Bolden - What Is Leadership PDF
Bolden - What Is Leadership PDF
Bolden - What Is Leadership PDF
Introduction Defining Leadership Leadership and Management Theories of Leadership Leadership Competencies Leadership and Performance The Shadow Side of Leadership The Future of Leadership Further Reading and Resources References Appendix 1: Portfolio of Activities 3 4 6 9 15 19 25 28 31 32 36
The current report was written by Richard Bolden on behalf of Leadership South West. I would like to thank my colleagues Jackie Bagnall, Peter Case, Elaine Dunn, Jonathan Gosling and Martin Wood for their valuable input and comments. I would also like to thank the South West Regional Development Agency for their support of this project.
Welcome to the first in a series of research reports from Leadership South West, which gives an introduction to some of the key issues in the field of leadership, including what is it, how can it be measured and what impact does it have upon performance? This report does not claim to be the definitive guide to all things leadership, but rather to present some of the most significant concepts and debates to have emerged in recent years. Leadership is currently one of the most talked about issues in business and organisation. It is hard to turn on the television, open a newspaper or attend a conference without coming across numerous references to leaders, leadership and leading. A search of the website in Spring 2003 revealed 11,686 results for the word leadership alone and similar searches of the Ebsco business and management publications database reveal an exponential increase in the number of published articles on leadership, from 136 in 1970-71, to 258 in 1980-81, 1,105 in 1990-91, and a staggering 10,062 in 2001-02 (an average of 419 articles per month) (Storey, 2004). The recent focus on leadership is an international phenomenon, as is increased investment in leadership and management development. In the US, for example, Fulmer (1997) estimated an annual corporate expenditure of $45 billion in 1997 (up from $10 billion one decade before) and Sorenson (2002) identified 900 college or university leadership programmes (double that of four years earlier), over 100 specialist degrees and a wide range of related activities. Similar trends are occurring in the UK and Europe. Leadership is regarded as the key enabler in the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Business Excellence Model (EFQM, 2000) and has become a central focus for numerous other public, private and voluntary sector development initiatives. Recent years have seen centres of excellence in leadership established for nearly all parts of the public sector, including health, defence, education and police. Leadership, it seems, is increasingly becoming panacea of the 21st Century. the
Amidst this flurry of activity, however, a number of concerns arise. There is no widely accepted definition of leadership, no common consensus on how best to develop leadership and leaders, and remarkably little evidence of the impact of leadership or leadership development on performance and productivity. Indeed, most initiatives appear to actively avoid addressing these issues and simply opt for the feel good factor of doing something about it whatever it may be! Whilst action is frequently preferable to inaction, without at least some understanding of the underlying principles and assumptions about leadership and leadership development, it is likely that action may be misguided at least reducing its possible effectiveness and at worst damaging what was there in the first place. The intention of this report, therefore, is to challenge some of the more popularist and stereotypical notions of leadership and to offer some insights into alternative ways of conceiving and addressing the issue. Leadership South West will continue to produce these research reports on a regular basis, with each addressing a different theme of regional, national and international importance. The second report, due in early 2005, will explore the issue of leadership development, comparing and contrasting a wide range of different approaches and offering guidance as how best to structure and deliver leadership development within a given context. In addition to this, we will also be conducting our own research and supporting regional organisations with their research to encourage a more focussed and critical perspective within the South West. Should you be interested in exploring opportunities for collaboration, sharing research findings and/or networking with other leadership researchers in the Region please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope you find this report interesting, useful and inspiring! 3
Defining Leadership
The topic of leadership has been of interest for many hundreds of years, from the early Greek philosophers such as Plato and Socrates to the plethora of management and leadership gurus, whose books fill airport bookshops. Seldom, however, has the need for effective leadership been voiced more strongly than now. It is argued that in this changing, global environment, leadership holds the answer not only to the success of individuals and organisations, but also to sectors, regions and nations. "Our productivity as a nation is already lagging behind our competitors in North America and Europe. By tackling our management and leadership deficit with real vigour, we will unlock the doors to increased productivity, maximise the benefits of innovation, gain advantage from technological change and create the conditions for a radical transformation of public services. (DfES, 2002) Despite recognition of the importance of leadership, however, there remains a certain mystery as to what leadership actually is or how to define it. In a review of leadership research, Stogdill (1974, p.259) concluded that there are almost as many definitions of leadership as there are persons who have attempted to define the concept - and that was 30 years ago! At the heart of the problem of defining leadership lie two fundamental difficulties. Firstly, like notions such as love, freedom and happiness, leadership is a complex construct open to subjective interpretation. Everyone has their own intuitive understanding of what leadership is, based on a mixture of experience and learning, which is difficult to capture in a succinct definition. Secondly, the way in which leadership is defined and understood is strongly influenced by ones theoretical stance. There are those who view leadership as the consequence of a set of traits or characteristics possessed by leaders, whilst others view leadership as a social process that emerges from group relationships. Such divergent views will always result in a difference of opinion about the nature of leadership. Leadership appears to be, like power, an essentially contested concept (Gallie, 1955 cited in Grint, 2004, p1) Grint (2004) identifies four problems that make consensus on a common definition of leadership highly unlikely. Firstly, there is the process problem a lack of agreement on whether leadership is derived from the personal qualities (i.e. traits) of the leader, or whether a leader induces followership through what s/he does (i.e. a social process). Secondly, there is the position problem is the leader in charge (i.e. with formally allocated authority) or in front (i.e. with informal influence)? A third problem is one of philosophy does the leader exert an intentional, causal influence on the behaviour of followers or are their apparent actions determined by context and situation or even attributed retrospectively? A fourth difficulty is one of purity is leadership embodied in individuals or groups and is it a purely human phenomenon? In addition to these relatively theoretical contentions Grint also distinguishes between attitudes towards coercion. Some definitions of leadership restrict it to purely non-coercive influence towards shared (and socially acceptable) objectives. Within such frameworks the likes of Hitler, Stalin and Saddam Hussein would not be seen as leaders, but rather as tyrants working solely for their own benefit and depending on threat, violence and intimidation rather than the more subtle processes of interpersonal influence more frequently associated with true leadership. Such distinctions, however, are always problematic as the actions of nearly all leaders could be perceived more or less beneficially by certain individuals and groups. Scholars should remind us that leadership is not a moral concept. Leaders are like the rest of us: trustworthy and deceitful, cowardly and brave, greedy and generous. To assume that all leaders are good people is to be wilfully blind to the reality of the human condition, and it severely limits our scope for becoming more effective at leadership. (Kellerman, 2004, p45) 4
