Actel Device Architecture
Actel Device Architecture
Actel Device Architecture
Architecture of an Actel FPGA is very similar to that of a conventional gate array. The core of the device consists of simple logic modules used to implement the required logic gates and storage elements. These logic modules are interconnected with an abundance of segmented routing tracks. Surrounding the logic core is the interface to the I/O pads of the devices. This interface consists of I/O modules that translate and interconnect the logic signals from the core of the device to the FPGA output pads.
The major elements of the Actel FPGA architecture are: I/O modules Interconnect resources Clocking resources Logic modules
Logic Module Descriptions The optimal logic module should provide the user with the correct mix of performance, efficiency, and ease of design required to implement the application. Simple Logic Module The first Actel logic module was the Simple Logic Module used in the ACT 1 family. It is a multiplexer-based logic module. Logic functions are implemented by interconnecting signals from the routing tracks to the data inputs and select lines of the multiplexers. Inputs can also be tied to a logical 1 or 0 if required, since these signals are always available in the routing channel.
An example logic function implemented with the Actel Simple Logic Module.
Figure 3 Example of a Logic Function Implemented with the ACT 1 Simple Logic Module Combinatorial Logic Module Some improvements were made to the Simple Logic Module when the second generation ACT 2 family was developed. The Simple Logic Module was replaced with two different logic modules, one for implementing combinatorial logic, (the Combinatorial Logic Module) and one for implementing storage elements (the Sequential Logic Module).
Figure 5 Example of a Logic Function Implemented with the Combinatorial Logic Module Sequential Logic Module The Sequential Logic Module, shown in the diagram in Figure 6, has a combinatorial logic front end with a dedicated storage element on the output of the logic module. The storage element can be either a register or a latch. The clock input can be selected to be either active high or active low. One of the logic gates is missing on the combinatorial logic section, making it slightly different from the Combinatorial Logic Module.
Enhanced Sequential Logic Module The Enhanced Sequential Logic Module used in the ACT 3 family is a refinement of the Sequential Logic Module. The reset input on the register in the sequential section is not shared with the combinatorial logic function, so the full combinatorial logic is available in the Combinatorial Logic Module to be used in front of the register. This makes all single module combinatorial logic functions usable in front of the storage element.
Wide Decode Logic Module The Wide Decode Logic Module consists of a seven-input AND gate with selectable inversion on the output. The output of this module bypasses the normal routing network and connects directly to a particular output buffer. This feature minimizes the delay from the module output to the device pad and is ideal for implementing wide-decode functions typically implemented in small PLD devices. The Wide Decode Logic Module output is also available to the core logic modules, so it can be used in conjunction with other logic functions internal to the device. Embedded Dual-Port SRAM The SRAM blocks are arranged in 256-bit blocks, which can be configured as 32 x 8 or 64 x 4. SRAM blocks can be cascaded to form wider or deeper memory blocks. The SRAM is dual ported, with separate read and write addresses, a separate data input port (for writes), and a separate data output port (for reads). Reads and writes are controlled by separate clocked read and write enables, easing timing requirements for using the SRAM. The dual-port structure is ideal for implementing FIFO, burst buffers, and internal register storage for status, control, or constant data.
Channeled Interconnect All Actel devices use a channeled interconnect architecture to make connections between internal logic modules and device I/O pins. This architecture is similar to that of a channeled gate array, in that horizontal tracks span the length of the array with a variety of predefined segmentation lengths. In addition, tracks can be joined together to construct longer tracks, when required, by programming an interconnect fuse. Logic module outputs span four channels (two above and two below) and can be connected to any track. This means that most signals require only two fuses to connect any logic module output to any logic module input. There are enough routing resources available in Actel devices so that place and route is an automatic task. No hand routing is required. Clocking Resources Actel devices have a wide range of clocking flexibility. Every sequential elements clock input can be connected to regular interconnects within the channel, as well as to optimized clocking resources. Each Actel device also has dedicated clocking resources on-chip to improve clock performance and to simplify the design of sequential signals. Clocking resources can also be used, in most cases, as high-drive global signals like reset, output enable, or select signals. Routed Clocks All Actel FPGA families have one or two special buffers that provide high-drive, lowskew signals and that can be used to drive any signal requiring these characteristics. These routed clocks are distributed to every routing channel and are available to every logic module. This allows a routed clock signal to be used by both Sequential and Combinatorial Logic Dedicated Array Clock The ACT 3 family has an additional clocking resource consisting of a high-speed dedicated clock buffer optimized for driving the sequential modules in the core array. This clock buffer can be driven from an external pin or from an internal signal. Dedicated I/O Clock The ACT 3 family has another clocking resource consisting of a high-speed dedicated clock buffer optimized for driving the sequential modules in the I/O modules. The dedicated I/O clock is optimized for driving I/O modules and cant drive storage elements in the array. If all storage elements need to be driven from a common clock, the array clock and I/O clock can be connected together externally.
Quad Clocks Clocking resource consisting of four special high-drive buffers called quadrant clocks. Each buffer provides a high-drive signal that spans about one-quarter of the device (a quadrant). These buffers can be used for fast local clocks (perhaps for prescaled shifters or counters), for widewidth mux selects, or for I/O enables. I/O Module Descriptions Each Actel FPGA family has a slightly different I/O module. The Simple I/O Module, found in the ACT 1 family, is optimized for low cost, and the Latched I/O Module, found in the Integrator Series, offers a balance of speed and cost (value). The Registered I/O Module in ACT3 is optimized for high speed in synchronous applications. Simple I/O Module The Simple I/O Module (Figure 8) used in the ACT 1 family was the first I/O module developed by Actel and is a simple I/O buffer with interconnections to the logic array. All input, output, and three-state control signals are available to the array.
Figure 8 Simple I/O Module Latched I/O Module The Latched I/O Module, shown in the diagram in Figure 9, is used in the Integrator Series and is slightly more complicated than the Simple I/O Module. The Latched I/O Module contains input and output latches that can be used as such or combined with internal latches to construct input or output registers.
Figure 9 Latched I/O Module Registered I/O Module The Registered I/O Module, used in the ACT 3 family devices, is optimized for speed and functionality in synchronous system designs. It contains complete registers at both the input and output paths, as shown in the diagram in Figure 10. Data can be stored in the output register (under control of the ODE, output data enable, signal), or it can bypass the register if the OTB control bit is tied low. Both the output register and the input register can be cleared or preset via the global IOPCL signal, and both are clocked via the IOCLK global signal. The output of the output register can be selected as an input to the array (on the Y signal).