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Operations Management Rody Jabbour December, 18

Case study: Fitness Plus, Part A 1. What method would you use to measure the capacity of fitness plus? Has fitness plus reached its capacity?

In general, there are two methods to measure the capacity of any system or process: in output measures or input measures. Output measures of capacity are best utilized when applied to individual processes within the firm. Input Measures are generally used for low volume, flexible processes, such as those associated with a custom furniture market. The input measure is the degree to which equipment, space, or the workforce is currently being used. In the cases of Fitness Plus, Input Measures of Capacity is more appropriate to be used to measure the capacity of Fitness Plus. This is because Fitness Plus is operating in a flexible flow process involving high product variety and process divergence, for example, members choose their own workouts. The method of input measure can calculate the capacity of equipments, space or the workforce currently being used.

No, Fitness plus has not reached to its maximum capacity as due to growth in membership and large shifts in demand because with the help of calculations as given below capacity utilization did not reach maximum in each activity. Members of Fitness Plus are using more than one area during each visit which is the main problem of crowding and unavailability of equipments. Many members may also workout more than one hour.

Total Peak Members = Peak Members x Peak Hours Total Peak Members = 80 x 3 Total Peak Members = 240

Operations Management Rody Jabbour December, 18

Aerobic room: There are 35 members capacity in each class. 80 members enter in the club at peak time. 30% of the members use the aerobics room so 24 members usually use the aerobics room in the peak time. Utilization of aerobics room = 24 x 100%/35= 68% which means that the aerobic room did not reach its capacity. Workout Room: As there are 24 pieces of Nautilus equipment in the room so that it can be assumed that one equipment can be used by a 2 members in one hour. So the capacity of the nautilus equipment has the capacity of 48 members at one instant. According to the data collected by the owner 80 members enter in the club at peak time. Usually member remains in the club for 1 hour. 25% of the members use the nautilus equipment in workout room so 20 members usually use the aerobics room in the peak time. Utilization of aerobics room = 20 x 100%/48 = 41.66% This shows that the workout room has some capacity. Large Workout Room: As there are 29 pieces of Nautilus equipment in the room so that it can be assumed that one equipment can be used by a 2 members in one hour. So the capacity of the nautilus equipment has the capacity of 58 members at one instant. According to the data collected by the owner 80 members enter in the club at peak time. Usually member remains in the club for 1 hour. 40% of the members use the cardiovascular equipment in large workout room so 32 members usually use the aerobics room in the peak time. Utilization of aerobics room = 32 x 100%/58 = 55.17% This shows that the large workout room has 55.17% capacity. Free Weight Room:

Operations Management Rody Jabbour December, 18

There is not valid information provided about the free weight room. So we cannot calculate the capacity of the free weights room. But we can calculate the member flow in the peak time in the free weight room area. Racquetball Courts: There are 8 racquetball courts in the recreation centre of the fitness plus. Assuming if 2 members use one racquetball court at a time then the capacity of the courts will be 16 members in one hour. According to the data collected by the survey: 80 members enter in the club at peak time. Usually members remain in the club for 1 hour. 15% of the members use the aerobics room so 12 members usually use the aerobics room in the peak time. Utilization of aerobics room = 12 x 100%/16 = 75% This shows that the racquetball court capacity is 75%. Tennis courts: There are 6 tennis courts in the recreation area of the fitness plus. If two members use 1 tennis court in a hour the capacity of the tennis court is 12. According to the data collected by the owner: 80 members enter in the club at peak time. Usually members remain in the club for 1 hour. 10% of the members use the aerobics room so 8 members usually use the aerobics room in the peak time. Utilization of aerobics room = 8 x 100%/12 = 66.66% This shows that the tennis court utilization is 66.66%. Outdoor Pool: The member using the large pool area is not given. Moreover this area is not complaint by the members. So the capacity is not an issue for this area. Whirlpool tubes:

Operations Management Rody Jabbour December, 18

This area is present in the locker rooms of the fitness plus. The data is unavailable and also customer is not concerned about this area so this area can be left. As above discussed the capacities have been measured by the utilization tool. Neither of the areas has reached their capacities. 2. Which capacity strategy would be appropriate for fitness plus? Justify your answer. For present situation Short term strategy would be appropriate for the Fitness plus because they want to expand their business. They not have much space, time and neither have many financial resources. By using the short term strategy, Fitness Plus can find information related to market research, employees, customers and technology by involving employees in their decision making, take the comments of customers into consideration and make time table and scheduling by providing improved equipments. Administration of Fitness plus should make higher contact with the members of the club and make sure to provide best services to their customers. They have to collect the feedback from their members.

For future perspectives, they need to work on long term strategy as the growths of their members are increasing. Long term capacity plans deal with investments in new facilities and equipments at the organizational level because they are not easily reversed. These plans cover at least two years into the future but construction lead times can sometimes take longer and result in longer planning time period. In future they have to buy new building to expand the area and determine the economies of scale. They have to increase their work by taking into consideration that members will not be affected by the change in cost.

Operations Management Rody Jabbour December, 18

3. How would you link the capacity decision being made by Fitness plus to other types of operating decisions?

The owners should take into consideration other operating decisions that are linked with the process. By using short term strategy, a solution was found related to scheduling and process of first come first served. Administration of Fitness plus have to keep in mind that it will not affect the other operating activities otherwise it will be in more trouble than before. They have to keep in mind about the competitive priorities: if they want to expand the club they have to make sure that it will not affect the time scheduling of the members. Quality is the main purpose of keeping an organization competing with other firms.

Process analysis: is necessary in fitness plus to improve or maintain the effectiveness and efficiency of process flow. One of the reasons to analyze process is to reduce budgeting amount and allocating resources more effectively. They have to hire new personnel in the new health and fitness center. New facility would need professional staffs to perform their duty. Trainings for the staff is also essential to improve employees interaction with customers.

Layout design: the allocation and scheduling of every activity should be determined so that every member will be entitled to receive fair share of usage. It should be designed in the way that provides required capacity utilization, possess sufficient flexibility for increasing demand of customers.

Break-even analysis: it must be performed to evaluate the decision of building additional facilities. Fitness plus center must monitor closely on the effect of price and demand.

Operations Management Rody Jabbour December, 18

Any expansion involves a great outlook into the future and represents a long-time investment. It is important to ensure that every department collaborates with the other one to reach the outcome of the organization.

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