The psychodynamic approach, made famous by researchers at the Tavistock Institute, adds further areas for consideration: what are the psychological factors that encourage people to become leaders or followers, and what is it about groups, organisations and societies that gives rise the perception of leadership? This approach emphasises the importance of understanding self and others and, through this, understanding the transactional nature of the relationship between leader and followers (Stech, 2004). Thus, for example, it could be concluded that the leader fulfils a role of sense making, offering security and purpose to his/her followers and it is for this reason that they choose to remain followers. In a recent review of leadership theory, Northouse (2004) identified four common themes in the way leadership now tends to be conceived: (1) leadership is a process; (2) leadership involves influence; (3) leadership occurs in a group context; and (4) leadership involves goal attainment. He thus defines leadership as a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal (ibid, p 3). This is a good definition, but it still locates the individual as the source of leadership. A more collective concept of leadership arises out of a review by Yukl: Most definitions of leadership reflect the assumption that it involves a social influence process whereby intentional influence is exerted by one person [or group] over other people [or groups] to structure the activities and relationships in a group or organisation (Yukl, 2002, p3). Even this definition, however, obscures as much as it reveals. Just what exactly is the nature of this social influence; how can it structure activities and relationships; and when applied in a group setting who is the leader? In short, leadership is a complex phenomenon that touches on many other important organisational, social and personal processes. It depends on a process of influence, whereby people are inspired to work towards group goals, 5
not through coercion, but through personal motivation. Which definition you accept should be a matter of choice, informed by your own predispositions, organisational situation and beliefs, but with an awareness of the underlying assumptions and implications of your particular approach. ...leadership is like the Abominable Snowman, whose footprints are everywhere but who is nowhere to be seen. (Bennis and Nanus, 1985)
Developing people
Despite the popular appeal of a distinction between leadership and management, however, there is some doubt as to whether they are really quite as separate as this in practice. Firstly there is increasing resistance to the way in which such analyses tend to denigrate management as something rather boring and uninspiring. Joseph Rost (1991), for example, highlights the need for consistency and predictability in many 6
aspects of management and leadership behaviour and concludes that down with management and up with leadership is a bad idea. Gosling and Murphy (2004) similarly propose that maintaining a sense of continuity during times of change is key to successful leadership. Thus the leader must ensure that systems and structures remain in place that offer workers a sense of security and balance, without which it would be hard to maintain levels of motivation, commitment, trust and psychological wellbeing. Secondly, much research evidence implies that, far from being separate, the practices described as management and leadership are an integral part of the same job. From detailed observations of what managers do, Mintzberg (1973, 1975) identified 10 key roles, of which one was leadership (see Figure 2). He concluded that far from being separate and distinct from management, leadership is just one dimension of a multifaceted management role. Figure 2: The Managers Roles (Mintzberg, 1975)
ability to inspire others, whilst managers are seen as bureaucrats who just focus on the task in hand. Such a view, however, does not coincide well with the lived experience of being a manager. People are generally recruited into management, rather than leadership, positions and are expected to complete a multitude of tasks ranging from day-today planning and implementation, to longer-term strategic thinking. None of these are done in isolation, and throughout, it is essential to work alongside other people to motivate and inspire them, but also to know when to relinquish the lead and take a back seat. Most of us have become so enamoured of leadership that management has been pushed into the background. Nobody aspires to being a good manager anymore; everybody wants to be a great leader. But the separation of management from leadership is dangerous. Just as management without leadership encourages an uninspired style, which deadens activities, leadership without management encourages a disconnected style, which promotes hubris. And we all know the destructive power of hubris in organisations. (Gosling and Mintzberg, 2003). In conclusion, whilst the distinction between management and leadership may have been useful in drawing attention to the strategic and motivational qualities required during periods of change, the bipolar representation of managers and leaders as completely different people can be misleading and potentially harmful in practice. Indeed, if it is believed that leaders and managers are different people, one might well conclude that (a) it is necessary to change the management team regularly as circumstances change, and (b) it is not possible for managers to become leaders (and vice versa). Such a view is severely limiting and greatly underestimates the abilities of people in management and leadership roles. This is not to say, however, that all people will be equally adept at all aspects of leadership and management, nor that
Much of the difficulty and confusion that arises from contrasting leadership and management is the manner in which they are often mapped to different individuals. Thus, we talk of managers and leaders as if they were different (and to a large extent incompatible) people we consider leaders as dynamic, charismatic individuals with the 7
there is one profile that is appropriate in all situations (these are issues that will be discussed in the next section on Theories of Leadership) but that to achieve maximum effect we should seek to recruit and develop leader-managers capable of adopting the role in its most holistic form. It is for this reason that, like Mintzberg (2004), we will use the words management and leadership and manager and leader largely interchangeably throughout the rest of this report.
