Living Language: Complete Guide To Arabic Script

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Complete Guide to Arabic Script

Written by

Rym Bettaieb
Edited by

Christopher A. Warnasch

Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

Introduction xii

Part 1: Reading Arabic

The basics

The Arabic alphabet

Group 1: Long vowels

Connecting and nonconnecting letters


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Group 3: b, t, and th Group 2: Short vowels and diphthongs Group 4: j, H, and kh

Group 5: d, dh, r, and z Group 6: s, and sh


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Group 7: S, D, T, and DH Group 8: x and gh

Group 9: f and q Group 10: k, l, m, and n

Group 11: h and taa' marbuuta





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15: Grammatical endings with -n 13: hamza

Group 12: shadda, laam-'alif, and the denite article

14: 'alif maqsuura

16: Other symbols



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Part 2: Writing Arabic

Group 1: Long vowels

Group 2: Short vowels and diphthongs Group 3: , ,and

Group 4: , ,and





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Group 6: and Group 5: , , ,and Group 7: , , ,and

Group 8: and Group 9: and



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Group 10: , , ,and

Group 12: shadda, laam-'alif, and the definite article Group 11: and

14: 'alif maqsuura and grammatical endings with -n

13: hamza





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Dialogue 1

Dialogue 3

Part 3: Reading Passages

Dialogue 2

Dialogue 4



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The Living Language Complete Guide to Arabic Script is a full course in reading and writing Arabic. While it may be used as a supplement to any Arabic course, it is intended to be used along with Living Language Essential Arabic, which may be purchased as a stand-alone course or as the first level in Complete Arabic or Platinum Arabic. Since Arabic uses a different script, students must make a choice as to when they would like to tackle the writing system. You may decide to work your way through this script guide in its entirety before moving on to Essential Arabic. If you do so, youll pick up some vocabulary as you master the writing system, but the useful spoken language that youll learn will be rather limited. If you decide instead to use this script guide as a supplement to Essential Arabic, youll find that each lesson directs you to specific sections, so youll know exactly when to use the script guide, and youll gradually master reading and writing Arabic as you learn practical spoken Arabic. Essential Arabic includes both Arabic script and a system of transliteration, so theres no need to fully master written Arabic before jumping into the course. The Complete Guide to Arabic Script is divided into three parts: Reading Arabic, Writing Arabic, and Reading Passages.

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Part 1: readIng arabIc

Part 1 begins with an overview of the basics of written Arabic in plain and simple language. Then it presents the entire alphabet and introduces you to important concepts that are necessary before you tackle individual letters. The remainder of Part 1 presents Arabic letters in small, manageable groups. With each group, youll learn the forms, and then youll begin reading by practicing them in very simple syllables. Next, youll see examples with simple words that only include the letters youve learned up to that point, so each group will build on the previous ones in a simple and straightforward progression. As you move ahead, youll have plenty of chances to reinforce what youve already learned. There are a number of reading practice exercises that will allow you to learn how to read Arabic in short and easy steps. Youll be able to check your comprehension of the written Arabic by comparing it to the simple transcription provided. Every word or phrase used in the examples or practice exercises is also translated. Part 1 closes with additional practice exercises that include greetings and basic expressions, as well as simple sentences.
Part 2: WrItIng arabIc

Once youve learned how to read Arabic, writing it will be much easier. Part 2 follows the same simple, step-by-step progression used in Part 1. Letters are divided into small groups, and detailed explanations on how to write the different forms of the letters are provided, along with examples of written Arabic. Youll have the chance to practice the individual letters and simple syllables with them, and then youll move on to words that include only the letters youve learned up to that point. Since youll already have covered the material in the reading section, the transition to writing Arabic will be much easier for you.

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Part 3: readIng Passages

Finally, Part 3 will provide you with a chance to practice your reading skills with practical, everyday dialogues. Youll have the chance to first read the fully voweled dialogues and then practice real written Arabic, which does not include short vowels or other symbols that are so useful to students of the language. The complete transcriptions and translations of each dialogue are also included.

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Part 1: Reading Arabic

the basics
The most basic thing to know about Arabic script is that its written and read from right to left. That means that Arabic books have their spines on the right and open from the left. Another basic fact about written Arabic is that only long vowels are usually written. Arabic has two types of vowelslong, which we transcribe as aa, ii, and uu, and short, which we transcribe as a, i, and u. The short vowels are usually not written in real Arabic. Arabic also has diphthongs (aw, ay), but only the letters w and y are typically written. Just as a point of comparison, this means that if English were written like Arabic, the word son would be written sn, but soon would be spelled out. Short vowels do appear sometimesin the Koran, in childrens books, and in language courses like this one. They take the form of strokes or swirls above or below the consonant theyre pronounced after. So son might look something like SN, or rather, N S in the order in which Arabic words are written.

the arabic alphabet

There are twenty-eight letters in the Arabic alphabet. Arabic is a cursive script, meaning that most letters are connected to the ones before and after them. There are a few letters that dont connect to the ones that come after them, but well cover those later.

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Because Arabic letters (usually) connect to whatever comes before or after them, each letter has a different shape depending on where its written: Independent: This is the form thats used when a letter is written separately, in isolation from any other letter. Initial: This is the form thats used when a letter begins a word or comes after a nonconnecting letter. It usually only has a connecting stroke on the left side. Medial: This is the form thats used when a letter comes in between two other (connecting) letters. It has a connecting stroke on either side, or just on the right side if it is non-connecting. Final: This is the form thats used when a letter comes at the end of a word. It only has a connecting stroke on the right. Lets look at an example. Here are the four forms of baa, which is pronounced like the first sound in Baghdad. Notice where the connecting tail is on the initial, medial, and final forms, and that there is no connecting stroke on the independent form.
Letter sound FInaL MedIaL InItIaL IndePendent


Now take a look at an example of a non-connecting letter, daal, as in Dubai. Logically, because it doesnt connect to letters that come after it, its independent and initial forms are identical, as are its medial and final forms.
Letter sound FInaL MedIaL InItIaL IndePendent


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Now lets take a look at the entire Arabic alphabet. Youll notice that only the long vowels aa, uu, and For example, the letters
ii appear on the chart, and that
, , and


are also the

consonants w and y respectively. Also note that Arabic letters are grouped by shape. (pronounced b, t, and th) only differ in the number and location of dots, so they appear together in the alphabet. Dont worry about memorizing each letter at this point. This section is only meant to give you an overview of the Arabic alphabet. In the sections that follow, well divide the letters into small, manageable groups, so youll have plenty of step-by-step practice both in reading and in writing.
Letter sound FInaL MedIaL InItIaL IndePendent

alif baa' taa' thaa' jiim Haa' khaa'

aa b t th j H kh

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daal dhaal raa' zaay siin shiin Saad Daad Taa' DHaa'

d dh r z s sh S D T DH


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faa' qaaf

f q



miim nuun

m n

haa' waaw yaa'

h w, uu y, ii

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connecting and non-connecting letters

and Notice that among the three long vowels,

is a connecting letter, and and

are not. Dont forget that

d, dh, r, and z .


are also the consonants w and y respectively.

There are only four other non-connecting letters, all of which are consonants:

reading practice 1
Scan the following words and see if you can identify the non-connecting letters, setting aside the final ones for now. Dont worry if you cant read the words yet. Well divide the alphabet into small groups and tackle each letter step-by-step in a moment. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5
Answers 1. baab (door, non-connecting letter is ), 2. daar (house, non-connecting letters are and ), 3. nuur (light,

non-connecting letter is ), 4. thuum (garlic, non-connecting letter is ), 5. diin (religion, non-connecting letter is )

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Now lets take a look at individual groups of letters, so you can practice reading Arabic step-by-step.

group 1: Long vowels

Lets start with long vowels. 'alif and waaw are non-connecting letters, so they only have two forms. When 'alif is at the beginning of a word, it may have a small hamza, like a backwards 2, written above or below it, but well explain that later. For now just be aware of it. yaa' is a connecting letter, so it has four forms. The letters also represent the consonants w and y respectively.
Letter sound FInaL MedIaL InItIaL IndePendent


'alif waaw yaa'

a, aa

w, uu y, ii

group 2: short vowels and diphthongs

Now lets add the short vowels. The vowel fatHa is written as a slash above the consonant that hosts it: , Damma is like a small hook: , and kasra is a slash below the consonant: . Lets see how that works, using the consonants and to host these short vowels.

