedom. A handsome, high-spir-
ited leader, dedicated to the American
cause but possessed of a dynamic force-
fulness that made even hard work and
sacrifice a kind of joy, Dr. Warren raised
the spirits of all who came in contact
with him. He had made the de::ision to
come so suddenly he hadn't even had
time to say goodby to the young woman
he was engaged to marry.
But perhaps the biggest positive fac-
tor, at the very moment the British
troops were being rowed to their landing
spots, was plodding along the road lead-
ing from the Neck up to the redoubt. It
was Colonel John Stark and his New
Ham pshiremen.
General Artemus Ward, commander
of the American forces in the Boston
area, had been resisting Old Put's clamor
for reinforcements all morning. He had
to keep his main defenses manned, he
reminded the fiery little hothead. He
could not strip any part of them to help
Prescott, because the moment he did, the
British might send a sudden attacking
force straight at the weakened point,
burst through, and leave the untrained
civilians with a determined, professional
enemy in their midst. And once the line
had been broken, there was no telling
what these amateur soldiers might do.
Still General Putnam implored some-
one to send support to the men who had
marched bravely up onto that hill, confi-
dent in the belief they would not be left
there unsupported.
Finally the Committee of Safety, civil-
ians and amateurs as they were, took a
hand in the game. Send them support,
they ordered Ward. Perhaps this was the
beginning of a treasured American tradi-
tion-the subordination of the military
to civilian leadership. At any rate, it was
obviously the right decision-and none
too soon.
Ward, willing enough to follow the
orders of his civilian leadership, sent
word to the two regiments closest to the
Charlestown location to move up in sup-
port . He could not have made a better
choice. They were Colonel Reed's and
Colonel Stark's regiments. Tough, no-
frills New Hampshiremen, they had
come to fight and wouldn't hang back.
Furthermore, since Colonel Reed was
absent, the New Hampshireman in com-
mand would be one they all looked up
to with awe and admiration-Indian-
fighter, Ranger, and single-minded
democrat, Colonel John Stark.
Now he was approaching the top of
the hill where the the redoubt perched.
He had arrived not a moment too soon.
One glance of those sharp eyes, long
accustomed to the dangers of warfare on
the frontier, told him what must be done.
The hilltop was well protected by the
redoubt. The right flank had the steep
slope and the parties Prescott had sent
out into the Charlestown buildings. Al-
though these detachments had brought
the 500 men in the redoubt down to
barely 150, the position was formidable.
But on the left flank the position must
have struck his veteran's eye as desper-
ately weak.
From the redoubt's left side down to
the water was a gradually sloping quar-
ter-mile of largely open terrain. Only a
hundred yards of it were defended by
the breastwork, which ended in a
swampy area near a road running the
length of the perimeter. So there were
over two hundred yards of open terrain,
crossed by occasional fences, for the Brit-
ish to use as a route to get around the re-
doubt and cut it off from the rear.
About a hundred yards to the rear of
the redoubt, running from the road
down to the beach, was a rail fence. Here
a small force, perhaps 200 men, under
Captain Knowlton had been posted-
but it was dearly too small to man the
position against a disciplined British at-
tack. In a moment Stark had made his
decision and had his men in motion to-
ward the crucial area.
First he told his men to take cut hay
from the field and stuff it between the
rails of the fence. Stuffed hay wouldn't
stop much-but it might create an illu-
sion of a strong defense in the eyes of the
Stark's regiment was the biggest in
the army---800 men. And he also had
Colonel Reed's regiment, of New Hamp-
shiremen. These tough frontier hunters
and farmers would give a good account
of themselves in a fight.
But his experienced eye had picked
up another disturbing detail. The fence
ended at a sharp drop-off over a beach a
dozen feet wide at high-tide. It was a
small passage way-but a protected one,
and just the kind he suspected the Brit-
ish might use to get into the American
rear. Again, he made his decision
He personally led 200 men down
onto the beach and told them to extend
the fence line with a stone wall, using
stones removed from nearby fences.
Meanwhile, Colonel Gridley had re-
turned and set men to work on three V-
shaped "f1eches" -built from fence rails
and placed to cover the exposed area be-
tween the end of the breastwork and the
start of the rail fence (which was a
hundred yards to the rear of the
breastwork). General Putnam had even
found two cannon, abandoned by the
American artillerymen near Bunker Hill,
and had ordered some infantrymen to
drag the pieces back and place them
near the "f1eches."
Suddenly they were ready. What had
been a hopelessly undermanned and
spotty defense was suddenly a nearly
solid line, bristling with men, guns at the
ready, waiting for the great test of ama-
teur soldier against the professionals.
It was about two-thirty now. The Brit-
ish troops had landed at Morton's Point
and were forming up for their attack.
General Howe had made his own deci-
sions. He would not, as popular myth
has it, send his men stupidly across open
terrain in a routine frontal assault. Fron-
tal assaults were too suicidal, too prone
to heavy casualties for an intelligent,
weIl-trained general to rely on when any
alternative was available. And General
Howe's eye had also picked out that pas-
sageway down the beach.
It was as Colonel Stark had thought.
General Howe ordered his ten compa-
nies of light infantry to form in a tight
column and go racing down that narrow
strip of beach. The first few ranks would
probably be shot, but if the charge was
made with speed, courage, and determi-
nation, surely over 300 men were bound
to overrun a stubby stone wall manned
by a few amateur soldiers with inaccu-
rate, slow-loading muskets.
Meanwhile General Pigot would
mount a diversionary attack on the other
flank, sending the Marines and the 47th
regiment into the space between Char-
lestown and the redoubt-threatening to
break into the fortified position from this
direction. Pigot would also direct the
38th and 43rd regiments in a gradual
advance on the redoubt itself.
General Howe would lead the main
British assault, with the 5th and 52nd
regiments in an attack against the rail
fence and the breastwork. They would
let the light infantry go in first-and
then shove home their attack while the
light infantry was disrupting the entire
American position.