Theories of Leadership
Whilst practitioners often see theory as separate from practice, within an applied field such as leadership the two are inextricably related. Traditional and contemporary theories of leadership strongly influence current practice, education and policy and offer a useful framework for the selection and development of leaders - in other words: There is nothing as practical as a good theory (Lewin, 1935). Theories help shape the way we conceive the world by simplifying and summarising large quantities of data but as a result, they can also give rise to assumptions and modes of thought that become unquestioned. For example, traditional leadership theories have their roots in US organisational research and take a particularly individualistic view of leadership. Contemporary theories are beginning to redress the balance, but remain predominantly Anglo-American in origin. In this article we will discuss some of the most influential leadership theories, which offer a valuable context for the consideration of wider issues about defining leadership capabilities and development approaches. Shaw (1976) and Fraser (1978), for example found that leaders tend to score higher than average on scores of ability (intelligence, relevant knowledge, verbal facility), sociability (participation, cooperativeness, popularity), and motivation (initiative and persistence). It is clear, though, that none of these are sufficient in themselves to serve as the basis for the identification or development of superior leaders. Figure 3: Leadership Traits (Stogdill, 1974, p81) Strong drive for responsibility, Focus on completing the task, Vigour and persistence in pursuit of goals, Venturesomeness and originality in problem-solving, Drive to exercise initiative in social settings, Self-confidence, Sense of personal identity, Willingness to accept consequences of decisions and actions, Readiness to adsorb interpersonal stress, Willingness to tolerate frustration and delay, Ability to influence the behaviour of others, Capacity to structure social systems to the purpose in hand.
Leadership traits
For the first half of the twentieth century it was assumed that it would be possible to identify and isolate a finite set of traits, which could be used when selecting and promoting individuals to leadership positions. This search was strongly influenced by the great man theory that focussed on how (primarily male) figures achieved and maintained positions of influence. The assumption was that these people were born to be leaders and would excel by virtue of their personality alone. In an extensive review of trait studies, Ralph Stogdill (1974) found some qualities that appeared more often than others (see Figure 3). The same set of traits, however, has not been identified in other studies (e.g. Bird, 1940; Stewart, 1963) and with the list growing ever longer it has now been widely accepted that no such definitive set of traits will ever be identified. Some weak generalizations, however, may exist.
in work is as natural as play or rest, and that the average human being, under proper conditions, learns not only to accept but to seek responsibility. Such leaders will endeavour to enhance their employees capacity to exercise a high level of imagination, ingenuity, and creativity in the solution of organizational problems. It can be seen that leaders holding different assumptions will demonstrate different approaches to leadership: Theory X leaders preferring an autocratic style and Theory Y leaders preferring a participative style. Another influential behavioural approach to leadership/management is the Managerial Grid developed by Blake and Mouton (1964). This model focuses on task (production) and employee (people) orientations of managers, as well as combinations between the two extremes. A grid with concern for production on the horizontal axis and concern for people on the vertical axis plots five basic management/leadership styles (see Figure 4). The first number refers to a leader's production or task orientation and the second, to people or employee orientation. It was proposed that Team Management - a high concern for both employees and production - is the most effective type of leadership behaviour. Figure 4: The Managerial Grid (Blake and Mouton, 1964)
constitutes effective leadership behaviours in different situations. Indeed, most researchers today conclude that no one leadership style is right for every manager under all circumstances. Instead, situational theories were developed to indicate that the style to be used is dependent upon such factors as the situation, the people, the task, the organisation, and other environmental variables. Fiedler (1964, 1967) proposed that there is no single best way to lead; instead the leaders style should be selected according to the situation. He distinguished between managers who are task or relationship oriented. Task oriented managers focus on the task-inhand tend to do better in situations that have good leader-member relationships, structured tasks, and either weak or strong position power. They also do well when the task is unstructured but position power is strong, and at the other end of the spectrum when the leader member relations are moderate to poor and the task is unstructured. Such leaders tend to display a more directive leadership style. Relationship oriented managers do better in all other situations and exhibit a more participative style of leadership. Hersey and Blanchard (1969, 1977, 1988) had similar ideas but proposed that it is possible for a leader to adapt his/her style to the situation. They argued that the developmental level of subordinates has the greatest impact on which leadership style is most appropriate. Thus, as the skill and maturity level of followers increases, the leader will need to adapt his/her taskrelationship style from directing to coaching, supporting and delegating. A similar model was proposed by Tannenbaum and Schmidt (1958) who presented a continuum of leadership styles from autocratic to democratic. Another influential situational leadership model is that proposed by John Adair (1973) who argued that the leader must balance the needs of the task, team and individual as demonstrated in his famous three-circle diagram (see Figure 5). The effective leader thus carries out the functions and behaviours depicted by the
Situational leadership
Whilst behavioural theories introduced the notion of different leadership styles, they gave little guidance as to what 10
three circles, varying the level of attention paid to each according to the situation. Figure 5: Action Centred Leadership (Adair, 1973)
The transformational approach has been widely embraced within all types of organisations as a way of transcending organisational and human limitations and dealing with change. It is frequently contrasted with more traditional transactional leadership, where the leader gains commitment from followers on the basis of a straightforward exchange of pay and security etc. in return for reliable work. Figure 6 contrasts these two approaches you will note similarities with the common conceptualisation of management versus leadership. Figure 6: A Comparison of Transactional and Transformational Leadership (Covey, 1992) Transformational Leadership Builds on a mans need for meaning Is preoccupied with purposes and values, morals, and ethics Transcends daily affairs Is orientated toward long-term goals without compromising human values and principles Focuses more on missions and strategies Releases human potential identifying and developing new talent Designs and redesigns jobs to make them meaningful and challenging Aligns internal structures and systems to reinforce overarching values and goals Transactional Leadership Builds on mans need to get a job done and make a living Is preoccupied with power and position, politics and perks Is mired in daily affairs Is short-term and hard data orientated Focuses on tactical issues Relies on human relations to lubricate human interactions Follows and fulfils role expectations by striving to work effectively within current systems Supports structures and systems that reinforce the bottom line, maximise efficiency, and guarantee short-term profits
Transformational Leadership
