Fundamentals of SONET/SDH
A1 A2 J0 A1 B1 E1 F1 A2 J0 A1 B1 E1 F1 A2 J0 B1 E1D1F1D2 D3 D1 D2 D3 D1 D2H1D3H2 H3 H1 H2 H3 H1 H2B2H3K1 K2 B2 K1 K2 B2 K1D4K2D5 D6 D4 D5 D6 D4 D5D7D6D8 D9 D7 D10 D11 D8 D9 D7 D8 D9 D12 D10 Z1 Z2 E2 D11 D12 D10 D11 D12 Z1 Z2 E2 S1 M0/1 E2 J1 B3 C2 G1 F2 H4 Z3 Z4 N1
Figure 11: An STS-3c concatenated payload is pointed to by the H1, H2, H3 pointers in the first STS-1. Note that no stuff columns are shown because they are only required for N>3.
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A1 B1 D1 H1 B2 D4 D7
A2 E1 D2 H2 K1 D5 D8
J0 F1 D3 H3 K2 D6 D9
Some of the text in the descriptions here is taken verbatim from the latest draft T1.105 standard. The reason for this limitation on the number of A1, A2 octets in STS-768 has to do with DC balance. The A1, A2 octets are DC balanced when taken together but are not DC balanced by themselves. If STS-768 followed the pattern of lower levels of SONET, there would be 768 A1s in a row, followed by 768 A2s (remember that the A1, A2 octets are not scrambled).
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the other STS-1s in a higher level SONET signal are reserved for future standardization. These reserved octets are referred to as Z0 octets. SDH uses this octet for the same purpose. Parity (B1) The B1 octet is used by the receiver to estimate the bit error rate. This octet is known as the Bit Interleaved Parity (BIP-8) octet. Since the octet has 8 bits, eight parities are computed, one for each bit of the octets of the frame. That is, you take the first bit of all of all of the octets in the frame and then set the first bit of the B1 octet so that the parity of these bits is even. Then you take the second bit of all of the octets in the frame, and set the second bit of the B1 octet so that it gives even parity, etc. The parity represented by this octet is the parity of the previous frame. It is used to estimate the bit error rate (BER) on the line. Note that the B1 parity is computed over all the octets in the frame, no matter how large the frame. Because of this, the B1 octet does not provide a good BER estimation for large frames (perhaps STS-48 and larger) under adverse error conditions. The B2 octet, described below, is computed over an STS-1 and provides better BER estimates. The B1 octet is only defined for the first STS-1 of an STS-N signal (theres only one B1 octet in a frame, while there are N B2 octets). SDH uses this octet for the same purpose. Orderwire (E1) This octet is not important. This octet was intended to be used for a voice channel between two technicians as they installed and tested an optical link. It is almost never used today. Technicians carry cellular phones and use these for communications when doing an installation. The E1 octet is only defined for the first STS-1 of an STS-N signal. SDH uses this octet for the same purpose. Section user channel (F1) This octet is not important. This octet is reserved for use by the network service provider. This octet is passed from Section to Section within a Line and is readable, writable, or both at each Section Terminating Equipment in that line. The use of this function is optional. The F1 octet is defined only for STS-1 number 1 of an STS-N signal. SDH uses this octet for the same purpose. Section data communication channel (D1, D2, D3) These octets form a communication channel to send administrative messages. These octets are allocated for Section data communication and should be considered one 192-kbit/s message-based channel for alarms, maintenance, control, monitor, administration, and other communication needs between Section Terminating Equipment. This channel is available for internally generated, externally generated, and manufacturer-specific messages. These octets are defined only for STS-1 number 1 of an STS-N signal. SDH uses these octets for the same purpose. Pointers and pointer action (H1, H2, H3) These octets are very important and will be described in a later section. These octets point to the payload (SPE), provide flags to indicate when the payload location changes, and provide a location for a data octet when a negative pointer adjustment is made. The operation of these pointers will be described in more detail in a later section. SDH handles pointers in the same way; however, the minimum SDH rate of STM-1 contains three H1 octets, three H2 octets, and three H3 octets. Line parity (B2) The B2 octet is used by the receiver to estimate the bit error rate. This octet operates in a fashion similar to the B1 octet, except that it excludes all of the section overhead octets and only applies to an STS-1. Since it only applies to an STS-1, there is a B2 octet in columns 1 to N of an STS-N signal. Note that this octet carries parity for the previous frame. SDH uses this octet for the same purpose. Automatic Protection Switching (APS) channel (K1, K2) These octets will be described in a later section. These octets are used for Automatic Protection Switching (APS) signaling between Line level entities. These octets are defined only for STS-1 number 1 of an STS-N signal. The operation and
