Anatomy Syllabus
Anatomy Syllabus
Anatomy Syllabus
OFFICE HOURS: M ___ not on campus____ T _4:30 PM 5:30 PM W ___not on campus_____ TH 4:30 PM 5:30 PM F ____not on campus____
COURSE DESCRIPTION Welcome to Human Anatomy! Your introduction to the world of the human body. I hope we will spend this semester together learning to understand and appreciate the miracle of this living home. There are literally thousands of names for the intricate parts of our anatomy and you will be learning most of them (I am not joking about this). By the end of our time together you will be able to recognize these parts, know what they do and (hopefully), be able to have an intelligent conversation about the body with any medical professional you happen to run across. Since most of you are directing your lives toward nursing or some other aspect of medicine, this course will most definitely have a medical emphasis.
At the beginning, don't be surprised if you are overwhelmed with all that will be required of you. The study of human anatomy is more hard work than most college students are used to. However, those of you stick with it, do your work and ask questions will finish this class with a much better understanding of how people function (and sometimes how they malfunction).
1. Principles of :Human Anatomy 12th ed. by Gerard Tortora 2. Laboratory Manual : by Dr. Denise Speer 3. Syllabus for BIOSC 40 ('Revised :Fall '11) by Denise Speer
4. LABORATORY: White lab coat (preferably long length) 5. Other Stuff: A four color pen for note taking is extremely helpful
4 lecture midterms exams (drop the lowest) = 300 points 6 lab exams @ 100 points each (drop the lowest) = 500 points (Note: You may not drop the same topic for midterm and lab) 1 comprehensive lecture final = 200 points Pop Quizzes for extra credits (un-announced)
Grand Total 90% and above 80% - 89% 70% - 79% 60% - 69% 59% & Below = A = B = C = D = F
= 1000 points
Make-up Policy: Lecture exams may be made up for emergency situations or illness. Please make every effort to notify me if you are unable to take a midterm. The make-up will be in an essay\written format and must be completed within 3 days of returning to school. Make up exam are complete at the AT Center. Lab exams are extremely time consuming to set up and take down. If they are missed, they cannot be made up. If you miss a lab exam, that will be the one to be dropped. If you miss more than one, you will get a O (zero). Very Important!!!!. You may NOT drop the final exam.
Course repeatability - You are only allowed to attempt a course a total of 3 times, assuming you received a substandard grade (D, F or W) on your first and/ or second attempt. However, on the third attempt you would need to prove extenuating circumstances for permission to enroll. Midterm Exams, Comphrensive Final and Quizzes
Questions consist of any of the following formats: 1. Single answer questions (fill in the blanks). 2. Multiple answer questions (Multiple choices) 3. Essay: requires writing a paragraph(s) 4. Illustrations/drawings and labeling structures. 5. Essays and Illustrations.
ATTENDANCE / DROP AND CHEATING POLICIES: I only take attendance the first couple of weeks to confirm who is in the class. During that time, I may drop students for even a single unexcused absence, so make sure to contact me if you are not going to be in class. Otherwise, I don't take attendance. You can decide for yourself if this class is important enough to you to come and participate. If you decide to drop after the first two weeks, you must do so yourself through the Admissions Office. I will not drop students who just stop attending. In this situation, your name will appear on my final roster and I will be required to give you a letter grade, most likely an "F" if you have missed exams. Please come talk to me in my office if you are considering dropping. I am very willing to help students who are having problems steer their way through this difficult course.
Tardiness: I will start the class on time. As a courtesy to your instructor and classmates, please try to be on time. If this becomes a problem we will deal with the situation as it fits. For example, I may give a pop-quiz at the beginning of the class or you may only enter the classroom during class breaks.etc. In light of the recent increased in LMC enrollment and the bad weather we may experience parking difficulties, please plan ahead accordingly. As this situation worsen, may have to adjust the start time of the lecture.
The grade of "I" is only given to students who have had serious emergencies or illness and are unable to complete the course. You must be doing passing work otherwise in order to be considered for this option. Like most people in my position, I fell cheating and plagiarism of any kind is reprehensible, particularly for people who are desiring to enter medical professions where lack of knowledge and ethics can hurt or even kill patients. I expect everyone to do their own work on exams and assignments unless specifically told that group work is OK. For anyone caught cheating or representing someone elses work as their own, the minimum consequence will be an undroppable "0" on that exam or assignment. I reserve the right to drop cheaters from the course, and notify the Dean (which may ultimately result in expulsion).
