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Cellular Network Planning and Optimization Part IX: WCDMA load equations

Jyri Hmlinen, Department of Communications and Networking, TKK, 18.2.2008

Computation of theoretical WCDMA load is straightforward in uplink and downlink Load equations can be used to make semi-analytic coverage and capacity estimates. Load equations are semi-analytic since link level SIR performance needs to be simulated while system level performance is obtained analytically. As such load equations are very useful for quick system level evaluations. Load equations are also interesting since they provide a explicit mapping from link level performance to system level performance and link level results are usually more easily available than system level results.

Uplink wideband power (1)

We start with the received wideband signal in base station. At time t it admit the form

r (t ) =

N own n =1

(t ) + z n (t ) +n(t )
n =1

N other

where first sum refers to signals that are coming from users that are connected to the considered cell, second sum refers to signals that are coming from users that are connected to other cells and last term refers to AWGN noise

Uplink wideband power (2)

The wideband power is given by

E r (t )

}= I


= I own + I other + PN

where last term is the AWGN noise power and

I own =
N own n=1

E{y (t )

}, I


N other n=1

E{z (t )

Remark: Here E{ . } refers to expectation. Exercise: Go through all intermediate steps between (1) and (2)

Uplink wideband power (3)

Illustration: 3 sectors = 3 cells in each site. Blue cell = other cells, green cell = own cell All users are separated by scrambling codes Signals from different users are uncorrelated Path loss and antenna gain attenuates signals from other cells
120 degree sector antennas

Uplink load equation (1)

Important measure that is used in system level investigations is the noise rise (denoted by NR) that is defined as a ratio between total received wideband power and AWGN noise power

I total NR = PN

Definition of uplink noise rise

our goal is to deduce a formula (load equation) that provides a connection between noise rise and link level parameters.

Uplink load equation (2)

Consider a single link and denote by Eb/No the received energy per user bit divided by the noise spectral density (SIR). We have
Eb / N 0 = (Processing gain ) Signal power Total received power excluding own signal power

Hence, the minimum requirement for Eb/No is defined by the processing gain + power that is needed to overcome the interference from other users. Eb/No is an important variable since it actually maps the link level performance to the system level performance.

Uplink load equation (3)

Let us formulate Eb/No mathematically. For a user j there holds

(Eb / N 0 ) j

Pj W = j R j I total Pj

W = System chip rate Pj = Signal power of user j

j = Activity factor of user j

R j = Bit rate of user j I total = Total received wideband power + thermal noise in base station
We consider these variables more carefully later.

Uplink load equation (4)

The load generated by jth user is

j =

Pj I total

After combining (4) and (5) we find that


1 j = 1 + W ( j R j (Eb / N 0 ) j )

This is uplink load generated by a single user

Uplink load equation (5)

The load generated by N users in the cell is obtained by summing over (6)
Uplink load equation in isolated cell

(7) own

1 = j = j =1 j =1 1 + W ( j R j ( Eb / N 0 ) j )

Note: If there are e.g. 2 services used in the cell, then load equation is of the form
own =
N1 N2 + 1 + W ( 1 R1 (E b / N 0 )1 ) 1 + W ( 2 R2 (E b / N 0 )2 )

Uplink load equation (6)

Formula (7) gives only the own cell load which is generated by users that connected to considered (own) cell. In order to take into account also the load coming from other cells we introduce other-to-own cell interference factor Other cell interference I other (8) = = Own cell interference I own In practise other-to-own cell factor may greatly vary in different parts of the network. Now we can write the uplink load equation for non-isolated cell,
Uplink load equation for non-isolated cell


= (1 + )own


Uplink noise rise (1)

It is common to discuss on noise rise instead of load. Noise rise (denoted by NR) is defined as a ratio between total received wideband power and AWGN noise power. Let us deduce the connection between noise rise and load. The total received wideband power admit the form

I total = (1 + ) Pj + PN = I total + PN
j =1

where last term is the AWGN noise power and we have used equation (2).