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(a) (u) (i)

(wa) (wu) (wi)


(yu) (yi)

reading practice 2
Practice reading these syllables, which use the consonants and , as well as both long and short vowels.









AnSWERS 1. wa, 2. yaa, 3. ya, 4. yuu, 5. wu, 6. wi, 7. yu, 8. yii

Now lets look at the diphthongs aw and ay. These are written with fatHa over the (preceding) host consonant, and then a special symbol called sukuun, which is a small open circle:
(aw) ,

(ay). The role of the sukuun (which means silent or quiet) is to indicate that theres no vowel

pronounced after and in other words, theyre part of the fatHa before them. This gives the combination sound of the diphthong: aw or ay.

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reading practice 3
Practice pronouncing these example syllables, sounding each one out step-by-step.



Answers 1. yaw, 2. yay, 3. way, 4. waw


group 3:


t, AND

, , and

Now lets look at our first group of consonants. The consonants


from one another only in the number and placement of dots. Theyre pronounced b,
, and t, and th respectively. Keep in mind, that

is pronounced like the th in think, not like

the th in this, which is a different letter in Arabic. With long vowels, short vowels, diphthongs, and a few consonants under your belt, youre ready to tackle your first Arabic words.

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door houses he stood firm

baab buyuut thabata

Before we look at other consonants, lets see how words that begin with short vowels are written. In these cases, the first letter is 'alif, but its only used to carry the short vowel, so its not pronounced on its own. 'alif is written with a small hamza, like a backwards number 2, and the short vowel. hamza is written above 'alif if the vowel is fatHa or Damma, but below 'alif if the vowel is kasra. In fully voweled Arabic, which, again, is not typical, youll have both a hamza and the short vowel along with 'alif. So, is pronounced 'a, is pronounced 'u, and is pronounced 'i.

reading practice 4
Practice reading each of the following words, which include the vowels and consonants youve learned. Take your time with each one, and sound out each consonant and vowel step-by-step. .1 .2 .3 .4

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.5 .6 .7 .8
Answers 1. baab (door), 2. 'ab (father), 3. bayt (house), 4. bi (in, at, on, with), 5. buyuut (houses), 6. taabuut (coffin, casket), 7. thabata (he stood firm), 8. thaabit (fixed, firm)

group 4:


h, and


The consonants , , and

are another trio that differ only in the placement (or

presence) of a dot. Notice that only the independent and final forms have tails.
Letter sound FInaL MedIaL InItIaL IndePendent





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Here are some example words. sister obligation, necessity argument, debate jeep 'ukht wujuub Hijaaj jiib*
,. , and

*Notice that because theres no p in Arabic, loanwords with p are written with

reading practice 5
Now practice reading these words, which use the letters that youve learned so far. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8

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Answers 1. jubaab (jubbahs, a type of garment), 2. jabH (beehive), 3. Habiib (sweetie, love), 4. HubaaHib (fireflies), 5. Haythu (where, since), 6. khabab (trot), 7. khabutha (to be bad, wicked), 8. khabiith (evil, wicked)

group 5:

d, dh, m AND z

Now lets add four more consonants. The pairs


in the presence of a dot, but theyre also all similar in that theyre non-connecting letters, so they only have two forms each. Note that / / and sit on top of the line,

obviously differ

// while and extend below it. The letter /

Letter sound FInaL

is th as in this or the, not th as in think or

, , and three, which is, of course, written .

MedIaL InItIaL IndePendent

daal dhaal raa' zaay

d dh r z

sea radar

baHr raadaar

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he drove back sharp

zajara dharib

reading practice 6
Practice reading these words.

.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11

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.12 .13 .14

Answers 1. buduur (full moons), 2. tardiid (repetition), 3. raajawaat (rajas, Indian princes), 4. kharaja (he left), 5. khadir (numb), 6. Harij (confined), 7. 'iHtiraab (struggle), 8. dhabdhaba (he swung, dangled), 9. dhawaat (essences, natures), 10. rawd (exploration), 11. zuyuut (oils), 12. zawar (slant), 13. zawaaj (marriage), 14. ziir (large water jars)

group 6:



Now lets add two more similar-looking consonants,

, which are

pronounced s and sh. Once again, only the independent and final forms have tails.
Letter sound FInaL MedIaL InItIaL IndePendent




sixth political gray hair, old age sheikh, chief

saadis siyaasiyy shayb shaykh

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reading practice 7
Here are some more words to practice with the letters weve covered so far. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10

Answers 1. suuriyaa (Syria), 2. sabaHat (she swam), 3. shaay (tea), 4. sharibtu (I drank), 5. 'aswad (black), 6. darastu (I studied), 7. tashaawara (he consulted), 8. 'ashjar (wooded), 9. saadaat (master, sir, honorable), 10. suus (licorice)

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group 7:





Now lets look at the emphatic consonants S, D, T, and DH. These consonants give the vowels around them a very deep quality, coming from the throat. Lower your jaw to increase the size of the space in which the surrounding vowels are pronounced. Notice that these letters all have a hump and that they come in two pairs that differ only in the presence of a dot.
Letter sound FInaL MedIaL InItIaL IndePendent






owner he grabbed doctor lucky

SaaHib DabaTa Tabiib HaDHiiDH

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reading practice 8
Here are some words to practice reading. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10

Answers 1. SabaaH (morning), 2. SaHiiH (true), 3. Dajirat (she was angry), 4. 'iDraar (harm, injury), 5. Tabkh (cooking), 6. baTaaTis (potatoes), 7. HiDHaar (partition, screen), 8. HaaDir (present, in attendance), 9. takhaaTub (discussion), 10. wasaT (middle)

group 8:
The pair



are again only different in the placement of a dot over

. But

notice that both of these letters have forms that look quite different depending on where they are in a word, and only the final and independent forms have tails.

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Arabic not small Baghdad

xarabiyy ghayr Saghiir baghdaad

reading practice 9
Here are some more words to practice the letters that youve learned so far.

.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6

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.7 .8
Answers 1. xaruus (bride), 2. 'axzab (single), 3. rabiix (spring), 4. Siraax (struggle), 5. taasix (ninth), 6. gharbiyy (western), 7. daghdagha (he tickled), 8. ghubaar (dust)

group 9:
The pair
f and


q differ in the number of dots they have and also where they

are positioned relative to the line. Notice that remains on it.

Letter sound FInaL

crosses below the line, while




faa' qaaf

f q

in guest

fii Dayf

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short contracts

qaSiir xuquud

reading practice 10
And now practice reading words that include

, and other letters that you know.

.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8
Answers 1. dafaxtu (I paid), 2. Sadiiq (friend), 3. SaHafiyy (journalist), 4. shuqaq (apartments), 5. suuq (market), 6. yaquud (he leads), 7. qafz (jumping), 8. faqaT (only)

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group 10:


l, m, AND

Now lets add four more consonants to the list: k, l, m, and n. With these four, youre just about done! Notice that the independent and final forms of have a small s-like

stroke, but the medial and initial forms dont. And notice that the independent and final forms of have a hook that falls beneath the lines, but the medial and initial also fall below the line in their independent and final forms. In , but the dot is above rather than below

forms dont. and

its medial and initial forms, looks similar to the letter.