James MacGregor Burns was the first to put forward the concept of transforming leadership. To him, transforming leadership is a relationship of mutual stimulation and elevation that converts followers into leaders and may convert leaders into moral agents (Burns, 1978). He went on to suggest that [Transforming leadership] occurs when one or more persons engage with others in such a way that leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality. At the heart of this approach is an emphasis on the leaders ability to motivate and empower his/her followers and also the moral dimension of leadership. Burns ideas were subsequently developed into the concept of transformational leadership where the leader transforms followers: The goal of transformational leadership is to transform people and organisations in a literal sense to change them in mind and heart; enlarge vision, insight, and understanding; clarify purposes; make behaviour congruent with beliefs, principles, or values; and bring about changes that are permanent, self-perpetuating, and momentum building (Bass and Avolio, 1994). 11
Charismatic leadership
The concept of the charismatic leader, although introduced earlier (e.g. Weber, 1947; House, 1976), became popular in the nineteen eighties and nineties when charisma was viewed as an antidote to
the demoralising effects of organisational restructuring, competition and redundancies dominant at the time. The charismatic leader was seen as someone who could rebuild morale and offer a positive vision for the future. This approach, in effect, combines both notions of the transformational leader as well as earlier trait and great man theories. Researchers have taken different positions, but overall four major characteristics of charismatic leaders can be identified: (1) a dominant personality, desire to influence others and self confidence; (2) strong role model behaviour and competence; (3) articulation of ideological goals with moral overtones; and (4) high expectation of followers and confidence that they will meet these expectations (Northouse, 2004, p171). Despite the hype, confidence in this approach to leadership is rapidly declining. A number of high profile corporate scandals, plus the tendency of charismatic leaders to desert organisations after making their changes (often leaving even more significant challenges), has highlighted that this may not be a sustainable way to lead. Because of the way in which charismatic leadership presents the leader as a saviour, it is now often referred to as There is a heroic leadership1. resistance to this view of the leader within many industries and organisations are seeking alternatives that develop quieter, less individualistic leadership (Mintzberg, 1999; Badaracco, 2002).
one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. He or she is sharply different from the person who is leader first, perhaps because of the need to assuage an unusual power drive or to acquire material possessions. (Greenleaf, 1970) The focus on serving a greater purpose has made this approach popular within the church and non-profit sector but has had limited impact in more commercial sectors. A related concept that has had wider acceptance is that of team leadership. Katzenbach and Smith (1993) emphasise the importance of leaders knowing when to follow and the importance of the leader acting as a facilitator rather than director. They propose that the leader should ask questions rather than giving answers; provide opportunities for others to lead them; do real work in support of others instead of only the reverse; become a matchmaker instead of a central switch; and seek a common understanding instead of consensus. Belbin (1993) presents a similar image of the team leader as someone who chooses to delegate and share team roles; builds on and appreciates diversity; seeks talented people; develops colleagues; and creates a sense of mission.
Distributed leadership
An increasing awareness of the importance of social relations in the leadership contract, the need for a leader to be given authority by their followers and a realisation that no one individual is the ideal leader in all circumstances have given rise to a new school of leadership thought. Referred to as informal, emergent, dispersed or distributed leadership, this approach argues a less formalised model of leadership (where leadership responsibility is dissociated from the organisational hierarchy). It is proposed that individuals at all levels in the organisation and in all roles (not simply those with an overt management dimension) can exert leadership influence over their colleagues and thus
influence the overall direction of the organisation. The key to this is a distinction between the notions of leader and leadership. Leadership is regarded as a process of sense-making and direction-giving within a group and the leader can only be identified on the basis of his/her relationship with others in the social group who are behaving as followers. In this manner, it is quite possible to conceive of the leader as emergent rather than predefined and that their role can only be understood through examining the relationships within the group (rather than by focussing on his/her personal characteristics or traits). The origins of such an approach have their foundations more in the fields of sociology and politics than the more traditional management literature and draw on concepts such as organisational culture and climate to highlight the contextual nature of leadership. It is a more collective concept, and would argue for a move from analysis and development of individual leader qualities to an identification of what constitutes an effective (or more appropriate) leadership process within an organisation: a move in focus from the individuals to the relationships between them; from managers to everyone within the organisation. A still more radical process view of leadership encourages a different approach to the identification and development of leadership within organisations. It promotes a focus on the way relationships give rise to varying identities, each defined by how they relate to others. So we should talk of a leader/follower effect rather than leaders and followers per se. This draws attention to the outcomes of effective leadership rather than the necessary precursors or behaviours; and on the development and promotion of leadership skills within all people at all levels in the organisation rather than just those at the top of the hierarchy. The aim is to produce an ambience and culture that encourages high levels of integrity, creativity, imagination, care and collective ambition for excellence. 13
The process view also draws attention to the emergent nature of leadership. It is not a fixed entity, but rather a flowing and evolving process whereby different leaders may become revealed over time as a consequence of group interaction. Leaderless but (Vanderslice, 1988) leaderful.
In truth, there is no one theory that can explain all circumstances - each has its strengths and weaknesses and the choice as to which is accepted owes as much to personal beliefs and experience as to empirical evidence. The trait approach, for example, whilst problematic could prove useful when attempting to identify or recruit a leader. The style approach tells leaders what they should do, rather simply focussing upon which attributes they should possess. The situational approach encourages the leader to consider the nature of the task and followers and to adapt his/her style accordingly. The transformational approach offers guidance as to the most appropriate leadership style in times of change. And servant, team and distributed leadership offer alternative ways of conceiving the leadership process, the manner in which it occurs and the associated values and ethics. Leadership is a complex phenomenon that touches on many other important organisational, social and personal issues. It eludes simple definition or theoretical representation and yet is becoming increasingly significant in all aspects of our endeavours. The theories presented in this article have made substantial advances to our understanding of the nature of leadership, leading, leaders and the led but there is still much room for improvement and a considerable degree of discretion required in their application. The nature of management and managers and of leaders and leadership is highly problematic: there is no agreed view on what managers and leaders should do and what they need to do it. And there never can be, since such definitions arise not from organizational or technical requirements (which are themselves the product of managers theories of organization), but from the shifting ways in which over time these functions are variously conceptualized. The manager: as much as the worker, is a product of history. (Salaman, 2004, p58).
