Soal Lks It Networking Support 20121

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Winning The Global Competition Tasikmalaya, 18 December 2012


Kelompok Teknologi Informasi Standard WSC



IT Networking Support


You work as a network technician at a "SMK" in Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, and you get the task of creating a system of local internet E-Learning at your work, The school has assigned you to design, setup, configure all the network installation and resources to support the project. You need to configure the system, so only the student who have specific IP address can access the system. You need to synchronize a time client and server because sometimes the student should send their task to the teacher in a fixed start between and finish time, the school have a plan to connect their local network with Internet in the future, so the network should to secure.

Part 1 Network Instalation

Part 2 IP Allocation

Ethernet Eth0 Eth1 Eth2 2 PC Server Eth0 3 Laptop Client Eth LAN 4 AP Eth LAN *) xx competitors number

No Device 1 PC Router

Address 172.160.18.xx 192.168.xx.yy 195.200.xx.yy


Part 3 PC Laptop Client Setup

Set up Laptop client using OS Windosws XP and install all driver (include wireless adapter driver), please configure Laptop Client as follows: a. Company Name : LKS2012 b. Organization : LKS2012 c. Computer name : Laptop-xx (xx competitors number) d. User name : lks2012-xx (xx competitors number) e. User password : lksxx (xx competitors number) f. TCP/IP : DHCP

Part 4 Networking Access Point Setup

Connect the Access Point to Laptop Client and configure as follows: a. IP Address : 195.200.xx.yy/zz (xx is competitors number, yy is valid number, zz netmask) b. WPA-PSH authentication with pre-shared key : lkskabtasikxx (xx is competitors number) c. SSID : AP-xx (xx competitors number) d. SSID Broadcast : Disable Connect Access Point, Laptop, PC Server and PC Router as Network Installation desain above.

Part 5 PC Router Operating System Setup

a. b. c. Setup PC Router with the operating system Linux Debian 5 with kernel version 2.6.18-4 or newer. Use DVD(s) as installation source. All software packages needed will be gathered from DVD(s). Dont install graphical user interface (GUI) such as KDE, GNOME, etc. Set Host name, Root password, and IP address of external LAN card follow as: - Host : routerxx (xx is competitors number) - IP Address : Eth0 = 172.160.18.xx/24 (xx is competitors number) Eth1 = 192.168.xx.yy/zz (xx is competitors number, yy is valid

number, zz netmask)
Eth2 = 195.200.xx.yy/zz (xx is competitors number, yy is valid

number, zz netmask)
Root Password : lks2012

Part 6 PC Server Operating System Setup

a. b. c. Setup PC Server with the operating system same as operating system for PC Router. Use DVD(s) which used to setup PC Router as installation source. All software packages needed will be gathered from DVD(s). Dont install graphical user interface (GUI) such as KDE, GNOME, etc. Set Host name, Root password, and IP address of external LAN card follow as: - Host : serverxx (xx is competitors number) IP Address : Eth0 = 192.168.xx.yy/zz (xx is competitors number,

yy is valid number, zz netmask)

Hardisk Partition : 50% (ext3) mount point / 45% (ext3) mount point /home 5% Swap Area Root Password : lks2012

Part 7 Configure IP Routing for PC Router

Configure NAT/Masquerading Set IP Allocation for Network A, Network B and Network C (see Part 1 picture above). Give static routing.

Part 8 DHCP Server Configuration for PC Router Configure DHCP Server in PC Router with valid available IP address which needed to connect to Laptop Client (give DHCP service at Network C) Make sure PC Laptop Client get IP from DHCP Server. IP Address for Client 195.200.xx.yy/zz (xx is competitors number, yy valid number, zz netmask) use MAC Address filter.

Part 9 DNS Server Configuration for PC Server


Configure DNS Server with domain Domain name is : (xx is competitors number) (xx is competitors number) http: // (xx is competitors number) IP Address 192.168.xx.yy/zz (xx is competitors number, yy is valid number, zz netmask)


Part 10 Web (HTTP) Server Configuration for PC Server

1. Configure HTTP Service for domain : as follow: - Support html - Support PHP - Support MySQL - Support Web MySQL Admin (PHP MyAdmin) - index.html: Welcome to LKS SMK Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Website, Peserta Nomor XX ( index.html has to be a valid html file) - DocumentRoot : /var/www 3. Configure HTTP Service for domain : as follow: - DocumentRoot : /home/datacenter/ - Directory Status : Directory Browsing

Part 11 Mail Server Configuration for PC Server

Configure Mail Server as follows: - Postfix - SMTP No Relay - Create user client - IMAP/POP - User name : admin - password : admin - e-mail address (xx is competitors number)

Part 12 Web Mail Configuration for PC Server

Squirrelmail Access web mail client using web address Domain (xx is competitors number)

Part 13 FTP Server Configuration for PC Server

Upload and download file with authentication datacenter user User : datacenter Password : lks2012 Home Directory : /home/datacenter

Part 14 Time Synchronization Configuration for PC Server

1. Install NTP server services to PC Server - Use local clock as time server source 2. Synchronize PC Laptop time with the NTP Server time in PC Server

Part 15 Proxy Server and IDS Configuration for PC Router

1. Configure Proxy Server to block the prohibited websites. Use the ACL (access control list) to achieve this. Website list to block is: 2. Configure Squid to network in transparent mode using IPTABLES. Use NAT to configure NIC client to use the proxy. All network clients will use the proxy automatic. 3. Configure IDS (Intrusion Detection System) snort debian package and BASE Application

Part 19 Fixing Network Connection for Troubleshooting

Something in Client side will be changed or modified by Judge so that Laptop Client cannot connect to PC Server. Please fix the problem. (will give during competition)

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