Letter sound FInaL








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your name


reading practice 11
Here are several more words to practice. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5

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.6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12

Answers 1. mashriq (east), 2. kathiir (many), 3. mudun (cities), 4. qalam (pen), 5. mismaar (nail), 6. lakin (but), 7. 'anaa (I), 8. xilm (knowledge), 9. 'akaltu (I ate), 10. maTar (airport), 11. riyaal (riyal), 12. jamiil (beautiful)

group 11: h AND taa' marbuuTa Now lets look at , or h, which is the last consonant that you need to learn, as well
as , or final a, which looks very similar but is actually a short a in final position. is a very typical feminine ending in Arabic, pronounced exactly the same as fatHa. Its called taa' marbuuTa, or tied t, because it has a hidden t sound that is sometimes pronounced. Notice that it has no medial or initial forms, because it only occurs at the end of words. The independent form is used when it follows a non-connecting letter.
Letter sound FInaL MedIaL InItIaL IndePendent

haa' taa' marbuuTa

h a

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she went








reading practice 12
Now practice reading words with these letters.


.2 .3 .4 .5 .6

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.7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12

Answers 1. hiya (she), 2. haadhihi (this [f.]), 3. hunaak (there), 4. DHahr (back), 5. jaamixa (university), 6. ghurfa (room), 7. kura (ball), 8. fahimt (I understood), 9. 'adhhab (I go), 10. madiina (city), 11. zahra (blossom), 12. xahd (era)

reading practice 13
Practice reading the following words, which mix all of the consonants youve learned so far with short and long vowels.

.1 .2 .3 .4 .5

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.6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11

Answers 1. man (who), 2. kataba (he wrote), 3. kutub (books), 4. bint (girl), 5. jisr (bridge), 6. jusuur (bridges), 7. kalb (dog), 8. fii (in), 9. rijaal (men), 10. naxam (yes), 11. funduq (hotel), 12. walad (boy)

reading practice 14
Practice reading the following words as a general review. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5

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.6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15

Answers 1. Habiib (beloved), 2. bijaanibi (next to), 3. shams (sun), 4. Sawt (sound), 5. tilmiidh (student, pupil), 6. shaykh (sheikh), 7. nawm (sleep), 8. qalb (heart), 9. Sadiiq (friend), 10. DHuhr (noon), 11. bint (girl), 12. maTxam (restaurant), 13. miSr (Egypt), 14. yawm (day), 15. dhawq (taste)

Now youve learned all of the consonants, the long vowels, the short vowels and taa' marbuuTa, and the diphthongs and sukuun. Youve also seen how hamza is used with 'alif in words that begin with short vowels. There are just a few more symbols and special letters to know. Well also spend some more time with hamza, because its use in spelling is difficult to master.

group 12: shadda, laam-'alif, and the definite article

The small symbol shadda, which looks like a 3 on its side, is placed above consonants to show that theyre doubled. You should hold the consonant sound for

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twice as long when you see shadda (or when you know it should be there, because its not always written!). Remember that kasra is usually written below the consonant that its pronounced after, but it can also be written below shadda on top of the hosting consonant. The vowel fatHa is written above shadda.



meter, counter


bathroom teacher

Hammaam mudarris

The special combination letter

laam-'alif is used for the pronunciation laain

other words, when follows . Its used to avoid too many similar looking vertical strokes in a row. And speaking of laam and 'alif, that same combination in the other order gives you the definite article . (For some reason, the two vertical strokes in a row dont matter in this order!) In writing and in speech, the article is attached to the words that follow it.





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the book


the boy Dont forget that

al-walad is sometimes pronounced like the consonant that follows it,

t, th, d, dh, r, z, s,

in the case of sun letters. The sun letters are:

sh, S, D, T, DH and

n . Notice that theyre all pronounced

with the tongue near the teeth. The definite article is always written pronunciation, the

, but in

is pronounced like a sun letter if the article comes before it.

the reason


the table


the sun


the man


And remember that if a word starts with a short vowel, it will be spelled with an 'alif, which may include hamza and fatHa if the text is fully voweled. That means that if

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theres a definite article in front of such a word, the combination will be + spelling, this will be 'alif, followed by laam-'alif.

+ . In

the name


the family


readIng PractIce 15
Now lets practice reading this group.

.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10

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.11 .12
Answers 1. sitta (six), 2. mamarr (corridor), 3. Hammaam (bathroom), 4. kull (each), 5. laaHiq (later), 6. salaam (peace), 7. Tulaab (students), 8. al-bayt (the house), 9. ar-rajul (the man), 10. al-yawm (the day), 11. al-'ukht (the sister), 12. al-'awlaad (the boys)

13: hamza
You already know that words that begin with a short vowel are written in Arabic with a hamza. The hamza is written like a small backwards 2, and it sits on top of or below an 'alif. The 'alif itself isnt pronounced; its just a host for the hamza and the short vowel. So, is pronounced 'a, is pronounced 'u, and is pronounced 'i.

reading practice 16
Here are a few more words to practice, all of which begin with short vowels. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6

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.7 .8
Answers 1. 'anaa (I), 2. 'ibn (son), 3. 'ukht (sister), 4. 'arbaxa (four), 5. 'ustaadha (professor,), 6. 'ijaaza (vacation), 7. 'amriikii (American), 8 'imtiHaan (exam)

hamza can also occur in the middle of a word or at the end, in which cases it may be written above 'alif, waaw, or (dotless) yaa' as , , or or it can even stand on its , own as . The Arabic spelling rules for hamza are rather complicated, and its much easier to recognize hamza in a word than to know how to write a word with hamza if youre unfamiliar with it. As much as possible, you should try to memorize how hamza is written in different environments, and eventually youll get a feel for it. But here are some generalizations that can help you. Well start with hamza in the middle of a word. If the vowel after hamza is fatHa, word-internal hamza is written as . If there is a sukuun after hamza and the vowel before it is fatHa, its also written as .



he asked




mouse (f.)


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If the vowel following hamza is Damma, word-internal hamza is written as . If theres a sukun or a Damma after hamza and the vowel before it is Damma, its also written as .

curious, nosy, prying


request, demand






If the vowel following or preceding hamza is kasra, word-internal hamza is written as . If theres a long before hamza, or if the diphthong 'ay follows hamza, its also loses its two dots.

written as . Notice that in this use,









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Taa'ira , if the vowel after it is

Word-internal hamza can also be written on its own, as fatHa or taa marbuuTa.



At the end of a word, hamza may be written on its own. In some cases, especially in verbs, it can also be written above an 'alif.





he was wholesome


reading practice 17
Practice reading the following words with hamza in different positions.

.1 .2 .3

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.4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18

Answers 1. 'ahlan wa sahlan (hello), 2. 'ismuki (your name [f.]), 3. 'ashyaa' (things), 4. min 'ayn (where from), 5. 'aHyaa' (biology), 6. 'anta (you), 7. 'askun (I live), 8. 'amriikiyya (American [f.]), 9. al-'arbixaa' (Wednesday), 10. qara'a (he read), 11. yaqra' (he reads), 12. 'abuu Dhabyi (Abu Dhabi), 13. 'abyaD (white), 14. 'imaam (imam), 15. daqaa'iq (minutes), 16. 'iijaar (rent), 17. 'asmaa' (names), 18. 'udhun (ear)

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14: 'alif maqSuura

'alif maqSuura looks just like , but without the dots: . Its pronounced like a long aa, and it often replaces . It only occurs at the end of words, although non-Arabic borrowings typically retain instead of .



to tell


reading practice 18
Practice reading the following words with 'alif maqSuura. .1 .2 .3 .4
Answers 1. xalaa (on), 2. yabqaa (stays), 3. Hattaa (even), 4. laylaa (Layla)

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15: grammatical endings with -n

