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The Ogham Alphabet

Ogham is the ancient alphabet of the Celts. It is written as a series of one to five straight or vertical lines along another central line- perfect for easilly carving into wood or stone . In addition to being a traditional alphabet used for the gaelic language, each letter is associated with a tree or sacred plant. In recent times, a number of authors have translated this concept into a series of archytypical meanings so that the ogham alphabet may be used for divination in a manner similar to the norse runes. To do a reading, pull 3 tiles from the bag at random, placing them in a straight line. the first represents the past, the second one the present, and the third, the future. If clarification is required, you may draw a fourth. This simple guide will help get you started with deciphering the meanings of the symbols. There are a number of books and online resources that can help you with further study, including The White Goddess by Robert Graves, or Ogam: Celtic Oracle of the Trees by Paul Rhys Mountfort. There are also a number of scholorly works that will give you more information on ogham without the more modern influences. Symbol Letter Tree Meaning B Birch Birth and new beginnings. The continuing cycle of rebirth. Protection



Guidance, prophecy, and intuition.


The Moon, emotions, and witchcraft


Change, growth, and shape-shifting Obstacles, hostile forces, of complications Endurance, strength, and maturity. Also nobility.




A test or challenge Wisdom, knowledge, and enlightenment Health and healing, also rest and recouperation. Harvest, celebration, and a successful finish to a task. The primal force of the survival instinct. Tenacity, ruthlessness.






Broom, or Medicine or cleaning, especially in a Dwarf Elder purgative sense. Blackthorn Harm. Pain or wounding. Regret, shame, or humiliation. The balancing of karma. May sometimes signify revenge. Wonder, awe, or a heightened conciousness Sexuality, passion, eros Lovers, partnership, or the bond of male and female A rite of passage. Coming to terms with one's own fear. Death, an ending. Also gateways or the otherworld.


Fir Gorse, or Furze Heather White Poplar Yew

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