With drums rolling and fifes playing
merrily away, the lines started their in-
exorable movement ahead. The Ameri-
cans could do little but watch them ap-
proach. The defenders were woefully
short of ammunition-and they dared
waste no shot until their targets were
well within range.
General Howe didn't want to push
his regulars. He was content that their
advance should appear a steady, invin-
cible procession. Let the amateurs sweat
a little. But most of all, Howe wanted to
delay until his massed column of light
infantry struck with lightning rapidity,
overwhelmed the few defenders at the
improvised stone wall, and broke
through to cut the enemy off from the
Though they could not see what was
happening down on the beach, a wild
shout let Howe and his troops know that
the light infantry column had closed and
were in the last few yards of their attack.
There was a roar of musket fire. It would
be bad-but in a moment they would be
through. Then a second and third roar of
gunfire followed the first. What was
happening there? Were they through?
Were the Americans scrambling with
empty muskets to escape those bayonets
flashing in the sun?
Not with Colonel Stark running the
show. As the light infantry had poured
down that narrow strip of beach, he had
kept tight control of his men, not letting
them fire until the British were almost on
them. Then when they fired there was a
tremendous volley and the leading
ranks were cut down as if by a giant
But they were professional soldiers.
They wavered but did not break. Think-
ing they were now charging into empty
muskets, they rushed on.
But Colonel Stark had been way
ahead of them. On the narrow strand of
beach it wasn't necessary for all of his
men to fire in each volley to cut down
the leaders. As soon as the first rank of
Americans had fired they were replaced
by a second, and then a third rank. There
was no respite. Experienced troops or
not, no one could withstand such a
storm of lead. The British light infantry
wavered, broke, and ran-some of them
all the way back to their boats. They left
ninety-six of their number dead or dying
on the beach.
When General Howe learned of the
failure of his light infantry, he knew he
was in for it. He could not stop now,
could not give these amateurs such an
easy victory. There was no other choice.
He had to ram home his own frontal at-
tack. High casualties or not, these rebels
must be made to see what they were up
The long lines of redcoats continued
their advance. On the British left, where
Pigot was mounting the feint against the
Charlestown side of the redoubt, the
troops advanced slowly, harassed by fire
from those Americans concealed in
buildings or behind walls. No matter.
The real attack would be thrown in by
Howe's troops on the right-led by the
grenadier companies, their ranks filled
with the tallest of the soldiers, made
more frightful by the grenadier hats that
towered above them.
Stark had warned his men not to
shoot until the advancing ranks were
close enough for the ammunition-short
Americans to make every shot tell. They
were told to shoot low--and to aim first
of all for the men with the shoulder
straps. Eliminate the officers first, he told
them, and the men will have trouble re-
Closer the awesome redcoated ranks
came, clambering over the last stone
wall in their way. Then again there was a
blast from hundreds of rifles. The British
lines were thinned. They stopped and
fired, loaded and fired again. But great
blasts of musket fire were tearing at
them as they stood in the open. The
Americans, most of their bodies con-
cealed behind their hay-stuffed fence
rails, suffered few casualities and contin-
ued to load and fire. First the grenadiers
and then the regulars behind them were
falling in great masses, leaving huge
gaps in their line. Many officers were
down-though Howe himself seemed to
lead a charmed life, there in the midst of
the fire.
Finding the attack on the beach
routed and the grenadiers and regulars
decimated and stopped, Pigot halted his
feint on the right flank. The entire line
had to fall back to reform.
The Americans were ecstatic. Some
leaped over the rail fence to pursue-but
cooler-headed officers called them back.
The amateurs had stopped the awesome
assault of the British regulars. But the
few veterans among the Americans
knew it wasn't over. Those regulars
would be back.
Indeed they would. In a few short
minutes Howe had his lines reformed
and once again ready to assault. No
more troops would be wasted on the
beach this time. All available troops
would be in line, from the grenadiers,
the remaining light infantry, and the
regulars of the 5th on the right to the
Marines on the left. General Pigot's
troops would advance to take the
redoubt; the troops under Howe would
attack the rail fence and the breastwork.
This time the regulars knew it would
be no easy rout of frightened amateurs.
But they advanced gamely toward those
muskets waiting behind the rail fence,
the breastwork, and the walls of the
redoubt. Once again the Americans held
their fire, waited until their enemies
were perfect targets a few feet away.
Then again the blasts ripped up and
down the line, tearing gaping holes in
the British formation. Howe stood
among dead and wounded officers,
urging the men on. It was heroic but it
did no good. His men once again stood
and tried to match the American fire,
tried to send those damned rebels
scurrying to the rear. But the British
formations were dissolving more every
second they stood there.
Pi got's men were having no more
success against the redoubt. Prescott's
defenders met the <;\ttacking regulars
with a steady fire. Still they came on.
Then Prescott had his men hold their fire
this time while the redcoats advanced to
within thirty feet . Suddenly a sheet of
flame erupted from the redoubt. The
British lines, staggered, then slowly fell
The Americans had held on every
side. Could it be that such rank amateurs
would be able to hold their position
against the best the British regulars
could throw against them?
But there were a few hints of trouble
to come. Ammunition, for one thing. It
was getting very low, and promised
resupply was nowhere in sight.
American casualties had again been few,
and their leadership was intact. But
where were the reinforcements that had
been promised-had indeed actually
been ordered forward?
Many were milling about on the
mainland side of the Neck, afraid to run
the gauntlet of cannon fire. And those
who did get across rarely got beyond
Bunker Hill, where hundreds of men
milled about or clung to the ground.
Almost all work on the fortification of
the hill position had ceased. The
gallantry of the forward troops had been
almost past belief-but it couldn't get
those hundreds in the rear area forward
to lend a hand in writing a noble finish
to the action.
Many British officers were hoping
Howe would now give the attack up.
Losses had been far greater, in relation to
the number of troops involved, than in
any battle in recent British history. But
Howe felt he must try at least once
more. So he sent word to General
Clinton to forward reinforcements.