There are three tanwiin (double) short vowel endings in Arabic, tanwiin 'al-fatH, tanwiin 'aD-Damm, and tanwiin 'al-kasr. tanwiin 'al-fatH and tanwiin 'al-kasr are written like a pair of the short vowels, and tanwiin 'aD-Damm is like a Damma with a kind of hook: (-an), (-un), and (-in). Notice that theyre all pronouncedwith -n. These symbols all typically occur above the last letter of a word, and theyre used to show that a noun or adjective is indefinite. The distinction between these three symbols has to do with grammatical case, or the function of a noun in a sentence, for example as subject, direct object, possessive, or object of a preposition. The tanwiin 'al-fatH is also used in many common expressions. It usually appears before an 'alif words end in taa' marbuTaa or 'alif hamza pronounced if a tanwiin ending follows it.
/ except when

. Notice that the hidden t of


a (male) student


thank you


a (female) professor




a girl


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reading practice 19
Practice reading the tanwiin ending in each of the following words. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8
Answers 1. kitaaban (a book, accusative), 2. kitaabun (a book, nominative), 3. kitaabin (a book, genitive), 4. jiddan (very), 5. ghadan (tomorrow), 6. daa'iman (always), 7. 'ayDan (also), 8. 'ahlan wa sahlan (hello, welcome)

16: other symbols

There are three other symbols in written Arabic that you may come across, but because theyre not very common, well only mention them in passing. waSla is an 'alif with a symbol like a tailed Damma above it: . It occurs at the beginning of a

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definite word starting with al- that follows a word ending in a vowel, and it serves to connect the two words. It means that the 'a in 'al is absorbed by the sound of the vowel before it. the United Arab Emirates the United States of America 'al imaaraati-lxarabyiati-lmuttaHida 'al wilaayaati-lmuttaHidati-l'amriikiya

Another symbol you may come across, especially in Koranic texts, is the dagger 'alif, which looks a bit like an apostrophe after 'alif: . Its pronounced like a long 'alif. And finally, the 'alif madda looks like an 'alif with a wavy line above it: . It occurs at the beginning or in the middle of a word, and it doubles the length of the 'alif.

Allah, God


the Koran


reading practice 20
Practice reading the following phrases, which include greetings and other useful vocabulary.

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.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6


.7 .8 .9 .10

Answers 1. al-lugha al-xarabiyya (the Arabic language), 2. SabaaH 'al-khayr (good morning), 3. SabaaH an-nuur (good morning, response), 4. masaa' al-khayr (good afternoon), 5. masaa' an-nuur (good afternoon, response), 6. maxa s-salaama (good-bye), 7. 'askun fii ... (I live in ...), 8. bil-xarabii (in Arabic), 9. as-salaamu xalaykum (hello, peace be upon you), 10. tusaafir bis-salaama (have a good trip)

reading practice 21
Now lets look at some simple sentences in Arabic. Take each one slowly, and sound out each word as you read. .1 .2

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. . . . . .

.4 .5 .6 .7

.8 .9 .10 .11 .12

Answers 1. 'anaa 'amriikiyy. (Im American. [m.]) 2. hiya mudarrisa. (Shes a teacher.) 3. al-madiina Saghiira. (The city is small.) 4. al-funduq kabiir. (The hotel is big.) 5. hunna min miSr. (Theyre [f.] from Egypt.) 6. min 'ayna 'antumaa? (Where are you two from?) 7. haadhaa kitaab. (This is a book.) 8. haadhihi Taa'ira. (This is an airplane.) 9. hiya Tabiiba. (Shes a doctor.) 10. huwa miSriyy wa hiya 'amriikiyya. (Hes Egyptian and shes American.) 11. maa haadha? (Whats this?) 12. hal haadha Saff al-lugha al-xarabiyya? (Is this the Arabic class?)

Part 2: Writing Arabic

Now that youve had plenty of practice reading Arabic, lets go back over the entire alphabet in small groups so that you can have more practice reading and you can also learn writing. Youll have a chance to practice writing the letters separately in all of their forms, and then youll move on to words and sentences.

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group 1: Long vowels

Lets start with long vowels. Remember that 'alif and waaw are both non-connecting letters, so they only have two forms. Also remember that consonants w and y. For the initial and independent forms of 'alif, start at the top, and then simply write downwards. Add the hamza after youve written the stroke. For the medial and final forms, start the right connecting stroke on the line, move toward the left, and then draw the vertical stroke upwards. and also represent the

For waaw, start on the line at the base of the curve, and then draw the loop upwards and to the left, circling back to the right and down to meet the point where you started. Then keep writing to form the small tail below the line. If waaw is connected to a preceding letter, youd simply start with the connecting stroke coming from the right. Writing waaw is similar to writing a lowercase e, but in the other direction.

The letter yaa' is a little bit trickier. For the independent form, start a bit above the line, and then write a drawn-out s, with the lower hook extending below the line and then coming back up to cross it. Finally, add the two dots. The final form is similar, except you start with the right connecting stroke on the line, so final yaa' is flatter than independent yaa'.

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The initial and medial forms are very similar. For the initial form, start at a point above the line, and then write downwards to form the vertical stroke. When you reach the line, turn to the left to draw the left connecting stroke, finally adding the dots. For the medial form, start on the line with the right connecting stroke, writing to the left. Then draw the vertical stroke upwards, and double back down over it. When you reach the line again, turn left, and keep drawing the horizontal connecting stroke toward the left. Add the dots.

Practice writing these letters several times until youre comfortable with the movements needed to form them. Lets look at all of those forms together.
Letter sound FInaL MedIaL InItIaL IndePendent

'alif waaw

a, aa w, uu y, ii

eWrItIng PractIce 1
Practice writing the long vowels a few times on their own.

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group 2: short vowels and diphthongs

As you know, fatHa is written as a slash above the consonant: , Damma is like a small hook: , and kasra is a slash below the consonant: . The vowels fatHa and kasra are straighforward, and Damma is just like a miniature waaw written above the consonant.

eWrItIng PractIce 2
Practice writing each of these vowels in simple syllables with the consonants wu, wi) and (ya, yu, yi). (wa,

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To write the diphthongs aw and ay, dont forget that you need fatHa over the preceding consonant and then sukuun over open circle.

. The sukuun is also used

between consonants when there is no vowel pronounced. sukuun is simply a small

eWrItIng PractIce 3
Practice writing diphthongs in the syllables (yaw) and (way). Because this is the first time youll be writing two letters together, its appropriate to point out that when you write Arabic words, you should first write the main strokes of all the letters in the word, and when youre done with the word, go back and add dots, short vowels, or sukuun. This is just like written English; you go back to cross your ts and dot your is only after the whole word is written.

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Dont forget that words that begin with a short vowel sound begin with an 'alif and hamza in written Arabic. The hamza in this position is written like a small backwards 2. is pronounced 'a, is pronounced 'u, and is pronounced 'i.

eWrItIng PractIce 4
Write 'alif with each of the three short vowels.

group 3:


Remember that the consonants


t, and

th differ from one another only in

the number and placement of dots. These letters all sit on the line, and the dots are added above or below it. As always, start writing from the right. For the independent and final forms, form a wide shallow bowl, then add the dot(s).

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For the initial forms, start at the top of the vertical stroke on the right, move your pen down, then write the horizontal connecting stroke leftwards. Then finally add the dot(s). These letters are written exactly alike, but, of course, the dots are different.

For the medial forms, start with the right horizontal connecting stroke, then move upwards to draw the vertical stroke. Then double back down over it, finishing with the left connecting stroke. Finally, add the dot(s).

Practice forming these letters several times, writing them over and over again until youre comfortable with the motion. Lets look at all of the forms together.
Letter sound FInaL MedIaL InItIaL IndePendent

baa' taa' thaa'

b t th

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eWrItIng PractIce 5
Practice writing each of the forms separately.

