Daniel Fasting 21 Days

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What is Daniel Fasting?

Daniel 10: 2-3 In those days I, Daniel, was mourning for three weeks. I ate no delicacies, no meat or wine entered my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, for the full three weeks. Daniel fast is a type of fast that is done in a very specific way, during which you avoid or decide not to enjoy the food that you like, and choose simple foods instead. The purpose of this fast in to NOT do what you usually do, so that you can focus only on God and prayer. The Bible does not give detailed explanation about the types of food that you cannot eat, but it is said that Daniel avoids the foods enjoyed by the king, and eat only vegetables and drink only water.

What Should We Do During

Daniel Fasting?
During a 21-day fasting and period time, let's give our Tithe of time to God every day. Every day God gives us 1,444 minutes, so our daily Tithe of time spent in prayer is 144 minutes (2 hours and 24 minutes). To give this Tithe every day in prayer may sound very difficult, or even impossible, for you. But think about several things listed below that can help you fulfill this Tithe of prayer time: Pray when you are on the way to office, when you are cooking, shopping, etc. Use your lunch time at office for prayer, reduce the time you spend on TV and use the time for prayer instead. When you are lying down and are unable to sleep, pray until you fall asleep. Go to the church or prayer tower specifically to pray. Try to set aside some time for devotional every day, same time, same place. If you are married, set aside some time to pray with your spouse and family, if you are married

Purpose of 21-Day of Daniel Prayer

and Fasting:
The purpose of every prayer and fasting is to grow closer and intimate with God Every time you enter a period of prayer and fasting, you will grow stronger in your spiritual life, and you'll dedicate your life more earnestly to the Lord. To obtain knowledge, understanding and wisdom, along with new dreams and visions, especially to live the years ahead. (Daniel 1: 17) Suggested food to be consumed in Daniel Fasting: Seeds; Potato; Nuts; Fruits; Vegetables Drink: mineral water (suggestion to drink water min. 8 glass/day) 1 | 21 Days Daniels Prayer & Fasting 2013

Food to be avoided: Meat and fish, anything that contain fats, processed food Rice Dried fruits, snacks, and cookies (food made of flour) Egg Soda drinks and alcoholic drinks (coffee, tea, etc)

Day 1
Bible Verses: Daniel 1 Daniel and his friends, Israelites from Jerusalem were captured by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar and brought to Babylon. Resolved not to defile themselves with the royal food, they set themselves apart for God by eating only vegetables and water. After ten days, Daniel and his friends looked better and healthier than those who ate royal food. Because Daniel and his friends set themselves apart for God, He honored them. To these young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learningin every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king questioned them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom (Dan 1:17;20). This wisdom they received during fasting was able to be used not only during the reign of king Nebuchadnezzar, but also during the reign of his son, king Belshazzar and eventually king Darius. During this time of Daniel fasting, we are setting ourselves apart for God by denying the pleasures of the flesh. We are not only practicing self-control, but also focusing our hearts and minds on Gods plan for our lives this coming year. Just as Daniel and his friends were able to successfully set himself to God with each others support, so will we, together in one accord, be able to set ourselves apart with the support of each other. Prayer Points: Pray for strength for the IFGF GISI members as we start the 3-week fast today Pray for unity among the church members so that we can start this day with joy without any complain

Daily Journal: In what way can I set myself apart for God today besides fasting? Plan: how can I set myself apart for God this coming year? Keep in mind that the revelation received during this fasting period may be impactful not just in my life time, but also for my descendants. How can I support my brothers and sisters who are also fasting today?

Day 2
Bible Verses: 1 Cor 1:1-30 Daniel and his friends made up their minds not to be defiled by the royal food. They had the same conviction regarding their religious belief; thus it was easier for them to stand up to the Babylonian chief official. We need to make up our minds regarding our religious conviction and belief in Jesus Christ. Without it, we will easily be swayed and challenged by those who seek our downfall. Standing as one body of Christ will make us even stronger as we face the pressure of the world. Had Daniel and his friends not be in one accord, they would not be able to stand firm when faced with the Babylonians. Yet because of their firmness in their belief, God honored them above all the other magicians and enchanters in the whole kingdom. Prayer Points: Pray that IFGF GISI members have strong foundation in Jesus Christ, so that we will not be easily influenced by other teachings Pray that we have strong iCare in each church

Daily Journal: What is my religious conviction? Do I trust Jesus fully in all things?

