Economic Impacts of Wildfire
Economic Impacts of Wildfire
Economic Impacts of Wildfire
John M. Diaz
As wildfires are growing in scale and duration, and increasing numbers of communities are affected, we need a clearer understanding of how wildfires affect economies and communities. Wildland fire impacts are often described in terms of lives threatened, structures and homes lost or damaged, overall suppression costs, and damage to the natural resource base on which many rural communities rely. This fact sheet shares results from two studies to illustrate economic impacts that reach beyond the primary indicators of suppression costs and homes lost. This information can help public officials, community leaders, and local citizens understand the larger wildfire impacts on economies and society. However, local economies only experience positive effects if fire suppression spending and contracting is done locally. In addition, future benefits are only possible if the fire stimulates, rather than stops, economic development efforts associated with recovery and forest restoration. Among other negative economic effects for communities, wildfires can burn timber, make recreation and tourism unappealing, and affect agricultural production. Local communities often become concerned about the effects of smoke on health and safety, as well. Depending on the severity and location of a wildfire, post-disaster recovery can come with a considerable price tag. Factors that affect state and local budgets in the long-term include replacement of lost facilities and associated infrastructure, watershed and water quality mitigation, and sensitive species and habitat restoration. The Joint Fire Science Program, following the worst wildfire season in Florida (1998), funded a research project focused on the wildfires that occurred in St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) to quantify fire impacts and provide insight into what is necessary to recover from catastrophic wildfires.1 The 1998 wildfires burned more than 499,000 acres mostly on the east side of the state, destroyed or damaged 337 homes, and cost approximately $880 million (Table 1).
Table 1: Wildfire Cost Estimates from Florida Study (in millions)1 Wildfires can have significant economic and social impacts on communities. PHOTO BY JAN AMEN, TEXAS FOREST SERVICE. Cost Type Timber Fire Suppression Disaster Relief Property Losses Tourism TOTAL Total Estimated Cost $605 $100 $25 $12 $138 $880 Cost Per Acre $1,212 $200 $50 $24 $276 Percent Total 69% 11% 3% 1% 16%
Table 2: Wildfire Cost Estimates from San Diego County Study (in millions) 2 Cost Type Fire Suppression and Emergency Response CalTrans San Diego Gas and Electric FEMA- Hazard Mitigation Watershed Protection Estimate of Lost Business Economic Activity Unemployment Insurance FEMA- Disaster Loans FEMA- Individuals and Household Program FEMA- Supplemental Assistance FEMA- Public Assistance Foundation/Grant Programs American Red Cross Home, Business and Property Loss Medical Costs TOTAL Total Estimated Cost $ 43,230,826 $15,000,000 $71,100,000 $14,000,000 $47,183,333 $365,500,000 $400,000,000 $170,000,000 32,900,000 $1,400,000 $103,200,000 $3,273,560 $7,500,000 $1,164,955,197 $10,773,560 $2,450,016,476 Cost Per Acre $115 $40 $189 $37 $126 $972 $1,064 $452 $88 $4 $275 $9 $20 $3,099 $29 Percent Total 2% 1% 3% 1% 2% 15% 16% 7% 1% 0% 4% 0% 0% 48% 0%
A similar study was conducted in 2003 following a series of wildfires in San Diego County, California where more than 376,000 acres burned, resulting in 3,241 homes lost. San Diego State University conducted the study to highlight the actual economic costs of wildfire.2 The San Diego County fires were estimated to cost approximately $2.45 billion (Table 2).
California incurred a total cost of fire suppression over $43 million, roughly 1.8% of the total economic loss estimated. California also created a Catastrophic Event Memorandum Fund, equaling $39.5 million, to take care of their responsibility toward covering losses to infrastructure, facilities, and other resource obligations. San Diego State estimated over 5,000 unemployment claims coded as either fire or disaster related.
based on the reduced function to control runoff and reduce air pollution. These costs were estimated at $25,349,000 and $798,000, respectively. Along with the economic impact identified, these natural areas may also serve as significant cultural and historical resources, for which losses are not easily quantified.
Post-fire management of natural areas often requires watershed restoration. PHOTO BY LARRY KORHNAK, UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA.
lines. Tax payers feel the squeeze on these repairs as each state typically reimburses the majority of costs incurred by the companies paying for the repairs. Florida facilitated these repairs by increasing sales tax variably throughout the 16 county region affected by wildfires to collect almost $43 million dollars for the fire season of 1998. The 2003 wildfires resulted in significant losses to San Diegos infrastructure. The total economic impact on infrastructure was $147.3 million, with a majority of the loss as 3,200 utility power poles, 400 miles of wire, 400 transformers, and damage to 100 other pieces of related utility equipment.
Wildfires impact communities in multiple ways, from closing natural areas that residents and tourists visit to damaging homes and harming residents or firefighters. Short- and long-term impacts on recreational activity are
Communities feel significant impacts from wildfires when their homes are damaged or lost. PHOTO BY SC FORESTRY COMMISSION.
Figure 1: Proportion of Total Economic Impact Borne By Different Societal Segments (San Diego County Study)2
challenging to quantify. Closures of areas often eliminate recreational activity, while interest in post-fire impacts on the wildlands may actually attract new visitors. As fires are inherently dangerous, residents and firefighters can be injured or even lose their lives during a wildfire. While it is impossible to place a dollar value on human life, it is very important to consider the impacts of these events on communities and families. In addition, long-term exposure to smoke can increase the incidence of respiratory conditions and hospital visits. The loss of homes and employment are frequently the largest of the economic loss indicators. From 1985 to 2011 approximately 9,000 homes have been lost to wildfires across the United States. In 1998, Florida observed $12 million dollars in property loss, but fortunately no fatalities, while in 2003 San Diego County lost 3,241 homes, 16 civilians, and 1 firefighter.
economic impacts that often go well beyond the traditional impact indicators. Both studies explored these impacts and point out the need for more intricate analyses after other fires. Economic assessment of wildfires can no longer focus only on the more obvious variables, such as acreage burned and number of personnel. Assessment must be comprehensive and include all economic impacts to gain a realistic perspective of the true impact of large wildfires (Figure 1).
The Florida and California studies quantified losses of $1,864 per acre and $6,516 per acre, respectively. These losses provide perspective for the costs that might be associated with fuels treatments and other hazard mitigation activities intended to reduce fire spread and effects. Catastrophic wildfires produce significant ecological and
Mercer, D., Pye, J., Prestemon, J., Butry, D., & Holmes, T. (2000). Economic effects of catastrophic wildfires: Assessing the effectiveness of fuel reduction programs for reducing the economic impacts of catastrophic forest fire events. Joint Fire Science Program, Topic 8 of the Research Grant, Ecological and Economic Consequences of the 1998 Florida Wildfires. Retrieved from joint_fire_sciences/jfs_pdf/economic_effects.pdf
Rahn, M. (2009). Wildfire Impact Analysis, Fire Impact Analysis, Spring 2009. San Diego, CA: San Diego University. Retrieved from sdsu_newscenter/images/rahn2009fireanalysis.pdf
Author John M. Diaz, North Carolina State University, University of Florida ( For more information about the Southern Fire Exchange, visit or email