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functionality of these octets will be described in more detail in a later section of this paper. SDH uses these octets for the same purpose. Line data communications channel (D4 D12) These octets form a communication channel to send administrative messages. These octets are allocated for Line data communication and should be considered as one 576-kbit/s message-based channel for alarms, maintenance, control, monitor, administration, and other communication needs between Line-terminating entities. This is available for internally generated, externally generated, and manufacturer-specific messages. These octets are defined only for STS-1 number 1 of an STS-N signal. SDH uses this octet for the same purpose. SDH uses these octets for the same purpose but with additional codings. Synchronization messaging (S1) This octet is not important to our discussion. This octet is allocated for transporting synchronization status messages. S1 is defined only for STS-1 number 1 of an STS-N signal. Currently only bits 5-8 of S1 are used to transport synchronization status messages. These messages provide an indication of the quality level of the synchronization source of the SONET signal. SDH uses this octet for the same purpose. STS-1 REI (M0) This octet sends the number of errors detected by the B octets back to the transmitter so it knows the line status as well as the receiver. The octet in row 9, column N+1 (where N is the value of the STS-N) can have two meanings. When the signal is an STS-1, it has the meaning of Remote Error Indicator (REI). Currently only bits 5-8 of the M0 octet shall be used as a line REI function. These bits are used to convey the count of errors detected by the line BIP-8 (B2) octet back to the transmitter device. This count has 9 legal values, namely 0 to 8. The remaining possible 7 values shall be interpreted as zero errors. Bits 1-4 of M0 are reserved for future use. Since there is no rate in SDH equivalent to STS-1, SDH does not define an M0 value for this octet (but see M1, below). STS-N REI (M1) This octet sends the number of errors detected by the B octets back to the transmitter so it knows the line status as well as the receiver. In a SONET signal at rates from STS-3 to STS-192, one octet, the M1 octet, is allocated for a line REI function. The M1 octet is located in the third STS-1 in order of appearance in the octet interleaved STS-N frame. The entire M1 octet is used to convey the count of errors detected by the Line BIP-8 (B2) octet. This count has (8 times N) + 1 legal values, namely 0 to 8N errors. For rates below STS-48, the remaining possible 255-(8 times N) values are interpreted as zero errors. For the STS-48 and STS-192 rates, if the line BIP-8 detects greater than 255 errors, the line REI will relay a count of 255 errors. SDH uses this octet for the same purpose. Orderwire (E2) This octet is not important. This octet has the same purpose for line entities as the E1 octet has for section entities, and isnt used any more than the E1 octet. SDH uses this octet for the same purpose.
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Figure 32: Mapping of a DS-3 signal into an STS-1 SPE (payload). Note that columns 30 and 59 of the SPE cannot be used, just as when VT transport is done. Each row is identical, providing nine frames every 125 seconds. (source: ANSI standard T1.105.02-1995) Note that there are 77 full information payload octets in each row. Additionally, the C1 octet carries five information bits, providing a total of 621 information bits per row. Since there are nine of these frames per SPE and the SPE repeats 8,000 times per second, these 621 bits would provide a bit rate of 44.712 Mbps. But wait! Theres a problem here. A DS-3 operates at 44.736 Mbps. How are we going to carry that rate when we only have a capacity of 44.712 Mbps? The answer lies in the stuff bit in C3 and the c bits in C1, C2, and C3. When the c bits in C1, C2, and C3 are zero, the s bit is interpreted to be a data bit and its contents are inserted into the output data stream. When the c bits in C1, C2, and C3 are one, the s bit is interpreted to be a stuff bit and its value is ignored.
