February 2013: A Sea of Success
February 2013: A Sea of Success
February 2013: A Sea of Success
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Kindergarten Round-Up Registration Form is included in this newsletter. We will also send a
form home with children. You may also access a form at www.newton.k12.ia.us
Predict before, during, and after about the story events. Think about what you already know about the topic. (connect learnings) Think about your reason for reading. Form pictures in your mind movie. Re-read any parts you dont understand. Read any headings, subheadings, or captions. Figure out the meaning(s) of words you dont know. (context clues) Think about the genre of the story. (a book category i.e. mystery, fiction, non-fiction, folktale, poetry, fantasy) Draw conclusions about what you have read. Make inferences about the things you are thinking about connecting to real life and new ideas that the text brings to mind! Make a judgment about the characters behavior or choices. Connect yourself to the story events.
The kids are doing a great job of bringing in Box Tops! Right now we have a snowball contest going on and the kids are having a great time while
raising funds for our playground. Thank you for your help! Keep those Box Tops coming! Congratulations to Ms. Sinclair, the recipient of the Excellence in Education Award for Thomas Jefferson. This award honors her dedication and willingness to go above and beyond to help each student be successful. She has a talent for inspiring students to learn. We have so many teachers here at TJ that fill that bill. I am just glad they all teacher here at TJ!
Thank you for your support in keeping all of our TJ kids safe! Mrs. Sharp
(A.M.) _______
(P.M.) _______
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The Newton Community School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, national origin or disability in educational programs and activities. Inquiries and grievances may be directed to the Administration Office, 700 N 4th Ave E, Newton, IA 50208
Collection packets and online donation forms will go home with students Monday, February 4th . The Jump Event will be the week of February 25th March 1st
WHERE: During Physical Education class How: Collect donations from friends, family, &
neighbors. Return all donations to Mrs. Woollums the week of February 25th March 1st
1.) Students will be awarded prizes from the American Heart Association for total donations turned in! 2.) The classroom that collects the most money receives a Jump Rope for Heart banner to be signed and hung in their classroom! 3.) The top two donation collectors from Thomas Jefferson will earn a pizza party with Mrs. Woollums! 4.) The classroom with the highest percentage of participants who collect donations will have the opportunity to SILLY STRING their classroom teacher, Mrs. Woollums, and Mrs. Sharp!!