February 2013: A Sea of Success

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A Sea of Success



Important Dates to Remember:

Feb. 4th Jump Rope for Heart Kick Off Feb. 5th PTA Mtg 6:00 PM @ TJ Feb. 6th Early Out Feb. 13th Early Out Feb. 14th Valentine Parties 2:00 PM Feb. 15th NO SCHOOL Teacher Professional Development Feb. 20th Early Out Feb. 22nd Blues in the School (sponsored by PTA)

I B L e

Kindergarten Round-Up Registration Form is included in this newsletter. We will also send a

form home with children. You may also access a form at www.newton.k12.ia.us

From the Principal...............

I hope this finds you all healthy and happy as we begin February. I certainly hope we are on the downhill side of the flu season. Please be sure to send your child in snow pants even if there isnt snow on the ground. This will help on those extra cold days. Remember we wont go outside if it is 10 degrees or below. I am so proud of the progress the kids are making in their academic skills. They finished taking the winter DIBELS reading assessment and everyone made tremendous growth. And the kids continue to grow in their math skills too. Our Sea of Success in the lunch room is getting filled with lots of fish to celebrate their growth. Please keep reading with your child and listening to them read. Some helpful hints when reading with your childhave your child.

Predict before, during, and after about the story events. Think about what you already know about the topic. (connect learnings) Think about your reason for reading. Form pictures in your mind movie. Re-read any parts you dont understand. Read any headings, subheadings, or captions. Figure out the meaning(s) of words you dont know. (context clues) Think about the genre of the story. (a book category i.e. mystery, fiction, non-fiction, folktale, poetry, fantasy) Draw conclusions about what you have read. Make inferences about the things you are thinking about connecting to real life and new ideas that the text brings to mind! Make a judgment about the characters behavior or choices. Connect yourself to the story events.

The kids are doing a great job of bringing in Box Tops! Right now we have a snowball contest going on and the kids are having a great time while

raising funds for our playground. Thank you for your help! Keep those Box Tops coming! Congratulations to Ms. Sinclair, the recipient of the Excellence in Education Award for Thomas Jefferson. This award honors her dedication and willingness to go above and beyond to help each student be successful. She has a talent for inspiring students to learn. We have so many teachers here at TJ that fill that bill. I am just glad they all teacher here at TJ!

Congratulations Ms. Sinclair!

We are constantly evaluating how we can improve things at TJ. So in an effort to improve the safety of all children we ask parents to allow their child to go to the playground by themselves upon arrival. There are 3 teachers providing supervision (two out front and one along the side by the bus lane) and then two more adults on the playground. At 7:50 the kids will come into the gym from now on to line up and wait for their teacher but will enter by the playground as usual. Another change will be that if you drop your child off before 8:05 they will need to go to the playground and enter there. They will not be allowed to enter the front door until 8:05 to avoid them getting to their classroom before the teacher and their classmates. This will prevent them being unsupervised in the classroom.

Thank you for your support in keeping all of our TJ kids safe! Mrs. Sharp

Kindergarten Round Up Information..

Kindergarten Round-Up Registration Form
If your child will be 5 by September 15, 2013, please return this completed form to your school office; Thomas Jefferson school office at: 792-2498, or email: carterj@newton.k12.ia.us 112 Thomas Jefferson, Newton, IA 50208 or Berg Elementary school office at: 792-7742 or email: blatchfordl@newton.k12.ia.us 1900 N 5th Ave E Newton, IA 50208 All students need to register in their home attendance area. The electronic form will be on our school homepage. If you know of any neighbors or friends who have children that should register for kindergarten round-up, please have them contact the school in their area. Students Legal Name ______________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Childs Nickname ____________________________________ Preschool __________________________ Date of Birth ________________________________________ Gender ____________________________ Month Day Year Is the student in Foster Care (Circle One): Yes No Race/Ethnicity: 2 part Question: Is the individual Hispanic/Latino? (Circle One) Yes No Is the individual from 1 or more of these races (Circle all that apply): American or Asian Indian Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander White Parent/Guardian _______________________________________________________________________ (Lives with) Address ______________________________________City, State, Zip ______________________ Home Phone ___________________Other Numbers _______________________ cell work other Other Numbers ______________________cell work other E-mail Address __________________________ Emergency Contact _______________________________________________________________________ Phone Number ___________________________________Relationship _________________________ Medical Concerns _______________________________________________________________________ I currently have ______ child (ren) attending __________ School Names/Grades___________________________________________________________ Thomas Jeffersons Parent Night is March 14, 2013 at 6:00 pm in the gym. Bergs Parent Night is March 11, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the gym. Please bring a copy of your childs birth certificate and immunizations along with the forms you are sent to the parent meeting. Thomas Jefferson Elementary Round up Dates-April 10 & 11. Berg Round-Up DatesApril 10 & 11. Students will come for a 2 hour session BOTH days. If you pre-register, information regarding which 2 hour session your child is to attend will be given to you at Parent Night. Conferences will be April 17th for Thomas Jefferson and Berg Elementary. Please indicate your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice for your preferred round up.

(A.M.) _______

(Mid morning) ______

(P.M.) _______

************************************** Office Use ************************************** Todays Date _________________ Number __________________ ID Number __________________
The Newton Community School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, national origin or disability in educational programs and activities. Inquiries and grievances may be directed to the Administration Office, 700 N 4th Ave E, Newton, IA 50208

From Mrs. Woollums


Thomas Jeffersons Annual Jump Rope for Heart Event Money raised helps fund lifesaving research for heart and blood vessel diseases. It also supports the development of educational materials given to our schools to help teach the importance of keeping a healthy heart and staying fit. In short, our school is joining the fight against our nations number one killer: cardiovascular diseases and stroke.


Collection packets and online donation forms will go home with students Monday, February 4th . The Jump Event will be the week of February 25th March 1st

WHERE: During Physical Education class How: Collect donations from friends, family, &

neighbors. Return all donations to Mrs. Woollums the week of February 25th March 1st


1.) Students will be awarded prizes from the American Heart Association for total donations turned in! 2.) The classroom that collects the most money receives a Jump Rope for Heart banner to be signed and hung in their classroom! 3.) The top two donation collectors from Thomas Jefferson will earn a pizza party with Mrs. Woollums! 4.) The classroom with the highest percentage of participants who collect donations will have the opportunity to SILLY STRING their classroom teacher, Mrs. Woollums, and Mrs. Sharp!!

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