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If every frame had the stuff bit set as a data bit, each frame would carry 622 bits, which would give a data rate of 44.784 Mbps. So the use of this stuff bit allows us to achieve the proper bit rate for a DS-3 and also allows us to accommodate clock differences between the DS-3 signal and the SONET signal.
Indicated by a value of 0x13 in octet C2 of the POH. Indicated by a value of 0x16 in octet C2 of the POH. 19 Indicated by a value of 0x1b in octet C2 of the POH. This value was specified in the latest version of G.707. 20 The other reason is that handling bits at the highest SONET rates would require very expensive circuitry. Its less expensive to handle the traffic on octet boundaries. And most equipment actually handles traffic in 16 bit words.
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SONET/SDH networks can be configured as linear networks, where the SONET/SDH nodes (known as add/drop multiplexers, or ADMs) are just hooked together in a line, as shown in Figure 33. There may be only two fiber connections between the ADMs, as shown in the figure, or four fiber connections, with one set serving as a protection, or backup, pair.
Figure 33: A linear SONET/SDH network. While linear networks have some applicability, by far the most common topology in the network is the ring, as shown in Figure 34 and Figure 35. Rings are used because they provide an alternate path to communicate between any two nodes. For example, in the linear network, even if two sets of fiber were used between the nodes, it is possible for all of the fibers to be cut at the same time, unless great pains are taken with routing the fiber. And in most cases, the limitations on rights-of-way do not permit this kind of route diversification. A two-fiber ring can be operated in either of two ways: (1) as a unidirectional ring, or (2) as a bidirectional ring. Lets examine the unidirectional case first. With a unidirectional ring, traffic could be limited to one fiber and always flows the same way around the ring. The second fiber is simply the protection fiber and is used in a special way to provide backup (explained later).
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Working fiber
Protection fiber
Figure 34: A two fiber SONET/SDH ring. The diagram shown here is for a unidirectional fiber ring. In this type of ring, all the traffic could be carried on one fiber. A two-fiber ring can also operate as a bidirectional ring. With unidirectional traffic there can be a difference in the transmit and receive propagation delay between two nodes. For example, in Figure 34, if node B sends traffic to node A, the propagation delay is one link. However, when node A sends traffic to node B, the traffic has to go through nodes D and C to reach node B, leading to a longer propagation delay. With bi-directional traffic, data is sent on both fibers so the concept of working fiber and protection fiber does not have any meaning both fibers are working fibers. When data is sent between nodes A and B, it simply flows over the two fibers connecting the two nodes. Bi-directional rings do not buy us any additional capacity, however. In order to be able to provide backup, each fiber in a bi-directional ring can only be used to half its capacity the second half of the capacity is reserved for backup.
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Working fibers
Protection fibers
Figure 35: A four fiber (two pair) SONET/SDH ring. This type of ring is always bi-directional. Four fiber rings are always operated as bi-directional rings. In this case, we get the full rate that can be put on the working fibers, but the protection fibers are not used under normal conditions. No matter how we slice it, rings always require twice as much bandwidth as the amount of traffic carried in the ring, if we want to provide full backup21. With four fibers, it is possible to do a link recovery if one, and sometimes two, of the fibers fails between two nodes. The more common case is when all the fibers between two nodes are cut. In this situation, the bi-directional ring provides restoration by routing the traffic over the protection fibers, in the opposite direction around the ring. There are two backup systems used on fiber path and line. Ill start by describing a path switched system. Path switching can be implemented on either a unidirectional or a bi-directional ring but, today, path switching is always implemented on a unidirectional ring, and is known as a unidirectional path switched ring (UPSR). In a UPSR system, all of the traffic is transmitted in both directions around the ring, in one direction on the working fiber, and in the other direction on the protection fiber. The add/drop multiplexers (ADMs) are the places where traffic enters or leaves the ring. This traffic can be at various levels in the SONET/SDH hierarchy. For example, a DS-1 could be feeding into an ADM.
