Question Paper Full Marks:40 Duration: 2hr
Question Paper Full Marks:40 Duration: 2hr
Question Paper Full Marks:40 Duration: 2hr
: CSE 5th Sem Exam 2012 Test: 26.11.2012 Paper Name: Object Technology Lab Semester: Fifth Date of Class Paper Code: CS594D Academic Session: July-Dec 2012
QUESTION PAPER Full Marks:40 Duration: 2hr 1. Create an abstract class OutdoorGame inside the package sports. Inherit it for Football and Cricket. Create another package sportsstar. Inside which create two class Footballer and Cricketer. Each class shows individual income based on the rating ( where rating is assigned based on different bowling or bating avg or total goal done or saved by different sports persons) of its different star sports person. 2. Write an interface Matrix which provides user interfaces for getting and setting a value from the specified position of the matrix, getting the length and width of the matrix. Create a class TwoDArray of integers which implements the Matrix and display the row sum and column sum before and after changing value at any position. Take all the inputs from user. 3. Write a program to override a function check (int x) which takes a number and checks if the number is a odd or even no and another version check if the number is prime or not. Dispatch these methods dynamically. Both sub classes will implements an interface testInt to test if the input is a valid integer or not. Take the inputs from user. 4. Create a class Name which implements an interface utilString for extracting first name, middle name and surname from a given name String by user and print the name in reverse order. 5. Write a program, which run two threads simultaneously each threads prints [Hello World] : threadName. Make sure no race condition arises and main thread finishes last. 6. Write a Class StrEdit which displays the character from a string as specified a number if the number is valid inside package utilstr. It shows IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified number is greater than the length of the string. It also provides method to checkPalindrome which returns true if the String is palindrome and returns false if it is not. 7. Create four small Java classes; a Driver class that has the main method, a regular java abstract class named Vehicle, then two classes named Car and Truck, respectively that inherit the Vehicle class. Your application needs the following methods1. start(), 2. stop(), 3. turn(), 4. getSpeed(), 5. setSpeed(), 6. increaseSpeed(), 7. decreaseSpeed(), 8. openTrunk(), 9. closeTrunk(), 10. openTailgate(), 11. closeTailgate() In the Car class you must limit the speed to a top speed is 200 km/hr per hour where in Trunk top speed limit is 100 km/hr. The abstract class Vehicle only contains the generic methods, start, stop, getSpeed, etc. The Car class contains the trunk methods and the Truck class contains the tailgate methods. Both Car and Trunk class implements the interface SafeDrive which contains interfaces for checking and generating warring for crossing on road speed limit ( 100 km/hr for Car and 75 km/hr for Truck), if the Trunk/Tailgate is open at the time of start etc.
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Department of <<CSE>> RCC Institute of Information Technology, Kolkata Canal South Road, Kolkata - 700015 Test No.: CSE 5th Sem Exam 2012 Test: 26.11.2012 Paper Name: Object Technology Lab Semester: Fifth Date of Class Paper Code: CS594D Academic Session: July-Dec 2012
QUESTION PAPER Full Marks:40 Duration: 2hr 8. Write classes for implementing two threads Writer and Reader, which access a shared integer x. Thread Writer indefinitely write the value of x by increasing it and Reader indefinitely read the value of x by printing its value on the console, i.e threads run in an infinite loop. Make sure Writer must not increase the value of x till Reader is printing and Reader must not print the same value of x. Write the appropriate methods for these two classes.
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