SponsorRegistration ElDoradoLunchBox

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El Dorado LunchBox: Summer Meals for Kids

A partnership of the: Kansas Food Bank

El Dorado Schools District (USD 490) and Kids Need to Eat

Sponsorship Registration
Please help us provide 4000 free meals for kids this summer in El Dorado, Kansas,
to replace the meals they receive when school is in session.
Name/Contact: _____________________________________________________________
Company: _________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________ State: ______ Zip: ________________
Phone: _____________________ Email: ________________________________________
Sponsorship Category:
Community Partner
Individual / Family
Supporter [donation optional]
Please accept my/our gift of $_________________

How you can make a difference:

$500 = 200 lunches
$250 = 100 lunches
$100 = 40 lunches
$ 50 = 20 lunches
$ 25 = 10 lunches

This gift will be matched by: _______________________________________________

Information about how to make a donation is on the reverse side.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Donations to the Kansas Food Bank are tax deductible.

Donations by personal check

Please make checks payable to the Kansas Food Bank and on the memo line
designate the El Dorado LunchBox program.
Mail your check and this Sponsorship Registration card to:
Kansas Food Bank, 1919 E. Douglas, Wichita, KS 67211-3313
Kids Need to Eat, PO Box 467, El Dorado, KS 67042

Donations by credit card

On the Kansas Food Bank website: http://www.kansasfoodbank.org/, scroll
down to the El Dorado LunchBox under the Our Programs column.

For further information

Visit the Kids Need to Eat webpage: kidsneedtoeat.org
Contact: Judie Storandt, Community Consultant
405-308-9158 (cell), jgstorandt@msn.com
Summer Meals for Kids

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