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- In what way does my religious conviction enable me to be a witness for Gods Kingdom today?

Day 4
Bible Verses: Acts 1:12-26; 1 Thess 1:16-8 What did the disciples and Jesus closest friends do after they witnessed Jesus ascension to heaven? They returned to Jerusalem, went upstairs into the room they were staying, and joined together in prayer. The walk from Mount of Olives to Jerusalem took them a Sabbath days walk plenty of time for them to ponder and discuss Jesus last words to them and what they had just witnessed. They decided that the best thing for them to do as they waited for the promised Holy Spirit was to devote themselves to prayer. During that time Peter received a revelation through the Scripture regarding choosing someone to replace Judas place. Two men were proposed and they asked God to select the person. There are two things that we can do while waiting for Gods promise to be fulfilled; to wait passively (not doing anything) or actively (doing something while waiting). The latter proves to be much more effective as we become fruitful even during the waiting period. The disciples made full use of their waiting period and received the revelation through the Scripture. Keep ourselves in constant prayer and the studying of the Word while waiting for Gods promise to be fulfilled; it might be then, that we receive further revelations about our future. Prayer Points: Pray for IFGF GISI congregations to have deeper hunger for the Word; that we will devote ourselves to prayer and studying of Scripture together. Pray that we will be sensitive to Gods Spirit and for the leaders to discern which is Gods Spirit and which is not

Day 3
Bible Verses: Acts 1:1-11; Hebrews 10:23 After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to the disciples as they were fellowshipping together, within the period of 40 days. Once, they were eating together when He gave them further instruction regarding what their next step should be: remain in Jerusalem and wait for the gift promised by the Father which was the Holy Spirit. The Spirit would enable them to be witnesses for Him throughout the world. They were also listening to Jesus final instruction when He ascended to heaven. Jesus chose to give specific commands when they were together. In their togetherness, they put aside all differences and strive, but focus instead on Jesus. They obeyed Jesus and continued to gather together; as a result, they found renewed hope and further direction regarding the future. God will give us revelations and guidance as we seek Him corporately. During this Daniel fasting, let us keep in the habit of fellowshipping with believers as we seek Gods direction for our lives in the upcoming year. Prayer Points: Pray for Gods direction for our church in 2013 Pray for Gods direction in our personal lives: our family, work, ministry

Daily Journal: The importance of corporate prayer for our personal lives If we have not joined any prayer meeting, this will be a good time to join. The body of Christ is able to give us confirmation regarding our future

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Daily Journal: What promises of God have not been fulfilled in my life? What must I do corporately with the body of Christ as I wait for His promise to be fulfilled?

Daily Journal: Weve heard the expression: a family that prays together stays together. This is true in all sense; not just for families, but for churches and other friendships. Something spiritual happens when people pray together Gods Spirit works, molds, unites, and keeps people together in one accord. Take time to seek God for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. For those who have, to experience His outpouring once more

Day 5
Bible Verses: Acts 2:1-41 The significance of this day is undisputable. After the disciples were baptized by the Holy Spirit, they experienced such transformation and power that was undeniable. Peter who denied Jesus before His death became bold and proclaimed the message of salvation where 3000 people repented; Thomas who was full of doubts turned to be a powerful missionary bringing to the Gospel as far as to India; other disciples went around spreading the Gospel fearlessly; all except Apostle John, died a martyrs death. What happened? The day of the Pentecost was the day of the outpouring of power from on high. God could have poured out the Holy Spirit right after His ascension; but He did not. Why? He knew the disciples were shaken after the crucifixion; all their beliefs and trust were put to the test once more. Given their various backgrounds, it is not unlikely that they regressed to their old ways of thinking with doubts and unbelief. For them to be molded into one accord, with one heart and mind, they needed to spend time praying together. This was accomplished during the many days of prayers as they waited eagerly for the Holy Spirit. Prayer Points: Pray for families, church leaders to spend time praying together and be in unity Pray for those who have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and for those who have, to be refreshed and empowered to do Gods will 4 | 21 Days Daniels Prayer & Fasting 2013 -