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eWrItIng PractIce 6
Now, lets practice writing syllables with these letters and the vowels youve learned. Write out each of the following syllables, and pronounce it aloud. Say whether each letter is independent, initial, medial, or final. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10
Answers 1. ba (independent), 2. taa (initial), 3. ti (medial), 4. tu (medial), 5. tha (final), 6. bii (initial), 7. tuu (medial), 8. thu (initial), 9. bi (medial), 10. thi (final)

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eWrItIng PractIce 7
Lets move on to practice some actual Arabic words, using only the consonants and vowels that youve learned so far. Remember to write the body of each word first, and then, when youre done, to go back and add the vowels and sukuun. Pronounce each word aloud as you write it.

.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8
Answers 1. baab (door), 2. 'aab (father), 3. bayt (house), 4. bi (in, at, on, with), 5. buyuut (houses), 6. taabuut (coffin, casket), 7. thabata (he stood firm), 8. thaabit (fixed, firm)

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group 4:
The consonants

, , AND


H, and

kh are another trio that differ only in the

placement (or presence) of a dot. To write the independent forms, start a bit above the line and draw a small wave down and toward the right, almost like youre writing the number 2. When you reach the line, turn to the left and draw the rounded tail stroke below the line. This motion is also similar to writing the number 2, except that the tail stroke is much larger, is rounded, and goes below the line. For dot inside the tail, and for , add it on top. , add a

For the final forms, start in the same way, but then pick up your pen and write the connecting stroke from the right in a separate motion, meeting where you left off the first line. Then, from the same point, draw the tail stroke below the line.

The initial and medial forms dont have the tail stroke. Start at the top of the wave shape above the line. In the medial form, youll already have drawn a connecting stroke from the previous letter, and youll meet this point with your pen. In the intial form, of course, there wont be any connecting stroke on the right. Then, write across the line to the left, forming the left connecting stroke.

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jiim Haa' khaa'

j H kh

eWrItIng PractIce 8
Practice the four forms of each letter separately.

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eWrItIng PractIce 9
Once again, lets practice reading and writing syllables with these letters and the vowels youve learned. Write and pronounce each syllable, and also say whether the consonant is in its initial, medial, final, or independent form. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10

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Answers 1. ju (independent), 2. Haa (initial), 3. khi (medial), 4. Hii (medial), 5. khu (final), 6. ja (medial), 7. jii (medial), 8. khu (independent), 9. Hu (final), 10. khii (medial)

eWrItIng PractIce 10
And here are some more words that use the letters that youve learned to write so far. Again, dont forget to write the entire word before you go back and add the short vowels, the dots, or sukuun. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12

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Answers 1. 'ukht (sister), 2. jibaab (jubbahs, a type of garment), 3. jabH (beehive), 4. jiip (jeep), 5. Habiib (sweetie, love), 6. HubaaHib (fireflies), 7. Hijaaj (argument, debate), 8. Haythu (where, since), 9. khabab (trot), 10. khabutha .to be bad, wicked), 11. khabiith (evil, wicked), 12. wujuub (obligation)

group 5:

, , , AND

Now lets add four more consonants. The pairs / and / obviously differ with respect to the presence of a dot, but theyre all similar in that theyre non-connecting letters, so they only have two forms each. Note that while and extend below it. And dont forget that in think or three, which is written . The indepent and initial forms of
and and sit on top of the line,

is th as in this or the, not th as

are simply small hooks sitting on the line.

The letter has a dot over it. Because these letters are non-connectors, youd stop writing before adding any letters afterwards.

To write the medial and final forms, start with the right connecting stroke on the line, write toward the left, curve upwards with a slanted stroke, and then double back over it. When you reach the line again, continue writing the horizontal connecting stroke toward the left.

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The initial and independent forms of and are simply hooks that start above the line and then curve down and across it toward the left.

The medial and final forms begin with the right connecting stroke. Simply draw a straight line, and then turn upwards for the part of the letters that go above the line. Then double back down toward the line, and finish with a gentle hook toward the left.

Here are all of the forms.

Letter sound FInaL MedIaL InItIaL IndePendent

daal dhaal raa' zaay

d dh r z

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eWrItIng PractIce 11
Practice writing the forms of these letters on their own. Add short vowels and say the syllables aloud as you write.

eWriting practice 12
Practice writing syllables with these letters and the vowels youve learned. Write and pronounce each syllable, and also say which form the consonant is in. Because these letters are non-connectors, there are only two options: initial/independent or medial/final. .1 .2 .3

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.4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10
Answers 1. di (initial/independent), 2. za (medial/final), 3. dhii (medial/final), 4. ru (initial/independent), 5. zaa (medial/final), 6. dii (initial/independent), 7. ra (medial/final), 8. dhuu (medial/final), 9. raa (initial/independent), 10. 'ad (medial/final)

eWrItIng PractIce 13
And now practice pronouncing and writing these words. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7

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.8 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18

Answers 1. baHr (sea), 2. buduur (full moons), 3. tardiid (repetition), 4. raadaar (radar), 5. raajawaat (rajas, Indian princes), 6. kharaja (he left), 7. khadir (numb), 8. Harij (confined), 9. 'iHtiraab (struggle), 10. dhabdhaba (he swung, he dangled), 11. dharib (sharp), 12. dhawaat (essences, natures), 13. rawd (exploration), 14. zajara (he drove back), 15. zuyuut (oils), 16. zawar (slant), 17. zawaaj (marriage), 18. ziir (large water jars)

eWrItIng PractIce 14
Connect the following letters to form words, and say the words aloud.

+ +

+ +

.1 .2

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+ + + + + + +
Answers 1. 5. (badhar, seeding), 2. (Hadhaari, beware), 6. (kharj, expenditure), 3. (dhaat, ego), 7. ('aHad, someone), 4. (dhaab, melted)

+ + + + +

.3 .4 .5 .6 .7

(jadiid, new),

group 6:

s and

Now lets add two more similar-looking consonants,

sh. In the

independent and final forms, start on the right, and draw a series of three vertical strokes, like a lowercase w. For the independent form, youll start at the top of the first stroke, but for the final form, youll begin with a right connecting stroke on the line. At the last vertical stroke, when you double back down, extend below the line and draw a bowl-shaped tail.

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The intial and medial forms lack the final loop, so they look like a w sitting on the line.

Here are all the forms together.

Letter sound FInaL MedIaL InItIaL IndePendent

siin shiin

s sh

eWrItIng PractIce 15
Practice writing each form of these letters separately, adding the short vowels and saying each syllable aloud.

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eWrItIng PractIce 16
And here are a few more words to practice what youve learned so far.
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10

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.11 .12 .13 .14

Answers 1. saadis (sixth), 2. suuriyaa (Syria), 3. sabaHat (she swam), 4. siyaasiyy (political), 5. shaay (tea), 6. sharibtu (I drank), 7. 'aswad (black), 8. darastu (I studied), 9. tashaawara (he consulted), 10. shayb (gray hair, old age), 11. shaykh (sheikh), 12. 'ashjar (wooded), 13. saadaat (master, sir, honorable), 14. suus (licorice)

group 7:

, and

Now lets look at the emphatic consonants, S, D, T, and DH. Notice that they all have a hump and that they come in two pairs that differ only in the presence of a dot. Lets start with and . For the independent and final forms, start in middle of the letter, drawing the hump up and towards the right. Then loop back down to the line and draw on the line back towards the point where you began. Keep drawing past that point, and then draw a vertical stroke upwards, and finally double back down, cross the line, and draw a bowl-shaped tail.

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The intial and medial forms are written in the same way, except they dont include the tail.

The letters


are formed in the same way. Start in the middle, at the base of

the hump, and then draw upwards and toward the right. Then come back along the horizontal line, meeting up with and continuing past the point where you began. Then just add a vertical stroke. All of the forms look very similar.

