Industrial Visit Report

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We are very much thanks to our principal Dr. G .Rama Chandra Reddy garu for giving us this great opportunity for having a practical experience on the power stations basic concepts and more over thanks to A.B. KULKARINI, H.O.D of ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING department. And thanks to all the faculty members of ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING department and especially our guides M. Sravanthi madam and Ram sir for helping and accompanying us in power plant.

Need for electric power: Both the historical and the present-day civilization of mankind are closely interwoven with energy, and there is no reason to doubt but that in the future our existence will be more and more dependent upon the energy. Electrical energy occupies the top position in the energy hierarchy. It finds innumerable uses in home, industry, agriculture and even in transport. Besides its use for domestic, commercial and industrial purposes it is required for increasing defense and agricultural production. In agriculture, it is used for pumping water for irrigation and for improving the methods of production and numerous other operations. Electrical energy is a convenient form of energy because in can be generated centrally in bulk and transmitted economically over long distances and is almost pollution free at the consumer level. Further, it can be adopted conveniently in the domestic, industrial and agricultural fields. The process of modernization, increase in productivity in industry and agriculture and improvement in the quality of life of the people depend so much upon the supply of electrical energy and that the annual per capita consumption of electrical energy has emerged these days as an accepted yardstick to measure the prosperity of the nation. Some of the advanced and developed nations of North America and Europe have a very high annual per capita consumption of electrical energy; say from 8 to 13 thousand kWh, while in most of Africa, Asia and Latin America it is too low to be considered. India had an annual per capita consumption of electrical energy of 15.5 kWh in 1950, 105 kWh in 1975, 131 kWh in 1979, 154 kWh in 1984, 299 kWh in 1993, 349 kWh in 1997, The annual per capita consumption of Japan 8,000 kWh, UK 7,200 kWh and USSR 6,000 kWh. The United States has only 6% of world population but accounts for over 30% of electrical consumption of the world. The industrial growth of a nation requires increased consumption of energy, particularly electrical energy. This has led to increase in the generation and transmission facilities to meet the increased demand. In U.S.A., till the early seventies, the demand develops every ten years. In developing countries, like India, the demand doubles every seven years which requires considerable investment in electrical power sector.


Electrical energy is considered superior to all other forms (chemical, heat, light, sound or mechanical) of energy due to the following reasons:(i) Cheapness: It is much cheaper than other forms and therefore, it is economical to use energy in this form for domestic, commercial, industrial and agricultural purposes. (ii) Convenient and Efficient Transmission: The Electrical energy can be transmitted conveniently and efficiently from the gathering stations, usually located quite away from the centers of usage, through conductors of suitable size. (iii) Easy Control: Electrically operated machines have simple and convenient starting, control and operation. For example, an electrical motor can be started or stopped by making the switch on or off and its speed can be conveniently controlled over a wide range with simple arrangements. (iv)Cleanliness: Use of electricity (electric drive or electric heating) does not produce smoke, fumes, dust or poisonous gases and therefore, its use ensures cleanliness and pollution free conditions. (v) Greater Flexibility: Electrical energy offers greater flexibility as it can be taken to any corner of the house, factory, street, hospital, farm, mine etc. through solid, stranded or flexible conductors.

(vi) Versatile form: Electrical energy is a very convenient form of energy and it can be easily converted into other forms of energyheat, light, mechanical, sound or chemical. For example electric lamps, especially fluorescent give rise to pleasant and cheaper light as compared to that produced by lamps of other types and can be located at any desired place where other lamps cannot be placed due to the danger of the fire or due to other reasons Though at present about three-fourths of the total energy is still used in non-electrical form (transport, residential heating and industrial heating and industrial heating use energy mostly in non-electrical form) but because of numerous advantages, mentioned above, electricity will account for a greater and greater portion of total energy consumption in the coming years. It is expected that the electricity demand will continue to go up for more years to come, even in developed countries.

Role of Thermal Power Plants in meeting High Load Demands:

The fact that the thermal energy is the major source of power generation itself shows the importance of thermal power generation in India-more than 70% of electric power is produced by the steam plants in India. This position is likely to continue due to large pit head plants being setup. Larger sizes of units due to overall increase in the demand for power and because of necessity of keeping down the cost of power generation with increasing fuel prices are the developing trends in large steam power plants. USES: The thermal power station can be used as 1. Private industrial plant 2. Central stations

The use of steam station for privative industrial plants is purely a question of economics. There are some industries which require steam at lower pressure for process purpose. Trends: The next era in thermal power generation in India started with commissioning in 1952-53 of 50MW units at Buckaroo. The overall thermal efficiency of this unit was 28% the fact that thermal energy is the major source of power generation itself shows the importance of thermal power generation in this country. Larger sizes of units due to overall include in demand for power and because of the necessity of keeping down the cost of power with increase in fuel process are the Diesel opening trends in large thermal power station.


