Alsip May 4 2009 Board

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VILLAGE OF ALSIP MINUTES OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING May 4, 2009 Mayor Kitching called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Clerk Venhuizen called the roll with the following in attendance: Trustees Shapiro, Graczyk, Godfrey, McGreal and Michaels, Village Attorney Todd Hayden and Mayor Kitching. Absent: Trustees Collins. MAYORS REPORT: Mayor Kitching presented Trustee Graczyk with a plaque in appreciation for his years of service as Village Trustee. The plaque prepared for Trustee Collins will be presented later. Mayor Kitching presented watches to recent retirees Steve Dadonna and Joe Schmitt and thanked them for their years of service to the Village of Alsip. Mayor Kitching requested Board acceptance of the appointment of Denis Kelly as Deputy Fire Chief to fill the vacancy due to the retirement of Deputy Fire Chief Joe Schmitt on May 2, 2009. Motion by Trustee McGreal to accept the appointment of Denis Kelly as Deputy Fire Chief to fill the vacancy due to the retirement of Deputy Fire Chief Joe Schmitt on May 2, 2009; seconded by Trustee Shapiro. Roll #1: Voting aye: Trustees Shapiro, Graczyk Godfrey, McGreal and Michaels. Motion carried. Mayor Kitching performed the swearing-in ceremony of Denis Kelly as Deputy Fire Chief. Trustee Michaels reported the Police & Fire Commission will perform the swearing in ceremony of David Fuerst to the position of Lieutenant. Jack Carlson, Police & Fire Commissioner, performed the swearing in ceremony of David Fuerst as Lieutenant. Mayor Kitching reported on information obtained at the Southwest Conference of Mayors meeting that the Pulaski Road Resurfacing job is scheduled for letting on the 15th of May. Vince Cullen reported receiving plans for resurfacing Pulaski from 103rd to 123rd Street. CLERKS REPORT: No report. ATTORNEY REPORT: No report. ENGINEER REPORT: Tom Lang, Village Engineer, reported a pre-construction meeting is scheduled for Thursday of this week for the 119th Sidewalk Program, Kostner Pulaski. FINANCE REPORT: Trustee Graczyk presented a list of bills dated April 27, 2009 totaling $566,997.86. FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT: Trustee Michaels already gave report. POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT: Trustee Shapiro presented: a) March, 2009 Monthy Report. b) Police Department has tested and cleared at least 4 candidates that are ready to be hired; two were chosen to attend the academy now and the additional two will attend in September as the budget permits. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT: Trustee McGreal reported that Public Works Employee Robert Merchantz has successfully completed his one year probation with the Department. The Committee congratulates him and wishes him well. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT: Trustee Shapiro presented: a) Request for approval of an Ordinance Providing for the Inspection of Properties Prior to Resale, Transfer of Ownership, or Change in Tenancy. Trustee Shapiro explained by approving this ordinance the Board is adding a new Section 6-339 (Inspection of Properties Prior to Resale or change in Tenancy) to Chapter 6 of the Municipal Code. This ordinance would require mandatory inspections of property prior to resale, transfer of ownership or change in tenancy and holding owners, operators and occupants of buildings, structures and dwellings with the Village responsible for property and consistently maintaining their properties according to the Villages Code of ordinance. Trustee Shapiro removed this item from the agenda and Item E from the Consent Agenda.


