As of September 2010 Revision: A. Application For Admission To The UST Graduate
As of September 2010 Revision: A. Application For Admission To The UST Graduate
As of September 2010 Revision: A. Application For Admission To The UST Graduate
applied fields through quality graduate education that is comprehensive and responsive to the needs of society. We are committed to the formation of scholars and high level professionals who are ethical, competent, compassionate and committed to the service of the Church, the Nation and the Global Community. GRADUATE SCHOOL VISION STATEMENT We envision a Graduate School that stands for excellence and innovation and that will be globally identified for the distinction of its programs and quality of its research. A. GRADUATE SCHOOL GOALS To realize this mission-vision, the Graduate School commits itself within the next five (5) years: To develop the intellect and creativity through excellence in instruction, research, and extension work. To form scholars and high level professionals in the arts and humanities, the natural and allied health sciences, the social and management sciences who are ethical and who demonstrate competencies functional in both the local and global workplace. To hone the professional and social skills, and critical capabilities of students enabling them to become responsible leaders in their careers and community. To provide students opportunities to serve the larger community through extension work and community service.
To produce quality research in the various fields of knowledge that is internationally recognized. To recruit Faculty who are acknowledged experts in the field and to complement the teaching staff by inviting international scholars in the various disciplines. To build partnerships and linkages between the Graduate School and academic institutions, industry and government entities at the local and international level. To enhance the image and visibility of the Graduate School and its work in both the local and global community. APPLICATION PROCEDURES Application for admission to the UST Graduate School is until October 15 for October enrollees, April 5 for Summer enrollees and May 25 for June enrollees. Application forms for Admission are available at the UST Graduate School, UST Admissions Office & at the UST Graduate School Web Site
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS 1. Bce r D ge iA vrs g re td ahl eren deti o rl e os in a courses with a general average of at least 2.0/85% or B. Complete accomplished application and referral forms. PHILOSOPHY & OBJECTIVES
Requirements: Certified true copy of Transcript of Records, one (1) colored passport size, recent photo (if any) document(s) attesting to passing a Bar/Board Exam, or being a scholar of any agency. Two (2) Referral Forms: One(1) for the current (immediate) superior (or Dean, in the case of a school); and the other, for the professor in one specialization (major) subject. For Foreigners: All of the above and; TOEFL English Proficiency and Student Visa Requirements.
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Committed to intellectual expertise, scholarly research and the spirit of community involvement, the business program is built on the strengths and traditions of the University of Santo Tomas. The Advertising program is envisioned to produce world class business leaders imbued with Christian and Ethical values. The Faculty members in the program are advertising/marketing practitioners and academic scholars who pool their knowledge to stress the skills required to face unexpected challenges and to provide realistic solutions created by change. Students are motivated to make the Advertising Program not only a center of excellence but also a center of leadership. The course offerings enable students to build their careers as managers; update their knowledge and skills in order to gain an understanding of the universal factors that influence the success of business; and to develop lifelong skills to address the advertising issues of tomorrow.
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statement of the problem, sources of data, analysis and evaluation of information gathered, among others. Course output is a thesis proposal. Reviews the UST-GS Thesis Writing Guide Booklet. CORE SUBJECTS: 9 UNITS ADV 601 - Philosophy of Business Designed for businesses in a free enterprise society towards understanding changes in people, organizations and societies; how and in what direction change is taking place and what he can do e hrohl h dr r i c w i men o h i e t e , i e o d et h h as h w e t p n r c cn m ng te poes a aae h rcs Te p isp i l . h hoo h a l c definition of business profit and social responsibility and business as a service concern and vehicle for social change and true fulfillment of human development are discussed. ADV 602 - Marketing Management It introduces the framework for making marketing decisions. Specific skills are developed in the analysis of customers, competition, the organization facing the decision and the environment within which the marketing decision is to be made. Theories are ap ld o eio sead g h 4 pe t dc i rgri te P i sn n s product, price, place, promotion aimed at sharpening te s dn aiy