With the invention of steam engine for obtaining mechanical energy the so called non conventional methods i.e. wind, tidal, geothermal etc. were abandoned as the cost involved was high and also there was no flexibility for transportation of this form of energy. The development of steam turbines and then electric generator completely replaced the non conventional methods. Fossil fuels became the main source of energy for quite some time. The size of the thermal plants grew from a few KW to more than 1000 MW as of today. The concept of generating electrical energy using fossil fuel has changed completely the concept of location the power plants near the load centers to location near the fuel pithead. Super thermal power plants have come into existence. It has been found more economical in general to generate electrical energy near the pithead rather than near the load centers even though the energy has to be transported over the transmission lines, which involves a large percentage of total capital cost and transmission line losses. On the other hand by installing a plant near pithead saves the cost of transporting the coal etc. a 400MW capacity plant requires about 5000 to 6000tons of coal every day.

Thermal plants are major source of power generation Thermal capacity in India: 80777.45 MW Thermal capacity in AP : 7058.71 MW

About APGENCO: Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited (APGENCO) is the electricity generation company of the Government of Andhra Pradesh state in India. It has an installed capacity of 8924.9 MW which makes it the third largest power generation company in India. Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited is one of the pivotal organizations of Andhra Pradesh, engaged in the business of Power generation. Apart from operation & Maintenance of the power plants it has undertaken the execution of the ongoing & new power projects scheduled under capacity addition program and is taking up renovation & modernization works of the old power stations. APGENCO came into existence on 28.12.1998 and commenced operations from 01.02.1999. This was a sequel to Government's reforms in Power Sector to unbundle the activities relating to Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Power. All the Generating Stations owned by erstwhile APSEB were transferred to the control of APGENCO.

The installed capacity of APGENCO as on July 31, 2012 is 8924.9 MW comprising 5092.5 MW Thermal, 3829.4 MW Hydro and 2 MW Wind power and 1 MW Solar power stations, and contributes about half the total Energy Requirement of Andhra Pradesh. APGENCO is third largest power generating utility in the Country next to NTPC and Maharashtra. It's installed Hydro capacity of 3703.4 MW is the second highest among the Country. APGENCO has an equity base of Rs.2107crores with 11,000 dedicated employees as on 30.06.2009. The company has an asset base of approximately Rs.20100crores.

UNIT WISE GENERATION OF POWER FROM KTPS: Unit Number 1 2 Installed (MW) 60 60 60 60 Capacity Date Commissioning 04-07-1966 27-11-1966 27-05-1967 08-07-1967 of



Stage I Stage I

Running Running Running Running Up rated to 120 MW Up rated to 120 MW Running Running Running Running Running

Stage II 3 Stage II 4

Stage III 5



Stage III 6



Stage IV 7 Stage IV 8 Stage V 9 Stage V 10 Stage VI 11

110 110 250 250 500

10-03-1977 10-01-1978

Kothagudem Thermal Power Station has an Installed capacity of 720 MW with 8 Units having the following capacities: 1) KTPS 'A Station with the project cost of Rs.40Crores. 4 Units of 60 MW each --- 240 MW 2) KTPS 'B Station with the project cost of Rs.49.6Crores. 2 Units of 110 MW each. After refurbishment up rated to 120 MW each --- 240 MW. 3) KTPS 'C Station with the project cost of Rs.79Crores. 2 Units of 110 MW each. After refurbishment up rated to 120 MW each 240M W Total installed capacity --- 720 MW The performance of the Station was not so satisfactory in the past due to generic defects associated with 110 MW Units and ageing of the 60 MW Units commissioned in mid 60's.With the Renovation and Modernization program (20 activities under Phase-I at cost of Rs.92.55Crores and 10 activities under Phase-II at cost of Rs.12.35Crores) and other efforts taken, there has been a significant improvement in the performance of the station As the designed life of the existing Units of KTPS 'A Station (4x60 MW) was coming to an end, APSEB has taken up Renovation & Life Extension works of the Units with the financial assistance of OECF, Japan. Total expenditure was Rs.150.88Crores. The works on Units 2, 3 & 4 were completed during 1998-99. Works on unit-1 were completed during 2000-01 Under APDP Scheme, 11 R&M activities with an estimated cost of Rs.57.03 Crores (in the areas not covered under R&L Program) are taken up with the financial assistance from PFC under AG&SP. Expenditure up to 31.03.2008 was Rs 46.53 crores. Based on the recommendations of M/s TCE and M/s BHEL, Refurbishment of the Units was formulated with 24 activities in 'B station & 20 activities in 'C station at a total cost of Rs.373.87 Crores (Rs.450 Crores including IDC). Works on