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Board of Trustees meeting May 4, 2009 HEALTH & POLLUTION: Trustee Godfrey reported inspections are ongoing. SEWER & WATER: Trustee Godfrey presented: a) Request for approval to go to bid for replacement of three roof top air conditioning units with two larger 7.5 ton ground mounted units at the pump station at an estimated cost of $25,000. b) Request for approval of an Ordinance Authorizing the Village of Alsip, Cook County, Illinois to Borrow Funds from IEPA the Water Pollution Control Loan Program. Trustee Godfrey reported the 3.2 million dollar pump station expenditures originally designated from water bond proceeds were transferred to the IEPA Water Pollution Control loan program, which forgives 25% of the loan and provides a 20 year payback at no interest. LICENSE REPORT: Trustee Graczyk presented a list of licenses dated April 27, 2009. PLANNING & ZONING REPORT: Trustee Michaels presented a request for approval of an Ordinance Amending the Special Uses in the I-2 Industrial-Medium District Regarding Wind Energy Systems. REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES VILLAGE PROPERTY: Trustee Michaels presented: a) Request for approval of the purchase of a 2009 Gas Powered Ford F-350 from Al Piemonte Ford in Melrose Park, the lowest qualified bidder, at a cost of $41,721.41. The Village Property Committee reviewed and approved this request. INSURANCE COMMITTEE: Trustee McGreal presented: a) request for approval of the Loss Prevention Committee Meeting minutes of December 2, 2008. b) Request for approval of American Fidelity as the Villages reinsurance provider at a total cost of $454,889.44, based on the recommendation of the Village Insurance Consultant Boyle Flagg & Seaman. This represents a modest 4% increase from last years expense. c) Request for approval of three year plan document changes which have been provided to the Board. Plan endorsement 09-02 is a language change mandating compliance with state laws and regulations in addition to federal laws. Plan endorsement 09-02A clarifies a language for medical coverage related to contraceptive medications and devices, and plan endorsement 09-06 relates to a change in state law related to dependent coverage. ORDINANCE & LEGISLATION: Trustee Godfrey reported all ordinances were covered under respective committees. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT REPORT: No report. BOAT LAUNCH: Trustee McGreal reported the 2009 Cochrane Cup Rowing Contest was held on the Cal-Sag Channel on Saturday, May 2, 2009. PRESENTATIONS, PETITIONS, COMMUNICATIONS: None. Mayor Kitching asked for any additional items to be removed from the Consent Agenda; there were none. Motion by Trustee Graczyk to accept the Consent Agenda as modified; seconded by Trustee Michaels. Roll #2: Voting aye: Trustees Shapiro, Graczyk, Godfrey, McGreal and Michaels. Motion carried. Clerk Venhuizen made the necessary additions to the Consent Agenda. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of minutes of April 20, 2009 Board meeting. B. Approval of minutes of April 27, 2009 Committee meeting. C. Approval of a list of bills dated April 27, 2009 totaling $566,997.86. D. Approval of a list of licenses dated April 27, 2009. E. Approval of an ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE INSPECTION OF PROPERTIES PRIOR TO RESALE, TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP, OR CHANGE IN TENANCY. (removed for further review)


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Board of Trustee meeting May 4, 2009 F. Approval of an ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE OF ALSIP, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS TO BORROW FUNDS FROM IEPA THE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL LOAN PROGRAM. Ordinance No. 2009-5-1. Approval of an ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SPECIAL USES IN THE I-2 INDUSTRIAL-MEDIUM DISTRICT REGARDING WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS. Ordinance No. 2009-5-152-1. Approval of a request from Commissioner Behrens to go to bid for replacement of three roof top air conditioning units at the pump station. The bid will be for two larger 7.5 ton ground mounted units to replace the three roof top units. The estimated cost is $25,000 and this item is budgeted. Consensus approval was previously received at the April 27, 2009 Committee meeting. Approval of the purchase of a 2009 Gas Powered Ford F-350 from Al Piemonte Ford in Melrose Park, the lowest qualified bidder, at a cost of $41,721.41. Approval of the Loss Prevention Committee meeting minutes of December 2, 2008. Approval of American Fidelity as the Villages reinsurance provider at a total cost of $454,889.44. Approval of a three plan document changes which have been provided to the Board. 1) Plan endorsement 09-02 is a language change mandating compliance with state laws and regulations in addition to federal laws. 2) Plan endorsement 09-02A clarifies the language for medical coverage related to contraceptive medications and devices. 3) Plan endorsement 09-06 relates to a change in state law related to dependent coverage. Acceptance of committee reports as presented.



I. J. K. L.


Motion by Trustee Godfrey to accept the Consent Agenda as presented; seconded by Trustee Graczyk. Roll #3: Voting aye: Trustees Shapiro, Graczyk, Godfrey, McGreal and Michaels. Motion carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Trustee Shapiro presented a motion to table the request for approval of an Ordinance Providing for the Inspection of Properties Prior to Resale, Transfer of Ownership, or Change in Tenancy for further review by the Committee; seconded by Trustee Graczyk. Roll #4: Voting aye: Trustees Shapiro, Graczyk, Godfrey, McGreal and Michaels. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: None. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Trustee Graczyk to adjourn; seconded by Trustee Shapiro. Motion carried at 8:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted,

_______________________________ Deborah Venhuizen Village Clerk, Alsip, Illinois


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