Leadership Competencies
Despite the fact that trait and behavioural theories of leadership have proved unsuccessful in isolating a definitive set of leader characteristics, the competency approach to leadership development and assessment is becoming increasingly widespread. Leadership standards, qualities and/or competency frameworks now form the basis of the management development and review processes within most large organisations. The notion of management (and leadership) competence owes much of its origin to the work of McBer consultants for the American Management Association in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The aim of this work was to explain some of the differences in general qualitative distinctions of performance (e.g. poor versus average versus superior managers) which may occur across specific jobs and organisations as a result of certain competencies which managers share (Boyatzis, 1982, p9), with a job competency being defined as an underlying characteristic of a person which results in effective and/or superior performance in a job (ibid, p21). This concept was widely adopted as a basis for management education and development in the UK following the Review of Vocational Qualifications report in 1986 (De Ville, 1986) and continues to be widely promoted. Following the Council for Excellence in Management and Leadership research (CEML, 2002), for example, the UK government pledged to address the national management and leadership deficit through a range of initiatives to increase demand and improve supply of management and leadership development (DfES, 2002). As these initiatives are rolled-out across the country the emphasis on evidence-based policy, measurable performance outcomes and consistency of approach encourages increased reliance on government-endorsed models, frameworks and standards. Some of the most influential generic and public sector frameworks currently used in the UK are shown in Figures 8 and 9. From a review of 26 leadership and management frameworks in use throughout the public and private sectors Bolden et al. (2003) concluded that a somewhat moderated version of transformational leadership (Bass, 1985; Bass and Avolio, 1994) tends to be promoted in most frameworks. Whilst many go beyond simple definitions of behaviours, to consider the cognitive, affective and inter-personal qualities of leaders, the role of followers is usually only acknowledged in a rather simplistic, unidirectional manner. Leadership, therefore, is conceived as a set of values, qualities and behaviours exhibited by the leader that encourage the participation, development, and commitment of followers. It is remarkable, however, how few of the frameworks reviewed (only 8 out of 26) referred to the leaders ability to listen and none mentioned the word follow (following, followers, etc.). The leader (as post holder) is thus promoted as the source of leadership. He/she is seen to act as an energiser, catalyst and visionary equipped with a set of abilities (communication, problemsolving, people management, decision making, etc.) that can be applied across a diverse range of situations and contexts. Whilst contingency and situational leadership factors may be considered, they are not generally viewed as barriers to an individuals ability to lead under different circumstances (they simply need to apply a different combination of skills). Fewer than half of the frameworks reviewed referred directly to the leaders ability to respond and adapt his/her style to different circumstances. In addition to soft skills, the leader is also expected to display excellent information processing, project management, customer service and delivery skills, along with proven business and political acumen. They build partnerships, walk the talk, show incredible drive and enthusiasm, and get things done. Furthermore, the leader demonstrates innovation, creativity and thinks outside the box. They are entrepreneurs who identify opportunities
- they like to be challenged and theyre prepared to take risks. Of interest, too, is the emphasis on the importance of qualities such as honesty, integrity, empathy, trust and valuing diversity. The leader is expected to show a true concern for people that is drawn from a deep level of selfawareness, personal reflection and emotional intelligence (Goleman, 1998). This almost iconographic notion of the leader, as a multi-talented individual with diverse skills, personal qualities and a large social conscience, posses a number of difficulties. Firstly it represents almost a return to the great man or heroic notions of leadership, which venerate the individual to the exclusion of the team and organisation. Secondly when you attempt to combine attributes from across a range of frameworks the result is an unwieldy, almost over-powering list of qualities such as that generated during the CEML research, which identified 83 management and leadership attributes, condensed from a list of over 1000 (Perren and Burgoyne, 2001). And thirdly there is little evidence in practice that the transformational leader is any more effective with regards to improving organisational performance than his/her alternatives (Gronn, 1995). To a large extent these difficulties are a direct result of the functional analysis methodology central to the standards approach. This method generates a list of competencies from analysis of numerous managers jobs the result, therefore, is not a list of activities or behaviours demonstrated by any one individual, rather an averaging out across multiple individuals. Imagine if a similar technique was used to determine the characteristics of the lovable man: hed be caring, strong, gentle, attractive, kind, rich, etc. in effect an unlikely, if not impossible, combination! Whilst personal qualities of the leader are undoubtedly important they are unlikely to be sufficient in themselves for the emergence and exercise of leadership. Furthermore, the manner in which these qualities translate into behaviour and group interaction is likely 16
to be culturally specific and thus depend on a whole host of factors, such as the nature of the leader, followers, task, organisational structure, and culture (national, corporate and group). We conclude, therefore, that whilst the development of frameworks and standards can be a valuable way of encouraging individuals and organisations to consider their approach to management and leadership development, it is in the application of these standards and frameworks that difficulties often occur. When working with frameworks and standards there is frequently a temptation to apply them deductively to assess, select and measure leaders rather than inductively to describe effective leadership practice and stimulate debate. With an increasing awareness of the emergent and relational nature of leadership it is our opinion that the standards approach should not be used to define a comprehensive set of attributes of effective leaders, but rather to offer a lexicon with which individuals, organisations, consultants and other agents can debate the nature of leadership and the associated values and relationships within their organisations.
For further information please visit: Institute of Chartered Management Chartered Management Skills Chartered Manager candidates need to demonstrate (and provide evidence of) learning, development and impact in the workplace against two of these six categories: Leading People, Meeting Customer Needs, Managing Change, Managing Information and Knowledge, Managing Activities and Resources, and Managing yourself. For further information visit:
What is performance?
