Free Writing Prompts

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Free Writing Prompts Free Writing Prompt - Take the prompt provided below and develop it into a story.

This particular prompt is an example of selecting a scene and allowing the character to reveal "himself". Write for 15-20 min without editing. Prompt: A man gets into a cab at the airport. Variations: After you complete the exercise see how changing an element affects the story. How will the story differ if it is a woman instead of a man, or if two people, strangers or not, get into the cab. Free Writing Prompt - Write for 15 minutes using the following phrase as your first line. "After the door shuts and the footsteps die..." Free Writing Prompt - Use the following line as inspiration. Write for at least 20 minutes without editing. "Tracing the outline of her face from a photograph..." Free Writing Prompt - Use the following phrase as a focal point to write from: "The stain will not come out..." Free Writing Prompt - Using the following phrase as a starting point write for 20 minutes without self editing: "Collapsing under a canopy of green..." Free Writing Prompt - Write short prose or poetry using the following theme: transparency Free Writing Prompt - Write for twenty minutes starting with the phrase," The inside of an egg..." Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following phrase as the title: "Prolonged Exposure" Free Writing Prompt - Select a scene that involves 2-3 characters. Write a paragraph from the point of one character, then write the same interaction from another character s point of view. For example, the point of view of convenience store clerk contrasted with a customer's point of view of the same incident. Free Writing Prompt - Without using color names, describe a tree. Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) using the following prompt: "The distance between two points increases over time." Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) using the following prompt: "This morning marks the anniversary, the anniversary of two people dying." Free Writing Prompt with Prop - As a visual reference, select a box that has dimensions under 12X12 inches. Tape the box closed. Set the box in front of you. Write a story, poem or free writing based on what is inside the box. Free Writing Prompt - Write for twenty minutes using "white noise" as your title. Free Writing Prompt - Flip through a magazine and select a page for your inspiration. You can use the subject matter, or the illustration. Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following prompt: "The afternoon..."

Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following prompt: "My life is made up of seconds..." Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes in any style using "Flowers for Ann" as the title. Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes without editing using the sense of black and white vision, as in film or photographs. The piece can have a historical or nostalgic feel, surreal, or futuristic. Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style using this prompt: "Jerry was a nice guy..." Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style using "non-descript" as your title. Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style about a character named "Vegas" Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style using "everyday object" as your title Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style: using "Parenthetical" as the title. (Be divergent.) Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style: using, "turning into silence". Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style using "At This Very Moment" as your title. Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style: using "pendulum". Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style, using "The Man" or "The Woman" as your starting point. Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style using "Hidden Camera" as your title. Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style: using "faded denim" as your title. Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style: using "franchise" as your starter. Free Writing Prompt - Write a list of all the words you can think of that start with "mag-". Select three of the words, using them for your 20 minute free-write. For a second list, use "tri-". Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style: using "Clippings" as your starter. Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style using "arrivals and departures" as your starter. Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style using this as your starter: "In the event of an emergency..." Consider writing with humor.

Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style using the title, "The Bumblebee Chronicles". Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes in any style using the following as your title, "Spending Purgatory with... " Consider using humor. Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style, using a Laundromat as your setting. Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes, (without editing) in any style, describing one of your parents. Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes, (without editing) in any style using "Why Claire Left" as a starter. Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes, (without editing) in any style using: "My last memory of..." Consider writing something surreal. Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes, (without editing) in any style using "The East India Company..." as a starter. Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style using, "Moth Whispers". Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style using, "Soap Bubbles" or "Bottle Rockets" as your title. Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes (without editing) in any style using, "String Theory". Or "Modern American Fantasy". Or , "An Ordinary Morning". Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes starting with "The Color of Smoke". About halfway through, interject, "The Use of an Elevator". Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using "Shallow Breath". Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes starting with "The gypsy reads the tea leaves" or, "The First Time I Saw the Circus". Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using , "Clairvoyant". Or "Mundane Occurrences." Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter, "Masquerade". Free Writing Exercise - Write for 20 minutes in any genre using the phrase, " The door shut, before I....". Or, "Three scenes depicting *__________". (i.e. death, love, karma.) Free Writing Exercise - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter, "Diamonds aren't for giving..." Or, use, "Images are blurred..." Free Writing Exercise - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter, " A Penny on the Sidewalk ". Free Writing Exercise - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Yelling with meaning" Free Writing Exercise - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Overdrawn flowers"

Free Writing Exercise - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Devout Hurting" Free Writing Exercise - Write for 20 minutes using the title, "The Bubble Gum Contest". Free Writing Exercise - Write for 20 minutes using the title, "The Shadow Children". Free Writing Exercise - Write for 20 minutes using the starter, "disappearing". Free Writing Exercise - Write for 20 minutes using the starter, "Cardboard Box". Free Writing Exercise - Write for 20 minutes using the starter, "Under the Microscope". Free Writing Exercise - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "The illusion of..." Free Writing Exercise - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Identity" Free Writing Exercise - Write for 20 minutes using the letter "x" as your starter. Free Writing Exercise - Write for 20 minutes using the phrase, "This is a photograph of..." Free Writing Exercise - Write for 20 minutes using the phrase, "Cut Your Losses". Free Writing Exercise - Write for 20 minutes using the phrase, "Within Reach". Free Writing Exercise - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter or title: "Fourth Person Tense" Free Writing Prompt - Write a for 20 minutes without editing using the following title: "The Salesman". Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following: "Removing the Stitches". Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes without editing using the following title, "The Cat Came Back". Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes without editing using the following title, "Children's Games". Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "The world is divided into two types of people." Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your title or starting phrase: "A song of allusion..." Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your title or starting phrase: "Consider Blasphemy" Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "This year, on my summer vacation, I ..." Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "I stood up and gave my name..." Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Captain's log, supplemental ..." Or, if that's too cheesy: "Fascinating ..."

Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "An avalanche of words..." Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Thank you..." Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Everybody knows..." Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Hello Coffee..." Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "If you are reading this..." Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "What Dorothy found..." Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Pest Control..." Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "The Chameleon Spoke" Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Summer Falls" Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Nice Bully" Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Inadequate Plumbing" Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Selling Short" Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Black Frosting..." Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Five Fingers" Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Touching the edge..." Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Antique Glass" Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Nose to Nose" Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Off the Map" Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Roosevelt buried the shoe in the back yard, then took off." Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Excuses Ready" Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Beans Spilled" Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "After Hours" Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Scaling the Walls" Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "The Rabbit Trails"

Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Self Storage" Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Pancakes" Free Writing Prompt - Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: "Odds Are"

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