'B Station Units were completed during 2001 & 2002 and works of 'C station Units were completed during 2004. Expenditure up to 31.03.2008 was 439.53 crores. In the areas not covered under refurbishment, 12 R&M activities are taken up under APDP with the financial assistance from PFC & GOI and completed at a cost of Rs.67.76 Crores. Another 13 R&M activities are taken up under AG&SP at an estimated cost of Rs.87.00 with the financial assistance from PFC. Expenditure up to 31.03.2007 was Rs.56.51 Crores. The Station has been the recipient of Awards from various organizations including Meritorious Awards instituted by the Government of India. The Station has received Meritorious Productivity Award for ten times and Incentive Award for nine times.

Plant overall view: Although steam power station simply involves the conversation of heat of coal combustion into electrical energy, yet it embraces many arrangements for the proper working and efficiency. The schematic arrangement of a modern power station is shown in figure. The whole arrangement can be divided into the following stages for the sake of simplicity: 1. Coal and ash handling arrangements 2. Steam generating plant 3. Steam turbine 4. Alternator 5. Feed water 6. Cooling arrangement


The actual site of the station is near Paloncha town, which is about 12 KM from collieries town Kothagudem. The site of power station is only about 3 Km from the main Bhadrachalam road. The project authorities to connect the main road with the power station have constructed feeder road.

Rail head:
K.T.P.S., is located about 12 KM from the near rail head at Bhadrachalam road Railway station, which is the terminus for the broad gauge branch line taking off from Dornakal on the south central railway.

Extent of Land:
Insight of the power station and its apartment structures as well as the administration buildings and residential colonies are located.

Generator is an electrical synchronous alternator in which the mechanical energy conveyed by the turbine will be converted into electrical energy. Generator is of 2 pole 3-, Y- connected, lap wound machine of M/s BHEL make. Electrical power will be generated in the generator at 16.5 KV and will be stepped up to 220 KV through 16.5/220 KV 290 MVA transformer and then connected to the grid through 220 KV SF6 circuit breaker.

Primary Fuel Supply:

KTPS Complex is linked to Singareni Collieries Company limited. (S.C.C.L.) for supply of coal from Manuguru, Yellandu and Rudrampur mines. The advantages distance of S.C.C.L. coalmines by rail around 50 KM. Annual coal requirements are about Lakh tones. Annual coal bill works out to about RS.700 crores.

Water requirement for the KTPS complex are provided from Kinnersani Project. Water is one of the basic raw materials in the production of power in a thermal power station. It is essential that the supply of water should be available at all times with complete reliability. The total water requirement for the station 1,50,000Tons per day. The water supply for the power station is drawn from the reservoir built across Kinnersani River at a distance of 10 KM from the power station is through open concrete lined channel and the flow is by gravity. The carrying of channel is 110 cases (4 cubic meters second). The Kinnersani is one of the principal tributaries at the mighty rivers Godavari flowing on its right side of Warangal and Khammam Districts at A.P. Kinnersani Dam was constructed at a cost of RS.5.6 crores and maintained by Irrigation department up to march 1998. Project was taken over by APSEB/APGENCO on 01.04.1998.Reservoir level is 407 ft.



COAL HANDLING PLANT: Most of the thermal power plants use coal as the fuel. Coal is classified in the following manner: i. ii. iii. iv. peat lignite bituminous Anthracite

Semi-bituminous coal is normally used in thermal power stations. It has low percentage of moisture, ash and large percentage of available hydrogen. Some of the equipment used in coal handling plants: i. Unloading equipment: - car shakers and unloading towers, lifts, trucks, cranes, bucket. ii. iii. iv. v. Preparing equipment:- crushers, sizers, dryers Transfer equipment: - belt conveyors, buckets, elevators. Storage equipment: - tram ways, cranes and conveyor systems. Weighing devices: - scales, coal meters and samplers.

Coal handling plant should be simple and the unit should be located centrally, so that inspection and maintenance is easier.