I plan to make every effort to have you learn the human body through my knowledge and experience as a medical doctor for the last 23 years. Please do not be intimidated by this, because I was once a student like you. I will start my teaching pace at ground level and then work our way up to the level that will prepare you for other classes in the sciences or health field. I will try to give ways to remember and retain the knowledge you learned from my class and hopefully be able to use this as you become a respected healthcare professional. I take this class very seriously, but a little humor wont hurt, especially when tension is relieved. Hence my philosophy is: a little smile and laughter will make you look and feel more positive, the more positive, the more you become more proactive in learning. Happy studies!
#2 FIND TIME TO READ THE TEXTBOOK - I lecture very quickly. If you have done the reading prior to lecture, it will make more sense and note-taking will go more smoothly. Pay particular attention to the illustrations .... anatomy is very visual. Also, the pretty color pictures are the reason your text is so all fired expensive, so studying them at least gets you your moneys worth! #3 LOOK UP FUNCTIONS PRIOR TO LAB!!!!!!!!! - IF THERE IS ONE THING THAT LEADS TO PROBLEMS IN THIS CLASS, THIS IS IT! You must prepare for lab prior to your session to get the most out of it. Due to problems with theft and lack of funding, your opportunities to look at lab materials outside of the lab will be very restricted. If you are not prepared, you will waste valuable time and will very easily fall behind.
#4 FORM STUDY GROUPS - Most people learn better when they talk about a subject with others. Brainstorming and discussing are extremely effective ways to learn and help with retention. Working with friends is also a lot of fun and helps make studying not quite as tedious. #5 PACE YOURSELF - Make sure you are not focusing on one part of the class to the exclusion of the rest. Spend your time evenly between lecture and lab. #6 DON'T LET YOURSELF GET BEHIND - Set aside a couple of hours every day to study. There is way too much material to be able to cram it all in a few days before an exam. Expect to spend 2-3 hours per week for every hour you are in class. (I know this seems like a lot, but it is backed up by nationwide research on college success). The material in this class is not conceptually difficult..... Its the volume that will kill you if you don't stay on top of it. #7 ASK FOR HELP AS SOON AS YOU NEED IT. DON'T BE SHY - There are many avenues for this. The college provides a limited amount of free group tutoring and I am available approximately 7-9 hours per week in my office, lab or AT Center if you need me. #8 HAVE AN ATTITUDE OF EXCELLENCE - Nurses have the power of life (and sometimes death) in their hands. Would you want someone nursing you or some one you love whose attitude in school was to learn just enough to "get by"? Would you want to BE a nurse like that? Think about it. You have a responsibility to your self, your family and your future patients to learn as much as you can. I know it takes a lot of precious time that you don't think you have, but you must find the time somewhere. It's important to everyone involved. #9 HAVE SOME FUN! - Anatomy can be a wonderful experience of making new friends, expanding your view of your body and being able to impress your family, friends and neighbors with fascinating tidbits of knowledge that make you look really smart! Try to keep a sense of humor ..... enjoy each other ..... we're all in this boat together, me included.