t dvl cmpees e h t et bi o ee p o rhni u s l t o v marketing policy, strategic plans and control procedures. ADV 603 - Mathematical Tools or Statistics for Business It is concerned with the formulation and analysis of mathematical models for decision making and the application of computers in business. Optimal decisions are studied through quality and sensitivity analysis, elementary probability, random variables, measures of central tendency, dispersion and covariance as basis for business decisions. MAJOR SUBJECTS : 15 UNITS ADV 701 - Advertising and Promotion Management (Use the Integrated Marketing Communications Approach) An applied overview of each of the Advertising process such as copy, media, research as it is applied to advertising campaigns. Topical discussions cover Advertising and Mass Communication; Advertising Creative Strategy and Marketing
CURRICULUM MASTER OF SCIENCE MAJOR IN ADVERTISING PRE-REQUISITE SUBJECTS: 6 UNITS GS 500 - St. Thomas on Critical Thinking As the philosophical foundation of Research Methodology, it is a study of the principles of and skills in critical thinking according to St. Thomas Aquinas in the three areas of mental cognition: simple apprehension, judgment, and reasoning; and of common fallacies towards the acquisition of the art of argumentation. GS 501 - Research Methodology The student is introduced to research concepts relevant to advertising. Discussions center on how to prepare a thesis emphasizing choice of title,
Decisions; Advertising Budget; Advertising Investment and Payout Planning; Advertising Media and Marketing Decisions; Functions of Advertising Research; Evaluation of Advertising Efforts; Sales Promotions Program; Organization for Advertising Management. ADV 702 - Creative Planning & Strategy Management Creativity founded on research: product, consumer and the market place. The creative process will be stressed and traced. Gradually, developing into the formulation of strategies based on objectives. Various concepts will be tried out and pre-tested. Application of same concepts in the various media, such as print, radio, television, outdoor, and other out-of-home media. Very practical and applied approach to copy-writing for advertising. ADV 703 - Advertising Production (Print, Broadcast, Outdoor) A detailed and technical exposure and application to major media production. For print, coverage inclusive of final mechanicals, photography, printing processes, photoengraving and settings, specialized printing. Radio-TV production progresses from concept to script and story boards. Tools such as tapes and discs, slides, films, and videotapes. Critical areas, production stages up to the finished products. More of laboratory work than lectures. ADV 704 - Media Planning and Strategies An all-encompassing looks into media planning and evaluation. Line up to topics includes: Prerequisites to Media Planning; Selecting Candidate Media Options; Explicit/Relevant Constraints; Media Concepts; Audience Accumulation; Audience Segmentation; Qualitative/Quantitative Media Factors; Inter-Media Adjustments; Media Research and Sources of Audience Information; Media Selection; Media Trends. ADV 705 - Advertising Research A look back into research methods and their application in Advertising and Communications. To be covered are: Functions of Science and the Scientific Method; Developing the Research Problem; Conceptualization; Investigation of Relationships;
Measurements and Collation of data; Sampling and Randomness; Interviews and interview schedules; Scaling and related techniques; Indirect and unobtrusive measures; Content Analysis; Analysis and Interpretation of data. The course is preparatory to te rp sd atrl tei h po oe m s ashs. e s ADV 706 - Special Topics In coordination with a senior advertising practitioner and resultant of Research Methods in A vrs gadC mm n ai sam s rl tei deti n o u i t n, at as hs in c o e s is the Ultimate object of this subject. COGNATE SUBJECTS: 3 UNITS ADV 707 - Electronic Advertising ADV 708 - Advocacy Advertising ADV 709 - Advertising Agency Business & Management OTHER REQUIREMENTS Written Comprehensive Examinations (WCE) TW I - 3 units (Thesis Proposal) TW II - 3 units (Research Colloquium) TW III - 3 units (Thesis Defense) Total = 42 Units
SUSAN F. BALDIA, Ph.D Supervising Scientist, Science Laboratories ROMUALDO DEL ROSARIO, Ph.D. Supervising Scientist, UST Botanical Gard Garden PROFESSORIAL STAFF
JOS ANTONIO E. AUREADA, O.P., S.Th.D. Regent MARY CAROLINE N. CASTAO, Ph.D. Faculty Secretary CARLOS P. GARCIA, Ph.D. Director for Graduate Research
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The University of Santo Tomas follows an Academic Year Calendar of two (2) semesters and a summer term. Summer Term: April April-May For further information, please call, Tele-Fax: (632) 740 Fax: 740-9732 or Tel. No. (632) 786-1611 loc 8247; 731 1611 731-5396 Web-http://graduateschool.u E-mail: mail: or write to: The Dean/Faculty Secretary UST Graduate School Espaa, Manila, Philippines 1008
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AY 2006 2011 AY
Master of Science major in Advertising
ENGR. DELFIN R. JACOB, PIE MS Director, Center for Continuing Professional Education & Development
Espaa, Manila