There are configurations where one fiber, or one pair of fibers, backup more than one working fiber, or pair of working fibers. This is known as 1:n backup. These types of systems cannot fully backup a ring, however. If all of the fibers are cut, some traffic must be discarded.
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The ADM would put the DS-1 traffic into a virtual tributary, which would then be put into a virtual tributary group, which would then be put into an STS-1 SPE (payload) and this STS-1 might be multiplexed into a higher-level signal, such as an STS-48. The DS-1 would be transported to another ADM, where the traffic would be removed. In this example, the VT carrying the DS-1 traffic is a path. Its also possible that an external piece of equipment has placed certain traffic into a concatenated STS-3c and is presenting this STS-3c traffic to the ADM, which then multiplexes it into an STS-48. In this case, the STS-3c is considered the path for purposes of the SONET/SDH ring. The only restriction in path switching is that both the entry and exit nodes for a path are operating at the same level. In UPSR, the SONET/SDH equipment monitors the path traffic on both fibers, and selects the traffic which is the best. This monitoring is based on a number of things. The BIP octets, available at every level of the multiplexing hierarchy, provide insight into the number of bit errors on the path. More serious errors can occur, such as the failure of one fiber or detection of an alarm indication signal (AIS) on a path.
Protection fiber Protection fiber
Add/Drop Multiplexer
Working fiber
Working fiber
Figure 36: Path switching on a unidirectional ring. On the Tx side of the traffic, the path is sent over both counter rotating rings. On the Rx side, both fibers are monitored and the best traffic selected. Since the receiver of each channel is monitoring both paths on both fibers, switching between fibers is immediate, with no loss of data. Additionally, restoral is accomplished by the receiver, without any coordination with the transmitter no APS communication channel is needed in UPSR. The description given above is valid for a fiber cut, which is one of the most common failures in SONET/SDH rings. If an ADM fails, of if multiple fiber cuts occur which cut an ADM out of the ring, additional actions are required. The loss of an ADM will be detected by the two ADMs which were connected to it. These ADMs must put an alarm indication signal (AIS) on each path that originated and
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terminated on the lost ADM. This is an immediate indication to the device on the other end of the path that the data in that path is bad. Another reason for doing this is that paths may be re-used in a unidirectional ring. Certain types of failures could occur which could cause data received in a path to be coming from the wrong source. The receiving device may not recognize the misconnection and deliver incorrect data. If AIS is put on the path, there is no question the data is invalid. Path switching on a unidirectional ring has a number of advantages. It is simple for fiber cuts. No coordination is needed between the receiver and transmitter it is fully implemented at the receiver (for loss of ADMs, additional processing is required). It provides hitless restoral. No data is lost on a restoral unless an ADM fails or is separated from the ring by multiple fiber failures. On the negative side, it is expensive because two sets of path equipment are needed wherever a circuit is dropped at an ADM. Also, unidirectional rings have the disadvantage of asymmetric delay the time it takes to go one way around the ring is usually different than the time it takes to go the other way around the ring. Because of this, buffering must be done at the path-terminating site. And as rings get larger and faster, more buffering must be done. This is the primary reason why unidirectional rings are primarily used in metropolitan networks and with lower line rates. In the backbone, especially in large rings, bidirectional rings are much more common. And thats what well discuss now bi-directional rings. The defining characteristic of bi-directional rings is that the traffic between two nodes flows in two directions, rather than in only a single direction, as occurs in unidirectional rings. For the simplest case of two nodes, e.g., A and B, adjacent to each other, traffic from node A to node B will flow in one direction around the ring, perhaps clockwise, while traffic from node B to node A will flow in the opposite direction. Bi-directional rings can be either two-fiber or four fiber. In a two fiber bi-directional ring, each fiber can only carry half its capacity, reserving the other half for backup (also known as protection). In a four fiber bi-directional ring, two of the fibers are reserved for protection. When a fiber failure occurs in a two fiber bi-directional ring, the only recovery possible is a ring switch (or as the standards call it, a line switch), sending data in the opposite direction over the two fibers. This is why the recovery mechanism is called Bi-directional Line-switched Ring or BLSR. In a four fiber bi-directional ring, a single fiber failure can usually be recovered from by doing a span switch, simply switching to the protection fiber over that one link. Failure of multiple fibers will usually require a ring switch. Look at Figure 37 as we discuss what happens in a bi-directional ring in order to accomplish a ring switch.