Clinton not only did so (sending the
63rd Regiment and a second marine
battalion) but came himself.
The next attack was a longer time
getting ready. Howe waited for the
reinforcements, meanwhile getting as
many of the wounded as possible started
back to Boston. And there were plenty of
Howe this time decided to change his
tactics-the attack would still have to be
a frontal one; there was no other way
open now. But the weight of the blow
would be shifted to the left . It was hoped
Pigot would be able to break into the
redoubt on the Charlestown side. Howe,
meanwhile, would only feint at the rail
fence and then turn in toward the
redoubt at the spot where the fence and
the breastwork were separated by an
area of over a hundred yards-the fence
being that far to the rear of the
So once again they were in motion,
Pi got's men pushing ahead while the
town of Charlestown, set afire some time
before, blazed away on their left and
rear. Scattered Americans who had been
in the town still clung to cover of any
sort and sniped at the attackers. But
these defenders now were few and had
to retreat as the British lines approached
them. It wasn't long before these small
parties had ceased to hold back the flow.
The British lines were now closing on
the redoubt.
On the other flank, part of Howe's
men feinted at the rail fence, keeping the
attention of the defenders, while others
turned in toward the flank of the
Still Prescott's men held on in the
redoubt. But their ammunition was now
not merely in short supply-many
defenders had already fired their last
round. Still they held on, while those
who had any ammunition left fired
away. Others resorted to breaking open a
few leftover artillery charges for the
But the British were now at the ditch,
where the defenders who did have a
loaded musket could not easily fire at
them. Still the defenders of the redoubt
did not retreat, even as the redcoated
soldiers were climbing the walls and
jumping down into the crowded inner
There followed a brief but vicious
struggle of bayonet against slugging
musket butt. The inside of the redoubt
was so filled with smoke and dust that it
was hard to tell friend from enemy.
Prescott knew it was now hopeless to
stay. Redcoated soldiers were entering
from all sides, were pouring around the
redoubt to get behind it. There was only
one thing to do-let those who could get
out save themselves while they could.
It is surprising how many did make it
to the narrow exit. They poured out in a
disorganized mob and most of the men
back toward Bunker Hill. They
had one piece of good luck. As they
exited, British soldiers were closing up
on the rear from both sides and the
Americans fled between them. The
British could not fire for fear of hitting
their own men only a few feet away,
coming up from the other direction.
Another act of courage helped. Dr.
Warren, fighting like a demon, inspired a
few men to stay behind with him and
fight on. Amazed at this foolhardly
obstinacy, the redcoats had to stop and
fire a full-scale volley to blast away this
little group. Dr. Warren and others were
the delay had given the
retreating Americans time to get out of
effecive range.
The escape of the defenders of the
redoubt was also aided by those men
who had stayed at the rail fence. Colonel
Stark, when he saw the redoubt had
fallen, cooly kept his men in hand,
ordering them to retreat slowly, firing as
they went. It was a retreat, but it was no
rout. Other pieces of regiments, arriving
too late to save the redoubt, helped form
a rear guard. They were a welcome
addition, for unlike many of the men
who had fought so long and hard at the
rail fence, these new arrivals were well
supplied with ammunition. All the way
back to Bunker Hill, this rear guard kept
the semblance of a formation, holding
back the attacking British and making
possible an orderly retreat.
But there was no stopping at Bunker
Hill. The hundreds of soldiers who had
been watching from there scampered
back across the Neck to relative safety.
Then came the men from the redoubt,
and finally the gallant defenders of the
rail fence. Colonel Stark's men held
together until they were back across the
Neck, while the British regulars
swarmed up and over Bunker Hill.
It was a victory, of a kind. But it was
the kind of victory the British leaders
would hope never again to see.
The Americans at first were
despondent at their apparent failure. It
was only later, as they learned more of
what havoc they had created in the
orderly formations of the British
regulars, that they could begin to see
how positive were the results of their
desperate ninety-minute struggle.
For they had accomplished their
purpose: the carefully planned full-scale
assault of the British on the entire
American position, scheduled for the
very next day, had to be abandoned.
Then there were the tremendous
casualties suffered by the British. Of a
little over two thousand men committed
to battle, the British lost 1,054 killed and
wounded. An expected rate of battle
casualties for the British army at the time
was one in eight. They had here lost
almost fifty percent of their force.
The Americans had not come off scott
free. They had lost 441 men killed,
wounded, and captured. But the
amateur soldiers had withstood the
mighty charge of the British regulars
twice-and might have withstood it
again if their ammunition had not run
The British professionals had the
hill-for what it was worth. But never
again would a British commander throw
his men against prepared and well dug-
in American troops with reckless
abandon. It was now a hard and bloody
business, and neither General Howe nor
General Clinton, when each in tum had
succeeded to the top command post in
the colonies, could ever put that bloody
ninety minutes out of his mind. It would
haunt them, make them cautious when
boldness might have served them better.
These amateurs, they had taken on the
professional soldiery of the British
Empire-and somehow had stayed and
fought until the professionals had been
taught a lesson they would never forget.
And as dusk closed around the
Charlestown peninsula that evening,
young Captain Dearborn, novice soldier
and Johnny-<ome-lately battle leader,
knew that he had passed his first test of
fire. What he could not know then was
that many years later, when John Stark
had become the last living general of the
Revolution, the young amateur captain
would have himself risen to command,
under the President, the entire military
force of the fledgling nation.
Thomas J. Fleming. NOW WE ARE
ENEMIES: The Story of Bunker Hill. St.
Martin's Press, New York, 1960.
Richard Frothingham. History of the
SIEGE OF BOSTON and of the
Capo Press, New York, 1970.
Richard M. Ketchum. DECISIVE
DAY: The Battle for Bunker Hill.
Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1974.