Here are all the forms of these letters.

Letter sound FInaL MedIaL InItIaL IndePendent

Saad Daad Taa' DHaa'


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eWrItIng PractIce 17
Practice writing these letters in all their forms separately. Add short vowels, and practice pronouncing the syllables aloud. Dont forget that these consonants give a very deep quality to the vowels around them.

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eWrItIng PractIce 18
Practice writing these words.
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14

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Answers 1. SaaHib (owner), 2. SabaaH (morning), 3. SaHiiH (true), 4. DabaTa (he grabbed), 5. Dajirat (she was angry), 6. 'iDraar (harm, injury), 7. Tabiib (doctor [m.]), 8. Tabkh (cooking), 9. baTaaTis (potatoes), 10. HiDHaar (partition, screen), 11. HaDHiiDH (lucky), 12. HaaDir (present, in attendance), 13. takhaaTub (discussion), 14. wasaT (middle)

eWrItIng PractIce 19
Connect the following letters to form words.

+ + + + + + +
Answers 1. (HaDHDH, luck), 2. . (DHabii, deer) (SaaHib, owner), 3. (Sariir, creak, chirp), 4. (Dars,


+ + + +

.2 .3



molar), 5

group 8:
The pair
x and


x and gh are again only different in the placement of a dot over


. But notice that both of these letters have forms that look quite different depending on where they are in a word, and only the final and independent forms have tails.

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For the independent forms, start above the line, and draw a backwards 3 so that the middle point sits on the line and the tail hook is wider than the top hook and extends below the line.

For the final forms, begin with the connecting stroke on the right, and then draw a small loop over the line and toward the right. Curve back down across the line, and draw the tail toward the left, and then curve back toward the right.

The initial forms start above the line, as a hook that opens toward the right, almost like a c. Curve down toward the line, and then draw the connecting line toward the left.

The medial forms are like loops, but the tops are flattened.

Here are all the forms together.

Letter sound FInaL MedIaL InItIaL IndePendent

xayn ghayn

x gh

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eWrItIng PractIce 20
Practice each of the forms of these letters.

eWrItIng PractIce 21
Here are some more words to practice the letters that youve learned so far.
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6

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.7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12

Answers 1. xarabiyy (Arabic), 2. xaruus (bride), 3. 'axzab (single), 4. rabiix (spring), 5. Siraax (struggle), 6. taasix (ninth), 7. gharbiyy (western), 8. ghayr (not), 9. Saghiir (small), 10. baghdaad (Baghdad), 11. daghdagha (he tickled), 12. ghubaar (dust)

group 9:
The pair
f and


q differ in the number of dots they have and also in where they

are positioned relative to the line. Notice that remains on it.

crosses below the line, while

To write the independent and final forms, start either on the line or with the right connecting stroke, and draw a small loop up and around to the right. Then come back down to the line. For , continue straight on the line and form a small hook. For , come down past the line and draw a bowl-shaped tail.

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For the initial and medial forms, just draw a small loop sitting on the line. In these positions, the letters only differ in the number of dots.

Here are all the forms together.

Letter sound FInaL MedIaL InItIaL IndePendent

faa' qaaf

f q

eWrItIng PractIce 22
Practice writing the forms of

on their own.

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eWrItIng PractIce 23
And now practice writing words that include
, , and other letters that you know.
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12
ansWers 1. fii (in), 2. Dayf (guest), 3. dafaxtu (I paid), 4. Sadiiq (friend), 5. SaHafiyy (journalist), 6. qaSiir (short), 7. shuqaq (apartments), 8. suuq (market), 9. yaquud (he leads), 10. xuquud (contracts), 11. qafz (jumping), 12. faqaT (only)

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group 10:

, , , AND

Now lets add four more consonants to the list, which almost brings us to the end of the alphabet. Well start with
k , which has a small s-like stroke in its independent

and final forms, but not in its initial or medial forms. To write the independent form, start at the top right point, draw down toward the line, and then draw toward the left along the line, forming a small upward hook at the very end. To write the final form, start with the right connecting stroke, draw the vertical line upwards, and then come back down, continuing as you did for the independent form. Add the small s.

To write the initial form, start with a stroke thats slanted toward the left, and draw down toward the line in a rightward motion. When you reach the line, level the stroke off and write the horizontal stroke toward the left. The medial form is written in a similar way, except you begin with the right connecting stroke, draw the slanted stroke, and then come back down along it. In both cases, when youve written the whole word, add another slanted vertical stroke starting at the top, moving toward the right.

Now lets look at , which has a hook extending below the line in the independent and final forms, but not in the initial and medial forms. For the independent form, simply write a j (without the dot, and starting higher above the line). For the final form, youd begin with the right connecting stroke, draw the vertical upwards, then trace back down along it, and continue with the tail hook.

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The intial and independent forms are very similar as well, except, of course, in where you start to write. Neither one has the hook that extends below the line.

The written forms of

all involve a small loop. For the independent form, start on

the line, and draw a small loop upwards and toward the left, circling around toward the right, and then back down to the line. When you reach the line, draw a straight line toward the left, and then drop off to extend a tail that hangs down under the line. The final form is written in the same way, although youd of course start with the right connecting stroke from the previous letter.

For the initial form, start in the same place and draw your loop, but dont draw the dangling tail line. The medial form is identical, but it begins with a right connecting stroke.

And finally, the letter

is very similar to

. In its independent and final forms,

though, the bowl shape drops below the line. And, of course, the dot is above the line, rather than below it.

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The initial and medial forms of

are really just like

, although again theres a

single dot above the letter rather than below it.

Lets look at all of those forms one more time.

Letter sound FInaL MedIaL InItIaL IndePendent

kaaf laam miim nuun

k l m n

eWrItIng PractIce 24
Practice writing all the forms of these four consonants on their own, and then add short vowels and say the syllables aloud.

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eWrItIng PractIce 25
Practice writing the following words, which use a good mix of all the letters weve covered so far.
.1 .2 .3 .4

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.5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18

Answers 1. laHm (meat), 2. layaalii (nights), 3. kursii (chair), 4. naxam (yes), 5. mashriq (east), 6. kathiir (many), 7. mudun (cities), 8. qalam (pen), 9. saakin (resident), 10. mismaar (nail), 11. lakin (but), 12. 'anaa (I), 13. xilm (knowledge), 14. 'akaltu (I ate), 15. maTar (airport), 16. riyaal (riyal), 17. 'ismuka (your name), 18. jamiil (beautiful)

Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

group 11:


Now lets look at h, which is the last consonant, and the similar-looking a, which is not a consonant but rather a short vowel pronounced just like fatHa. Well start with , whose four forms look rather different from one another. The independent form is a simple open circle that sits on the line. The final form is similar, but it begins with the right connecting stroke. Draw a straight line up from the connecting stroke, and then form a rounded c-shape to the left, attached to the vertical stroke. Final winds up looking something like a lowercase cursive a, but its written in the opposite direction.

Before we go on to the other forms of , its worth pointing out that if you simply add two dots to these letters, you have , or taa' marbuuTa.

Remember that taa' marbuuTa (tied t) is a very typical feminine ending in Arabic, pronounced exactly the same as fatHa. It has no medial or initial forms, because it only occurs at the end of words. The independent form is used when it follows a non-connecting letter. This letter is called taa' marbuuTa because in certain enviroments the hidden t is pronounced. Now lets look at the initial and medial forms of . To form initial , write a leftwardfacing loop on the line, like a backwards c. Then form a small loop within the c, and continue with the connecting stroke on the line moving toward the left. Medial looks something like the number 8, with its center resting on the line. Start with the connecting stroke on the right, and then draw the upper loop, first moving up and toward the left, then circling to the right and coming back down to the center

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point. Then continue below the line and draw the mirror image, first down and toward the left, and then toward the right and back up to the center point. Then just continue along the line for your left connecting stroke. Describing this action in words seems complex, but once youve written the letter a few times, youll see that its quite simple.

