Basic Life Alignment - Avatar (Star's Edge International)
Basic Life Alignment - Avatar (Star's Edge International)
Basic Life Alignment - Avatar (Star's Edge International)
Copyright 2004 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved. Attention Educators: Stars Edge invites you to use The Avatar Basic Life Alignment Mini-Course as a teaching module for your students.
Avatar ReSurfacing Thoughtstorm, Love Precious Humanity, and Stars Edge International are registered service marks of Stars Edge Inc. , , EPC, EJP, CHP, and Enlightened Planetary Civilization are service marks licensed to Stars Edge Inc.
Insights, a recovery of purpose and self-determinism, recognition and alignment with your life purpose.
Complete the checklist below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Read: Inspiration: Part I pp 1-2 Read: Behavior of Attention p 3 Do Exercise 1: Sticky Attention p 3 Read: What are Vectors? pp 4-5 Do Exercise 2: Experimenting with Vectors p 5 Read: What is Motivation? pp 5-6 Read: Freeing Attention and Insight p 7 Do Exercise 3: Prioritize by Importance p 7 Read: Alignment: Living Deliberately p 8 Do Exercise 4: Discovering a Life Purpose Vector p 9 Do Exercise 5: Finding an RFY Goal in Alignment with Your Life Purpose pp 10-11 12 13 14 Do Exercise 6: Life Alignment Program p 11 Read: Inspiration: Part II p 12 Debrief __________ __________ __________
2004 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved
_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __________
What did you set out to do? __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ What did you actually do? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ What actually happened? ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mission Accomplished Mission Incomplete Actions Inappopriate
What you think of as an impossible dream might be reasonable if you thought differently.
Consciousness is structured by the assumptions you make, by the beliefs you accept without question, and by the decisions you make. The same idea may seem reasonable to one person, or it may seem unreasonable to another person. It depends on how it fits into the structure of the consciousness that views it. You could call this structure of assumptions, beliefs, and decisions a mind. Some people look at an idea and say, Oh, thats very reasonable. Why? Because it fits into the structure of consciousness they think with. Other people look at the same idea and say, Thats completely crazy. Why? Because it does not fit into the structure of consciousness that they think with. But it is the same idea. When you change the structure of consciousness, which is exactly what you are doing when you create a primary* or
*primary: a creation or communication invested with sufficient intention and effort to create a reality.
Inspiring is awakening a viewpoint that realizes that something that seemed impossible can actually be done.H
Sticky Attention
Self-examination questions: 1. Was there some accomplishment (challenge) or negative emotion (anger, fear, grief) connected with the memories you lingered on longest? 2. What effect, if any, do the lingering memories have on your present sense of ambition (motivation)?
Objective: To explore the behavior of your own attention. Expected Results: Insights, some recovery of self-determinism. Instructions: For one minute, close your eyes and review the events of the past week. Notice how your attention lingers on certain things.
Vectors can influence each other. They can go in the same direction and reinforce each othermagnitude is increased.
Our eyes are not always on the same thing that our attention is on.
Or they can go in different directions and modify the resulting directiondirection is changed and magnitude is decreased. continues
Here are a few more concepts that can be represented with vectors:
Martial Arts
boredom, idle
Partially Aligned
Some activity, limited success
commitment, highly probable success
In the space below, illustrate with vector arrows the effects on attention of likes and dislikes.
What is Motivation?
The energy vectors that put your life (physical and/or mental) in motion can be referred to as motivation. To examine motivation, you need only ask, Why am I doing this? Your answer would depend upon what you are doing and how you are experiencing I at the moment of asking. You could analyze your motivation vectors by drawing an arrow in the direction of the thing you are trying to achieve (direction) and making the arrow lighter or darker (magnitude) depending upon how strongly you wish to achieve that thing. At any moment, many different motivational vectors may affect your behavior and state of mind. continues
2004 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved
I do what Im told.
I defined as:
A role (social category, e.g., student, doctor, fireman, teacher, etc.) Service to others, responsibility
Helpful to alignment:
Herd instincts
Personal conviction
Desire to contribute
Compassionate leadership
Impeding to alignment:
Mob panic
Intolerance, bigotry
Temptation to betray
To learn more about controlling your attention see mini-course #2, Avatar Basic Attention Management
Prioritize by Importance
Instructions: Make a list of ten projects or tasks that you are working on or plan to do. Fill in each column on the following form.
1 Projects
4 Importance Score 5 (very important) 1 (not important) 3-medium importance 5-very important
a role
a biological organism
see page 16
Are your personal and professional goals in alignment with your life purpose?
Some people have multiple goals that are misaligned or in contradiction with each other. They want to go to the movie, but they dont want to go by themselves. They want to have relationships and families, but they dont want to sacrifice anything. They want to earn money, but they dont want to work. They want to lose weight, but they dont want to give up eating high calorie foods. They want to go to school, but they dont want to study. People who are misaligned create confusion in their lives. The confusion becomes so overwhelming that they end up doing nothing. The result of misalignment is limited achievement, limited success, poor health, and unhappiness. As a step toward living deliberately, you should decide on your life goals. Granted, these may change as you progress up the line, but the experience gained from set-
Theres a concept that we call life purpose. To some people this is very real and to others it is nonsenseyou are free to decide. By definition, life purpose is an embodied intention that seems to steer your lifea vector. Maybe it comes from a random combination of factors: color of your crib, some experience, etc., or maybe it comes from an accretion of your past actions, or even karma from past lives.