ABORT: The cancellation of orders so
that OP costs for movement caused by
those orders are recovered. The only
orders which may be cancelled are
those which have been given to the
currently accessed unit since its most
recent access. Where a game is played
with hidden units and where the cur-
rentlyaccessed unit has moved to un-
cover a hidden unit, there is a 4 OP cost
for this uncovering that is not recovered
by aborting the orders.
ACCESS: To take control of a unit so
that it may be given orders.
ACTIVA TED: Units which may be ac-
cessed and moved. Units which are not
activated may be given Fire orders and
may have their Facings and Formations
changed. Units which are not activated
may not be moved. A ppears in the Bun-
ker Hill and Saratoga Battles.
ADV: Advance.
ADVANCE: The movement of a unit
into an adjacent square which that
unit's fire/melee attacks have forced an
enemy unit to retreat from during the
preceding fire or melee phase. This
movement occurs during the Advance
Phase. Units receive an Efficiency bo-
nus when they advance and there is no
OP cost for this movement.
ADVANCE PHASE: Combat sub-
phase which follows the Retreat Phase
and precedes the Melee Defender's Fire
sub-phase and the Recovery/Rally
Phase. The sub-phase when advances
are conducted.
AMMO: Ammunition.
AMMUNITION: An abstract measure
of the supplies needed for a unit to fire
its weapons. Each timea unit fires in of-
fensive, defensive, or melee fire, it
spends one point of this supply.
Ammunition is only a factor in the
ARMY: The highest level of organiza-
tion for combat units. An army is made
upofcorps. Also a term used to refer to all
combat forces of a side.
ATTACKER: The player (or his units)
whose Operation Phase preceded the
current combat phase. The phasing player
or that player's units.
PHASE: The combat sub-phase in which
the phasing player's artillery units deliver
their normal fire.
bat sub-phase in which the phasing
player's infantry and cavalry units deliver
their normal fire.
BA TT ALlON: The lowest level of organ i-
zation for combat units. Two or more
battalions make up a regiment.
BREASTWORKS: Prepared defensive
positions which give a combat advantage
to any units which occupy them. Similar
to fortifications except that they are not
constructed by a unit during the game,
give offensive and defensive benefits to all
units in the square, and may be occupied
by different units during the course of a
BRIGADE: A level of unit organization
between a regiment and a division. Bri-
gades are made up of two or more regi-
CARBINE: A short, smoothbored firearm
carried by cavalry units.
CC: Command Control.
COLUMN: An infantry formation that
gives better mobility and melee strength,
but more vulnerability to fire attacks.
Used in the INTERMEDIATE and AD-
V ANCED Games only.
COMBAT: The process of resolving fire
and melee orders that results in casualties,
retreat, disruption, and rout. Occurs dur-
ing the combat phase.
COMBAT PHASE: A phase which fol-
lows every Operation Phaseand precedes
each Recovery /Rally Phase.
measure of the amount of influence com-
manders have over their subordinate
units. Partially determines how far a unit
will be able to move and its ability to en-
gage in combat.
COORDINATES: The X,Y address of
each square on a game map.
CORPS: A high level of unit organization
between a division and an army. Corps
consist of two or more divisions.
CRB: Carbine.
CURSOR: The white rectangle that may
be moved about the screen by the player.
DEFENDER: The player (or his units)
whose Operation Phase did not precede
the current Combat Phase. The non-phas-
ing player and his units.
DEFENSIVE FIRE: Any fire by the non-
phasing player's units delivered during a
Combat Phase.
sub-phase when the non-phasing player's
infantry and cavalry units deliver their
normal fire.
PHASE: The combat sub-phase when the
non-phasing player's artillery units de-
liver their normal fire.
DIR: Direction.
DIRECfION: Generally refers to the fac-
ing of a unit in the INTERMEDIATE and
ADV ANCED Games. There are 8 direc-
tions in the game which correspond to the
North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South,
Southwest, West, and Northwest direc-
tions on the map. These are represented
by the numbers 1-8 (or 1-4/6-9) on the
pIa yer' s keyboard. Direction is sta ted as a
number. Each number's direction de-
pends on its position on the Movement
Compass in relation to the center of the
DISMOUNTED: A cavalry formation in
which the unit has less mobility but more
fire power. Used in the INTERMEDIATE
and ADVANCED Games only.
DISRUPTED: A condition which leaves a
unit unable to function offensively and
with reduced defensive abilities. Units
may become disrupted as the result of
combat in the INTERMEDIATE and
DIVISION: A level of unit organization
between a brigade and a corps. Divisions
are made up of two or more brigades.
DOUBLE TIME: An option which per-
mits a player to increase a unit's Operation
Points by also increasing its Fatigue.
A vaiIable in the INTERMEDIATE and
ADVANCED Games only.
OS: Disrupted.
EFFICIENCY: An abstract measure of a
unit's ability to carry out its operations.
Efficiency is decreased by casualties and
increased by resting away from enemy
units. Efficiency affects morale and com-
EFF: Efficiency.
ELEVA TION: A measure of a square's
height in relation to other squares. Units
which occupy a square with a higher
elevation than that occupied by enemy
units they are engaging in combat have an
FACING: The direction in which the front
of a unit is pointed. INTERMEDIATE and
ADVANCED Games only.
FA TIGUE: An abstract measure of how
tired a unit is. Units acquire Fatigue when
they carry out most orders. Fatigue is lost
when units are rested away from the en-
emy. Fatigue affects Morale.
FIRE: Non-melee combat which results
from shooting a unit's weapons into an
enemy-occupied square. Also used to
indicate the X, Y coordinates of a square a
unit has been ordered to fire into.
FORMATION: The physical arrange-
ment of the men or guns in a unit. Typi-
cally units have one formation which
gives them greater mobility and another
formation which gives them greater fire
power. The mobility formations are col-
umn for infantry, mounted for cavalry,
and limbered for artillery. The fire power
formations are line for infantry, dis-
mounted for cavalry, and unlimbered for
artillery. Routed may also be considered a
formation. Applies in the INTERMEDI-
FORTIFICA TION: The defensive im-
proyement of a terrain square by a unit in
that square. The defensive advantages of
a fortification apply only to the unit which
built it and only until that unit exits that
Ff: Fatigue
GUNS: Artillery pieces. The type and
number is a measure of the combat
strength of an artillery unit.