Uplink noise rise (2)

After combining the definition of noise rise (3) and (10) we obtain the formula

I total 1 NR = = PN 1

Noise rise in terms of load

Noise rise is usually given in decibels. Thus


NRdB = 10 log(1 )


Uplink noise rise (3)

Noise rise of 3 dB is related to 50% load. This is usually limit value when deployment is coverage limited Noise rise of 6 dB is related to 75% load. This value is usual upper limit when deployment is capacity limited. Load and admission control is monitoring and controlling the noise rise in different cells


Load equation: Parameters

Suitable value of Eb/No can be obtained from link simulations, measurements or from 3GPP performance requirements. Eb/No varies between services and its requirements are coming from the predefined receiver block error rate that is tolerated in order to meet the service QoS. Eb/No contains impact of soft handover and power control
Example values for multipath channel: 12.2 kbps voice, Eb/No = 4.5 dB (3 km/h), Eb/No = 5.5 (120 km/h) 128 kbps data, Eb/No = 1.5 dB (3 km/h), Eb/No = 2.5 (120 km/h) 384 kbps data, Eb/No = 2.0 dB (3 km/h), Eb/No = 3.0 (120 km/h)

Load equation: Parameters

System chip rate W:
3.84 Mcps for WCDMA (5 MHz bandwidth)

Activity factor :
Value 0.67 for speech (uplink recommendation) Value 1.0 for data

Bit rate R:
Depends on the service, usually up to 400-500 kbps

Other-to-own cell interference :

Depends on the antenna configuration and network topology Omni-directional antennas = 0.55
Three-sector cells = 0.65

may greatly vary due to load variations in adjacent cells


Uplink load equations: Example (1)

Example. Plot uplink noise rise curves (in decibels) for
12.2 kbps voice service (all users in the cell use the same service) 128 kbps data services (all users in the cell use the same service)

Give X-axis of the plot as a function of number of users. All sites in the network admit three sectors (cells) and user mobility is 3 km/h in the first and 120 km/h in the second case.

Uplink load equations: Example (2)

Solution. We use equations
N = j = = 1 + W ( R E ) j =1 j =1 1 + W ( j R j E j )

= (1 + )own

NRdB = 10 log(1 )

Required parameters are

W = 3.84Mcps, = 0.67, Rvoice = 12.2 kbps, Rdata = 128 kbps,

(Eb / N 0 )voice (3km / h) = 4.5dB, (Eb / N 0 )data (3km / h) = 1.5dB, (Eb / N 0 )voice (120km / h) = 5.5dB, (Eb / N 0 )data (120km / h) = 2.5dB, = 0.65

Uplink load equations: Example (3)

Requested noise rise plot
6 5

4 Noise rise [dB]



30 40 50 Number of users




12.2 kbps voice service (solid curve) and 128 kbps data service (dashed curve). Lower curves: 3km/h mobility, upper curves: 120 km/h mobility

Uplink load equations: Example (4)

Observations: With 3 dB noise rise system can support in uplink
Round 50 (40) voice users when user mobility is 3 km/h (120 km/h) Round 6 (5) data users when user mobility is 3 km/h (120 km/h)

With 6 dB noise rise system can support in uplink

Round 75 (60) voice users when user mobility is 3 km/h (120 km/h) Round 10 (8) data users when user mobility is 3 km/h (120 km/h)


Downlink load equation (1)

We start the derivation of the downlink load equation from so-called pole equation. The baseline assumption is that fast power control is applied. Then UEs are able to obtain exactly the minimum required Eb/No. The link quality equation for the user j in cell m Received interference attain the form
(13) (Eb / N 0 ) j =

W Pj R j Lm, j

1 (1 j ) P / Lm , j +
N cells n =1, n m


n, j

Processing gain Power for user j

power from other node Bs , j = 1,2,..., N own + PN AWGN noise power


Received interference power from own node B

Downlink load equation (2)

Parameters in link quality equation are
W = System chip rate Pj = Required signal power of user j in base station transmission P = Base station transmission power Lm , j = Path loss between considered base station (index m) and UE R j = Bit rate of user j Ln, j = Path loss between nth base station and UE N cells = Number of cells


Downlink load equation (3)

In equation (13) first term is the processing gain multiplied by signal power after path loss. W Pj R j Lm, j The denominator of the second term defines the interference and AWGN noise.
First interference term contains the impact of imperfect code ortogonality (due to multi-path fading) which is multiplied by own base station power after path loss.