Objective: To create a sticky memory list. Expected Result: To reveal a life purpose vector. Instructions: Divide your life into seven segments and do the following: Segment Approximate Age Preschool . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 Elementary school . . . . . 6-12 Junior high school . . . . . 12-14 High school . . . . . . . . . . 14-18 Young adult . . . . . . . . . . 18-21 Mature adult. . . . . . . . . . 21-50 Senior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50+ Step 1: One by one, imagine spreading the sticky memories of each of these segments of life out on a table, and pick the one or two from each segment that hold your attention strongest. Add these to your sticky memory list. Note whether they are accomplishments (A), challenges (C), or negative emotions, dislikes (NE). Step 2: Contemplate your sticky memory list as steering vectors for your life, and see if you can extrapolate satisfactory answers to the following: My life purpose is: to learn to ____(ability)___, and to be more ___(characteristic)___, and to be less ___(characteristic)___, so I can be a better ___(role)___.
Its a place where you can confidently trust yourself to make right decisions and others can rely on you.
It seems to be a wandering path of accomplishments and challenges bordered by boredom and other negative emotions. Some say that when you are in it, it feels like a current in an otherwise slow moving stream. When you get close to it, you begin to move faster, accomplishing more. It feels like the right track, something that you were born to do and learn from. Some have described it as being in the zone, or smooth sailing. Its a place where you can confiChallenges, dently Fear Anger Boredom Boredom Anger Fear Grief Apathy Accomplishments trust yourself to make right decisions and others can rely on you. When you steer (intentionally or accidentally) away from this life purpose current, you tend to bump into boredom and then a descending hierarchy of chronic negative emotions: anger, fear, grief, apathy. These chronic emotions are signals that youve strayed off course.
Objective: To determine a Right-For-You Goal Expected Result: A life plan that you can begin to follow deliberately. Instructions: Step 1 On a clean sheet of paper, make a list of goals. This list contains goals you are already pursuing or have thought about pursuing or that are stimulated by the following questions: 1. What do you want to achieve in the next year? 2. What do you want to own by the end of next year? 3. What would you like to do by the end of next year? 4. What excites you most? 5. What would you have to become to do what you want? 6. Where would you like to be in two years? 7. Where would you like to be in five years? 8. Where would you like to be in ten years?
Step 2 On your list, rate the goals you are most interested in according to the following seven criteria: Rate: (1) very doubtful to (5) very certain. 1. The goal invites your attention and interest. Thinking about it renews your strength. 1 2 3 4 5
2. Pursuit of the goal produces something of value to you. 1 2 3 4 5 3. The goal offers benefits to others equal to your own. 1 2 3 4 5 continues
4. The goal presents an opportunity for self development (greater competence, understanding, or responsibility). 1 2 3 4 5 5. The goal is in alignment with a broader group goal and a still broader humankind goal. 1 2 3 4 5
Add the total score for each goal (35 is a perfect score). If a goal scores between 25 and 35, its probably an RFY goal. If you have several goals that scored between 25 and 35, see if you can come up with a larger, more expansive goal that encompasses and aligns all your RFY goals.
If you had only goals that scored between 15 and 25, see if you can modify one of the goals to score higher. If all your goals scored below 15, you should take a walk and then repeat this exercise.
Objective: To begin to align your attention and energy vectors toward the goal you wish to achieve. Expected result: The recognition that there is a path to success. Instructions: Determining your goal or goals is the first step. The next step is to align your life and actions toward the goal. Step 1. Make a list of your weekly activities. After each of the activities, note whether the activity is helpful (H) or impeding (I) to your alignment with your RFY Goal.
If you are not completely satisfied, you may return the two books for a full refund and keep the rest as our gift to you. To order the Avatar Power Package, please contact any Avatar Master or call the Stars Edge 24-hour order line at 800-589-3767. Be sure to leave your name, address, telephone number, and credit card information. You can also purchase these items from the Stars Edge online bookstore at:
Would you like to be free of old restraints that make you unhappy? Would you like to align your beliefs with the goals you want to accomplish? Would you like to feel more secure about your ability to conduct your own life? Would you like to experience a higher, wiser, more peaceful expression of self? Would you like to be able to rise above the sorrows and struggles of the world and see them for what they really are? Would you like to experience the state of consciousness traditionally described as enlightenment? Avatar is for you. If you feel an alignment toward the goal of creating an enlightened planetary civilization and would like to have an Avatar Master contact you, send your name, address, and telephone number to: Avatar Network Consultant Stars Edge International 237 North Westmonte Drive Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714 USA tel: 407-788-3090 or 800-589-3767 fax: 407-788-1052 e-mail: website: