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Marketing Strategy of Shampoo

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PREFACE Preparing a project of this nature is an arduous task and I was fortunate enough to get support from a large

number o persons. I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to all those who generously helped in successful completion of this report by sharing their invaluable time and knowledge. It is my proud and previledge to express my deep regards to Respected HOD Dr.Pramesh Gautam, Head of Department of Management Studies SVNU, SAGAR for allowing me to undertake this project. I feel extremely exhilarated to have completed this project under the able and inspiring guidance of Dr.Pramesh Gautam he rendered me all possible help me guidance while reviewing the manuscript in finalising the report. I also extend my deep regards to my teachers , family members , friends and all those whose encouragement has infused courage in me to complete to work successfully.


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Preparing a project of this nature is an arduous task and I was fortunate enough to get support from a large number o persons. I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to all those who generously helped in successful completion of this report by sharing their invaluable time and knowledge. It is my proud and previledge to express my deep regards to Respected , Head of Department Dr.Pramesh Gautam, Department of Management Studies , SVNU, SAGAR for allowing me to undertake this project. I feel extremely exhilarated to have completed this project under the able and inspiring guidance of He rendered me all possible help me guidance while reviewing the manuscript in finalising the report. I also extend my deep regards to my teachers , family members , friends and all those whose encouragement has infused courage in me to complete to work successfully.


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DELCLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE Date : I declare that the project report titled " MARKETING STRATEGIES OF TOP FIVE BRANDS OF SHAMPOO" on Market Segmentation is nay own work conducted under the supervision of Dr.Pramesh Gautam Department of Management Studies, SVNU, SAGAR To the best of my knowledge the report does not contain any work , which has been submitted for the award of any degree , anywhere.


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SHRIVASTAVA MBA IST Semester , under the guidance and supervision of Dr.Pramesh Gautam, HOD for the partial fulfillment of the Degree of M.B.A

Signature of the Supervisor

Signature of the Head of the Department

Signature of the Examiner

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ITC was incorporated on August 24, 1910 under the name of 'Imperial Tobacco Company of India Limited'. Its beginnings were humble. A leased office on Radha Bazaar Lane, Kolkata, was the centre of the Company's existence. The Company celebrated its 16th birthday on August 24, 1926, by purchasing the plot of land situated at 37, Chowringhee, (now renamed J.L. Nehru Road) Kolkata, for the sum of Rs 310,000. This decision of the Company was historic in more ways than one. It was to mark the beginning of a long and eventful journey into India's future. The Company's headquarter building, 'Virginia House', which came up on that plot of land two years later, would go on to become one of Kolkata's most venerated landmarks. The Company's ownership progressively Indianised, and the name of the Company was changed to I.T.C. Limited in 1974 . In recognition of the Company's multi-business portfolio encompassing a wide range of businesses - Cigarettes & Tobacco, Hotels, Information Technology, Packaging, Paperboards & Specialty Papers, Agri-Exports, Foods, Lifestyle Retailing and Greeting Gifting & Stationery - the full stops in the Company's name were removed effective September 18, 2001. The Company now stands rechristened ITC Limited. Firm's Present Status ITC is one of India's leading private sector companies with a market capitalization of nearly US $ 22 billion and a turnover of US $ 5 billion. It is rated as one of the most reputable companies by Forbes magazine. ITC has a diversified presence in Cigarettes, Hotels, Paperboards & Specialty Papers, Packaging, Agri-Business, Packaged Foods & Confectionery, Information Technology, Branded Apparel, Greeting Cards, Safety Matches

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and other FMCG products. ITCs Agri - business is one of the India largest exporters of agricultural products .It is one of the countrys biggest foreign exchange earners, US $ .2 billion in last decade. Market size and Description: The shampoo market in India was estimated at Rs. 21.41 billion per annum as of February 2008, growing annually at a rate of 14.5 percent. The market was dominated by India's largest fast moving consumer goods company, Hindustan Unilever Ltd. (HUL), and one of the world's largest consumer goods companies, Procter & Gamble Company (P&G) CavinKare Pvt. Ltd. (CavinKare) and Dabur India Ltd. (Dabur) were other significant players in this highly competitive market (Refer to Figure I for the market share of the top companies in the Indian shampoo market)... Hair Care - Shampoos The shampoo market in India is valued at Rs 4.5 bn with the penetration level at 13% only. The market is expected to increase due to lower duties and aggressive marketing by players Shampoo is also available in a sachet, which is affordable and makes upto 40% of the total shampoo sale. The Indian shampoo market is characterized by a twin-benefit platform: cosmetic and anti-dandruff. It is basically an upper middle class product, as more than 50% of the consumers use ordinary toilet soap for washing hair. While the awareness level is high, the penetration level is very low even in the metros which is only 30%. Urban markets account for 80% of the total shampoo market, The penetration level is rapidly increasing due to decline in excise duty, which was 120% in 1993 to 30% currently.