When considering the likely impact of leadership and management on performance a number of different levels of effect can be identified. The initial effect is likely to be at an individual level. Following development, it will be expected that the individual leader/manager will become more effective. This may be revealed through hard measures, such as enhanced productivity, technical competence and/or knowledge, but is perhaps more likely to be demonstrated through softer measures, such as improved selfawareness, communication and strategic thinking. The next level of effect is likely to be at a group level, whereby an individual leaders behaviour begins to impact upon that of his/her colleagues and subordinates. As before, this change may be revealed in hard productivity/output measures, however, it is more likely to be exhibited (at least 19
initially) through improved communication, motivation, morale and team working. Related measures that may be affected include decreased absenteeism and staff turnover, increased willingness to work overtime, and enhanced participation, accountability and suggestions/feedback. A third level of effect can be seen at an organisational level. Indeed, improving organisational effectiveness is often the key driver behind investment in management and leadership development. At this level of impact, it is intended that through development of a critical mass of effective leadership in different parts of the organisation, the organisation as a whole becomes more successful. Such impacts may well be revealed in hard measures such as improved profit, turnover and share value and reduced wastage; however a wide array of other measures could be considered, including customer satisfaction, relationship with suppliers, organisational culture and innovation. Whilst most consideration of the impact of MLD stops at the organisational level, the commitment of national and regional government to enhance MLC indicates that the potential impact of effective leadership can traverse organisational boundaries. By building the capability and performance of organisations within a specific geographic area (be it regional, national or international) much larger scale impacts are possible (including economic, social and environmental). In short, leadership and leadership development can have an effect at many levels and there are a host of factors, besides simple financial measures, upon which they impact. Another key thing to consider when attempting to monitor the performance impact of management and leadership, is the likely time delay for visible improvements. Thus, for example, it will be far easier to measure the impact of an MLD initiative in terms of staff attitudes rather than changes in productivity as the latter will be slow to
achieve and will be subject to a much wider range of influencing factors 2. The remainder of this article will consider the empirical evidence for a link between management, leadership and performance at different levels3.
responsibilities rather than simply equipping them with the necessary skills. A recent review of the literature (Burgoyne et al., 2004) did, however, identify two key factors that seem to increase the impact of MLD on individual capability and performance: (1) the inclusion of opportunities for receiving and discussing individual feedback; and (2) the quality of management processes preceding, supporting and reinforcing development activities. Thus, it appears that providing MLD alone is insufficient to ensure an increase in individual capability and performance, rather it needs to incorporate appropriate opportunities for feedback and discussion, and be accompanied by supportive management processes. The problem in demonstrating the relationship between MLD, capability and performance is largely the result of the difficulty in untangling a series of interwoven debates, including the appropriateness of MLD (does it address the right skills? for the right people? via an appropriate pedagogy? etc.) and the impact of MLD (does it increase capability? performance? other qualities? etc.). It is without doubt that not all MLD activity is equal and that it is more the quality than the quantity that matters.
satisfaction and commitment to be positively related to sales increases (Barber et al., 1999). In both these studies, the quality of line management (as perceived by staff) was an important link in the chain between capability and organisational performance via its impact on employee commitment and motivation. In a longitudinal study of the impact of business tools and techniques4 Nohria et al. (2003) concluded that none of these techniques in themselves had a direct causal relationship to superior business performance what did make a difference was having a clear grasp of management and leadership practices5. Without exception, companies that outperformed their industry peers excelled at what we call the four primary management practices strategy, execution, culture and structure. And they supplemented their great skill in those areas with a mastery of any two out of four secondary management practices talent, innovation, leadership, and mergers and partnerships. (Nohria et al., 2003, p.43) Further evidence is presented by Cockerill (1993) who found that management competence has a greater influence on performance in dynamic environments than in static environments, thus implying that effective management and leadership are more necessary in times of change than in periods of stability.
limited, but does generally support a positive causal relation. Two studies that have identified direct financial benefits of investing in MLD include a study by Lee et al. (1993) who estimated British Telecom to have saved 270 million as the result of a management-training programme (due to the reduction in errors by untrained junior managers and waste caused by missed deadlines, customer complaints, etc.). And DTZ (1998) who found that 63% of firms involved in management development activity (supported by the Training and Enterprise Council) could identify an impact of this on business performance - primarily via improved staff morale, improved response and flexibility and improvements in quality which in turn, they believe, lead to greater customer loyalty and new business. Mabey and Thompson (2000) found that positive outcomes of management development investment could largely be attributed to the manner in which an organisation made its policy choices, with particular importance being given to the companys commitment to training activity. Marshall et al. (1993) found a clear relationship between the use of external consultants in management development in SMEs and business performance, and in a study of leadership in UK organisations Horne and Stedman Jones (2001) concluded that where systematic implementation of leadership development existed there was a strong relationship to the perceived quality of leadership in that organisation and organisational performance. Mabey and Ramirez (2004) reached similar conclusions in a recent international study as indicated below: There is strong statistical evidence that management development leads to superior organisational performance across companies of all sizes, sectors and national location. An impressive 16 per cent of variance is explained by three factors: the extent to which HR is integrated with business strategy, the degree to which the firm takes a thoughtful, long-term approach to developing 22
managerial capability and the belief by line managers that their employer is taking management development seriously. (Mabey and Ramirez, 2004, p9). In addition to this selection of studies, there are a large number that indicate a link between HRM practices and organisational performance as well as the impact of training more generally. In a synthesis of research on HRM practices, for example, Becker and Huselid (1998) identified management development and training activities linked to the needs of the business as one of four key HRM systems. Additional work on the benefits of HRM emphasises how managers need to implement practices through their own personal skills (e.g. empowerment, team working, and performance management) and, as concluded recently by Purcell et al. (2003), it is the quality of implementation that really affects the success of an intervention more than the nature of the initiative itself. In a longitudinal study of over 100 UK manufacturing companies Patterson et al. (1997) found that 18% of variations in productivity and 19% in profitability could be attributed to people management practices. Research is increasingly indicating that HRM initiatives are more likely to be effective where they fit with other HR and business strategies within the organisation and that the key to this lies in successful management and leadership (see Richardson and Thompson, 1999 for an excellent review of this literature). Although findings are complex and it is hard to quantify in any consistent way the link between MLD, capability and performance it is now fairly well accepted that management and leadership are critical factors in the effective implementation of HRM and business strategies that, in turn, affect organisational performance.