HIDDEN UNITS: Units which are not
visible to the opposing player. Occurs
only when the Hidden Units Option (E) is
selected in the Main Menu. Units are
hidden when not in the Line of Sight of an
opposing unit or when in concealing ter-
rain (such as woods) as long as they have
not fired or do not have an opposing unit
adjacent to them.
ICONS: Graphic shapes which look like
the units they are intended to represent.
Used automatically to represent units in
the BASIC GAME. Not recommended for
use in the INTERMEDIATE and AD-
V ANCED Games because they do not
show facing or formation.
semi-abstract unit that represents an indi-
vidual commander who was present at a
battle. There is no separate symbol for a
leader. Leaders are always attached to a
unit and move with the unit to which they
are attached. Leaders impart combat
bonuses to the units they are attached to.
The Command Control of units in the
ADV ANCED GAME is largely depend-
ent on leader bonuses and the distance
units are from their leaders during the
Command Control Phase.
LIMBERED: The artillery formation
which pennits it to move. When artillery
is retreated, it is automatically put into
limbered status. INTERMEDIATE and
ADV ANCED Games only.
LINE: An infantry formation which gives
it greater fire power but less mobility.
Games only. Also refers to the placement
of units to present a contiguous or near
contiguous front (a defensive line, a line of
battle, etc.).
LINE OF FIRE: The ability to fire into a
square. A unit may only fire at enemy
units that it can see and which are within
its weapon's maximum range. Interven-
ing enemy or friendly units may block the
Line of Fire.
LINE OF SIGHT: The ability to see !nto a
LOF: Line of Fire.
LOS: Line of Sight .
MEL: Melee.
MELEE: A type of close quarters combat
that occurs during the melee sub-phase of
the Combat Phase and which may include
hand-to-hand fighting. Melee can only
occur between adjacent units. Partially
due to Melee Defender's Fire, melee typi-
cally results in more casualties than regu-
lar fire combat.
fire phase delivered by the defending
units just prior to receiving a melee attack.
This fire is in addition to nonnal Defensive
Fire. This fire is 50 percent more effective
than nonnal defensive fire. This fire may
be delivered by units which may not ordi-
narily fire: out of ammunition, routed,
disrupted, in column or limbered forma-
tion, out of OP, flanked, etc.
MELEE PHASE: The combat sub-phase in
which melee attacks are resolved.
MEN: The number of combatants in a
unit. A measure of the combat strength of
infantry and cavalry units. A modifier of
the combat strength for artillery units.
The defensive strength of artillery units in
melee (not Melee Defensive Fire).
MENU: A list of two or more options a
player may execute at a given time. Play-
ers are said to be in a menu when they can
choose to select that menu's options.
MORALE: An abstract measure of the
fighting spirit of a unit. Morale is equal to
Efficiency minus Fatigue. Influences the
or a unit receives and its ability to suffer
losses without routing.
MORTAR: An extremely stubby, short
barreled, smoothbore artillery piece with
a very high fire trajectory. Used for lob-
bing explosive shells over walls,
breastworks, and other defensive ob-
stacles. Difficult to move.
MOUNTED: The cavalry formation that
provides melee bonuses and greater
mobility at a cost in fire power. Used in
Games only.
made up of 8 numbers that appears in the
bottom right corner of many screens. The
numbers are arranged so that pressing a
number key will cause the cursor or ac-
cessed unit to move in the direction that
number lies from the center of the com-
pass. The number which appears after the
DIR: designation for an accessed unit in
Games is that unit's facing as shown by the
direction that num ber lies from the center
of the Movement Compass.
MRL: Morale.
MSK: Musket.
MTR: Mortar.
MUSKET: A shoulder fired, smooth-
bored firearm. The main armament of
infantry units in the game.
NO FIRE: Shows that the accessed unit
has been ordered to not fire. Units with
this order will only fire if adjacent to an
enemy unit during a fire phase.
NO PLOT: Shows that the selection of fire
targetfor the accessed unit has been left up
to the computer.
OB: Order of Battle.
OFFENSIVE FIRE: Any fire delivered by
units whose Operation Phase preceded
the current Combat Phase. Any fire by the
phasing player's units.
OP: Operation Points.
OPERA nON PHASE: The phase in
which a player may move his units and
give them orders. Precedes the Combat
OPERA nON POINTS: The points
which are required for a unit to carry out
most activities in the game. Points are
spent in the execution of various orders
and procedures. Units are generally not
permi tted to do things unless they can pay
the Operation Points costs for them.
Operation Points are determined during
each turn's Command Control Phase and
awarded to units during their Recovery /
Rally Phases.
ORDER OF BAlTLE: The organization
of units for a battle. Includes chain of
command, unit numbers, and starting
Efficiency. Provided in the special rules
section for each battle.
OVERSTACK: A condition where the
normal stacking limits for a square are
tem porarily exceeded. May be caused by
the movement of Mounted Cavalry and of
infantry in column formation. May occur
during the Retreat/Advance Phase by
retreating/routing units. Reinforcement
units which enter the game overstacked
may remain overstacked until they move.
PHASE: A sub-division of a turn in which
different actions are carried out by the
players or by the computer. Some phases
apply to both players equally (Command
Control, Reinforcement, and Victory De-
termination), some apply to only one
player (Operation and Recovery/Rally)
and some apply to both but with empha-
sis on the player whose phase it is (Com-
PHASING PLAYER: The player whose
Operation Phase it is, whose Operation
Phase preceded the current Combat
Phase, or whose Recovery /Rally Phase it .
PLAYER: A person who gives orders to
units in the game.
RALLY: Recover from Rout. Can occur
only to the routed units of the phasing
player during his Recovery/Rally Phase.
