Sem - Course - Curriculum-ECE - DTU - 3rd Sem
Sem - Course - Curriculum-ECE - DTU - 3rd Sem
Sem - Course - Curriculum-ECE - DTU - 3rd Sem
B.TECH. (EC) II-Year, III-Semester Theory Paper I L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 EC-201 Analog Electronics Unit-1 Semiconductors & p-n Junction diode: Review of semiconductor physics, Physical operation of p-n diode and its characteristics, p-n diode modeling (Large-signal/smallsignal), p-n diode capacitances (depletion/diffusion), Breakdown in p-n diodes, Zener diode. Unit-2 Rectifier circuits, voltage regulation by Zener diode, limiting and clamping circuits, voltage multipliers Switching behavior of p-n diode, High frequency model of p-n diode, SPICE model of p-n diode, An example of p-n diode data sheet. Unit-3 Bipolar Junction Transistor(BJT): Physical structure and modes of operation, BJT current components and its physical operation(exponential-vBE / iC behavior), The Ebers-Moll representation of the BJT, Graphical representation of BJT characteristics, BJT equivalent circuits(large-signal/small-signal), Biasing the BJT for Discrete-Circuit Design, Basic single- stage BJT amplifier configurations, BJT as a switch, SPICE BJT model and simulation examples. Unit-4 Field Effect Transistors (FETs): The Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET), , modeling and DC/AC analysis. Unit-5 MOSFET: Characteristics Structure and physical operation of Enhancement/Depletiontype MOSFETs(n/p-channel) MOSFET circuits at DC, Biasing in MOS amplifier circuits, Small- signal equivalent circuit of MOSFET, Basic configurations of single-stage IC MOS amplifier circuits, MOSFET as an analog switch, the MOSFET internal capacitances and high- frequency model. SPICE MOSFET models and simulation examples. Unit-6 Multistage Amplifiers: Analysis of multistage amplifier using BJT and MOSFETs, Significance of Coupling and bypass capacitor, types of coupling: DC, RC, Transformer, SPICE examples. Text Books
1) Microelectronics circuits by Sedra and Smith; Oxford university press 2) Microelectronics circuits by Rashid; PWS publishing company.
3) Electronic Devices and Circuits, B Kumar and Shail Bala Jain, PHI Reference Books: 1)Microelectronics by Millman and Grabel; Tata McGraw Hill.
Course Curriculum
B.TECH. (EC-202) II-Year, III-Semester Theory Paper VI L T P Credits 30 0 3 EC-202: Probability and Stochastic Processes
1. Introduction ,Axioms of Probability - I ,Axioms of Probability - II ,Introduction to Random Variables ,Functions, Conditional ,Function of a Random Variable ,Function of a Random Variable (Cont .) 2. Mean and Variance of a Random Variable ,Moments ,Characteristic Function ,Two Random Variables, Function of Two Random Variables. 3. Correlation Covariance , Vector Space of Random Variables ,Joint Moments ,Joint Characteristic Functions ,Joint Conditional Densities - I, Joint Conditional Densities - II 4. Sequences of Random Variables - I, Sequences of Random Variables - II ,Correlation Matrices and their Properties ,Correlation Matrices and their Properties ,Conditional Densities of Random Vectors ,Characteristic Functions and Normality ,Thebycheff Inequality and Estimation ,Central Limit Theorem 5. Introduction to Stochastic Process ,Stationary Processes ,Cyclo-stationary
Processes ,System with Random Process as Input ,Ergodic Processes. 6. Spectral Estimation Introduction to Spectral Analysis, Ergodicity, Extrapolation and System Identification, Minimum Phase Functions, All Phase Functions, Mean Square Estimation-Brief Introduction of Kalman Filtering. Text Books 1. Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes by Athanasios Poupolis, Third Edition, McGraw Hill Inc. 2. Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles by Peyton Z. Peebles Jr, Second Edition, McGraw Hill Inc.
2. Probability and stochastic processes by Roy D Yates and David Goodman, Wiley 3. Probability and stochastic processes for engineers by Carl W Hellstorm, Wiley
Text Books:
1. Digital Integrated Electronics by H.Taub & D. Schilling(TMH). 2. Digital Principles and Application by Malvino & Leach (TMH). 3. Digital Electronics And Logic Design by M.Mano (PHI)
Introduction To System Design Using Integrated Circuits by B.S.Sonde (New Age International). 2. Switching And Finite Automata Theory by Z. Kohavi (TMH). 3. Modern Digital Electronics by R. P. Jain (TMH). 4. Digital Electronics by Gothman (PHI). 1.
Course Curriculum
B.TECH. (EC) II-Year, III-Semester Theory Paper IV L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 EC-204: Network Analysis and Synthesis UNIT- I
Review of network elements: Linear versus nonlinear, time-variant and time invariant, passive verses active, causal and non-anticipated, stable and unstable networks, Network theorems: superposition, Thevenin and Norton's maximum power transfer, Wye-Delta transformation.
Network graph theory, notations and definitions, incidence matrix, cutsets and fundamental loops, fundamental cutsets matrix, Kirchoff voltage law, Kirchoff current low, interrelation ship between matrices of a graph, Tellegens theorem and its application.
Analysis of linear time invariant networks, transform methods in circuit analysis, Laplace transform of common signals, concept of transformed impedance, network functions, poles and zeros, impulse response, step response, convolution.
Two-port network parameters: driving point and transfer functions. conversion, interconnections, analysis using various two port parameters. various
State equations for networks. State variable analysis of circuits, formulation of state equations, solution of state equations. Transient Response of RC, RL, RLC Circuits to various excitation signals such as step, ramp, impulse and sinusoidal excitations using Laplace Transform. Steady state sinusoidal analysis.