(1 j ) P / Lm, j

The second interference term contains interference coming N cells from other cells.
n =1, n m


n, j

Note: It is assumed that all base stations admit the same transmission power P

On orthogonality factor
In operational network, is continuously changing is estimated by base station based on UL multipath propagation According to experience, for typical WCDMA environments: 0,5 0,6 macro cells 0,8 0,9 micro cells (smaller cells, less multipath) Too optimistic can lead to coverage problems Too modest can lead to inefficient utilisation of DL performance

Base station transmission power (1)

Let us solve the power that is needed for user j from equation (13). We obtain
(14) Pj =

(Eb / N 0 ) j R j

N cells P (1 j ) + P Lm, j / Ln , j + PN Lm, j , n =1, n m

j = 1,2,..., N own

We note that in downlink other-to-own cell interference is different for different users. We have N N

j =

n =1,n m


P Lm , j P Ln , j

n =1,n m


Lm , j Ln , j


Downlink other-to-own cell interference

Illustration: 3 sectors = 3 cells in each site. Blue cells = other cells, green cell = own cell Other-to-own cell interference depends on the user location Cells are separated by scrambling codes Shadowing related to different base stations is correlated to some extent Path loss attenuates base station signals from other cells

Base station transmission power (2)

Next we sum up powers of different users and take into account the activity factor. Then we obtain the formula

P = P
j =1

N own

(Eb / N 0 ) j R j j

((1 j ) + j ) + PN
j =1

N own

(Eb / N 0 ) j R j j

Lm , j

From (16) we solve the required total base station transmission power
(17) P =
j =1

W N own (E / N ) R 0 j b j j
j =1


N own

(Eb / N 0 ) j R j j

Lm , j

((1 j ) + j )

Required base station transmission power in downlink


Downlink load equation (4)

In (17) we denote the downlink load by
j =1 N own

(Eb / N 0 ) j R j j

((1 j ) + j )

Downlink load equation

and the downlink noise rise by 1 NR = NRdB = 10 log(1 ) 1


Base station transmission power (3)

In decibels the required base station transmission power is of the form (see eq. (17))
N own (Eb / N 0 ) j R j j Lm , j + NRdB (19) PdB = ( PN ) dB + 10 log W j =1
Required base station transmission power in decibels

The factors that impact to the required transmission power in base station
AWGN noise (first term) Transmission power that is needed to serve own cell users (second term) Transmission power that is needed to overcome the interference (third term). Interference contains contribution from own cell (imperfect code orthogonality) and from other cells.


Base station transmission power (4)

In downlink dimensioning it is important to estimate the required base station power. Link budget gives the maximum transmission power which is determined by the cell edge users However, dimensioning should be based on the average transmission power. This follows from the fact that users are spread all over the cell and wideband transmission is a sum over all signals. Hence, it contains signals to users on cell edge as well as signals to users near the base station. The difference between maximum and average path loss is typically 6 dB [1], p.195.


Downlink load equation (5)

The average load in the cell is given by
= E{ } =
N own j =1


(Eb / N 0 ) j R j j

((1 ) + )

Downlink average load equation

is the mean orthogonality factor.

In ITU Vehicular A channel is round 0.5 In ITU Pedestrian A channel is round 0.9 In macro-cell deployment with omnidirectional antennas is round 0.55 In macro-cell deployment with 3-sector sites is round 0.65

is the mean other-to-own cell interference factor


SIR/activity values for downlink

Example values for Eb/No ([1], p.389) in downlink multi-path channel:
12.2 kbps voice, Eb/No = 6.7 dB (3 km/h), Eb/No = 6.4 (120 km/h) 128 kbps data, Eb/No = 5.3 dB (3 km/h), Eb/No = 5.0 (120 km/h) 384 kbps data, Eb/No = 5.2 dB (3 km/h), Eb/No = 4.9 (120 km/h)

Recommended activity factor in downlink:

Value 0.58 for speech Value 1.0 for data.

Base station transmission power (5)

In dimensioning the following mean total transmission power in base station is to be used
N rf W L
N own j =1

(Eb / N 0 ) j R j j
W ((1 ) + )



j =1

N own

(Eb / N 0 ) j R j j

Here N rf is the noise spectral density of the receiver front end. There holds

N rf = k T + NF Where k = 1.381 10 23J/K is Boltzmann constant, T is


temperature in Kelvin and NF is receiver noise figure that is usually between 5 to 9 dB.

Plot maximum allowed path loss as a function of number of users for 12.2 kbps voice service and for 64 kbps data service when
BS transmission power is 40W BS transmission power is 10W

All sites in the network admit three sectors (cells), users mean mobility is 3 km/h, average orthogonality factor is 0.5, average mobile noise figure is 7dB.