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Shampoo market Size in India: Size of shampoo market - 930 Cr Anti - Dandruff Shampoo - 20 % of above Sachet Sales - 70 % of above Shampoo Awareness in India: Urban areas - 90 %, accounting for 80 % of shampoo sold in the country Rural areas - 80 %, accounting for 20 % of shampoo sold in the country Shampoo Usage: Per Capita consumption of Shampoo in India - 13 ml Per Capita consumption of Shampoo in Indonesia - 160 ml Per Capita consumption of Shampoo in Thailand - 330 ml Shampoo Penetration in India: All India Shampoo - 14 % Urban - 40 % Rural - 10 % Growth in Shampoo Market Average Growth over the last few yrs - > 20 % Expected Average growth over the next few yrs - 25 %

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AD segment is the fastest growing segment, growing at 10 - 12 % every year. H & S growing at 15 - 20 % every year. Evolution of Shampoo in India: HLL undisputed leader from the early 90s Sunsilk launched in 1964 (General Shampoo platform ) Clinic Plus launched in 1971 (Family, health shampoo platform ) Clinic All Clear launched in 1987 (Therapeutic AD Shampoo ) HLL Goes rural with Sachet Clinic Active launched in 1991 (with Pro Vitamin B - health platform ) Entry of Competition Why did competition Enter India Teeming millions Burgeoning middle class Westernized youth Low penetration levels Huge untapped market Shampoo Boom in India In mid 1997, per capita consumption of Shampoo increased

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Of the Rs. 350 Cr. Shampoo market, the AD segment accounted for a 20 % share P & G launched its Internationally acclaimed A & D shampoo H & S in 1997 with Zinc Pyrithine ( ZPT ) - a unique anti-microbial agent. There were 2 variants - regular and menthol Sachet sale became 40 % of all shampoo consumption in the country


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To find the extent to which price affect the sales of secondary and byproducts. To find the view of customers on the pricing and selling methods of secondary and by-products adopted by Shampoo. To find the reasons for brand preference. To find the extent to which price affect the sales of secondary and byproducts. To find the selling methods preferred by the customers.


According to Green and Tall A research design is the specification of the methods and procedures for acquiring the information needed. It is the

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overall operational pattern or framework of the project that stipulates which information is to be collected, from where it is to be collected and by what procedures This research process based on primary data analysis and secondary data analysis will be clearly defined to meet the objectives of the study. I chose the primary sources to get the data. A questionnaire was designed in accordance with our mentor in Shampoo. I chose a sample of about 30 corporate customers I collected some data from the secondary sources like published Company documents, internet etc. Research Design A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collections and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedures. It is a descriptive cross sectional design .It is the conceptual structure with in which research is conducted; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. It is needed because it facilitates the smooth sailing of the various research operations, thereby making research as efficient as possible yielding maximal information with minimal expenditure of effort, time and money. In the preliminary stage, my research stage constituted of exploratory study by which it is clear that the existence of the problem is obvious .So, I can directly head for the conclusive research.

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Sampling Plan Sampling plan is a distinct phase of research process. In this stage I have to determine who is to be sampled, how large should be the needed sample and how sampling unit is to be selected. Population In my research, I have defined my population as a complete set of customers of Sagar City. Sample Survey As compared to census study, a sample study has been conducted by us because of: Wide range of population, it was impossible to cover the whole population Time and money constraints. Sample Unit In this survey I took the list of customers from the dealers of Shampoo Sampling Technique Sampling technique implies the method of choosing the sample items, the two methods of selecting sample are: Probability method. Non-probability method.

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Probability method is those in which every item of the universe has an equal chance of the inclusion in the sample. Non-probability methods are those that do not provide every item in the universe with known cause of being included in the sample. The selection process is partially subjective. For my study, I employed the Non-probability sampling technique, in which I got the data of the customers from the dealer of Shampoo. Instrument of collection of data I have used one set of questionnaire to collect data from the customers. This questionnaire is structured and highly ordered. This includes both close ended and open ended questions. The close ended questions included both dichotomous and multiple choice questions.