ASH HANDLING PLANT: i. Ash disposal in case of large power plants is very important as it is 10-20% of coal is used. The ash has continuous poisonous gasses like CO, CO2 , SO2 which the mixed with water produce corrosion acids.

ii. Another problem is high content of silica in ash which causes erosion. A good ash handling plant has to handle hot and wet ash effectively. The capital and running cost should be minimum. The modern ash handling systems are classified into following groups: A. Mechanical system:

This is system is normally used for low capacity power plants. The cooled ash falls on the conveyors and is carried continuously to the dumping with the help of trucks. B. Hydraulic system: It is popular method due to its simplicity, clean and low cost of operation and its ability to handle large quantities of ash. It is more suitable for large thermal power plants. C. Pneumatic system: Ash and fine dust can be very successfully handled by this system. This can be used for small as well as large thermal power plants depending upon our requirement. D. Steam jet system:

Steam is passed through a pipe at sufficiently high velocity, the pressure of steam is greater than that of atmosphere, and space requirement is less. The disadvantages are large wear in the pipe work and noisy operation. The major wastage from thermal power is smoke, dust, fly ash, carbon ash, CO, CO 2, SO2, and NO2. SO2 is oxidized to SO3 which is a health hazard. ESP (Electro Static Precipitator) is the most efficient and widely used for large thermal power plants. Ash Pond: The site of the power station has a low laying area to the south of it, where Ash Pond is formed. The crushed ash dust is hydraulically disposed off in the ash pond.

THE TREATED FLUE GASES FLOWN OUT TO THE AIR (2)STEAM GENERATING PLANT: The steam generating plant consists of a boiler for production of steam and other auxiliary equipment for the utilization of flue gasses, so that the overall efficiency is increased. 1. BOILER: A boiler is a device; here water is converted into steam by utilizing the heat of combustion. Steam boilers are broadly classified as fire tube boilers and water tube boilers. In case of fire tube boilers the hot combustion gasses passed through the tubes and the tubes are surrounded by waters. Whereas in case of water tube boilers, the water flows through the tubes and the hot combustion gasses flows over through these tubes. In case of large thermal power stations, it is imperative to use high pressure and higher temperature, for the better efficiencies of the plant. Therefore in such plants water tube boilers are used. Temperature of the order is 5600c and pressure is 160kg/cm2.


Features of water tube boilers are:i. ii. iii. Method of water circulation. Types of tubes used. Improved method of heating.



A super heater is a device which rises the temperature of the steam much above the B.P. of water, which results in the higher efficiency of the plant. A super heater is made up of chromium molybdenum. These tubes are heated by the heat of flue gasses, when they pass from the furnace to the chimney. The super heaters are mainly classified into two types. The classification is based on the method of heat transfer from flue gasses to steam.

1. RADIANT TYPE: - in radiant type super heater, it observes heat from the burning fuel through radiation. It has drooping characteristics i.e., with increase in steam output the temperature decreases. 2. CONVECTIVE TYPE: - in convective type super heater, it heats the saturated steam through a convective heat transfer processes. The super heaters have raising characteristics i.e., with increase in steam output, the temperature also increases. A combination of two super heaters i.e., radiant and convective type in a steam plant used to give constant super heat temperature at all loads. Radiant heaters normally get over heated due to its high temperature and it is necessary to design and construct them carefully. Convective type super heaters are most commonly used super heaters. AIR-PREHEATER:The heat of the flue gasses cannot be utilized completely by the super heaters and economizers. The air preheaters are used to recover some of the heat escaping with these recover some of the heat escaping with these gasses. The air preheaters extract heat from the flue gasses and give it to the air being supplied to boiler for coal combustion. This results in increased efficiency of the plant. There are two types of air preheaters. The classification is based on the method of transfer of heat from flue gasses to air. 1. Recuperative type 2. Regenerative type The recuperative type has a group of steel tubes, the flue gasses passes through the tube whereas the air flows external to the tube. Thus, the heat of flue gasses is transferred to the air being supplied to the boiler for coal combustion. Regenerative often preferred for thermal power stations due to its compactness, reduced weight and high efficiency.