Day 6
Bible Verses: Acts 2:42-47; Psalm 133; 1 Cor 13:1-13 The outpouring of the Holy Spirit brought a drastic change in the community. People devoted themselves to receive teachings from the apostles, to join the fellowship, to breaking of bread and to prayer. As a result, many miracles were performed and many became believers. When there is a unity among the believers, favor of God is being poured out. As Psalm 133 puts it, there is such anointing and blessings of the Lord when believers live together in unity. It is no wonder that the devil works hard to cause disunity among the body of Christ. Bitterness, rage, anger, slander, malice, unwholesome talks, gossips are some of the things that disrupt the body of Christ. Jesus said that the second greatest commandment is love your neighbor as yourself (Matt 22:39 the greatest being - loving the Lord with all our hearts (v.37)). He added to emphasize its importance that All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments (Matt 22:40), meaning without love, everything else is pointless. Prayer Points: Pray for IFGF GISI congregations to devote ourselves to receive teachings, to be in fellowship (icare) and to prayer (prayer meetings).

Pray for sincere hearts among believers and to love each other, getting rid of all insecurities, jealousy, anger, bitterness, etc.

Daily Journal: The greatest commandments, according to Jesus rest on the two commandments of loving God with all our hearts, souls and minds, as well as loving our neighbors as ourselves. This means that without love, everything we do is pointless. How do I know if I have love? (Read 1 Cor.13:113). Who are my neighbors? Who do I need to love today can I love the person who annoys me most?

Pray for believers to be bold and take every opportunity to spread the Gospel through actions and words. Be very careful, then, how you live not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil (Eph 5:15-16). Pray for God to give us partners who can support us in ministry and prayer

Daily Journal: Be alert everyday. God does new things daily, and if we are unprepared, we will miss many opportunities of displaying His power to the people. Be in tune with the Spirit; every word, action, step we take can change someones life forever if we are in tune with the Spirit

Day 7
Bible Verses: Acts 3 4:21 Peter and John were doing their normal devotion going up to the temple at the time of prayer. Perhaps it was not the first time they saw the crippled man sitting at the entrance of the temple. As usual, the crippled man did what he knew best: to beg for money. He did not expect to receive his miracle that day. Both Peter and John were doing their normal schedule of prayer but they did not regard their devotion merely as a routine. They were in tune with the Spirit. That was why a miracle was performed through them that normal day. Knowing Peter as the most outspoken disciple, he was taking the lead of talking to the man, pronouncing the healing and helping him up to his feet. John, however, was more than just a passive onlooker; he was Peters partner in ministry. They were working as partners to bring the Kingdom of God into the crippled and hopeless mans life. As we read in the following chapters, both worked together in teaching the people and were both put in jail because of their testimonies. Prayer Points: 5 | 21 Days Daniels Prayer & Fasting 2013

Day 8
Bible Verse: Acts 4:23-31 After being warned not to preach Jesus name, Peter and John went to the believers and reported what the chief priests and elders had said to them. In unity, they lifted their voice to God and asked for boldness to preach and miraculous signs and wonders to accompany the Word. Immediately, the place where they were praying was shaken and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke Gods word boldly. Praying together corporately in unity and one purpose moves the hand of God. When confronted by the authority, the disciples did not succumb to their threats. Instead they appealed to the highest authority God Himself for wisdom and boldness to continue carrying Jesus Great Commission (Matt.28:19-20). God honored them. Having the vision of God will move us in the same direction as one body; but this vision needs to be embraced and caught on by each body of Christ. When each believer catches and does it, the power of God is poured out generously.

Prayer Points: Pray for IFGF GISI congregation catches the vision of God given through our Senior Pastor regarding our role in making impact for the world Pray that each congregation will be in one heart with the leaders to fulfill Gods calling

be attached to them, and instead, use them for His glory. Prayer Points: Pray for the body of Christ to undergo total transformation of the heart to love each other and deeply from the heart. Love without action is dead; pray for each believers to extend our hands to help those around us who are in need.

Daily Journal: The disciples were in one heart to fulfill the Great Commission. Only the Holy Spirit is able to bring that many people to have one vision with one heart. Do I support the vision of God through our church wholeheartedly? If not, what must I do to be in the same page as our leaders? What will I do when confronted with situation where Im forced to obey earthly authority but deny Gods command?

Daily Journal: Do I have the true love of Christ in my heart? If I think I do, is there any action to back the claim? Learn to be generous to others.