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1 2
3 4
Working fibers
Protection fibers
4 3 2 1
Figure 37: A four fiber bi-directional ring with a complete fiber failure between nodes A and B. The detail diagrams show how the nodes reroute the traffic. Lets start with a four fiber bi-directional ring as shown in the figure above. Assume that a complete break occurs between ADM A and ADM B. Loss of a single fiber is of course possible but the recovery is a bit more complex. Well use this example to keep things simple. When the break occurs, both ADM A and ADM B will detect the loss because both will see loss of signal on the fibers, including the protection fibers. The two ADMs will then send a signal in the K1, K2 octets backwards over the ring, with the other ADMs address in the K1 octet. ADMs C and D will simply pass the K1, K2 octets on since the octets are not addressed to them. When ADM A and ADM B receive the failure messages from each other, they bridge the signals as shown in the detail diagrams of Figure 37. Note what happens once the bridge occurs. Look at ADM B first. The signals arriving on fiber 1 would ordinarily be transmitted to ADM A on fiber 1. Now, however, the signal is put on the protection fiber number 4, which carries it in the reverse direction around the ring to ADM A. ADM A then takes the signal on fiber 4 and bridges it to fiber 1. So the signal on fiber 1 on ADM B still gets to fiber 1 on ADM A, just the long way around. Signals on fiber 2 on ADM A are transported to fiber 2 on ADM B in the same fashion by fiber 3.
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This type of bridging means that none of the other ADMs need to be concerned about the fiber cut between ADM A and ADM B. Those two ADMs handle the fault and the rest of the ring keeps doing the same thing. The specifications require that the ring switch and restoration of service occur within 50 ms. When all the fibers are cut, both ADMs see the failure at the same time and take the same actions. If only one fiber is lost, only one ADM will see the failure. In that case, the ADM detecting the failure notifies the other ADM through the K1, K2 octets and the other ADM then responds. In the case of a single fiber loss, the two ADMs will attempt a link switch first by attempting to switch to the protection fiber(s) across the link between them. If that is not possible, they will do a ring switch as described above. Recovery on a two fiber bi-directional ring is essentially the same as on a four fiber bi-directional ring except that a line switch is not possible only a ring switch is possible. Signaling with the K1, K2 octets is exactly the same. Traffic is routed back around the ring, not on a separate fiber, but in the unused capacity of the other fiber (which carries traffic in the opposite direction). Just as in the four fiber bidirectional ring, the protection channels simply bring the traffic the long way around the ring until it gets to the node that it would have arrived at if the fiber failure had not occurred. I will not detail the meaning of the bits in the K1, K2 octets. The purpose of these octets has been described in the text and the interested reader can obtain the details in ANSI or ITU standards or the Telcordia documents.
Many readers may have found this paper tough going with lots of detail and complexities. Unfortunately, SONET/SDH is quite a bit more complex than what was presented in this paper. Many issues were glossed over and many boundary conditions were ignored. My hope, however, is that this paper gave you enough understanding to be able to tackle more advanced descriptions of SONET/SDH, including the standards themselves (should you need a more detailed understanding of SONET/SDH). High-speed communications is the future. While SONET/SDH is an interesting topic, there are many other fascinating topics in high-speed communications, especially optical communications. I hope your investigation of SONET/SDH is just one stop on your journey in this important and fascinating area.
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