management and leadership is the key to unlocking national productivity and a series of reports have consistently argued that poor national performance is directly associated with a deficit of good managers and leaders (e.g. CEML, 2002; DTI, 2001; Handy, 1987), but is this really the case? The recent report from Porter and Ketels (2003) review of UK productivity questioned both whether the UKs economic performance is poor and whether management is one of the main determinants of economic performance. They concluded there is always room for improvement but that efforts to upgrade management will not however be sufficient to achieve a sustained improvement in UK competitiveness. Research into whether or not there is a national deficit in management skills tends to point more strongly to a qualitative shortfall (i.e. a perception of poor management and leadership within organisations) rather than a large-scale quantitative absence of management skills per se. The National Skills Taskforce (DfEE, 2000) and Skills in England report (Campbell et al, 2001) indicated that skills shortages are more prevalent within technical, generic, intermediate, ICT and numeric skills areas than management, even though this was noted as an area of concern. Horne and Stedman Jones (2001), however, found a third to a half of respondents in their survey of 15,000 managers rated leadership within their organisations as poor, with similar, findings being reported by Charlesworth et al. (2003) about management in the public sector. With regards to how the leadership and management capability of UK managers compares with that in other countries, such information is inherently difficult to gather and interpret (see Jagger et al, 2002). In a comprehensive review of the stock of UK management, however, Bosworth (1999) identified a lower level of academic qualification amongst UK managers in relation to those of competitor nations although demographic trends indicate that this
situation will be redressed over time (Campbell et al, 2001; Wood, 1992).
the wider context of the organisation. In isolation, there is no guarantee that leadership development and/or capability will enhance individual or organisational performance, however, if considered as a key enabler within wider organisational and HRM processes its impact becomes evident. Equally, the presence of effective leadership and management processes within an organisation increases the likelihood of further training and development being successful. Without a sense of vision, inspiration and direction, HRM and MLD initiatives will not be integrated with business objectives and employees will lack the motivation and commitment to work towards shared organisational goals. A further point arising from this review is the pressing need for more extensive research into the relationship between leadership and management development, capability and performance. Of particular importance is an improved understanding of the manner in which these (and other) elements interact to make them effective within certain situations but not others. To this extent, it is advised that all organisations should seek to find ways of evaluating their management and leadership capability and development processes, not in a simplistic linear fashion, but as part of a holistic integrated organisational strategy. In a Leadership and Management Development Best Practice Guide developed during the CEML research, evaluation was included as one of the key elements of any initiative (Burgoyne and James, 2002) and a recent article in the Harvard Business Review (Ittner and Larcker, 2003) argued that the majority of organisations fail to take sufficient account of non-financial performance indicators. Thus in conclusion, despite the absence of definitive empirical evidence indicating the relationship between management, leadership and performance it is now widely agreed that these are key ingredients in the effective performance of individuals, groups, organisations, regions and nation states. The difficulty in measuring this relationship in any 24
direct linear manner indicates the need for more elaborate longitudinal research that considers performance in its widest sense. The manner in which improved management and leadership leads to enhanced performance is highly complex and thus when considering the benefits arising from interventions a much broader notion of performance needs to be embraced than one simply of enhanced productivity or profit.
ignoring that which conflicts. This situation may be compounded where other people within the organisation fail to challenge the leaders vision, either due to fear of repercussions, or overdependence and trust in the leaders judgement. Others in the organisation, who tend to become dependent on a visionary leader, may perpetuate the problem through their own actions. They may idealize their leader excessively and thus ignore negative aspects and exaggerate the good qualities. As a result, they may carry out their leaders orders unquestioningly and leaders may in certain circumstances encourage such behaviour because of their needs to dominate and be admired (Conger, 1990, p. 291). A second way in which leaders can lose touch with reality is as a result of their communication and impressionmanagement techniques. It is undoubtedly true that effective communication is a key leadership skill, however it is also one that is open to abuse. In order to make his or her vision more appealing, a leader may be tempted to distort the information that they convey selectively presenting only those aspects that enhance their message. Whilst this may serve to deceive followers (either intentionally or unintentionally) there is evidence to indicate that it may ultimately begin to delude the presenter as well. This is particularly likely where positive responses are received from the audience, which reinforce and confirm the leaders argument. The third issue presented by Conger that may undermine a leaders effectiveness are management practices that become liabilities. Whilst unconventional behaviour may commonly be associated with charismatic and visionary leaders, it may well give rise to difficulties in the organisation that are hard to overcome. In particular, problems may arise with managing upward and sideways, relationships with subordinates, a lack of attention to administrative detail and implementation, and failure to plan for succession. Thus, the leaders need for dominance may sour relationships with 26
colleagues and subordinates, limit the development of future leaders, and engender an action-orientated culture that fails to take sufficient account of everyday detail. Maccoby and Kets de Vries express similar concerns, but this time they point to an almost compulsive or pathological trend within leaders towards narcissism and an organisational tendency towards neurosis. Maccoby (2000) argues that larger-than-life leaders are almost inevitably driven by a need for recognition, power and self-promotion that is key to their success, and occasionally their downfall. Such leaders tend to express a clear vision and are capable of inspiring followers through their charisma and communication abilities. On the negative side, however, they are often sensitive to criticism, shun emotions, are poor listeners, lack empathy, have a distaste for mentoring and development, and are intensely competitive. Kets de Vries (2004) echoes these thoughts, as well as those of Gemmill and Oakley by stressing that leaders and followers are susceptible to neurosis at both an individual and collective level. The blind desire of followers to be lead can be just as harmful as the blind ambition of the leader. So what can organisations do to eliminate or minimise these risks? Firstly it is important to be aware that such processes may be occurring the very fact of making them conscious and explicit can alert people to the fact that something may be astray. Secondly, checks and controls can be put in place to minimise the potential negative impact of narcissism. Maccoby proposes a number of solutions including finding a trusted sidekick who can challenge the leaders assumptions and encourage them to consider alternatives; indoctrinate the organisation to internalise the vision and values of the leader; and get into psychoanalysis, because through self-awareness and reflection narcissistic leaders will be better placed to exploit the positive aspects of their personality and minimise the negative impacts. And thirdly, organisations can reconsider the
importance that they place on designated leaders in resolving their challenges. Kets de Vries argues that greater attention needs to be paid to achieving congruence between the personal needs of employees and organisational objectives. This, he proposes, will lead to a greater sense of determination, sense of competence, feeling of community, sense of enjoyment and sense of meaning. He doesnt, however, give much guidance as to how this can be achieved and it remains likely that people will continue to be motivated as much, if not more, by their dysfunctional emotional needs as by their altruistic and rational goals. Responsible leadership requires a deep sense of self and community - valuing diversity, ethics, the individual and the collective. In effect, at its heart is a shared emotional intelligence or, as Alan Wheelis (1975, p.15) expresses it: Freedom is the awareness of alternatives and the ability to choose.