(3)STEAM TURBINE:Steam turbine converts steam into mechanical energy. There are basically two types of steam turbines:1. Impulse 2. Reaction In both these turbines, the heat energy of the steam at high pressure is converted into kinetic energy, by passing steam through nozzles. In impulse turbine, the steam coming out through nozzles impinges on the blades, fixed on the rotor. The expansion of steam takes place in nozzles and the direction of the seam flow without changing its pressure. This will cause rotation of the turbine shaft. In reaction turbine, the steam is partially expanded in the stationary nozzle and the remaining expansion takes place at the moving blade. These will cause rotation of the shaft. CONDENSERS:Power plant uses condensers to provide vacuum so that the expansion of steam in the turbine takes place to a very low pressure. This improves the power plant efficiency. The condensed steam in the condenser can be recovered for use as feed water to the boiler, thereby reducing water softening plant load to a considerable extent. There are two types of condensers:1. Jet type 2. Surface type In the jet type of condensers, cooling water and steam are mixed together and the steam of warm water, so produced is withdrawn. In case of surface type condensers, steam and cooling medium are separated by a metal surface, steam flowing on one side of the metal surface and the cooling medium on the other. Jet type condensers are not used as steam mixes with cooling

water and the condensate cannot be used as feed water. Surface condensers are most commonly used in power plants.

(4)ALTERNATORS:The generators coupled directly to the steam turbines are called turbo-alternators and those coupled to water turbines are known as water wheel alternators. All high capacity machines are 2-pole and hence for a supply of 50Hz, their speed is 300 rpm. The rotors of the alternators may be cylindrical or the salient pole type. The turbo alternators have cylindrical rotors, smaller in diameter and longer in length, as compared to salient pole machines which are used for slow speed operation. The air gap of the turbo alternator is longer as compared to a salient pole machine. When a large load is applied and removed from the shaft suddenly, the shaft starts vibrating. The speed at which a sudden load produces vibration of such a frequency that coincides with the fundamental or some higher mode of the natural frequency of transverse vibration of the shaft, is known as critical speed. The vibrations may lead to some serious electrical short circuits. Hence, the rotor should be balanced carefully. Smaller size machines have their critical speeds above their synchronous speeds whereas larger machines pass through their first critical speed before coming to their synchronous speeds. Hydrogen offers several advantages as compared to air. The windages losses are about 10% that of air. For the same frame size, it is possible to get 25% more power if hydrogen is used, because of higher thermal conductivity of hydrogen. Hydrogen increases the life of insulation because of absence of oxygen. A mixture of air and hydrogen inside the machine casing is risky and may cause an explosion. The pressure of hydrogen is kept inside is kept at least 0.035kg/cm2 higher than that of air. i. ii. The rotor air cooled and the air circulated through the stator conductors. The rotor hydrogen cooled but no coolant through the stator conductors.


The rotor hydrogen cooled and oil forced through the stator conductors

Distilled water is also used as coolant. With increase in hydrogen pressure, the output of the generator increases. Turbo-alternators of ratings 500MW and above are forced hydrogen cooled. All water wheel alternators are only air cooled as they run at lower speed. (5)FEED WATER CIRCUIT:The condensate from the condenser is used as feed water to the boiler. Some water is lost throughout the cycle from blow down leaks etc.; the loss varies 1 to 3% during normal operation and 5% during start-up period. A 400MW plant requires 100 to 150tons of water per hour as make up water. A separate water softening plant is required to supply this water from a river. This impurities cause corrosion and erosion of boiler tubes, turbine blades condenser tubes and blockage in the boiler tubes resulting tube failure due to overheating. (6)COOLING TOWER CIRCUIT:The water used for cooling the exhaust steam in the condenser into condensate is circulated from lake or a river, by means of circulated water pumps and is returned back to the source. If sufficient quantity of water is not available, it should be cooled and used again. In such cases, water is obtained from a tube well or other source and is stored in a tank. It is then pumped into the condenser, where it absorbs latent heat from the exhaust steam becomes ho and the hot water is passed to a cooling tower. A cooling tower is a structure usually made of concrete. Corrugated surfaces, troughs or baffles are provided inside the tower for uniform distribution of water in the tower for uniform distribution of water in the tower. The hot water from the condenser is fed to the tower from the top and allowed to heckle in the smaller quantities, the air flows from the bottom of the tower and exhaust to the atmosphere after effective cooling. For large capacity power plants cooling towers are classified as: i. Induced draught cooling towers.


Forced draught cooling towers.

These towers use fan to move the air through the tower instead of the natural draught due to wind velocity. In case of induced draught towers the fan is located at the top of the tower.

In case of forced draught tower, the fan is located at the base of the tower and air is blown up by the fan, through the descending water and is discharged to the atmosphere. The forced draught fan is more efficient, vibration and noise are minimum and blade erosion is avoided




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