Now lets look at all the forms of these two letters once again.
Letter sound FInaL MedIaL InItIaL IndePendent

haa' taa' marbuuTa

h a

eWrItIng PractIce 26
Practice writing the forms of these letters.

Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

eWrItIng PractIce 27
Now practice writing words with these letters.
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12

ansWers 1. haadhaa (this [m.]), 2. haadhihi (this [f.]), 3. hunaak (there), 4. DHahr (back), 5. jaamixa (university), 6. ghurfa (room), 7. kura (ball), 8. fahimt (I understood), 9. 'adhhab (I go), 10. madiina (city), 11. zahra (blossom), 12. xahd (era)

Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

Now youve learned how to write all of the consonants, the long vowels, the short vowels and taa' marbuuTa, and the diphthongs and sukuun. In the reading section, you learned that there are also some more special forms, so lets practice writing them now.

group 12: shadda, laam-'alif, the definite article

The symbol shadda looks like a 3 on its side, and its written above consonants to show that they should be pronounced longer. shadda is like a short vowel in that its not usually written. But the combination letter laam-'alif is written. Its pronounced just as youd expect, as following , or laa. To write its isolated form, start above the line, and draw a slanted stroke down and toward the left. When you get to the line, change direction, and then loop back up, making a small circle and extending back up toward the left. Isolated laam-'alif should look something like a rabbits head, if you have a little imagination! This letter is a non-connector, so the isolated form is also the intial form. The final form starts out like a final , but theres no tail that extends below the line. Start with the right connecting stroke, and draw the vertical stroke up, and then back down again. Draw a small tail that sits on the line, and then add a slanted vertical stroke from the top left that meets the line at the same point where the vertical line does.

The order 'alif laam is, of course, the definite article, . In writing and in speech, the article is attached to the word that follows it. Theres nothing special about the way its written. Simply start with , which may have hamza and fatHa over it in fully voweled writing, and then draw initial , because 'alif is a non-connector. Dont forget that is sometimes pronounced like the consonant that follows it, in the case of sun

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letters, but this never changes its spelling. But if the noun itself starts with a short vowel, it will be written as an 'alif, so with the definite article the combination will be . That will give you an 'alif, and then a laam-'alif.
+ +

eWrItIng PractIce 28
Practice writing shadda, laam-'alif, and the definite article.

eWrItIng PractIce 29
Now practice writing these words.
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6

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.7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15

Answers 1. sitta (six), 2. mamarr (corridor), 3. Hammaam (bathroom), 4. kull (each), 5. laaHiq (later), 6. salaam (peace), 7. laazim (necessary), 8. Tulaab (students), 9. 'al-bayt (the house), 10. 'ar-rajul (the man), 11. 'al-yawm (the day), 12. 'as-sabab (the reason), 13. 'al-'ism (the name), 14. 'al-'ukht (the sister), 15. 'al-'awlaad (the boys)

13: hamza
You already know that words that begin with a short vowel are written in Arabic with a hamza, which is written like a small backwards 2. and sits on top of or below an 'alif. The 'alif itself isnt pronounced;its just a host for the short vowel. So, is pronounced
a', is pronounced 'u, 'u, and is pronounced 'i. 'a

Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

eWrItIng PractIce 30
Practice writing a few words that begin with vowels.
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8

Answers 1. 'anaa (I), 2. 'ibn (son), 3. 'ukht (sister), 4. 'arbaxa (four), 5. 'ustaadha (professor [f.] 6. 'ijaaza (vacation), 7. 'amriikii (American ), [m.]), 8. 'imtiHaan (exam)

As you saw in the reading section, hamza can also come in the middle of a word or at the end, where it may be written in a few different ways. Weve already covered some generalizations about spelling with hamza in the reading section, so we wont review them here. If you need to go over them again, turn back to the reading section before you practice writing words with hamza.

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eWrItIng PractIce 31
Practice writing these words with hamza.
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17

Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

Answers 1. 'imraa'a (woman), 2. sa'ala (he asked), 3. ra's (head), 4. fa'ra (mouse [f.]), 5. sa'uul (curious), 6. su'l (request, demand), 7. tara'us (management), 8. ru'ya (sight), 9. xaa'ila (family), 10. 'akhaSSaa'ii (specialist), 11. al-jazaa'ir (Algeria), 12. ra'iisii (main), 13. Taa'ira (airplane), 14. qiraa'a (reading), 15. masaa' (evening), 16. nisaa' (women), 17. hana'a (to be wholesome)


'alif maqsuura and grammatical endings with -n

As you learned in the reading section, 'alif maqSuura is pronounced like a long aa, and it only occurs at the end of a word. Its written exactly like , without the dots. The grammatical endings with -n, or tanwiin, should give you no trouble writing, either.

eWrItIng PractIce 32
Practice writing the following words with 'alif maqSuura and tanwiin.
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5

Answers 1. 'ilaa (to), 2. Hakaa (told), 3. shukran (thank you), 4. bintun (a girl), 5. kitaabin (a book)

Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

eWrItIng PractIce 33
Now practice writing and pronouncing the following words.
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6

Answers 1. al-lugha (the language), 2. rajul wa 'imra'a (a man and a woman), 3. al-'ingliiziyya (English), 4. buyuut kabiira (big houses), 5. SabaaH al-khayr (good morning), 6. zamiil (colleague)

eWrItIng PractIce 34
Connect the following letters to form words.

+ + +

+ + + +

+ + + +

.1 .2 .3 .4

Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

+ + + +

+ + +

+ + + +

+ + + + + + + + + +

.5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15

+ + + + + + + +

+ + + + +

Answers 1. (kuwayt, Kuwait), 2. (qamuus, dictionary), 3. (mustashfaa, hospital), 7. (kathiiran, a lot), 11. (maxa, with), 15.

(Sadiiq, friend), 4. (Tabxan, of course), 8.

lakin, but), 5. (yawm, day), 9.

('ustaadh, professor [m.]), 6. (Hafla, party), 10. (rakhiis, cheap), 14.

(fuluus, money), 12. ('akalnaa, we ate)

(mashruub, drink), 13.

Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

eWrItIng PractIce 35
Practice writing the following phrases that you saw earlier in the reading section.
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10

Answers 1. al-lugha al-xarabiyya (the Arabic language), 2. SabaaH al-khayr (good morning), 3. SabaaH an-nuur (good morning, response), 4. masaa' al-khayr (good afternoon), 5. masaa' an-nuur (good afternoon, response), 6. maxa assalaama (good-bye), 7. 'askun fii ... (I live in ...), 8. bil-xarabii (in Arabic), 9. as-salaamu xalaykum (hello, peace be upon you), 10. tusaafir bis-salaama (have a safe trip)

Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

eWrItIng PractIce 36
Now practice writing those simple sentences you read earlier.
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12

Answers 1. 'anaa 'amriikiyy. (Im American. [m.]) 2. hiya mudarrisa. (Shes a teacher.) 3. al-madiina Saghiira. (The city is small.) 4. al-funduq kabiir. (The hotel is big.) 5. hunna min miSr. (Theyre [f.] from Egypt.) 6. min 'ayna 'antumaa? (Where are you two from?) 7. haadhaa kitaab. (This is a book.) 8. haadhihi Taa'ira. (This is an airplane.) 9. hiya Tabiiba. (Shes a doctor.) 10. huwa miSriyy wa hiya 'amriikiyya. (Hes Egyptian and shes American.) 11. maa haadha? (Whats this?) 12. hal haadhaa Saff al-lugha al-xarabiyya? (Is this the Arabic class?)