Day 10
Bible Verse: Acts 5:12-16 As a result of their strong unity among each other, the Holy Spirit worked mightily through them. Miraculous signs and wonders were performed wherever they went - the sick and those tormented by evil spirits were healed and set free. They continued to meet together In Solomons Colonade and were held in high regards by the people because of their integrity. Their togetherness and unity of hearts became a channel for the Holy Spirit to work mightily through them. So strong was their bond to each other and so great was their impact on others that people from the towns around Jerusalem were also bringing their sick and those who needed deliverance the believers enjoyed golden moments of Gods favor and miracles. There is no limit to what God can do through believers who are one in mind, purpose and heart. Prayer Points: Pray for unity among the leaders of IFGF GISI

Day 9
Bible Verse: Acts 4:32-5:11; 2 Cor 9:6-15 The New Testament Christians lived in community with each other. The encounter with Jesus Christ brought total transformation in their lives; they shared everything they had and were one in heart and mind. There were no needy people among them, because those who were wealthy would sell their lands and houses and gave the money to the apostles for them to distribute evenly. It takes a big heart to be able to share some of our belongings with others; it takes the Holy Spirit to enable us to share all of our belongings with others. The NT believers went through a drastic change in their lives they witnessed and experienced the power of true love. Thus, they were able to in turn love each other from the heart. This is the example of the true body of Christ He longs for us to be. When we are able to focus our hearts and minds in Gods purposes for humankind, we will not 6 | 21 Days Daniels Prayer & Fasting 2013

Pray for high integrity among the body of Christ as we learn to be more involved in each others lives.

Prayer Points: Pray for IFGF GISI congregations to be strong in our faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ, so we will not yield to oppositions from without Pray for believers to have pure and right motives in ministry

Daily Journal: Many times, the reason why unbelievers refuse to believe in Jesus Christ is because our actions as believers do not reflect the integrity of Jesus Christ. Let us reflect on ourselves and repent of our flawed characters which often become stumbling blocks We have yet to see many miraculous signs and wonders following us as we ministry. Let us reflect on ourselves, whether we are submissive and sincere towards the leaderships God placed over us. -

Daily Journal: In our zeal for the Kingdom, let us be careful to not be critical towards other fellowship or churches. Often we become jealous when we see other believers/churches seem to be more blessed, so we start to judge them. The advice of Gamaliel, a respected Pharisee, to let the apostles go lest they found themselves fighting against God (Acts 5:34-39) reminds us to be in tune with the Spirit in order to not unconsciously be part of the crowd that hinders Gods work. The hand of God was upon the apostles; when they were jailed, He sent His angels to release them; when flogged, they experienced overwhelming joy. When we concern ourselves with the things of God, God will defend us when necessary.

Day 11
Bible Verse: Acts 5:17-42 As the apostles and believers were led by the Holy Spirit to spread the Gospel of truth, oppositions arose from among the Jewish leaders who arrested the apostles and put them in jail for proclaiming the name of Jesus. To the Jews, this new teaching was a threat to their core belief of Judaism as Jesus confronted some Jewish traditions they had been holding onto for decades. i.e. healing and performing miracles on Sabbath day. To believe Jesus as the Messiah completely challenged their perception of Messiah they had expected for many generations - Someone who definitely would not die so mercilessly and vulnerably on the Cross. Oppositions and threats will arise the closer we are to God and the more active we are in spreading the Gospel. However, nothing can stop the move of God as He unfolds His plan for humanity. Thus, it is important for the body of Christ to be in the same page with the Holy Spirit, making sure that in our caution towards any new movement, we may not find ourselves be in opposition to His work. 7 | 21 Days Daniels Prayer & Fasting 2013 -

Day 12
Bible Verses: Acts 6 There are prone to be disagreements when people live together in a community. This time, the apostles had to deal with the complaints of Grecian Jews (Hellenists those born outside of Palestine and spoke Greek) and the Hebraic Jews (those who spoke Hebrew and or Aramaic and preserved the Jewish customs) regarding overlooked food distributions to their widows. Because of this problem, they decided to involve more people in the leadership position to take care of the situation. Often when faced with a situation, we are forced to look at the best way to tackle the problem without overlooking the main objective. The apostles decisions created a hierarchical system

that were used during Moses time proved to be very effective to the present day. This delegation of duties will allow more people to be involved in the Kingdoms work and the community becomes stronger. Prayer Points: Pray for IFGF GISI leaders to be focused on the vision God gives, not to be side tracked by small problems and to have the wisdom to delegate ministries to the right people Pray for the congregations to not be jealous of each other in the ministries

Challenges and persecutions against our faith will either break or make us. Being deeply rooted in the Word, prayer and being in close fellowship with believers will enable us to be a strong force in the world. We need to keep in mind that above the challenges, God remains the Sovereign Power that governs the universe and who is on our side when we yield our lives to Him. Prayer Points: Pray for IFGF GISI leaders to be bold and courageous during hardships; this would provide a strong anchor for the church. Pray believers to be deeply rooted in the Word so that we will not be afraid when persecutions come our way, but instead, boldly proclaim the Word of God i.e. present day persecutions may include mockery, intimidation, threats which may extend to the point of physical torture or death.

Daily Journal: Clashes and disagreements are common among people living in a community. Open communications and understanding will help to solve misunderstandings, especially among people with different backgrounds People in leaderships are chosen and appointed after much prayer by our Senior Pastor. Let us have the humility to submit to them even when our ideas are not aligned with theirs

Daily Journal: All the believers except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. They stood their grounds and did not flee from the persecution. They needed to be the anchor for the church in the midst of the great trials. On the other hand, God used the persecution to spread the Gospel to other parts of the world. The believers were getting comfortable living together in their communities that they continued to remain in Jerusalem. The persecution helped to fulfill Gods command of the believers being His witness in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). God is always at work even through negative situations, He will turn it around for His good purpose (Rom.8:28).

Day 13
Bible Verse: Acts 7 8:8 Stephen, a godly man was stoned to death because of his bold proclamation of Jesus. As a result of his death, a persecution broke out against the church at Jerusalem which forced many believers to be scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. God, in His sovereignty used the persecution as a mean to spread the Gospel to other parts of the world. It was during this wave of persecution that Saul had an encounter with Christ that turned the course of his life. Why God chose the Christians chief opponent to be His instrument remained His sovereign mystery; yet Saul proved to be a formidable instrument in the hand of the mighty God. 8 | 21 Days Daniels Prayer & Fasting 2013 -

Day 14
Bible Verse: Acts 10-11:18; Eph. 2:11-16 It took a vision directly from heaven to convince Peter to reach out to the Gentiles. It also took a revelation from heaven for Cornelius the centurion to know that God had a special message for him. Cornelius devotedness to God and his charity to the poor had touched the heart of God and caused him to be chosen by God to receive the Good News. There was a barrier between the Jews and the Gentiles; the Jews believed that they should not associate themselves with the uncircumcised group. Thus, the vision was necessary for God to get through Peter, who in turn had to explain his action to skeptical Jewish believers. Often, religious and cultural beliefs that have been handed down for generations hinder us from going further with God. We find ourselves being exclusive in our small groups and do not welcome people with different background and culture. We need to be open to the move of God, which often times come through unpopular ways or through unfamiliar group people. Prayer Points: Pray for IFGF GISI leaders to be sensitive to the move of God which may come through unusual means. Pray for believers to be willing to associate ourselves with people with different background and culture

When was the last time we were used to bless others, especially to those with different background and culture as ours? Let us reflect on how effective our walk with Christ is.

Day 15
Bible Verses: Acts 11:19-30, Psalm 119 Believers who fled the persecution connected with Stephen travelled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch, telling the message both to the Jews and Gentiles. One of the churches opened was in Antioch a great number of Greeks believed in the Lord. The church in Jerusalem then, sent Barnabas to Antioch to check this new ministry. It was important for the HQ church to make sure that each ministry that was birthed was in line with the Gospel. With the help of Saul, he spent a year with them teaching the Word to these new churches. The Word of God is one of the most significant pillars of the church in addition to worship and prayer. It is of utmost importance for the church to be deeply grounded in the Word; that was why Barnabas and Saul spent a year with the new believers, laying the groundwork and removing every false belief handed down through generations. Prayer Points: Pray for the IFGF GISI leaders to have the wisdom and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit as they nurture new ministries that are birthed worldwide Pray for new churches of IFGF GISI and believers worldwide to grow deeply in the Word.

Daily Journal: God could have told Cornelius directly about the mystery of Jesus Christ. Yet He chose to send Peter to be His instrument to deliver the message. This was to teach the Jewish believers that the Gospel of salvation was not only for certain group of people, but for everyone who believes. 9 | 21 Days Daniels Prayer & Fasting 2013 -

Daily Journal: It is important for new ministries to be nurtured correctly in the Word of God so that they will not deviate from the truth.

Let us devote ourselves to studying the Word so that we may grow in the knowledge of God. -

necessary miracle needed since Peters mission on earth was not done yet Rhoda, a servant girl who heard Peters voice at the door was overjoyed. Her simple faith showed at her first reaction. When she recognized Peters voice, she was so overjoyed she ran back without opening it and exclaimed, Peter is at the door! (Acts 12:14). Let us learn to have such simple faith that anticipates God to answer our prayer any moment.

Day 16
Bible Verse: Acts 12 Once again, corporate prayer of believers saved Peter from being put on public trial by King Herod. In answer to their earnest prayer, an angel of the Lord was sent to release him miraculously from prison. This prayer moved the hand of God to intervene and put a stop to the new wave of persecution King Herod started with the death James the brother of John. King Herods death eventually was seen as divine retribution for persecuting the church. Peters situation was crucial; only divine hand could spare him from death. The church realized the direness of his situation and pleaded earnestly with the One who was the reason he was in prison. The power of corporate prayer of believers was once again displayed. It was not just Peter who experienced the miracle; the church too was greatly encouraged at their answered prayers. Indeed, God hears the humble cry of His people who united their hearts in one accord. Prayer Points: Pray for IFGF GISI congregations to be a praying church; that we will make prayer a priority in our lives. Pray for believers who are persecuted for the sake of the Gospel that they will remain strong and not turn away from their faith.

Day 17
Bible Verse: Acts 13, 1 Cor 12, 1 Tim 4:12-16 In the church of Antioch, where the disciples were first called Christians (Acts 11:26), the gifts of the Holy Spirit were being practiced i.e. prophecy and teaching. When these spiritual gifts are being practiced in the body of Christ, people are released for ministry. Barnabas and Saul received a clear direction about what they should do while they were praying with the church. As a result of this appointment, they became powerful partners bringing the Gospel all the way to Derbe in the region of Galatia and saw many Gentiles came to faith. Being in a local church is the best place to exercise our gifts. The body of believers around us will be able to attest to the gifts we have. It is in a local church that we are able to grow, be disciplined and guided in putting those gifts to their maximum use. Prayer Points: Pray for IFGF GISI leaders to be sensitive in guiding the members to excel in their gifts Pray for believers to know their gifts and be confident in using those gifts for the Kingdom.

Daily Journal: The church was earnestly praying for God to intervene in Peters case. Yet when He actually answered their prayers, there was a hint of unbelief (v.15). However, in spite of their unbelief, God continued to perform the

Daily Journal: We were born with talents and gifts. These gifts will be multiplied the more we use them. Let us


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examine ourselves whether we have put them to their maximum use. Barnabas and Paul were obedient when they realized what they needed to do. Let us be obedient to Gods calling and not postpone in obeying God.

with humble spirits not insisting on our stand, but be willing to give up our interpretation to avoid division in the body as long as they do not challenge the authority of the Word. Many of us who do not grow up in Christian family have to deal with old customs and superstitions that were handed down through generations. It is not easy to get rid of old customs i.e. the belief in the Chinese zodiacs or other superstitions. Through studying of the Word and prayer, our minds will be transformed and renewed to the thoughts of Jesus Christ.

Day 18
Bible Verse: Acts 15, Romans 12:1-2 Theological and cultural issues will trigger discussions and even arguments among the body of Christ. Here, the some men from the circumcision group created confusion by trying to instill Jewish custom among the new converts in Antioch. They taught the new Gentile converts that they needed to be circumcised in order to be saved. This caused such dispute and confusion that Barnabas and Paul were sent to Jerusalem to ask the apostles and elders about this issue. After much discussion, debate and consideration, it was decided that they need not be circumcised in order to be saved. When dispute take place in the body of believers, it should be taken to those in higher authority. Issues that arise should not cause division in the body of Christ unless they challenge the authority of the Word. Those in leadership position should be wise in tackling the disagreements over issues that could hinder the spiritual growth of believers. Prayer Points: Pray for IFGF GISI leaders to be wise in handling theological and cultural disagreements that arise within the body of Christ Pray for believers to be deeply rooted in the Word and not be easily swayed by other doctrine

Day 19
Bible Verse: Acts 16, Matt. 18:19-20 Paul and Silas were put in prison because of the Gospel. At midnight they were praying and singing hymns when a violent earthquake that shook the foundation of the prison that caused their shackles to be loosened and prison doors opened. The jailer, who at first thought that the prisoners had escaped, nearly committed suicide. He was stopped by Paul. This incident brought him and his whole family to salvation in Jesus Christ. The power of corporate prayer and worship is able to shake the natural realm. A Paul and a Silas were enough to turn the whole city into confusion; their worship and prayer were enough to shake the whole prison. Two people were enough to do the necessary job in the Kingdom of God. Prayer Points: Pray for believers to have strong prayer and worship lives. Pray for those going through difficult situations to be able to keep worshipping God.