Passive /Active network synthesis, positive real functions, driving point synthesis(RC, RL, LC, ) Introduction to passive filter.
Text Books:
1. Network Analysis by M.E. Van Valkenburg, Third Edition; Prentice Hall, 1986 2. Fundamentals of Network Analysis & Synthesis by Behrouz Peikari; Jaico Publishing house, 2006.
Reference Books:
1. Network Analysis & Synthesis by F.F.Kuo; John Wiley & Sons Inc 2. Engineering Circuit analysis by Hyat Jr. & Kemmerly, McGraw Hill
Course Curriculum
B.TECH. (EC) II-Year, III-Semester Theory Paper V L T P Credits 3 0 0 3 EC-205: Signals and Systems
Unit-1 Introduction of signals and systems; classification of signal, continuous time and discrete time signals, operations performed on them, even and odd signals, periodic and non periodic signals, deterministic and random signals, energy signals, power signals, elementary signals; impulse, unit step, ramp and exponentials, classification of systems. Properties of Systems; linearity, causality, stability, linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, convolution integral for continuous-time systems, convolution sum for discrete time systems, properties of linear time-invariant systems, system described by differential and difference equations.
Fourier series representation of periodic signals: Representation of periodic signals by trigonometric and exponential series, properties of continuous time Fourier series, discrete time Fourier series and its properties, continuous and discrete time filtering.
Continuous time Fourier transform: Definition of Fourier transform and its inverse, properties of the transform, common transform pairs, convolution and multiplication theorems. Discrete time Fourier transform: Definition and properties, Convolution theorem, frequency response corresponding to difference equations. Unit-4 Laplace Transform: Definition, region of convergence, properties, analysis of LTI systems, solution of differential equations, system functions, poles and zeros, stability. Z-Transform: Definition, region o f c o n v er g e n c e, i n v er s i o n , b a s ic p r op er t i es , s o l u t i o n o f difference equations, system functions, poles and zeros and stability.
Discrete Fourier transform: Properties of discrete Fourier transform, relation between discrete Fourier transform, Z and Laplace transform. Convolution of sequences, circular convolution theorem, overlap add and overlap save methods of convolution. Sampling: Uniform sampling, sampling theorem, aliasing, decimation, interpolation. Unit-6 Mathematical background: Representation of signals using ortho-normal basis functions.. Power and Energy spectral density. Correlation functions. Hilbert transform and its properties. Preenvelope and complex envelope. Band pass signals and Band pass systems. Text Books: 1) Signals & Systems by Oppenheim, Willsky and Nawab, Pearson, PHI 2) Signal & systems by Simon Haykins; PHI
Reference Books: 1) 2) 3) 4) Fundamentals of Signal & Systems using the Web and Matlab, By Kamen : Pearson Linear systems and signals by B.P.Lathi, Oxford Publication Fundamentals of signals and systems, by Roberts, TMH Digital Signal Processing, by Proakis : Pearson.
Course Curriculum
B.TECH. (EC) II-Year, III-Semester Theory Paper VI L T P Credits 3 0 0 3 ECE-206: Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements
Unit-1 System of units: fundamental and derived units, system International (S.I.) units, Dimension.Potentiometers andMeasuring Instruments D.C. Potentiometer; Crompton and vernier types and their applications, Self balancing (automatic) potentiometers, A.C. potentiometer, Co-ordinate and polar types and their applications. Unit-2 Operation and construction of galvanometer, (d.c and ac) Ammeters and voltmeters (Moving iron, moving coil and thermal) and wattmeters (Dynamometer; and induction types) induction type energy meters, testing and compensation, Frequency-meters (Electrical resonance type), single phase and power factor meters, Megger and multimeters. Unit-3 Measurement of Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance Measurement of low, medium and high resistances, insulation resistance measurement, AC bridges for inductance and capacitance measurement. Instrument Transformers: Current and Potential transfers, ratio and phase angle errors, design considerations and testing.
Electronic Measurements: Electronic voltmeter, multimeter wattmeter & energy meter. Time, Frequency and phase angle measurements using CRO, Spectrum & Wave analyzer, Digital counter, frequency meter, Digital voltmeter, multimeter and storage oscilloscope. B-H curve and measurement of dielectric loss D.C. & AC. voltmeters, Differential voltmeters. A/D and D/C converters. Magnetic measurement: Ballistic galvanometers and fluxmeter, Measurement of flux by Ballistic galvanometer and flux meter, Determination of B-H curve and hystersis loop, Separation of hysterisis and eddy current by using Lloyd Fisher square.
Instrumentation: Transducers, classification & selection of transducers, strain gauges, inductive & capacitive transducers, piezoelectric and Hall-effect transducers, thermisters, thermocouples, photo-diodes & photo-transistors, encoder type digital transducers, signal conditioning and telemetry, basic concepts of smart sensors and application. Data Acquisition Systems.
Unit Measurement of Non-electrical quantities: Primary sensing elements, classification of transducers, Displacement transducers, strain gauges, Temperature transducers and photoelectric transducers, Measurement of strain, temperature and pressure.
Text Books:
1. Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques by Helfrick and Cooper; Prentice- Hall of India, Reprint1988. 2. Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instruments by Golding, E.W., 3rd Edition; Sir Issac Pitman and Sons, 1960.
Reference Books
1. Instrumentation Measurement and Feedback by Jones, B.TECH.; Tata McGraw-Hill, 1986. 2. Measurments and Instrumentation by A.K Sawhney; Dhanpatrai & Sons, IV Edition 1987