MARKETING ANALYSIS Vivel shampoos cater to the specific needs of a wide range of consumers. This is a high quality range of shampoos for the upper-mid and mid-market consumer segment. This product offers a unique value proposition of bringing together ingredients that provide the benefit of Nourishment,

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Protection and Moisturisation through one product, hence providing the ever discerning consumer complete care, which makes the consumer beautiful and confident. Support, reassurance: 1. The success of ITCs other products and Fiama Di Wills will help this

product to be successful. 2. The media is carrying the message efficiently and effectively.

3. ITC has efficiently used every promotional media for its new product. 4. Gives the total brand experience created by all contact points for the



Sunsilk was launched in the UK in 1954, and by 1959 it was available in 18 different countries worldwide. At the time, Sunsilk had an advantage over

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other shampoos in the market as it only needed one application, and so meant washing less natural oils from the hair. Sunsilk cream shampoo for dry hair was launched in 1956. In 1958, a new transparent polythene tube for the liquid shampoo was introduced as an alternative large size pack to the bottle. Sunsilk was also available in such tubes. In 1960, Sunsilk Tonic shampoo was launched, containing skin healing ingredient Allantoin designed to help keep the scalp free from infection. In 1961, Sunsilk Liquid shampoo was re-launched to Sunsilk Beauty, because Liquid in the name, originally used to distinguish the product from powdered shampoos had become meaningless as the majority of shampoos were now in liquid form. In 1962, Sunsilk was marketed as a range of shampoos for different hair types. Sunsilk significantly improved product formula and launched new variants in 1966: the first major shampoo to contain olive oil, which acted as conditioner to make hair soft and manageable; shampoo for dull hair, which restored hairs natural shine; lemon shampoo for greasy hair with deep cleansing ingredients.

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Pantene is a brand of hair care products owned by Procter & Gamble. The product line was first introduced in Europe in 1947 by HoffmanLaRoche of Switzerland, which branded the name based on panthenol as a shampoo ingredient. It was purchased by Procter & Gamble (P&G) in 1985 in order for P&G to compete in the "beauty product" market rather than only functional products.[1] The brand's best-known product became the conditioning shampoo Pantene Pro-V (Pantene Pro-Vitamin). The product became most noted due to an advertising campaign in the late 1980s in which fashion models said, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful."[2][3]Kelly LeBrock gained notoriety as the first television spokeswoman to speak the line.[4]The line was criticized by feminists and became a pop-culture catchphrase for "annoying" narcissistic behavior.[5][6]


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Dabur derived from Daktar Burman) is India's largestAyurvedic medicine manufacturer. The Dabur began with a small, but visionary endeavour by Dr. S. K. Burman, a physician tucked away in Bengal. He has set up Dabur in 1884 to produce and dispense Ayurvedic medicines. Reaching out to a wide mass of people who had no access to proper treatment. Dr. S. K. Burman's commitment and ceaseless efforts resulted in the company growing from a fledgling medicine manufacturer in a small Calcutta house, to a household name that at once evokes trust and reliability.His mission was to provide effective and affordable cure for ordinary people in far-flung villages. With missionary zeal and fervour, Dr. Burman undertook the task of preparing natural cures for the killer diseases of those days, like cholera, malaria and plague.Soon the news of his medicines traveled, and he came to be known as the trusted 'Daktar' or Doctor who came up with effective cures. That is how his venture Dabur got its name - derived from the Devanagri rendition of Daktar Burman. Dabur's Ayurvedic Specialities Division has over 260 medicines for treating a range of ailments and body conditions-from common cold to chronic paralysis.Dabur International, a fully owned subsidiary of Dabur India, has sold its stake in UAE based Weikfield International on 25 June 2012.[3]

Clinic Plus Health shampoo was launched in India in the year 1987. It is India's largest P a g e | 21

Dove is a personal care brand owned by Unilever. Dove products are manufactured inArgentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Mexico,Netherlands, Pakistan, Thailand, Tu rkey and United States. The products are sold in more than 35 countries and are offered for both women and men.[1] The Dove trademark and brand name is currently owned by Unilever. Dove's logo is a silhouette profile of the brand'snamesake bird, the color of which often varies. Products include: antiperspirants/deodorants, body washes, beauty bars, lotions/moisturizers, hair care, and facial care products. Dove is primarily made from synthetic surfactants, soaps (derived from vegetable oils such as palm kernel) and salts of animal fats (tallow). In some countries, but not UK, Dove is derived from tallow (like many soaps) and for this reason it is not considered vegan, unlike vegetable oil based soaps.[2][3]Dove is formulated to be pH neutral, a pH that is usually between 6.5 and 7.5.


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