LOS MEDANOS COLLEGE Spring 2013 BIOSCI: 40 1757 HUMAN ANATOMY TTH 5:30 PM to 6:50 PM Lecture TTH 7:00 PM to 9:50 PM Lab
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Nieto Baluyut, M.D. Office hours: TTh 4:30 to 5:30 PM or by Appointment Office : Room 121 Biosc Bldg. Email :
Getting acquainted with the Anatomy Lab. Surface Anatomy Lab 1 - Basic Anatomical Language Lab 2 - Body Organization and Body Cavities Lab 3 - Discovering Cells Lab 4 - Introduction to Tissues Part I & II Lab 4 - Introduction to Tissues Part III & IV Lab 5 - Organs and Organ Systems
LAB EXAM #1 Language thru Organ Systems Labs 1-5
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Thursday Jan. 24
Bone as a Tissue
Chapter 6
Tuesday Jan. 29
Skeletal System: Organization, Soft Tissues, Skeletal Disorders Midterm #1 will cover all material through Bone as a Tissue. Study hard! Skeletal : Axial
Chapter 7 Start
Thursday Jan. 31 Tuesday Feb. 5 Thursday Feb. 7 Tuesday Feb. 12 Thursday Feb. 14
Lab 6 - Histology Of Bone Tissue/ The Skull Lab 7 - Vertebral Column, Sternum, Ribs, Pectoral and Pelvic Girdles Lab 8 - Bones of the Appendages (start) Lab 8 - Bones of the Appendages (finish) Lab 9 - Joints and Movement
Skeletal: Appendages Joints Muscular System: Muscle as a Tissue Muscle as an Organ, Movement
Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Tuesday Feb. 19
Chapter 11
Introduction to the Dissection Room Lab 10 - Histology of Skeletal Muscle/Introduction to Dissection Lab 14 - Integumentary System
Thursday Feb. 21
Would Healing
syllabus Tuesday Feb. 26 Thursday Feb. 28 Introduction to the Nervous System Midterm #2 will cover material from Bone as an Organ to Integumentary CNS: Anatomy of the Spinal Cord and The Reflex Arc CNS: Anatomy of the Brain CNS: Anatomy of the Meninges, CSF Formation & Circulation PNS: Spinal & Cranial Nerves Chapter 17 No Lecture, Midterm #2 only Chapter 18 LAB EXAM #2 Skeletal System Labs 6-9
Lab 11 - Origins/Insertions, Muscles of the Head, Neck, Chest and Abdomen Lab 12 - Muscles of the Anterior Appendages Lab 13 - Posterior Muscles (start) Lab 13 - Posterior Muscles (finish) Study for Muscle Exam
Chapter 19 Chapter 19
Thursday March. 14
Chapter 18
Spring Break PNS: Intro to the Autonomic Nervous System Intro to the Endocrine System The Endocrine System (cont'd) The Stress Response Midterm #3 will cover all material on the nervous system through stress response Intro to Circulatory System The Heart Blood Vessels, Systemic and Pulmonary Circulation Lymphatic System, Immune System Respiratory System: Anatomy & Mechanics of Breathing Digestive System: Upper Tract
Chapter 23 Chapter 23
Lab 16 - The Central Nervous System Lab 17 - The Peripheral Nervous System
Tuesday April 9 Thursday April 11 Tuesday April 16 Thursday April 18 Tuesday April 23
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 24
LAB EXAM #4 Nervous, and Endocrine Systems Labs 15-20 Lab 21 - Blood Lab 22 - Heart and Associated Vessels Lab 23 - Selected Major Blood Vessels
Chapter 25
Digestive System: Lower Tract Urinary System Midterm #4 will cover all material from circulatory through digestive systems Female Reproductive Anatomy (start)
Chapter 25,
Lab 24 - Lymphatic and Immune Systems Lab 25 - Respiratory System Lab 26 - Digestive System I Lab 27 - Digestive System II
Tuesday May 7
Chapter 27
Thursday May 9
Chapter 27
LAB EXAM #5 Circulatory, Lymphatic/Immune and Respiratory Systems Labs 21-25 Lab 28 - Urinary System
Chapter 27
Lab 29 - Male and Female Reproductive Systems Lab 30 - Conception, Pregnancy and Fetal Anatomy Study for last Lab Exam
Chapter 4
Tuesday May 21
Review Lab Exam #6 Digestive, Urinary and Reproductive Comprehensive Final Exam
Thursday May 23
Lab Exam #6 Start at 7:30 PM Digestive, Urinary and Reproductive ** Will be from 5:30pm to 8:30pm **
Pop Quizzes : Unannounced Lecture T Th 05:30PM - 06:50PM Science Building- Level 1, Room 131 01/15/2013 - 5/23/2013 Lab T Th 07:00PM - 09:50PM Science Building- Level 1, Room 133 01/15/2013 - 5/23/2010 Last Date to Add: Last Date to Drop with no 'W': Last Date to Drop with 'W': Last Date to Drop with Refund: 01/25/2013 02/03/2013 04/26/2013 01/25/2013