Only those units which have a Morale of
25 or more have a chance to Rally.
RECONNAISSANCE: A function avail-
able in the Cursor Menu of the INTERME-
DIATE and ADVANCED Games only.
Permits the phasing player to receive an
estimate of the number of enemy men in a
every Combat Phase. The phasing
player's units receive their Operation
Points and recover from the effects of
combat, lower their Fatigue, and increase
their Efficiency during this phase.
REDOUBT: A special type of breastwork
that appears in the Bunker Hill scenario
V ANCED Games only: The Redoubt pro-
tects the units which occupy it from suf-
fering added casualties from fire deliv-
ered into their flanks (eliminates attacker
bonus). Occupying units may not deliver
normal fjre through their flanks and incur
normal Melee Defensive Fire penalties for
being flanked.
REINFORCEMENT: A unit or units
which are not on the game map at the start
of the game but which arrive during a
subsequent Reinforcement Phase.
phase of each turn when reinforcing units
arrive on the game map.
RETREA T: An involuntary movem,ent
away from the enemy that comes as the
result of combat. Attacking units retreat
one square. Defending units retreat three
squares. There is an Efficiency loss, but no
OP cost, for retreating.
RETREAT PHASE: The combat sub-
phase in which retreats are conducted.
There are two per Combat Phase: one fol-
lowing the Offensive Fire Phase and one
following the Melee Phase,
RFL: Rifle,
RIFLE: A shoulder fired, rifle-barreled
firearm, carried by certain select infantry
units. Much more accurate than a musket
but with a slower rate of fire,
ROUT: The collapse of the will to fight of
a combat unit. Characterized by wild re-
treat, refusal to fight offensively, and a
lowering of the combat Efficiency of sur-
rounding friendly units.
SA VE: Storing a game in progress so that
it may be played at a future time. Games
are frequently saved at different times
during play to permit the player to go back
and try different gaming strategies.
SIDE: In SOL, there are two sides: the
British and the Americans. There may be
more than one player per side. Players
who command forces of the same nation-
ality are on the same side. Players who
command forces of different sides are
opposing players.
SIX POUND GUN: A smoothbored field
artillery piece which fired a solid iron
projectile weighing approximately six
pounds. Also capable of firing explosive
shells and canister/grape shot-type
ammunition. Considered sufficiently
mobile for use on a field of battle.
STACKING: The placing of more than
one unit in a square. Normal stacking
units may be temporarily exceeded (over-
stack) during movement and the Retreat
Phase. Reinforcement units may exceed
normal stacking limits when they enter
themap. They do not have to meet normal
stacking limits until they move.
STRA TEGIC MAP: One of two game
map modes which may be shown on the
monitor screen. The Strategic Map shows
a larger portion of the playing area, but in
less detail. The game may be played en-
tirely on the Strategic Map.
STRA TEGY: The over-all plan fora battle.
SYMBOLS: Abstract, visual representa-
tions of the playing units. The shape ofthe
symbols change to show a unit's facing
and formation. Recommended for use in
TACTICAL MAP: One of two game map
modes which may be shown on the moni-
tor screen. The Tactical Map shows a
smaller section of the overall playing area,
butingreaterdetail. The game is normally
played on the Tactical Map. The game
may be played entirely on the Tactical
TACTICS: The plans and manuevers
used to execute strategy. The plans for
obtaining limited goals which are part of
the overall game goals.
TERRAIN: The type of "ground" which
exists in a square. May include woods,
villages, roads, ravines, etc.
THREE POUND GUN: A small, smooth-
bored field artillery piece. Small and
highly mobile, the gun fired a solid iron
ball that weighed approximately three
pounds. Also capable of firing explosive
shell and canister/grape shot-type am-
TURN: The major subdivisions of a game.
Made up of phases, each turn represents
one hour of real time in the game. Each
turn consists of four player phases (two
for each side consisting of the Operation,
Combat and Recovery / Rally Phases) and
three phases common to both sides (the
Command Control, Reinforcement, and
Victory Determination Phases).
smoothbored siege gun which fired a
solid iron ball weighing approximately
twenty-four pounds. Not considered suf-
ficiently mobile for use in a fluid battle
situation, designed for use in sieges
against fixed fortifications where its
heavy fire could be used to batter down
walls, redoubts, etc. Also fired explosive
shells and canister/grape shot-type
smoothbored field artillery piece which
fired a solid iron ball that weighed ap-
proximately twelve pounds. Somewhat
difficult to move, it had a longer effective
range and more firepower than the
smaller field artillery pieces. It fired ex-
plosive shell and canister/grape shot-
type ammunition as well.
UNIT: A "playing piece". Either a battal-
ion, regiment, brigade, or battery depend-
ing on the unit type and battle. The com-
mand organizations a player moves and
gives orders to.
UNLIMBERED: The artillery formation
which permits guns to fire, but leaves
them immobile.
The game phase in which victory points
are totalled and displayed. The final Vic-
tory Determination Phase determines
which side wins a game (assuming there
is a winner).
VICTORY POINT: The unit of measure
that is totalled to determine which side
wins a game. Victory points are awarded
for inflicting casualties on the enemy and
for the control of Victory Squares.
VICTORY SQUARE: Squares which
award victory points to the side which
controls them. Victory Squares are differ-
ent for each scenario. To control a Victory
Square, a side must occupy the square and
have 400 men in or adjacent to it with no
enemy men in or adjacent to it. Some
Victory Squares can give points to either
side in a scenario and some can give points
to one side only.
WEAPON: The armament of a unit. For
infantry, the main armament was the
musket with some units carrying rifles.
For cavalry, the main armament was the
carbine. For artillery, the armament was
the gun (artillery piece or cannon).
WING: The temporary organization of
two -or more divisions under a com-
mander for a battle. Similar to a corps, but
not a permanent organization.
ZONE OF CONTROL: The influence
exerted by a unit into the squares around
it. Zones of Control act to impede enemy
movement -and increase the casualties
suffered by retreating and routing units.