Daily Journal: It does not matter the situation or the circumstances, where two or three gather in His

Daily Journal: When we are faced with theological and cultural issues, it will be good for us to approach them 11 | 21 Days Daniels Prayer & Fasting 2013

name, He is there; when He is there, miracle takes place. Do not underestimate the power of worship. When things are difficult and we are not able to pray, just worship.

Daily Journal: God sends different people to support us in different ways during different situations. He will never leave us nor forsake us; He will always be with us through our ups and downs (Isa.43:15). The expression: there is strength in numbers emphasizes the importance of living in relationship with others. As Leviticus 26:8a states: Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand reminds us that for us to make a difference, we need to live in unity with each other. It was no coincident that Paul was able to remain in Corinth a year and a half to teach Gods Word because God had many people in that city.

Day 20
Bible Verse: Acts 18, Matt 10 Throughout Pauls missionary journeys, God sent different people to accompany him; either companion during the voyage or believers he met in that particular city. In the city of Corinth, Paul met Priscilla and Aquilla with whom he stayed and worked with for a year and a half while teaching the people about Gods Word. In spite of the oppositions and abuses he received from the Jews, many Corinthians believed the Lord and were baptized. Here, the Lord reassured Paul that He was with him and that he should not fear for his life. In our lifes journey, God will send people along the way to support us. Different people would be sent at different season for the specific tasks He gives. Jethro was sent to Moses when he needed direction in how to handle the large number of people coming to him for advice (Ex 18); Jonathan was sent to David to spare his life from King Saul (1 Sam.20); the widow at Zarephath was sent to feed Elijah during the draught (1 Kings 17:7-24), etc. God carries out His grand plans through the body of believers, because only together with us would they be made perfect (Heb.11:40). Prayer Points: Pray for the congregation to be available to provide support to fellow believers. Pray for believers to be diligent tentmakers who preach the Gospel through action and words wherever we are.

Day 21
Bible Verse: Acts 20 Pauls missionary journeys depended strongly on the support of believers, both spiritually and financially. He had to face many oppositions and persecutions as he preached the Gospel. This was exactly as the Lord said after his conversion that God would show him how much he had to suffer for His name (Acts 9:16). However, God did not leave him without any support; He raised people to support his ministry along the way: the Philippians who were consistent in their support, the Macedonians who gave out of their poverty (2 Cor 8:2-4), the Corinthians (2 Cor 9:12-14) who supported him financially, the believers in Tyre who prayed for him (Acts 21:5), Agabus, the prophet from Judea who prophesied to him in Caesarea about what would happen to him in Jerusalem (Acts 21:10-11) all these supports had given him encouragements in his difficult moments in life. The Great Commission is more than an individual assignment; it is the task of the church as a body. Some are called to be missionaries, pastors, preachers, evangelists, teachers, etcbut all are


| 21 Days Daniels Prayer & Fasting 2013

called to be disciples who will lead people to Jesus Christ. We are part of a big network of God that is moving mightily to bring great impact for the Kingdom. Thus, it is crucial for us to live the life of holiness and obedience to Him as we are ambassadors representing His Kingdom. Prayer Points: Pray that IFGF GISI leaders to strengthen their network with church leaders nationally and internationally. Pray for believers to understand that we are a small part of Gods grand plan; this will drive us to live in total obedience and submission to Christ and the leaders He put above us. Let us not be weary in praying for missionaries all over the world, especially for IFGF GISI missionaries who are sent to plant new churches that God will give them perseverance and boldness to proclaim the Gospel.

Daily Journal: Knowing that we are not alone in life will strengthen us through our difficult times. Let us learn to extend our hands to people around us. It may just be the little boost they need to continue their ministry/lives. In the grand scheme of God, He is moving mightily and transforming lives. By remaining in Jesus and living in obedience, we are part of history makers.


| 21 Days Daniels Prayer & Fasting 2013

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