innate qualities and personal experiences, and enhances the ability to define and communicate a vision and to adapt to different contexts and situations. Many groups discussed the moral dilemmas facing leaders and the challenge of taking difficult decisions, often with incomplete information (see Figure 11). Leadership can be a lonely task, and all groups made explicit reference to the importance of work/life balance in alleviating stress and isolation. To conclude, the leadership journey is a never ending one. Change is a constant. Where the journey and the constant come together true leaders flourish. (IWM Syndicate Group, Nov. 2001) Figure 11 Leadership, Society and the Next 10 Years (Bolden and Gosling, 2003) Key leadership qualities for the next ten years: Integrity and moral courage Self-awareness and humility Empathy and emotional engagement Transparency and openness Clarity of vision Adaptability and flexibility Energy and resilience Decisiveness in the face of uncertainty Judgement, consistency and fairness Ability to inspire, motivate and listen Respect and trust Knowledge and expertise Delivering results Some leadership dilemmas for the 21st Century: Can outcomes justify the means by which they are achieved? When values clash how do we choose which takes priority? What should be done when the interests of the organisation/shareholders are in conflict with the interests of society? Can you lead if you dont subscribe to the core values of the organisation? How can we achieve consensus without negating minority views?
What now?
The findings from this research indicate an underlying shift in thinking about leadership, not just amongst academics but also practicing managers. We have moved a long way from the early trait and great man theories, whereby leadership was considered the reserve of an exclusive few who were born destined to lead. There is a clear awareness that a far wider range of factors are involved some to do with holders of leadership positions, some to do with others in the organisation, and some to do with the relationship between all these and wider society. Leadership can be conceived of as a social process of influence there are things people can do to enhance specific skills and their ability to cope with situations but the processes and outcomes of leadership remain socially embedded the result of a complex interaction between a multitude of factors. Thus, who becomes a leader, how they behave, and what they do are all determined as much by social and cultural factors as by any individual characteristics Churchill, Hitler, Stalin, Gandhi and King were all products of their time, place and culture! As we move further into the 21st Century emphasis is turning towards the moral, social and ethical responsibilities of leaders. As corporations become increasingly powerful, so do the leaders who inhabit them not just on a positional power basis, but also for the potential repercussions within and between communities. Consider the wider effects of leadership within a pensions company, health organisation, manufacturing plant or football club the potential for economic, environmental and social impact (whether good or bad) is far from contained by the boundaries of the organisation. A series of high-profile corporate scandals, increasing disillusionment with business and political leaders, and the failure of many CEOs to deliver what is expected of them raises doubts about the capacity for individual leaders to achieve the continued change in performance sought within their
organisations. To maximise the potential of all types of organisation it is essential to tap into the creative and leadership qualities of all employees, not just the senior team. The challenges we face, however, wont just be resolved by calls for more leadership. As discussed in the article on the shadow side of leadership an overdependence on leaders can ultimately be detrimental to employees and organisations in a number of ways. In the article on leadership and performance the evidence implies that in order for leadership and leadership development to be effective they need to form a central part of an integrated strategic, management and human resource process. In the articles on leadership and management and leadership competencies we argue that promoting leadership without reference to management (or vice versa) is meaningless and bears little or no relation to the lived experience of managers within organisations. In response to these challenges, many organisations are beginning to reevaluate their perception of leadership. There is a move away from the heroic notion of the leader out in front, to a more collective concept of the leadership process where leadership is a shared responsibility to which everyone makes a contribution. This view, however, should not be considered as grounds for abandoning the notion of leaders and followers (history has shown us that this is an important feature of human groups) but it should encourage us to reconsider the relative importance attributed to each (after all a leader is nothing without followers) and the manner in which such relationships can both benefit and hinder success. Looking forwards, it is without doubt that the quality of leadership will remain of central importance to organisations in all sectors, much as it has previously. It is also true that much can be done to improve both the way in which leadership is conceived and applied within organisations and how it is developed and integrated with other organisational processes. 30
To conclude, we would like to challenge you to conceive of alternative ways of going about leadership within any organisation with which you are involved. We also encourage you to consider the wider implications of your involvement in leadership practice and any way in which it could be modified for the wider good. Thus, if you consider yourself a leader pay attention to how you go about it; if you work within an organisation consider how the process of leadership occurs and your role within it; and if you an observer/advisor then consider how leadership interacts with social and organisational cultures. Leadership is not a person or a position. It is a complex moral relationship between people, based on trust, obligation, commitment, emotion, and a shared vision of the good. Ciulla (1998)
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