A unit exerts a Zone of Control into all
adjacent squares.
Zoe: Zone of Control.
3PD: Three Pound Gun.
6PD: Six Pound Gun.
12P: Twelve Pound Gun.
24P: Twenty-four Pound Gun.
Abort: (joystick command menu) 4.22,
(joystick cursor menu) 4.12, (keyboard
command menus) 4.21Z and 14.82Z,
(keyboard cursor menus) 4.11Z and
Access: (joystick command menu) 4.22,
(joystick cursor menu) 4.12, (keyboard
command menus) 4.21N, 4.21U, 14.82N,
and 14.82U, (keyboard cursor menus)
4.11G, 4.11 Space Bar, 14.81G, and 14.81
Space Bar, (with cursor) 5.2.
Advance: 8.12, 10.4, and 14.4, (efficiency)
8.6, (joystick command menu) 4.22, (key-
board command menus) 4.21A and
14.82A, (unit) 8.12.
Advanced Game: 15.0 - 15.3, (selection)
3.0 and 3.1D, (symbols) 3.1G.
American Player: (menu) 3.0B and 3.1B.
Ammo: See Ammunition.
Ammunition: 14.1 and 15.4, (American)
3.0K and 3.1K, (British) 3.0L and 3.1L.
Apple II: (start up) 1.3.
Artillery: 8.3, (fire prohibited) 5.3, (forma-
tion) 14.22, (men) 8.4 and 20.62, (rout) 10.2
and 10.5, (stacking) 6.0.
Atari 8-bit machines: (start up) 1.2, (one
or two disk drives) 3.1 F.
Attacker: 10.1.
Basic Game: 1.0 - 13.2, (icons) 3.1G,
(menu) 3.0D and 3.1D.
Battle: See Scenario.
Black & White TV: (menu) 3.0Fand 3.1F.
British Player: (menu) 3.0C and 3.1C.
Build: See Fortification.
Bunker Hill: 17.0, (special rules) 17.1,
(order of battle) 17.2, (victory squares)
17.3, (strategy and tactics) 17.4, (selection)
3.0M and 3.1M.
Cavalry: 8.3, (combat) 14.223, (formation)
14.22, (stacking) 6.0.
Clear: (joystick command menu) 4.22,
(joystick cursor menu) 4.12.
Color TV/Monitor: (menu) 3.0F and 3.1 F.
Column: 14.22, (combat) 14.223, (stack-
ing) 14.222.
Combat : 10.0 - 10.6, (joystick cursor
menu) 4.12, (keyboard cursor menus)
4.11C and 14.81C, (sequence) 10.6.
Combat Phase: 10.0 and 21.0, (sub-
phases) 10.6.
Command Control: 15.3 and 20.1 - 20.13,
(combat modifier) 20.62, (leader) 15.21
and 20.12, (unit) 14.6.
Command Control Phase: 21.0.
Command Menu: (Basic Game) 4.2, (In-
termediate and Advanced Games) 14.82.
Commodore 64/128: (start up) 1.1,
(American color) 3.1F.
Cursor: (accessing units) 5.2, (Advanced
Game Menu) 14.81, (Basic Game Menu)
4.11, (movement) 5.2.
Defender: 10.1.
Delay Loop: 3.2.
Density: 20.62.
Difficulty: See Level of Play.
Dismounted: 14.22, (combat) 14.223.
Disruption: 14.5, (recovery table) 20.81,
(table) 20.8, (unit) 14.6.
Documentation Check: 1.6.
Double Time: 14.3, (command menu)
Efficiency: 8.6, (combat modifier) 20.62,
(current) 14.6, (retreat loss) 10.4, (rout loss)
10.5, (table) 20.4, (unit) 8.6.
Elevation: (combat modifier) 20.61, (unit
occupies) 8.13.
Facing: 14.21, (combat) 14.212, (LOS)
14.211, (melee) 14.4.
Fatigue: 8.7, (combat modifier) 20.62,
(double time) 14.3, (table) 20.3, (unit) 8.7.
Fire: (automatic defensive fire) 4.211 and
8.10, (effects) 10.2, (example) 20.63, (joys-
tick command menu) 4.22, (keyboard
command menu) 4.21F and 14.82F, (key-
board menu) 4.211, (modifiers) 20.6 -
20.62, (plotting) 5.2, (square targeted) 8.15.
Flanks: 14.212.
Fonnation: 14.22, (combat) 14.223,(move-
ment) 14.222, (unit) 14.6.
Fort: See Fortification.
Fortification: 15.1, (combat modifier)
20.62, (command menu) 14.82B, (unit)
Help: (keyboard command menus) 4.21H
and 14.82H.
Hidden Units: (menu) 3.0E and 3.1E.
IBM: (start up) 1.4.
Icons: (menu) 3.0 and 3.1E.
Infantry: 8.3, (formation) 14.22, (stacking)
Intennediate Game: 14.0 - 14.82, (selec-
tion) 3.00 and 3.10, (symbols) 3.1G.
Joystick: (keyboard cursor menu) 4.11J,
(command menu) 4.22, (cursor menu)
4.12, (exit command menu) 4.22, (exit
cursor menu) 4.12, (exit fire menu) 4.221,
(exit main menu) 3.0N and 3.1N, (fire
menu) 4.221, (menus) 4.0, (start up) 1.1 -
1.5, (unit movement) 5.31.
Keyboard: (command menus) 4.12 and
14.82, (cursor menus) 4.11 and 14.81.
Leader: 15.2, (bonus) 20.62, (command
control) 15.21, (command menu) 14.82L,
(unit) 14.6.
Level of Play: (menu) 3.0H and 3.1H.
Limbered: 14.22, (combat) 14.223, (move-
ment) 14.222.
Line: 14.22.
Line of Fire: (joystick command menu)
4.22, (joystick fire menu) 4.221, (keyboard
command menus) 4.21V and 14.82V,
(keyboard fire menu) 4.211V.