Solution. We solve mean path loss from equation N own ( Eb / N 0 ) j R j j N rf W L N rf L N own (Eb / N 0 ) R W j =1 = PBS = N own ( Eb / N 0 ) j R j j N (Eb / N 0 ) R ((1 ) + ) 1 own ((1 ) + ) 1 W W j =1 and compute its numeric value for different number of users by substituting parameters N rf = -174+7dB, = 0.5, = 0.65, = 0.58, W = 3.84 Mcps,
R = 12.2 kbps, R = 64 kbps, Eb/No = 6.7 dB (voice), Eb/No = 5.3 dB (data), PBS= 0.85*40W, PBS = 0.85*10W (15% of BS power is spend on control channels)

Finally, we add 6 dB margin to achieved mean path loss. The resulting values are plotted in the figure of the following slide

Observations: Number of downlink data users can be increased only slightly by increasing the base station transmission power Number of voice users can be significantly increased by increasing the base station transmission power
12.2 kbps voice

165 Maximum allowed path loss [dB]








30 40 Number of users




64 kbps data


Practical WCDMA capacity

Depends on Base station HW channel & Iub capacity Inter-cell interference (traffic, cell desing) Parametrisation (mostly RRM issue) Systems capabilities to utilise NRT capacity SHO probability External interference (most effect on coverage) In early networks e.g. 4 simultaneous 384kbps connections/cell can be achieved near the base station


WCDMA capacity
70 number of simultaneous users per cell 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 UL loading 30% UL loading 50% UL loading 70%

The interference in the cell directly effects the cells capacity In WCDMA also the coverage is then effected

2,5 Cell radius [km] 2 1,5 1 0,5 0

CS 64 kbps

PS 64 kbps

PS 128 kbps

PS 384 kbps


CS 64 kbps

PS 64 kbps

PS 128 kbps

PS 384 kbps


WCDMA capacity simulations

64/384 kbps PS service probability


Traffic density: Amount of users increased by 25% homogeneously (other 39 conditions remained the same, indoors)

WCDMA capacity simulations

64/128 => 128/128 kbps service probability


Traffic asymmetry: the users moved from using 64/128 kbps PS RAB 40 to 128/128 RAB (other conditions remained the same, indoors)

WCDMA capacity simulation

87% 64/128 kbps PS service probability 92%

As traffic increases, some sites might even prove to be decreasing the service probability (or need modification) => simulations with varying traffic density, distribution and asymmetry needed

Site removed from here


Network element dimensioning

The network area is divided to areas supported by one RNC each RNC dimensioning: provide the number of RNCs needed to support the estimated traffic Three dimensions are identified when RNC is dimensioned:
Maximum number of cells supported Maximum number of NodeB supported Maximum Iub throughput

Typically Iub throughput is selected as primary dimensioning (and financial) parameter, but support for enough cells/NodeB is always ensured

( A + B) * (1 + SHO _ overhead ) No _ of _ RNC = RNC _ capacity

A= Total estimated voice traffic B= Total estimated data traffic 42

Network element dimensioning

The amount of needed NodeBs is derived from coverage analysis The configurations of NodeBs need to be decided in terms of
HW channels PA type and power Iub transmission arrangements

Enough HW channel elements (cards) are needed to support the offered traffic One HW channel typically support one AMR user and associated signalling (a 384kbps user can take up to 16 HW channels) The HW channels are organised as a pool common for all sectors Common channels need to be taken into account in the dimensioning


Network element dimensioning

The Power Amplifiers types available have a wide range
Single carrier PA Multi-Carrier PA (MCPA) PAs for TX diversity

As the does the power options

10W -> 60W The nominal output power per sector is the key dimensioning parameter

The most typical configuration in UMTS networks today is the 20W per sector multi-carrier PA. The problem with high-power MCPA is the possibility to lose code orthogonality when high interference is produced


Network element dimensioning

There are many ways to arrange the Iub transmission
Dedicated backhaul Micro wave link Leased line

In GSM co-siting cases raise a few issues

Dedicated backhaul link for UMTS? Sharing transmission with GSM?

Dimensioning is based on traffic estimates, typical value

Macro sites: 1.5 Mbps/carrier

Code & frequency planning

In principle the scrambling code planning in WCDMA is similar than frequency planning in GSM, atlhough simpler
Planning considers only Downlink (spreading codes and uplink scrambling codes are automatically assigned by the RNC) For UL unique pools of scrambling codes need to assigned to each RNC (more than million codes available, two RNCs may not have the same code in their pool) In total 512 DL scrambling codes usable for the network -> easy planning

The 512 codes are divided to 64 groups Rule of thumbs:

The same scrambling code should not be seen by a UE more than once at any location of the network The reuse distance between two cells using the same DL scrambling code inside one carrier should be higher than 4x inter-site distance The same scrambling code should not be used in two cells of same site

The plan can be made automatically with a 3G planning tool


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