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Part 3: Reading Passages

In this section youll have the chance to put your Arabic reading skills to work by reading four short dialogues. Probably the most difficult part of reading actual written Arabic is the fact that short vowels and many other helpful symbols, such as sukuun, shadda, and so on, are not usually included. To help you make this challenging transition, each dialogue appears twice,first fully voweled, and then again in natural form, with only consonants and long vowels.

d dIaLogue 1

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: :

: :

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: :

: : :

'as-salaam xalaykum
kariim: kamaal: kariim: kamaal: kariim: 'ahlan wa sahlan! 'ahlan wa sahlan! kayfa l-Haal? al-Hamdu lillaah. wa 'anta, kayfa l-Haal? al-Hamdu lillaah.

Karim: Kamal: Karim: Kamal: Karim: Hi! Hi! How are you? Im doing well. And you, how are you? Im doing well.

Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

d dIaLogue 2

. . . .

: . :

: : :

: : :

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: . :

Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

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: . :

: : :

: : :

Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

. . .

. : . : :

: : : :

. .

. .
fi l-funduq
muwaDHDHaf al-'istiqbaal: julii: muwaDHDHaf al-'istiqbaal: julii: muwaDHDHaf al-'istiqbaal: julii: muwaDHDHaf al-'istiqbaal: julii:

SabaaH al-khayr, wa marHaban biki 'ilaa funduq sfinks. SabaaH an-nuur. shukran. hal ladaykum ghurfa? naxam, ya sayyidatii. hal turiidiina ghurfa li shakhS waaHid 'aw ghurfa li shakhSayni? ghurfa li shakhS, shukran. li kam min layl? li 'arbaxat layaali, min faDlika. ghurfa bi Hammaam? bi dush? 'aw biduun Hammaam? bi Hammaam wa dush, min faDliki. hal xindakum fuTuur?

Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

muwaDHDHaf al-'istiqbaal:

julii: muwaDHDHaf al-'istiqbaal: julii: muwaDHDHaf al-'istiqbaal: julii:

muwaDHDHaf al-'istiqbaal:


naxam, ya sayyidatii. wa xindanaa khidma li l-ghurfa wa maTxam li l-ghadaa' wa l-xashaa'. xindaki ghurfa raqm thalaatha mi'a wa 'arbaxata 'ashar, fii T-Taabiq ath-thaalith. al-ghurfa kabiira wa mushmisa. hal al-ghurfa haadi'a? naxam, ya sayyidatii. al-ghurfa haadi'a. haadhaa mumtaaz. 'anaa taxbaana jiddan. hal kaana as-safar Tawiilan? naxam. min nuu yurk. 'anti 'amriikiyya. tatakallamiina xarabiyya mumtaaza. 'anaa min kanadaa, wa laakin ji'tu min nuu yurk. wa lugha Saxba wa laakin jadiira bi l-'ihtimaam.

At the hotel
Clerk: Julie: Clerk: Julie: Clerk: Julie: Clerk: Julie: Clerk: Julie: Clerk: Julie: Good morning, and welcome to the Hotel Sphinx. Good morning. Thank you. Do you have a room? Yes, maam. Would you like a single or a double? A single room, thank you. For how many nights? For four nights, please. With a bathroom? With a shower? Or without a bathroom? With a bathroom and shower, please. And do you have breakfast? Yes, maam. There is also room service and a restaurant for lunch and dinner. Youll be in room 314, on the third floor. Its big and sunny. Is the room quiet? Yes, maam. The room is very quiet. Thats wonderful. Im very tired.

Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

Clerk: Julie: Clerk: Julie:

Was your trip long? Yes. From New York. Youre American. You speak excellent Arabic. Im from Canada, but I came from New York. And thank you. Arabic is a hard language, but very interesting.

d dIaLogue 3

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Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

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Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

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Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

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: . :

'ilaa l-'arbixaa'
sara: al-baa'ix: sara: al-baa'ix: sara: al-baa'ix: sara: xalaa l-haatif sara: al-mumarriDa: 'allo. 'uriidu 'an 'atakallama maxa T-Tabiib. 'aasifa, huwa laysa hunaa l-'aan. hal turiidiina 'an tatrukii khabaran? hal yumkin 'an 'astaxmila l-haatif? Tabxan. 'axTiinii biTaaqa li l-haatif min faDlika. hal turiidiina biTaaqa li khamsat diinaraat 'aw xashrat diinaraat? xashrat diinaraat min faDlika. hal xindaka daliil al-haatif? tafaDDalii. shukran.

Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

sara: al-mumarriDa:

sara: al-mumarriDa: sara: al-mumarriDa: sara: al-mumarriDa: sara: al-mumarriDa:

naxam. 'uriidu mawxidan maxa T-Tabiib yawma l-khamiis. hal haadhaa mumkin? 'ibqay xalaa l-haatif min faDliki. huwa laysa hunaa l-khamiis. yadh-habu 'ilaa 'irbid kulla khamiis. yaxmalu fii l-mustashfaa hunaaka. Hal ath-thulathaa' yuwaafiquki? anaa fii l-maktab ath-thulathaa' wa 'antahii min al-xamal fii l-layl. hal 'anti fii l-maktab al-'arbixaa'? al-'arbixaa' jayyid. 'ay waqt min faDlik? sa-yakuunu hunaaka fii s-saaxa l-waaHida. haadhaa jayyid. shukran jaziilan. 'ilaa l-'irbixaa' fii s-saaxa l-waaHida. shukran. maxa as-salaama maxa as-salaama.

See You Wednesday

Sara: Clerk: Sara: Clerk: Sara: Clerk: Sara: Is it possible for me to use the phone? Of course. Please give me a phone card. Would you like a card for five dinars or ten dinars? Ten dinars, please. Do you have a phone book? Here you go. Thank you.

On the Phone ... Sara: Nurse: Sara: Nurse: Sara: Nurse: Sara: Hello. Id like to speak with the doctor. Im sorry, but hes not in now. Would you like to leave a message? Yes. Id like an appointment with the doctor on Thursday. Is that possible? Please hold the line. Hes not here on Thursday. He goes to Irbid on Thursdays. He works in the hospital there. Is Tuesday good for you? Im in the office on Tuesday, and I finish at night. Are you in the office on Wednesday? Wednesday is good. What time, please?

Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

Nurse: Sara: Nurse: Sara: Nurse:

Hes going to be here at one oclock. Thats good. Thank you very much. See you Wednesday at one oclock. Thank you. Good-bye. Good-bye.

d dIaLogue 4

. . . .

: : : : :

: : : : . . : :

. .

Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

: :
: : : : . : . : : : : : : : :

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Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

mari: 'amiin al-maSrif: mari: 'amiin al-maSrif: mari: 'amiin al-maSrif: mari: 'amiin al-maSrif: mari: 'amiin al-maSrif: mari: 'amiin al-maSrif: mari: Mary: Teller: Mary: Teller: Mary: Teller: Mary: Teller: Mary: Teller: Mary: Teller: Mary:

'uriidu 'an 'aSrifa duulaaraat 'ilaa daraahim. kam min duulaar turiidiina 'an tuSarrifii? mi'at duulaar min faDlika. hal xindaki jawaaz safariki? naxam. haa huwa. shukran. kayfa turiidiina l-fuluus? xashrat 'awraaq min faDlika. yajibu l-'imDaa' hunaa min faDliki. tabxan. sayyidatii, lam taktubii raqma jawaaz as-safar. xafwan. lam 'arahu fii l-'istimaara. haa huwa. shukran. tafaDDalii. shukran jaziilan.

I would like to exchange dollars for dirhams. How many dollars would you like to change? $100, please. Do you have a passport? Yes. Here it is. Thank you. How would you like the money? Ten bills, please. You need to sign here, please. Of course. Maam, you didnt write your passport number. Im sorry. I didnt see it on the form. Here it is. Thank you. Here you go. Thank you very much.

Copyright 2012 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc.

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