Line of Sight: (facing) 14.211, (joystick
cursor menu) 4.12, (keyboard cursor
menus) 4.11Vand 14.81V.
LOF: See Line of Fire.
LOS: See Line of Sight.
Main Menu: 3.0.
Map: (joystick command menu) 4.22,
(joystick cursor menu) 4.12, (keyboard
cursor menus) 4.110 and 14.810, (key-
board command menus) 4.210 and 14.820.
Melee: 8.11 and 14.4, (effects) 10.3, (forma-
tion bonus) 14.22, (initiate) 10.3, (joystick
command menu) 4.22, (keyboard com-
mand menus) 4.12M and 14.82M, (modifi-
ers) 20.6 and 20.62, (results table) 20.7,
(unit) 8.11.
Melee Defenders Fire: 10.3, (through
flanks) 14.212.
Men: 8.4.
Menus: (Basic Game) 4.0, (Intermediate
and Advanced Games) 14.8.
Monmouth: 18.0, (special rules) 18.1,
(order of battle) 18.2, (victory squares)
18.3, (strategy and tactics) 18.4, (selection)
3.0M and 3.1M.
Monochrome Monitor: (menu) 3.0F and Quit: (joystick command menu) 4. 22,
3.1F. (keyboard command menus) 4.21Q and
Morale: 8.8, (rout) 10.5, (status) 8.9, (unit)
8.8. Rally: 10.5, (morale) 8.9, (phase) 21.0,
(table) 20.9.
Mounted: 14.22, (combat) 14.223, (move-
ment) 14.222, (stacking) 14.222. Rout: 10.5
Move: (joystick cursor menu) 4.12. Retreat: 10.4, (priority) 10.3.
Movement: 5.0, (direction) 5.1, (cursor) Recon: See Reconnaissance.
5.2, (road) 14.222, (units) 5.3, (zoe to
ZOC) 5.3 and 7.0. Reconnaissance: 14.7, (cursor menu)
Movement Compass: 5.1.
Nationality: 8.1.
No Fire: (joystick fire menu) 4.221, (key-
board fire menu) 4.211N.
No Plot: (units) 8.15, (joystick command)
4.221, (keyboard command) 4.211E.
Objective Squares: See Victory Squares.
Offensive Fire: 10.1, (rout) 10.5.
OP: See Operation Points.
Operation Phase: 9.0 and 21.0.
Operation Points: (free actions) 8.12 and
10.3, (fire costs) 10.2, (melee costs) 10.3,
(tables) 20.2 - 20.22, (units) 8.10.
Order of Battle: 16.1, (Bunker Hill) 17.2,
(joystick cursor menu) 4.12, (keyboard
cursor menus) 4.11G and 14.81G, (Mon-
mouth) 18.2, (Saratoga) 19.2.
Outmaneuvered: 20.62.
Page: (command menu) 14.82P, (cursor
menu) 14.81P.
Phasing Player: 10.1.
Plotting Fire: 5.2, (joystick menu) 4.221,
(keyboard menu) 4.211, (square targeted)
Recovery: (efficiency) 8.6, (fatigue) 8.7.
Recovery/Rally Phase: 21.0, (OP assign-
ment) 8.10.
Reinforcement: 21.0.
Reinforcements: 12.0, (American) 3.01
and 3.II, (British) 3.0J and 3.1J, (stacking)
Saratoga: 18.0, (special rules) 18.1, (order
of battle) 18.2, (victory squares) 18. 3,
(strategy and tactics) 18.4, (selection) 3.0M
Save Game: 11.0, (IBM and compatibles)
1.4, (menu) 3.0A and 3.1A.
Scenario: (Bunker Hill) 17.0, (menu) 3.0M
and 3.1M, (Monmouth) 18.0, (Saratoga)
19.0, (special rules) 16.0.
Sound: 3.2.
Stacking: 6.0, (formation) 14.222, (Rein-
forcments) 12.0.
Strategic Map: See Map.
Strategy and Tactics: 16.2, (Bunker Hill)
17.4, (Monmouth) 18.4, (Saratoga) 19.4.
Successful Attack: 20.62.
Symbols: (facing) 14.21, (formation)
14.221, (menu) 3.0G and 3.1G.
Tactical Map: See Map.
Target: (joystick fire menu) 4.221, (key-
board fire menu) 4.211 T.
Terrain: (impassable) 5.3, (joystick cursor
menu) 4.12, (keyboard cursor menus)
4.1lT and 14.8IT, (keyboard command
menus) 4.21T and 14.82T, (unit occupies)
Tutorial: 2.0.
Under: (keyboard command menus)
4.21V and 14.82U.
Unit: 8.0 and 14.6, (advance) 8.12, (com-
mand control) 14.6, (current efficiency)
14.6, (disruption) 14.6, (efficiency) 8.6,
(elevation) 8.13, (facing) 14.6, (fatigue) 8.7,
(fire plot) 8.15, (formation) 14.6, (fort) 14.6,
(leader) 14.6, (location) 8.14, (melee) 8.11,
(morale) 8.8, (name) 8.2, (nationality) 8.1,
(number of men) 8.4, (operation points)
8.10, (organization) 8.31, (status) 8.9, (ter-
rain occtIpied) 8.13, (type) 8.3, (weapon
type) 8.5.
Unlimbered: 14.22.
Victory: 13.0, (points) 13.1, (terrain objec-
tives) 13.2, 17.3, 18.3, and 19.3.
Victory Determination Phase: 21.0.
Victory Squares: (keyboard cursor
menus) 4.11 Wand 14.81 W.
View: See Line of Fire and Line of Sight.
Weapon: (table) 20.5, (type) 8.5.
Winning: See Victory.
X,Y Coordinates: (location) 8.14 and 14.6.
zoe: See Zone of Control.
Zone of Control: 7.0, (retreat) 10.4, (rout)
10.5, (movement) 5.3 and 7.0, (recovery)
8.6 and 8.7.
1046 N. Rengstorff Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94043

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